25 charracters
25 charracters
If anything, that video proves how bad mechanic downed state is. That ranger probably could have taken out two or three of them without it, but “lol” at any skillful play in Guild Wars 2, amiright?
Ganking PvE guys is now called a “skillful play”? Sure…
25 charracters
Watch the video posted above, there’s nothing more to say. If you still don’t realize how stupid current downed state mechanic is in wvw…well nvm you know what i mean…
Oh noes, poor ranger tried to gank lone PvE lolzerk warrior, don’t want to save stability for stomp and don’t want to have any blind abilities to prevent anti-stomp knockdown. Lol’d at this video, really.
25 charracters
Hammer is 90% fine.
Learning to sheath hammer skills you know will miss before they go off is something all Hammer Warriors NEED to learn to do.
If you have to learn to use something contrary to logic “here is your weapon, here is your weapon’s abilities, push the button and get a result,” it usually means flaws in the design of the weapon. I do not see in the description of the hammer phrase “this weapon is so slow that you have to learn to cancel his attack and then use it again”.
25 charracters
Hammer just need a little faster abilities. Because, you know, it’s hard NOT to dodge something like Backbreaker, and dancing with “i must begin to cast it, cancel and cast it again, if i do it without canceling – i screwed” – seems little stupid. Also, fix tooltip to Backbreaker (or make it real 2sec knockdown, it’s single-target ability with looooong 30sec cd after all).
But I won’t mind if hammer will be improved a little. Like adding something to 3rd auto swing and/or making Staggering Blow usable while moving.
25 charracters
Awesome! If it’s true.
25 charracters
Nope sorry what you are describing is a typical zerg vs zerg fight. You don’t play “organized” wvw…you do play in a zerg spamming buttons and following your commander. That’s not “organized” wvw. I’m not saying your bad i don’t even know who you are. That’s simply the only way to play in a fight like that…so much aoe, so many effects, pulls, knockdowns, lag…it’s terrible. Fights like that shouldn’t even exist in this game.
This mode called “World versus World”, not gang vs. gang, 5 vs. 5 or something alike. It’s all about large battles, large maps, large populations, and about ways to manage them. Game of small scale encounters is sPvP thing, and it shall stay that way.
25 charracters
Your assuming that organized groups run into and through zergs all the time. This is certainly one way. It is but one tactic. Running right into an enemy zerg is not the only thing organized players do nor should it ever be. Many tactics don’t call for a squishy to be in the middle of a zerg and they don’t have to be to do their job. There is nothing wrong with a squishier player being behind the other more tanky ones. It’s smart of them to do and they can put out more damage than someone built tougher. While an all glass group could go horribly wrong, to say that they have no place is wrong. You have to play to your group composition. You can prefer certain builds but every build has it’s place and every build can be effective in an organized group.
If you want to eliminate enemy zerg and you don’t have numerical superiority to simply crush it, you have to run into it. If you don’t, enemy players will always run away at low hp, heal up and go back, creating typical pug zerg warfire with “more numbers and more aoe = win”. If you are outnumbered, you only chance to win is dive in, run through, CC and nail down squishy AoE users before they can escape, quickly regroup on other side, buff, dive again, nail down more ppl, repeat, repeat, repeat. You must do this, strike fast, move constantly, keep buffs and heals rolling, stick together, or you will drown in AoE, just because of enemy numbers. If you want more damage in you group, you must spec your guildmates in half-damage specs, but still no glass-cannons, simply because glass cannon cannot be used against greatest numbers, they cannot dive, and they cannot stay outside because they will be eaten without heavies to cover them.
Downed state simply prolongs the fight for both sides. It doesn’t give you some magical tactical edge. It’s being smart and knowing where and when to use your skills. It’s reacting to the current situation and adapting. Being ready to act differently in different situations. Getting out of the said aoe when it’s coming down. Those that lose fights to aoe either got out played by the other sides application of aoe, they didn’t properly handle or avoid it, or there was just that many players that you weren’t going to win no matter what.
