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Earthshaker needs anti-blind mechanism. This is one of major problems with hammer atm.
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Retal? Really? It’s joke already, only good thing in retal now is tagging. It can do serious damage only against some stupid glasscannon, and if glasscannon play stupid in WvW, he deserve to die.
25 charracters
Friendly reminder to all suggestions about “Delete/remove/nerf to the ground/move to F1 skill pl0x”.
Every time when you suggest something for sPvP and don’t bother to see how it affects other aspects of game, Colin Johanson kills a quaggan. Please, think about poor cute quaggans.
25 charracters
I have 2 questions.
1. What is guilds in current GW lore? They are same things as in GW1 or something else die to interracial composition and overall world changes?
2. How guilds viewed among charr? I read theories about charr constant need in some kind of warband, so even gladiums tend to join some band/group/society and consider them as new warband.
So if charr is member of established guild, and don’t have status of gladium previously (let’s make it more clear – charr is player character), do other charr consider his guild as warband and him as member of such warband? Can charr pick a new surname related to his guild?
25 charracters
We know what charr do right now though. Struggling in their own internal problems, like branded, separatists, renegades, flame legion, ghosts, ogres and one giant magical wasteland people call ascalon. It would be long time before they will even consider expansion further. And they will have to deal with dredge first to reach Orr.
Btw it’s rarely mentioned, but majority of all those problems is not charr problems, it’s Iron Legion problems. Blood and Ash lands are unexplorable now, but i don’t think that they have problems with Separatists/ghosts/Branded.
25 charracters
@Drakkon: As Narcemus pointed out, the charr legions couldn’t take out Ebonhawke
This is slightly offtopic, but from military PoV, with current charr technology, Ebonhawke is not hard target anymore, at least if it not get upgrades asap.
Begin siege, bomb Asura gates from air with new air vehicles, breach walls with high-caliber artillery, start assault under heavy artillery support and tanks/APC to cover troops. I don’t think that Ebonhawke will stand more than few weeks under such siege. And if charr military engineers will invent napalm bombs/artillery-mortar shells, fight will be over even sooner.
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Dae, are you seriously that narrow minded?
The mantra heal for Mesmer is a niche heal, the elixir heal for engi is a niche heal, necro’s minion heal is niche, need I continue?No one else has the regen and the health pool and the toughness while retaining high amounts of damage a warrior has. Warrior isn’t meant to have defencive healing traits, if you want that play a guardian/elementalist, engineer to a lesser extent, but then you’ll only complain about their small health pools and lack of damage. Only Guardians get Aegis wish procs every 40 seconds and goes on an even longer CD when actually used, you’re over rating it, really. Don’t see why you’re so obssed with blinds, want a blind? Use a longbow, problem solved. Endure pain and the shield block says hello, again! Spam evades? Vigor on stance use and use Sigil of Energy, problemo solved.
Spirit of Nature has more HPS? Do you even read your own link or play the game for that matter? It has less HPS than the signet, is an elite and has a 3 min cooldown, you can hardly compare the two.
Wow, looks like you know alot about class at whole and warrior survivability.
Please, give us bunker build with all those awesome things (without healing signet ofc), record some vids with it in high-end tPvP and post here. I 250% sure, after that any warrior will sign petition about signet nerf and will start to play in your awesome skill-based build.
25 charracters
Guildmate got ascended weapon drop in WvW yesterday. I think with new magic find chances on better drops become significantly higher.
25 charracters
The meta is changing. S/D thieves are super overrated. War is STILL underrated. War is a beast now, and will be most OP after necro and ranger bite the dust.
Oh, so thats why i see 2+ warriors in every serious tpvp team now.
Brb, gonna conquer leaderboard top.
25 charracters
Sent gear
Sent weapon
Mango Pie
Vit Banner
Applied FortitudeAnd my appologies, I didn’t mean that this was only sPvP or all in one build.
I cannot say anything. Just lol, lol and lol.
Yes, this is opinion from dedicated WvW warrior since first BWE.
25 charracters
If Hotjoin is removed and everybody moves to SoloQ, queues will disappear.
