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Warrior Healing Signet Nerf?

in Warrior

Posted by: MiLkZz.4789


I wonder if could be a good idea to make HS to scale better with healing power so that a warrior should make a tradeoff between damage and great sustain.
Anyway don’t forget that to use cleansing ire you have to land the burst skill and unfortunately only hammer and longbow are easy to hit (well comburstive shot always hit).

Meh, healing power is a terrible skill and many warrior builds go atleast 20 into defense, giving them 200 healing power, up to 300 if they go all the way. Making it scale better wouldn’t change much and just nerf the zerker builds who are already at a disadvantage having worse condi clearing. People who just be satisfied with the 300HP. And it would make troll warrior regen builds stronger (not that they have much use tho)

And I know, this would add some skill into the warrior. There are many ways to set up an eviscerate, use flurry or even GS F1 in different situations. A good player lands most of his F1s doesn’t matter with which weapon. And people complain warrior is to easy to play. I would love to see the badies get owned by condis ^^.

Warrior of [VcY], guild from Seafarer’s Rest
First troll to receive 10/10
Best golem driver EU

Warrior Healing Signet Nerf?

in Warrior

Posted by: MiLkZz.4789


8% is deserved, but anything more would be to much. People asking for a bigger nerf are stupid. I have read many threads about this subject and I agree that Anet makes a good call on this one. ICD of 7s for cleansing ire would make us perfectly balanced. Like one of the most balanced classes there are.

You’ll notice 8% but not in such a degree that it will ruin builds. And please don’t compare single out heals with each other. There are a ton of different factors you need to take into account. So many I don’t even bother to list them unless requested.

Warrior of [VcY], guild from Seafarer’s Rest
First troll to receive 10/10
Best golem driver EU

A Complete List of WvW Bugs (FOR ANET)

in WvW

Posted by: MiLkZz.4789


37- Personal favorite: You kill the guards, take down the wall, kill the lord and get a bag, fend of defenders trying to contest the circle and STILL you don’t get the cap. A very vague guess might be that you have a micro lag right before you cap it making it look like you weren’t there. But very vague tho.

Warrior of [VcY], guild from Seafarer’s Rest
First troll to receive 10/10
Best golem driver EU

Immobilized for what seems like hours

in WvW

Posted by: MiLkZz.4789


They should have never make it a stacking ability. That made roots OP, just spam them. You don’t need brains anymore to use them. You can’t overwrite the longest one anymore, so yea they are broken.

Warrior of [VcY], guild from Seafarer’s Rest
First troll to receive 10/10
Best golem driver EU

A Complete List of WvW Bugs (FOR ANET)

in WvW

Posted by: MiLkZz.4789


7- When rooted in the air (I think) you can get stuck on the same spot, unable to move eventho you are not stunned/rooted. You have to /dance to get out of it.

8- The infinite dodge bug. I think it is when you try to pick up a fiery greatsword for example but someone was just a little bit faster than you. You have to faceplant/die/take siege to get rid of it

9- When getting knocked of siege equipment while turning it, it keeps turning in that direction without stopping eventho nobody is on it.

10- Mesmers can glitch through any gate in WvW

11- When entering a golem (alpha or omega) some boons get stripped off, this seems to happen randomly as sometimes my movement speed gets removed and sometimes it stays on

12- When manning siege (ACs), and you have free camera, you still get turned into the direction the siege is pointing at. It shouldn’t reset the camera.

13- When banner the lord right after the enemy caps the tower/keep, the circle stays up. It can immediately be recapped if the lord is lured out of the circle. Works everywhere except SM.

14- When autotargetting is disabled and your leaps go in the direction you are looking at if you don’t have a target. When you deselect a target and use a leapskill, you sometimes still jump backwards towards the deselected target. It even happens when targetting an allied player. Died 100x of times like this.

15- Righteous indignation on lords/supervisors sometimes stays on even after it ran out because of lag. Very annoying.

16- Dolyak position lag when he walks back towards the camp, have to use leap skills and a knockdown to reveal his true location.

17- Sometimes when you waypoint back you get a ‘falling’ effect making you unable to move. You have to waypoint again to get out of it.

18- Sometimes you stay stuck in combat way longer than normal. Sometimes up to 30s after your party members got out of it.

19- Sometimes when dropping a ram to close to a gate it gets ‘eaten’, your blue print disappears from inventory but does not appear on the ground.

20- Sometimes when throwing down a ram at a certain location close to the gate, it drops at point blank. Making it not hit the gate if build.

21- Inner watergate garrison, the ram weakness does not apply on the gate.

22- When capping woodhaven, some people get teleported underneath the lordsroom inside the structure straight after the cap. Unable to get out they have to port home. Might happen to other towers aswel, don’t know.

23- When running over the inner bridge at hills, you sometimes get teleported off (even when not in combat, very rare). This is caused by lag.

24- When running over the bridge of inner hills or dawns and the structure gets capped, you can get stuck inside the bridge. Again unable to get out.

25- Repairing walls/gates and getting stuck inside them

26- Running through gate or broken wall when structure gets capped and getting stuck inside those. Definitely not fun when someone leaves his golem inside the broken wall and it gets stuck inside the stairs

27- Coyotes sometimes don’t respawn on certain borders. Roamers use them to get stacks.

28- When taking down the east SM wall (I think it is that one) with catas, the health is sometimes completely gone and you get exp, but the wall is still there and you are unable to move through. Doesn’t always happen.

29- You can build siege on certain points inside the invulnerable zone. Especially a few at the citadel. People building trebs there that can barely be countered.

30- The invulnerable spot at the south-west supply camp, you drop down from the hill but still have 1 spot where you stay invulnerable.

