Showing Posts For Ping.5739:

5/31 DragonWagon/Magummybears/SBI

in Match-ups

Posted by: Ping.5739


Well to be fair, the last guy did only say how bad he thought SOME solo roamers in DB are, which isn’t even most and definitely not all.

Yeah dude, I’m not silly enough to generalise to an entire server. I’m sure there are a bunch of baddies on SBI too. I’d include myself against certain professions as I said.

But there have been some terribad ones tonight and most of them have been NNK.

NNK is a PvE guild.

PvE “casual” guild.

So next time you got wiped by NNK, be ashamed.

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5/31 DragonWagon/Magummybears/SBI

in Match-ups

Posted by: Ping.5739


when will anet be able to detect teleporting hax on the server side?

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low ectos from salvage?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ping.5739


idk. my sample is small so I can’t say much.

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Gemprices are through the roof

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Ping.5739


ArenaNet does not control Gold to Gem prices players do.

But anet can introduce some new koooooooool skins in the gems store, or do more rng box drops like fused claim ticket.

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5/31 DragonWagon/Magummybears/SBI

in Match-ups

Posted by: Ping.5739



Not your thread.

Fair enough. Good luck to all

I will miss you though =(

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Would you exclude someone from a group...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ping.5739


Our guild has some very good rangers. One of them saved our butts epically in one of our first TA story runs, back when we were at level for it and there were wp rezzes in combat. She expertly kited and dps’d the guy with all the little spider things while we ran back, and he was mostly dead when we got there.

I will run with any mix of professions. I only want people to be grownups who are having fun, performance is the least important part. Though after you tell someone twenty times not to pick up the wisp in the swamp fractal until everyone’s ready, and she keeps doing it, that run does eventually get called. No kicks, however (she was a wife of a friend but I won’t kick someone for anything other than a long unexplained fta or foul mouthed hate and anger issues).

Umm, about that TA, it should be either up path third boss or f/u final boss. For up path third boss, the fact that she was kiting lil spiders prove that she didn’t know that path. For f/u path final boss, OMG, that ranger must be a god! Well it’s easy for her if you guys already cleared spiders in front of that tree.

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Would you exclude someone from a group...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ping.5739


Flissy needs to play with some good rangers apparently! Ive never seen such a bad attitude towards a profession.

Im always welcome in groups – and my primary is a ranger. Ive NEVER had anyone complain, or have issues with my damage or playstyle.

I do love how people blame all fail’s on rangers though – when its not always the case. LOL “We suck, blame the ranger!” Yeah… these groups usually suck WITH or WITHOUT the ranger – while a good ranger can help dramatically!


A “good” Ranger would be a lot more useful as almost any other profession. Fact. We have to assume random players are all of equal skill level.

Not to mention, I’ve never actually seen a “good” Ranger. They always like to sit at max range (out of range of group buffs) doing low DPS while providing limited support with their longbow or shortbow instead of getting up-close and personal doing decent damage with a GS or Sword/X.

I would sooner kick every Ranger and be labelled elitist than to carry a bunch of bads hoping for a Ranger who’s trying to be useful pop up once in a blue moon.

I feel I gonna become that very soon too….. Not good not good =/

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Would you exclude someone from a group...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ping.5739


Flissy needs to play with some good rangers apparently! Ive never seen such a bad attitude towards a profession.

Im always welcome in groups – and my primary is a ranger. Ive NEVER had anyone complain, or have issues with my damage or playstyle.

I do love how people blame all fail’s on rangers though – when its not always the case. LOL “We suck, blame the ranger!” Yeah… these groups usually suck WITH or WITHOUT the ranger – while a good ranger can help dramatically!


“while a good ranger can help dramatically” that situation never, never happens. It’s important so I need to say it twice. Only if that good ranger replace a bad ranger, zerker thief, or a totally noob/lazy player.

Zerker ranger’s damage is, well, greatly off average, and it won’t be able to have any group utility. Spirit ranger does average support, but guardian can do the same thing with higher damage and better support. Tanky ranger…. even a shout heal tanky warrior with axe/shield will do better. Yes, all of this is base on if the ranger can professionally control the pet. Don’t worry, I do have a ranger and played her for at least 600 hours(1400+ hrs total, 300 on warrior, 250 on thief, 300 on mesmer).

