(edited by Rolisteel.1375)
I’ve played it for fun but don’t really have fun anymore here. As i main a necro pvp char and got bored of my perfomance is up to what kind of teammates i get in solo team and 3-4v5’s wasting time.
If i get bad players i get stomped hard in seconds for 10mins on necro / match = boring. If i get decent players there is a chance to have fun but again not much fun if i stomp the enemy totally they can’t even come out of their spawn.
This game have the best combat i ever played but the balance and matchmaking is terrible and as i experienced anet is not great at taking advice on making changes or very slow in pvp related changes its a bit late when a bit of something good happens.
Searching for new game atm or maybe going back to play some FPS for some balanced pvp if i can’t find better pvp balanced mmorpg with necromancer or warlock, dark mage like class
(edited by Rolisteel.1375)
no 1v1 balance in this game. I think other free games offer better 1v1 balance and pvp balance. The unbalance/counters are so big in this game you can do anything and still don’t have any chance against some classes they just own you even if you are more skilled.
1v1 game mode = dh and warrior fest at top + mesmer druid rev probably
(edited by Rolisteel.1375)
Because you need atleast 2 dh’s thats where things gets really interesting and class stacking is not allowed ESL. Thing is when you stack good survivability classes that have shields, boons. good cc, good damage. mobility. It becomes broken especially in solo q and DH probably the most broken at this as their skills work in too good synergy with other DH’s in teamfights. followed by rev and mesmer probably.
(edited by Rolisteel.1375)
Move on to what? Which game?
Everyone complain about this games pvp. People complain about dh, warrior, mesmer,druid,rev,engi, matchmaking, class stacking,block, invu, evade etc.
I complain about necro being weak in solo q if not getting good teammates and also weak in 1v1. Require a lot of skill from players side, luck and outplay to win any 1v1
You die or they run away/come back and outlast you with fight reset+burst as necro offensive/defensive cd’s are not ready as fast to survive fight resets. + probably lost all or almost all LF in the first fight.
(edited by Rolisteel.1375)
Gw2 pvp will only get worse dude. It is bad and will get worse. Time to accept that fact.
Where do we find better pvp then? Wildstar was fun and had nice pvp and feelt like it had some good balance, the games pvp is pretty much dead now, low level bg doesn’t even pop, high level bg 40-50mins q.
I think anet should make a capture flag/ or capture something like bg game mode that don’t take as much tactic/and or brain power for solo players while still fun to play and not enough to run in your base with the stolen stuff, you have to activate it on your base, which takes lets say 5seconds so enemy players still have 5 seconds to interrupt you getting points for your team.
That conquest mode doesn’t really work good with solo players as it require a lot of thinking and tactics which works in organized team. but if you get grouped with peoples don’t care about cap points, don’t defend, cant rotate, doing stupid things, fighting outside, don’t help teammates, alt+f4 the game when getting stomped. etc. you will fail because you have to rely on other 4 players. especially if you are playing necromancer then you very heavily have to rely on 4 randoms as you can’t survive in group with bad players.
With my idea also necromancer loses a bit of “all time focus the necro” as it wont be good in its current state holding the stuff on the way from enemy base to ally base and enemy have to take care of the player running back to base with the stuff while necromancers can do their job a bit better.
Maybe us necromancers get more healers and help from players in that capture something game mode if we are running back to base with stolen stuff as its not hard to find out people have to heal and support to keep alive the guy running back to base with the stuff!!!
Conquest not ideal for solo play as its full of selfish solo players, bad teamplayers that just used to solo hero hard trying alone or brainless zerg even if they cant kill anyone they keep hard trying dont even try to change something they don’t see if something doesn’t work try do something else.
Competitive solo games rare as white raven, I stomp enemy whole game or enemy stomp me whole game up to how good teammates i get and get support when required or only i care about defend points we have so enemy can stomp me 2-3v1 while teammates die at far or cant kill 2-3guy as 4 so 2-3 enemy players stomp me and we lose cap. etc.
(edited by Rolisteel.1375)
Because its easy to play and very rewarding dont take half the skill that necro current state requires in full solo play or 1v1. If you maximalized your skill on necro to learn kiting and positioning and other stuff that you need to learn to have any success on necro and you change class to like gua and others you will become like a boss fight to other players.
Condi Chrono is an easy life class just like dh, warrior etc. if you are somewhat skilled you play necro full solo pvp.
