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What do you want to see in the next expansion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ping.5739


-Less real money RNG boxes
-Actually working achievements
-Farm loot buff

No need to add content before fixing these.

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Any Word On NEW Legendary Skins?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ping.5739



If you dont like the current ones, take a break and come back later. I really feel the whinning about legendary skins just gonna encourage anet bring more RNG boxes skins.

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Exotic Mini Pet Price Drop

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Ping.5739


Wait, so the new DB minis can be rng in toliet?
Oh that’s why anet changed the quality of risen knight?

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Hello NSP, Why is this place so awesome?

in WvW

Posted by: Ping.5739


I really enjoy farming holo minions when guesting in NSP. Basically there was no one out in the wild doing the minion, so I get to KILL&LOOT THEM ALL MYSELF! Woot! <3 NSP

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Achievements: 9 done, only counts as 7?

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: Ping.5739



The Crabtoss achievements counted for the Southsun Meta Event, and there’s no indication in the in game achievement window that the dragon ball achievements would be any different.

On top of that, the reward for wining dragon ball is already lacking…

FYI crab toss achievements were working poorly………….

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Defensive-play rewards

in WvW

Posted by: Ping.5739


nope, you get nothing, and it will probably hard for anet to decide what the reward will be.

I won’t expect any change coming soon.

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Why the Maguuma hate

in WvW

Posted by: Ping.5739


Thought Mag has the best warrior, forum warrior, so you guys deserve better opponents. Anet even introduced Dragon Bash to help you guys release the hate on Dragon(brand). I don’t personally see where’s the mag hate

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Why charrs are ignored?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ping.5739


lol charr getting ignored? check asura

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Great job, ArenaNet <3

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: Ping.5739


I will just leave this here, and yes i did read your post.

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You didn't change only their health

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: Ping.5739


yeah they seem to have their power increased.

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Revert the Holo's

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: Ping.5739


I had so much fun doing this pre-patch on my lvl 50 guardian.

After patch… I can barely solo it… I’ve noticed not only they have greater amount of health also deal higher damage…

Revert if possible.

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Coffer drop rate change from Holos?

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: Ping.5739


I have experienced no decrease in the coffer drop rate.


the extra amount of health and seemingly ninja buff on the attack power those mobs got from the patch has relatively reduced my farming efficiency, which, make me feel the coffer drop rate has been nerfed.

Though there might be no official action on the drop rate, the fact that minions are harder to kill can be considered as some kind of nerf on coffer drop.

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This just in; we love RNG boxes!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ping.5739


I love RNG boxes. And this event gives them for free, and as very generous monster drops. I opened Rich coffers and got better luck with the poor ones, anyway.

That’s not to say Rich coffers screwed me over, I just had better luck with the poor ones.

I’ll continue using moderation and not spending all my money, while at the same time accept responsibility for my own decision to spend my money on them, and at the same time not try to blame Anet or NCsoft for having them in the first place, as if it’s their fault I decided to buy them.

I like RNG boxes, and I’m sure they’re not going anywhere soon. Hopefully Anet keeps this “Rich / poor” box system anyway. 2 tickets so far in under 1000 poor coffers, so yeah, I’m liking the RNG boxes a bit.

Wait, are you saying that people that have good luck with RNG boxes are more likely to like RNG boxes than people that have bad luck with them?

Man, I got ticket under 50, and they all come from the achievement mobs. Luck=/=love for rng boxes.

rng boxes are just wrong, period.

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Dust "fix" was a sidestep

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ping.5739


Hello all, let’s keep in mind that this was just one change, it isn’t intended to be the one saving grace of the whole economy it was simply a market correction.

Standard: We saw that dust was too expensive and it wasn’t on a correcting trend. We made it easier and more prevalent to get dust without any major changes to the current balance.

We wanted a shift of the supply curve for dust without change the balance too much in any other markets, we were making a change in pseudo isoloation (bisolation if you will).

“one saving grace of the whole economy it was simply a market correction”

glad to hear more action is coming

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No Aegis on Jade Shild

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Ping.5739


LOL @ the guy named Tony Stark Ironman wearing light armour.

medium tbh, still funny though

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The hate for talent

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ping.5739


because this is a mmorpg, if you can brag about your skill, others can do that too with the addition of bashing yours.

