Showing Posts For MokahTGS.7850:

So I saw this video

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MokahTGS.7850


You all realize that those video clips were made as marketing material by ANet to display the ideas of the skills back when they were revealing the professions, right?

None of those videos are to be taken as anything but marketing and have no balance, or real gameplay involved.

For example, the Elementalist profession page:

Places You Shouldn't Be

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MokahTGS.7850



(edited by MokahTGS.7850)

Official explanation for temporary content?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MokahTGS.7850


I’m not a real huge fan of this content going away. Basically casual gamers completely miss out and this basically is then wasted content to them. If you don’t play all the time, you miss the content. I already missed the super adventure box, and will most likely miss the new dungeon now as well.

I understand what you are trying to accomplish, I’m not a huge fan of this direction at all.

Crafting Daily - PLEASE REMOVE

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MokahTGS.7850


People need to remember that the daily system IS NOT YET COMPLETE with this patch. The system is designed to allow the player to choose 4 of 6 daily achievements to complete for the daily reward. This part of the system is not functioning YET. All of the new achievements aren’t even in the game yet, and some might get changed in the future.

When the system is fully functional, you can SKIP the CRAFTING DAILY.

New Legendary Effects - Share your vids/pics

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MokahTGS.7850


i maintain the belief that Dreamer is a reference to Robot Unicorn Attack..


So mad. I got the bow because of the rainbow and because it reminded me of Robot Unicorn Attack.

Making it a brony bow is just stupid >:( The stupid butt tattoo pushed it from meh to FML. I’m embarrassed to use it now.

Wait…you weren’t embarrassed before using the giant rainbow unicorn bow?

Combo Killer

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MokahTGS.7850


Also, it doesn’t work with your own fields. Which I believe is as intended.

Which if intended is awful design. I don’t want to have to find groups to try and get my daily done. The old way was was much better.

Well that is why you only have to do 5/6 of the achievements, if you wish not to do that one, by all means, no one is forcing you to.

I didn’t get any options. I logged in and it had what I needed to do picked for me. No way to change it, no options. Am I missing something?

4 of 6 options are coming in a later patch…just be patient people. They said long ago that this patch was just setting up the systems that will be introduced.

Crafting Daily - PLEASE REMOVE

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MokahTGS.7850


yes, anyone that plays can finish this achievement in under 10sec. Achievements are supposed to get players out and doing different things. If it gets a non-crafter crafting, then I’d say it is working as intended.

What if it makes a non-crafter just give up the game and quit? We wont have a game in a year and that would a shame, cos this game is great.

Yeah…troves of people are going to rage quit over refining 10 jute…I think those people have other issues.

Crafting Daily - PLEASE REMOVE

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MokahTGS.7850


I logged on today and no chest popped up, didn’t this patch make it so daily rewards are just given away?…

Oh yeah this is a reward for doing something, i forgot

Yeah…where’s my Jumping in Place Daily? or my Run around in Circles in LA Daily? or my Stand Around All Day and Play the TP Daily?


Crafting Daily - PLEASE REMOVE

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MokahTGS.7850


I was under the impression we were supposed to pick and chose like 4 of 6 dailies that we wanted to do. I second this, I’ve already got all the crafts to 400, i have no reason to craft.

This part will come as a feature of the later patches.

Crafting Daily - PLEASE REMOVE

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MokahTGS.7850


yes, anyone that plays can finish this achievement in under 10sec. Achievements are supposed to get players out and doing different things. If it gets a non-crafter crafting, then I’d say it is working as intended.

New Dailies

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MokahTGS.7850


Don’t see the problem. Lay down any field and a friend shoots through it. Done.

I thought that as well, but this appears to not be working as intended.

resting oun our "Laurels"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MokahTGS.7850


They have said that laurels will not be retroactive to begin with but eventually they will be. Eventually does not mean in this or in the Feb patch.

New Dailies

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MokahTGS.7850


Created 10 copper ingots, done.
Now we just have to figure out the combo. Me and my friend are throwing down fields and shooting through it without getting any credit towards it at all.

Hmmmm….I would think shooting through fire fields would work, but I’m thinking that all the “blast finisher” additions they made in the last patch are part of this.

