(edited by Lue.6538)
I would remove the 20 traits in Chaos and replace them with 20 in Domination, thus making it like this:
Domination – 20 points, Major traits: I, IV.
Dueling – 20 points, Major traits: I, X.(or V,X).
Illusions – 30 points, Major traits: I, VI, XI.
I would go staff, scepter/Focus
With the clone generation from this build it’d let you repeatedly stack vulnerability through dominations major trait(IV) when you use any of your shatter-skills, thus upping the damage you can do even further, since your intent was to WvW, you really don’t want the sword either as the only time you want to be in melee is when you’re ready to shatter your clones.
People saying the easiest class in GW1 was the warrior clearly never played a Spirit ritualist, drop the spirits, run away, watch the spirits kill everything.
People saying we had no tanks in GW1? We even had builds that were built around having so low health that a single enchantment would outheal everything.. the 55hp builds were definitly tanks.
I’ve levelled to 60 using a Phantasm based GS + S/F and traits 10/20/0/10/10 and Eagle runes (http://tinyurl.com/m2oho7x)
I’m thinking about switching to a shatter build (looking at Osicats Mist build http://tinyurl.com/cxtj3xg) with Air runes (Staff + S/F)
Before I go to the expensive of buying a new set of gear, which is the more suited to solo PVE play? (no intention of doing dungeons, but WvW at 80)
For WvW I’d stick to shatter, it works great in smaller numbers and your clones provides fodder to soak up a couple of skills from the other teams.
I wouldn’t go with Osicats build tho as I find it to be lacking, it works, but it is rather unrefined.
Don’t go with the air-runes, theres simply better options out there, if you want additional crit damage: Go with Divinity, not Air, not only does it provide more crit damage but also more useful stats. If you can’t afford divinity then look into dolyak, melandru or mesmer runes for WvW.
Personally I’d also skip the sword in favor of a scepter and change the major traits around abit, remember: You’re shattering the illusions, you’re not keeping them alive.
does it make sense to have a class connon build in end game content, or should i get more survivability?
Depends on the endgame content but as a mesmer you can easily survive as a full glass-cannon in both dungeons and fractals simply through proper dispersions and dodging.
I don’t use them, I don’t trust them.
Am I the only one who is REALLY disappointed in Guild Wars 2 mechanic wise? Don’t get me wrong, i still enjoy the game, just not even remotely close the fun i got out of the original. When they released the skill/weapon sets for the game it broke my heart.:(
P.S. Have they(ANet) mentioned why the didn’t make the skill bar at least similar to the original?
The potentional to completely build my own skillbar as in GW1 was indeed a huge letdown and personally I think the GW2 mesmer is a pretty poor followup to what the GW1 mesmer was.
And aside from all the ranting in the previous comments, there are grinds in this, huge ones, but they’re not obligatory to reach level 80, doesn’t mean they don’t exist tho.
More and more I am experiencing this habit that the community has to despise people who claim to be skilled for this game.
Try it: go to LA, and say that you are a good player.
(Note: I am not saying I do it. This sentence is for rhetorical purposes)People will instantly tell you that you lack humility, that you are an elitist, that you are despicable etc; for no reason.
People do not want to see or be aware of the fact that some players can be more skilled than them (no boasting, just statement of skill). The community seem to believe that they would be better off without such players.
It appears as if the community would like to stay bad and play only with bad people.It is also the same on the forums.
I believe this is not benefiting the game in itself because it promotes stale and boring gameplay additions rather than diverse and challenging content.
As a comparison: when you play football as an amateur you play it for fun and you dream of being as skilled as the players of international level. In GW2 the ’amateurs" have no such dreams, worse: they do not want to face the fact that being better is possible.
With all due respect, why the discrimination?
A truly good player already knows hes good and does not need to proclaim it to a bunch of bookahs in lions arch mapchat.
I don’t really see why they would skip cantha and elona, they’re part of the same world as tyria and surely they can’t have gone unaffected by those events.
I miss the title for number of titles maxed. It just couldn’t be matched for bragging potential.
Once more my guild hall must smell of rich mahogany.
Rant aside, you do know that a GW2 Dervish would have almost nothing in common with a GW1 Dervish, right? (Other than wardrobe, perhaps).
