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[Merged topics] Achievement bug: no chests, dailies stuck

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Renny.6571


Can’t make charged quartz today. Timegate on the timegate, yay.

elite specs ruined pvp.


in Mesmer

Posted by: Renny.6571




elite specs ruined pvp.

Counter Power Block with Stability

in Mesmer

Posted by: Renny.6571


You can’t get an interrupt through stability anyway.. I agree with all of these except the auto attack thing. It just completely annihilates many high skillcap builds.

elite specs ruined pvp.

Patch Notes

in Mesmer

Posted by: Renny.6571


Aside from power block, are any of the other new grandmaster traits worth taking now?

1k healing power on interrupt! lel

elite specs ruined pvp.

Patch Notes

in Mesmer

Posted by: Renny.6571


Removed the only skill-based counterplay mesmer had against Thieves. Time to move my ascended to engi and faceroll all the nades.

elite specs ruined pvp.

We need a bank in Heart of the Mists.

in PvP

Posted by: Renny.6571



elite specs ruined pvp.

TY For making Hambow Stronger :D!

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Renny.6571


We eles are immune to crits while in earth attunements with the new trait so we can run around longer helplessly before dying to a thief or warrior.

Don’t forget now being able to cleanse that signet of spite before having all of your boons corrupted and dying a relatively slow death!

elite specs ruined pvp.

Maximised Hybrid Phantasm Build [Roaming]

in Mesmer

Posted by: Renny.6571


It’s all personal preference. Some players prefer getting their hands a little dirty with big numbers instead of letting the npcs do everything. :P

elite specs ruined pvp.

Engis are becoming a problem

in PvP

Posted by: Renny.6571


Lel. I’ve only seen rank 6 warriors with sunrise or twilight all day.

elite specs ruined pvp.

Solo Arena (NOT RANKED) for PvE/WvW Players

in PvP

Posted by: Renny.6571


So.. hotjoin?

elite specs ruined pvp.

Runes of Nightmare & Mesmer

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Renny.6571


woowlolwlolo mesmers are getting all the presents this patch.

elite specs ruined pvp.

TY For making Hambow Stronger :D!

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Renny.6571


On a similar note, gotta love those decap engi supply crate bubbles of doom..

elite specs ruined pvp.

Maximised Hybrid Phantasm Build [Roaming]

in Mesmer

Posted by: Renny.6571


This build loses 29% crit damage if my maths isn’t completely retahded. I’d still think it’ll be pretty powerful since you’re still stacking insane bleeds.

elite specs ruined pvp.

Revealed Training does not affect Backstab!

in Thief

Posted by: Renny.6571


But mug will still hit first. How does that not reveal you?

Are you dyslexic? The point of mug is to reveal you so you get the +200 power before your backstab finishes the animation.

elite specs ruined pvp.

Revealed Training does not affect Backstab!

in Thief

Posted by: Renny.6571


If you precast backstab then hit mug, mug will hit first because its instant. Thus revealing you. If you wait to long youll backstab into thin air and then use mug, still revealing you. Elaborate

Mug will reveal you and backstab will hit your target because you just stole to it during the animation. Why the kitten would you wait to steal if you’re trying to land a guaranteed backstab?

elite specs ruined pvp.

Revealed Training does not affect Backstab!

in Thief

Posted by: Renny.6571


Step 3: Proceed to use the auto chain instead of backstab because mug revealed you

Step 1: Trait mug
Step 2: Precast backstab then steal
They need to enable big red letters on this forum.

If we’re talking PvE, then doing this means you drop Dagger Training or Sundering Strikes for a +200 on your backstab only when steal is available. Doing this will reduce your overall DPS.

If we’re talking PvP, this still isn’t enough to make a deep DA build viable.

I didn’t mention traiting for it was viable in my post. :\

elite specs ruined pvp.

(edited by Renny.6571)

Revealed Training does not affect Backstab!

in Thief

Posted by: Renny.6571


Step 1: Trait mug
Step 2: Precast backstab then steal
+200 power backstab. You guys don’t even know how to abuse your own class’ mechanics properly.

elite specs ruined pvp.

April 15th - What build are you going to try?

in PvP

Posted by: Renny.6571


nothing new for mes. gm traits are bad and not well placed and apart from bugfixes anet hasnt put any effort in my class. builds will stay the same.

Bam. Truth right here.

elite specs ruined pvp.

is ci worth

in Mesmer

Posted by: Renny.6571


If your primary sources of cc are stuns like magic bullet and signet of domination, CI is definitely not worth taking. The stun overwrites the immobilize.