31- When a camp flips and you are standing on the supply depot, you can get stuck inside the stack of supplies. You are unable to get out. I think you can get out when it gets emptied again.

32- Sometimes a stunbreaker that gives stability aswel does not break stuns. And sometimes you get stunned while having stability. Very rare bug, not sure what is causing it.

33- Random server crashes when you get booted back to the character select page. Often has nothing to do with your own internet (I checked for hick ups and such). No idea what is causing this either.

34- Sometimes you just drop dead, you are out of combat in open field nothing close and you die, no down state. Happened 2-3 times to me and know of few others to whom it happened aswel. Hasn’t happened in quite some time now so might be fixed.

35- When using a cannon, mostly backwards and you are shooting right over the ledge, you can often hit positions with the ‘1’ but not with the ‘2’ or ‘3’. Not sure if this is intended but if it is I think it is pretty weird.

36- You can get inside EVERY enemy spawn, even the citadel. You can’t kill anyone tho. This shouldn’t get fixed IMO. It is funny and allows some friendly teasing.

What I can come up with right now. There are more.

Warrior of [VcY], guild from Seafarer’s Rest
First troll to receive 10/10
Best golem driver EU

(edited by MiLkZz.4789)

The OverPowered Warrior Experiment

in Profession Balance

Posted by: MiLkZz.4789


Let’s look at the thiefs I consider good players:

-Thief 1: 4k+ hours on thief, only duels in OS and PvP, sometimes solo roams. Never had any troubles with any warrior build what so ever. A little bit with hambow, but little bit like in 5-1 win ratio.

-Thief 2: don’t know how many hours played, but reported never to have any troubles with warriors either. Says they are tanky and takes time to kill, but die they will. Only lost from warrior when making few stupid mistakes in a row

-Thief 3: again don’t know how many hours, solo roams a lot in WvW 1vsX. Says he’ll test if warrior is bunker or not, if bunker he’ll go for him last. Calls them easy to kite and does not recall dieing to them.

Now look at some bad thiefs I know with bad speccs and that don’t really know their class.

-Thief 1: complains about high damage and stunlock and that he can’t out DPS their healing signet.

Well, you see what I am going to? Warrior is good against bad players and equally skilled players. But if you are both pro or atleast your enemy, the warrior WILL lose and pretty hard even. Warrior is the ultimate noob stomper. But can’t or can barely compete with the big 1vs1ers up there (thief/mesmer/engi/necro).

Warrior of [VcY], guild from Seafarer’s Rest
First troll to receive 10/10
Best golem driver EU

When did we become " OP"?

in Warrior

Posted by: MiLkZz.4789


I want to make 1 remark…

People do your research before posting in a thread, pretty much everyone complaining about warriors comes with false incorrect data rendering their posts useless and worthless. I like to see discussions like this, but you are looking at completely the wrong things and things you are saying aren’t true either. So please, do some research and get the correct numbers.

That being said, here is what I would do to warrior:
1) ICD of 7s on cleansing ire
2) Rush range decrease to 900
3) HS reduction with 8%

Done, I play a lot on warrior and duel a lot aswel. I fought other warriors too and hammer is so easy to dodge, come on. With the changes I mentioned, you can’t complain about warriors anymore. They’ll be inline with any other class.

Warrior of [VcY], guild from Seafarer’s Rest
First troll to receive 10/10
Best golem driver EU

When did we become " OP"?

in Warrior

Posted by: MiLkZz.4789


I would say a class is OP when it can get 3 of the main stats over 2k points … in sPvP, without signets (yes the bunker build I tryed had 2k+ Power, 2k+ Toughness and 2k+ Vitality, I ran with Mace + Shield and Hammer and guess who ppl coulnd’t kill? Me)

These stats with you actual regen and condi cleanse, not to mention the amount of knockback and stuns you can have while doing fine damage … Idk but I would say you are kinda OP, but thats just me.
Also going to WvW underlvl (at 40+) and getting over 10k Hundred Blades on Champs when I’m not stacked. Not OP at all.

So you ONLY look at a class his stats to decide he is OP or not. Not at his individual skills? How they work? Cast times? Cooldowns? Dmg modifiers? Which skill you can take in combination with others? Not the skill animations? How easy they are dodged? Not at how damage is mitigated (blocks/stealth/protection)? Skill synergy? How a class performs against other, counters and weaknesses? What fields he has and how many blasts?

You see, this game has a lot more depth than ‘just stats’. If you would only look at stats than warrior would be worst of the worst. Warrior does not own fancy dmg negation skills. We don’t have fields we can swap out and blast depending if we need CC, might or healing. We don’t have great skill synergy. The only synergy you can come up with is the stunlock combo and that only works against new players and people who don’t want to get good in this game. Warrior do not have skill combos that wtf roflstomp players in 1-2 seconds. We have easy to see, well telegraphed skills that are enormously easy to dodge or step out from. We have to balance CC and damage to kill our targets and it always takes some time. (don’t include eviscerating upscaled, talking against decent players here).

Believe me, ICD of 7s on cleansing ire and HS nerf of 8% and nobody can complain warrior is OP without making a fool out of himself.

Warrior of [VcY], guild from Seafarer’s Rest
First troll to receive 10/10
Best golem driver EU

Is tagging keeps a tactic or griefing?

in WvW

Posted by: MiLkZz.4789


Tactic, making the enemy port to their spawn so they have a longer distance to run can change the face of a battle. Like tagging a keep then go for a tower can make the reinforcements arrive to late.

So definitely a tactic.

