Showing Posts For Nikkinella.8254:

How come so many DH/Guardians in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Nikkinella.8254


Simple answer, because there’s so many condi trash mesmers around. DH has the chance to kill mesmers, so if you dont want to play a lame condi build, play dh. Thats why I play mine anyway, its satisfying blowing up those keyboard turning baddies in dire gear that think theyre actually good.

Chrono F5 in WvW working as intended?

in WvW

Posted by: Nikkinella.8254


Yeah. It doesnt port you back sometimes. I use blink along with mimic and continuum split to get away from zergs. If you do it right, you can cover some insane distance. I’m pretty sure it’s not supposed to work that way, but they don’t really care about balance in wvw.

''Invisible tag'' inclusion (roaming)

in WvW

Posted by: Nikkinella.8254


I’d love to be able to have an invisible tag and still be able to put markers. The markers are extremely useful. Dropping squad and rejoining just so a guild can run around tagless without noobs running around is a pain. The markers are way too useful, so I just said, screw it and keep the tag on now. Squad is closed, I announce in map chat that its closed guild only raid, noobs still follow and get in the way and im bombarded with annoying pms insisting i let them join the squad. Alot of people just can’t take a hint.

If they wont let us have an invisible tag, let us have a guild debuff around us that gives -10k hp and -100% movement speed to anyone that insists on following us around and isnt in the squad. then maybe people will take the hint and buzz off. Downing a key enemy target only to have them rally off the death of a noob with a bad build that insists on following is frustrating. Alteast they only rally 1 guy now, but still it’s a pain.

Why do the devs want elite spec power creep?

in PvP

Posted by: Nikkinella.8254


My theory is that all future elite specs will be balanced against the current one. So, you’re just gonna have 2 base lines and always pick a 3rd elite line. All the elites will be equal to eachother. That’s how they get ya to buy the expansions. If you want something different, but equal in terms of power, gotta buy more expansions. Forget about having 3 core lines, thats a thing of the past. There will always be 2 core lines + whatever new elite lines they roll out, I’m pretty sure that’s their angle. It makes sense from a business standpoint. I would do it if I were trying to sell an expansion.

Think about it this way. What incentive do pvp and wvw players have to buy the expansion if the new elite specs are the same power as core specs? None whatsoever. Just keep playing core for free and win if you’re good. Want to stay competitive? Have to buy the expansion. Pvers will buy it no question for all the new skins, dungeons, maps, etc. So that’s really the only way the can get pvpers and wvwers to buy the expansion since we dont care about any of that stuff. It’s what I would do. You know you’d do the same if you were in charge of their marketing. It logically makes sense.

Ascended rewards count for armor achievement?

in PvP

Posted by: Nikkinella.8254


It doesnt count. Its a different armor skin. The pvp armor isn’t the “illustrious” skin that counts for the achievement.

Desert Borderlands Vote

in WvW

Posted by: Nikkinella.8254


You do realize the only reason the majority of people voted to keep it was because we were basically forced to right? Anet blackmailed us into voting to keep it when they said on reddit that if we voted no, there would be no future improvements to wvw maps. So, yeah. Those of us saying we had a choice if we wanted it or not, LOL! We were basically told,“take this crappy map or else you get nothing else in the future”. Its not a choice when you’re forced to do it through threats.

Don't heal or support

in Elementalist

Posted by: Nikkinella.8254


The forcemaster in blade and soul is how I wish scepter ele was in this game.

too bad I hate everything else about blade and soul though.

Mind blown

in WvW

Posted by: Nikkinella.8254


Seems about right. BG just likes to blob down other servers with a fraction of their population then chest thump that they’re number 1. When they actually have to put in any effort in fights, they go into hibernation mode and make weak excuses of why they’re taking a break. I hope they don’t drop down, I don’t miss having to fight their omniblobs on every map. Feel sorry for you people still in t1 dealing with them.

Avoid exclusive content to reward minorities

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nikkinella.8254


Having exclusive rewards per Gamemode is fine it shows what you did to accomplish it, now they need to make sure all Gamemodes have access to the same quality rewards, i.e. New Legendary Armor for WvW, PvP and possibly a way to craft Legendary Armor for PvE all with Different Skins so that they are distinguished by what they did. Game modes having monopolies on quality of rewards is a problem, Anet shows they are slowly fixing that issue with the latest PvP update, they just need to expand the effort

That’s a simple solution. Or, just have a way of upgrading any armor to Legendary stats, so you can have the stats, but not the “show-off-ness” that the raid players desperately crave for some reason.

