Showing Posts For Lukin.4061:

The Reason Hotjoin is Unbearable

in PvP

Posted by: Lukin.4061


I see no reason why “casual” played wouldn’t want to win the game if the actual game mechanics promoted it.

TPvP is hard to get into, I only have a single buddy who plays GW2 and it’s not enough to make a team. I want to play sPvP and get good gameplay, I don’t think it’s too much to ask for.

Well the main reason is because wining the game does not give you a reward, that is anywhere near what you can get from just purely killing people. Yes, there are few very good topics in forum about 1×1 2×2 3×3 and how that could solve a problem for lack of enjoyment when you are without a 5 man team. I do not think that sPvP 8×8 will ever become something more difficult than a zergfest – it is tailor made for that…

Why PvP system is hurting and unfair to players.

in PvP

Posted by: Lukin.4061


Yes, I actually agree with everything you have posted:

There must be some modes for less players. I have a team with 4 of my friends, but since we only seldom can be at the same time (work/studies/family, etc.) so there is always a -1 or -2. We do not want to get any random people, we want to have fun in group of people that we know. So usually we go to an empty server, and duel there for an hour or so.

Also the 1×1 2×2 3×3 could be so easily implemented I have no idea why ANet is ignoring the PvP aspect of this game. Some people say it is because it would be unbalanced, since the game is being balanced on 5×5 conquest. Maybe, maybe… But I’d actually rather have an unbalanced duels, 2×2 and 3×3, than nothing at all for smaller groups.

Also if they stick to only conquest mode let me guess, that mesmer+3bunkers+anything will still dominate, especially if the rumors about nerfing burst dmg is true.

The Reason Hotjoin is Unbearable

in PvP

Posted by: Lukin.4061


Well it is a zergfest because it has so many players, and so little room to play in. Most people come to the 8×8 for few reasons:

- To test a new build, that they are planning to use in tpvp
- To farm glory
- To have fun without thinking too much

Well ok actually these are my reasons, but I am sure more than a few people are same.
So as you can see, to win a map is not a priority, if I actually want to try and cap+hold the points, of course I’ll be going to tpvp with my team.

Also if you “…actually playing to win and getting better at the game…” 8×8 is not for you, simply go to tournaments.

P.S. If your suggestions would be implemented I can see a lot of glory farmers just going afk on the first point.

(edited by Lukin.4061)

How are Thiefs getting Nerfed in patch

in PvP

Posted by: Lukin.4061


It is funny when people complain about thief burst dmg while doing nothing to prevent it If they nerf the bs dmg, then all truly powerful builds will become more common (like bleeders or dazers) – that will become a scary day for those that are still having problems with backstabs.

so you always have full endurance and your defensive abilities are never on cooldown? you are beyond pro sir.

Well if I get ambushed without endurance and defensive utilities on cd most of the classes can kill me in a few second: war/thief/ele/mesmer/ even ranger have burst builds to kill unprepared people fast. Its just strange that only a burst thief gets most of the qq, yet being one of the weaker builds for this class.

Everyone needs to l2p, except for Thieves

in PvP

Posted by: Lukin.4061


This topic again – search, pick any Thieves are OP :’( topic, and post your comment there.



I stand corrected

in Necromancer

Posted by: Lukin.4061


Happened to me yesterday twice. The situation:

I was fighting in spvp a thief and an elementalist on a point, downed them both, first i went to finish a thief. After he died the minion spawned, and till I ran to finish ele he used his walk ability. During the ability my minion died, but after that mist walk ended ele was not in downed state, he actually was alive and very surprised.

Well I can say it was not very surprising to me, having traits that hinder you is what necromancer is all about I guess…

How are Thiefs getting Nerfed in patch

in PvP

Posted by: Lukin.4061


It is funny when people complain about thief burst dmg while doing nothing to prevent it If they nerf the bs dmg, then all truly powerful builds will become more common (like bleeders or dazers) – that will become a scary day for those that are still having problems with backstabs.

Where can I find “Shark Token” in sPvP?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Lukin.4061


You get tokens from your rank lvl 0-10 = rabbit, lvl 10-20 = deer, lvl 20-30=dolyak, so shark is maybe lvl 50+

Some changes for Necromancer.

in Necromancer

Posted by: Lukin.4061


You can hope and suggest things, but I have lost faith in devs, to add something new/fix everything old, because they have not really changed anything since beta weekend #2.