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Great job, ArenaNet <3

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: Ping.5739


Was gonna argue some minor points you forgot to mention, but whatever.
This new rng box method is better than old ones.

Still looking for more “fun” activities(other than spamming button) that encourage group of players to participate.

The dust fix doesn’t solve the end-game farming problem.

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Opening 1000 regular Dragon Coffers [Merged]

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: Ping.5739


113, 3 knights, 1 ticket
got the ticket on about 40~ though

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Opening 1000 regular Dragon Coffers [Merged]

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: Ping.5739


113 normal box
1 ticket
3 risen knight

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Crab Toss Achievements!?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Ping.5739


Hey, everyone: we understand your frustration with the achievements not working for Crab Toss and we apologize that you’re not able to earn those achievements. Although Crab Toss will be removed when the Dragon Bash update goes live, we are working on ways to make this activity available again in the future, and you will have the opportunity to earn or complete those achievements again. We don’t have an estimate on when this will happen, but we will be working on fixing the issues with the achievements and on making Crab Toss available again in the future.

But I’m having some real life issue right now, I probably can’t get back into the game when the fix get deployed =/ Is there anyway to end my gw2 fun with a perfect completed section of gw2 achievements now?

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last developer feedback here 7 months ago?!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Ping.5739


Rather Crowd Control.

you made my day

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Can't progress Crabgrabber achievement

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Ping.5739


Asked dev again, they said this is a progression bug but not a display bug. Meaning everything you do will be ignored by the game. They also mention this happens randomly, maybe you try again and you will get it.

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Thank you, Snowcrash/ANet!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ping.5739


It’s just a typical marketing method, don’t get so high =/

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Thank you, Snowcrash/ANet!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ping.5739


I just wanted to shout out to Snowcrash for sitting down with the people of Tarnished Coast and having an enlightening discussion with the community, and answering our questions.

For those who are out of the loop, an ANet Dev came over to Lion’s Arch on TC, and allowed everyone to ask questions and talk about the state of the game. I can’t actually quote him on all of the topics, since everything was tentative, but Guild Halls, Orr event tuning, Dueling, Raids, Weapon Dyes, Cantha, Living Story, and Guild improvements, and much more were among some of the things that were discussed.

The only actual thing I CAN quote for sure is that the ANet Devs are in fact aware of all of the things that the community has discussed, and are working towards those things. While that isn’t much to go on, it’s incredibly reassuring to hear from a game developer in an actual live conversation, and not on a forum or a video. And I can not think of any occasion in my long MMO career where a Game Dev sat down with a community, IN GAME, and talked about the game. So once again, major props to you guys for doing this.

Oh, and side note… First post…. wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee….

Used to trash talk with Blizzard devs in orgrimmar all the time, also EVE devs(talks/fights). Anyway, glad to see anet is aware of community, but I’m not going to expect anything from them since they’ve ruined many of my hopes.

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To those of you who hit 80 in a week...

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Ping.5739


fastest record, 53 hours 27 minutes

starter map to 15=>wvw exp train to 50=>craft to 80
about 12 gold.

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Southsun crab toss achievements bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Ping.5739


Same here, I won the game, haven’t gotten credit. Other Crab Toss achievements may have same bug.

in fact they do bugged out as well.

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Can't progress Crabgrabber achievement

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Ping.5739


Still not working (what’s new?) as of this post. Would be nice if ANet gave us an update, or have someone telling us they are looking into this bug. Hopefully ANet fixes this bug and give players extra time to work on those achievement, or just the give the achievements to people who were grinding Crab Toss during the time this bug was going on…..

Most of us have completed every single event achievement thus far, and I would be extremely frustrated if a stupid bug stopped that from happening…

A GM told me thru the support ticket that he/she “have(has) notified them about it so they are aware of this issue and are working towards a quick solution, I’d like to inform you that we have got reports of this bug from other player as well, who like yourself had won Crab Toss without getting reward points from this.”

Lets hope it gets fix by the new patch, since he also stated "Crab Toss will go unavailable once the new event “Dragon BASH” comes out on June 11."