No vertical progression is why I limit my time in this game. I clear the raids, keep my placing in pvp, but other pve and wvw content there’s no point to playing.

That’s the reason I play this game to start with and keep with it. It’s not a WoW clone, nor should it be.

By Legendary stats you mean Ascended Armor ? Since they are the exact same stats.

I think they mean the stat switching ability

Yes, have a PvE track that finishes with a way to upgrade any armor to Legendary Quality, whatever that brings.

I’d say make non-Raid PvE Legendary set in addition to the raid one, so that people can have both, or one or the other, but Anet hates making armor sets, so…

They wouldnt even have to make a new set. Ask anyone that plays wvw seriously. We really couldn’t care less how it looks. Give it the same skin as the exotic wvw armor you can buy for badges. We just want it for the stat swapping utility. Let the raiders keep their fancy transforming armor. Just add something for proofs of heroics+badges and make it look generic but have stat swapping functionality. I hate pve and have no desire to do it for something that would be hugely beneficial for wvw. Its bad enough wvw players are forced to do pve for guild upgrades for wvw.

I’m sure pvers wouldn’t enjoy it if they were forced to complete all 4 maps in wvw for each raid armor piece or something as similarly stupid. no player should be forced to play a mode they despise for rewards that would be useful in another mode.

Also, so pvers cant whine about it, make a way for them to get gift of battle without doing wvw. They don’t want to be there, we dont want them there taking up queue space and afking in spawn or feeding enemies kills running around in their pve builds and getting stomped, giving the other team points. And in exchange, give us our own unique legendary armor without having to ever do pve. I’d say its a fair compromise.

(edited by Nikkinella.8254)

Don't heal or support

in Elementalist

Posted by: Nikkinella.8254


I still play d/d marauder ele in pvp. Support is boring and I refuse to be a healbot. I’m basically trying to play the role of +1 in pvp on an ele. Thief is way better at it, but healbot ele is so boring. And i’ve made it almost to gold so far, so i cant be doing that bad. It definitely needs some major buffs though. I’m going to keep playing it though because it’s fun despite being weak. I just warn people before matches that I’m not support and they should bring their own cleanses.

(edited by Nikkinella.8254)

When are we getting Legendary Armors?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Nikkinella.8254


Here’s your answer.


Avoid exclusive content to reward minorities

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nikkinella.8254


I think its ok for raids to have exclusive skins. But I don’t think it’s ok for raids to be the only way of obtaining legendary armor. Let the raiders have that exclusive skin for legendary armor, but make another set of legendary armor with a different skin obtainable for other players. Wvw definitely needs a set of legendary armor. Having the ability to swap stats on armor is more important than it is in any other mode of the game. As a Wvw player i could care less about all the flashy effects on armor, and i have no desire to ever do any boring pve content in order to get something that would benefit me greatly for my preferred game mode. Just give us a different skin, but the same functionality of legendary armor in other game modes. All 3 game modes should have a way of obtaining legendary armor. Just give each set a different look depending on which game mode it comes from, that way everyone is happy, and no one is forced to play in a game mode they despise just for something that would help them in the game mode they like to play.

New players in ranked

in PvP

Posted by: Nikkinella.8254


Unranked is where they should be learning. Jumping into ranked without a basic concept of how to play is a kitteny thing to do to your teammates, and the hatred they get is deserved for that. They need to have a tutorial you’re required to play through in unranked before being allowed to queue for ranked. And rank points need to be removed from custom arenas so rank cant just be farmed in daily rooms, then pvers just hop into ranked after hitting 20 and never learn how to play. Mandatory tutorial mode in unranked till you hit rank 20, then you can play ranked when you wont be a burden and know what to do.

@devs please make more underwater content.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nikkinella.8254


I want more underwater stuff too. I miss the capricorn map in pvp, and the quaggan island in wvw. There used to be an underwater guild in wvw that I remember fighting against. Those guys had the right idea, water combat is awesome. Please get rid of the crappy bloodlust nodes that no one likes anyway and put the quaggan island back so we can have underwater battles again on the borderlands.

