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October 15th balance/skills updates preview.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ping.5739


ranger gonna be unkillable in pvp again 0.0
ranger now even can troll kitten thief

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More tiers? "I really hope not." -C. Johanson

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ping.5739


I see you still have faith in them, but I am not.

Since patches that gradually introduced Grind Wars 2 back in first quarter, this game has totally gone to the opposite direction which devs had promised. You can also see how they think exotic is not grindy enough and decide to make another even-more-grindy tier from C.J.‘s speaking. It’s like WoW, “it’s cooooooooooool so we decide to add this feature.”

GJ Grind Wars 2. Glad I finished grinding gears for guardian, warrior, mesmer, and thief before it become this bad, and I have already moved my focus to another mmo. Never gonna trust any Anet/NCSoft title again.

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Fractals took WAY too long

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ping.5739


You are doing it wrong sir.

Try kick anyone who is not guardian, warrior, and maybe mesmer, anyone who doesn’t have all ascended trinket and exotic armor/weapon, anyone who has achievement points below 3000, anyone who running on the “wrong build”, anyone who is doing fractal for the first time, anyone who never uses utility skills or uses it wrongly, and anyone who has bad attitude.

Try it again and you will see the difference.

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Is Pressing Dodge & 1 Better Than a Trinity?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ping.5739


Only thing removing the trinity ever did was not having to go out of your way to search for a tank or healer.

As an old-time tank with a relatively stable group back then, I only find there are way too many kids like to see BIG NUMBERZ more than helping the group in this game.

Trinity is good. Removing it can be good, but it also produces this guardian-warrior-mesmer problem.

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Whenever I hear there's no endgame...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ping.5739


Regarding Dungeon Master title, I have many friends who totally don’t know what bosses do but still have it. On the other side, I also have friends who are elite and dont have it cause they never find doing story mode is interesting. Again, just more of a bragging right, nothing related with endgame.

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Whenever I hear there's no endgame...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ping.5739


I think this is more of a brag than end game.

Do you seriously know what is endgame? Post a screenshot of all professions with as many ascended gears as possible, then we will discuss about this “no endgame” stuff.

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Will the TP in China be shared with ours

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Ping.5739


Fear is caused by lack of knowledge. Don’t know about something is good, but refuse to learn it just means you are ignorant.

For obvious reason(not the reason you are thinking about, but because Chinese GW2 will be maintained by an anget company and the content will be different from ours), I strongly believe that the TP will be separate from EU&NA’s.

Regarding the censorship from what I have seen in private test, necromancer has their minion replaced by normal monsters and oversized charr toy soldier.

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1800 gems for a server transfer? Why!?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ping.5739


commitment issue.

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Beating GW2 on Normal Mode unlocks Easy Mode

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ping.5739


Lots of my elite friends just need that “10% faster”. Also, I think the world bosses have a very low chance on dropping ascended weapon. RNG is RNG, bear with it.

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This Game Has Changed

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ping.5739


There’s been an awful lot of talk about how this game has changed…much of it negative. And I can see where people are coming from. A lot of the changes in the game has made it less fun and more grind. While the grind is optional…it’s only borderline optional. That is to say, there’s pressure to get achievements, pressure to get certain gear. If some of that pressure is self-inflicted by players, well, it’s still pressure.

But there have also been some changes for the better, too. A lot of people don’t like guild missions, but having done the guild puzzles now…I think that’s brilliant content.

So many advances to the game have been made… not just stuff like Fractals or the AC revamp, but also stuff like marketplace preview, the account wallet, the ability to target something even if you’re not in a group, the end of culling, zone wide invasions, the mini game rotation, the living story. Indeed, this game is hardly recognizable as the game that originally drew many of us here.

Whether you like the changes or not is an individual decision. Naturally if you don’t like them, you have a right to complain about them. But I’ve never played any MMO that hasn’t changed drastically and I’ve never played any MMO where people didn’t cry the sky was falling every time a change was made. This is normal for the MMO genre.

Games change and evolve all the time. You have a choice when they do to leave or stay, to complain or accept. Those are your choices.