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Can't progress Crabgrabber achievement

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Ping.5739


Do I seriously have to go back into this “I kitten hate it” activity ONCE AGAIN? I don’t need to pay for your fault, anet. It’s your game’s bug, it’s your responsibility.

I got response to my ticket. Pretty much asking me to submit a in-game bug ticket not a customer support ticket……. I took my time, wrote the ticket, and sumbit to you because this is kitten frustrating enough for me(cause I hate crab toss with a passion). Please don’t just say “oh you should do a in-game bug report that no one will ever respond to you”. I am angry enough.

The only day I got the mood to do it and found out it’s bugged. I have endure way too many things like this for this game.

Do you feel Pang’s anger? Mine is like double. I hate this Crab Toss so much, and putting it in the daily is inhuman.

Exactly, and it will be gone when dragon bash came out. If they don’t fix before that…

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'Crabtoss Champion' Daily - Bugged Again

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Ping.5739


Was not working yesterday.

I finally managed to win a fight yesterday just for the crab toss champion title, and sadly found out ITS NOT WORKING.

Also other crab-toss-related achievements don’t work neither.

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Can't progress Crabgrabber achievement

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Ping.5739


Do I seriously have to go back into this “I kitten hate it” activity ONCE AGAIN? I don’t need to pay for your fault, anet. It’s your game’s bug, it’s your responsibility.

I got response to my ticket. Pretty much asking me to submit a in-game bug ticket not a customer support ticket……. I took my time, wrote the ticket, and sumbit to you because this is kitten frustrating enough for me(cause I hate crab toss with a passion). Please don’t just say “oh you should do a in-game bug report that no one will ever respond to you”. I am angry enough.

The only day I got the mood to do it and found out it’s bugged. I have endure way too many things like this for this game.

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The reason for crappy Asura armor.

in Asura

Posted by: Ping.5739


I do remember some heavy armors does show the inappropriate area of a female asura hmmm

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Convince me to play an Asura

in Asura

Posted by: Ping.5739


superior pvp ,wvw, and jumping puzzle race, period

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Removing Yourself from the Leaderboards

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ping.5739


mkae anet capping the maxium daily/monthly achievement points will be a good solution for you

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Is Magic Find Worth It?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ping.5739


DR kicks in before you got any loot.

DR doesn’t kick in until at least an hour (possibly much longer) of killing the same mobs over and over. I wish people would stop with unprovable conspiracy theories.

So if you’re farming for an hour, in the same area, magic find should still be worth it.

I hope you are just assuming the time for DR cause you are new to the game and farming. If you are not, I will ask you for proofs.

Normally, my DR kicks in when I have stayed in the same area for more than 30 minutes. Stuff like lodestone typically won’t drop on the first hour of farming. I will get about 3 rares or T6 mats with full mf/zerker set before DR ruins it.

IMO, having a group helps more than stacking mf—killing mob faster=getting loots faster.

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6/7 DragonBrand/Blackgate/Jade Quarry

in Match-ups

Posted by: Ping.5739


Man, and people call Mag Forum Warriors bad….

So much vitriol in this thread.

No, you are not bad, you guys are the best forum warriors imo. Taking forum threads as serious as real life job, how can these people be bad as forum warriors.

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6/7 DragonBrand/Blackgate/Jade Quarry

in Match-ups

Posted by: Ping.5739


inb4 mag PvForum-er and TC&FA alliance
Oh wait, im too late. They both have happened lol

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How do I recognize a successful player?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Ping.5739


check whether they have 100g tag or not.

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Best Place to farm karma?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Ping.5739


wvw karma train, or do daily.

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Is Magic Find Worth It?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ping.5739


DR kicks in before you got any loot.

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cant enter keeps underwater while downed

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Ping.5739


I see this as “work as intend”.

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Crab Toss Daily Champion bug...

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Ping.5739


confirmed just now
grabber, carrier, and crab toss champion not working neither.

i had 170, and the second place had like 70, still not getting the achievement.

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Not Counting "Crab Grabs" or "Crab Carries"

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Ping.5739


same here, also crab toss champion

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Incoming Ranger Trait Changes!

in Ranger

Posted by: Ping.5739


is this jon peters the one that disappeared before?
if yes, i won’t take his word seriously.