If they were to add the GW1 mesmer to the game I’d be glad to pay 35€ just for that,
I’d probably not pay for the dervish tho, feels like their primary feature was the awesome sweep/cleaving attacks and everyone has those in Gw2 anyway.
“Pancake” – fall to your death 1000 times. I’d work for that.
So yeah.. friend of mine picked up 5 tickets in the first day, 4 from normal coffers(less than 500 total) and 1 from rich coffers(5 total).
Personally, I got mine after 729 coffers and I’m definitly not going through the gambling process of getting a second one.
I’ve gotten 3 pairs of wings so far,
All 3 dropped as normal Rares do, in a miniature chest that the mob left behind.
First one from a Moa in queensdale,
Second one from a Ettin in queensdale,
Third one from a wasp in queensdale.
That said I’ve seen atleast 10 people, including guild members, who claim they’ve gotten the wings from the coffers.. wether or not its true, I’ve got no idea.
By offering weapon skins up front they’d lose cash from the pack who wants to be a special snowflake, but in return they’d have quite afew people who resent the approach of randomly generated coffers.
I bought 5 chests, immediatly wished I hadn’t but hey, never again.
Read again.
By the way: you cannot just declare skins as not being content. What else should they be? Random amounts of data that accidentally found their way into the game?
Skins are content. Skins are important to a lot of people. Otherwise we would not have all these drop-rate-nerf and skins-locked-in-rng-chests threads complaining.
But the skins are not restricted to the gemstore, so wether you believe skins are content or not, they’re not locked behind the “cash-shop gate” as you put it before.
Edit: As a quick update aswell, I found a location to farm in, picked up 3 wings (102% MF) and abit over 400 coffers, on top of that I bought 300 coffers on the TP.
In these 700 coffers I got 1 ticket roughly 1100 taffies, countless pointless food buffs and 7 miniature knights.
I don’t even know if I was unlucky with the coffers or not but my main grudge is actually that so many items are account bound, I dont want the ticket but I cant give it away or sell it because its account bound, I cant even give away the fireworks.
(edited by Lue.6538)
Lower the bet in Moa Racing to 10 silver. Everyone can afford that and it will be a much better gold sink with more players betting.
Maybe not everyone should be able to afford it.
The weapon vendors will go away, and clearly you did not play guild wars 1 or you would know that these HOLIDAYS repeat every year.
“exclusive items” will be very rare.
How do you know? GW1 is a different game.
Dragon Bash is simply the Dragon Festival from GW1, aside from the dragon festival having more fun stuff to do, they’re pretty much the same.
It would be incredibly stupid to ban people for a mistake that Anet made. You don’t run around banning people for your own negligence.
And since it could be argued that all “exploits” are mistakes by Anet, exploiting would thus be allowed as really, you don’t “ban people for a mistake that Anet made.”
If someone repeatedly combined the holographic risen knights in an attempt to earn excessive amounts of cash then clearly they were exploiting a bug and should be penalised for it.
I got my achievement by running between 3 points in queensdale, I had a rough idea when they would spawn so I could clear one, run to the next one, clear and run to the last.
As for waiting? Sure, I’d wait 10~sec before triggering one, unless I saw someone approach I’d burst them down right after that.
But overall the consensus on Gandara was that we’d wait for 3 people to be at the point and then activate it.
Or you can just buy the wings for 20g right now.
I’d take the dragon festival over dragon bash anyday.
There isn’t one.
However, if you peruse the rest of the forum on DragonBash… you will find thousands (no, im not exaggerating) of irate, hostile, disappointed GW2 players all angry over these skins. Be they the Wings, or Weapons.
No, really. These things have 60-80% of the game’s population throwing tantrums or near-suicidal in rage.
If you’re a money hoarder, sell. If you think that you have a chance to get another one, I wish you the best of luck. Really.
You might just get another one.
Just know that irl I am horrifically sarcastic, and just in case that last well-wishing came off sounding that way, it was not meant as such.
I myself will not spend the next month of my life farming coffers in hopes that some skin will drop. I don’t care what it looks like or how much it sells for. If you so choose to, Indeed, by all means, go ahead.
60-80% huh? I bet you 60% of the playerbase dont even visit the forums to complain, because they’re busy playing.
I’d love to see cantha again, not sure I’d want the whole kurzick/Luxon lark back in as it’d divide the community, but the areas were interesting and hey, some of it is already in.. (Jade Maw!)