This game has changed a whole lot since its release. Whether those changes have been a mistake or not is largely a matter of opinion.

The over-riding question is why has so much changed? What has caused these changes to occur. Some people say greed. Some people say that Anet is catering to a small but vocal minority. Others claim that Anet is trying to satisfy everyone. Others say Anet is trying to appease the content locusts, or the gear grinders.

Without knowing their reasons for change, I don’t see how we can judge the change. And, for the most part, Anet isn’t sharing their reasons.

I think it would be nice of patch notes would include not just changes, but notes behind the rational for changes.

I think this might help diffuse some of reactions people have to them.

So in short you want Anet to be more like Riot. Yeah, good luck with that. While you are at it could you convince the sun to not be so hot tomorrow?

Do you know that Riot is owned by Chinese(Tencent Holding) now? Do you know how bad the reputation Tencent has in China? And, do you know how much money Tencent makes from in-game cash shop?

Seems fair enough for another company, such as anet, to do the same model if it can help them gather more money. This is kinda off topic but I believe its somewhat related.

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Silver Doubloons Price and Rarity

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ping.5739


aww shooot

guess that whole stacks of doubloon in my bank finally gonna give me some fortune.

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Limit Champion Boxes to 20 per day

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ping.5739


Did you realize how hard to get gold in this game?
We already had too many farm nerfs.

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Holy Grind Wars 2!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ping.5739


I thought we all know this is Grind Wars 2. But from what I saw from this thread, clearly some ppl have not found out yet.

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Warrior and Ranger most popular professions?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ping.5739


and yeah botters are mostly ranger, warrior, and guardian

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Warrior and Ranger most popular professions?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ping.5739


Most ppl( like me)picked ranger as the first toon because of the pet and range, then realized how awful it is in PvE, then move on to the most pve focused profession: warrior.

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460k of CCU (concurrent users)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ping.5739


That is pure advertising. You have:

1.) Massive numbers.
2.) Unrelated facts.
3.) Lots of pictures.
4.) Only good things.

About the “only good things”, I would like to see how many support ticket they have received and how many of them actually got solved =/

I personally have some really bad experience with it(eg. southsun crabtoss achievement lost and item lost on server crash, basically they replied me with “suck to be you cause we dont think its important” in a polite way).

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Is This Game Worth Returning To?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Ping.5739


Regarding what you have mentioned, I will say this is not the time for you to return yet. It gonna make you feel the same way, at least for now.

For comments like this, yes I can re-install and wait for the download, log in, and spend time exploring and figuring it out. Or I can ask on the forums and see what the consensus is seeing as that doesn’t take as long…

Alright go ahead and try it out my boy. I didn’t ask you to try it yourself, you mention it. I was just telling you it’s still the same. So much hate lol.

Sorry, I quoted the wrong person =( I meant to quote one of the ones that said “Why bother asking, just install the game.” Sorry =(

No problem. Not a big deal.

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Patch Notes Up! Discussion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ping.5739


mesmer in hell…………………
ranger nerf not hard enough… BM ranger still viable

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What is your /age?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ping.5739


Across all characters, you have played for 3,256 hours 58 minutes over the past 9 months.
I play only 1 character.

And I just know it must be a ranger. smh, same stuff in the ranger sub-forum again.

It’s obvious I play a Ranger as it is part of my sig, but, is there a problem with me being a Ranger. What does smh mean?

There is absolutely no problem with you playing only a ranger for 3000+ hrs.

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Patch Notes Up! Discussion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ping.5739


Is it weird that my first strong reaction to the notes was “YES! THEY BUFFED MISTFIRE WOLF!!”?

OMG seriously?

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Advice for a Profession

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Ping.5739


It doesn’t matter if you have two warriors: this game is not WoW, all warriors just fine.

PvE wise, as for what you are aiming for, I would recommend a warrior. Mesmers can do good damage but their main job is to support the team with utility skills, and I won’t say mesmer is as easy to level as warrior. Most wanted professions in dungeons are warrior(superior damage), mesmer(superior support), and guardian(for hard content tanking and support).

