Delete Mesmer
Create Guardian
Unlock Firebrand
Select Quickness traits
Equip Spirit weapons
You are now a blue Mesmer with higher damage and support with no broken mechanics.
Since you don’t explain why I am forced to presume you are wrong and everybody else is right.
Mirage enables things you normally couldnt do, like stack 20 confusion on enemies with cover conditions without trouble whilst still having good options for survivability.
Except Condi Chrono can do that too. With Moa, CS split condi burst it’s possible.
I said without trouble. And with chrono youre not going to be able to survive nearly as well.
In what scenario are you talking about?
WvW roaming?
WvW zergs?
The only scenario I would agree that the weaver would survive easier is that last one, a blob in WvW. All the dodging, stun breaks and movement abilities of the Weaver make it a lot easier to survive in a zerg if you’re caught out.
But I wouldn’t run a weaver in a zerg. It brings nothing to a zerg. It’s incredibly selfish, and simultaneously missing the kill & finishing potential of a daredevil.
Im talking of mirage and specifically spvp since i do not play in other areas of the game.
Then you’re probably just bad at chrono, to be completely honest.
Feel free to check my gameplay on twitch. Ive played in multiple top teams in the past, as anyone relevant in the scene would know.
Literally means nothing to me. Especially in this game, where the competition has mostly quit.
“I was in a top team in a dead competitive scene”
In the past, as in when it was not indecent to have hope for the games pvp scene. Anyhow since you didnt recognise me to begin with its probably pointless to explain.
Watch out guys we have an elite PvP baddass over here.
Since you don’t explain why I am forced to presume you are wrong and everybody else is right.
Maul already had a one shot gimmick build for a while and nobody really cared.
One thing I don’t like is how Condi removal signit does nothing while in Beast mode.
I still dislike clone death traits. I’d much rather have an elite spec mechanic something along the lines of…
Your illusion skills no longer summon illusions but provide a temporary boost or effect depending on their original function. iLeap becomes a on-target teleport, phantasms become skills that the mesmer actually uses i.e. spinning through mobs with GS, leaping attack with sword, etc. Skills that summon illusions would fill up the illusion counter for a short time (3-10 seconds? Idk) and you could then use modified shatters with an amped effect depending on the current illusion counter.
I love the feel and idea of mesmer but I hate the extreme limitations of the illusion mechanic.
This would be amazing.
I’d say Second Skin and Predator’s Cunning are good, yeah they only work well in certain builds but they do it well. Predator’s cunning kind of relies on dagger and condi builds being buffed though.
Essense of Speed is the weak link. Hard to keep track of the icd and the effect isn’t that great. I’d give it an extra effect like ‘when effected by quickness increase damage by 10%’.
He wants people to wait because he knows Deadeye is broken as kitten and he doesn’t want to lose it.
He also has an extreme hatred of Mesmers possibly having fun in PvE even though it doesn’t effect him in the slightest.
Its amazing how many ideas are being thought up over the weekend that are far better then what Anet has been working on for 2 years.
Not sarcasm. Mirage is just terrible and I am constantly seeing people come up with better iterations of it.
I feel like people only read half of my post. Mirage is crap and does nothing, we all know this.
Phantasms are crap and don’t mesh with the mechanics of the game or with the Shatter mechanic. Useless in WvW, a pain in the ass in PvE and Shatter has always been better then Phantasms in PvP.
Moving away from Phantasms is a good idea. Mirage just moves away from them to go nowhere.
Or you know, just make Mirage Cloak reset Phantasm skills.
That’s what I was thinking too, reset the attack of the Phantasms when you enter Mirage Cloak. That can solve several issues at once.
Except the one good thing about Mirage is trying to move away from Phantasms.
How is that a good thing? It only gets in the way of our potential. You did notice that clones do 0 dmg anyway right?
You did notice that Phantasms are terrible for all game content right? You did notice that we all agree Mirage is terrible and basically not finished right?
Moving away from Phantasms is nothing but a good thing. Changing them so they act like Guardian spirit weapons wouild be ideal.
How is 3 short range teleports with only 20 secs recharge time not “Elite-caliber”? It’s the one thing Mirage got right, leave it be.
It needs higher damage and Range.
The only thing they should rework frm scratch is the Mirage Mirror mechanic. I don’t like it at all. It’s more annoying rather than a useful mechanic to give us more Mirage Cloaks.
Everything else is fine.
