Elite Specializations & Hero Point Feedback [Merged]
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Lue.6538
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Lue.6538
Grind is not “time consuming”. Grind is not “playing through the game’s content multiple times.”
Grind in the context of video games refers to the repetitious act of repeating the same singular activity over and over.
Doing 40 different hero challenges? Not grind.
Doing 40 different hero challenges on multiple characters? Not grind.
Doing the same singular hero challenge over and over? Grind.
Doing the same singular event in hopes of getting that RNG drop called Sam? Grind.
Please people, get your dictionaries out and know what the words you are using actually mean!
By this logic farming keys from the level 10 story isn’t a grind as it is done on different characters.
simple math = “hey they’re getting something i’m not wah wah wah”
I sincerely wish I were in the same position as you, to blindly ignore what is being stated to aimlessly defend what was an approach that has evidently backfired on them. Yet even when the company themselves take a step back to remedy the situation, you white knighters remain steadfast, clinging to whatever absurd illogical pile of rubbish that you have collected as ‘reasonable arguments’. Alas, you then reduce them into ad hominems containing redundant remarks such as “entitlement” or as in the quoted post, spewing absolute nonsense. One can only asume that this boils down to not an inability to understand, but rather unwillingness to perceive things from another angle as your zealous view must be the one and only truth.
You’re behaving as if its a religion, get over yourself and accept that the deal was something that alot of people were unhappy with, wether or not it is a majority is de facto besides the point. Enough of a portion of the players felt that the deal was bad enough that Arenanet had to do something about it.
“omg others are getting stuff for free!!!” “I want free stuff too” “CRY CRY CRY” There will no longer be the core game. Only HoT. You are not getting swindled or cheated out of anything get over yourself.
Surely it can not be awfully difficult to understand simple math:
Old players would have been paying 50€ for a deal containing 2 items, but only receive 1 of them on the account that they were just that: Existing players.
New players would be paying 50€for a deal containing 2 items and receive both of them.
One group were paying 50€ and only receiving 1 of the 2 items that were in the bundle, wether you choose to call one free or not is entirely beside the point, what is advertised as part of the deal was not being delivered.
If you haven’t figured it out yet just shout out ‘entitlement’ and I promise I’ll try to explain it better.
That was the statement, that is de facto a strawman
A strawman is where instead of arguing against somebodies argument you create a superficially similar argument to argue against because its easier to do. The only use of a strawman in this thread is your first response to me.
I’ll summarize it all for you then, strawman or not.
the other classes have been receiving updates to balance their skills and while they’ve not been receiving any new skills, they are getting new skills in the expansion to further widen their repertoaire of abilities…
This is my initial reply to you, where you claim that briefly summarized, you create the illusion where the Revenant due to being implemented later than other professions have an unfair advantage in terms of skills and traits: _ it has been designed with 3 years of experience in the game with a more involved type of gameplay while the other classes have pretty much stagnated for 3 years and still have traits/skills/class mechanics that are proving to not work with how the game plays. _
That leads to you replying with the following: 1. Old classes aren’t getting new skills, specializations are.
Granted, it may not be a strawman since you’re not misrepresenting MY claim but in reality, wether or not it is a strawman or not is insignificant to the point I’m trying to get across. It is still a matter of you trying to create a false relationship between the old existing professions and the new specializations. The fact remains that even IF the professions only get new skills within the new specialization, they are still bound to that particular profession and thus, the profession is getting the new skills.
You can’t deal with the specialization as a separate entity from its profession.
1. Its not a strawman.[..]That’s NOT even in the same ballpark as an entirely new profession, which by the way the Revenant will also be getting a specialization, so comes out way ahead in terms of design and tech compared to the old professions.
1. Old classes aren’t getting new skills, specializations are.
That was the statement, that is de facto a strawman where an attempt was made to point out a distinct difference between the old professions and their specializations, the specializations are still de facto tied to a single profession(For example: The only profession getting access to the druid is the ranger) and as such, the skills that come WITH the specialization is again, de facto, tied to that profession which by all logical conclusions mean that the “old classes” are infact getting new skills, albeit indirectly through the added feature of specializations.
While you’re obviously right that the revenant is going to get vastly more skills than the other professions do I have to say that expecting anything else is pretty absurd regardless of how much the “tech” has improved. This is hardly something thats new and unique for GW2 but rather something that occurs when a new class/profession is introduced in any game at a later point. The logic that the profession due to being introduced at a later stage must come out on top of the other professions is pure speculation on your part and quite frankly, the one part we can be absolutely certain off is that there will be an inbalance of some sort in the expansion but in what way or what profession it will favor the most remains to be seen.
2. […] The Revenant is being designed from the ground up with the lessons learned from the last 3 years, whereas the existing professions are still bogged down by underpowered skills, traits that still don’t work or are bugged, and all manner of issues. The Revenant will NOT have these issues, by the simple fact that its being freshly designed to integrate into an existing 3 year meta cycle.
As mentioned in regards to point 1: This is pure speculation, whereas there is no doubt that they’ve been able to draw upon some rather vast experience gathered during the previous years and how the other professions have played out.