Core necro not bad for 1v1’s but in conquest you are just make yourself weaker by not taking reaper.
What skill level of mesmers you play against? You sounds like it so easy to kill mesmers on necro. So you are saying you beat Helseth and others? you aoe down clones transfer condi and dead Helseth. Sounds good on paper.
Necro always focused doesn’t matter have or don’t have LF. Why focused? Because its easy to make necromancer total useless with hard focus in solo q where most of the time you are on your own to survive 2v1 3v1 4v1 etc without good defenses and/or mobility/disengage.
You have to deal with 2v1 3v1 a lot as most solo players don’t care about you they just let you die if you are getting focused most people don’t know how to play with necromancer in group, they don’t even try to help, cc enemy off me or burst it or something, They don’t know their team is a lot stronger if they help their necro stay alive, but in reality what they do is blame the necromancer why he/she dies fast vs 2-3 melee classes on him etc. A lot of people play it like a brainless solo game they don’t care about anyone only themselves then if team losing or getting farmed. Blame necromancer because always dies to focus.
(edited by Rolisteel.1375)
I’ve played mesmer and guardian while im maining a nec. Survivability and ways to avoid ( eating all damage / getting killed ) feels like a boss after playing nec and also good burst damage.
I can tell you it’s day n’ night.
Random unknown people that main a class that have boss like survivability because of good defenses + mobility + high damage all together always think their class are well balanced.
I only got one post removed like a month ago because using the word “c.nc.r” my post was in full normal form. but i just have to write to google search and the forum is full with using this word which is not deleted. Where is the moderator when someone else using the same word?
I’d like to see that condi reaper that destroy absolutely everything in solo q. Where is the video? Also what is your skill level? As if you are low/low-mid skilled i can understand you are getting destroyed as this where necromancers shine killing low skilled players that eats all damage and don’t use control effects. The higher skill level you go the lower solo necromancer value becomes. You have to hope to get good teammates with good dps pressure or bad enemies that can’t focus you down.
You know that you can’t compare solo q necros and esl necros right?
Solo q necro → none support or care about you. Dead necro to any focus.
ESL necro → the best known teamplayers support their necro.
Solo players problem with necromancer: Its weak target on his own without good defenses. Can’t do nothing if your team don’t have good dps pressure / you don’t get any support.
Solo players will complain a lot about necromancer because its very hard and sometimes painful to play it with pugs that dont care about you and far from as viable as other classes for solo play. Players see this as they are not stuped so they make topic here.
This probably isn’t the last necro complain topic.
You are fighting low skilled players if you survive 3 players on necro. In current game almost all classes kill/counter necro in 1v1 fight you only win vs “about” mid skilled players of other classes if you are a decent necro. Every skilled players of other classes will kill you in conquest especially as you don’t go there with 1v1 build with golem.
Play necro and when you play good with necro then change to any of the overtuned classes. after playing a bit on necro and experiencing the underdog and learning to survive at best without good teamfight defenses kite positioning etc. Grats you are killing people easy while eating a sandwich and rolling your face into your keybord with your new class.
(edited by Rolisteel.1375)
Not bad players, some of them are even terrible bad. They have no damage pressure and/or dies fast on classes that have block shields etc and high mobility.
Also videos are a bit outdated. Its from time when necro perfomed a bit better.
(edited by Rolisteel.1375)
Here you can see one of the classes i was talking about in other topic that is out of control and have way too much of everything.
It shows mesmer able to instagibs while also very hard to kill.
I see that you are skilled one but also see that your class is too powerful and when the 2 meets this what happens. So easy and fast kills not really fun to watch.
Video and gameplay nicely done.
(edited by Rolisteel.1375)
Thats probably because they don’t care about solo players. We have a job in organizated team. Who cares if our class don’t work with non teamplayer kind of players/ bad players/pugs.
Hi there Vingador! Atleast our game was good yesterday. :
The problem is that only necro is balanced in my little “balance philosophy” and maybe ele. Others are a bit out of control
Btw necro isn’t high damage as you block block evade invu stealth 0 0 disengage clear clear condi clear.
Why i complain because necromancer is first hard focus target every match and still can’t survive as good on their own as others and i can’t do anything if i getting bad pugs not just me its the same for any necro. There is no necro can solve this without support from team. I will get 1v2’3’4d all the time while pugs doing random things when 2-4 enemy classes jump on me for 10 mins. If i try to search for 1v1 as i see none help me from team then the stupid passive active damage avoiding mechanic wasting enough time for the enemy to have a +1+2 inc on me.
