As long as you hit one enemy with the sword swipe, you and any iSwordmen you have out, including then one you just created, get 8 might.
The might on the iSwordman does not effect them.
But wait, the best is sword phantasm. It now grants might to all sword phantasm!!
Why you wonder ( since might applied to phantasms have no effect). I can think of one! Corruption to turn it into weakness. Kappa /cry.
OMG this didn’t even click with me. Might on phantasms literally does nothing, they have no idea what they are doing.
Interesting way of nerfing quickdraw, at least they tried to buff Light on Your Feet as well.
Except for them all being terrible.
patchAlso in this update, we are implementing initial attacks on several phantasm skills, allowing the mesmer to deliver a primary attack in addition to the summon in order to provide a bit more constant pressure on your targets.
We know have them all and all attacks do less damage then the already abysmal auto attack damage of their respective weapons.
Amazing really
(edited by Levetty.1279)
Why would they have got to the point where they have finished the trait lines and trait/skill icon designs for every new spec, except possibly the ele, and not changed the Ranger weapon icon from a place holder?
Saying bad ranger skills and traits shouldn’t be changed because other classes have bad skills and traits is a pretty stupid argument and I can only presume its being used to derail the thread and troll.
A large variety of selectable, user-controlled skills that were mostly on short cooldowns made the GW1 pet feel less like a ball-and-chain and more like an actual animal companion. Above all else, I’d like an actual pet UI that gave more options than eat, stop eating, and use your SINGLE special skill.
It is discouraging that the pet system is the only profession-specific mechanic that a notable number of players want to have as an on-off toggle.
WoW had the exact same thing; I think the simple answer is that people want a pet AI that can read their mind and react based on what they know, not what the pet AI can know. When they don’t get that, they curse and wish that it went away, without the rest of the class following.
Except you quoted a post praising the GW1 system for pets.
That’s the thing. You dodge shatter number one. You take Scepter 3. You dodge shatter two. Then three. Then you get hit from torment from scepter 2. Then you get inmobilized, shattered, recovering.
Eventually you run out of dodges and these illusions keep harassing you because you can’t outrun them. With chronophantasma and illusionary reversion this is pretty ridiculous.
Swiftness isn’t too bad honestly, as it actually allows counterplay. Your typical condi mesmer has a countless stream of shatters at your doorstep. This is coming from someone who’s extensively played Sword/Torch + Scepter/Shield condi mes. I feel bad for people I duel =/
You only have two dodges to use against any class.
We already have a mid range single target power weapon.
Unfortunately one of the leaks I read, don’t know how true or if outdated, says all clones are now phantasms. Now with how easy we can throw out clones this would fix some things but keeping our dps tied to Phantasms is still going to cause major problems.
On the other hand a guy in the reddit thread who people seemed to believe also said it was currently doing 80k dps in test. Even though it will be toned down that still suggests at damage coming from more then phantasms.
(edited by Levetty.1279)
I saw it yesterday. The first icon (gray) is the main weapon like in all professions, the second icon represents different things depending of the profession, but like Firebrand and Spellbreaker, in our case is the off-hand weapon, so we’ll wield two axes. If I’m right.
My doubt is if it’ll be ranged or melee.
While I would like dual axes since Warrior gets dual daggers, If it works like the first lot of elite specs the second icon will be the first minor trait that just gives us access to the new/replacement F skills.
Uhmmm in the Firebrand you can see the tome there and a dagger in the Spellbreaker. We’ll see, they are changing the system in some way, at least the location of the icons, so nothing is sure, of course.
Tomes are their F skills.
You also get a whole new set of F skills. As in your shatters are replaced.
Edit: I also heard it is/was very good in pve. It will get toned down from that for sure though but you get me, probably not to abysmal levels.
Have they said what the new f skills are?
I saw it yesterday. The first icon (gray) is the main weapon like in all professions, the second icon represents different things depending of the profession, but like Firebrand and Spellbreaker, in our case is the off-hand weapon, so we’ll wield two axes. If I’m right.
My doubt is if it’ll be ranged or melee.
While I would like dual axes since Warrior gets dual daggers, If it works like the first lot of elite specs the second icon will be the first minor trait that just gives us access to the new/replacement F skills.
Really? I think that Dreamthisthle Axe, Reaver of teh Mists, and Violet Antique Reaver would all look great on a mesmer
With the new weapon preview stance I can get a better sense of what the axes would look like so I’m now more open to some of them. Those 3 in prticular though, I don’t really like.
(edited by Levetty.1279)
Not a fan of dagger skins but it will be interesting to see where they go with it.