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How to tag monsters in Dynamic Events

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Ping.5739


you can change the target setting in option, first tab

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New to GW2

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Ping.5739


Check the ranking column. Any server that is better than 9 will be what you should aim for. Casual PvE go Tarnished Coast. Hardcore PvE go Blackgate.

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Is This Game Worth Returning To?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Ping.5739


Regarding what you have mentioned, I will say this is not the time for you to return yet. It gonna make you feel the same way, at least for now.

For comments like this, yes I can re-install and wait for the download, log in, and spend time exploring and figuring it out. Or I can ask on the forums and see what the consensus is seeing as that doesn’t take as long…

Alright go ahead and try it out my boy. I didn’t ask you to try it yourself, you mention it. I was just telling you it’s still the same. So much hate lol.

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PVT (soldiers) vs Zerker? Math Time!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ping.5739


l2dodge. good guide to newbies though, but zerker is just what you only need for pve.

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Oh no, did I vendor my Bifrost for?!?!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ping.5739


A transmuted legendary item does show up on the vendor list.

That must be it then, I did transmute the Bifrost with my Lionguard staff for the sigil. I defininatly know that I had already seen it in the vendor list 50 times and always had to look out that I didn’t sell it.

It’s not in my bank, it’s not in my inventory, its bye bye. It took 2000 hours to get it, one second to lose it.

Ow please, that naked CoF run was never to prove a point, it was just some fun within the guild. But I agree that the title of my post was poorly chosen to reflect that. Still, it has nothing to do with this case.

Not sure if serious or trolling…. Lionguard is karma weapon.

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I feel ripped off about the cash shop coffers

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ping.5739


you like it, you risk it, you complain it
nice logic my man

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Opinions on Legendary Weapons! :D

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ping.5739


For daily use and bragging: Twilight
For trolling and bragging: Unicorn and pistol
For achievement: underwater ones
For unique: focus

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What is your /age?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ping.5739


Across all characters, you have played for 3,256 hours 58 minutes over the past 9 months.
I play only 1 character.

And I just know it must be a ranger. smh, same stuff in the ranger sub-forum again.

1700 hours(90% actively playing), and hasn’t increased since last week. gw2 is getting way too repetitive.

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(edited by Ping.5739)

Is This Game Worth Returning To?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Ping.5739


Regarding what you have mentioned, I will say this is not the time for you to return yet. It gonna make you feel the same way, at least for now.

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Can casual and hardcore players co exist?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ping.5739


As long as casual gamers don’t troll kitten hardcores, and hardcores have good attitude.

But you know, there are just people who like to create and see conflicts.

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6/21 SOS/DB/Ebay

in Match-ups

Posted by: Ping.5739


I’m good with anything other than magswag. Good luck and have fun, SoS and EB!

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6/14 DB / Mag / FA

in Match-ups

Posted by: Ping.5739


Sometimes I think today will be different but it never is. Mygumma clearly has most talented population of players in entire game on their server, its been proved in this matchup.

Hmm, i guess the human player on the right was going for name “Lü Bu”, “Lyu Bu”, or “Lv Bu”(for computer language input methods). Lame, can’t even spell that name right. But, of course this counts as a talent as well.

At least, on DB we have players who can efficiently and accurately uses Pinyin =P

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6/14 DB / Mag / FA

in Match-ups

Posted by: Ping.5739


Anyway, I kind like the TC&FA alliance better.

can we trade DB for TC next matchup pls?

I doubt FA&TC will ever make a truce if their opponent is mag. Oh, maybe they will make one for forum.

FA v TC v JQ would be awesome. You hear me Anet??

Will say FA TC BG

but whatever you like =]

Been a fun week. Hope to not see ya soon Mag. FA, pleasure as always

That’s rude. Please don’t be rude.

Not really. That rude level didn’t even reach half of what mag warriors have done here. But since I can get loot bags from wvw, I love playing with mag.

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(edited by Ping.5739)

Balance changes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ping.5739


My thief! My condition trolling thief! Finally can troll even harder!