Ontopic: blink would make the necromancer at least on the same page as other caster classes, so +1.

Necromancer staff #1 skill "necrotic grasp"

in Necromancer

Posted by: Lukin.4061


Clearly the sound effect needs to be much louder so our enemies can hear it from the other side of the zones/maps and be more of a screeching sound, plus make projectile faster and AoE.. Akin to this WW2 weapon.

That way you know there’s a Necromancer in the area and you better run!

I would actually prefer this sound in comparison to the current one…

Slow Motion pvp!

in PvP

Posted by: Lukin.4061


If you want slow motion, play necro, his attacks are like in the MATRIX : O

GW2 PVP Feedback [Merged Topics]

in PvP

Posted by: Lukin.4061


Then I misunderstood him. Well he can still get the same appearance, that he has since all the armor sets are still available – just needs to get some rank or play tpvp and get items that way.

GW2 PVP Feedback [Merged Topics]

in PvP

Posted by: Lukin.4061


1. You can take any character – old or new into tPvP, just join mists, get instant lvl 80, check vendors for gear and play..

This is actually my #1 objection. I don’t want just any character, I want MY character with MY gear and MY spec. Even LOL gets it, no idea why Anet misses such fundamental MMO concept.

Yes, even playing field is nice, but not to the point that in breaks immersion/continuity to such great degree.

If you want to have a gear that gives you an advantage, go play wow – gw2 is truly not for you. It IS one of the best part in spvp, that there is no gear grinding, all are equal and only skill in controlling your charachter shows who is better. But you can get your spec still, since you have all utilities and trait points to spend.

GW2 PVP Feedback [Merged Topics]

in PvP

Posted by: Lukin.4061


1. I can’t take my character into tPvP
2. There are no tPvP rewards that would help me advance my character (that I know of)
3. Whole zerg control points tPvP does not appeal to me.

1. You can take any character – old or new into tPvP, just join mists, get instant lvl 80, check vendors for gear and play.
2. There are rewards that cosmetically advance your character – you know, that gear that you can get from reward chests
3. You say zerg does not appeal to you, yet you play wvw? Actually tPvP is based on team play, you rarely zerg one point with a team, usually you communicate and position members in different places.

(edited by Lukin.4061)

Are Bug Fixes Coming in the November 16th Patch?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Lukin.4061


Probably will be getting 3-5 fixes like in previous 2 updates, and maybe some nerfs…

GW2 PVP Feedback [Merged Topics]

in PvP

Posted by: Lukin.4061


Mostly agree with every point made in video, I am actually afraid that the poor (actually VERY poor) development on PvP can kill this game – almost nothing was added from the first beta, everything aimed towards pve crowd. With such good mechanics ingame, no healers, all have equal gear, all have to block/dodge themselves, not some kind of % from stats, varied classes, its insane how poorly they handle pvp.

Warrior Underpowered

in PvP

Posted by: Lukin.4061


I have to disagree – warriors probably are the best balanced class at the moment. They can do melee dps, they can do range dps, they can play as a support, or they can be a tank. But on every build you have to have something that you become weak against.

Other classes are unbalanced, war does not need a buff or a nerf.

SUGGESTION : Rated Arenas

in PvP

Posted by: Lukin.4061


I am saying that a balanced team made from different proffesions (necro/thief/engy) for example would be better against 3 same classes (war/war/war). Also if the stacking still occurs a lot, they can simply put a cap of 1 class per team, like many other games have done.

I dont get it, need advise here

in PvP

Posted by: Lukin.4061


Bleeder thief is a lot better in tpvp and even for regular 8×8, since you have more survivability, you stack bleeds insanely fast, they do huge dmg per tic, also you heal a lot in stealth.

Why people play pvp? Because it is the only place that actually requires skill to win so it is more fun for people who like competition and getting better, not outgearing or zerging the opponent like in wvw. PvE is a huge waist of time, not PvP.

SUGGESTION : Rated Arenas

in PvP

Posted by: Lukin.4061


“Obviously they will need to lower burst if this were to be the focus point of their balance, because it would just be 3 thieves, 3 warriors, etc.”