If now ppl just don’t want to go soloQ, why you want to force them?
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I like to play Hotjoin for some quick and easy PvP. I like 8×8 fun mess. I like unpredictability and different, chaotic teams. I like rewards from here, not very meaningful and not so fast as tPvP ones, but hey, they are still here.
If you don’t like it – ask for different queue for 5×5 with ratings and…
Oh wait, it’s already here and called solo Q. And tPvP is here as well.
So you want to FORCE OTHERS to play those modes? Plz, hands off from my fun mode. Don’t tell me how i must play and i don’t tell you where you must go.
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(edited by Rednik.3809)
Because whole sPvP part was very unfriendly to beginners for VERY long time. Getting you kitten handled by countless mesmers and thieves for 8+ months is not encouraging kind of experience. No balance → loss of newbies → loss of reputation (“this game mode is totally kitten one, don’t want to try it ever again”) → declining population. I think now sPvP crowd is something like 1/30 of PvE and 1/10 of WvW population.
25 charracters
Seems like you know alot about GvG and how to win it. Maybe you will gather a team and show everyone your awesome skill? Those stupid GvGers will be easy victory for you.
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Why are you wubwub tryhards in pvp forum? Wubwub and pvp are night and day. I can easily 2v1 against bads in wubwub.
I can 1v2 against bads anywhere. Can’t see how it proves something, though.
25 charracters
Also your guild must be pretty pro to kick some guy for being a skull crack warrior without asking him to change build or advising other wise. Good to see a guild building the community, oh wait…
Sigh. When you writing application to the WvW guild, you agreeing with guild rules, which includes guild builds, gear, command hierarchy and raid times. Wrong build mean chance to wipe for 20-30 guild mates. If someone thinks that his personal preference >>> needs of everyone around, he must choose guild that agreed with his point of view.
Skullcrack warrior is small scale oriented build, with very low potential for big group fights.
25 charracters
Your a WvW not a SPvP, so goto WvW forums and talk about how godly your unbalanced crakitten ome where else. Stop posting on every single post calling us SPvP dumb.
I used to WvW allot, roam & duels all day long, but it’s so unbalanced it isn’t funny. Just take look at your runes………. Take look at most your PI videos……
WvW warrior with skullcrack build will get /gkick in 10 min. This build is terrible for guild purposes. May be good for some roaming, but roaming is not a big deal at all.
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Has anyone asked themselves what any race other than humans would even want with Orr? It’s a pile of ruins with nothing left but cultural significance to one race and one race only.
First page. Artifacts from Zhaitan and old Orr, polygon for magic research (human Gods, Zhaitan), high-level resources, colonization after cleansing, territory for navy bases with VERY high potential.
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It may take a few days for hardcore players but a few weeks to months for casual players. It also depends on how many weapons you are carrying. Some classes only have one weapon (e.g. staff ele) while others have up to 4. And thats only counting one spec.
I’m running around with a bunch of weapons (warrior), switching back and forth. I can switch weapon sets from my bag depending on the situation in WvW.
So now I have to grind for at least 6 ascended weapons (thats the ones I use the most in WvW), just to not be subpar. I’m a casual player with an average ingame time of 1h per day. Awesome!
To be fair, you don’t need ascended items at all to be competitive, except if you are aiming for duels and gank.
25 charracters
^ This. 15 charrs.
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10v10 and 15v15 is the sweet spot for skilled encounters IMHO. Some teams will refuse to do smaller fights b/c it cexposes skill holes in their guild.
How you can advocate group sizes irrelevant for main game mode? All guilds here are WvW guilds, which means your guild must be capable to show yourselves in WvW. Which means 20-25ppl group. 10 and 15 is havok squad or low-tier server group, but it’s hardly a meaningful WvW force for high-tier battles.
25 charracters
You all forget main thing about Charr. They are practical. Orr is pretty place, but Orr is too far away to claim it now, too much problems with logistic, transport and supply lines. Only chance to get it properly is to relocate an army here, which means war most probably, and charr nation have enough wars running already. So maximal possible claim atm is military/navy base at Orr shore, to research naval technologies and begin to build military/scout/trade/transport fleet. This is more important for them now.