Warrior of [VcY], guild from Seafarer’s Rest
First troll to receive 10/10
Best golem driver EU

Nerf Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: MiLkZz.4789


With full zerker armor you get 3k armour 20k hp and still deal tons of damage plus that BS healing signet healing 600 hp/sec. Just go perplexity, don’t even wear weapons, just spam bull charge. You win.

Now let’s break this down after we fixed the spelling.
1) Full zerker armor will give you somewhere around 2.1k armor 19k health
2) Healing signet gives 392health/s without healing power
3) Perplexity runes are a niche rune for a warrior and only perform well when heaving a lot of condition damage. Condition damage is strong but this is because of the way how conditions scale and work and have nothing to do with the warrior as a class.
4) Bull’s Charge is not a spammable skill, it has a 40s CD and misses often. It is really easy to see and to dodge. I can’t remember the last time I got hit by it.
5) Warrior has been nerfed for 4-5 patches in a row, he only got 3 significant buffs to: healing signet/dogged march/cleansing ire.

So believe it or not, warriors dealt A LOT MORE damage a year ago than they do now. Only people just now started to complain.

Warrior of [VcY], guild from Seafarer’s Rest
First troll to receive 10/10
Best golem driver EU

When did we become " OP"?

in Warrior

Posted by: MiLkZz.4789


Cause Healing Signet and ultra high stats. With full zerk u can get 3k armour 20k hp tell me thats not op.

We are OP because of guys like this one who have no idea of warriors, their skills/stats or animations.

We actually got nerfed a lot past patches, only 3 important changes made us strong:
1) Healing signet buff (which was needed)
2) Cleansing Ire (needs ICD of 7s imo, would weaken the dominant hambow build)
3) Dogged March (deserved, warriors in WvW definitely needed this)

All the rest were damage nerfs accept these 3 buffs. Now you can tell me if we are truly OP. Just don’t believe the bad players who can’t dodge. Warrior at the moment is really strong against players who can’t read animations. Against good players a warrior is meh. Not bad, not very good, so balanced.

Warrior of [VcY], guild from Seafarer’s Rest
First troll to receive 10/10
Best golem driver EU

Retaliation PVE Damage?

in WvW

Posted by: MiLkZz.4789


Retaliation did about 33% less damage in PvP for a long time. It being a bit too punishing for casters in WvW, they changed this for WvW aswel over half a year ago. This remained unchanged.

But in EOTM, they used the PvE (old WvW) modifiers for retal. Making it way to strong again (400-500 ticks). They fixed it in this patch. So WvW remains unchanged, in EOTM retal is now the same as in WvW.

Warrior of [VcY], guild from Seafarer’s Rest
First troll to receive 10/10
Best golem driver EU

8%? 2xWarrior Still Dominates Tourneys

in Profession Balance

Posted by: MiLkZz.4789


Reduce healing signet by more than 8% and nobody will use it anymore, everyone will go adrenal surge. Burst heals are still superior to regen heals.

And that’s so bad because…. why?

Because they want to make the warrior a regen based class and it wouldn’t be beneficial if they nerfed healing signet back into dirt tier with everyone using adrenal surge again. Kinda would have failed your idea then.

Warrior of [VcY], guild from Seafarer’s Rest
First troll to receive 10/10
Best golem driver EU

8%? 2xWarrior Still Dominates Tourneys

in Profession Balance

Posted by: MiLkZz.4789


I personally think that the adrenaline gain on cleansing ire is too much. It’s unlike every trait that I have ever seen.

You do know warrior has had that trait since beta right? And it was adept tier aswel, it got moved to master when they added the condition removal factor to it.

Warrior of [VcY], guild from Seafarer’s Rest
First troll to receive 10/10
Best golem driver EU

8%? 2xWarrior Still Dominates Tourneys

in Profession Balance

Posted by: MiLkZz.4789


Reduce healing signet by more than 8% and nobody will use it anymore, everyone will go adrenal surge. Burst heals are still superior to regen heals.

In PvP the most used build is the hambow, because it has a lot of area pressure, but low mobility. So ideal in PvP. This build makes maximum use of the cleansing ire, which can remove quite a few conditions. So the only nerf I would add to make the warrior more in line with others is putting a 7s CD on cleansing ire.

But cleansing ire CD + 8% HS nerf is all the class need. If you still get owned by warriors after that means you have a learn2play issue.

Warrior of [VcY], guild from Seafarer’s Rest
First troll to receive 10/10
Best golem driver EU

What happened to AG

in WvW

Posted by: MiLkZz.4789


The reason these threads are being made… is because in fact major changes are happening. If things are going fine, then no need to make a useless thread about it, you can just post in the other threads where you have been spouting literally the same thing.

Did you really have to make this thread in addition to your rant about North America.

Something major seems to happen multiple times a week. And it doesn’t look like that ‘major’ to me. Topics being spammed by NA T1:
-Someone ticks less for a few hours than normal
-Someone saw a hacker on 1 of the 3 servers
-1 server is buying guilds
-Someone is nightcapping the others
-BG too stacked, BG this and BG that
-WvW is doomed because BG plays EOTM
-BG/JQ/SoR commanders are the best
-1 of the 3 server spies on the other
-current situation update to NA T1
-…. and plenty more

All things that ain’t important and only consider these 3 servers and not WvW as a whole and thus do not fit in this section of the forum.

And yes.

Warrior of [VcY], guild from Seafarer’s Rest
First troll to receive 10/10
Best golem driver EU

(edited by MiLkZz.4789)

What happened to AG

in WvW

Posted by: MiLkZz.4789


(These are the new match up threads in disguise right? It sure looks that way.)

But seriously I don’t know, things seem to be going fine, good old good old. But if I have to believe T1 NA, WvW should be empty. But it is not. So things must really be off…

Maybe we have some inner problems not showing in numbers yet. I mean come on guys we are almost ticking 300 to 2 higher ranked servers. And we are all supposed to sit in EOTM. We really lack discipline. Got to change that asap!