Your best CI proc’ers are daze and pushes/pulls. To that end, the best builds using CI are able to dish out decent amounts of those; decent being at least three interrupt sources, including diversion. Most builds go with a fourth source in mantra of distraction.

Meh. If they pop a stun break for Magic Bullet/Sig of Dom, they’ll still be immobed.

elite specs ruined pvp.

What you do when you see

in PvP

Posted by: Renny.6571


DPS Ele which health never drops under 10%, doesn’t matter how many people how long attack him.


elite specs ruined pvp.

Bliss' Wish List

in Mesmer

Posted by: Renny.6571


I like most of these suggestions, the Bountiful Interruption one in particular. Not sure how I feel about the Halting Strikes one though.. It’s already a pretty underwhelming trait and limiting it to just movement skills wouldn’t make it worth taking over Phantasm or Mind Wrack damage.

elite specs ruined pvp.

How lag friendly is this class?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Renny.6571


I play interrupt mesmer pretty well with consistent 350-450+ ping.

elite specs ruined pvp.

The Signet Fix Initiative

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Renny.6571


Combo breaker!

elite specs ruined pvp.

[SPvP] Thief Risk and Reward Changes

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Renny.6571


The leaderboard bragging is strong in there. If you’re so pro you should kill those ‘bad thieves’ spamming one skill.

Assuming the classes are balanced. Which they’re not. Which is why this thread exists.

elite specs ruined pvp.


in Profession Balance

Posted by: Renny.6571


btw mesmer is the top class for snaring people into blobs in wvw.
at the end i must roll a mesmer and start frustrating people, it will send out a clearer message for the game.

Never heard this one before. Thanks for the laugh.

elite specs ruined pvp.

WvW Zerg My Build

in Mesmer

Posted by: Renny.6571


Pretty solid build. I have a couple of suggestions though:

  • 30 Dom for Greatsword Training: Not really necessary since you already have Illusionist’s Celerity, which reduces the cooldown on #2 and #4.

I suggest moving these points into Insp for shatter heal/cleanse or Illusions for Illusionary Persona.

  • 10 Insp for Persisting Images: Phantasms don’t last long enough regardless.

I suggest swapping this for Mender’s Purity or Vigor on Shatter.

elite specs ruined pvp.

Feedback regarding Conditions

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Renny.6571


and yet the big elephant in the room gets largely ignored , of course im talking about condition removal and stability . and i hear more and more often about how op or bad for the meta is with conditions being so " bad ". funny how most of the complaints come from people who dont even realize they have more ways to remove conditions then they do to apply them .

No one “ignores” condition removal in suggestion/complaint threads. In fact, condition removal is one of the most tried counter-arguments people make in those threads which are then replied to and so on. You just have to read past the opening post and the first reply to find such discussions. Second, I’d love to see a build that had the capacity to cleanse 2~4 bleeds+poison+burning (on crit), such is the case with necro scepter auto attack chain, consistently, on top of dealing with other skills and utilities like Signet of Spite.

elite specs ruined pvp.


in Profession Balance

Posted by: Renny.6571


Like I said, if you really truly think that the main benefit of PU is the stealth, you either didn’t read the entire post and hand picked what you wanted to reply to (hence why I wasn’t fully quoted), or you really underestimate a near permanent protection uptime.

I think it’s both hon.

I didn’t quote the first half of your post because I’m not refuting that PU stacks loads of protection, but if you want to argue that too, then sure. Most boon strip and boon flip skills prioritize Swiftness and Protection before other boons. Assuming you use Decoy and The Prestige with all 8 ticks being Protection, you’d have lost 24 seconds of Protection at the cost of a stun break, blind/burn and 8 seconds of the best defensive mechanic in the game.

Besides, even if you weren’t boon stripped and managed to stay in a fight for >24sec, you’d still need to re-enter stealth for another 8 seconds to regain that much protection, and in that time wouldn’t be preventing the point from (de)capping; wherein lies the reason people choose to run traits that aren’t detrimental to the success of the match.

elite specs ruined pvp.

Power Lock: Worth it?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Renny.6571


Not to mention 30 into Illusions means you’re relying on shatters to do a good portion of your damage, but also having terribad clone generation due to lack of Deceptive Evasion.

elite specs ruined pvp.

Help Me

in Mesmer

Posted by: Renny.6571


The new Dueling Grandmaster trait will be decent for zerging. The only requirement is you have to tag a lot of people with your awesome cleave atta- oh…………….

elite specs ruined pvp.


in Profession Balance

Posted by: Renny.6571


I regularly carry teams in sPvP with a PU power setup. Albeit a power build will be in stealth a lot less than a condition build (which makes forcing someone off point whilst still contributing to a hold a very real possibility), that’s granted.