(edited by Nikkinella.8254)

Devs, may we have a discussion about ele

in PvP

Posted by: Nikkinella.8254


We were all looking forward to something with a sword and a medi guardian type of burst build for ele so we could finally have a non bunker build for pvp. So, they gave us a horn and more bunkering. We aren’t any happier than you all are about it. you think we wanted more boring bunkering? we’ve been asking for a viable dps spec for years. not our fault we have only 1 playable build that isnt even fun to play, because theyre too dumb/stubborn to listen to suggestions and buff scepter and offhand dagger so we have a dps option. nerfing that 1 build we have though just completely removes ele from the game though, because it still has the same problems it had years ago that have never been addressed. All non bunker weapons/traits/skills are terrible. Theyre good for pve against non moving targets with big hitboxes, but worthless in pvp.

Why AP for the top 250 titles is not cool

in PvP

Posted by: Nikkinella.8254


If it really meant that much to you, you should just get good and earn the title.

There is one thing to make an achievement hard to get but this isn’t the case. The 6 AP for the top title will go to ONE person. If only ONE person out of the entire population will get that 6 AP no amount of “get good” can help anyone else.

Getting to Legendary division in previous seasons also had an achievement and a title, but I didn’t see anyone complaining because it was obtainable. These AP are not obtainable and it’s a good thing they were removed.

Wrong. you want it that badly, be that ONE person and get it. What’s wrong with this generation that everyone feels like they’re entitled to everything? Theres more than enough things already that everyone can get. there should be more things in the game that only one person can get. Whether you want to accept the fact or not, there are simply some people that are better than others, regardless of what mommy told you, we aren’t all equal. Better people should get things others don’t. the lessers should just accept that and stop crying for everything to be available to everyone. you know what its called when everyone gets everything even when they don’t deserve it? communism. Are you a communist?

PvP Dailies Bothering PvP Seasons

in PvP

Posted by: Nikkinella.8254


They can fix this easily by simply disabling dailies in ranked.

Devs, may we have a discussion about ele

in PvP

Posted by: Nikkinella.8254


No one is asking for the 1 build we have to be buffed. The majority of us hate that build and want our garbage traits and skills that are never used to be buffed. This wouldn’t buff current meta ele anyway, since they don’t use any of those things, it would simply open up more than 1 option for us.

Does duo queue give you advantage?

in PvP

Posted by: Nikkinella.8254


Absolutely. I really wanted to go this season totally solo just to see how far i could take myself. But the amount of knuckledragging, mindless goons i’ve gotten on my team made it beyond frustrating. So i finally gave in and teamed up with a friend. Won every single game since then. 2 decent players can carry 3 terrible ones pretty far against an entire team of baddies. Just having 1 other person that can listen and knows what they’re doing and doesn’t just stare at the wall eating paint chips makes a world of difference.

Why AP for the top 250 titles is not cool

in PvP

Posted by: Nikkinella.8254


The AP hunters seem to be those “everyone gets a participation trophy” type of people from the looks of it. Rewarding everyone just for trying. Perhaps they need to look up the definition of achievement. There should be some exclusive things that not everyone could get, you should be rewarded for being the best. If you want it badly enough, you’ll try to be the best. I’m disappointed Anet. Stop carebearing so much. Since you want everything to be obtainable by everyone, how about we make legendary armor purchacable for wvw badges and pvp currency? How do ya feel about that? Its only fair right?


(edited by Nikkinella.8254)

Ele full dps\bunker needs to be addessed

in PvP

Posted by: Nikkinella.8254


I think ele healing should be cut in half and as other said they need more DPS so buff flamestrike by 5% and dust devil by 20%

That is comically ridiculous. All healing ele can produce should be nerfed by 50%? And a 5% buff on damage in fire scepter auto attack and a 20% damage buff on earth scepter 3? That’s a tiny start that would get us nowhere at all.

You are right, this is absolutely absurd. With that kind of nerf, they need to AT LEAST compensate with another stack of vulnerabilty on the almight shatterstone!!!