But I’d rather see the paragon class make an appearance instead, loved that thing.
To be honest, all these complaints seem to asume the guardian is either afk or purely limits him/herself to autoattacking.
Think it should be noted that the class is nowhere nearly as entertaining to play as it was in GW1, personally I miss my drain / lockdown builds over this illusions lark.
Fun read, especially the part where he asks for a damage scoreboard, damage done / highest kills, has always been the baddies trademarks. Maybe you’re playing a bunker? Shutting down a point with a enemy player trying to kill you(Wont happen) will be far more beneficial for your team than you getting a kill on that player.
One would think a self-proclaimed “pro” would know that.
As for thieves? Thieves and Warriors both run pretty much 1-2 builds in tournaments right now because hey, they’re the strongest. You can still tell the difference between a good and a bad thief / warrior fairly easily if you know what to look for.
Furthermore, Arenas are most certainly not the pinnacle, a battleground with 3 points will force you to actually gather up some tactics other than “Focus target X”, is it worth grabbing the 3rd point or trying to just lock down 2? Maybe you have enough points to drop back and hold a single point ?
I do agree however that certain things from GW1 should be included, my personal main disappointment was for example the fact that skills are bound to weapons rather than freely interchangable.
As for your complaints regarding boring / monotone battlegrounds, well its abit of a “false cause”, Amount of time spent in MMOs pvping does in no way affect how a person feels regarding these battlegrounds, it is purely your opinion and you do not speak for new players nor for old ones.
Oh, and I saw alot of raging at the start but it was mostly related to various broken abilities, not nodecapping.
Now you wrote this, allegedly you atleast:
“As a thief I literally can do 3 cloak and dagger / back stabs with 18k damage total before the enemy will have a chance to react or counter me. "
That is not quite true, a player who choose not to run with any defensive abilities nor with a stun-breaker to prevent your basilisk venom to trigger, sure, but anyone has the potentional to block a thief who bursts right off the bat, if you go for a fully offensive build without any form of escapes you will pay the price.
The amount of thieves is, granted, truly ridicilous but there is a reason for it; Dual dagger thieves are nothing short of easy to play, if you focus down light armor professions or other thieves, you can easily take them down by just using steal combined with 3 heartseekers, granted this asumes that they are not trying to actually prevent your damage but hey, that does happen in quick play.
Null field my good sir, is not as good as you might think, if you’re hell bent on killing the mesmer INSIDE the nullfield using conditions, you’re going to have a bad time but you only have yourself to blame, you can however back out of the field(dodge works wonders for this) then return the moment the null field is gone, it doesn’t last very long you know.
As for the rest of your balance “concerns”, you are merely ranting, a long and fairly unconstructive rant about how you believe things should be, heavily exaggerated in a feeble attempt to prove your point even tho you pretty much don’t have one.
(You do know mesmer phantasms die very swiftly right? Try killing them.)
But yes, there are some things that would be great to have from GW1s PvP, and guild halls, definitly guild halls.
Haven’t had any problems with queues (EU), but it would be nice if we could get some map rotations on the 8-team tournaments aswell.
But if I use my mouse to turn how do I click on rend?
This is what fixed the code 7 issue for me way back in october..
Create a shortcut for guild wars 2, under properties you have a box called “Target” or “goal” or something similiar, it should be pointing towards your GW2.exe file.
Change this:
“C:\Program Files (x86)\GW2\Gw2.exe”
To this:
“C:\Program Files (x86)\GW2\Gw2.exe” /clientport 80
So simply add /clientport 80 at the end, best of luck!
at a waterfall somewhere around ascalon I used the staff blink, ended up inside a stone.
Reasoning that hey, it got me in this mess, might get me out, I waited for the blink to refresh and used it again. Ended up underneath the world. Turns out under the world, theres tons of water!
I’m finding it funny people are telling me stuff about necro when I have a level 80 and farmed exotics on it.
Let me keep this simple when you play both classes you can talk until then take my word for it Mesmer is very strong. If you think mesmer is not strong…. you’re playing the wrong class, I cant really recommend a class for you because mesmer is the strongest I have played by a large amount. I hear rangers are good at pve /shrug.
Just because A you are lvl 80 and B you have farmed exotics, it doesnt mean that C; you know more about the 2 classes than the rest of us is true.