Group blame ranger because most likely it will be ranger’s problem, but I highly doubt any experienced group will even blame others. I don’t personally agree with kicking any ranger, but if the ranger is being lazy in any form(yes I played ranger and I know how to be lazy as a ranger)…

The only time I enjoyed playing my ranger was some AC p2 before patch. I saved group because pet heal worked that time and I killed a group of ghost while downed.

The wrost decision that I’ve made in gw2 is pick ranger as my first toon….

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(edited by Ping.5739)

Would you exclude someone from a group...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ping.5739



So the fact that the tag bugs out half the time making me not bother with the hassle of taking it off means you would auto-kick me from a dungeon party with you?

Nope, I will only pay extra attention to ppl with tag on. Excluding doesnt mean instant kicking. From my past experiences, they will most likely be either good wvw leader with a wvw build, or a completely joke who thinks 100g makes him/her hot.

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(edited by Ping.5739)

New Race or New Class?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ping.5739


I need my Kodan……..

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Would you exclude someone from a group...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ping.5739


Any ranger, any thief, flamethrower engineer, full turret engineer, second condition necro, minion necro, mantra mesmer, five-signet warrior, glasscannon guardian, people that never talks/listens, people that blindly follows other’s build, people with less than 1000 achievement points, people who pretends to be a pro, people with 100g tag on in dungeon, and people who is on my blocklist.

Basically, if you have good attitude and don’t come in on selfish profession/build, I will be glad running with you. This only applies when I am aiming for “experienced speed-run” and fotm. Otherwise I am fine with all.

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Why no one put a /facepalm emote in MMOs?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ping.5739


cause ppl like you gonna do that all day in wvw?

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What build to go for dungeons as a Warrior?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ping.5739


Scholar runes… lol, have fun keeping yourself above 90% as a zerker. Ruby is better. Rifle has better single target dps than longbow. Trait… well… just find one that fits you, even 26/19/1/4/20 will work.

obal.3218 is correct on everything else

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5/31 DragonWagon/Magummybears/SBI

in Match-ups

Posted by: Ping.5739


I hope DB can sort out their internal troubles. I want them to stay well above us in ranking so long as NNK o’clock is a thing.

Could someone please explain the internal troubles DB is having? I have not noticed anything but this guy says it’s happening so it must be true.

NNK logged into game, NNK pressed B, NNK found its +600 already, NNK can’t farm badges anymore, NNK decided to go southsun/fotm/AC/cof p1, and Mag trolled on forum. International trouble: not enough loot bags.

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5/31 DragonWagon/Magummybears/SBI

in Match-ups

Posted by: Ping.5739


Heard about that Mag is exceptionally good at PvForum, now I can finally take a glance at their manpower 0.o

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POLL: Which WvW Ranking system do you prefer?

in WvW

Posted by: Ping.5739



Just wait for it to stabilize jeez.

You’ve missed the point completely…
For instance its not fair for TC lose rank to DB just beacause db got a matchup where they can hold all maps for most of the day while TC has to fight round the clock and is losing rating even though its winning.

THAT is what sucks with this system, and it will keep happening. And the way this system works with its randomness, it will never “stabilize”

Thought TC had a truce with FA when fighting with DB, which made DB wvwers had to fight around the clock in order to not drop tier(and spies). Now seems like you guys’ plan didn’t work as intend lol. Also, please remember that anet mentioned rating now doesn’t solely determine how your server will advance in the future. Why so seriously about you guys getting a lower rating than DB? Because that TC-FA truce can’t kick DB to tier 3 anymore?

I didn’t missed the point, I know what OP means, and probably better than you do. That’s why I mentioned “stabilize”.

This is only the first week. Why not give the new rating system a chance and see how it actually works out.

Edit: Wait, you are on SoR… Alright my bad, ignored what I’ve just said.

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POLL: Which WvW Ranking system do you prefer?

in WvW

Posted by: Ping.5739



Just wait for it to stabilize jeez.

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5/31 DragonWagon/Magummybears/SBI

in Match-ups

Posted by: Ping.5739


retraited my warrior for aoe badges farm on Thursday, and now…. BAM

I can farm in wvw all day!

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Ranger vs Canach

in Last Stand at Southsun

Posted by: Ping.5739


l2p, you are taking care of two in-game things, not one.
Please be responsible to your buddy’s life—-stop being lazy.

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who the boss is at ArenaNET

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ping.5739


Mr. John Smith has been like this for months. The moment I saw his post, I immediately knew this issue gonna get solved extremely soon with enough detail.