I think they’re saving that for our next elite spec, the shatterstoner. It will add 2 more stacks of vuln on shatterstone and increase the damage by 5%.

Devs, may we have a discussion about ele

in PvP

Posted by: Nikkinella.8254


Didn’t you get the memo? we’re only allowed to have 1 viable build. Which will most likely get nerfed eventually because people don’t want to change their meta builds and use the obvious hard counters against it and would rather cry for nerfs, just like rev, that also only had 1 viable build. Then we will just be forced out of pvp entirely because everything else we have is garbage.

Ele full dps\bunker needs to be addessed

in PvP

Posted by: Nikkinella.8254


I don’t even know what to say.


Why AP for the top 250 titles is not cool

in PvP

Posted by: Nikkinella.8254


So lucky I don’t get to decide on things like this. I would have made the titles worth 10k+ AP just to really rub it in the faces of the AP hunters. Bunch of whiners. If it really meant that much to you, you should just get good and earn the title.

Please stop the new/Pve player "hate"

in PvP

Posted by: Nikkinella.8254


I wonder how pvers would feel if pvp/wvw players started joining in raids, using our pvp builds and causing them to fail over and over again? You can be sure we’d be kicked instantly from the group. Think about that for a second pvers, and let that sink in.

maybe next season they can give the pver rewards doing pve things instead of going to pvp to get them

you mean like they already do now? pve is already the most rewarding game mode. Before pvers get anything else, they should atleast make ascended gear purchasable in wvw too now.

Quick wins: Add WvW ascended armour

in WvW

Posted by: Nikkinella.8254


Deflate bandwagoning by offering unique server armour that takes at least three to six months to acquire a full set.

Bonus: Boost to server identity, linked or not.

This I like. Server loyalty rewards. Must remain on the same server for 1-3 years then a merchant appears and it becomes purchasable for heroics+badges. Maybe this could be our wvw legendary armor. Since loyalty to a server seems to be the hardest thing for anyone to do these days. It would take a year to get from scratch, so pvers cant whine about it being too easy for us. But those of us who have been on the same server for years can get it right away and are rewarded for our loyalty with out own unique legendary armor different from the pve set. It wouldnt even need any fancy effects. just give it the same skin as the exotic wvw armor but make it stat swappable and i’ll be happy.

Please stop the new/Pve player "hate"

in PvP

Posted by: Nikkinella.8254


I wonder how pvers would feel if pvp/wvw players started joining in raids, using our pvp builds and causing them to fail over and over again? You can be sure we’d be kicked instantly from the group. Think about that for a second pvers, and let that sink in.

Please stop the new/Pve player "hate"

in PvP

Posted by: Nikkinella.8254


They need to raise the minimum required rank for playing in ranked to 50, also you need a minimum win ratio of 50%, and make it so that playing in custom arenas no longer gives rank points so pvers farming dailies cant rank up that way and have to play in unranked, and atleast have some knowledge of what to do.

I had a guy in my last match say “we have to lose this one” When I asked why he said “I want my rating to drop down to get easier fights so i can farm armor faster.” Then the kitten afks in spawn. Needless to say we lost that one. This is the sort of crap that happens when you get pvers that want to farm for prizes. Either we need to remove the rewards entirely so pvers won’t want to do it, or make it impossible for casual pve farmers to play in ranked in the first place.

Nvidia share overlay(shadowplay) not working

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Nikkinella.8254


When it was called shadowplay, I could make videos just fine. Since last patch (share overlay) I can no longer make videos. Nothing happens. Windows 7 64 with 64 bit gw2.

When I hit ctrl z (i think that’s the key for it) The window pops up, but nothing I do will let me record videos. Has anyone else had this problem?

On options I have everything checked and adjusted so it should work.
I talked to the guy in support for 1 hour, we tried everything. It’s just not working. Is there something I’m missing?

The Invincible Ele Meta is back

in PvP

Posted by: Nikkinella.8254


Been 4 years and bad players still don’t know how to kill ele. Unless its a free kill, they cry for nerfs. Its finally somewhat viable, and doesn’t have to just be a boring healbot anymore, and people cry. This is a pure learn to play issue. CC an ele and they die instantly. If you see the other team has an ele and dont change your skills before the match starts in order to cc them, the fault lies on you and you alone.