You cannot avoid AoE from 60+ppl. You cannot react to them. You can only make it less effective by constant moving, rolling buffs, heals and condi cleansing, and you can stop it by fast eliminating aoe users, without giving them chance to escape. Crush into the core of ranged group, and they will be busy by running, ressing, healing – anything, but not dealing concentrated AoE anymore. Crush them again while they are trying to regroup, and they are done. And since they will be dying much faster because they are squishy, downed state and rally is tools for us, and death sentence for them.
25 charracters
But this is exactly how WvW is right now. Down state directly encourages zerging because having one more body on the field than the opponent means you (generally) automatically win the engagement.
Wrong. The purpose of any organized guilds – to win battles with fewer fighters, to let more people from our server get numerical superiority elsewhere.
If anything, Anet needs to first make it so that DEAD (not downed) players are automatically ported back to spawn to prevent ressing, and secondly consider removing downed state completely from WvW.
To make game “lol, our respawn is closer, you cannot res nearby, we can, we win aready”? No thanks.
25 charracters
By saying glass cannons don’t matter in any fight you are saying dps doesn’t matter. Well played smart glass cannons can bring a world of hurt to the enemy. They aren’t optimal in many situations, but they certainly have their place.
Glass cannon cannot survive run trough the sizable enemy zerg without wasting long survival CD. Therefore, they have no place in an organized group, no one needs a fighter who is fit only then to stand behind the group and not capable of movement inside the enemy zerg.
There is tons ways to support your group, heal, and protect them. Much of these skills can do much more than dedicated healers could by preventing damage in the first place. Lets not forget about how many more skills every single player has to keep themselves up. Is downed state there and does it add something to the game? Yes, a little bit. Just another mindless mechanic though. Being that it takes just as much thought or brain power to do as what else has been referred to as mindless.
I play organized WvW since first BWE. There is NO way to keep all your guildmates alive inside large enough enemy zergs for long time. Stuns, immobilizes, pulls, knockdowns, stability dispelling, constant heavy AoE – ppl will begin to fall. Rally allows us to pick them back up, regroup, heal up, and make a new charge. Remove downstate and zerg warfire will become AoE-fest with only one rule “you have more numbers and more AoE – you win already”.
25 charracters
Many of those that support downed state(not all of you) fail to realize that most who don’t like it aren’t complaining about it being too hard. They aren’t happy with how it annoys and irritates them.
Because they are bad, and don’t know anything about long fight with long CD management, except “lol i gonna press my burst cycle and run away”.
What’d you think was going to happen when a glass cannon chose to melt your class cannon. You should be dead, simple as that. Every build has a weakness that can be exploited. Being glassy is your weakness that you chose when you built that way. Just like lack of damage is what you have when you build tanky. You give up things no matter what build you are running. Every class also has its inherent advantages and disadvantages. This is after all what defines classes.
I don’t care about glasscannon fights, because glasscannons are worthless in any meaningful battle. Down state allows heavy raid manage attrition fights though organization and wrack crowds of mindless unorganized AoE spammers, just because we can finish them much faster before they manage to finish our downed. Unorganized force MUST lose against organized, and downed state allows this to happen. So until anet will add targeted heals to help keep up the raid – downed state must stay here, otherwise wvw will fall into mindless ranged aoe spam fights.
25 charracters
Downed state is anti-burst mechanic, and absolutely necessary in game without specialized healers. If brainless glasscannon know only how to unload burst and cannot finish the job – its 101% l2p thing. Don’t want l2p? Go QQ more, no one cares.
25 charracters
I went human, because Charr look awful in EVERYTHING.
Nah. Human looks so tiny in comparison with charr, and clearly not looks like big bad war machine. I remember first time when my charr female went into AC exp and got ghost transform into human female. I looked at the greatsword in her hands and thought “She can swing it? Really?”.
25 charracters
I recommend following:
1. Drop Mobile strikes or swap it for something else. If you run Melandru+Lemongrass+Dogged march, immobilizes is not a big danger.