Your argumentation here seems to be that well, reaching 80 and farming exotics is hard, neither of which is actually the truth. Farming exotics be it through karma grinding(Normally done in huge numbers) or explorable modes(done with 5 players) would somehow require you to perform above average. Explorables for that matter doesn’t really take that much time either.. 3x explorables for a week yields you a rough estimate of 1260 tokens, just from the final boss!
Aside from that tho, mesmers are pretty decent in PvE, they dont excel at it but they’re really fine.
So I solo’d CM path 1 today…
Running 25(I, X), 30(II,IV,X), 5,0,10(I)
with sword/pistol / Greatsword
in PvE.
“4 – Now you have set apart the community…those people who ran their 100 runs through CoF before this change who are now fully geared out and can run other non-buffed instances. And those people who can not farm the same gear to keep up with the other players in the game because they can’t complete CoF…let alone in a timely manner.
You should of just put a lockout timer on CoF / all dungeons…5 runs a day or something normal. Not worried about making the dungeon impossible for fresh 80s / PUGs.
Now you have geared groups of people spam running other dungeons and fresh 80s at a loss for what they are supposed to be doing to keep up with those people with pre-buffed CoF gear who don’t have lockouts in other instances to stop them from keep getting further ahead of the curve.
This is going to be a major source for a lot of fresh 80 players quitting this game. Esp. in a non-guild environment."
Not everyone wants the CoF gear; sure it is nice to obtain a fairly quick exotic rank 80 set, but honestly the stats on the set is not one I’m interested in, I did however run it a couple of times in an effort to level up guildmembers from 75-80 in an hours time…
What you’re either intentionally ignoring, or failing to realise, is that it does not quite function as other MMOs with gear here, you can easily do anything in the game with any ragtag gear you come across while leveling.. but if you feel that you want to look good while doing those things, well then you need to farm. People obtained tons of gold by repeatedly running the same path in the same dungeon while leaving the remaining dungeons virtually untouched because they were either more difficult or slower to complete.
Anyone who didn’t expect this ‘nerf’ as you call it, was simply oblivious to the obvious.
Been running a GS/Sword+pistol build for explorable modes and quite frankly, my damage is just fine, my support is even better tho.
Before today obviously the GS was pretty horrible when it came to dealing damage, but it shines when it comes to preventing it. Get 1 or 2 phantasmal berserkers up and keep knocking the opponent back and they wont get close to your team.
And if damage is more your forte, then why not throw up 3x duelists with the +cause bleed trait, on 75 they’re dishing out a rough 2-2.5k damage a piece, not counting the damage from the bleeds.
Combine that with the moa morph, the time warp, the null field…
Not to mention the not-so-secret function of signet of inspiration; Get aegis, protection or regeneration, activate the signet, suddenly your entire team has a bucketload of extra survivability.
As a mesmer you wont be seeing those gigantic numbers of other classes but you are most certainly a valuable asset to your team, asuming you put some work into it
I totally agree with you Lyralei, I love the change made to HS, I think it was totally warranted. I do however think that people blew it way out of proportion and pulled a WoW knee jerk reaction move and begged for nerfs. Anet’s fix in my eyes was perfect. People will complain just to complain. I can tell you one thing, if they didn’t like HS spam, they sure never ran into a S/P Thief with haste. Which most likely be the discussion of many nerf threads to come.
No the problem was that thieves could just sit down on the heartseeker button and rack up the same score as a average player just by hitting that one button repeatedly thus passing themselves off as a competent player when in reality, they had 1 ability that would carry them across the board.
This does not apply to all thieves obviously and quite frankly pistolwhip is a far more annoying skill in PvP than HS, but HS definitly needed something like this.
something they should do anyhow, and remove their inter-attack delay entirely, and make them have 3x the normal Shatter effect
This would cripple us in all aspects of the game rendering us a null class.
It would, if anything, insanely boost mesmers. Too much infact.
Having thrice the shatter effect would be a huge buff for myself atleast.
I’m basically running the same build in both PvE and tournaments, works like a charm all over the place:
Greatsword + Sword / pistol, the damage is mediocre at best, the survivability is simply insane.
The greatsword has utterly terrible damage, true. But did you ever think it may just not be useful for your particular playstyle? It works like a charm for me atleast.
What I’d like to see is a even more confusion heavy build for mesmers tho.