Nope, it would not be, since if they split dmg they would not burst anyone, since you know, they are easy to avoid, or if they focus on one target to burst him down, they still could get CCed away, blocked, retaliated, blinded, etc. So actually I would be happy to meet a team like that in arena mode, as much as I like to meet 3 thieves in tpvp…

P.S. If they wanted an esport, they should have made updates and patches aimed towards pvp, not pve. Now they have a PvP with as little as possible changed from beta, so the least they can do is give more modes, more maps, add duels, and just leave it like that, hoping for more people to become interested in pvp, then and only then they can try to make it an esport, since player base is very small now…

(edited by Lukin.4061)

A PvP only MMO Experience

in PvP

Posted by: Lukin.4061


I partially agree with OP – a mmorpg that is aimed towards becoming an esport MUST be focused only on PvP, the PvE aspect can be ingame, but it should be rudimentary.

Currently in Gw2 its the other way around – all the updates were aimed towards the PvE, PvP is in the same state as it was from first beta (well minimap is now square and they added paid tournaments, that they should have done on release) which is mind boggling, who cares about that kitteny pve anyway? Killing mobs that every time do the same thing, how that can be called skill I have no idea. To note I’ve been in most dungeons, you do not need skill, just memorization and patience to pass it.

If Gw2 is still trying to become something great as a pvp game and not just mob grind for nabs with good graphics, the devs should just ignore the impact of pvp balancing towards the pve “balancing” (actually who complains about a char being OP in PvE – the mobs?) and put ALL the attention into expanding and balancing PvP.


in PvP

Posted by: Lukin.4061


I agree, something must be done to pvp, they should add duels, more modes for fewer people, more modes for 5 people, more maps, more everything. The amount of ignorance in the pvp field from developers is strange to me, especially if the plan was to go as an esport and yet all updates were aimed towards pve crowd that enjoy killing mobs…

List of the un-Fun elements of Downstate

in PvP

Posted by: Lukin.4061


“Burst will be addressed in the upcoming patch, and it’s not like you don’t/won’t have the tools to mitigate/dodge/evade dps spikes. What then, the down state’s only there to piss us off?”

You do know if they say it will be addressed, it does not mean it will be removed somehow (and it does not actually guarantee it will be addressed, but that is another topic)? And yes – every class has tools to deal with dps burst, but these tools are more viable at 1×1, not group fights, let me give you an example:

So lets say necromancer in the beginning of the match goes to center point with 2 allies and meet up with 3 enemies. Since necromancer has no life force at the start of the match and everybody knows that, he gets focused first. Also he has very little utility skills to prevent incoming dmg (well of blindness if they are too stupid to stand in it lasts few seconds, and spectral armor, that is on 90 sec cd). So because he also lacks mobility to escape necromancer has his hp down to 0 in couple of seconds. With downed state he can be quickly ressurected by his 2 allies and continue fighting and getting more life force to get the only ability that is not bad for soaking up dmg, without it he is dead, waiting for respawn, and there is a big chance you will loose the center point since enemy now outnumbers you 3 to 2 in few seconds of the match.

Some may disagree with me, but still if there would be no downed state the burst classes with focus targeting would reign supreme (and no – I do not think that after this patch burst dmg will be somehow removed or changed whatsoever).

“a) give all classes the ability to heal others at full life in 2 sec (healers) . Like the Guardian ulti that can aoe heal all ppl , without cd .”

There MUST be no healers in this game, its the one of the main things that makes pvp interesting – no unskilled player is rewarded just because he has a pocket healer, like it is in other games like wow…

(edited by Lukin.4061)

List of the un-Fun elements of Downstate

in PvP

Posted by: Lukin.4061


This topic again… Downed state is there to prevent dps spikes on single target and to add more strategy in pvp. Usually the players that complain about this are the ones that do not play any tpvp, or just go with random ppl there to get killed.

Also: 4. Teams/players are using downstate to grief people “strategically.” They don’t stomp you, they just let you sit in a constant low hp in downstate and you can’t do a thing about it.

You can do something – STOP HEALING YOURSELF. Also it is a risky strategy, since you are potentially keeping an enemy near you who can be ressurected by his allies anytime.

Warrior Rarely Loses in a Downed V. Downed

in PvP

Posted by: Lukin.4061


“Just CC and move away? Did you not read the part about the 5 sec of invulnerability?

and how is it not a revive? he was down, now he’s up without anyone’s help, and not only that he’s invulnerable, and when traited just needs to kill something to survive the vengeance effects? Oh, and his HB is off CD, he’s probably got Frenzy ready as well, adn the would be stomper is standing right in front of him still trying to stomp before he can pop vengeance. give me a kittening break."