2. Swap Bull Rush for Endure Pain if you planning to be frontline. It can eat 20-30k damage alone, if you time it properly (just before jumping inside large group of AoE spammers)
3. Swap Defy Pain for Spiked Armor. Yes, retaliation damage is not that much now after nerf, but with 1/3 uptime of retal buff you will tag ALOT more ppl. More tags – more wxp, more loot, more kills for Realm Defender achievement.
25 charracters
I don’t even…
25 charracters
I would have to say arrow carts come in at #1 with arrow carts following up in a close 2nd place.
It’s also hard to argue that arrow carts in the #3 spot aren’t better than our #2 arrow carts but we all know the superior damage of arrow cart’s in 2nd place give it a strong lead over arrow carts otherwise.
Did I mention arrow carts?
This. There is only two things better than arrowcarts, superior arrowcart and multiple superior arrowcarts.
25 charracters
Flap is awesome on female charr, it’s animated and covers upper part of tailbase very nicely
25 charracters
If you want to fight opponents with a ‘personality’, ANet should show their character names like in PvP instead of ‘<insert server here> Invader’. If they had their own names, that would be much more personal.
Whisper from <B0B dA l33t pVp pWn3r>: “Looool U SO BAD scrub, go l2p lolololololol, U can kill ski113d pr0 like me only with 10ppl LOL u rly BAD suxx0r lol”
25 charracters
So basically, it could be doable to have arrowcart’s AoE making cheap damages to first 10 targets on the list, then reasonable damages to next 10 and finally insane damages to the last 30 ?
Not good idea i think. In such way you can bring zerg to tower, assign 10 ppl to ram the gates and others to wall suppression and throwing water fields/blasts to the door, and bam, you have immortal door team.
25 charracters
Title just create text clutter on screen. 40ppl, and when all of them have “Great Champion Volunteer Walking Amongst The Mortals And Some More Bla-BLa-Bla”, it’s very painful to see.
25 charracters
We still here, just went into semi-slack mode with few raids on schedule. It’s not RIP, it’s more like tough times.
25 charracters
Gain protection and retaliation (5s) when you take more than 10% of your health in a single strike. This effect can only trigger every 15 seconds. (This will help immensely in PvE, especially against chain knock-down mobs…)
This talent is mainly for PvP, and i don’t want see retaliation on me only when someone manage to put >3k damage on me in single strike through 3200 armor.
25 charracters
I’m ok with it if you give all melee permanent built-in 90% aoe damage reduction and -90% to condition duration for aoe conditions. Stacking with other damage-reduction abilities, ofc.
25 charracters
Disc traitline bonus can be made little more interesting then just “+1% adrenaline gain per point”. I suggest “your minimum adrenaline level increased by 1.11% per every point into Discipline line”, so if you invest 30 points, you will have 1 adrenaline bar permanently. Very nice synergy with adrenaline-based talents and class mechanic.
25 charracters
Hammer seriously need some form of blind-immunity, at least for AoE attacks, especially Earthshaker.
25 charracters
warrior is fine
Sure. I own CoF p1 like a boss.
25 charracters
- How can the devs make wars more solo-friendly?
Do they need to?
Why not make the game more focused towards teamfights instead?
“So you want to be able to defend yourself? Tell me your class and i tell you your build and tips… Oh, you warrior? Too bad, you suck, run away to someone who can defend you. This is balance4team, fella.”
25 charracters
Not every single skill needs to be viable in pvp.
The banner of tactics, for example is great in WvW. 10% more boon duration for half a zerg? omgyesplz!
5 ppl – half a zerg?
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Why you don’t do this now ?
Cuz half of Xaoc leave months ago, to play korean ArchAge. Convince Anet make russian localization and we will repeat it anytime.
25 charracters
Good game guys. We don’t sleep, we don’t eat,..
Nah, pathetic. VZ cannot into territory control.
25 charracters
In large-scale battles there are cleanses flying around everywhere…
Not everywhere and not 100% of time. “Earthshaker – lolblind, you miss nao” is very common picture.