I’ll also refer to my previous post:
As for “useless” skills, I’d say they’re “underused” and not useless. They don’t hold their own within the current meta and is therefor overlooked and could absolutely use a thorough review, it is however absurd to claim that the revenant will not have such skills, there will always be skills that the playerbase value higher than others.[…]
Players will lean towards using the strongest skills availible, your argument that the revenant developed with knowledge attained after the initial professions were implemented would somehow attain a perfected balance between all skills is not only absurd, it is plain impossible. The strive to obtain the most efficient build possible will attract people to levitate towards a specific build that has proven to function and that will de facto cause skills to be overlooked and thus, less valued.
3. When individual skills outshine entire other professions, then yes, they’re OP, otherwise, its apparent you don’t understand basic definitions of words. [..]
The problem here is that you’re trying to compare two incomparables.
First you’re comparing a skill, then you’re trying to correlate that skills power to that of an entire profession which consists of a rather vast amount of skills. Even if we narrow it down to only the 10 actively selected skills for this particular moment, it is still a rather silly statement. While I don’t doubt that the skill might prove to be fairly strong, I also have no doubts that the skill will not on its own “outshine entire professions”.
Oh, and the fact that one does not share your opinion on the skill does not in any way or form correlate to ones “competitiveness” or ones ability to “comprehend basic definitions”.
Lastly, [..]but the whiz bang effects of skills are unlikely to change.
Still a matter of choice, while I can personally perceive it as an illusion of choice rather than actual choice, it is still up to each player to individually decide wether or not they want to embrace the specialization or remain with their current “class”.
What’d prove really dull however, would be if the existing professions prove to be much better than the incoming specializations and that only 1 or 2 turns out to be reasonably viable compared to the already well established builds of the existing professions.
The problem isn’t so much that that Revenent is OP its that it has been designed with 3 years of experience in the game with a more involved type of gameplay while the other classes have pretty much stagnated for 3 years and still have traits/skills/class mechanics that are proving to not work with how the game plays. Then you throw on top of that some of the traits and skills that do sound a bit over the top in effectiveness.
This is absurd reasoning, the other classes have been receiving updates to balance their skills and while they’ve not been receiving any new skills, they are getting new skills in the expansion to further widen their repertoaire of abilities. Saying that the Revenant is unbalanced because it is newer than the other professions? Now thats just silly.
1. Old classes aren’t getting new skills, specializations are.
2. They have been receiving updates to balance for 3 years and they are still full of traits, skills and mechanics that are useless or don’t fit in with the game, Revenant doesn’t seem to have this problem as they are designing it with better knowledge of how the different modes work in practice.
3. Some Revenant skills/traits do seem a bit over the top.Please actually read my post next time tanks.
1. Strawman. The specialization can be toggled at (almost) any given time according to the information we’ve received so far, it is also “bound” to a specific profession already in the game. Facts are as follows: The specialization WILL add skills to the existing professions, yes, they do aesthetically acquire a new name with the specialization but they are never the less still the same profession, merely with additional options for skills. Old “classes” are therefore indeed getting new skills, albeit in the form of specializations.
2. So simply put: Theres unbalanced skills around now, yet people work around them? The difference is that the previous skills have been under scrutiny for an extended amount of time, whereas the revenants skills hasn’t and it wont be reasonable to expect it to be “balanced” in any way or form until it has solidified a position for itself among the other professions. As for “useless” skills, I’d say they’re “underused” and not useless. They don’t hold their own within the current meta and is therefor overlooked and could absolutely use a thorough review, it is however absurd to claim that the revenant will not have such skills, there will always be skills that the playerbase value higher than others.
3. Now we’re on the other end of the spectrum from point #2, and unfortunately, the same holds true here: There are skills that may be “over the top” for all professions. In general however, you’ll find that it is combinations of skills that truly makes a profession “op” rather than its individual skills.
Finally, it is rather silly to throw in one of those “please read my posts” comments don’t you think? A sort of “hidden” insult, backed up by a patronizing ‘happy’ smiley that can best be discribed as a passive aggressive way of saying that “you don’t undestand what I’m saying”. Give it a rest, it is just sad.
The problem isn’t so much that that Revenent is OP its that it has been designed with 3 years of experience in the game with a more involved type of gameplay while the other classes have pretty much stagnated for 3 years and still have traits/skills/class mechanics that are proving to not work with how the game plays. Then you throw on top of that some of the traits and skills that do sound a bit over the top in effectiveness.
This is absurd reasoning, the other classes have been receiving updates to balance their skills and while they’ve not been receiving any new skills, they are getting new skills in the expansion to further widen their repertoaire of abilities. Saying that the Revenant is unbalanced because it is newer than the other professions? Now thats just silly.
I see a lot of the usual ‘learn to play’ nonsense… and I’m sorry guys, but it IS nonsense.
So cool, you’ve played 3000 hours, have excellent gear and tried all possible combinations of traits etc. on your character and can switch builds without even thinking about it. I dare say a lot if not most players are not like that. And for those who are not like that, the fight can get VERY frustrating indeed.