You must consistently roll bad teammates and equally bad opponents if you’re carrying with a stealth build solo.

elite specs ruined pvp.

Looking for info on lag in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Renny.6571


Lag is the same as before the patch for me.

elite specs ruined pvp.

solo roaming

in Mesmer

Posted by: Renny.6571


Here’s what i use. the interrupt build is a lot of fun to play. You’re very weak against people that use conditions though, so try to avoid those types or slot in some condition removal.

I feel like this build would be better off slotting Empowered Illusions and taking Mantra of Resolve instead tbh. Also, are the Ranger Runes meant to be slotted? The wiki page even specifically states illusions don’t trigger the sixth slot.

elite specs ruined pvp.

[Build before the Patch] Bloody Mesmer

in Mesmer

Posted by: Renny.6571


  • There’s no condi removal. Better to drop signet of Dom for Null Field or Mantra of Resolve.
  • Traiting for Empowered Illusions is useless because you have minimal power. Better off taking Crippling Dissipation for a cover condition.
  • The 15 in Domination is useless because vulnerability doesn’t affect condition damage. Better off moving it to Dueling for Deceptive Evasion (clones bleed when they crit).
  • Phantasmal Haste only affects your Duelist by reducing the downtime of the attack by a mere 1 second. Better off moving those 10 points to Chaos and taking Debilitating Dissipation for more bleeds and other cover conditions.
elite specs ruined pvp.

are mesmers the weakest class

in Mesmer

Posted by: Renny.6571


Gears and traits are what make or break pvp lol. Look around for some videos and guides on the mesmer forum for something that interests you.

elite specs ruined pvp.

How does Shadow Refuge work?

in Thief

Posted by: Renny.6571


I know it pulses and each pulse gives you about 2s of stealth. If you leave early, you should just have a short stealth, what about that needs to be “countered”? Also, they could have made it if you took damage or was forcefully pulled out that would cause a reveal, but walking out of it yourself is the thing that boggles me.

It gives 3s (4s traited) of stealth for 5 pulses. It needs the hard counter because once you’re invisible no one can force you to break it early.

elite specs ruined pvp.

Suggest some new utility

in Mesmer

Posted by: Renny.6571



Signet of Swagger: Passive- increase run speed by 25%; Active- Instantly swap places with targeted illusion. If no illusion is targeted, swap with random illusion. Does not require LoS. 900 range.

Funny. But no skill actually directly targets friendlies GW2.

His idea is entirely plausible.

elite specs ruined pvp.

are mesmers the weakest class

in Mesmer

Posted by: Renny.6571


If you guys just stand there and try to tank damage no class will be able to take it. Even a warrior cant just stand still and take damage. Try not doing that, you might have more success.


elite specs ruined pvp.

are mesmers the weakest class

in Mesmer

Posted by: Renny.6571


Warrior does way more single target damage in PvE tho…

elite specs ruined pvp.

[SPvP] Thief Risk and Reward Changes

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Renny.6571


Any guardian can just use virtue of courage or any theif can just use blinding power or any block etc which will always counter it so then whats the point?
If everyone can counter it

Then you just succesfully baited a 90 second cd Virtue of Courage. How is this even an argument? Have you never played a class that has actual cooldowns before? :p

elite specs ruined pvp.

Proposal: Steal 3 Items, Use 1

in Thief

Posted by: Renny.6571


Don’t tell me you’re assuming that only good players are using one trait line just to buff up 1 skill and the rest are just bad?

Nope. You missed my entire point. The option for Steal to be strong is there. Saying it’s underpowered and needs a buff because you decided not to go down that trait line is ridiculous.

Thief gets a gap closer and a pre determined stolen skill if steal makes contact and you aren’t blinded/blocked/evaded.

Untraited, a thief gets a gap closer that also grants one of the following:

  • 10 second Chill. Good thing attunement recharge is also affected by chill, yay balance.
  • Projectile reflect with massive pbaoe damage. It’s better than a Warrior’s own axe 5.
  • Heal/Cleanse water field.
  • Longest fear in the game, also pbaoe.
  • Longest single target daze in the game.
  • On demand stealth+blind.
  • All boons.

Don’t try argue any of these aren’t useful in most scenarios lolol.

And need I remind you steal isn’t a Thief’s only mechanic? You have initiative too. That alone is insanely strong and, in my honest opinion, gamebreaking.