I love the Mirage playstyle & I love what it is supposed to be. I really love deception & confusion/torment. I love being able to play with my opponents mind and I love the Mirage Cloak/ambush mechanic.Sure there are a lot of things that need fixing & balancing/buffing but those are minor things they eventually will do.
Thats what core Mesmer was designed to do and it failed misrably because you can’t base a class around other players being bad. We need an elite spec that actually works in the game.
Or you know, just make Mirage Cloak reset Phantasm skills.
That’s what I was thinking too, reset the attack of the Phantasms when you enter Mirage Cloak. That can solve several issues at once.
Except the one good thing about Mirage is trying to move away from Phantasms.
Considering Reddit thinks Mesmer is OP if they can log into the game, this says a lot about Mirage.
The damage increase in PvE as well as returning the removed bounce on the auto attack will help a lot and make the weapon more fun.
I don’t understand why people have already bought PoF. Even if Mirage didn’t look terrible from the reveal, it did, you shouldn’t really throw your money away at products you don’t know much about. Should have waited for the demo weekends.
TBH mounts and new maps are far better than hot , mob design is big off but bounty bosses are interesting.
many people do not care about raid or high level pvp anyway .
It’s ok they are preordering for things they enjoy . It does suck for mes main . all in all mmo generally value more contents than balance .
Thats the whole thing though, the content is open world PvE and story, Mesmer is kitten at it, the very mechanics of the class work against this. Mirage does nothing to fix that. How am I meant to enjoy the new content as a Mesmer?
It has been 5 years I’m fed up of slogging through content, I want to be on par with other classes. I want massive stat boosts stuck on random traits, I want 20 stacks of AoE burn, I want short cooldowns, I want passive healing out the kitten I want a mechanic that works in the game, I want multiple fun and strong builds, I want them to treat Mesmer the same way they treat every other class, I want them to start balancing Mesmer around Guild Wars 2 instead of the imaginary game they think its in and I want an elite spec that isn’t based around a name and an art asset they had lying around.
Thats just blatently false.
The damage increase from Sic’em is one of the best things about Soulbeast, why would you want to remove it? Theres already enough condi utilities, this is our only power one. I agree about making it work like the Warrior shout though.
I don’t understand why people have already bought PoF. Even if Mirage didn’t look terrible from the reveal, it did, you shouldn’t really throw your money away at products you don’t know much about. Should have waited for the demo weekends.
I’d prefere a big buff to Ambush attacks over Infinite Horizon becoming baseline but I don’t see a problem with both happening compared to what other specs, both PoF and HoT, can do.
I am pleased with Mirage. I love the concept. I’ve been having a lot of fun all weekend on it. I will definitely get the expansion.
However, i acknowledge there is a lot of issues, specially with the deception skills, ambush skills, and the mirror mechanic is just annoying. But i am confident anet will fix the issues and improve the traitline, skills and weapon. that is the point of having a beta, to get feedback and make changes.
Its not a beta, its a Demo. We are 1 month from release and they have bug fixes from all classes a mile long to deal with before they even get to balancing. Mirage very design is flawed, theres only so much they can do without just scrapping it. People have been saying they are condifent anet will fix Mesmer since the game launched.
If the current trend continues; The next Mesmer elite will be Ghost Mesmer. You’re invulnerable and can’t contribute to point capture. You also are not allowed to do any damage, but you are a cool looking misty ghost.
Still a better elite spec then Mirage.
I’d rather not have the mirrors disappear. They have so much potential and unique flavor they could add to mirage, their implementation is just very weak.
Removing the mirrors would reduce Mirage’s mechanic(s) to “a glorified blurr you can attack out of”. And as soon as that would be the case, people would start complaining that mirage doesn’t really offer anything new and is just uninteresting to play.
Thats all its mechanic is now
Great more support! /s
Dude Will-o’-the-wisp is fine, I killed some guy in WvW during beta test. OP really.
Heal spec that requires Illusions up to heal.
Gain access to your group heals by shattering.
Off hand dagger.
No trait that competes with Grace of the Land.
Why am I not surprised that he doesn’t think the Deadeye enough damage to 1 shot Champions at 1500 range isn’t OP.
How many of the last elite specs were complained about being pure trash only to take longer to find the true capabilities of the spec?
None actually, we pretty much knew their power levels quite accurately from about 3 hours past release.
You have to remember, we’re not coming at this from the perspective of fresh players exploring a new game.
This very same thing happened with HoT betas.