What if I told you I’ve used the same build since the game was in beta with the exception of having to switch around 2 traits as Anet changed their posiiton in the trait tree in combination with the feature patch.
And what if I further told you that my mesmer who I main but only have 1000h on a is still wearing a mix of masterwork/rare/exotic gear because I’ve found no incentive to gear it up at all as there is simply nothing it cant do.
If you really struggle with the encounter, I’ve only got 1 suggestion for you: Get sigil of energy and dodge your heart out.
My main is a ranged DPS ranger in full berserker ascended. I’ve player her over 1400 hours and I am completely and totally familiar with her abilities. She only died twice and can probably do better.
You can always do better. Until you avoid everything.
After doing the final mission on the ranger, I did the arc on my other 80s. They are all in exotics with decent runes etc. But I don’t play them nearly as much, they are at 200 or so hours each. Their builds are probably not optimal, but they’re not horrible either. The guardian and necromancer managed to solo it, with enough deaths to destroy (not damage, destroy) half their armor. The mesmer… just ouch. Gave up and asked for help. Still working on the warrior.
I’d say my non-mains are a fair approach to what a casual player or newer 80 enters the encounter with. And for many, it will be an excercise in frustration. Which is, if you think about it, a VERY bad thing. This is a personal story arc, content all players should be able to enjoy. In stead, it’s making people unhappy with the game (just repeating what I hear in my guild). And sure, you can group…. but seriously, if you want to actually read NPC responses and see the ones that are unique to your race, that’s not exactly optimal.
So simply put: You don’t know your profession, you don’t know what your skills do and because of that you struggled with beating the content, therefor there mus be something wrong with the content.. Nah, thats just not how it works.
I realize that there are people who really want a challenge… but I don’t think this is the way to go about it. Not all players are created equal, and fun and challenging for one can be /ragequit for another.
I’d say this is precisely the way to go about it, this is just liadri all over again, people who don’t want to adapt or learn the mechanics expect to be handed rewards for free and quite frankly, they don’t deserve it. Instead of learning how the fight works, they go on the forums and complain about it being too hard, but it obviously isn’t. They then complain about how a specific profession can’t beat it.. All professions can beat it.
Then they narrow it down to their particular build not being able to beat it and guess what? Adapt. Change your build. You can beat it if you actually put some effort into it and get out of that godawful “durrhurrdurr autoattacking for 10 minutes is fun!” mindset.
I was a bit surprised by this fight actually, particularly the floor. You might be able to jump but it isn’t ‘obvious’ by any stretch of the imagination. Only a handful of attacks in the game can be avoided by jumping and it wouldn’t come naturally to players who haven’t seen the molten fractals. I didn’t really understand what the graphics represented and couldn’t see any color changes mentioned by posters above as hints to timing.
This meant the floor required a timed jump which I think is fine for dungeon runners, who need to time dodges, but is isn’t ok for casuals who may do nothing other than play personal story and living story. The two second timing on most dodges isn’t hidden in the game but it’s not described anywhere either and to my mind it is an exact knowledge of game mechanics that casuals shouldn’t need to know (and from my experiences in CoE I’m guessing they don’t know).
For me personally the difficulty is fine but I can see why some people are having a lot of trouble. Players can always bring a friend along to help them though.
To be fair, the full floor attack can also be dodged(or blurred if you’re a mesmer) so theres ample countermeasures to avoid being hit, I also disagree with you regarding the “2 second timing not being required to know.. casual or not, if you want to beat an encounter then you should be expected to learn how it works.”
I’m with the OP here. I came out naked from the place twice.
Apparently, I’m just a bad player according the the elitists here. Dodging isn’t hard, having enough endurance to dodge every time it is needed is.
I’m confident you had as much, if not more, endurance as I did. I never lacked endurance, yet on neither of the characters I’ve beat the fight on I’ve had vigor or anything else to increase endurance gain.
However it is ofcourse perfectly plausible that you had to dodge more than some of us.. but then it boils down to poor positioning rather than the ability to dodge.
Got him on 3 characters so far, almost got downed once.
Totally knew it. When I did the fight yesterday all I could think off was all the glorious tasty tears that would be flowing on the forums today.
As for the fight itself? It is simple, there are a ton of safe spots to stand in on all attacks and his stomp can easily be either jumped or dodged to avoid.
Was fun tho, will definitly do it again.
Then it is a good thing that it is only 1.5g and 10SP. You get tons of Scrolls of Knowledge from champ bags, so who cares?
You’re missing the point, be it intentionally or not..
The whole system was introduced to offer people a way to progress their character through more unlocks and encourage people to venture out into the various zones and actually do the content. However certain placements on the trait unlocks are horribly missplaced and because of that, the only way to obtain them is to pay for them, which is a dreadful approach.
So no, it isn’t a good thing and quite frankly, unless you grind for the champ bags, you wont be getting “tons of scrolls of knowledge”.
Heh, getting an angeling card was close to impossible, getting a kite in this… not even close by comparison.