1. You know what else is a gap closer? Heartseeker, Infiltrator’s signet, Infiltrator’s arrow, Infiltrator Strike, Shadowstep, Shadow Shot, Shadow Pursuit and Scorpion Wire. Each of them has multiple uses (aka utility).

2. Steal (untraited) is a gap closer that places an item in your “pocket”. This item is single use and can perform simple actions like granting boons or inflicting conditions etc. (aka fire-and-forget).

3. What annoys me about it is that there are so many traits that could be used to enhance it that doing so would turn it from a gap closer that grants you a random item into a Daze, healing, damage, stealth + blind, rip boons a/o gain fury/might/vigor/swiftness/initiative on one button. Its like our underwhelming signets traited into might access or venoms that suck worse than our traps until you have venomshare? Like who would care about what steal/venoms/signets do when they can do all this other crap.

Why have them then?

1. Yeah, screw ANet for giving Thieves access to so many mobility skills!

2. Mesmer shatters do a simple action, you use f1 the clones explode; fire and forget. You build adrenaline and use your burst skill; fire and forget. You use your wolf howl and they get feared; fire and forget. I pop my VoJ and now my next attack inflicts burning; fire and forget.
How is this even a valid argument? lol

3. Build diversity.

elite specs ruined pvp.

(edited by Renny.6571)

Proposal: Steal 3 Items, Use 1

in Thief

Posted by: Renny.6571


Pvpers do and they say it because a profession that relies heavily on utility could use more utility. And right now steal barely has any. It is a simple Fire-and-Forget mechanic that solely exists to turn thieves into thieves.

Did you miss the part where steal is an instant gap close, boon sharing/stripping machine that dazes and regenerates initiative? Not to mention the stolen skill extremely useful (bar engi). That’s enough utility for a single skill. It’s only a ‘fire-and-forget’ skill to the bad thieves, but in the hands of a good player it’s extremely devastating.

elite specs ruined pvp.

Proposal: Steal 3 Items, Use 1

in Thief

Posted by: Renny.6571


The Steal mechanic is underused by many players due to the lack of control over the results.

lol wut. Steal from any class and you know exactly what you’re gonna get. Besides, 30 trickery and you have aoe 10sec might/fury/swiftness, 2 boon strip which prioritizes stab+aegis and is aoe shared, a daze and +2 initiative all in a gap closer, no animation instant cast skill every 20 seconds. No decent PvPer would ever say it needs a buff.

elite specs ruined pvp.

Warrior's Ridiculous Mobility

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Renny.6571


Mobility skills should just be changed to get double the cooldown if they did not hit anything, just like the change to Ele’s RTL.

That’d make too much sense. You need to think of some complex roundabout way to accomplish the same thing and then give compensation in the much need form of 1k toughness on stun break. Right guys?

… Guys?

elite specs ruined pvp.

good thief wvw build?

in Thief

Posted by: Renny.6571


Before you ask, yes I intentionally left 40 trait points unused and 2 utility slots empty. Consider it a handicap so you’re on an even playing field with every other class (except PU mes and Warriors).

elite specs ruined pvp.


in Profession Balance

Posted by: Renny.6571


Offhand pistol thieves do perma daze better than mesmers. Not sure what you’re talking about man.

1/4 second x3 is not permadaze

WTB -1 button.

The mesmer equivalent to Headshot is Mantra of Distraction which only has 2 charges, 5sec cooldown between charges, 2.75sec channel and a 30sec cooldown. My point is thieves can daze/interrupt better than mesmers.

elite specs ruined pvp.

Warrior nerfs I'm thinking of maining Mesmer.

in Warrior

Posted by: Renny.6571


Doo ittt. You’ll be back on Warrior in a week. I guarantee it.

elite specs ruined pvp.


in Profession Balance

Posted by: Renny.6571


Offhand pistol thieves do perma daze better than mesmers. Not sure what you’re talking about man.

elite specs ruined pvp.

[PvX][Mesmer] Shared stealth timers

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Renny.6571


and while were are in this topic, isn’t decoy it’s own stealth as well? Like it’s very own buff that stealths you? If so can it bypass revealed ?

Yes, it bypasses Revealed and also doesn’t stack with any other forms of stealth, including a mesmer’s own MI or Prestige…

elite specs ruined pvp.

[PvX][Mesmer] Shared stealth timers

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Renny.6571


I may be wrong but I’m pretty sure you’re still stealthed and you “coming out if stealth” from your POV is a graphical bug, if it you you’re talkig about.

Nope. Mass Invis applies a stealth buff that’s different from other stealth sources. This essentially wastes the duration of MI if it’s longer than 5 seconds.

elite specs ruined pvp.