No, this has been a recurring problem for ele for a long time. High skill eles are near invulnerable without 3 or more people focusing on them. By that point in time, the result is that all your other points have been decapped. In game modes like conquest, killing such an ele is such a monumental waste of time that it screws your team.

Can we kill them? Yes.

Can we kill them in a reasonable amount of time and with a reasonable amount of effort? No.

Personally I hate the healbot build and would be happy to see it nerfed into the ground. its boring to play as and boring to fight against. I’d be happy if they nerfed the outgoing heals but buffed the ele’s self heals in return. Because despite what bad players may think, ele dies very easily when focused, perhaps easier than necro because ele doesnt have a 2nd lifebar and has the lowest health of any profession.

I think the inverse would be a better solution — reduce self heals but increase outgoing healing. Would force the ele to run away or play defensively, rather than sit in the middle spamming overloads.

so say we nerf ele. what else do they bring to the table without buffing anything else?

Nothing really needs to be nerfed on ele. This is just crying from someone that doesnt want to change their build to counter ele and would rather cry for nerfs so they can keep using the same build and not having to adapt. While we’re stuck with one build only that most of us don’t even enjoy playing, but are forced to because its the only thing thats viable in ranked since everything else ele has is trash. Scepter ele is only seeing play now because of the recent changes, but still needs alot of buffs before it can actually compete in a dps role.

Rev got overnerfed because people refused to learn to play against it, even though it had very obvious counters. And how many revs have you seen lately in ranked? People just want their mains to be powerful, and anything they cant kill without having to change their build has to be nerfed. I’m an altaholic and play every class pretty much equally so i’m unbiased in this and would rather see every class have multiple viable builds. Who wants to be forced to play just 1 build on every class? That’s freaking boring. The only class that I would say needs any nerfing at this point would be condi warrior. and that’s ONLY condi warrior. Power warrior is fine. Its mainly just an issue with mace primal doing way too much.

The Invincible Ele Meta is back

in PvP

Posted by: Nikkinella.8254


Been 4 years and bad players still don’t know how to kill ele. Unless its a free kill, they cry for nerfs. Its finally somewhat viable, and doesn’t have to just be a boring healbot anymore, and people cry. This is a pure learn to play issue. CC an ele and they die instantly. If you see the other team has an ele and dont change your skills before the match starts in order to cc them, the fault lies on you and you alone.

No, this has been a recurring problem for ele for a long time. High skill eles are near invulnerable without 3 or more people focusing on them. By that point in time, the result is that all your other points have been decapped. In game modes like conquest, killing such an ele is such a monumental waste of time that it screws your team.

Can we kill them? Yes.

Can we kill them in a reasonable amount of time and with a reasonable amount of effort? No.

Personally I hate the healbot build and would be happy to see it nerfed into the ground. its boring to play as and boring to fight against. I’d be happy if they nerfed the outgoing heals but buffed the ele’s self heals in return. Because despite what bad players may think, ele dies very easily when focused, perhaps easier than necro because ele doesnt have a 2nd lifebar and has the lowest health of any profession.

I think the inverse would be a better solution — reduce self heals but increase outgoing healing. Would force the ele to run away or play defensively, rather than sit in the middle spamming overloads.

Spoken as someone who has obviously never played ele. That would force ele even further into the boring healbot role and kill any other semi viable build. A terrible solution. and you’re completely wrong about it. Your lack of knowledge of the class is apparent if you think this is a good solution. Reducing aoe heals and increasing self survival on ele would make it less of a pain in team fights, but not completely useless by itself and a hindrance to the team if the ele chooses to play something besides healbot. Not all of us enjoy playing support, killing all other builds to slightly nerf the healbot build is absolutely stupid.

Elementalist season 5 Changes

in Elementalist

Posted by: Nikkinella.8254


After playing with the changes, I just feel like s/f ele still isn’t sufficient vs. the alternatives (daredevil, revenant, or even burst mesmer).

The damage just isn’t there, and is almost completely reliant on hitting phoenix, which ends up being mitigated quite often thanks to all the invulns and free evades everywhere.

On other classes, if you miss your burst, there is max of 10s before you can go again. On ele, that number is 20s.

These changes move the needle in the right direction, but s/f ele still remains only unranked viable. When people only play meta specs, it just can’t keep up.