Good Luck getting far with that spam all marks rotation as a necro. You maybe kill some new players with it.
Also i don’t understand why your hate on necro’s Supreme. its probably one of the hardest class to play with soloQ if you want to have any success especially if you don’t get any support and hardest class to win 1v1 against most classes if they are skilled.
(edited by Rolisteel.1375)
The damage avoiding skills and mobility to avoid damage is out of control in this game. While only one class don’t even have access to them to be on same level with others.
New Players come from other mmorpg pvp feels like they are fighting hackers,their enemies not losing any health they are getting 100%-0%‘d. They only see messages: block block block inv inv inv, 0 0 0. evade evade, run away heal, come back block block inv inv eavade so some of them quit the game fast.
As i have said some classes have too much of everything.
Having shields/condi remove, high mobility, cc + high damage together is too much if one class is able to do all of them.
A high damage class have to be squishy.
But in this game high damage classes are full of passive/active damage avoid skills and passive healing + condi removal.
How this should be fixed? High Damage Low Survivability Medium Survivability Medium Damage and next step High survivability where full damage avoiding skills can come in play but only if the class have low damage to balance out that he can’t kill almost anything but he like the style of survive a lot.
(edited by Rolisteel.1375)
It wont be. Make you survive like 1-2 more sec if you are focus target in soloQ without any support. So its almost doesnt matter you have or don’t have LF if your team don’t help you. You just die 1-2 sec later. Your class can’t avoid full damage other than 2 dodge and LOS. While other classes can do the same and more. They are better avoiding damage because they are faster ( can run out of your damage range when in danger ) + having 100% damage avoiding skills/shields.
(edited by Rolisteel.1375)
It really feels like there is something like 50% system if you are full solo player. Which makes sure you don’t get much higher than 50%
Most of the time you have some easy matches and some no chance matches mixed which makes up for 50%. Good balanced soloq matches are rare as white raven. It doesn’t matter how i change tactic and playstyle i always end up around 50% 51% Tried almost every tactic, i can think of possible. It’s just the people you get in soloq about 50% of the time you get some decent solo players and 50% you get a pug team that can’t kill anything and also die fast and don’t know anything about a bit of teamplay.
Also i get some matches where enemy team full boon heavy and my pug team isn’t this is when i think at start: Lets try it but kitten again a no chance match where enemy don’t die to anything, stacked boon heavy classes, survive everything and me and my pug team dies and getting farmed.
(edited by Rolisteel.1375)
If you check the build you already think opponents are probably terrible. This build cant survive anything half decent.
one side we have block/reflect and invulnerabilities
other side we have staff mark that only able to kill a light target golem maybe which also require about 14-15sec or more this made me lol. You are one funny guy.
(edited by Rolisteel.1375)
Best way if they don’t give everything from all worlds to some classes.
Classes that have all that annoying passive active defense shouldn’t have also good mobility and/or too high damage, good health regen/healing. as it becomes some really OP playstyle in decent players hands which makes up for a boring pvp experience.
PvP is not fun atm its more like frustrating and facing the same annoying builds that carry the players too much on both defensive and offensive side that makes them think they are good. But they are just full of annoying defense mechanic and mobility while also have high damage.
(edited by Rolisteel.1375)
They are okay only if you have skilled organizated team. Even then its probably not much fun as you still die fast and way too much compared to any other classes. While you are also one that probably doing the lowest overall damage / match. Doing more power damage on match as a condi necro etc.
(edited by Rolisteel.1375)
People getting bored with this passive/active damage avoid skills. + Run away heal run back kill you. That while also having high mobility to disengage fights, remove all condis while running away and health is full in 2-3 sec and reset is way too much for fun pvp experience. All your hard work trying to kill this guy is in the trash and you die in the end if your class not able to disengage/reset/regen health fast. Even more people will quit the game when they are bored of this enough.
(edited by Rolisteel.1375)
If you think damage isn’t problem then go for it. For me i never have enough damage pressure if i take FitG.
