Ayano Yagami lvl 80 ele
(edited by Korsbaek.9803)
first off try look at your build.
right now im useing two builds in wvw and one of them is in full zerker gear with only the back peice and amulet being soldier stats the other being full soldier stats.
if you know there is not going to be alot of groupe fights try a 0/15/30/5/20 build with sword/focus and greatsword. with blind exoposier, purity, monks focus, Meditation Mastery, vengefull and absolute Resolution(as majot traits).
and dont be scared to use your virtues, use the 3 offensiv mediation utiletys and always be notecing the area and “run” away when your low HP for CD’s to recharge and then use a cap closer like flashing blads or another abilety like this(you have 3 in this build) and try always to use blinds as offen as possible(you have 3 with the sword/focus and 2 with the Greatsword(one of them is the same in both virtue of justice) and sword/focus is the main weapon in 1vs1 or 1vs2 else is GS main) this is my roaming build at night time where there is not alot on from enemy server or ours as the builds gets burned after the enemy gaines enough people.
the other build i use is a AH build with heavy focus on support rathre then damage.
0/0/30/20/20 i use this build in full soldier gear, hammer, scepter/shield or mace/shield(depending on my task in the groupe) strength in numbers, purity, Altruistic Healing, Writ of Exaltation, Writ of Merciful, Vengeful and Absolute Resolution(this is the traits) im useing all the Aoe boons giving shouts in this build,
stand your ground, hold the line(also removes a condtion dont know why tho but it always seems to be the most damage harmfull so if you have poison burning and 12 stacks of bleed thn bleed goes) and retreat.
your main weapon is hammer and normaly go into the enemy zerk and derupt there line by stayin alive and scaring them with the fact that you are stading aoeing in there lines(it works normaly tho there are some very orgensied groupes that will not falther becouse of it) and dont be scared to hold your ground and use your virtue of resolvens even if you are not low on hp or have my condtion but you know our teammate are haveing problems with hp or conditions as its a aoe condtion remover(3 of each target healed) and useing virtue of justice give aoe 3 stacks of might and gives 5 people a burning on the next attack meaning it will do more on the 25sec recharge then the passiv ever will(plus it heals you alot) remember that the hammer is a control weapon so use it as that(hold chocks a little longer with ring of wordening and Zealot’s Embrace will eighter make your groupe hold the choke a little longer(meaning free aoe time) or they have used a condtion removel and stabilty to get past them meaning they dont have them for x amount of time giving you a little advantes in the fight) and i dont have to say this but be mean and use banis and shield of aborsion near high places faceing the ledge with a enemy in between is always a good ide but dont focus it to much)
and now i jsut given you 2 builds you can try, and then the rest is decided by your willingness to learn and your max capperbilty with the builds i gave you compared to your playstyle. if your still dieing after this then it might be a l2 kitten ue or the fact that the guardian class is not for you
(edited by Korsbaek.9803)
right now i think its pretty balanced with some builds being stronger in a groupe where others are stronger in solo play, and so far each class has that, then there is a mather of the skills of the person useing them that is another mather and that makes all classes op if someone uses the class to its limits.
In every thread about precursors the complaint is the same. A player comes out with new ideas that would make acquiring a precursor tougher and show that you’ve played the game instead of abused the TP. The same counter argument is “lol noob l2play”. Precursors rely on RNG which if you’re constantly on the wrong end of it it doesn’t matter how long you play because there is a chance you’ll constantly get unlucky… Yeah you can buy them from TP if you’ve saved up enough but the problem is if you look at other threads, drop rates are scarce, DR is a problem for some, the gold sinks etc.. If you can’t come out with something other than “lol l2play” please refrain from commenting because it’s not productive. Besides don’t any of you want a better way to obtain them rather than the reliance on luck? Wouldn’t you like some new content that will take time and skill and at the end of it get a nice juicy precursor to show off that you’ve actually played the game instead of sitting at the TP all day power trading amongst other power traders? I understand some of you with legendaries may have a mild case of “Special Snowflake Syndrome”. But honestly don’t shoot down new ideas because of fears you’ll be removed from your pedal stall. No one is whining or wanting it to be given to them for nothing… People want less RNG and more pew pew I r content beater and get rewardskittenherp…
you cant be on the bad end of RNG always and if the illusion of being there is pressent then its because you have not used it enough for what you want simple as that.