The summit is going to be attacked… so unexpected
Nope, wasn’t an attack you saw the beginning off in the trailer, that was Trahearne partycrasher Treesus destroyer of summits claimer of feats defender of the artichokes and leader of the pact, descending upon the summit to ‘help’ out.
If you’ve ever visited Trahearne in his pod in the vale you know full well that he has an rather suspicious poster hanging on one of the walls.. Having spent countless of hours trying to translate it we concluded that the following text was written at the bottom of the poster: “To our devoted fan Treesus // Mordy & Crew”
Alternatively its just mordremoth jumping in on the summit to spam LFG messages, “PVE GUILD MORD & FRIENDS RECRUITING, OUR GOAL IS TO BRING MAYHEM TO TYRIA AND PERHAPS PLANT SOME COOL PLANTS. TS3 required.”
(edited by Lue.6538)
This is basically a topic that when going to transmute something you find a special skin in your wardrobe you had no idea you even unlocked, mostly because of PvP versions of stuff that were added as well. For example a lot of people found they had the rifle precursor skin and were afraid they accidentally salvaged a precursor at some point.
For me, I made a Ranger (I know, LOL), and when checking my shortbow skins I saw I had Feathers of Dwayna available. It’s about 400ish gold right there if I wanted the bow itself. I also had the staff Final Rest as well when I decided to make my Ele staff/support. I know Final Rest is actually pretty cheap, but Feathers of Dwayna is sweet. Quite a surprise.
Found a zodiac sword skin, 2 holographic dragon wings and a scarlet rose skin on one of my alts. Was not disappointed.
This game needs etherfeast / clumsiness mesmers.
You are ignoring the fact that you got a rather large amount of Champion Bags and other stuff when completing the different parts of the release. Those should also be considered.
Here is why: By doing the various pieces of the story, you attained a reward in the form of item X, Y and Z.
The reward he talks about requires you to complete the entire story segment, thus it is separate.
I am curious: Coul you go to Underworld in GW2? I have heard that Underworld is part of Heart of the Mists. In Kryta, there are portals that spawn mobs. Is there a way to reach there in GW2?
All you have to do is leap off the edge of the mists in the proper location, right next to the champion wurm on the northeastern part of the map. Aim for the slightly discolored cloud, you’ll fall right into the underworld.
Am I the only person who has played GW1 that feels that a lot of the lore of the series is being told in a stale manner? The entire Instance with rytlock in the dragons reach was just so dumb. I mean the items were just found lying around in rocks. Whoever the writer is does everything in such a rushed manner. I also don’t feel like there’s anything to do because I liked hunting for my skills in GW1.
I’ve played every content update Anet has given us and I’m not impressed by them at all. They’re getting better, I’ll admit but they shouldn’t have even been this bad in the first place. So far all the game has offered me was map completion, crap dungeons with 5 players that aren’t even fun, a poorly told story compared to my PC from GW1’s story. I would rather pay for an expansion that’s had time taken to develop it to it’s fullest than this 2 week update crap. Could legit guild wars be a thing in the future? Like Guild vs Guild? Is any of this stuff in development maybe? Am I the only one who feels lost to where this game is going?
I think its safe to say that any form of player vs player is simply neglected here so actual GvG, I’d say its unlikely.
As for the story? Dreadful. A truly powerful artifact is scattered into 4 pieces,you get handed 1 and that lets you magically see the other 3.. and those happen to be conveniently located within piles of rocks on location X,Y and Z.. They could’ve easily split up the fragments to be placed with better diversity.. mayhap put 1 in a explorable dungeon?
I think they should put GW1 as Free to Play game now.Gw is almost dead game now that no1 is buying.
A truly remarkable thing to claim, considering you posted it in a topic where someone just bought the game?
droprate seems just fine, picked up 3 so far and I haven’t really put in an effort to grind them.
I’ve been wondering this for a while now, gw2 is based on the appearence/looks of armors and weapons. But why arent there any armors/weapons worth grinding for?
We have got dungeon armors/weapons, most of them look awfull (ac, cm, se, coe), i almost NEVER see people walking around with those armors/weapons.
Cof, TA, and Arah armors look decent, but i’m still missing something.
Cultural armors are nice, but some tier 3 look worse then the cheaper tiers.
Even the armors in gem store (where they can earn alot of money with) arent worth buying.
We can combine armor pieces, but then u probly have colour difference in certain pieces (example TA armor).
Funny.. Out of the 4 you linked as “awful”, I actually like AC, CM and CoE armors. AC and CM because they’re not as ‘over the top’ as most armors and T3 human Heavy is my absolute favourite in the game.
And I must disagree with you on the gemstore, the primeval armor isn’t badlooking and all my light armor characters use the phoenix skin.
Legendary weapons, are nice, but they dont look “legendary”. Some dont even have a glow :o. How come greatswords have 2 options to make, and all the rest only one?
I dont wanna shoot flowers or pony’s with bows xD, or get a discoball that glows.