The new Daily tracker cannot be turned off?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MokahTGS.7850


yeah…not a fan of UI that you can’t turn off…I’ve been annoyed with the Personal Story UI persistence since day one.

New Dailies

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MokahTGS.7850


To be fair, the crafting daily can be done by refining. I finished the crafting daily in 10 sec by refining a pile of jute.

Backpack forgotten?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MokahTGS.7850


ANet has to upgrade its bank accounts to prepare for the large influx of cash.

Precursor scavenger hunt in the F&F prelude?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MokahTGS.7850


They have said it isn’t something that is actively in development. I think it is still in the planning/conceptualizing stage. So don’t expect it anytime too soon.

This is true.

Precursor scavenger hunt in the F&F prelude?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MokahTGS.7850


The scavenger hunt is something they want to work on but no one is currently assigned to it, or so I’ve heard.

This is untrue.

Uncommon Rarity Chest??

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MokahTGS.7850


I just don’t understand what problem this addition is supposed to be addressing.

You kill a monster
Monster drops an exotic
you dont see the glow on the monster (perhaps it’s buried under another set of corpses, perhaps it’s slightly in a wall)
You are now denied an exotic.

new system
You kill a monster
Monster drops an exotic
Chest appears in your lower right hand corner
chest contains exotic
you now have that exotic

It’s basically making it hard/impossible to miss loot of high value as it will automatically be picked up and deposited into a chest attached to your UI that you can open at your leisure. It’s rather convenient.

If this shows up as a daily chest, then yay! That is good. At your feet…not good.

Uncommon Rarity Chest??

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MokahTGS.7850


Everybody thinking this breaks Magic Find:
Now, unless we have to do the whole chest-opening animation to get the loot, all this really means is “There is now a visual indicator that a mob is worth looting”

Do you really not loot any mob? even trash drops add up…I still don’t see what this adds and actually see this as a problem. If these chests drop like the daily chests used to drop in the BWE, and WvW loot I can see missing a lot of good drops just by not seeing them. I miss WvW loot bags all the time. They are small, and mixed in with all sorts of AoE.

My eyes are focused on the creature I’m killing, not my feet. I’ll try this out, but from the description, it seems like a cure for a non-existent disease.

Uncommon Rarity Chest??

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MokahTGS.7850


I just don’t understand what problem this addition is supposed to be addressing.

Uncommon Rarity Chest??

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MokahTGS.7850


“In PvE, if a player is awarded loot by killing a creature and the loot is of uncommon rarity or higher, a chest will appear that contains the loot that would previously have been on the corpse. If the rarity of the loot on the creature is lower than uncommon, the loot will remain on the creature’s corpse.”

So now there are two places we have to loot? I don’t understand why this was added.

January 28th Update Anticipation Thread

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MokahTGS.7850


Hey everybody, please keep in mind that we are in the Pacific time zone and most of us just got into the office within the last hour or so.

Plus they are in Seattle which means they all need coffee before they start to function. Sheesh people, give ’em a break.

Also, people need to temper their expectations as this is the preliminary patch that sets up the bigger things to come in February. I’d like to stay optimistic but I’m sure there will be a flood of “YOU RUINED THE GAME” threads after this patch goes live.

BTW, I’m still having fun, playing the game and looking forward to future content. Great job ANet…even before the patches.

(edited by MokahTGS.7850)

Possible to use gift card (visa) for gems?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: MokahTGS.7850


I have often found that Visa gift cards have trouble getting used online. There are high levels of fraud that are associated with them so a lot of online merchants don’t take them.

Gem cards are available at brick and mortar stores like Gamestop and Best Buy. You could always buy the gem card from them with the visa gift card.

+X% weapon sigils

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: MokahTGS.7850


I would like to know this as well. Do identical sigils stack?

Is there an active PvE server?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MokahTGS.7850


I’m on Tarnished Coast and it is always hopping. There aren’t any zones…even the 1-15 zones that are “dead”. WvWvW always has a 30min wait time and there are hundreds of people in LA…all the time.