lets say there is 0,0001% chance for a precurser from a MF combind then try do it 1billion times and see if you dont get one. if anything the chance to gain one can be to low but thats a totaly diffrent mather.
if you want harder content then you should go spvp or wvw as that is proberly the best place to gain the hard content, as the enemy players there are humans meaning it takes alot more to predict them and they change to. as any pve boss is just a farm/grind call it what you want but it is not hard as there attack patheren is predicateble and there for you can counter it way before its done and if you fail on a pve boss then you need to learn hes skills and usesage bether.
tho i agree the precurser is very hard to get and could be made easyer to get but not by some challange(pve and/or pvp)
the price for charged cores and loadstones and any other thing is not desided by any in areanet atleast not directly.
any of the loadstones are rare drops so given that it is going to take a long time
or you sure your lag is not comming from you and if it does then the skill lag might as vel come from you as i have rarly noticd any skill lag or lag in general
they could do as tehy did to spvp with the traits so that we have 3 diffrent build but c<nt swap between them in each aspect of the game but still leave the pve build and the wvw build to be diffrent,
i think they will just change the numbers for the skills like cooldowns, damage and duration on boons and conditions. if thats the chase i welcome it with open arms but if they change the mechaniches then its a diffrent story.
you must be doing something wrong then or be on a abondend server(in wvw) as if i can go 5 min without seeing a enemy and 10 min without fighting a enemy(player) then there is something wrong and i cant understand why he where not defending the thing but hey thats not my call
You guys haven’t commented on what I said about the Charr and Asuran races. I don’t think anyone can deny that most people really don’t like to play those races. This game just doesn’t have enough cool races. People want to play epic characters, and that means being a race that you think is cool. Look at WoW, a lot cooler selection of races… blood elves, night elves, orcs, dwarves, goblins, etc.
first off i will define cool after how i see it and that my not be the same way you see the meaning of the word.
for me a cool race is a race that looks great(has great art work) and in my oppinion that defines each race in tyria(with the exeption of a few option in each as i dont like the looks) and then it also has something to do with the lore and how the race acts to the lore and i think the races of tyria fits that makeing it fell very natural as some are not following the races general featers in personalty 100% or more like any named NPC dont. and then there is all the options tyrias races get when getting made.
what about the pvp game where you return the kegs i do not see that meantiont there and gessing there might be other things i have not found yet that also has some kind of pvp map we have not seen?
i will not agree that wow had more content, tho i will agree that they could make more boss fights have some kind of mechanic like the ghostbosters in AC.
my gess is that the stats are comming from the old exotic and that said exotic then have have a line of code to pick up the skin for said legendary instead of what it normaly has meaning that your trying to craft a new legendary with a exotic instead of a legendary
for some reason i cant belive that several players even combinde have bought for 1125€ keys(if they bought 5 keys at a time) without getting a single token.
i bought 21 keys got 1 token a name change and alot of other stuff that i cant remember
so it is possible
can we be sure that one of the 6 starting dragons did not die meaning that there where 5 left when we begin our story and only 4 now that zhietan is dead?
because if we can kill zhietan could another groupe not have killed another dragon also?
@phenomen: a level 35 cal also heal, deal damage and use support so hes proberly doing the same tho in a less degree as the scalling with a level 80 to level 35 is to strong compared to a 35 tho that dont mean he cant do the same thing.
and as far as i know there is no need to tank if you use the consept of someone taking all the damage and others dealing the damage and healing the tank.
and if he dodges red circles he can deal damage to when he dont need to dodge;)
if the krait and quarggans can be pushed to the surface of the ocean can the largos not been pushed to the depths of the ocean because of the reason the krait and quargans got pushed up taking into account that they are a race of huntsmen that are always looking for the perfect pray?
they could also been pushed down to the depths, and found some great areas where there are air pockets and thous living on land far under the water, there are so many possibletys for it to be possible, as we dont know there history or where there origanse is all we know is they toke contact to use from the depths of the ocean nothing else.