Why not give players 2 options, at every legendary? so they have a choice which one to make.For a game based on looks, there really isnt much choice
I couldn’t care less if legendaries had a glow or particle effect, but I must agree that they’re just too silly to be interesting.. The one legendary I considered making was the dreamseeker prophecies, and due to shield being a no-go in general, I skipped it.
I suppose that is a matter of opinion.
I read it as it will, some time in the future, be available in other ways.But time will tell.
A matter of interpretation you mean? But look at it like this, I’ll quote the whole thing this time:
“For now, this armor set will only be available to our All-Star competitors, but in the future we’ll be opening up more opportunities for players to win the right to wear this prestigious set. "
“The armor is currently availible from tournament 1 but there will be more chances to ‘win’ the sets further down the line.”
That to me says: This tournament is not the only tournament that will have them as rewards.
That aside tho, it is a shame that they finally make a decent looking armor and they put it behind a gate that only a handful of people will have a chance at getting through.
Hey guys
I’ve been playing this game for quite a while now. I got every class to 30, my warrior to 80 and a thief to 70.
I don’t have much time to play because of my work and I’d love to focus on one class and get good at it. However picking one class is a really, really tough choice. For some reason I constantly find myself jumping to diffrent classes.
What I’m looking for is a mobile class (addicted to swiftness) thats pretty durable , with ranged AoE and some escape mechanism. I mainly play WvW and I like running with zergs or guild groups.
I really, really hate dying instantly in PvE, be it personal story or dungeons and I died alot on my thief, so I switched to warrior. It’s a great class, tough and powerful but I find it kinda bland in comparison to say, ele or engineer. I just can’t decide!Ever had a similiar problem? Maybe you guys could recommend me some specific class/weapon combination?
D/D elementalist, build it for cantrips and start killing stuff. Once you hit 80 with it you’ll be fairly durable since the elementalist favors a celestial armor over the standard assassins/zerker/valkyrie. You’ll have plenty of swiftness availible to you: Swiching to Lightning attunement, Water Skill#4(Frost Aura) and Lightning Skill#3(Shocking Aura).
As you’ll want 2 points in lightning for the D/D Ele, you’ll also end up with a passive movementspeed bonus while attuned to lightning thanks to Zephyr’s Speed.
Personally however I’ve built my characters towards different areas of the game.
And the very thing you quoted did make it sound like you will be able to get them in the future without joining Tournaments. So how is it any different?
Most dungeons does not take 10-30 minutes to complete, and even if they would it takes a rather high number in order to get a full set of armor.And it was added to sPvP rather long after release, so why was it not unfair before that, but now that the things are specific for PvP it is super-unfair even before it is released?
Actually, the way it was worded: "we’ll be opening up more opportunities for players to win the right to wear this prestigious set. "
It sounds more like it is going to be the reward for other tournaments, rather than through some other method.
Well, I did buy a game called Guild Wars 2. So, yes?
Yet, not a single guild war is being fought in it.
First off, Don’t worry about your writing skills, it is all perfectly understandable;)
- Gives players a goal
- Added mechanic to bosses for skill
- Adds more to the game
- A piece of gw1
- Gives us hopes for future ideas
- A experience check
I’d never consider an experience check a good thing, it alienates new players from content as alot of the older players simply go bittervet on them when they join up.
- Hard to learn/confusing for new players (Always a long talk to teach someone)
- Adding to Rings/Infused Feels “clunky”
- Another thing to keep track/craft and spend gold.
- Not Account
The one issue I have with the ascended rings in particular is that they’re not salvagable, the system itself is usually explainable in just 2-3 sentences.
And I think it is a good thing that not all things are accountbound.
Have the Ability to use the +1’s by double clicking (or just using) and add to your account, for a base AR for your whole account, keep the ability to use and add the +1’s together for Infused pieces.An example: to gain your first +1 AR to your Account you will need to use up 10 +1’s, the 2nd one will need 14, +1’s, then 20 +1’s etc.. (I’m just giving out an example these are not actually numbers that would be used).
- Able to take and learn new classes into fotm without worrying about AR, also gives them a reason to try new classes in fotm’s
- Don’t have to worry about gearing and spend lots of time/gold into playing Alt characters (Over all Alt friendly)
- Give’s us another goal to work towards, I love and find the Magic find system works great.
- Gives another reason for the +1’s
- Gives new players and veteran players more incentive to do more/all fotm’s
- My give players less reason’s to get ascended gear on alts
- This might be a pro for Anet, +1’s prices will go up and be steady at a different price.
I hope your suggestion make it in tho, I’d get mighty rich on my +1 ARs
you have a problem with your priory list OP, hekja died in orr, so there’s no way she would be in the new stuff.
Zombie Hekja 2.0
If we’re reincarnating people then I’d gladly get myself some livia, koss and jora into the group.
Those are green drops, but the exact weapons skins are, as follows (same order as above):
http://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/File:Envoy_Sword.jpg(can check my post on the previous page for more realistic/elegant skins)
I really, really, couldn’t care less. I linked the weapons cause those are the ones I happened to have in close proximity.
lulwut? GW2 is just as much about builds as GW1.