Once again patience is the correct action at this time.
Like you when you immediately declared Mirage OP based on the reveal video?
Since there is a 0% chance they will completly scrap this and give us an actual elite spec, I can get behind these ideas.
It would be nice if Crystal Sands actually hit anything.
Thats how the Phantasm skills should work on base Mesmer.
False Oasis feels more reminiscent of Troll Unguent for ranger – and in that way I agree with Daharahj it makes sense if it is intended to be used preemptively, and then sustain you through some time in the fight.
However due to the nature of mesmer, and in particular mirage, this kind of heal doesn’t help us as much as it does for ranger – because ranger has mechanics and gameplay that synergise better with small healing per second over a longer time.
It could work for mesmer, but certainly needs a cooldown reduction for a start.
Was going to say this. I actually still use Troll Unguent sometimes even with how much better Heal as One is in every build. But Mesmer and Mirage in particular can’t really make use of it in the same way Ranger can. Also Troll Unguent has a much better trait.
Now? Now I’m sitting here questioning what class I want to play instead of the mesmer.
Guardian has better Phantasms then us and Firebrand can stack quickness even easier.
Phantasms should just be retooled.
Make them a one strike summon, despawning after their strike. Lower the cooldown on them to 8-10 seconds cd and buff the damage of their attacks to compensate.
Guardian spirit weapons are now a better Phantasm then what we are forced to use.
The problem I have with alacrity on Phantasms is we really need to move away from Phantasms being our main source of damage. They just don’t work under most situations in the game across all modes.
Yeah, its a big conspiracy against Mirage, it isn’t that everything about the spec is useless and poorly designed.
Slightly off topic but what you said about Mirage mirrors made me think that a spec that replaced clone and Phantasm generation for Mirage mirrors and replace our F skills with ambush attacks which would then destroy the mirrors would have been a lot better. Obviously put more damage on Mesmer weapons to compensate the loss of Illusions doing anything. Mirage Mirrors don’t do anything except fuel the ambush except traits that applies small effects around them, regen from the inspiration line etc and thus can’t be damaged, just visable so enemies know you are building up to a big attack. Mirrors wouldn’t have to be tied to enemies since they are not attacking. The attacks that were slapped on Phantasm summoning skills will be made much stronger.
A Spec much better then Mirage, with an actual new mechanic that isn’t just a worse dodge.
I just can’t believe that instead of looking at what Mesmer has and looking at what it needs, they just made a spec around the name Mirage.
Seriously not one person stopped for a second at any point in making it and went ‘What are we doing here’?
Of all the things to be upset about, you chose the name of the elite spec? The name literally does not matter.
Of all the things I wrote you chose to completly miss my point? That is not what I said.
I just can’t believe that instead of looking at what kind of content the game has then looking at what Mesmer has and looking at what it needs, they just made a spec around the name Mirage.
Seriously not one person stopped for a second at any point in making it and went ‘What are we doing here’?
his English is fine. I understand him. Stop acting like Donald Trump
Well this thread went weird fast.
Depends which mode but strangely it seems to be favouring power.
Holomancer is nice but only in the ‘look at all these ridiculous abilities’ I can spam. The core Engineer class never really appealed to me so ultimatly Holomancer doesn’t. Shame because I really like the skill effects.
This is ofcourse if I buy PoF, there is a lot I like in the expansion but Mirage has left a very bad taste in my mouth.
Soulbeast is great as are the new pets and Ranger was already my main alt so probably this one, but it seems to be in a weird posistion where it might not be that great for most things but certain skills that make it fun look like they will be nerfed.
Firebrand seems pretty good and I’ve meant to make a Guard for more then messing about for awhile now and with Spirit Weapons and all the quickness you can be a better Mesmer then a Mesmer.
Going to go try out Holosmith now.
Firebrand is good, I threw together a Power build with some concentration and was keeping up perma quickness on myself without even trying, the damage without the quickness was more then anything Mirage or Chrono can do.
Spirit Weapons are vastly superior Phantasms.
Yeah this is so much weaker than I was expecting. There’s going to be some massive buffs in certain areas.
We have been saying that about base Mesmer for 5 years now.
I really didn’t want to be right about this, sorry fellow Mesmers.
Crippling Shot and Dagger 2 apply the additional condi to you if you are in Beastmode. Maul has only giving me the aditional damage once, I can’t seem to get it to work.
Rock Gazelle is the secret elite spec of Ranger, don’t tell anyone.