Yes, people like this are the ones that usually cry in forums about thieves, wars, or any other profession…

How is this not a revive? You dodge his bull charge if he has one and run away for few seconds in an opposite direction and he dies without even dmg you – even if he downs you in lets say 5 seconds, he still will probably die faster than he can finish you. If you are quick you also have enough time to finish downed warrior 2x times before he uses his #3. Also you do not need stability to finish him in the first place, since his #2 animation is very noticeable and you can actually stop+dodge it to end war even quicker.

P.S. Necro has stability from DS, or canceling elite skills that gives you 15 sec of stability.

(edited by Lukin.4061)

So is necro good?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Lukin.4061


Pretty much inferior to any other class in game:

- Mesmers are better as summoners
- Thief can stack conditions faster and do more dmg per tic
- Almost any other class can dish out better physical dmg when traited for it
- The buggiest class ingame
- Very little build variation
- Stunbreakers are not that good since plague signet “fix”

The only thing that is unique and useful to this class is the ability to transfer conditions from allies to enemies (with signet of plague and staff). So that is my opinion about my class.

I stand corrected

in Necromancer

Posted by: Lukin.4061


keep in mind this is one time out of hundereds of matches using that trait

Well jagged horrors usually die too quickly for enemies to target them, lets hope devs don’t think about “fixing” it and prolonging its death, by 10+ sec…

New necromancer needs some advice

in Necromancer

Posted by: Lukin.4061


Well I would suggest to trait as a condition based necromancer – it is a good way to lvl up, since with utility skill epidemic, you can actually just focus on the strongest mob in a group and the rest will die from condition spreading.

The main idea in my opinion is to use staff + Scepter*focus, since focus has the ability to stack vuln. fast. But if you are like me and do not like running slow, get warhorn for traveling (locust swarm gives a nice running speed boost).

Traits are mostly important in the second trait line from the top, since it is made for conditionmancers, put 30 points in there. Other points could go based on utility skills you like to use, I would suggest maybe wells, since mobs are not smart enough to not stand in them. When I was lvling up my necromancer, I used minions, but they suck, would not suggest it. The only minion that is ok is an elite flesh golem – he is the only minion that has self regeneration out of combat, also 45 sec mass knockback.

(edited by Lukin.4061)

Warrior Rarely Loses in a Downed V. Downed

in PvP

Posted by: Lukin.4061


Ranger has an AOE stun with 1~k dmg + they can rez themselves with a pet – in my opinion it is not pointless, it is up there with one of the better ones.

For example necromancer – 1 second fear on 1 target + a poison aoe as a 3 that does not do any dmg (mesmers #3 ability hits for 6k~ on some targets).

Wars down state is almost as weak as necros – if 2 people start finishing you, there is no way to survive, since stun is also a single target. The rally is only good if you are both downed, and no allies nearby at all so after 8 seconds he can walk up and stab you, but in tpvp I have never seen a warrior get to do that – its simply far too easy to finish them.

Greatsword should be another weapon for necromancer

in Necromancer

Posted by: Lukin.4061


I would suggest using punctuation more, because it is not very easy to read a 7 lined sentence.

I have to agree, that necromancer lacks a pure burst build, although full power build with dagger*focus/axe*warhorn or dagger does a pretty decent dmg, since you can stack vuln. on enemies very fast (focus and well = ~15 stacks in few seconds). The greatswords 5 ability is in my opinion overpowered, since blocking every 5 sec + added toughness + deatshroud would create a huge defense capabilities, not to mention when stacking utility skills like wells/armor with the 2nd option that adds healing and regeneration.

Abuse in "1 on 1 arena"

in PvP

Posted by: Lukin.4061


Why should he be capable of ‘handling abuse’? There is no excuse for it whatsoever. So after receiving a childish abusive tirade from a stroppy teenager he should have just apologised for disturbing them and left? Great way to encourage anti social behaviour don’t you think? If they had explained the situation to the OP politely I am sure he would have been more than happy to accomodate them.

How about stop being such a kitten and do not expect that all the people on the internet will be pleasant… Why should he be capable of handling the abuse? Because if you can’t teach yourself (create a “mental armor”) to ignore idiots on the internet, you will have less opportunities to have fun while being there. Since there is no physical consequences for being a kitten online (unless you have the skill and funds to trace ip/go to other city or country/punch him in the face) you have a pretty big chance to sometimes meet them.