Warrior of [VcY], guild from Seafarer’s Rest
First troll to receive 10/10
Best golem driver EU

(edited by MiLkZz.4789)

Just want to remind you that...

in WvW

Posted by: MiLkZz.4789


It is getting pretty bad ye, read things are going bad in T1 NA and they are predicting the end of WvW. That is pretty egocentric in my opinion.

Nobody really cares what happens to T1 NA, our match ups are still good and healthy and I barely notice any difference to before EOTM. Just checked and got 33 man EB queue and 10man Piken queue. So pretty much the same as before EOTM.

EOTM works as intended for EU atleast.

Warrior of [VcY], guild from Seafarer’s Rest
First troll to receive 10/10
Best golem driver EU

EOTM is awesome!

in WvW

Posted by: MiLkZz.4789


I love the map aswel, good design, good mechanics, few flaws and few OP things. But it gets there. Already laughed so kitten TS playing there.

And we still have queues on AG, not long ones, but they never were long. Most people still prefer WvW above EOTM. EOTM is just to blow off some steam.

Warrior of [VcY], guild from Seafarer’s Rest
First troll to receive 10/10
Best golem driver EU

The situation in Tier 1

in WvW

Posted by: MiLkZz.4789


Oh my god, because T1 NA ain’t doing good because of maxed stacked servers, WvW is doomed? Drama much.

We in EU barely notice Eotm, still got good match ups, good fights and good numbers on all sides. Maybe unstack a little and find out there is a world besides who can buy the most guilds.

Eotm is a fun place to blow off some steam after the more ‘serious’ WvW. It wont replace it, maybe for servers doomed to fight a 24/7 maxed out blob server but not for the ones who still get good fights. I think Anet did great with their addition.

Warrior of [VcY], guild from Seafarer’s Rest
First troll to receive 10/10
Best golem driver EU

What Happened To WvW?

in WvW

Posted by: MiLkZz.4789


What I heard is that JQ is stacked to the max with bandwagoners, so Eotm is not bad for the other 2 servers, good alternative to not get blobbed 24/7.

And WvW actually gets a lot of love, A LOT. Eotm IS for WvW, you remember people complaining about queues? That they were bored and didn’t have anything to do? They created an entire waiting map for that. And they fixed the queue and added a position in queue.

Let’s look back, ranks got added, siege improved, masteries, w exp from drops, better loot (from chests), soon we get account bound w exp.

They actually do listen and add a lot of stuff. I am sure a better integration of the commander icon will come soon aswel.

If you stack your server and expect people to stay when they get blobbed 24/7 than you are pretty wrong, move to another server, my server is still getting great fights in WvW. Eotm ain’t that noticable.

Warrior of [VcY], guild from Seafarer’s Rest
First troll to receive 10/10
Best golem driver EU

Condi warrior sooo OP....

in Warrior

Posted by: MiLkZz.4789


Ye, and it ain’t even that good of a trait. It only applies to condis put on you after it activated. Not on the ones already on you. So if you duel him, condi burst right before the 25% mark and he’ll still melt because engis health pool ain’t that great.

Use brains

Warrior of [VcY], guild from Seafarer’s Rest
First troll to receive 10/10
Best golem driver EU

commander tag visible to me now?

in WvW

Posted by: MiLkZz.4789


I like it. Running with target above your head is way bigger. Don’t get why it bothers people.

Warrior of [VcY], guild from Seafarer’s Rest
First troll to receive 10/10
Best golem driver EU

Warriors: nerf ? or buff ? or even remake ?

in Warrior

Posted by: MiLkZz.4789


Warrior is an easy class to learn but a hard class to master. Problem is that tons of players are casuals and not really good at this game. So they lack the skill to defeat a warrior. At that level of play, the warrior will have an advantage, because he is easy to learn. And thus these players feel being wronged.

But if we look at high skill play, the warrior lacks a lot. Not saying he is UP, but definitely not OP either. Classes that should beat a warrior at all times are still: thief/mesmer/necro.

High telegraphed skills and yes, still his vulnerability to chill and slows (kiting) aka conditions can rip any warrior build apart. The only weapon that reliably removes condis on a warrior is the longbow. All the other weapons burst skills should be dodged (which is easy) and the warrior will budge underneath the conditions.

Warrior of [VcY], guild from Seafarer’s Rest
First troll to receive 10/10
Best golem driver EU

The weapon warrior is truly misssing

in Warrior

Posted by: MiLkZz.4789


Axe auto attack as range skill o.O, why even bother buying 3 other weapons or use your other 2 skills. That chain is all you need to kitten pretty much everything.

Not very good? If you land the last hit, which ain’t even hard, the DPS is still incredibly high.

If axe goes to range weapon, you’ll need some serious DPS cuts. And the warriors mobility is there to counter kiting. He is build and designed to be able to resist kiting.

Warrior of [VcY], guild from Seafarer’s Rest
First troll to receive 10/10
Best golem driver EU

Gift of Battle missing from WvW NPC

in WvW

Posted by: MiLkZz.4789


Should be rank 50 imo, you can easily get 15 ranks/day. You can even get 30 ranks in 1 day with the birthday booster. 2 days ago, I got 12 ranks in 3 hours. Oh noes it takes so long…

You know how long I did over map completion? 1 and a half year… If they remove the rank requirement, remove map completion aswel.