Pets you'd like in the future...

in Ranger

Posted by: MokahTGS.7850


  • Griffons (all varieties)
  • Raptors (all varieties)
  • Golden & Green Moas
  • Thunder Shrimp
  • Dolphin
  • Hermit Crab
  • The Real Marsh Drake
  • Barracuda
  • Moose
  • Stag
  • Rock Dogs
  • Rock Drakes
  • Tuna
  • Sea Turtles
  • Wargs
  • Scorpion Fish…yes the glow-in-the-dark one.

oh….and a Humpback Whale

(edited by MokahTGS.7850)

Idea: Pet Gear

in Ranger

Posted by: MokahTGS.7850


WinXP Black Screen Freeze at Character Select

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: MokahTGS.7850


I have read through a bunch of posts about this issue and have found zero help. I have a computer running WinXP and GW2 with a GF 9600 with the latest drivers installed clean. Randomly GW2 will try to launch to the character select screen but the screen will go black and the computer will stop responding. The only solution is to restart the computer.

I have checked the anti-aliasing settings and have verified that they are set to “application controlled”

Is there an official response or a fix for this issue??

6 servers Very High, 18 servers Full

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MokahTGS.7850


You know, it was 10 servers very high yesterday morning.

At this rate, no one will be able to play GW2 by Friday.

Game completely dead, no one playing anymore. Cuz it’s Too crowded. Cryin shame, it is, crying kittie shame.

This just made me laugh.

Dance Dance for 100 gold, Community Event.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MokahTGS.7850


When this contest ends and the dust settles, I would be willing to donate a gold toward another contest if you organize it. I think others would be as well. Crowd-funding is all the rage.

Great job doing something positive. I was getting rather sick of seeing nothing but rage on these boards.

Burrow Bots: Is there any way to stop them?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MokahTGS.7850


Well looking at the bot tools available, they all have TP with coordinate lists, so they don’t even need to use the noclip functions.

Has any MMO been able to fix this?

Burrow Bots: Is there any way to stop them?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MokahTGS.7850


I just saw two “burrow bots” in Sparkfly Fen harvesting all the resource nodes, but they were far too fast to report and even too fast for me to screenshot.

For those that don’t know, a burrow bot is a player using an illegal hack to “burrow” underground and pop from node to node surfacing only long enough to harvest and then popping back underground to travel to the next one. To other players it looks like the player is just glitching and lag popping, so if you didn’t know, you’d thinkittentle of it.

The prices in the market for harvested resources has dived over the last week, so I’m assuming that these bots are doing very well.

Is there anything that can be done code-wise to detect these botters and stop them or do we have to just get lucky and screenshot the and report the player?

Teleporting gatherer bots

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MokahTGS.7850


Couldn’t this be solved with changing how resource nodes are spawned? Nodes should never spawn in the same place, they should just be scattered around the area randomly.

I’m not sure if this would help, but it’s a thought.

population and state of gw2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MokahTGS.7850


So…1:56pm PST on a Wednesday

and scrolling down you see three medium…

These threads are useless BTW!

(edited by MokahTGS.7850)

BL Trading Company just stole my money!

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: MokahTGS.7850


Yup, me too…luckily for me it was just about 1 gold. I hope they have a log.

Gem Gift Cards??

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: MokahTGS.7850


OK, I see only Best Buy as a brick and mortar retailer of these cards ATM.

Gem Gift Cards??

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: MokahTGS.7850


Well, it’s not a new idea by any means…every other major MMO has gift cards available in Target, Walmart, Best Buy, Gamstop, and available online.

Gem Gift Cards??

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: MokahTGS.7850


Are we ever going to see gem gift cards available at retailers? You might have noticed that Christmas is coming, and some of us still love the game. Gem cards would make nifty stocking stuffers.

Any word?

Total Lack of Invite, Intro or in Game Instructions!

in Halloween Event

Posted by: MokahTGS.7850


I completely agree with the OP. I have tried a few events but basically just guessed my way through it and when it comes to the Candy scanner I have no idea what to do. The instructions are completely missing/lacking.

To add insult to injury placing the event hub in the most lagtastic city in all of tyria is not a great choice, IMO. 80% of the time the NPCs never load so I’m left wandering around looking for something that isn’t even there.