What to do with glory.

in PvP

Posted by: Lukin.4061


There is a list where all the items up to rank 50 are. Check it out, to see what items you would like to have, and spend your glory on that tier. Its just cosmetic stuff, so there is no better skins.

Greatsword should be another weapon for necromancer

in Necromancer

Posted by: Lukin.4061


Interesting suggestion, but I would suggest stop your fantasies – necromancer is a forgotten class, with countless bugs, and adding your great sword would actually mean that more then conditionmancer is viable in pvp, and that is just not what devs planned for our profession.

Also I think your ability #5 is a bit too overpowered. Also #4 is just insane, why should we get summons from weapons, that is for mesmers, we need to use all our utilities to create minions.

Is Minion master ok by now?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Lukin.4061


The AI is getting bugged all the time, they do not get out of combat regenerations, so minions are ok in low lvling areas, since they can tank a bit better there, when you get higher lvl drop this build, go condition with epidemic.

Good that you are not planning to do wvw or spvp, because full mm necro will almost always get targeted first (most people already know that we have 0 useful utilities then).

P.S. If you want to be a minion focused player, go and create a mesmer, the summons he has (from weapons i may add, not from utilities) are a lot better than anything necro can do now.

(edited by Lukin.4061)

Thief steal

in PvP

Posted by: Lukin.4061


If you get killed by a thief in 1 sec all the time as a necro, roll something easier – like a retal/block spamming guardian. Actually necromancer is probably one of the hardest targets to kill for a bs thief.

Also don’t know if you have noticed, but warrior saying “Fear me” has even longer fear duration than necro and even rangers pet wolf has 2x duration in comparison to us.

Why the difficulty to learn your class?

in PvP

Posted by: Lukin.4061


Agree – duels should have already been ingame and must be implemented as soon as possible.

Abuse in "1 on 1 arena"

in PvP

Posted by: Lukin.4061


The lack of dueling in this game is very disappointing for most of the players, so they have to get to empty servers and duel that way. Do not go to servers with a strange amount of people (2 for example), let them have their fun, and you can even try dueling yourself – its a great way to get a lot more skillful at pvp.

Will we be seeing any [actual] PVP content anytime soon?

in PvP

Posted by: Lukin.4061


When playing beta I actually thought they are not showing the whole pvp content, to keep it a surprise when the game is released. Well I got my surprise, when after release NOTHING was added.

Also I agree with OP, it seems that Gw2 is aimed towards PvE mob grinding crowd, since there is almost 0 things done to improve pvp (well except paid tournaments, but that should have been on release, not 2 months after), but a lot of fixes/additions to pve, like for example a kittening halloween event…

is the spvp community too small to grow into esport?

in PvP

Posted by: Lukin.4061


I liked one suggestion that was posted in forum:

To make a PvP only digital gw2 edition for like 20$ or so. It will not only increase the current pvp player base, but also would potentially add more players overall (if they would like this PvP version, either could buy a full digital version with gems from tpvp, or buy it normal way).

Also ontopic: AN in my opinion made a lot of mistakes at the release of the game and few weeks after, they should have given 90% attention to pvp – adding paid tournaments, ranking, duels, maybe other modes of PvPing, instead of working the first updates towards pve, and only after that doing something with PvP, since as an esport-aimed game pve is not the main draw of customers base.

(edited by Lukin.4061)

Thief has better health syphon than the necromancer.

in Necromancer

Posted by: Lukin.4061


Well if I am not mistaken, a D/D ele siphons even more hp per hit than a thief (haven’t played it for a long time, but about ~120 i think?), also you forgot to mention GS guardian that heals slightly more than necromancer. But actually its not the vampiric type of skills that are the ones that bother me, it is actually our fear, as you all may have noticed, we have the worst fear of any other profession – thief steals our fear makes it aoe, for 3 sec, war has his fear bomb for 4 seconds i believe, even rangers pet wolf has a better fear in comparison to our…

want to play with friend

in PvP

Posted by: Lukin.4061


1. Get more friends = register a full team (or atleast 80%) to tpvp, its not a pub, its made for teams.
2. I have no idea why are you having trouble playing in spvp with your friends, join a server that has 5-8 people, then your friends can join you via friend list in couple of seconds.
3. It would be insane if they allowed you to join as a party and get in one team for spvp, how about i get my 6 friends and we keep farming 8×8 servers, what fun would it be for other team?

