Other then not pulling the enemy the full distance I often get a bug when I swap to toolkit and use magnet that my character just throws her hands in the air and nothing happens,then the skill goes on full cooldown or a 5 sec cooldown I can’t remember. I have some supiscion that it only happens after jumpshot, I should do some tests once I have time.
Yep, happens when you magnet right after swapping into TK. Client gets confused whether you’re using a ground target or targeted skill, tries to do both and nothing ends up happening lol. Same thing if you try to use a grenades 1-4 too quickly; it just throws it in the direction of your target (self cancels if behind you).
>As for Jump Shot, it’s difficult to land both the first and second attacks consistently unless you’re cleaving a downed player.
>Jump Shot: The damage of the initial jump has been reduced by 56%. The damage of the landing has been increased by 28%
I’ve played rifle engi for the better part of 3 years and honestly I don’t hit much of anything with the second hit unless it’s cced or downed. I kinda feel like this is a nerf when I’m fighting say, thieves or warriors that can stun break and cleanse immob so easily..
This is just a plain nerf. The boost in damage is irrelevant.
What boost? They literally just moved damage from one part of the skill to the other.
(edited by Renny.6571)
Should’ve played condi. :P Not affected retal, weakness or protection.
R I P gir shld i cri evertim
I was purposely purified of playing core engi in wvw. Druid hype boys?
Roamed for a couple of hours on my first day Druid. This pretty much sums up exactly how base Engi fares in wvw (the guy is using rocket boots like it was a meaningful buff lmao). https://clips.twitch.tv/doct0rwh0/MistyPorpoiseMVGame
(edited by Renny.6571)
When is the last time that any serious theory-crafting thread has been seen on the Engi forums?
Only thing close to anything like that is my thread that took on a life of its own.
https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/professions/engineer/Rifle-as-a-power-weapon-kinda-mehbe nice to see some more and even better if ANET had a look at them!
I’ve tried starting up a discussion about the Explosives traitline as well as offerin up some overhaul ideas. https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/professions/engineer/Let-s-talk-Explosives/first#post6367021
I feel like Anet’s balance philosophy for engi is to just write down anything that’s currently viable in the meta, put it into a basket and draw to see what’s nerfed. Gyro dazes and TK struck out this time.
I was purposely purified of playing core engi in wvw. Druid hype boys?
kitten ur elite spec
AND kitten ur core spec!
- Anet
Came up with an overhaul for Explosives based on feedback here and on the meh rifle thread. I feel a lot of these suggested changes afford Engineer more flexibility for power-based builds by allowing a variety of options to suit different playstyles across each of the game modes and provides synergy with some of the lesser taken trait choices available in the other trees.
Let me know what you think? #Rifleengidream
- Mortar Kit is now a “Device Kit” (w/ Nades+Bombs)
- Removed Grenadier, Short Fuse, Siege Rounds
- Grenade velocity increased by 100%
- Orbital Strike strikes twice
- (New master major FA trait): Aura that grants 150 Expertise
- New adept minor “Energised Belt”: Toolbelt skills grant 2s fury
- Glass Cannon increased to 7%, threshold increased to 75%
- EPK+TBD merged into “Thermobaric Evasion”, moved to adept major
- Changed “Steel Packed Powder”: With fury, crits cause 3 vuln (5s), 1s icd
- Moved “Skilled Marksman” to Explosives master major
- Changed “Shaped Charge”: Swapping into a Device Kit grants 150 power? for 5sec, 10sec icd
- Changed “Aim Assisted Rocket”: Velocity increased by 50%, damages and leaves pulsing fire/burning field (5s) on impact.
- Changed “Explosive Powder”: Crits on foes with vuln take small amt of delayed damage (similar to rev sword 3rd auto)
- New GM “Demolitionist’s Dream”: Device Kit skills 20% cd reduction and have extra effects. Nades: Increased radius by 60, Bombs: Det time -1sec, Mortar: 50% increased field duration.
- Changed “Shrapnel”: While standing on a field deal 10% more damage, increased to 20% when foe is <50% health OR doubles effect of blasting field+deals damage (synergies with Thermobaric+AAR).
- New GM “Sonic Round”: Crit with rifle skills give 2might & stacks 1 “Sonic round” buff. At 5 stacks, next 3? rifle skills become unblockable.
(edited by Renny.6571)
so a tree called EXPLOSIVES is good to use with things that explode.
hmm its like they was designed to go hand in hand. i wonder …….