Warrior of [VcY], guild from Seafarer’s Rest
First troll to receive 10/10
Best golem driver EU

Why do wvw guilds hate rangers?

in WvW

Posted by: MiLkZz.4789


So about that damage spike. I just checked the wiki. Warrior greatsword chain lasts 2.4 seconds and the attack coefficients are (0.7+0.7+0.9) / 2.4 = 0.96
Long range shot’s coefficient is 0.9 and attack speed 1.0
Greatsword gives vulnerability and cleaves, but I guess that’s the compensation for being in melee range. Still it’s nowhere far above “useless” rangers as many of these posts suggest.

Warrior has a lot more dmg spike than rangers, being in 100b, rush, whirlewind, eviscerate, backbreaker, killshot, arcing arrow, final trust. Combo these skills and you’ll see spike. Doing some autoattacks ain’t spike damage.

Warrior of [VcY], guild from Seafarer’s Rest
First troll to receive 10/10
Best golem driver EU

Why do wvw guilds hate rangers?

in WvW

Posted by: MiLkZz.4789


It’s been explained a million times. Anything a ranger can do another class can do better.

- Do tell me what other class can comfortably go full offensive stats on gear and deliver damage spikes from 1500 range.

1. You call that damage spikes?
2. 1500 range ain’t that much, get close and that ranger is dead and it really ain’t hard to get close. But it is funny to see zerker rangers panick whne you hit them with 4k AA.

Warrior of [VcY], guild from Seafarer’s Rest
First troll to receive 10/10
Best golem driver EU

Why Healing Signet is superior to other heals

in Profession Balance

Posted by: MiLkZz.4789


You don’t look at the total picture, it is the warriors ONLY way of sustain. All other classes have different skills that heal them aswel. Warriors only have that by heavily investing in a line sacrificing a lot of damage.

Now, you only need 26% poison uptime to make healing signet heal LESS than healing surge. And any good player will clean off poison and use stability or take a moment in which they can’t be interrupted to pop their heal.

Drop healing signet to 350HPS and NOBODY in his right mind would take it. Because, face it, burst heals are better than regen. Because the healing signet is immensely vulnerable to burst, if a healing signet warrior gets focused, he’ll melt. Yes, he’ll melt. Endure pain will only safe his kitten for 4s longer.

They were not going to higher the healing from the active, but make it more appealing to use it in a fight.

Drop it by 20-30% and everyone will go healing surge for roaming and defiant stance for zerging. And people using healing signet will be called nub again. Take it from an experienced warrior player. There is nothing wrong with healing signet.

ps.: HS loses healing potential aswel when you are full health and not getting damage (dodging, blocking, etc) but still fighting.

Warrior of [VcY], guild from Seafarer’s Rest
First troll to receive 10/10
Best golem driver EU

(edited by MiLkZz.4789)

How to beat PU mesmers as a warrior ?

in Warrior

Posted by: MiLkZz.4789


1. Have a source of condi removal (important!)
2. Kill the berserker clone as fast as possible, so he can’t stack bleeds that good anymore
3. Cleave through the clones when going for the real one, the less clones the better
4. Use immobilizes on the real one, longbow ‘5’ / flurry / bolas, they are realy vulnerable to those
5. Don’t go too squishy, PU mesmers have for around 40-50s stealth? Than they’ll run into problems and most of the time I kill em there. So you have to survive for that long.
6. Bring mobility, their blink is on a low cooldown and you have to keep up with it.

You have no idea how PUs work. Cleaving through clones is the absolute worst thing you can do.

Ah yea, forgot to mention it only works for my build :/. I have traited my warhorn and destroy clones to get a good protection uptime. Protection + condi clearing = useless PU mesmer.

Warrior of [VcY], guild from Seafarer’s Rest
First troll to receive 10/10
Best golem driver EU

Your opinion about hackers?

in WvW

Posted by: MiLkZz.4789


In the first good half year of the game I didn’t encounter any hackers, during previous summer I slowly started to see like 1 every month. Since December I saw one every match up and now I encounter a hacker DAILY. I’ll give you some examples to why I know they were definitely hacking.

1. A desolation thief (I have his name) flew up in the air and was autoattacking me from the sky with his bow. I used my leap skill because I thought he was bugged but they brought me straight underneath the spot where he was flying.

2. Between bay and longview is a very high cliff, I saw an elementalist that I was fighting fly straight up to the top and he proceeded to laugh at me.

3. An abaddons thief, upscaled, was inside of a golem and porting from tower to tower. He did 15s to travel from ogres to anza. He came back to mendons and we were able to pin him down and squish him between 2 zergs inside the ogre camp.

4. A desolation asura thief has been for months between bay and garri, teleport hacking. We managed to down him a few times, but we couldn’t stomp because his body kept porting away. Yea multiple times, up to 5+ till we finally managed to kill him.

5. A desolation human thief (again yea) got downed aswel and he ported underneath the ground and proceeded to rezz back up. We couldn’t stomp or damage him as he was underneath the terrain.

6. A group of 5 people hacked themselves underneath the terrain and were speedhacking to towers, killing the lord from under the ground. They managed to cap and dissapeared to north camp. They capped it before we even reached it. They were all between squire and soldier rank.

Most recent one was today, a desolation ranger. He kept jumping forward, we only managed to kill him with a ton of leap skills and stuns. And we couldn’t spike because his dead body kept jumping forward.
I got way more examples and really hope Anet gives us an official response to what they are going to do about these hackers.

ps.: I have names.

Warrior of [VcY], guild from Seafarer’s Rest
First troll to receive 10/10
Best golem driver EU

How to beat PU mesmers as a warrior ?

in Warrior

Posted by: MiLkZz.4789


1. Have a source of condi removal (important!)
2. Kill the berserker clone as fast as possible, so he can’t stack bleeds that good anymore
3. Cleave through the clones when going for the real one, the less clones the better
4. Use immobilizes on the real one, longbow ‘5’ / flurry / bolas, they are realy vulnerable to those
5. Don’t go too squishy, PU mesmers have for around 40-50s stealth? Than they’ll run into problems and most of the time I kill em there. So you have to survive for that long.
6. Bring mobility, their blink is on a low cooldown and you have to keep up with it.