Minion Master.....OP TPVP

in Necromancer

Posted by: Lukin.4061


If you want retaliation, get an axe, see mesmer with clones and phantasms, run to him, press 3 = 15-20 sec of retaliation.

But still an interesting tactic to buff your allies (only usually there are not so many of them at one place especially in tpvp).

The current 8v8 meta....

in PvP

Posted by: Lukin.4061


Well no actually I do not play any bunker because in my opinion they are the least fun classes in any game (that does not have healers since there is nothing more boring than healing). Thief is not my main, I use it for spvp and rarely in the first map of tpvp to steal boss. My main class is necromancer, and not anti bunker, but a condition mixed with power for spvp and generic condition for tpvp (because cleansing DoTs from allies is a useful skill to have). Another random picture that proves nothing, but with a necro perspective:

P.S. I also do not think that any other “glass” build is somehow inferior to thief – you just need to avoid its primary burst by stunbreaking the basilisk venom and dodging. Also that mystical 1.5 sec is a long time to react to something, or maybe most of you have never played FPS games, where you need to react in milliseconds, not second…


(edited by Lukin.4061)

The current 8v8 meta....

in PvP

Posted by: Lukin.4061


Well, since there are a lot of 8×8 games running all the time it has a high probability to sometimes have a weird amount of single class, but in my experience its not that usual to get more thieves, its either mesmers or guardians. So while I’m here lets put some random screenshot that does not prove anything:


I'd rather have reanimator disabled until a fix is ready.

in Necromancer

Posted by: Lukin.4061


I have a suggestion: maybe removing them from minor traits into major traits and people who like them can take them and other 95% will choose something else?

Where is the Morbidity of death?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Lukin.4061


I actually do not think that necromancer was planned in this game at all and here is why:

- Agree with Nubirak, that necromancers should be especially useful in current story line (undead rising and you are without any additional knowledge?), also I was actually expecting something different while interacting with main npcs for every class, like d2 did.
- There is absolutely minimal effort put into creating a necromancy theme in weapon skills (stabbing with daggers, slashing with axes or waving at the air with scepter has nothing to do with rituals, curses or anything necromancers are related to)
- The minions look strange and out of place in my opinion, but that is just because I have expected some kind of “usual” undead minions instead of skinless rabbits/rats, scorpions, some kind of badgers with skulls for a head.
- The massive amount of bugs
- The devs ignorance towards necromancer forum (play a game “Lets find a red post in necro forum” and compare the results with any other “better” class)
- Traits are sometimes even hazardous to use (the best example – jagged horror), also are not that well working together

Overall I do not feel as a necromancer, just some kind of crazy wizard that instead of casting spells runs towards you and tries to stab you with a knife. Nothing differentiates me from other classes, the main attack is bleed stacking, that is done better by most other classes (thief/ranger), minions are useless (mesmers are a lot better in AI and dmg), death shroud is basically a “block small amount of dmg” button.

Arguments why I still use my necromancer in pvp is basically because rarely I meet any other one, so not many people know things I can do, also in Tpvp removing conditions from allies is quite useful, but thats all…

no patch today?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Lukin.4061


Its strange, that they actually come here to lock the topics instead of coming here and talking to people – I cant seem to find red post in this forum for 13 pages…

Suggestion: Fix For Moa Morph

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lukin.4061


How about it could be broken with stunbreak, like basilisk venom (a thief elite stun that actually lasts 1.5 sec instead of moas 10)?

Paid Tournaments: Can we blame them?

in PvP

Posted by: Lukin.4061


“Organized teams didn’t flock to the challenge of facing competent rivals, instead they stayed to stomp on pick up groups.”

Can you give some kind of proof, because I actually did not notice that, now in free tournaments even on last map I usually meet random teams (different guild tags, same professions and builds that don’t work well together)?

Unbalance between dps and support make pvp not fun.

in PvP

Posted by: Lukin.4061


There is no question: healing should NOT (!) be higher in this game, if they would implement that it will become another generic game: we already have bunkers (tanks) and dps, we do not need people to start healing allies like crazy, because healers ruin pvp in games – all your mistakes are forgiven if you go with a pocket healer, and on the other hand sometimes even playing without any mistakes will get you to loose if enemy simply outheals you (best example wow 2×2 arenas, double dps unless creating a perfect CC chain will most probably loose against the same skill healer+dps team).