Then rename it “Damage Thingies” if your idea of balance/design philosophy hinges on the name of something. There isn’t another class that’s so tunneled into a trait tree because they take a specific utilty skill (bar Guardian Medis, but the synergies in Valor are great).
If I try to think like a game designer …
They realized you could cumulate about 7 evades (2 from bases + 2 from elixir R + 1 sigil + 1 rune + 1 recharged), and so deal pretty strong aoe damages in melee for about 7 seconds with 7 blast while being almost invulnerable … which could also stack with rocket charge (2 times, at start and end) and shock shield, so it was 11s of block/evades with 14s of damages … and so 1 more evades could recharge which finally give 12s of block/evades with 15s of aoe damages + 8 blasts and 4 leaps. In fact, maybe they just realized half of this, which would already be enough overpowered.
This is literally Vault spam thief though. Granted, pre-HoT comboing blasts way more practical however utilising a no-ICD EPK in any game mode would’ve been extremely niche for the exact reason you described: a completely non-functional build that’s dependent on other cooldowns anyway. It’s also hard to justify EPK/TBD being anything more than ordinary with the slight delay on the damage/blast activation wherein any kind of unwanted field may be placed before the detonation in an uncoordinated group leading you to waste a dodge.
(edited by Renny.6571)
That makes zero sense. I mean, what? Why move a trait that explicitly deals with explosives to the line that has nothing to do with them? I’m also not exactly sure about the second part, what with Rifled Barrels being a defunct trait that’s not in the game at all anymore.
Ideally they’d rework Shrapnel, but the idea for the switch is that it stacks condis. FA is the condi line and pistol autos still count as explosions. I meant Skilled Marksman being swapped out.
I wish Anet would have a closer look at/rework the entire Explosives trait line. A majority of builds that use nades, bombs or mortar are effectively pigeonholed into taking it, usually for a single major-choice, while other dps builds without those utilities wouldn’t think of touching it.
Personally, I think the problem with Explosives is the terrible minors and grandmaster choices (as well as grenadier not being baseline, pls anet). Looking at every other class’ “direct damage” tree you quickly notice a trend that the minors are either a flat % increase to damage or some buff to the class mechanic ie. not having to take any particular weapon/utility; turret-knockback is the GM minor while every other turret trait is in inventions, synergy ftw.
On grandmaster trait choices, Shrapnel is literally a pray2rngesus trait that has very little to do with direct damage and is directed entirely at nades/bombs. It makes more sense for it to be moved to adept firearms and move Rifled Barrels to Explo. Thermobaric Detonation is tied to the best defensive cooldown, as well as having a 10s ICD for an effect that adds literally zero direct damage in any way. Siege Rounds is a decent trait for mortar builds, but again it’s pigeonhole because basically every other trait in the tree is useless without bombs or nades.
What’re my fellow engineers’ opinions on Explosives?
(edited by Renny.6571)
Bump. This is still an issue; especially noticeable with engi nades. Had to disable “allow skill retargeting” to fix this..
I like that it doesn’t else I wouldn’t be able to toss eli s ~_~
I personally hold the opinion that engi weapons are (were) designed for utility, and that the we were meant to utilise kits to do damage. The arrival of the xpac and subsequent buffs to off-pistol threw that ideology out the window though.
On topic; engi rifle was one of the best weapons pre-hot in pvp. It had relatively great burst and sustain dmg + a fkton of utility. It seems lackluster now because power creep set in and every new/updated skill just does 9 different things while rifle’s simple skills were never touched.
pvp sux now
Forget about it this season is cancer
That explain’s Helseth’s new look.
Honestly after a solid week of playing scrapper I think it’s probably the most boring classes I’ve played to date. Perhaps I’m doing it wrong. But gyro’s are pretty weak and easily countered. So those are useless. You have to run maximum invulns with the extreme amount of chain cc’s and rat wells. This severely limits any build diversity and any dynamic skill play. Really disappointed that a class with a high skill cap has been reduced to a static rotation in WvW.
In addition you pretty much have to run group oriented builds with the server mergers as the blobs in NA is pretty pathetic.
ding ding ding. Base engi is still semi-viable to roam with, and the sense of accomplishment when you kill ezcheesy HoT specs is unmatched.