On one hand, thanks to its two defensive skills, Sword is probably always going to be limited in the dps department and even if it wasn’t it would just be a boring auto attack set.
On the other hand we don’t technically have a melee condi weapon but mh axe is basically used as a melee condi weapon in one of the better dps builds in the game and it is terrible as a ranged weapon.
In regards to what other weapons we could have got, what should have been our ranged aoe weapon was wasted on the disaster that was druid so that just leaves a hammer cc weapon for bunnythumper nostalgia.
Unfortunatly there only two Axe skins I like on Mesmer, bloodstone and Astralaria.
If what the other leaks (I can’t keep track of which ones were proved right and which were bandwagoning) it sounds like it should help make PvE less of a drag and since they are willing to do PvE/PvP splits now hopefully it won’t get butchered like the Chrono. Can’t wait to see more about it.
(edited by Levetty.1279)
Sunrise looks amazing if you get a bunch of GS clones up, I imagine Astralaria would too.
If torment was meant to be Necro exclusive then why was it added to Mesmer and Thief in the same patch it was introduced to the game?
It wasn’t “meant”, it was sold out as an exclusive condition for necromancer. If I recall correctly, at that time, Anet had introduced dhummfire and nerfed it to the ground because it was a big mistake to introduce this trait but they didn’t want to admit it.
At the same time, since they had nerfed every other necromancer conditions before taking care of dhummfire, the result of the dummfire nerf had left the condimancer in a very sorry state. So they came up with Torment as a solution and the concept was something that the necromancer community received pretty well. I’m saying it again, they sold it as a necro thingy, however, when they released it… the necromancer just gained it on the newly created shroud 5 while mesmer and warrior obtain it as well. A lot of necromancer were pretty dejected by this and they were even more dejected when the era of the torment warrior happen (thanks god they nerfed it).
Just to say, when anet say something is “exclusive” there is no reason to believe it since it’s been proven wrong many time in the past.
Seems like a load of fanfiction and presumptions to me. They came up with a new condi, showed it off on Necro and then added it to a bunch of classes at once.
If torment was meant to be Necro exclusive then why was it added to Mesmer and Thief in the same patch it was introduced to the game?
I find it hilarious that you think condi mesmers has such low DPS that it doesn’t compete with DPS when they are “meta” for a few fights like Kairn and matthias. The point of my math is that giving alacrity, quickness and fury to phantasms in the condi mesmer build would boost them a ton. It would be enough to make them useful/possibly the best dps in more than just a few fights.
You are the one who thinks that ths DPS is low, thats why you and people like you are stuck on this idea that giving phantasms boons would fix everything. What we are pointing out is that the mechanics of damage being tied to phantasms are the problem, that is why condi Mesmer is used for only a few raid fights out of the entire pve mode.
stop focusing on golem numbers
Considering thats one of the handful of places that Mesmer can actually pull off its dps build, I think its you that needs to stop focusing on them and go play the rest of the game.
(edited by Levetty.1279)
Quickness buffing is something that is very likely to be given to other professions.
Engineer sounds like a good candidate.Absolutely. Not that quickness was ever a “mesmer only” thing, it’s just that Anet seems to want quickness to be the only thing chrono is good for.
And that, to me, is the perfect reason to not give this level of quickness support to any other profession ever. At this point its all chrono is in PvE, a quickness and alacrity bot. Its not good at anything else, at least not good enough to where another class isn’t already better. So if another class gets even a portion of the quickness uptime that chrono does, chrono deserves some serious changes to make it better.
I am hoping next elite spec will let mesmer copy all her boons to her clones/phantasms. That might give mesmer a potential DPS option.
It wouldn’t.
If there was a trait in Dueling that gave phantasms fury, alacrity and quickness whenever the mesmer received those buffs, ~38% more crits for dmg and sharper images (73%/53%). Quickness and alacrity would mean unloads…
1.6 second channel 6 second base cd. 5 second CD with ph.
~1.07 second channel and 3.76 CD with quickness and alacrity.
Ends up being about 30% more damage from duelists due to attack rate, 38% more crits. If phantasms also inherited mesmer% modifiers (scholar, seaweed, gotl etc), would be so happy.Benchmarks don’t include bonus torment and bonus confusion. Given that DPS meters are showing that most tempest are just really bad at doing a decent rotation, It would be enough. Maybe not records but only about 30? ppl are setting those.
Forgetting that there is already a trait in Dueling that gives phantasms fury so not sure why you are using that too buff up your numbers and still only getting it up to another class played badly.