No one wins spvp tournaments by slap dashing together random traits and utilities. They win by using very specific combos. The same goes for pve speedclears and wvw zerg fights. You think anyone is going to win with a team of zerker axe rangers in spvp or a wvw zerg that doesn’t use a hammer train?
Even UW/FoE could be beaten with random pug builds if you didn’t care about clearing it any time soon or with DP under 45%. The only stuff in GW1 that absolutely needed specific builds/team comp to do is DoA and GvG/HoH.
The only difference in the two is GW1 was about giving people tons of ways (but only couple good ones) to play 1-2 roles per class where GW2 gives you the option of playing virtually every possible role per class but only 1-2 ways to maximize that classes ability.They both give the illusion of choice but revolve around a small pool of “correct” choices.
Looking through my folder of GW builds I ended up with a total of 85 builds for my paragon, all built towards a particular task in the game. On top of those 85 builds I also have 8 ‘heroways’ of different sorts, all aimed at different tasks.. Clearing UW, DoA, Mallyx.. and so forth. Each of those 8 heroways happen to contain 8 builds.. or 64 builds in total.
On top of those I also had 6 pvp builds and a couple of builds for professions other than my paragon and in the end I sit firmly at just short of 200 builds. My mesmer in gw2 haven’t changed build once. It altered its build when Anet adjusted where certain traits were located in the lines.
Oh and as for not caring about time? There were constantly builds released in gw1, you definitly had a timelimit put in place
Actually, everything above 30 is optional, so it doesn’t matter it’s grinding after that if you only want the skins…
All 50 points are optional, the exception is that beyond 30 you receive no skins, only titles.
You have no way of proving that whatsoever. Personally I don’t even meet even one in one-hundred players that came from the original guild wars.
Hmms, interesting.. I did some numbercrunching and I came to the conclusion that there is a 193.41% chance that you are infact not asking all people you encounter whether or not they transitioned over from GW1 to GW2, not to mention you’re using an anecdote, which has no value in terms of statistics.
I think a big part of what made GW1 feel so diverse is that they let us create entire team compositions.
This is something people tend to forget but the possibility of creating full on teams .. or ‘ways’ as they were called. Creating a full heroway from scratch to complete a very particular task in a certain area was a ton of fun and it required you to specialize heavily to accomplish it. I never feel like I have to do that in gw2, if its not in a instance it can be zerged and if its in an instance it is normally so simplified that any of my characters can do it with their standard composition anyway.
All AP is, is GW2s version of gearscore or itemlevel, sugarcoat it and twist and bend it all you want, but that is what it is.
There is however 1 significant differnce: Whereas you could stack up gearscore/ilvl and expect your superawesome gear to carry you through the content, your AP wont be capable of hiding just how poorly you play.
Infinite Light, Bonetti’s Rapier and the Lovestruck sword to a certain extent are the only good looking swords in this game.
While I agree that these 3 are all nicelooking swords, I can think of afew others that look pretty good. Canes Justice and whisperblade comes to mind.
Personally tho, I’d rather have some of the GW1 weaponskins tho:
Oh you mean like for people that didnt grind gw1 to the ground back then. So after 2 years of playing gw2 they should go grind a completely different game so they can get a reward in this one.
If they want these particular skins then yes, that is what they should do. You’ll also end up with 30 points fairly quickly without putting in any form of grinding, merely trying out the various contents will easily get you to 30. However when you try going above 30, time required quickly snowballs. Personally I gave up on 45/50, simply because it would take me atleast a year to finish up these final 5 points and I’d only be getting an additional title.
Great logic people. On top of that people had exclusive skins for like 2 years. I bet all of the people that answred no in this thread is people who already have all the skins. I also have 80% of the skins unlocked and i think its a terribly selfish attitude to keep. Isnt having fun in a great game for so many years enough for you people, you need extra rewards in a new game that nobody else can get ever.
Anyone that meets the minimum requirements + has an internet connection can get these ‘extra rewards’, they’re not lost in time, if you want them. Work for them. thats what we did.
Yeah playing a game that belongs to the previous generation and its mostly dead atm is a such a great way to get rewards in the game you wanna play.
Gw1 had a fairly small population throughout its entirety, partly because of other MMOs, partly because the way it was structured, either way having played the game I must say that the stories in the game itself was rewarding enough to warrant a purchase, the vast diversity in builds, the actually challenging and strategical combat, was just icing on the pie.
I think people that have the skins are only a minority, rebeling wont do much, just like when they decided to unlock legendary skins, and to be honest i think people that had the same legendary 2ice have a lot more valid reason to complain.
True, but you’re probably part of a minority of players who would even consider buying the skins from the store so what are you going to do if they dont add the skins in? Rebel?
As for the double legendaries, they got a title for it, they worked to craft both these legendaries and I see no difference between them getting that title, or the ones from GW1 roaming the lands with a God Walking Among Mere Mortals title.
I want Kasmeer and Marjory gone. I think their characters are uninteresting.
That leaves with Taimi (with Scruffy), Rox (with Frostbite) and Braham. Now throw in Lord Faren instead of Kasmeer and Marjory, and maybe a completely new character, and I’m all good.