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Exotic Item Placement.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ping.5739


new to the game?
final rest is expensive? you must be kidding me lol

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Lvl 80 at the snap of your fingers

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ping.5739


so which profession is hardest to lvl?
wont waste that chance on op pve solo class like warrior, guardian, and ranger.

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Changes to ecto salvage from rares

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ping.5739


Calm people, John Smith will give words to you. Why? Check the Black Lion Trading Post section, great developer, great communication.

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Daily Reward for Canachs Lair

in Last Stand at Southsun

Posted by: Ping.5739


Dear Anet,

Exploiting literally IS gaming. Anything you leave in the game for the playerbase to exploit to their advantage, we will, and no one should ever be banned for DEVELOPERS mistakes.

If you want to prevent these things from happening in the future, do what most major MMOs do and Create a Public Test Server.

You know how wrong you sound?

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Patchnotes regarding WvW, May 28th

in WvW

Posted by: Ping.5739


Well I guess I will just move on. Hope this thread can get some official response in the future, not like

I quit, you guys keep going.

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Into the Void needs balancing.

in Mesmer

Posted by: Ping.5739


i smell a thief………

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Patchnotes regarding WvW, May 28th

in WvW

Posted by: Ping.5739


I wonder what you people actually have done in WvW before this update.
I have yet to find a single day where I couldn’t complete my daily by only doing WvW.

Tbf I dont think running around gathering plants is “wvw” just cause it happens to be available on the map. There are other things as well which arent specific to wvw that you had to do to finish the daily.

I have a full set of ascended gear for my warrior and have had this for over a month now so frankly I dont care about any of this. But I do wvw every day for 3+ hours a day, and according to my monthly I have only completed 4 dailies this month, and at least 2 of them were in spvp. So no, you dont get the daily by doing just wvw, you get the daily by going out of your way to do some tedious task which serves no purpose and is not fun. But hey, its my choice to not do them, which is why I am not complaining because I obtained what I wanted anyways, just pointing out the difference though.

and basically this. I value server more than my personal daily.

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Patchnotes regarding WvW, May 28th

in WvW

Posted by: Ping.5739


I wonder what you people actually have done in WvW before this update.
I have yet to find a single day where I couldn’t complete my daily by only doing WvW.

Cause I don’t just leave commander randomly for repairing a wall, killing a moa, etc?

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Patchnotes regarding WvW, May 28th

in WvW

Posted by: Ping.5739


We included the laurel cost to prevent the economy from suddenly being blown out and to not invalidate the ways PvE players can get ascended items already. This system means that it is faster to get them in WvW, especially for players who already have badges, without being so much faster that everyone only gets them in this manner. As for the difficulty of acquiring laurels in WvW, we have taken steps to address that, including the fact that there will always be 3 daily achievements that are WvW specific. Speaking personally, I’ve been able to achieve my dailies in WvW even without that change, but this should make it even easier.

I am very upset about this laurel+badge method. Yes I do understand you guys want to do a timesink on ascended items, but it seems like the discussion inside the company has lead to a fairly wrong decision. I was hoping something like pure badges method(even 1000 for amulets, 1250 for rings will work) , because a wvw-only player will still need some time to farm those amount. With the addition of laurels, a wvw-only player’s rate of getting any ascended item has been settled to 20 or 25 days. The problem that comes with this is: in wvw, why a full-time wvw player get ascended item at the same rate as a part-time wvw player? No wonder people will be outrageous about the patch.

On the other hand, a person has a high fractal level can earn up to 4 pristine each day every char, which greatly reduce the time(3 days of getting ascended equipment. In order to achieve that fractal level, one must grind the dungeon about 39 times, with each costs about 1.5 hours. That’s about totally 60 hours before one can get 4 pristine everyday. Ask any wvw only player, how much time has he/she committed to wvw? Please have another discussion about the logic behind “PVE gets ascended much much much much much faster than wvw”. I sincerely hope this is not working as intended for wvw players.

I am not going to argue with the statement on “you can now easily finish daily by only wvw”, because the thought behind this statement is just not right. “Restorer is up I need to go take tower’s supply and repair walls!” A wvw—only player will surely know whats wrong behind that action.

I would like to see a badge-only method being introduced soon.

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SAB vs. crab

in Last Stand at Southsun

Posted by: Ping.5739


one of them was developed in a few hours by one person, and the other was developed by a team for a few months. Comparing the two really isn’t fair.