The problem is when the whole enemy team full of blocks and shields and evades stealth spamm and high mobility etc and only necromancer don’t have from this cheap and also annoying defense mechanics. A lot of classes have too much of everything. Necro rely on team. You either kill or you die. No way you disengage if they want to kill you.Enemy can run away from you, can reset fight, you can’t run away from enemy really wants to kill you even if you have distance advantage they can catch you or attack with bow till their cooldowns ready and catch you or port to you to finish you off maybe you don’t even survive bow attacks from far away on open field.
PvP is going to unfun direction when you attack hard and you see enemy dont lose health, can avoid most of your damage. because of passive defense and those stupid things while your health bar drops like crazy when they attack, while also disengage and or reset fights then you have to face that stupid defense mechanic again. Its getting old and boring sooner or later.
(edited by Rolisteel.1375)
Not really especially if you play solo. Even if you are skilled with necro its up to what kind of team you get. If you get good pugs you can do some good things if you get bad pugs you will be farmed by enemy for 10 mins and you can’t even do as much as other classes you will just die in seconds if your team don’t have teamplay or teammates don’t care about you. So you can’t do good in a team that don’t know what is teamplay as you require teamplay and/or resbot healers and players that have good damage pressure so the enemy are not able all 3-4-5 of them to jump on you to instant kill you.
If you listen to me and you play solo and getting a lot bad players/ don’t care about anyone players you better play any other class that can avoid damage using their high mobility can run away/reset fights and have block shield evade invu 100% mitigation etc. You save yourself from a lot of frustration etc.
(edited by Rolisteel.1375)
I think you need the damage trait as without the damage.. good players of other classes will outlast you as you don’t have enough damage so all of their defense skills will be ready again as you don’t have the damage to kill them and they will kill you sooner or later.
Hollts videos only show how a good necro kills bad players of other classes. His enemies lose health too fast and die fast while they don’t have almost any hard attack pressure that makes necro life hard. Their skill level is far from what im facing in current ranked as a necro. Everything is full of blocks, shields, evades, invus, 100% mitigations + dodges + condi remove + healing and high mobility kiting/ fight reset etc.
(edited by Rolisteel.1375)
Procmancer terrible with soloQ peoples most of the time but it can work if you get atleast 2-3 decent players in your team.
Yes we need a build for solo Q that can survive good without any support as most of the time you don’t get any support in soloQ and also thats one of the main problem necromancer teams lose a match.
Necromancer don’t get any help from his team just getting focused by everyone all the time, necromancer dies always can’t do anything about it getting some low 0/10/20/40 etc scoreboard points without score farming.
Pug team getting facerolled.
Pug team or some random starts to blame necromancer how terrible he is.
Die to 2/3/4v1 focus in 6-8sec. If both teams have necromancer usually the one win that keeps their necromancer alive.
Its simple one of the solo team know what is teamplay while the other don’t know and go solo dont care what happens to their necro and blame their necromancer.
One team focusing enemy necro hard other team leaving enemy necro alive even if focus targeted so the supported nec and his team kills everyone.
A lot of peoples don’t like necromancers in their group because they lose with necro as they require teamplay while others are good on their own they work without help from team.
I also haven’t found yet a way to balance necromancer to have both survivability, mobility to get away from 2-4v1’s and damage to able to kill someone like other classes have. If i go survi, mobi then i can’t kill anyone, if i go for damage i die too fast. i can go survi dam than i have no mobility just a warhorn with that i can’t get away from focus. So its just don’t work if you are on your own in pug teams.
(edited by Rolisteel.1375)
As i’ve said ranked dueling doesn’t work without 1v1 balancing. You get a ladder full of Warriors,Guardians, Mesmers and Revenants, Druids you just get owned hard if play any other class probably. I like dueling too but i don’t see the point for ranked 1v1 if X classes beat me because i play Y class most of the time and after people getting owned with classes they have no chance they start to reroll W G M R D and it becomes boring always Warrior and Guardian 1v1 at top or something like this. So what if i dont like full melee fighting and bows and also don’t like mesmer and that purple or pink skill icons?
(edited by Rolisteel.1375)
You can be happy if sigil of hydromancy hit 2 max 3 targets sometimes, but i think it just goes waste a lot when you are not in melee range and swap weapon.
Whats the point of 1v1 if some classes are almost unbeatable in 1v1 and it just dont take as much effort to kill someone with it and have godlike survivability for 1v1’s because they survive kitten good also in team focus.