tho i would use both but i would not use retreat for the aegis but the swiftness as you will get faster past them and with stabilty from stand your ground you will not get knockback or knockdown and if you time the stabilty(when its going off) with shelter and renowed focus you can get very far;)
im normaly useing a 0/0/30/20/20 build
and to people saying maxing your own dps is the best then your mistaken this game is not 1×5 people not helping each other in any way other then dealing damage to the same mob(s) and geeting them down, its 5×1 where all 5 people needs to work as a unit and max the groupes dps(yes into you get a groupe your use to and work alot with maxing your own will give the most) so if we say that 5 people working independently can do 1000 dps each(im trowing numbers now as the numbers depends alot on what build and class each person has for not to mentiong the encounter) but then they work toghtere so that the combo fields that helps the groupe most at a given time gets hit with the right combo finisher so that people survive longer and deal more damage over time(getting might or retaliation or even that extra hp so he can stand there for 0,5sec longer before going down) then the groups damage as a whole will be higher then the 5k they do in total else.
and from when i have been doing dungeons in full zerker and going heavy damage with less support compared to when i go alot more supportive and losses alot more damage we can walk trough the place both faster and with less downed and normaly its not new players im playing with that dont know how to use dodge and use there abieltys to survive as long as possible,
but back to the build 0/0/30/20/20 im useing, im useing:
AH(11) purity(5) and generly also strength in numbers(4) if not then i use retributiv armor(6)
Writ of the mercifull(10), writ of the exaltation(3)
Abselute resolution(9) and mast likely vengfull(2) or master of consitration(6)
Gear: most likely P/T/V gear with rune of dolyakx5 plus a rune of soldier unless i need more damage where i go with some zerker bits or clerk bits(cant remember wich runes right now tho)
weapons is normaly hammer with scepter/shield and if i need more single target damage i go sword/foucs and /scepter/shield for the encounter
if you want to send the grubs to the nightmare court that most likely will corrupt them and take control of them and then send them back to hurt you is a very good ide(holds sarcasem sign in hands)
if you want sylvari to follow the natures rules ok then they are doing a great job as the first and only rule of nature is survival of the fittest and that is also the only rule
its the same rule that made any of this possible as the human race(looking at real life now) is also comming from nature and forced it to the knees because we by far is the fittest and strongest race it has ever made walk this earth
if you want them to follow the teachings of Ventari then you should already see now that they can be understood in a lot of ways meaning that the sylvari is doing what they think is best for them and the area they are in, killing a huge amount of fireflyes can be needed to be done if sylvari also are taking out some of there predators else there would come an overflow of fireflyes or any other spices as there is less to fall to the predator the sylvari is now hunting so to prevent that the sylvari is killing the fireflyes instead and useing what they can from them so they are not wasted
first off i will like you to say sorry to the vikings as they at there time where the most feared groupe off people in europe and there ancesters where also the race that bet rome back so they could not advanse more north then they did(the west strongest empire up to moden time, just got there kitten handed to them by some drunking vikings) and they also bet the strongest military they had
my gess for the best civilizatio must be Lions arch as they are not bound to one race but combins them all under one flag/goverment
tho the best race must be the sylvari as they have the knowlege and power to live with nature and gain strength instead of living of it and gain strenget as living of it will end when the nature as nothing more to give of
and there is so many nations based on war that last longer then some of our moden contrues by miles still and if you say that any nation in the moden world is not basing something around war then your greatly mistaken(every nation has a militia in some way and that is the same the charr has)
Why do we trust gw2db’s figures for achievement totals?
I mean, this is a website that claims the WvW achievements are Active Guild Member, All You Can Eat, King of the Costume Brawl, Minature Collection, No One Left Behind, Teamwork Gets It Done, and Thirst Slayer.
Because it’s correct for literally every other achievement.
Also when you track your achievement you can see that you have a %‘age that’s in line with the final rank (which is probably 0 for everything that isnt kills)
are you forgetting that some one allready have the last tier in the other achiements(with a few exeptions) so we cant say what the final tier is unless we have someone on the final tier of the wvw achiement unless anet has leaked it out
and some are saying that the server is shout down before it happens it most likely is for defending and attacking SM but some servers of other MMORPG’s have been running in more then 8 years meaning that GW2 can also run that long time
a frenzyed champion abomination is easy to tank( onced tanked one with 10 or so stacks) you just kite/run around into the stacks are off,
to be honost i think that RoF has the highst number off players when we hit our prime time, tho outside prime time there are alot of good fights in my oppinion
can you say that you where trown to overflow because of guesting or because alot of people where there from your server?