Warrior of [VcY], guild from Seafarer’s Rest
First troll to receive 10/10
Best golem driver EU

Specialist Builds?

in Warrior

Posted by: MiLkZz.4789


A former Shadowbane player, being one myself I can tell you that you will like this game. You’ll quickly notice that this game is way more dynamic. The most important thing is to learn other classes their animations, so you use your dodges right.

Now a chill build is really strong, chill is one of the strongest conditions in game. Increasing chill recharge times can screw up a lot of builds their skill rotation. The slow you get from it is bigger than from cripple aswel. So yea a warrior going a chill build definitely will work out. Unfortunately I have to say that going all the way in a certain ‘niche’ ain’t going to work out that well in this game. To be strong overall you’ll have to balance your own survivability (like condi removal). I had a few real strong warrior builds, but because I didn’t invest enough in certain aspects, I was really easy to kite. You can make your speciality out of chill, but don’t go all the way into chill or you will over-invest as you can say.

For the regen build, I think you are thinking of the werebear in shadowbane who could reach insane amounts of regen. Warrior can do this aswel, you can reach aroun 1.2-1.3k health/s, combine this with active defense like dodges, shield block and endure pain and you’ll negate A LOT of damage. Only problem is, the investment is big. You wont be able to go a power build because your damage will be terrible. You can reach around 800-1000 condi damage with this build and deal some condi damage. But it will also be low.

So for the regen build, I advise you to go a heal bunker ranger with melee weapons. They can regen tons with troll urgent in short time and have a lot of evades on their weapons and can dish out a good amount go condi damage. It will give you more the feeling of the old regen specs from shadowbane.

Warrior of [VcY], guild from Seafarer’s Rest
First troll to receive 10/10
Best golem driver EU

Loot buff - Two birds one stone

in WvW

Posted by: MiLkZz.4789


Got 2 ascended rings in 1100 ranks. That is actually better than I expected.

Warrior of [VcY], guild from Seafarer’s Rest
First troll to receive 10/10
Best golem driver EU

GvG is alive and well on Maguuma

in In-game Events

Posted by: MiLkZz.4789


Scrims daily for us aswel, best thing in game and one of the last reasons I still log in. We are getting good training to get the new guys worked in and try new tactics out.

Already a big shout out to all the guilds agreeing on scrimming us. Big thanks!

GvG more alive than ever!

Warrior of [VcY], guild from Seafarer’s Rest
First troll to receive 10/10
Best golem driver EU

Why Warriors Need a Nerf

in Warrior

Posted by: MiLkZz.4789


Bunker : Guardian > Warrior
Support and healing allies : Ele/ Guardian > Warrior
Solo roaming in WvW : Mesmer > Warrior
Single target damage ( PVP) : Thief / Mesmer > Warrior
Single target damage ( PVE) : Ele/Thief/Guardian > Warrior
Might stacking: Ele/ Guardian > Warrior
Utility ( PVE – blocks, reflects, boons): Guardian> Warrior
Condition damage: Necro/Engineer> Warrior
AOE damage : Necros/Eles/Engis > Warrior

Read it. Understand it.
Maybe realize warriors aren’t OP.


Warrior can excel in many aspects, but he always has to give up others. People just see warriors using this and that and think all warriors can use it all at all times in every build, hence the 30/30/30/30/30 5 weaponswap warrior jokes. We seriously only have 3 utility slots, not 10.

A warrior is strong atm, I don’t deny it. But he is far from overpowered. People often complain about healing signet + adrenal health sustain. But remember this is our ONLY form of sustain. If you nerf it further, you only need 26% poison uptime to make it heal less/s than the healing surge. And burst heals > regen heals by far. So healing singet definitely will be fine after the coming nerf.

We do have high armor, but no protection. Protection cuts the damage before armor, making you armor way more valuable. So warriors need to reach 4k+ armor to be compared with dmg reduction against a guardian with 3k and protection.

The only thing I agree on is impale, the nature of this skill makes it too strong. Torment is a real strong condition and because it only applies 1 stack at the time it is hard to clean off. Not even mentioning you can keep it permanently up.

Another thing people often complain about is our mobility. The ONLY way to outrun 95% of the builds out there is by running sword/x – greatsword AND bullscharge. So you lose a utility slot on top of it. This build loses a lot of offensive power to reach this mobility. Most people only run greatsword or only sword and many classes can keep up with that.

Our damage got nerfed 4 patches in a row already and will be again in the 5th by nerfing crit damage. This will hit the semi tank (knight+ zerker mixers) the hardest. And most warriors in WvW run that. Conditions are still a warriors greatest weakness, stack chill and cripple with the +40% condi duration food and the warrior will be useless and lose A LOT of its damage, not even mentioning weakness cutting our damage a lot aswel.

Is warrior OP? No most definitely not. Is the skill level in this game worrying low? Yes unfortunately it is. A warrior is a prime example of that. People still manage to get hit by easy to spot skills. Which a warrior is full of. Learn the warrior and learn to counter him.

ps.: people complaining about killshot? Really? kitten othing you mention after that can be taken seriously.