Been playing in ranked with no issues. Only had about 10 matches though. What build you using?

I played air/water/arcana for a good 15 matches, and it just…isn’t there. The build survives well if you are smart about positioning and and timing your defenses, but the damage just isn’t that great. The sustained damage is better, but still nothing to brag about, and the time between phoenixes (your primary burst) is just too long. Besides air burst and phoenix, everything has a huge cast-time/delay and is rarely worth using for damage (the blinds are great in small fights/1v1’s, earth is worth queueing up for extra damage, but (many times even dragon’s tooth on a downed body isn’t worth it because the person is ressed before it lands).

Sure, the spec does ok in 1v1s, but often means you give up the point (esp if the guy is tanky), and its good in +1s, except for the fact that you are slow as hell as far as map mobility goes.

All in all, still just a really bad version of a thief, which does SO MUCH MORE DAMAGE nowadays.

Now if only they’ll buff offhand dagger. Full offense s/d ele might become a thing (one can hope). But that will never happen with the sub-par damage and ridiculously long cooldowns on offhand dagger. We’ll never take a thief’s place, I’m not foolish enough to think that. But we might atleast be able to compete with rev and mesmer.

Dagger is just bad damage AND bad defense, nowadays. There just isn’t any saving it when compared to the insane HoT power-creep.

Yeah, unfortunately. offhand dagger will need some huge buffs to be viable again. But I doubt that will happen especially with bad players already complaining about “Invincible eles doing huge damage”. because our auto attack can apparently 1 shot people now and arcane shield lets us block more than guardians, while we can heal our whole team to full because apparently ele can have more than 6 utility slots and can somehow have all our shouts and defensive skills at the same time…… freaking morons.

The Invincible Ele Meta is back

in PvP

Posted by: Nikkinella.8254


Been 4 years and bad players still don’t know how to kill ele. Unless its a free kill, they cry for nerfs. Its finally somewhat viable, and doesn’t have to just be a boring healbot anymore, and people cry. This is a pure learn to play issue. CC an ele and they die instantly. If you see the other team has an ele and dont change your skills before the match starts in order to cc them, the fault lies on you and you alone.

Personally I hate the healbot build and would be happy to see it nerfed into the ground. its boring to play as and boring to fight against. I’d be happy if they nerfed the outgoing heals but buffed the ele’s self heals in return. Because despite what bad players may think, ele dies very easily when focused, perhaps easier than necro because ele doesnt have a 2nd lifebar and has the lowest health of any profession.

Elementalist season 5 Changes

in Elementalist

Posted by: Nikkinella.8254


Now if only they’ll buff offhand dagger. Full offense s/d ele might become a thing (one can hope). But that will never happen with the sub-par damage and ridiculously long cooldowns on offhand dagger. We’ll never take a thief’s place, I’m not foolish enough to think that. But we might atleast be able to compete with rev and mesmer.

Now that PvP will give you ascended gear...

in WvW

Posted by: Nikkinella.8254


I’ve only played this season in pvp for a couple hours and have 2 pieces of ascended gear already. Why, just why? I mean, I’m happy i can gear up all my characters now and don’t have to suffer through pve to do it, but why can’t I play wvw instead, and get ascended gear playing the game mode I enjoy most?

Pve and Pvp to me is basically a chore I have to do before I get to enjoy WvW. That’s basically how it feels to me. And it shouldn’t be that way, that’s just bad game design. What happened to “play how you want”? Why cant I play WvW and get loot too? Ya know where getting ascended gear would actually make sense, since stats dont matter in pvp, but do in WvW.

Legendary back for pve and pvp. Legendary armor for pve, and now ascended gear for pvp. Wvw gets?? Nothing.

Whats the hardest part of wvsw? (for you)

in WvW

Posted by: Nikkinella.8254


Finding someone that’s actually worth fighting while roaming. The whole point of roaming for me is to find other roamers, and have a fun duel with them. Or jump on groups of disorganized zerglings and slaughter them solo. There’s plenty of zergling still to kill, but way less roamers now. 99% of people are condi, and I don’t count condi players as true roamers. Regardless of whether i can kill them or not, its not fun fighting that crap. The majority of them are terrible players and are carried by dire gear that lets them just facetank my full burst and random dodge and keyboard turn, while i have to play perfectly to kill them because they effortlessly do insane damage from passive procs.