i dont understand why people are saying that worriers are the most op tho as what class is the most op is not the disucsion then lets leave it at that.
you said that a gurdian is a tank and that is true it can be that tho you can also make guardian builds that dont go down very easy and still hold a damage thats insane its all about the build, and many times this game is not a stand there and lash out damage, you need to dodge, swap weapons, kite and so on,
are you sure the problem for you is that there is no trinaty so there is none to tank for you so you can just stand around doing damage?
first off i would say try test out some diffrent builds so you can find one that suits your style and then i surgest learning what to dodge and when(some skills you need to dodge and others you need to walk out of and stuff like that)
but all the dodging and skill use should be alot easyer to learn if you find a build that suits you as some builds can take a lot of hits and others can not and there is also a diffrent in damage so it all depends on how you build the toon
a small team can take keeps and towers also(we are at times haveing a groupe of 4 people taking a keep of the enemy but it requers alot of planing and useing the map to the fullest
dont remove the siege in the JP but remove the badges(the siege is kinda usefull the badges should come from kills and nothing else)
if im not much mistaken there is one spot where you can fall to your death, the pillers just after you get up the well and the only way the memser can get there and do it unseen is useing the 5min invis else its not possble(not sure if you fall very unlucky down the well if you not also die then)
let me gess people whent afk for a longer period of time and then came back without logging all the way out(not just charector selction screen)
atleast thats when i notice the problem
depending on the amount of damage you want to take(standing on the bosses face most of the time and not moving a hell of a lot or takeing a few hits and still stand but getting out of the bosses way) some AH builds lets you stand on the bosses face(almost all bosses) and from there you could go afk(exadration makes it easyer to understand) and come back to a dead boss
but as there is a lot of builds going around on the forum i surgest looking on them first and look what the traits do and see if you can make something that works for you(by looking at the builds on the forums you gain some understanding on how the guardian is build)
a guardian can be made to heal itself and others around him/her with the symbles tho for the tankiness to stand on a bosses face and not move you will sacrifess alot of dps and same goes for the other way where very high dps generaly means low tankiness
in WvW a guardian alone could keep it up with 100% up time then if they are comming with a big enough zerg making it extreamly op as most ranged will get useless as soon as you have a guardian in the operset groupe and not to mention the push back can be used to kill people with if you know how and are the right places on the map
shelter beets signet in any big fights in wvw and always will as you will most likely get focus fire when getting low on HP and then shelter will save you(most times only if you dont use stabilety) where you cant get to cast signet unless you cast it before you get to low hp and just get downed, and you kinda need to run with 10 points in radiance for the signet to be anywhere worth it in wvw and the losses i would gain in healing would be greater by doing that then running shelter and useing the healing from symbles and boons
2.7-5 gold for 30-40 minutes of one run on AC?? I’ve never had that type of return.
And I run FOTM all the time. Average run takes about an hour to complete 3-4 fractals and I usually average maybe about 1 gold.
Farming Orr for about an hour.. same result.. about 1 gold per hour return.
Maybe I’m just on the black list and you are still not being hit by DR. Unless I get a luck drop, I average 1-1.5 gold per hour no matter where I play the game.
4 gold an hour isn’t that unreasonable or bad if a player can make that. 1 gold an hour just barely keeps you afloat in this economy.
im running fractals all the time to(because i think its fun) tho im getting a income of ectos worth atleast 1-1,5g each run and then comes all the greens,blues, white to sell also and i have not been farming much in orr and when i did it where not events tho the times i did i could run around 30-50min and get a return of 4g+ just in mats(tho there are some thing that needs to fit for that being possible) and i never got the gold because the mats are something i need later for a legendary if i at some point whats to make one and to that comes all the other loot you get
i cant say how much i get for running AC or any other dungeon tho ill estemat it to be around 1g
it directs you to the entrance of the JP
The point I was making is simple a good flowing economy makes people like me want to play. Where a bad economy makes me not want to.
Guild Wars 2 is competing against many other MMO’s. It makes more sense to make the players/ people paying bills happy. I know me and my wife bought Every Guild Wars title out there, but this is the last. We loved the Guild Wars 1 Necro. The Necro wasn’t that great this time around. Guild Wars 1 economy sucked, but was fine at the time.