I’m completely underwhelmed by this event and am hoping that ANet takes some of this feedback and makes major changes for the next holiday event.

Wolf only in Eternal Battlegrounds?

in Ranger

Posted by: MokahTGS.7850


XD does stripping naked help ward off pursuers? LOL and im from EB too :P

Yes, as does greasing down with all the butter we seem to be finding in drops now. Seriously…butter should provide an extra dodge.

Ranger Pets, a letdown?

in Ranger

Posted by: MokahTGS.7850


The only let down is that I can’t have a humpback whale as a pet.

Can we have 8 character slots?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MokahTGS.7850


A little tip for character slots: I have been buying gems through the currency exchange when I see the price reach 3 gems per 1 silver and buying them at 10 silver at a time. Doing this I reached 800 gems in a few days, and purchased another character slot. Rinse repeat, and you can fill out those extra slots pretty easily.

Defeat Utcua Skill Challenge Cannot be Completed [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: MokahTGS.7850


There are two skill points that are broken currently in Metrica Province that prevents area completion.

  • The Durotl Grounds in Metrica Province skill point NPC is dead and unable to revive.
  • The Outer Inquest Complex is missing the Black Ice 4444 golem. He simply is not there to defeat.

Both of these have been bug reported via the in game system.

Durotl Grounds Skill Point bugged!

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: MokahTGS.7850


Confirmed he is still down.

Dynamic Event Bosses: Make them # Capped Instances

in Suggestions

Posted by: MokahTGS.7850


If you’re involved from the beginning of the DE you’ll get Gold. Even if your only contribution is spamming your #1 ability for the entirety of the fight. Go ahead, try it. People getting Silver or less are likely dead for the duration or come into it half way through.
Capping DE’s to certain numbers is completely contrary to the whole idea of them to begin with. Massive dynamically scaling encounters with no ceiling to the number of people who can be involved.

Many many people have complained about not getting gold during events, I have personally seen it happen dozens of times in all scales of events on my ranger and certainly did not spend any time dead. I did however always have my pet attacking, constantly using high damage skills, and helped out other players be reviving and healing when I could. I guess I’m just not playing the game right, according to you.

“Massive” is a sliding scale and people quitting the game because they can’t get loot or rewards for hard won fights is also completely contrary to ANet’s design goals.

Dynamic Event Bosses: Make them # Capped Instances

in Suggestions

Posted by: MokahTGS.7850


I’ve read a lot of complaints about the big DEs like the Shatterer and big dragon bosses like him. The main complaint? Not getting loot because the player can’t do enough damage to “tag” the boss for gold medal or it being too easy because fifty bagillian people show up and AoE spam the kitten out of the poor, helpless dragon.

A solution? Make entry into the DE a number gated instance that creates more instances as more and more people show up. The number could be larger like 30 or 50, but by keeping it from going huge, you change how epic these fights feel. The instance gates would need to favor keeping parties together, but other than that, anyone who clicks on them, would be routed to an open slot in an instance. When it fills up, they get routed to another instance.

I’m sure this isn’t a perfect solution, but discussion of this idea might clear up the stuff, I’m sure I’ve missed.

All Soulbinding should be Account, not Character.

in Suggestions

Posted by: MokahTGS.7850


Actually there is a reason for this: Soul binding requires the player to spend more time/gold/gems/karma/glory to get what they want on what character they want. This does several things:

  • it stimulates the player driven economy in the TP
  • it stimulates the gem store purchases, which in turn stimulates ANet…heh.
  • it gets people playing/trading more in groups and guilds.

Take dyes for example: If I buy dye from the gem store and it were account bound, ANet would be out a lot more money than the current system. Soon the entire dye market on the TP would dry up, since everyone would have all the dye rather quickly. This same reasoning can be applied to other soul bound items.

Race Change Through Gem Store

in Suggestions

Posted by: MokahTGS.7850


Yup…pretty sure this will never happen.

Kitten filter option in game

in Suggestions

Posted by: MokahTGS.7850


Yes absolutely!! Kittens for all!