Warrior of [VcY], guild from Seafarer’s Rest
First troll to receive 10/10
Best golem driver EU

[Merged][PvP][Warrior] Healing Signet is Too Powerful

in Profession Balance

Posted by: MiLkZz.4789


Do you even know what you are saying? With some condi damage, 1 bleed ticks for 130dmg, in other words you need 3 bleeds to almost completely negate the warriors healing. Are you telling me your condi build can’t keep 3 bleeds on a warrior?

Condis are a warriors greatest weakness.

ps.: you need to hit in order to clean condis with cleansing ire, except on longbow. So dodge right and he’ll melt to your condis.

Now if only Warriors didnt have maybe Condition immunity and damage immunity…
Maybe even have access to things that reduce condition duration, Maybe dogged March?

Oh please, you are really going to pick a fight with a highly experienced warrior player?
1) Dogged march only affects movement impairing effects, engis and eles have this trait aswel. So your damage stays on
2) Berserker stance is only 8s in duration and 60s CD, you mean you can’t dodge/evade outlast a warrior for 8s? Ouch…
3) Run 40% condi food and some condi duration and you’ll still be able to chill the -98% movement impairing effect warriors for 10s. And chill is the most OP condi in the game, rendering the warrior absolutely useless.
4) I play engi as second main and he melts warriors with his condi spam. Don’t think I have ever lost from a warrior, so easy to dodge their skills and burn them down.

Warrior of [VcY], guild from Seafarer’s Rest
First troll to receive 10/10
Best golem driver EU

Do they even care for WvW ?

in WvW

Posted by: MiLkZz.4789


I am sick hearing people complain about this crit damage nerf. If sigils go to 100% proc like they were saying, with no shared CDs? Then all your precious builds will be more powerful than before. It seems to me this is only to stop the one shots I’ve been hearing about, and stopping those is a good thing.

Some sigils will, but they have all been looked at and rebalanced, so be sure some will get nerfs and not all will be 100%. Definitely not the strong ones like fire and air.

Go watch the stream again if you don’t believe me.

It is not at all an issue of disbelieving you, it is more an issue of only the one shot builds are getting nerfed. The rest I think will find they are going to be better off.

Again no, and I don’t want to be too much of a know it all here. But it is the semi tanky knight/zerker mixers or celestial builds that are getting hit the hardest. A 10% dmg nerf to full zerker will result to a 20%+ to these types of builds. And they were used the most by power roamers, being a good mix of offense and defense. Now it will only be defense. Meaning their damage will be too kitten to kill people. So basically this patch will give use 3 options:
1) go full zerker and try to still kill your enemy before he kills you
2) go full tank and support and run in bigger groups to amplify the damage
3) go condi bunker

Everything in between with unfortunately not be worth it anymore.

Warrior of [VcY], guild from Seafarer’s Rest
First troll to receive 10/10
Best golem driver EU

RIP power builds in roaming

in WvW

Posted by: MiLkZz.4789


I see more and more
-condi engis (remember the times with zerker engis?)
-condi eles (yes, no joke indeed. Heard an entire discussion about them)
-condi warriors (wut master of arms going condis???)
-condi thiefs (makes no sense at all)
-condi necros (haven’t seen a power build in a long time)
-condi rangers (the power ones die in seconds anyway)
-condi mesmers (shatterer required to much skill for most so people changed to condibunker)
-Haven’t seen a roaming guardian in a long time

So yea, everything is shifting to condis and that is the clever option aswel to win small scale combat. Apply endless chill, immobilize and melt them with condi dmg.

Warrior of [VcY], guild from Seafarer’s Rest
First troll to receive 10/10
Best golem driver EU

Warrior nerf hello

in Warrior

Posted by: MiLkZz.4789


It is only on 1 skill, it was easy to dodge before and probably wont land ever on semi skilled players now. But still, these nerfs are ok in my opinion aswel.

It is the crit dmg change we’ll feel the hardest.

Warrior of [VcY], guild from Seafarer’s Rest
First troll to receive 10/10
Best golem driver EU

Do they even care for WvW ?

in WvW

Posted by: MiLkZz.4789


I am sick hearing people complain about this crit damage nerf. If sigils go to 100% proc like they were saying, with no shared CDs? Then all your precious builds will be more powerful than before. It seems to me this is only to stop the one shots I’ve been hearing about, and stopping those is a good thing.

Some sigils will, but they have all been looked at and rebalanced, so be sure some will get nerfs and not all will be 100%. Definitely not the strong ones like fire and air.

Go watch the stream again if you don’t believe me.

Warrior of [VcY], guild from Seafarer’s Rest
First troll to receive 10/10
Best golem driver EU

[Merged][PvP][Warrior] Healing Signet is Too Powerful

in Profession Balance

Posted by: MiLkZz.4789


I’m not saying burst out 22k. I’m saying slowly take some hp down and then burst around 10k. I’ve seen thieves do this so many times it hurts.
Or is it that there are no builds on any class that can damage more than 400 damage per second?

There’s one problem here, the MAIN problem I have with Healing Signet…it’s 400 HP a second. A SECOND. And it’s on all the time. If anything that doesn’t have above average power attacks the Warrior, they are NEVER going to lower the Warrior’s HP, meaning condition builds can’t do kitten to them. I’ve tried with my trap Ranger, to no avail because he keeps dropping the conditions faster than I can keep them up thanks to Cleansing Ire combining with it. The same has gone on with any tank, support, or any other condition build on different classes. It’s not possible to outdo that healing power if you’re not specced towards power.

This is the main reason why it’s OP, it pretty much makes anything not power or zerker worthless against them. I don’t mind it when it’s an actual tank build Warrior surviving, as that’s what a tank is supposed to do. It’s when I’m fighting a zerker and can’t do enough damage to outdo the signet is it a sign that it’s too kitten much.