Class vs Class is okay so you don’t have to face unbalance. As almost everyone knows which classes would be on the top of that all class ladder and thats not necromancer and probably not eles. So its only good for 1v1 OP classes that very hard to kill by their mechanic passive defense and shields etc. and mobility while also having lots of dps.
You can kill some random guys 1v1 in ranked but when its league or something you can see what happened. Necromancer got almost one shotd by warrior and thats about the 1v1 league. Now its probably almost the same for eles. Im not sure as im not playing ele.
(edited by Rolisteel.1375)
Too bad you can only use BB shroud heal against bad players or weak teams that not hard focusing you and your team have lot better pressure so you can free cast autos, so you cant rely on this trait as its easy to make it total waste if the enemy counter focus you or interrupt/cc you for days like they should.
DC is best trait but well its for condi necro.
(edited by Rolisteel.1375)
Don’t really want Legend in current system it don’t have any value. It doesn’t mean you know how to pvp or you are team killer machine or you are unstoppable duelist so i don’t really care after killing lots of Legends really easy mode with necro in this off season thats almost played and people care and rage as much like at season. Im okay with Ruby title beating some Legend players.
(edited by Rolisteel.1375)
The problem can be easily fixed with full solo q or don’t allow players pvp solo join only in full group and after that we get better stats about players/teams perfomance and after that probably low/mid skill people can’t be carried to legendary.
The problem atm is Legendary division and title means nothing dont have any value if i can beat the crap out of a lot of Legendary players and i only got to Ruby div. so some Legendary players are high skilled while most of them are good if having mid skill level.
Overall the league is very luck based, even if you are the best player ever lets say 50% of time you get good peoples and 50% you get bad players you are unable to win with as they can’t kill anyone, die in 2sec, doing the same thing run mid suicide or all 4 teammates having hamburger day at close vs 2 enemies for like 3-5 minutes while enemies having other 2 points too and 3 people free to defend their points. they don’t even think to change tactic because something is wrong and not working, slower support than turtles or team support just not coming to defend.
So even as a best player you get around 50+% win rate up to your luck and how much you doing duo and group q’s then you can farm better win rate also some players change class just before the end of the game.
I haven’t tried it but it probably increase the win rate of the class they swapped at end. I’ve seen a lot people do it win with guardian rev mesmer they win the game then they swap to necromancer. If it’s works like this than its very cheap.
(edited by Rolisteel.1375)
I agree with killing ele after 2-3mins fight. But i disagree that necro 1v1 good druids.
They have every tools to counter/outlast necro. Yes we can kill bad and just ok druids.
There are many “noname” players that harder to beat than some/most ESL players. They are only strong because they play in team that supports them and they have good teamplay. But they aren’t the best if have to solve things on their own with solo players or 1v1’s there are better nonames.
Condi necro don’t beat good engi. You need very high condi damage increase to have chance kill it. I think about 2000 should be enough to make them play more defensive instead of full offensive. The problem with good engi 1v1’s they can go on full offensive as they don’t take enough damage from condi necros. But we are talking here about stats that is impossible to get with the required build its only possible if we get 4 lines instead of 3 :p
(edited by Rolisteel.1375)
I have switched from a necromancer (meta) condition build to a (non meta) power build. My solo win rate went from 40% to 80% in a week. So not all is that bad g.
Thats is probably because you are getting solo hero maybe also video game egoist pug teammates that dont know what is teamplay or only a little bit, and burst necro works better in your situations. As you just zerg the crap out of 1 people with power instead of doing nice sustained damage to more enemies at once.
(edited by Rolisteel.1375)
You want to tell me that you kill good warriors and other melee classes with spite bloodreaper? you have a condi transfer shout, easily avoidable SoS and rise?
(edited by Rolisteel.1375)
How do you guys beat a druid with any of these builds? OR a thief? OR a warrior?
I don’t know how do they beat good warriors. Thats why i asked also for a build to atleast have a chance to fight back against warrior not just be killed like a low health pve mob.
Warrior fights goes like stun burst stun blocking avoiding all my condi damage. Warrior ends up with full or almost full health while his burst can finish me in about 5-8 sec.
Maybe only chance is power build but im not sure as im used to scepter/staff weapons.
Im surprised this build don’t have Reaper so its a core necro. Don’t you miss the dps traits from soul reaping? You have enough damage to kill people?
Dunno atm which condi reaper should i play for dueling.