However, we have since played other games. I have played some good and some very bad.
I know it sounds strange, but it is fun as a real poor person to have money even if not real. Yet, it isn’t that fun to feel as broke as in real life.
Also, if you want to go real world model here. Detroit has more people leaving the coming do to a really bad economy. I know my entire guild along with friends and my wife have all stopped playing the game simply do to the economy. It plays into the fun. We like to craft, but not craft to lose money. It costs so much just to craft then you put it in the TP for -2g because no one will buy it.
I on the other hand say would make weapons years after WoW came out. I was still selling mid grade swords and axes for a profit. A profit isn’t a loss.
It seems you lose at every angle when it comes to gold in game aside just buying it with gems.
I had done better then my wife, but I really did a lot of mining and tree cutting. Which seems one of few ways to make money on a consistent basis.
We will not be buying any expansions since it isn’t fun. We will likely buy games coming out that show themselves as being fun. If however say Guild Wars 2 turned around and started being better with a decent economy. Then I would be fine with that. I still play here and there, but my wife refuses to play. Heck, I have offered her 3g to play. However, that is a days earnings. So it in turn is decreasing what fun it is to play the game. I at one time wanted to be a person to unlock all the dye colors and all the stuff with only buying a small amount of gems to exchange for gold.
I see some people don’t like what I have to say, but I am not on any band wagon. I like to ride on my own. I think for myself. Yet, I do see tons of people and known even more people that have stopped and won’t play for a lot of reasons. The reason that tops them all is the economy.
first off there is some problems with some prices in TP in my oppinion tho given its free market its not a single buyer that sets the price niegher a seller, its supply and demand(the more people what something the more people sell it for) tho this is off topic.
from what i can hear you want to earn gold and loads of it and that is possible also,
tho the econmy in GW2 is very healty(repaing cost a 1-12 silvers(cant remember what total broken set of armor cost to repair)) you should be earning more then that by just killing mobs around the world or in WvW without selling anything on TP,
and looking at the value off repairing and what you earn this game is more realistic then many others(it even started in the same standard of value on gold as WoW or close to) tho just because you dont have a hell of gold you can still have a hell of silver
and i remember from wow the point when 1-2k gold where alot and at the point where i got it i felt poor realy poor as the standard then where 5-10k and that is what you want to fell poor with the 2k gold instead off fealing poor with the 2gold(what is the diffrence in that)
and to the post above, crafting can be made much more liked if there where diffrent skins in each armor class at x level and makeing them harder to to get and ill eat my hat on that wow did not last alone on the AH in wow far from, my bet would be the Raids and PvP areans with the always comming new content part meaning new raids and new gear tread mills to walk
(edited by Korsbaek.9803)
and remember that GW1 and GW2 is in a long time between
i think RoF has a litle more numbers to do with atleast on rest but i hope we have a great some great battles
Vik Flagge let me gess you do 3×20 fractals tho the 3 toons doing them are at level 22+
if i understand the patch notes right they do say that fractals done by higher level(in fractals) there item rewards are set to the minimum of the fractal scale tho then agien i might read it worng(tho i can fell a lot of diffrence in the loot i get from doing 8 to doing 10 to doing 12 loot wise(im at 13))
its proberly “behind” the daily one as its the same i have into i do daily i get monthly back
the shades does a unclearble debuff increasing there damage and at some point they will one shot you tho i think you will be dead before that point tho
true that the charged lodstone/cores have a very few drop places(the once i know is eighter in a doungen/fractal, Machers leap or cursed shores) tho the drop rate is not as bad as the one for onyx lodstones if you farm them in mechers leap at the earth elements tho thats just what i fell
i do agree that the drop chances are low on that stuff but i dont see a problems with that as the cool skins need to be a nightmare to get in my oppinion
if a guardian is fragil i must be doing some kind of explot as i find myself standing on the spot auto attacking so much(and yes its in melee range) and only ocatenly dogding out of aoe(ofc i dont stand in insta downed stuff or thing that kills you on the spot) else im just cleaning it off me and keep standing there as my regen is so heave even without the virtue of resolvens(yes im talking in bunker build with hammer mainly and useing stuff like “hold the line”, 10% damage decress signet, eighter smite or CoP) i can not do that in fractals tho i can fight some off the bosses solo for 5-10 mins and if i dont mess up i will kill it even on level 12 but thats by kiting, dodging and keep useing diffrent lifesaveing skills to help me
Also, you can craft an exotic set for 5 or 6 gold if you’ve played the game to 80 and harvested as you went along.