I’m one of those people who will run from fights, but only if i engage then find out my opponent is condi scum. Not wasting my time on something I dont find enjoyable to fight. So perhaps some of you people that dislike runners should stop playing cheese builds if you want people to stay and fight you? No one enjoys fighting condi mesmers and we’re under no obligation to stay and fight your carry build and satisfy your ego.

Balance Patch Notes & WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Nikkinella.8254


I’m just hoping the fact they started splitting skills means they will unnerf some of the things that got undeserved nerfs because of spvp -cough- Ride the Lightning -cough-.

[Suggestions] Gemstore Items

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nikkinella.8254


Are we ever going to get this?


Balance Patch Notes & WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Nikkinella.8254


“Added another npc that runs from a building you can destroy.” There, now you don’t have to wait.

I wouldn’t hold my breath on any meaningful changes about balance in wvw. If they cared, they would have nerfed cancer mes into the ground years ago and never added dire/trailblazer stats, perplexity runes, and torment sigil to the game. And they would have realized giving revenant a spammable, 18k, aoe, 1200 range skill on hammer was an idiotic idea in the first place.

Changes needed about Mesmer portal bomb

in WvW

Posted by: Nikkinella.8254


Trying to take away the one joy i still have in wvw. Portal bombs with groups of zerk D/D eles with churning earth blowing up groups of uncoordinated scrubs. The only thing D/D ele is useful for anymore is trolling, dont take that away from us too.

Viable D/D Ele in PvP??

in Elementalist

Posted by: Nikkinella.8254


You can play it in unranked and stomp people. But its unviable in ranked against anyone with moderate skill. D/D is dead in any competitive sense unfortunately. Offhand dagger will need some major damage buffs and cd reductions to be viable in this meta. Its one of those “just for fun” builds that you dont use for anything serious, much like power gs necro.

Trahearne Concept Art?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Nikkinella.8254


+1000 for the cactuar!! :P

+1000 needles.

Upcoming Changes to Skills

in PvP

Posted by: Nikkinella.8254


Can the changes for ele be global? Scepter and arcane shield are garbage in all modes right now and need buffs everywhere besides just in pvp.

Get rid of Desert BL

in WvW

Posted by: Nikkinella.8254


I know a lot of people voted yes to the map and do not like it. Devs posted that they wouldn’t be doing continue work on maps if the desert BL was voted No to. So people voted for it in hopes that they would put work into it, and maybe even other maps. The problem is, here we are and no work being put into WvW maps. I would gladly change my Yes to a No at this point.

This. So much this. Perhaps you few people that actually like the desert BL have forgotten the reddit post by Anet where they said they wouldnt support any more map improvements in wvw if we voted no on the crappy map that we didn’t like. We were basically threatened and forced into voting for it even though we didn’t want it. So, NO. We absolutely didn’t have a proper choice of being rid of the desert BL. We were strong armed into voting yes even though we didnt want it just so they would continue to improve wvw, which they didn’t anyway.

the 'jump on their corpse' thread

in WvW

Posted by: Nikkinella.8254


I’ll do it occasionally if the person is a jerk or running a cheese build and I kill them. Most of the people I drop that put up a good fight, i’ll salute them or let them get back up and not even spike them. The trolls that like to gank in groups but die easily when they’re alone get siege dropped on them and about 20 /laughs until they rage whisper me or port away in silent shame. Also anyone that’s condi will always be spiked and laughed at if i drop them.

Why Making SPVP P2W?

in PvP

Posted by: Nikkinella.8254


If you people think this is P2W, you’re either trolls or idiots. Is this your first online game ever? Anyone that knows me knows that i criticize Anet ALOT, for pretty much everything they do. Rarely do I have something positive to say about them as a company. But this is the one thing they’ve been very fair about, keeping this game from becoming Pay2win.

If you think this is pay2win, then seriously, never play any other online game, you’ll be sorely disappointed. Of course you have to buy the expansion to stay relevant. That’s how it is in every game in the history of the internet. You can’t expect to stay relevant when you don’t have the expansion in any online game. That’s just stupid to think you can. What reason would people have to buy the expansion then if you could just have the base game for free and do just fine? Get a job and buy the expansion, its not that expensive.