25 charracters
I pretty much exclusively play wvwvw . Warrior is my favorite class and play it 75% of the time I am on. I try to stay away from zergs as they are what is destroying wvw. Stick to small teams even solo roaming as my warrior. I have plenty of kills. Just because a trait isn’t THE BEST TRAIT EVER doesn’t mean it is lack luster. For the 20% cool down it was enough for me to pick it up. So I guess what I am saying is L2Play. The only issues warriors should be having right now is sustainability, condition removal, and healing. Crowd control and Damage don’t even’t need to be touched.
I.e. “stop liking playstyle what i don’t like!”.
I appreciate your opinion, but for those who prefer large-scale battles and melee trains – anti-blind option is vital and absolutely necessary. And this is not l2play issue, this is issue of slow melee aoe weapon in condition-heavy environment, and this issue must be solved by changing of warrior mechanic/traits/weapon functionality.
25 charracters
(edited by Rednik.3809)
No. Merciless hammer is a great trait as it is. It doesn’t need to be changed at all. It is is not necessarily in the ideal tree line, but making it immune to blind and granting fury is kinda out of the question. You use a hammer for control, not crazy damage. I am defensive speced with some offensive gear. My hammer hits for plenty. I can control the mobs that I need to. I just overall think that merciless hammer is a great trait, should stay as a T2 trait but maybe moved to a different tree.
Let me guess, you never playing in serious WvW guild as melee train frontline, right? Cuz “control the mobs that I need to” and “should stay as a T2 trait but maybe moved to a different tree”… just lol.
25 charracters
Knight for roaming, small groups clashes (up to 10-15 ppl) and pug zergs, so you can burn down targets relatively fast and have nice survivability. For large-scale fights PVT-Def-hammer builds more valuable, since overall damage to you goes up very fast, conditions are everywhere and pure toughness wont save you.
25 charracters
Hammer shout is very survivable and still puts out good damage when you gear and set up correctly.
Shouts heal very well also when you set up your build correctly. You haven’t really tried it out fully untill you’ve worked out the gear set.
Shout heal is average at best. Defense 30 and Discipline 15&20(Mobile strikes) is better and more universal choice. Def 30 can easily negate up to ~30k damage or give great source of retaliation, Disc 15 allow to utilize weapon sets alot more actively, and Disc 20 just godsend then you rooted and receive pile of conditions on top of that (so you can’t remove it just by shouts). Also, I appreciate much more Balanced Stance than the 3rd shout, serious WvW without stability for melee is very painful.
25 charracters
Lol I am ranked like 410 in overall wins now I am not going to get into a kitten match with you guys but I have prolly won more matches than you have played. Instead of QQing on the forums maybe you should figure out what you have been doing wrong and fix it.
Oh lol, here is another “l33t f0RuM eXpErT g0nnA tEaCh U h0w t0 pLaY y0Ur c1aSS”. How much serious tPvP matches you play as warrior after patch? Zero?
25 charracters
Groups I’ve been with don’t even do it this fast and TW is down 30-40 secs on the slave driver. Also 20/25/0/10/15 does more damage.
1 warrior with Empower Allies + 4 with Empowered in Tactics line?
25 charracters
Use all zerk gears when warriors have perma fury + banner of discipline for kitten free 25%+ crit chance. Why?
The question was about: that will give greater time gain – delay with banner placement or direct rush 1 → gate 4 → braziers.
25 charracters
Not sure if this is real guide, or just min/max speculations. So…
Mace mentioned as offhand weapon, but not mentioned in any dps cycles. Why? And if offhand mace not included in dps cycles, why not use warhorn for permaswiftness instead?
Zero recommendations about elite slots. Why?
Dances with str banner near gate controller instead of direct rush to brasiers. Why? Additional power really so critical here?
25 charracters
Well, we can’t get WXP from guardians or engineers either ‘cause they’re never downed.