Complete hogwash. It costs that much just to buy the globs of ectoplasm needed for a couple pieces of exotic jewelry.
Baloney, by the time I hit 80 on my necro last week (3rd lvl 80), I had 25 pieces of ecto. You know, from breaking down the rares I was crafting, running around in Orr farming and just playing the game. Bought 5 more ectos…and a few other mats and crafted a full set of rampagers armor. Jewelry later…but everything is rare.
5 gold and some change..total
A set of exotic jewelry requires 25 globs of ectoplasm. That would cost 10 gold on the trading company, currently. Not everyone gets so lucky to see that many rares drop, and even if they do, there’s no guarantee you’ll get an ectoplasm. I’m curious to know how long it took you to grind out 25 ectos?
the 25 ectos is about 2 days worth(with only a level 10+ and a level 8- fractal) and if unlucky its done in 3 days if you salvege all the rares you get in there not to mention the cores/lodstones for gold. if you dont like fractals then do some events to get rare loot off level 76(think that is the level of ectos) and put them in the forge, sell the exotics you get and salvage the rares for ectos
it all depends on what you see as a grind, is it a grind that you not get your gear at the seconed you ding 80(in my oppinion no) else it could also be stated that getting to 80 is also a grind but so far i dont see people complian about that in the same way(all that you do repeately can be seen as grind)
and trading post prices cant be taken into account for what it cost to get exotic or any other gear as its a free market living on supply and demand(so in theory you can get all your gear for 130 treads 1 gold 4silver and 65 copper as thats the minimum price all the mats for a full set of exotic expet pack piece can be bought for on TP(none are selling it at thoes prices tho) as the minimum price to sell an item for is 1 copper over the value to sell it to a npc)
so please leave the TP out of this discousion as it has nothing to do with the game being a grind or not
(edited by Korsbaek.9803)
then the question is:
is all tecknolegy not spread by the pact now so the hight of the charr is allready in asura, norn, human and sylvari hands if they wanted to use it and also the other way around
im gessing that if the elder dragons realy keeps magc in place in some way by removing them you will find a overflow of magic, from what i can think off by that is that eighter natur finds a way to dispatch it(eighter completly or enough to hold it at a constant level) or the world will be destroyed by wild magic going on a rampage
any best in slot gear is possible to do solo so your stament is falsh atleast about that as they can be optaind with laurels
so because i want a legendary but dont want PvE i should have a way to optain it in WvW only would that be fair or even make them special in any way then?
its a diffrent example then what you are agienst, but same problem i want something as little game breaking it is for me to gain it that way as it is for you to not going to WvW to get kills from monthly
you can also go to WvW find a enemy zerg and try running from it that should give you your dodges atleast if you get away without stealth
omg why complint about any of them atleast of yet
the most anoing once so far is proberly revive and dodges(outside wvw)
and if you want them badly you can go into wvw find oranged crossed swords on the map(thats generaly where a zerg is) and go into the middle and dodge and run out and there is your dodge part, it literly toke me 30 secs doing it,
combo fields is something im not sure how works but i know you dont need to be in groupe with others for it to work
and the people complaining about crafting achiement can i ask why you are not complaining about garthering achiement as if your not crafting you have no need to garther to
why all the winning about the matchups as the paid transfer is comming tomorrow and we dont know what else it brings with it so why not wait to tomorrow and see what happens and then complain if there where something to complain about?
from what i have seen RoS been doing im very impressed with them from last time i fought them, i have not seen much to underworld yet tho but being on RoF BL all reset and now unable to log in dont give me much to go from.
but i think that we have a somewhat even match up tho RoS will proberly win tho nothing in comparresence to last week
the sound part can be the sound bug(a knowen bug thats not been corrected yet tho i mean i read somewhere they are working on it)
crashes im not sure of tho
Piriel your not a paying costemer none of us are, as we are not paying to play but buying stuff ingame.
but as i cant log in i cant see if it has happened for me to and furter help getting more attention to the problem your haveing
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