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I Take it Back, I'm sorry

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ping.5739


Oh no here we go again… Get ready for people complaining that Anet is greedy because they are trying to make a profit.

Yeah, seriously. They should take after Amazon

“Proactively delighting customers earns trust, which earns more business from those customers”.

OMG, when will amazon make a mmorpg?

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Mystic Forging 4 Legendaries=End of Tyria?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ping.5739


You get to meet Zommoros in person.

Stab him to death, and you shall be the new Hero of the whole Tyria.

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5/31 DragonWagon/Magummybears/SBI

in Match-ups

Posted by: Ping.5739


I need more loot bags to finish my daily =/

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Our reactions to farming nerfs

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ping.5739


This is ridiculous. You can still farm extremely efficiently in southsun cove. If you know where to look and how to farm, it’s possible to find 20t6/5 crates an hour with 350% MF. Even after this ‘nerf’.

There was an area of the map which was completely bugged. There was a spawn area for skelks where about 20 would spawn just outside of the map, but you could still see them, and if you had long enough aoe range you could pull them all. It was obviously a bug, and it has been fixed. But it has not affected in any way the efficiency of farming before the patch (assuming you didn’t spend all your time on that 1 beach, running around tagging skelks).

Have you actually farmed skelks since this patch hit? I am not sure what you are talking about above, because I do not abuse exploits and that sounds like one. The biggest nerf was to the beach just north of Pearl Islet. There was no exploit there, it was just fast spawning/dense clusters of skelks. Now there are half the skelks, with a longer spawn time. Not to mention all of the reports that the drop rates were also changed. There is no way you are getting as much T6 now, as you were getting before, on legitimate skelk farming paths. I just did 45 minutes @ 300% mf and got 5 T6, a bunch of T5, 0 yellow, 0 exo, 0 crates, 15 or so whites, 6 blues and 3 green. I’ve farmed here enough days to know that isn’t “RNG bad luck”. The best run ive had since nerf was 1 throwaway settlers exo, 1 yellow, and 5 T6 in about an hour.

Time to go farm CoF1 I guess.

watch anet nerf cof p1 again

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Our reactions to farming nerfs

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ping.5739


Well, after all these response from your community, I would seriously suggest the team ask themselves “Are we nerfing the farms?”

I love the game and the devs(maybe not JonPeters), but the indirect/direct nerf to farm is consuming my passion in this game. (Including RNG boxes)

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Our reactions to farming nerfs

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ping.5739


If we didn’t want players to be able to farm, we wouldn’t have put in the huge (and free) magic and gold find buffs for Southsun Cove. We wouldn’t drop loot from the giant mobs of creatures that appear in upscaled events. We certainly wouldn’t have put in chests that appear after events which cycle every 8 to 10 minutes. How quickly all of that content goes completely forgotten in the angered responses to a simple change to an area that was clearly bugged. :/

Why I feel all these “anti-farm conditions” are actually in game…….

“…we wouldn’t have put in the huge (and free) magic and gold find buffs for Southsun Cove.” Gold find is a joke on Southsun, and I highly doubt the reliability of magic find over a small amount of time(eg. less than an hour). Long period farming? Oh heck no, DR kicks in as intended. My 400% mf toon was mainly getting greys and eggs from kills.

“We wouldn’t drop loot from the giant mobs of creatures that appear in upscaled events”. Well I do agree that it’s nice for you guys let loot(mostly blues and greens) drop for my upleveled guardian, but the question should be why there is DR on farming? DR is “surely” not a nerf to farm. Please don’t bring up that DR is for bots—the game prohibit third party software and why there are still bots? Also, yes, giving us equipment loots are good, what about give us a bit more t6 mats?

“We certainly wouldn’t have put in chests that appear after events which cycle every 8 to 10 minutes.” This is gone currently, if you mean the instigator. I missed instigators so much, please bring them back.

“How quickly all of that content goes completely forgotten in the angered responses to a simple change to an area that was clearly bugged. " How quickly has the ninja nerf on Heavy Moldy Bag gone forgotten in the seemingly strong proofs on you guys surely haven’t do any nerfs to farm =/

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Where is the promised Commando Class?

in WvW

Posted by: Ping.5739


nsp trash talk…… soooooooo good….. can’t resist…..

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