A PvEer's Perspective on WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Nikkinella.8254


If you want to generate more PvE interest in WvW…

Why would you want PvE interest in WvW, sure there will be a small percentage who actually find they enjoy WvW, but on the whole PvE players are just kitten.

Because WvW need people to survive? Just look at how it is now. We’re down from 24 server to 12 and we have 2 that are very empty.

WvW is empty because of the crappy changes Anet has made for pve that have negatively affected wvw. NOT lack of pve players being in WvW. Stability changes, making condis more powerful when they were already stupidly OP even beofre HoT and complained about on a daily basis. Buffing siege, which was also already complained about. Boon spam. All sorts of crap that encourages mindless blobbing and drove away all the fight guilds and GvG people, which massively killed the population in WvW. we most certainly dont need more PvE players that will go into WvW, complain about crap they dont understand, Anet will listen to them and destroy something else, or add something else that doesnt need to be changed and make WvW even less fun for people that go there just for the fights.

Baseline abilities

in Elementalist

Posted by: Nikkinella.8254


So, has anyone else noticed that other classes have been getting very powerful, formerly GM traits as baseline? Thief has venomshare baseline now, guardian F2 now cures condis baseline. I think its long past time for ele to have elemental attunement (self only) as baseline as well as evasive arcana. It would only make sense at this point especially considering the terrible state ele is currently in, and the free traits they keep giving other classes as baseline for free.

Durability Runes + Damage Reduction

in WvW

Posted by: Nikkinella.8254


The proc from Resist runes arent a problem really. When you’re by yourself, those passive procs are so meaningless they may as well not even be there. It’s the Aoe part of that proc that needs to go. Make it only affect you and not also affect allies nearby. If everyone around you has passive resistence on a proc, of course its going to spread around and stack up. Just make it only effect 1 person, that would be the intelligent way to nerf them without making them completely useless in small scale fights.

Now would be a good time

in Elementalist

Posted by: Nikkinella.8254


To rework alot of our trashy skills. Ele is effectively removed from high end pvp atm. While we’re just sitting in the trash bin, its probably a good time to rethink alot of our skills.

Arcane skills definitely need a rework. Arcane shield specifically. If they think that a 60 sec cooldown skill that only blocks 3 attack is going to help dps ele, they really need a reality check. We need some reliable active defense that doesnt rely on having to stack healing and toughness. 20 sec cooldown and blocks all attack would be good on Arcane Shield. Why not? Daredevil has a block that stunbreaks on a 15 sec cooldwon on top of all their evade spam and stealth, which we don’t have.

Arcane power is just terrible. It would atleast be somewhat useful if it made our next 5 attack unblockable and gave a 20% damage increase to them as well. just having guaranteed crits is nothing, you can just stick on intelligence sigil or use daredevil runes and dodge first if you want a guaranteed crit.
Arcane blast and arcane wave dont do enough damage to even make a difference, they just need a simple buff in damage.

Our signets are simply terrible. Theyre the worst signet skills out of any class.
Our signet heal should get the same treatment as warriors signet heal did before. Make it scale less with healing power but up its base healing and increase the amount it heals for when activated. it will be more useful on dps builds with minimal healing power that way.

Fire signet is pretty bad. it should at the very least give a fire aura or something when you use it. I don’t even know how to change it to make it not suck. If anyone has any suggestions, feel free to say it.
Air is decent, i wouldnt change much about it. except maybe make it a teleport to target on activate to give us a bit more mobility.
Earth is ok, i would maybe add a magnetic aura on activate.
Water is just trash. does anyone use this at all? It should give -33% condition duration for a passive, and have a freeze like ice bow 5 on activate. Or maybe make it so that the active will give you stacks of resistance for every condi you have on you when you activate it. Or maybe remove all damaging conditions on you when activating and chill your opponent for 5 seconds for each condi you remove.

If anyone else can think of anything, go ahead. This is what I got so far off the top of my head. I’m not even gonna bother stating what needs to be done to our traits. It’s been repeated for the past few years how our traits need to be fixed and they’ve never listened, and im tired of beating a dead horse.