Do you even know what you are saying? With some condi damage, 1 bleed ticks for 130dmg, in other words you need 3 bleeds to almost completely negate the warriors healing. Are you telling me your condi build can’t keep 3 bleeds on a warrior?

Condis are a warriors greatest weakness.

ps.: you need to hit in order to clean condis with cleansing ire, except on longbow. So dodge right and he’ll melt to your condis.

Warrior of [VcY], guild from Seafarer’s Rest
First troll to receive 10/10
Best golem driver EU

16,000 Kill Shot

in WvW

Posted by: MiLkZz.4789


Seriously in a 50 vs 50 zerg battle you barely see 15 people until they get to something like 900 distance and the rest are just tags. There is no way to predict a killshot in that context.

I posted about the same problem before and I was just told to dodge (obviously by people playing warriors)… A small 15-20% nerf on that skill wouldn’t be a bad idea at all. 12k burst is plenty already.

No it ain’t when you look at how much you need to sacrifice to achieve such numbers. You want to nerf a non viable fun build even more? No seriously, there is absolutely nothing wrong with skill.

And don’t say I am biased because I NEVER use riffle or longbow on my warrior.

Warrior of [VcY], guild from Seafarer’s Rest
First troll to receive 10/10
Best golem driver EU

[WvW] Critical Damage NERF

in Profession Balance

Posted by: MiLkZz.4789


This change is good for the game, because currently, the time to kill is way too fast (in wvw and pvp – it’s a pity this change won’t affect pvp). And they ARE addressing the condi-burst meta. It’s like everyone is choosing to ignore the changes to Dhuumfire, Pin Down, Condi-clones, etc.

Nothing against condi engi (please don’t mention the poison nade nerf), and warrior can still run sword-shield sword-sword, giving him a nice combination of tankyness and heavy condi pressure, so that build is not affected in anyway. Necros can still spam condis on you and CC you to uselessness. Condi thiefs have no changes.

No, the condi bunker meta got barely touched and received a huge buff by nerfing power builds damage output.

Warrior of [VcY], guild from Seafarer’s Rest
First troll to receive 10/10
Best golem driver EU

Make Ferocity scale like armor reduction

in Profession Balance

Posted by: MiLkZz.4789


Yea, everyone will still be using full zerker in dungeons because it is still the quickest. It makes no sense nerfing it.

Warrior of [VcY], guild from Seafarer’s Rest
First troll to receive 10/10
Best golem driver EU

-10% you sure?? Based on FULL berserker?

in Profession Balance

Posted by: MiLkZz.4789



Finally someone who knows the math. I’ve almost lost the faith in humanity.

Actually, no. They said, they reduce damage by 10%, not critdmg. According to the formula:

1-(1.885/1.94) = 2.85%

Replacing 2.85% with the desired 10% and 1.885 with X, which will be the new overall damage:

1-(X/1.94) = 0.1
x = 1.746

Now we are taking this formula:

(1+0.79*(0.5+0.62)) = 1.885

Replace 1.885 with 1.746 and 0.62 with X for the new crit dmg modifier:

(1+0.79*(0.5+X)) = 1.746
x = 0.44

So we get from 69% critdmg to 44%, which is ~36.2% nerf to critdmg, similar to what i got earlier

They did indeed say damage instead of crit damage and for a full zerker set. If he made a mistake by saying damage instead of crit damage (I hope so) than it would we slightly less worse.

Another question is if they took damage modifications in their calculations or if this is purely for the gear. Because having like a +10% dmg modifier will lower your damage even more.

Warrior of [VcY], guild from Seafarer’s Rest
First troll to receive 10/10
Best golem driver EU

Do they even care for WvW ?

in WvW

Posted by: MiLkZz.4789


Warrior master of weapons and melee combat, now goes full conditions. Not even logic in that, but you got to play what is strongest. Stupid not too.

Warrior of [VcY], guild from Seafarer’s Rest
First troll to receive 10/10
Best golem driver EU

16,000 Kill Shot

in WvW

Posted by: MiLkZz.4789


This OP, when he said full dire and talking like he was the tankiest kitten in game and he comes with 2.9k armor…

Anyway, you know the sword ‘4’ of the warrior hits for 20k right? It is just over time, not THAT easy to clean off, on a low CD and easier to hit than killshot.

This thread is as gimmick as it can be, and yes I play engi besides warrior and for smallscale combat I think engi is easier. So many ways to survive under focus and repositioning yourself. And biggest bonus, engi is condi based and condis are OP.

Warrior of [VcY], guild from Seafarer’s Rest
First troll to receive 10/10
Best golem driver EU

After patch builds (WvW roamers)

in Warrior

Posted by: MiLkZz.4789


From what they said about normalizing the stats in regard to distribution of critical damage across pieces when they change the name/system to ferocity, it seems like this is going to hit builds using ascended berserker trinkets in combination with other armor and weapon sets harder than it will hit full berserker builds.

100% correct, that is why builds using a mix of knight and zerker and zerker trinkets will get a damage cut way higher than full zerker builds. It will be something around 15-20%. Which means your damage will be too low, because you only barely have enough damage by carefully balancing defense and offense.

So in other words Anet is shooting itself in the foot by nerfing semi tanky builds, something they actually want to promote???!!

Warrior of [VcY], guild from Seafarer’s Rest
First troll to receive 10/10
Best golem driver EU

After patch builds (WvW roamers)

in Warrior

Posted by: MiLkZz.4789


Ouch, celestial is gona get hit even harder, because the % crit dmg/stat was pretty good and now they are going to drop it to a value comparable to the other stats. In other words, the change will drop your damage even more compared to zerker.

Warrior of [VcY], guild from Seafarer’s Rest
First troll to receive 10/10
Best golem driver EU