I wouldn’t mind replacing Kasmeer and Marjory with Evon Gnashblade and Captain Weyandt, think I’d keep Taimi, Rox and Braham tho, altho I wouldn’t mind dragging around Trahearne in an effort to get him killed.
Would you rather it be short AND easy?
Not speaking for the OP, but I’d prefer it if the fight were roughly on par with dark souls 2, on ng+, with a melee character.. that doesn’t use a 100% block shield.
That means they’re really good characters, when they can elicit that kinda of response lol.
It is more a feeling of absolute resignation when the characters have been overly exposed for a long time and then in the end was not providing a satisfactory finale.
Scarlets end ended in more or less a complete change of character.
As for Trahearne and Zhaitan, by the way that fight shaped up in the end, I wouldn’t mind him taking credit because the entire thing felt like an absolute joke.
o.O I thought it was one of the more interesting solo bosses we’ve encountered. Not just ‘’stand there and dps and occasionally dodge to win’’
Other than using a sun crystal to break his shield, I just stood there at the center of a platform an DPS’d him. With the occasional dodge ofcourse.
Yes…… you are completely alone.
To finish the story you don’t need jumping at all except 1 jump at the beginning of the story.
I assume you are one of the few zerker guys who liked LS1.
LS2 improved in so many things you can’t even tell all of them.You experience now your own little part of GW2 without having to interact with millions of other players.
Best thing is you can invite friends to do it with you.
The new zone is breathtaking. A desert was really missing so far.There is a reason why thousands of players came back.
If a single one is leaving all of us can live with thatYour post is full of lies.
And would you mind explaining me what do you mean if you blame me lying??
I’m just going to put this here, not that I’m the one who accused you but hey, you were so why not: You’ve got a fight with arvin the chipmunk in “The Cornered” story segment that revolves around jumping, first you need to use the blue power up to get up on the platforms and if you happen to be a melee character you’re also going to have to use the purple power up to get around the 3 platforms that chipmunk constantly rotates between.
So even tho you may not be lying, you’re definitly underplaying the amount of jumping with zephyrite skills that are required to finish the story, ofcourse should you choose to further complete the actual zone, you’re going to do an significantly larger amount of jumping, but that is a whole different story.
Pick which ones are more important.
You don’t have to have everything, really!
I liked two recipes, I bought them and I can sell food made with them. If I need other kinds of food, I will buy it. If someone needs mine, he’ll buy it.
That’s how good economy could work. You shouldn’t really be able to craft and make everything by yourself. You should trade from time to time and interact with other crafters.
That’s why I still think that no traditional GW1 “Trade” option is a big mistake of GW2 developers.
While I do agree with you that it would be nice with some ‘restrictions’ in terms of what you can make and then implement an actual player to player trading mechanic, it is an utterly futile attempt in a game where things are either bound to your account or an utter grindfest.
But you’re wrong when you say I don’t ‘need’ every single recipe, some of us are completionists and we don’t consider something done until we’ve successfully explored and obtained everything. Even this has its limitations ofcourse, no completionist is going to sit and open 20000 buried chests for the odd chance of finding all the skins, unless the skins are their primary goal, but they will definitly open enough chests to get them the nomad recipes.
I’m just throwing this out there.. imagine if.. You can get geodes from another part of the living story further down the road?
Just curious…what do you think of them.
It takes 10 of them just to see you get nothing.
I absolutely loathe them, ever since I showed this particular system to my friend hes been dragging in sand all over the house, sitting at the kitchen table and sifting through it in the hopes of finding trinkets and oddities, so far hes mostly come up with sand but is frustrating when such horrendous ideas ingame spread out into the real world.
- Defeat Three-Toed Tootsie
- Challenge and Spar with Nochtli
- Slay the Colocal Queen
- Defeat the N4-SR before the Inquest can lock their base down
- Even if you don’t go picking up the kites, you can stop the Inquest from doing that
- Clear the Jungle Tendril
- Cull the dust mites
- Defeat the Devourer Queen
- Defeat the dust mite twister
Exploring and Hunting
- Find the Coins
- Lockbox hunting
- Find the Llama in the mine
- Map Completion
- Crafting items
- Jump Puzzle
I like your list good sir! But finding the llama is not much of a feat, I stumbled upon it while searching for coins during the first day. The jumping puzzle is a simple and nice distraction, but it is done in 30seconds flat(60 seconds if we count the run from the prosperity WP.) To craft the new “items” unless you mean the foods ofcourse, you’re going to be ‘lockbox hunting’ as you put it, so surely you shouldn’t separate those 2 entities as the crafting is entirely dependant on you having performed said hunting before to even be viable as an option.
All in all theres not much content in this patch but the one part that bothers me, personally, is the lack of any real rewards from it.
How anyone can listen to Evon’s ambient dialogue in Vigil Keep after Scarlett attacked Lion’s Arch, and still think Evon is a nice guy is beyond me. The guy is terribly greedy, only thinks about himself, and has no regard for his fellow citizens.
