Since we are receiving a lot of feedback about this topic, we are gathering it in a dedicated thread. You are very welcome to repost your question, comments and concerns in this discussion.
Thank you for your understanding.
Since we are receiving a lot of feedback about this topic, we are gathering it in a dedicated thread. You are very welcome to repost your question, comments and concerns in this discussion.
Thank you for your understanding.
The forum is not the place for such issues to be discussed.
If you witness any of Gold Selling while playing, please report them using the in-game ticketing system so our Customer Support team can properly investigate the issue.
Thank you for your understanding.
Please note that we do not allow Match-up threads on the Guild Wars 2 forum. You can read about our forum changes here:
The WvW Community has created a new space for Match-Ups and other off-topic discussion. You can find the Player Community-run site here:
Since we are receiving a lot of feedback about this topic, we are gathering it in a dedicated thread. You are very welcome to repost your question, comments and concerns in this discussion.
Thank you for your understanding.
Hi everyone,
We’ll close this thread, as requested by its creator.
The forum is not the place for such issues to be discussed.
If you witness any of Gold Selling while playing, please report them using the in-game ticketing system so our Customer Support team can properly investigate the issue.
Thank you for your understanding.
Hi everyone,
Since this thread is inviting to debate about other games than Guild Wars 2, we’ll now close it.
Thank you for your understanding.
Hi everyone,
Since we already have a thread about this topic here, we’ll now close this one in order to avoid duplicates.
Thank you for your understanding.
Since we are receiving a lot of feedback about this topic, we are gathering it in a dedicated thread. You are very welcome to repost your question, comments and concerns in this discussion.
Thank you for your understanding.
Hi everyone,
Since we are receiving a lot of feedback about this topic, we are gathering it in a dedicated thread. You are very welcome to repost your question, comments and concerns in this discussion.
Thank you for your understanding.
Hi everyone,
Discussions about other games than GW2 are not allowed on this forum. As such, this thread will now be closed.
Thank you for your understanding.
The forum is not the place for such issues to be discussed.
If you witness any of behaviours that could be assimilated as hacking while playing, please report them using the in-game ticketing system so our Customer Support team can properly investigate the issue.
Thank you for your understanding.
The forum is not the place for such issues to be discussed.
If you witness any of Gold Selling while playing, please report them using the in-game ticketing system so our Customer Support team can properly investigate the issue.
Thank you.
Please note that we do not allow Match-up threads on the Guild Wars 2 forum. You can read about our forum changes here:
The WvW Community has created a new space for Match-Ups and other off-topic discussion. You can find the Player Community-run site here:
Hi everyone,
Since this discussion has turned into an inflammatory one, we’ll now close it.
Please keep in mind that all posts should be written in a constructive and polite way. Everyone has the right to give negative/positive feedback as long as the two rules above are respected.
If you see posts that are against those rules, you can always report them (via the little flag at the bottom right of each post) so that the moderation team can act quickly.
Thank you for your understanding.
Hi everyone,
Since we are receiving a lot of feedback about this topic, we are gathering it in a dedicated thread. You are very welcome to repost your question, comments and concerns in this discussion.
Thank you for your understanding.
The forum is not the place for such issues to be discussed.
If you witness any of Gold Selling while playing, please report them using the in-game ticketing system so our Customer Support team can properly investigate the issue.
Thank you.
Hi everyone,
Since this thread doesn’t offer a constructive discussion, we’ll now close it.
Thank you for your understanding.
Hi everyone,
Like SpehssMehreen kindly stated, please note that we do not allow Match-up threads on the Guild Wars 2 forum.
You can read about our forum changes here:
The WvW Community has created a new space for Match-Ups and other off-topic discussion. You can find the Player Community-run site here:
If you feel that some of the posted messages could turn a thread into a match-up one, please don’t hesitate to report them via the little flag icon at the bottom right of each post so that the moderation team can act and prevent the thread from derailing.
Thank you for your understanding.
Hi everyone,
Discussions of Hacking or Cheating are not allowed on our forums. If you witness any of these acts while playing, please report them using the in-game ticketing system so our Customer Support team can properly investigate the issue.
In the case of exploits, you can also send any reports of exploit activity or knowledge to Exploits@Arena.net to ensure the development team is aware of them.
Thank you for your understanding.
Please note that we do not allow Match-up threads on the Guild Wars 2 forum. You can read about our forum changes here:
The WvW Community has created a new space for Match-Ups and other off-topic discussion. You can find the Player Community-run site here:
Hi everyone,
Since we are receiving a lot of feedback about this topic, we are gathering it in a dedicated thread. You are very welcome to repost your question, comments and concerns in this discussion.
Thank you for your understanding.
Please note that we do not allow Match-up threads on the Guild Wars 2 forum. You can read about our forum changes here:
The WvW Community has created a new space for Match-Ups and other off-topic discussion. You can find the Player Community-run site here:
Thank you for your understanding.