We can’t get WXP from mesmers too ‘cause we don’t know which clone to kill
We can’t get WXP from thieves because they’re always invisible
We can’t get WXP from necros ‘cause they have 2 life bars
So we only get WXP from rangers.
I think it’s, fair, isn’t it?More seriously, an ele near a gate is unkillable, yes. But most of the time, I encounter them in the open. And then, all you have to do is run 3 seconds and continue your killing or use your finisher.
You don’t even understand that he is talking about. When you spike ele after mist form, you often get 0-1 WXP. This is annoying bug. Please, try read something more carefully next time before making “funny posts”.
25 charracters
(edited by Rednik.3809)
Juggernaut needs to be about 50% larger (including the handle’s length) and about 500% thicker.
+100 to this. Juggernaut looks kitten awful, it’s not a hammer, it’s a fancy wizard staff.
25 charracters
No single thing about punishing zergs will be implemented. Never. Because your proposals will negatively affect largest part of the players, in order to cater to the smallest part. Not a single developer in his right mind would agree to that.
25 charracters
Variation of standard WvW heavy frontline hammer build for guild melee trains:
Or you can use less mobile and less guildzerg-oriented, but more universal damage-oriented builds by CoaxialMazer
25 charracters
ITT: sPvP pugs talks about the WvW. What’s even more fun – topic created in the forum subsection which is rarely visited by WvW crowd. Guys, do you really want to know the views of WvW fans & hardcore guilds, or you just want a place where you could express your opinion without any criticism?
25 charracters
If you really want to ruin zerg play just take the AOE damage cap off and leave the AOE buff cap on.
First, running around zerg pressing “5” – same “skill” as running in blob and pressing “1”. More rewards for brainless gameplay? How about no?
Second, this change make ranged classes much more powerful than melee. Right now melee group can run through aoe-heavy zone and survive because of aoe cap. Without cap any attempt of assault though aoe will be guaranteed suicide. WvW will turn into ranged AoE wars.
Third, this is huge buff for elementalist. You want buff ele? Seriously?
25 charracters
im full toughness/vitality
zero dmg
PVT gear not recommended for crit-based burst builds, but for power based build, with raidbuffs (25 might says hi!)+25 bloodlust+food+sharpening stone - why not?
25 charracters
Increase AoE cap…
How about no?
First, laying down AoE have nothing common with skill. Running around ppl and pressing “5” – same as running in zerg and pressing “1”. Absolutely dumb gameplay, and make it rewarding – just lame.
Second, it will destroy PvP balance even further. Such large buff to elementalist – no, no, no and no. Never.
25 charracters
Are you folks running the typical 0/0/30/30/10 or 0/0/20/30/20 builds for these setups?
Standard 0-0-30-30-0 (‘+10’), but honestly, really needed only 0-0-30-10-0 (‘+30’) (or even only 20-25 in defense). I prefer 0-0-30-20-20 with warhorn boost in tactics, it’s allows use of Battle Standard (if needed) without dramatic loss of mobility, more anticondition tools and give you more valuable options with on-switch sigils.
25 charracters
(edited by Rednik.3809)
Yeah because having a few extra hps and 100 200 toughnes is going to turn you into a rock.
NO thanks. i insist play with your PTV but dont tell others that is the only way to go in a serious guild.
Build 0-0-30-20-20.
In full Knight, soldier runes, bers hammer (Bloodlust), all exotic, Loaf of Omnomberry Bread+Superior Sharpening Stone:
Effective Power 3214.16
Effective Health (EHP) 40444
In full PVT, soldier runes, soldier hammer (Bloodlust), all exotic, Loaf of Omnomberry Bread+Superior Sharpening Stone:
Effective Power 2825.39
Effective Health (EHP) 52127
Sure, PVT soooo uneffective…
25 charracters
And i am telling you that isnt necessary to go full PTV to be in a competive frontline guild, if thats the ony way you can play thats not my problem.
I.e. you insist on gear setup for specific event-based guild with strict setup, which become insta-fail when you lost access to full-time protection buff. Sure, this is great recommendation for anyone.
25 charracters