A vote for kiel is a vote for dead zephyrites!
You shoulda voted Evon when you had the chance.
Sometimes I don’t understand people. Many of them just rushed through whole story, did everything else following guides, farmed a little bit of materials and say they’re done.
I mean, why not ignore all guides and figure out things by yourselves? Why not talk to NPCs, enjoy the view?
This content, unlike previous, won’t go away. Sit down, take your time, don’t rush and have a good time. We’ll have more in 2 weeks.
Don’t take this the wrong way cause I’m not complaining nor do I feel that I’ve rushed.. I don’t use guides at all but I’m already done with the zone; I’ve found 30 coins, opened about 10-15 chests, found the llama and convinced the skritt to llamafy me.
I had a ton of time to play these past 2 days so I did, finishing up the zone wasn’t such a long endevour but I’ve yet to begin working on the “challenging achievements” that they’ve put in..
In short tho: The amount of content is fine, would I have wanted to see something larger? Sure, but theres enough content to keep people busy for awhile longer and thats good enough. Lets see where they go from here.
I would rather they tagged and had the decency to go to the wp.
problem on pyro..is that they AREN’T helping….one guy had set his reflect to behind the group.. for 3 runs!
Thats not helping.. a reflect every 10 or 15 secs, with 0 dps….is not helping.just using your autoattack on one single skill, is not helping.
His reflect still does more than him just standing there doing nothing, however in my book it is rather self-explanatory that if you already got contribution for the boss and you need to disappear for abit, you make sure you are far enough away as to not scale it up more than necessary.
However a reporting system for “slacking” is utterly absurd and definitly not a solution.
Playing the pavillion content and going AFK is vastly different from playing a sPVP tournament and afking your way through that.
(as to why i replied twice.. using phones… and editing has the tendency to mess posts up.)
Fair enough, it nearly caused me to miss the second reply but fair enough.
There are two separate rounds of layoffs being discussed here (both of them centered around their GA office actually). The recent one (related to WoD MMO) was longer-term fallout of the DUST product not working out well as an income stream. Yargesh is probably referencing the first round; that was fallout from the introduction of their cash shop, and the (valid) ‘concern’ that the game was being positioned to become PtW. The short-term result was a massive falloff in active subscriptions.
[The PtW discussion has not come up as much here, which I consider one of GW2’s better decisions/strengths. Some of their decisions related to Gems are certainly annoying at times,
but I cannot call any of it PtW (go look at Travian for an extreme example to compare with).]
And to clarify my definition of hardcore, reference the statement in my sig. I’m talking about methods that boil down to ‘social engineering’ – and usually are not in-game (i.e. other private websites like Kugu, EveWho, other metadata scanning etc). Most of it is legal within Eve, and even IRL if done correctly (though it does get overzealous at times). I’ve seen some of these same methods (and their counters) used with the upper tier WvW servers – which is why I’m not at all interested in the Tournaments.
Ah yes, but the way Mr. Yargesh phrased it it would appear as if the players within the Eve community were to blame for these layoffs; whereas the way I recall it was that quite abit of the stirr after ‘Monoclegate’ was due to the phony apology letter that CCP presented..
You’re absolutely correct about P2W and the lack of it in gw2.. but personally I do find some of their decisions regarding the gemshop highly questionable.
I do understand your view on hardcore and while I absolutely do agree, I find that things such as the Eves communitys sheer dedication to “goodfites” in the name of bob is far more hardcore, the game may not have rules, but if the players consider something you do crude or just not within the “spirit of the community” they will judge you harshly and swiftly.. Unless you’re a newcommer, in which case they’ll beat you into a bloody pulp, mop said pulp up and shower you with gifts and tips on how to prevent it from occuring again. I’d like to see more of that in games like GW2.
Several people have lost their jobs in Iceland, being open to the whims of the players is no guarantee you will be able to pay your rent.
Oh really? You mean the WoD department, which was scrapped because CCP utterly failed to form a coherent plan for the game and what approach it would be taking?
Or do you mean the simple fact that countless of developers at CCP has left for other companies..
The Eve players aren’t making unreasonable requests either, nor are they to blame for the various individuals who lost their jobs at CCP or elsewhere on Iceland.. But I’m sure you know something I don’t.
I think you also missed the part where I said they were auto attacking a skill. (no wep skill 1) but reflect.
And this can be place on aa, without a target.
maybe the simplest fix here would be to limit aa, to wep skill one only?
That was not said in the post I replied to and there is something seriously wrong with distinguishing between autoattacking and autoattacking.
for the likes of pyro and wiggen, it very much is used to exploit the boss.
Why would you reply to me twice on the same post, in separate posts? As for this: Would you rather have them just stand and scale up the boss nearby after having autoattacked it the 3 times that is required to get contribution for the boss.. or would you rather have them actually use some form of ability to actually contribute DESPITE being afk?
Personally I support a system like Warhammer Onlines, where only a limited amount of players can obtain the gold and silver contributions at any given time, and who gets it is based on several factors: Healing done, damage done.. revives.. and so forth.
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