What happens when the boss despawns and fills the place with adds that you need to kill to get the boss back.
What is the most common current Mesmer build in terms of group support
decent damage?
Chose a different class.
Phantasms may have worked at launch
Very arguable.
This keeps coming up
1. Might when applied to Mesmer does effect Phantasms/Illusions. Fury doesn’t but there is already a trait that gives fury to phantasms. % modifiers like frost spirit or scholar runes don’t, but this really doesn’t matter because…
2. Our damage being tied up with Phantasms is a much bigger problem then the actual dps itself. This is why condi Mesmer isn’t used even though its dps isn’t terrible, though not really amazing either.
(edited by Levetty.1279)
Remoresless GS builds to me seem like something that would be really fun before elite specs hit and killed the viableness of nything that wasn’t a meta build.
Mesmers – even more stealth
Quickness buffing is something that is very likely to be given to other professions.
Engineer sounds like a good candidate.Absolutely. Not that quickness was ever a “mesmer only” thing, it’s just that Anet seems to want quickness to be the only thing chrono is good for.
And that, to me, is the perfect reason to not give this level of quickness support to any other profession ever. At this point its all chrono is in PvE, a quickness and alacrity bot. Its not good at anything else, at least not good enough to where another class isn’t already better. So if another class gets even a portion of the quickness uptime that chrono does, chrono deserves some serious changes to make it better.
I am hoping next elite spec will let mesmer copy all her boons to her clones/phantasms. That might give mesmer a potential DPS option.
Honestly with how perma group alacrity has become such an important part of raids I think spreading alacrity about a bit is good for the health of Mesmer and future Mesmer elite specs. The same can be said about Quickness too.
Of course this should go hand in hand with compensating Mesmer in other areas.
I find that while lots of people are quick to say this, a lot of them also don’t agree with spreading GotL out among other classes, or spreading warrior’s banners out among other classes. Funny.
Ranger is my second most played class, I would gladly give away the entire druid spec to any other class that wants it.
Also in this update, we are implementing initial attacks on several phantasm skills,
Was happy when I saw this, the actual execution has a lot to be desired but its a step in the right direction.
Hopefully in a year when they release the next balance patch they buff those up and add the other weapons.
Sharpened edges nerf means no more sword in my condi builds.
Somebody should tell all the Revs that have come here to whine that this board belongs to thiefs.
- Thief gets something kinda similar to clones in a future elite spec.
They already do.
Honestly with how perma group alacrity has become such an important part of raids I think spreading alacrity about a bit is good for the health of Mesmer and future Mesmer elite specs. The same can be said about Quickness too.
Of course this should go hand in hand with compensating Mesmer in other areas.
(edited by Levetty.1279)
This was by far the easiest LS/Acheivements to do on Mesmer. The hardest parts were the small room messing with the camera and I didn’t have a keybind for the special action key.
Of course to make up for this you are surrounded throughout by Mesmers with godlike powers while your doing the equivalent of poking the enemies with a stick.
Increase its damage.
In terms of fixing the damage problem, I’m a big fan of a trait that gives us a fairly large damage buff when we shatter. Probably something like 25% per Illusion for a 100% buff for a full shatter. Replace Furious interruption with our GS trait and put the new trait in the GM slot, replacing our Mantra trait with it would be even better though.
That and throwing in some more damage buffs to our weapon skills and make all our phantasm skills work like Shield/utilities.
Honestly I would love that but it would be so incredibly OP. What happens when we are running chrono line and have 3 phantasms out? We shatter, get them all back, but now have 100% damage boost, to use on a second MW at double strength, on top of any other damage we can deal. Now, if MW was excluded from this damage bonus, it could possibly, possibly be balanced (though not at that number for sure), but then we have to ask a question. Would this also apply to phantasm attacks? Should this apply to phantasm attacks even?
I would love this but I honestly don’t think it could ever be made balanced with other professions without some serious nerfs to compensate for it.
Delete PvP and the balance problem is negated.
In terms of fixing the damage problem, I’m a big fan of a trait that gives us a fairly large damage buff when we shatter. Probably something like 25% per Illusion for a 100% buff for a full shatter. Replace Furious interruption with our GS trait and put the new trait in the GM slot, replacing our Mantra trait with it would be even better though.
That and throwing in some more damage buffs to our weapon skills and make all our phantasm skills work like Shield/utilities.
Short Answer: No
Long Answer:
but I also want to deal good damage.
Don’t play Mesmer
Why does the transition into a healer bother people so much?