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Major bug with Bouncing skills' mechanic

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Ping.5739


iZerker still not fixed

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Received 2 character slots when I bought one

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Ping.5739


Glad to know good people still exists lol…

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Anyone Else Play like Me

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ping.5739


In addition to what you have said, I feel you also enjoy “communicating” with other people on this game’s forum, alot.

Actually, I didn’t start on this forum. And I’m happy when people post reasonable critiques on stuff that needs to be fixed, but I will post where I feel that people are being unreasonable or using hyperbole. However, I’m not generally posting to speak to the people who are complaining (because their minds aren’t likely to change anyway).

I’m aware that most people who read forums don’t post ever, and without the balancing posts, it would look like the game is much worse than it is.

There are plenty of threads where I’ve made complaints of my own, but most people seem to ignore those.

And yes, I’m obsessive…always have been. Whatever I’m into at a time is what I’m into. Hopefully I’ll get back into writing again and you guys will never see me. lol

Don’t get me wrong, I love reading your posts. It’s just sometime make me wonder how much free time you have when I see you arguing in almost every thread.

I’m relatively homebound, caring for someone with a disability. That’s what I do…7 days a week, sometimes it feels like 24 hours a day. I sleep very little on most days. So yeah, I have free time, this is what I do with it.

I suppose I could go back to writing, but deadlines and caring for someone with a disability don’t really go all that well together. This is something I can do for ten minutes, stop for ten minutes and do again for another five minutes, in between doing other things I’m required to do.

Sometimes I’m too busy in real life to play the game, but I can take a minute to write a post.

That makes sense, glad I can learn more about other players.

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GW 2 #1 mmo of 2013

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ping.5739


WoW became what it is only because of lucky circumstances. I guarantee that if it had another few MMO’s to compete with for playerbase it would never reach such success.

So did GW2… A WoW lite, for free, when the only other competition was The Secret World (a MMO when you have to actually use your brain in order do get the quest done? NEVER! Let’s go spam autoattack on a dragon… inb4 “go play it, then”, i’m doing it already.)
That’s for me (again, inb4 Vayne speaking for the whole community), why GW2 was release prematurely, when i should’ve need at least 5 or 6 months of REAL closed beta.

Master Vayne won’t even waste his/her time on pathetic folks like us.

Wow you guys are fixated on me. It’s really not healthy you know.

The reason this game is the #1 (and not just in that poll but in the minds of lots of people, but not all people) is because other MMOs mostly suck really badly.

It’s true. I never said this was a great game. I said it was a good game. But a good game in MMO space can be a whole lot better than the scores of mediocre and bad games that come out.

I agree…the game could have used more time in development. I mean Star Wars ToR was a much bigger project from a much bigger company and that didn’t launch early or have any bugs. TSW didn’t launch early or have any bugs either. Coughs.

Don’t get me wrong. Joking on those who directly target you doesn’t mean I don’t like you.

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Anyone Else Play like Me

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ping.5739


In addition to what you have said, I feel you also enjoy “communicating” with other people on this game’s forum, alot.

Actually, I didn’t start on this forum. And I’m happy when people post reasonable critiques on stuff that needs to be fixed, but I will post where I feel that people are being unreasonable or using hyperbole. However, I’m not generally posting to speak to the people who are complaining (because their minds aren’t likely to change anyway).

I’m aware that most people who read forums don’t post ever, and without the balancing posts, it would look like the game is much worse than it is.

There are plenty of threads where I’ve made complaints of my own, but most people seem to ignore those.

And yes, I’m obsessive…always have been. Whatever I’m into at a time is what I’m into. Hopefully I’ll get back into writing again and you guys will never see me. lol

Don’t get me wrong, I love reading your posts. It’s just sometime make me wonder how much free time you have when I see you arguing in almost every thread.

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6/14 DB / Mag / FA

in Match-ups

Posted by: Ping.5739


Anyway, I kind like the TC&FA alliance better.

can we trade DB for TC next matchup pls?

I doubt FA&TC will ever make a truce if their opponent is mag. Oh, maybe they will make one for forum.

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Does Anet play the game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ping.5739


master vayne strikes again, GG

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6/14 DB / Mag / FA

in Match-ups

Posted by: Ping.5739


Magswag at it finest!
Praise! Minions!