TC and Mag getting spawncamped while Bg ticks for 690 sounds like fun for everyone lmao
@OP Don’t matter really. Eotm is 100 for roaming now. I dunno how people decide which tier is better when match ups don’t change drastically (or at all, really). I haven’t noticed any one person from a server being better than someone else from another while roaming eotm tbh.
can u guyz stop zerging the forums thx
Nerf all hammer skill damage by 50%. Change traits to have some damage modifiers that compete with Rapid Regen and Adaptive Armor. Rework all gyros, especially function gyro. Boom. Fixed.
It needs to be 33% snare/cd increase if at all. I don’t understand how it should be better than the snare condi and better than a Chronomancer’s class mechanic before Deathly Chill?
If I can choose to win the fourth match, why wouldn’t also choose to win the first three? OP pls ur funny but not really.
To be a Mesmer is to be underpowered. It has been so from the beginning and anet wills that it remain so.
Except for.. you know, last meta.
Probably current meta pvp scrapper.
This is the only answer.
Nope. Grabbing a low division player is infinitely better than l2p. They minimize loss and maximize gain.
Grats on soloing up to diamond though, I guess.
divisions r very relevant.
I’m at sapphire and I’ve faced full 5 premades for ~13 ranked games in a row. Maybe it’ll get better. But probably not.
Idk what you guys are complaining about. The invisible auras are doing wonders for clarity.
The new norm is high condi pressure combined with interrupts and immobilizing attacks. At a certain level it has become a game of "whoever gets the first hit and begins the chain/rotation to codi/immob/interrupt wins. At that point skill goes out the window and luck becomes the primary catalyst for the win.
When a game turns into that people stop watching and people stop playing.
Sums up my thoughts exactly.
im have no werd
As the title states, projectile attacks are ignoring LoS through walls from the outside. It seems like you can’t shoot through the gate. I haven’t fully tested the conditions (targeted vs free target, wall upgrades, etc) in which it can occur.
Screenshots show an engineer with predator hipshotting through the wall at various positions in the tower.
play better
I don’t get why we can’t have both the little gyro and the buff icon.. I personally don’t look for a little orange dot above my head amidst a team fight to make sure I can range stomp someone.
You survived 4x your HP in damage over a full minute and you are complaining that its OP?
Multiple burn stacks.
With AMR not working on Cleansing Burst it looks like there was more than one bug that was causing this – sigh. I believe I’ve fixed all of them this time. Fingers crossed.
While you’re around, could we have any word on rifled barrels not being baseline for egun?
Burning was obviously the top damages, but there’s so much passive damage that the game can’t even keep track of what is hitting me anymore lol.
Rocket Charge’s first leap goes in the direction you’re facing, rather than the direction of the target. This creates distance which the other 2 leaps have to make up and can subsequently cause all 3 hits to miss a static target.
Rocket Charge’s first leap is in the direction you’re facing so if you’re facing away from the target you’ll create distance and the next 2 leaps will try to make it back up, meaning all 3 hits could potentially miss when you’re well in range.
(edited by Renny.6571)
You guys realize there is a trait that gives you eight seconds of stability when you activate a gyro, right? Whether the gyro successfully stomps or not is irrelevant. What matters is that it gives you stability, too.
When you activate Function Gyro.
Gyros are going to give us a safe stomp on a 30 second cooldown if traited for it while simultaneously giving us either a reflect, a poison field, a stealth reveal, or a daze in the tool belt. These are all useful to prevent the other team from ressing. The blast gyro in particular is interesting, because you’ll be able to safe stomp with it while having it AoE knockback opponents 450 range. For perspective, Big Ol’ Bomb is only 400, and with a huge delay.
“Safe stomp” is debatable. It needs the adept trait slot for stability, requires los+target and can be prematurely destroyed. We’ve also yet to see how fast it restarts the action after being interrupted or ported from, in the case of thieves and mesmers.
I’m not sure why you’re bringing up the gyros toolbelt skills as if they’re so much better than our other options for ressing/stomping, let alone filling our utility slots with multiple gyros. To use your example, they demonstrated the blast gyro projectile, which is susceptible to body blocking and blinds, has to actually hit the target before it even begins moving and without super speed took about as long as BoB to deliver the cc. Further, bomb kit is extremely good for focused condi pressure while providing the area control on the toolbelt; its utility is just leagues ahead of blast gyro, to the point they’re not even comparable, honestly.
(edited by Renny.6571)
They changed all movement skills to be like this a while ago. It was a bug that acid bomb wasn’t affected.
Not affected by swiftness anymore.