Because it wasn’t why we chose the class? Because it wasn’t what they sold the game as? Because the spec is the most rigid interms of what it offers and the entire things looks like it was basically ‘instead of designing an interesting spec lets just throw a bunch of aoe heal skills on it so we can claim Rangers are meta for our new raid mode now’ and they even failed at that which is why they had to add the GoTL trait in the beta so Rangers were used over Eles and Revs.
That new AI sounds a lot like the beta AI
Before hot it was the main reason everyone hated on ranger, we were a selfish class
Then why were Rangers taken into dungeons for Spirits and Spotter before HoT was announced?
Add the second bounce back to auto as there was 0 reason to remove it (the damage buff was laughable and even if it wasn’t there would still be no reason too).
Make skill 3 aoe by default and increase its direct damage.
Change the trait too add ferocity for every axe equipped, add a small bleed to the auto attack and lets us move when using axe 5 and maybe even a further damage buff for offhand axe. It is a Grandmaster trait that is meant for 2 different weapons filling 2 very different roles after all, it needs a lot on it.
(edited by Levetty.1279)
If it was a normal company this would have happened but all they have done is make the most tunnel visioned and boring elite spec even more rigid and killed what little build diversity there was.
GS needs a buff
Staff needs a buff
Torch needs a buff
Scepter needs a buff
Sw off hand may need a buff.
Pistol needs a buff
Please not. Plenty things right now need a nerf, but few things need a straight-up buff. There’s a lot of elements which could be ripped out entirely and replaced with something worth using in niche situations. Granted.
But buffs? The power creep from HoT was intense, if anything I’d curb that.
Yeah thats nice and everything but pre HoT Mesmer’s damage was kitten because of mechanics and skills, its nothing to do with the HoT power creep pushing the other classes dps even higher. Mesmer weapons sure as hell don’t need nerfs.
A lot of people asked for a support ranger that utilizes a staff, it was actually one of THE most asked for things on the forums, and then it happened, so try again.
Things that happened in your head didn’t actually happen in real life, you know that right?
Just because you’re ignorant doesn’t mean you’re right buddy.
You honestly want us to believe that people asked for a healer to be added to this game when no mode needed or was designed for one till they needed wow kids to buy their expansion? That Rangers wanted a spec designed entirely for a new mode that they didn’t even know existed? You expects us to believe that Rangers were clamoring for a single target ranged weapon when they already had two? That the only use for this weapon is one very good movement skill and its ability to generate a resource? That all our new skills have a gimmick that turn them all into aoe heals when entering a mode that is already 5 aoe heals? That the only reason anybody picks the spec is for a damage buff trait that was slapped on when they realized that nobody was going to take their healing spec anyway because other classes still did it better? That the new mechanics neither replaces nor interacts with the pet and looks like it was just slapped on because they couldn’t think of anything else to add?
Are you going to pretend there wasn’t a massive backlash when druid was revealed? That they didn’t send Gaile to try and clam us down, which is Anets standard ‘oh kitten the communities kittened send the one they like to talk to them’ response? That the reveal went down so badly that they had to promise to finally fix shouts so that Rangers had something new to use?
Go troll another board.
I don’t know how you could possibly have expected it to be better then this. We knew the skill was being nerfed and we know Anet has a habit of going over the top when it nerfs something.
Too answer your question from my thread, I expected a 5% increase to sword auto. SoI to carry on not giving the boons to the Mesmer, big nerfs to our quickness generation and to Bountiful Disillusionment and I expected SoI to end up like Well of Precog.
Really the 6% increase to sword autos first 2 attacks is worse then the 5% to all 3 I was expecting but the blurred frenzy buff and the QoL changes are a lot better then it could have been.
Ultimately though it would be nice if we got the actual changes and reworks we need for the class so that our useful builds in the various modes aren’t just based around gimmicks or one strong skill, our class mechanics isn’t useless in PvE, for shattering to be a viable dps option and just a generally easier time in the Living World story.
Posted this in the wrong thread.
(edited by Levetty.1279)
25 might, pulsing stability, fury, swiftness, and regen,
That is pretty much baseline for every class at the moment.
And that’s the problem they seem to be trying to address…. very very very slowly…
I know they nerfed SoI as well but you would think they would aim it at the ones that can share it out to a group first.
A lot of people asked for a support ranger that utilizes a staff, it was actually one of THE most asked for things on the forums, and then it happened, so try again.
Things that happened in your head didn’t actually happen in real life, you know that right?
We should get an entirely new elite spec, nobody asked for this poorly designed wow player bait bullkitten.