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Maybe because you’re not supposed to get every achievement in the game within one week of playing.
Also a precursor for WvW kills is just silly.
I made 300g from PvE in last 2 weeks. Why WvW achievement that take ~1Y to get can’t give item worth ~500g? We are inferior people or what?
25 charracters
Make the Charr and wear it to calm down bro. It works.
My main is charr warrior, 1800+ hours atm. Only thing from T3 that i like enough to wear – helmet (and it’s usually disabled anyway).
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With the end of last week’s NA match, I had my 50th WvW “Tier 1” win.
I ran with three guilds in doing so: The Elite, Henge of Denravi; Darkness is Everywhere (DiE), Sea of Sorrows; and Center of Attention (CA), Blackgate.
The intent of this post (and the linked video) is to mark this milestone. Thank you to those I’ve fought with, and against. The Oceanic and SEA community is alive and well, and the WvW experience that GW2 allows us would not have been such great fun without you.
The video is here.
Can you post screenshot of guild panel in primetime? We need it, for science.
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Charr cultural t3.
Generic as kittened kittenly kitten.
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What nerf, what fix? I still see tons of condispammers, spirit rangers and thieves in hotjoin, warriors are still rare. And i don’t see “LF skullcrack warrior in tPvP team” in chat.
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If you run WvW and your group is organized one, then PVT. You need health pool to stay alive from beginning to the end of attack-regroup-blast heals cycle. And clerics is just plain bad for frontline.
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If it’s nothing special, why you still on 33k while i’m on 50 already? Especially with all FR and DE blobs around.
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25k kills really isnt that much idk why you’re expecting gold from it. I’m approaching 100k and i dont feel like thats very special either
On guardian. Do this on warrior or mesmer and then we will talk.
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Bunch of brutes rose from bronze age to mortars and tanks in the matter of 250 years, and you think witty asians with extreme levels of population growth won’t find their way? Come on. I think their emperor already has his own mist-shuttle by now.
Jade sea and petrified forests perhaps already thawed too.
Isolation always = almost dead science and overall stagnation. Source – IRL history.
25 charracters
Please, write open petition to all guilds involved in GvG on your server to transfer to T3-T4. I 100% sure that this measure will increase your server ppt alot.
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Also, canthans was not involved into Risen war at all, so i think if they will make claim to Orr, Pact answer will be like “lolwut?”. Kryta humans at least have some descendants of old Orr humans, Cantha have none.
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(edited by Rednik.3809)
Nah, Joko powers and knowledge is not even close to Zhaitan. I think he don’t have a slightest idea how to control Risen.
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Guys I beg you use your brains and common sense.
Humanity will get back what’s theirs being the possession of the race. Norns and charrs are far out of the claiming reach.
Sylvaries aren’t conquerrors and I don’ think asuras would claim it either.
It’s a moral question, and everyone knows that humans deserve the land, no need to keep reasoning and denying it.
Other races won’t just start bi***ing about a territory that everyone knows belongs to the humans.
“Oh nonono Mr humanity, what proves that this land was yours? The giant God statues, chatedrals and cities or the fact everyone knows it is? We should leave it to you just because it’s yours? Oh no that’s not how things work! We need more unnecessary territory that is totally different from what we prefer! let’s war #YOLO”
No one will ever question humanity claim to all Orr… if they were able to free Orr from Risen without external help. But they did not. So now Orr is under Pact jurisdiction, and Pact can easily say “Orr is now new interracial state with council a-la LA. Oh, humans want temples/old cities/other old Orr human things back? No problem, take it, but as citizens of New Orr, not as citizens of Kryta”
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I farm deadeye with my alt guardian. If i miss prebuff, i can kitten up my dps cycle and die. So, if I know that I will not miss it with res – i res people. If not – sorry, but my potential death and 40sec run back is more important for me than your 40sec run.
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Even IRL history can prove you wrong. Royal blood can be good reason for trying to make a claim for the throne, but in the end this is always only excuse to power grab attempt and nothing more. Nobody cares about claims from descendants of royal bloodlines if they don’t have enough power behind them to come and take it.