Anyway, I kind like the TC&FA alliance better.

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Run to Thing, Press F. That Game Design!

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: Ping.5739


This game has the biggest concentration of whiners I’ve ever seen.

You know what I’ve been doing? Map completion. Because I didn’t sit on my butt obsessively playing the game for hours every day since the launch grinding through the content. It’s a freaking video game, it has finite boundaries. If you’re going to sit and obsessively blast through everything as fast as possible just to get it done you’re going to run out of things to do and be left just grinding on the newest additions. Been playing since September and I’m only at 60% since I didn’t just blast through it all as fast as I could.

So Bash hasn’t been a real problem for me since, you know, I just kind of hit pinatas now and then as I walk by and collected all the taffy and fireworks I needed (and killed the holos) in the course of normal play. You know what that means I didn’t have to do? Double-click a taffy stack for several minutes straight. Run around hitting “F” on pinatas for three hours straight. Intentionally hunt down holograms for several hours straight (in fact, I got that done just cleaning up the Iron Marches map and doing the dailies each day).

Crazy, huh? You don’t just sit on your bum obsessively slaving away like the game is a long checklist and you don’t run out of content right away. Wow. Who would have thought?

Some of you people really need an actual hobby. You’d be a lot happier.

You can’t just assault other players because you have a different play style. It’s selfish, arrogant, and wrong.

Concentrating certain things to certain period of time create the F-spam scene. You, on the other side, mixed it with normal game play. I won’t say there is any difference between these two: you still have to press certain amount of F and grind certain amount of holos, just at another time. This doesn’t change the fact that dragonbash is a F-spam grindy event.

Additionally, since this is a mmorpg, you should never run out of contents. Have you done all the achievements? Have you reached lvl 80 in spvp? Have you maxed out wvw traits? Have you gotten all the legendary? If you find you are running out of content easily besides doing world completion, to be honest, you must have been doing it wrong.

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(edited by Ping.5739)

Jewelry from Laurel vendor.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Ping.5739


you can always try submitting a ticket asking them to refund your laurels.

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WvWvW: Need ORBs to Return

in WvW

Posted by: Ping.5739


Darn, when I saw the little red bubble next to the thread I thought Devon had come in here and said the orbs were coming back.

I don’t understand why they’re easy to hack. But then I don’t understand how people hack anything in a game.

They were easy to hack because of the fact that if you managed to fly or teleport hack you could do that and pick them up and take them right back to your base.

I thought you guys can machine detect that kind of hack and ban the account right away?

Seems not.

But yeah I don’t like those orbs. Balance-breaking.

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Anyone Else Play like Me

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ping.5739


In addition to what you have said, I feel you also enjoy “communicating” with other people on this game’s forum, alot.

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Just bought the game. 100.000 files to patch?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ping.5739


total size about 17g.

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GW 2 #1 mmo of 2013

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ping.5739


WoW became what it is only because of lucky circumstances. I guarantee that if it had another few MMO’s to compete with for playerbase it would never reach such success.

So did GW2… A WoW lite, for free, when the only other competition was The Secret World (a MMO when you have to actually use your brain in order do get the quest done? NEVER! Let’s go spam autoattack on a dragon… inb4 “go play it, then”, i’m doing it already.)
That’s for me (again, inb4 Vayne speaking for the whole community), why GW2 was release prematurely, when i should’ve need at least 5 or 6 months of REAL closed beta.

Master Vayne won’t even waste his/her time on pathetic folks like us.

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GW 2 #1 mmo of 2013

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ping.5739


How interesting TERA and WoW didn’t even got mentioned in that article.
I sense a great troll coming from the writer.

TERA: sub-based to f2p, free contents just like gw2, unique combat system, better weapon skins imo, and hardcore content/grind. I don’t see why the article should left it out of the list.

Though WoW has became totally another game, it’s still one of the greatest game(lore, combat, instance, customization, pvp, whatever you can think about a mmo). Ignoring it in the list is like a slap on mmo-player’s face.

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(edited by Ping.5739)