That being said, Crab Toss isn’t for everyone. Some people enjoy those things and some people don’t. The good thing is that you aren’t forced to play crab toss to get the rewards, so you don’t have to do it if you don’t want to. I personally enjoy it, and get a bit of a kick out of grabbin’ crabs.
Different folks like different things, and that’s okay. We’re trying to build content for everyone, so everyone can be excited about something with our release.

Good feedback would be telling us about the things you didn’t like about it, and the things you did like about it. A nebulous statement of “It sucks” isn’t constructive. If you want to actually see change, you need to give clear feedback so we as developers can talk with each other about things we could change for next time. Whether its an activity, a dungeon, a boss, etc, giving us feedback about why something didn’t sit well with you is far more valuable than just telling us something didn’t sit well with you.

“ a few hours by one person..” 0.0

Alright… It sucks because “few hours by one person” just sounds about wrong… Should have do more consideration and testing… and listen more ideas from other ppl…

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Daily Reward for Canachs Lair

in Last Stand at Southsun

Posted by: Ping.5739


Players were exploiting it by deleting and remaking characters, so we made it based on your entire account.

Due to the reward being so high, and the upscaling for the living world, this was seen as being bad.

0.0 Now its considered as exploiting…. if the reward is high…. oh wait… what define the “high” line?

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Why no /inspect ?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ping.5739


it’ll lead to elitism.

Elitism is awesome. It provides a legit way to rock the dungeon, brings teammate to work together, and eliminates selfish acts like “signets are awesome”, “thief does big dmg in dungeons”, “too lazy to press 789”, “how to set my pet to passive?”, “MINION BUILD!”, “FLAMETHROWER!”, etc… Yeah you are having a great time, but I have to do twice/three times amount of work to keep your alive.

But, inspect what people are doing is a totally different thing… For me, it violates my privacy.

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T6 Dust Crisis

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ping.5739


Farm gold and buy the mats…

Except, this is the entire reason for inflation? It would only make the problem worse. Anet needs to fix some of the droprates on certain items before prices spin even more out of control.

Think this way: less drop leads to increase in price, and increase in price leads to either ppl farm gold more often or ppl use more gem to convert to gold.

Both of the consequences are intended: farm gold equals to ppl spend more time in the game and buy gem means direct profit to anet.

I am and will be displeased by any nerf to the drop rate, but I am not anet so I can’t do any change to this. You might say “I paid for the game and I need to make it what it should be”. Based on all previous patches, did anet ever listen to ppl complaining about drop rate nerf? Maybe the precursor scavenge hunt will break this but I highly doubt it will be long and annoying enough to prevent most players giving it a try.

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Less precursors = more RNG box sales

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ping.5739


It sounds funny…. but it does sounds right… hmmm….

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Hardest Class to Play?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ping.5739


voting for ranger!
cause you are playing two things!

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Did phantasmal zerker get fixed this patch?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Ping.5739


I thought Jon gonna try to post a pic in one day?

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Can't switch weapons

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Ping.5739


how-to: swapping weapon in cd, get in a cutscene, and you can’t swap anymore.
solution: taking off the weapon you are using and re-equip.

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Chance at another increase in server size?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ping.5739


Those need to reflect actual server sizes, my server “Northern Shiverpeaks” is a ghost town at all times and even in big events I often don’t see enough people to complete them. “Very High” my kitten ….

I don’t think so. According to some “commander”, NSP is a strong wvw server and I bet all of the population is in wvw. Or you can go orr and check if there is any botter making the server “very high”. IMO, NSP Lions Arch filled with tags all the time, 24/7.

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Why Guild Wars 2's combat is clunky

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ping.5739


As a formal wow DK player, this post makes me laugh so badly.

I solved the too-many-to-press keys question by purchasing a mmo mouse with too-many-to-not-press sidebuttons.

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Fractal Tickets

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ping.5739


These are good points, I’d love to see a dev’s point of view on the idea of it. But killcannon, fractals isnt just a time sink, its a useful thing really, gets you 20 slot bags, skill points, obby shards for your legendary. I like to think of it as an alternative plan if you dont just want to farm karma and such.

I think it would bring more people into fractals, making it somewhat eaiser to get the weapon they want.

As an alternate route it would need to stay close to the same time spent/challenge versus reward as any other path. Look at another path of progression for the things you can achieve through the Fractals. It needs to stay relatively close to the time spent in that path, with perhaps some time shaved off for the challenge that Fractals can be. Fractals as a path for character progression also has some unique rewards not found in other paths.

If Fractals became too easy, it would marginalize the rest of the game, something we already see in the form of World Event chests. Fractals can be fun, but if it’s all people do, then the rest of the game becomes pointless.

Compares to other stuff(pve, wvw, even spvp), I really wont say fractal is anywhere easy. Yes I do acknowledge it is easier with a organized group.

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Warning: Guild JP's, if you die, don't wp

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ping.5739


Based on this thread there is no reason for us to even try to unlock this level of guild mission. We’re a small guild and we’re not a bunch of puzzle experts. So, thank you yet again Anet for content that that a small guild cannot possibly do.

I guess we don’t count.

Based on a topic I read earlier it’s impossible for any casual player to get into a group for dungeons. I guess I just imagined doing Arah path 2 and shouldn’t bother trying any of the others.

Another thread said it’s impossible for anyone with a job to keep up with the Living Story, so I should chalk the achievements I’ve got up to dumb luck and give up on all the rest.

Then there was the thread which…do you see where I’m going with this? This forum, especially this section, is full of topics by people complaining about various bits of the game, often declaring it impossible for one group or another. If you believed all of them you’d never even bother logging in because everything is impossible according to someone.

Casuals in my guild run dungeons all the time. Arah being the hardest in the game, you’d need a really support guild for the amount of time that dungeon takes. But I wouldn’t go and hold up Arah as the poster boy for dungeons. It’s the hardest dungeon in the game, made that way for people who like challenge. There has to be some challenge in the game.

Most dungeons have at least one path that’s doable for casual players. Every dungeon shouldn’t have to be.

That said, a good guild is paramount to this kind of support. Why would casuals want to run with pugs, which is much much harder. In a guild you’re all in a mumble or vent channel and you can hear people describing encounters to you so you know what to do. Pugs are unlikely to want to type stuff out before every encounter.

Arah hard? It’s only hard if you don’t pay attention to the mechanism, aka being lazy.

Anyway, it’s a guild puzzle, if your guild didn’t warn you to not waypoint, or started while you said you will brb, or didn’t res you after you died, or even told you to waypoint if you die, or even left you after they learned you couldn’t get back…. I believe you seriously need to communicate with them, if this is not their first time doing guild puzzle….

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Transmuting level 80 gear

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ping.5739


farm gold in cof p1, convert gold to gem, buy stones.

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If People want to Farm give them Farms

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ping.5739


A.. Hm… Friend of mine used to bot on Lineage 2.

His bot could pvp poorly skilled people, do long quests, sell and buy items, change spot of farming if needed, recognize a lot of situations (Player engaging in conversation, gm approaching, gm watching invisible, etc) and either do a pre-programmed response or let him know remotely.

He once did not log a character with the game client until he was approaching end level.

No, your solution wouldn’t work. Bots nowadays are the closest thing we have to beating Turing’s test :P

As someone who knows a little bit about programming, I can confirm this botting method. Funny that anet will never find out about this kind of botters. Even if anet has GM in the game lol.

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A farming spot?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Ping.5739


southsun: well i doubt the reliability of mf.
fractals: playing for more than an hour and hope you can get a charged lodestone >.>
orr: dr kicks in before i even get any loot.

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Changing server

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Ping.5739


There are 2 ways to transfer between servers:
1) Pick one from the list, click transfer and pay a fee. The fee depends on the population on the server you move to (with high pop servers being more expensive) and has to be paid for each transfer.

2) Delete all your characters and you will be asked to pick a new server when you create a new character. There is no time limit on this, you can do it even if you’ve been playing since launch, but generally it’s only new players who are willing to do it. Later on farming or paying real money for the fee becomes more appealing than losing all your progress.

You can also guest to another server for free and do everything except WvW, but sadly not between US and EU servers.

the right answer is here

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GW2 expansion confirmed. Hopes and dreams?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ping.5739


I would rather have a better customer service than an expansion with new stuff.

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Top 5 most stable servers?

in WvW

Posted by: Ping.5739


i will say NSP
the community neither want to move up nor move down
has been in tier7 for ages now

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Crab Toss: Forcing PvP for a reward is wrong IMO! [Merged]

in Last Stand at Southsun

Posted by: Ping.5739


how long will this crab toss activity lasts?
ankittenhe only one who is experiencing lag spike in crab toss?

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thief nerf required in www

in WvW

Posted by: Ping.5739


dodge on every third second, problem solved.

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Southsun update May 14th

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ping.5739


EB jumping puzzle split, but still a pvp area

>.> somebody gonna be so mad about this
glad I have3 gifts of battle in bank and thousands of badges left…

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