25 charracters
You forget to mention one small detail. Core and majority of melee train is guardians, not warriors. And warriors here primarily for hammer CC, not for hammer damage. So I do not understand what kind of “potentially dangerously OP hammer” you are talking about.
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No one will force you to “loot and plunder ancient human artifacts and use/sell them”, “demolish temples, split up the land, and claim their share in the city of the gods”. But if you not thinking about establish your constant national presence in all archaeological and scientific expeditions at minimum, then you are very bad ruler. This land can contain things that can sink continents , rise undead armies, grant ability to manipulate divine magic, etc.
25 charracters
Possibly more significant, however, is the question of who would want to go there.
Answer is simple – every government with a half of brain. Orr is extremely valuable asset – top-level resource base (best metals and possibly other rare minerals), tons of magical artifacts (including VERY powerful ones) from Gods, Zhaitan and old Orr wizards, and on top of all – great place to everyone who wants establish/secure military presence and trade routes over the seas. Just 1 big naval&commercial base – and your nation is now a significant player with military and trade fleet.
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(edited by Rednik.3809)
Asura will note move in, but they will have the right to get something from victory. Colony, trade rights, diplomatic privileges, resources, share in trophies, etc. This is common practice, and i can’t see the reason why Orr must be excluded. If you cannot reclaim something by yourself and use foreign help, you are expected to pay proportionally for such help.
25 charracters
But humans did not defeat the Risen and and did not restore the Orr. Pact did. And Pact was funded by all nations. So i don’t see how humans can come and say “hooray, this is our land now, kk thx bye, we will settle Orr as new human kingdom, everyone else can comply or gtfo”
25 charracters
1. Charr
2. No one
3. No one
4. No one
999. No one
1000. Everyone else.
25 charracters
I really don’t understand why this function not in game yet. I would love to see reset for badges as example, 1 badge per point.
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Grats to JQ for the win this week. About SoR and their fields fights that they win 90% of time .. lol
I was on the beach since reset but I logged in to play yesterday and :
Yesterday in EB I played to hold our keep all open from both zerg servers rushes for hours (6hours long), our main keep had no more walls inner and outter nor gates standing any more for all that time, it was just all open keep to lord room. SoR and JQ zergs wiped constantly and repeatidly (ennemies zergs 100% failed rushes 6hours long lolololol btw nothing else flipped on EB map ^^). We farmed these zergs so hard that I gained 2 wxp ranks not moving around the map (10k xwp in kills in this 6hours time) We farmed you soooooo hard SoR you might have bring all your familybut hey we loose with pride better than trying to win with lame and fail, JQ will just win fair and square so it’s all fine^^. For me SoR is no way a wvw threat unlike JQ has always been. Considering the way many SoR guilds play in wvw they are more like parasitic worms ^^. I imagine the SoR TS : Keep throwing bodies like Xerxes to Spartans !!!!!!
Some people on SoR are talking how expert they are in open field fights… XD best jokes ever. After daily farm I had to go to sleep and tomorrow I am going to the beach again, may be I ll get some time to farm SoR just after.
Much fun until the next reset. Good job JQ on the win.
One word for this: lol.
25 charracters
Nope, unless it was changed today. Because yesterday i was on 20min SM assault and got only 2 bags. Bag drop resets only if you leave the lord room and lord gets out of combat, if enemy perform usual banner res, you don’t get anything.
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Make lord dropping his exotic bag after every res and i will be ok with it. But i already see exploits and “lord-trading”, so it’s unlikely be done
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We have a new guild Zombie Land [WvW]. They are the only organized guild that has came. Judging by our full status suddenly I am guessing several individuals may have transferred here in the past two weeks.
What? What? No, no, no please, you don’t understand, you never see em, no, this can’t be happening, this is worst EU nightmare and you bring it here…
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(edited by Rednik.3809)
I have idea. Give your awful, nerfed to the ground, unreliable, easy avoidable downed fear to my warrior and take my awesome super-OP Throw Hammer. It will fix all issues.
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