Please note that we do not allow Match-up threads on the Guild Wars 2 forum. You can read about our forum changes here:
The WvW Community has created a new space for Match-Ups and other off-topic discussion. You can find the Player Community-run site here:
Please note that we do not allow Match-up threads on the Guild Wars 2 forum. You can read about our forum changes here:
The WvW Community has created a new space for Match-Ups and other off-topic discussion. You can find the Player Community-run site here:
Hi everyone,
The forum is not the place for such issues to be discussed.
If you witness any of Gold Selling while playing, please report them using the in-game ticketing system so our Customer Support team can properly investigate the issue.
Thank you.
Hi everyone,
Since this thread has turned into a match-up one, we’ll now close it.
Please note that we do not allow Match-up threads on the Guild Wars 2 forum. You can read about our forum changes here:
Thank you for your understanding.
Hi everyone,
Please keep in mind that every feedback, either positive or negative, is welcomed on our forums as long as it is written in a polite in constructive way.
All posts that are inflammatory, off topic or rude towards forum users will be removed.
Thank you for your understanding.
Hi everybody,
This thread doesn’t offer a constructive debate and is derailing into an inflammatory discussion. This is the reason why we’ll now close it.
Please keep in mind that every feedback is welcomed on our forum as long as it is written in a polite and constructive way.
Thank you for your understanding.
Hi everyone,
Please note that we do not allow Match-up threads on the Guild Wars 2 forum. You can read about our forum changes here:
The WvW Community has created a new space for Match-Ups and other off-topic discussion. You can find the Player Community-run site here:
Please note that we do not allow Match-up threads on the Guild Wars 2 forum. You can read about our forum changes here:
The WvW Community has created a new space for Match-Ups and other off-topic discussion. You can find the Player Community-run site here:
Hi everyone,
Since we are receiving a lot of feedback about this topic, we are gathering it in a dedicated thread. You are very welcome to repost your question, comments and concerns in this discussion.
Thank you for your understanding.
(edited by Moderator.6840)
Since we already have a thread about this topic here and that an official answer has been given, we’ll now close this one in order to avoid duplicates.
Thank you for your understanding.
Please note that we do not allow Match-up threads on the Guild Wars 2 forum. You can read about our forum changes here:
The WvW Community has created a new space for Match-Ups and other off-topic discussion. You can find the Player Community-run site here:
Hi everyone,
Despite the fact that this discussion is constructive, we’ll now close it since it is not related to Guild Wars 2 or its universe.
Thank you for your understanding.
Hi everyone,
Thank you for your feedback but since this thread doesn’t offer a constructive debate, we’ll now close it.
Thank you for your understanding.
Hi everyone,
The forum is not the place for such issues to be discussed.
If you witness any of Gold Selling while playing, please report them using the in-game ticketing system so our Customer Support team can properly investigate the issue.
Thank you.
Hi everyone,
Since we are receiving a lot of feedback about this topic, we are gathering it in dedicated threads. You are very welcome to repost your question, comments and concerns in this discussion.
Thank you for your understanding.
Hi everyone,
The forum is not the place for such issues to be discussed.
If you witness any of Gold Selling while playing, please report them using the in-game ticketing system so our Customer Support team can properly investigate the issue.
Thank you.
Hi everyone,
Since we are receiving a lot of feedback about this topic, we are gathering it in dedicated threads. You are very welcome to repost your question, comments and concerns in this discussion.
Thank you for your understanding.
Hi everyone,
The forum is not the place for such issues to be discussed.
If you witness any of Gold Selling while playing, please report them using the in-game ticketing system so our Customer Support team can properly investigate the issue.
Thank you.
Hi everyone,
The forum is not the place for such issues to be discussed.
If you witness any of Gold Selling while playing, please report them using the in-game ticketing system so our Customer Support team can properly investigate the issue.
Thank you.
Hi everyone,
Since we are receiving a lot of feedback about this topic, we are gathering it in dedicated threads. You are very welcome to repost your question, comments and concerns in this discussion.
Thank you for your understanding.
Please note that we do not allow Match-up threads on the Guild Wars 2 forum. You can read about our forum changes here:
The WvW Community has created a new space for Match-Ups and other off-topic discussion. You can find the Player Community-run site here:
Hi everyone,
While we think the idea behind the creation of this thread could have been positive, we’ll now close it since there is no room for a constructive discussion.
Thank you for your understanding.
Hi everyone,
Please note that we do not allow Match-up threads on the Guild Wars 2 forum. You can read about our forum changes here:
The WvW Community has created a new space for Match-Ups and other off-topic discussion. You can find the Player Community-run site here:
Please note that we do not allow Match-up threads on the Guild Wars 2 forum. You can read about our forum changes here:
The WvW Community has created a new space for Match-Ups and other off-topic discussion. You can find the Player Community-run site here: