Showing Posts For Sandpit.3467:

Ranger pets

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Sandpit.3467


What!!!?! you want to shorten the useless pet’s leash even further? What the heck are you smoking? You want to nerf one of the most useless, naff, ineffective and under powered aspects of a profession that itself is in dire need of some serious attention as it languishes in the bottom of a deep cesspit off misery and despair!

Why not bring back click for movement?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sandpit.3467


So it’s too hard for the game to automatically move to a point on the ground. Care to explain how the AI seems to be able to do it? Or how a ranger can click to move the pet?

It is already in the game FFS!!!!

Why not bring back click for movement?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sandpit.3467


There is nothing about A* that says it’s for 2D only, it works fine for any number of dimensions and non-euclidean geometry. To say it doesn’t work for uneven terrain is wrong, besides all terrain cost in GW2 is the same. It’s click to walk, not click to auto-complete jumping puzzles so the terrain IS 2D as you can’t fly (if you could it would be even easier). An no, you couldn’t abuse it in PvP because nobody is suggesting removing wasd, just that some people would like a click to move option (available in any number of games so again, it is not hard, it is very easy).

And while A* generally does for many situations, there are also many other algorithms to suit different scenarios. This was a design decision (I have no comment on that) it is technically trivial.

Sick of this “it can’t be done” BS that ignorant people bring up every time someone suggests anything.

Why not bring back click for movement?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sandpit.3467


Nope, many games do it, I have done it. It’s not even 3D unless you consider water movement but that is a problem with the UI not the maths. There are many well established algorithms, (start you googling with A*).

And I repeat, GW1 had no problem doing it all those years ago on much weaker machines so your argument is evidently falacious. Removing click to move in GW2 was a design decision not a technical optimisation.

Why not bring back click for movement?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sandpit.3467


Because clicking is an inferior movement method in an action game and requires the implementation and maintaining of smart pathing which is actually more work than most people are aware of.

Not it’s not, it’s really easy and cheap. GW1 managed very well with the click to move system.

Auto add Essence of luck when salvaging

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sandpit.3467


I would be happy for right-click>use stack on soooooo many items

Name 1 thing you want changed/added

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sandpit.3467


I want the ANet balance teams to play all the professions, but especially ranger. Come on guys, put your warriors and thieves away for a rest

Too punishing for new players

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Sandpit.3467


Learn to deal with OP? Why can’t ANet just rebalance so there isn’t an OP? Oh wait, then what profession will ANet play!

Ranger to have a purpose

in Ranger

Posted by: Sandpit.3467


I like the original point though, if there is one profession that should be able to counter stealth it should be ranger (tracker). Sadly “Sic ’em” is nowhere near good enough. We need to reveal that which is hidden, not delay a stealth for 3 seconds.

OP vs Toxic

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Sandpit.3467


Good post (OP).

Sadly, yes, this is all about the toxicity of thieves. Probably the No. 1 reason why most players won’t go near PvP/WvW (Warrior OP being the second). And every thief in the game knows it and will post on forums like crazy to keep their toxicity fix. Just look how they reacted in GW1 forums when anyone dared suggest that perma was OP.

Not to worry though, ANet has it’s favored classes (and unfavored) and that isn’t going to change, ever.

Leveling is the worst it's been

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sandpit.3467


I don’t even know why we have leveling grinding in a supposedly grindless game.

13k Backstabs are toxic, PERIOD.

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Sandpit.3467


And they wonder why more people don’t PvP!

Get rid of levels once & for all!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sandpit.3467


Been thinking for a very long time that levels are pointless. They are just an old-fashioned lazy training/progression mechanic that looks completely out of place in a more modern MMO. I have no idea why ANet stuck with it, and even expanded it from 20 to 80.

It’s just grind, nothing else, grind for no purpose other than WoW had 80 levels so we have to.

Will You Be Playing GW2 Less Post Patch ?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sandpit.3467


Play time is dwindling anyhow as there is nothing left to do in the game other than boring dying world story releases. After the shaft on town clothes I won;t be buying any more gems either.

Game Updates: Wardrobe, Transmutation, Outfits

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sandpit.3467


Just realised what happened to town clothes and toy items.

EPIC FAIL I want my gems back.

Really? Tonics and bundle items. Get back to the drawing board and rethink that Friday afternoon after a few too many beers decision making session.

Downed State-Elephant in the Room?

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Sandpit.3467


This a PvP problem, in PvE/WvW it’s fine. The skills should be the same for everyone in PvP or get rid.

Thief overpowered? Then why....

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Sandpit.3467


Just get rid of the stealth mechanic and thieves will be fine. Worst game mechanic ever. In a straight fight it’s a two player game where only one player is allowed to play.

Only 10 Daily Achivements?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sandpit.3467


However, if all you have to do in the game is log on once a day to do your dailies then it’s really time to take a big break from the game. If enough people did this then maybe it would encourage ANet to release some REAL content for this stale finished game. Dying world updates every month or so aren’t cutting it for me, and neither is shaking the trait system around while leaving profession balance in the big mess it’s in.

LOLOL At Grandmaster Traits....Thanks ANet!

in Ranger

Posted by: Sandpit.3467


True to form, ANet just can’t resist nerfing the carp out of rangers

How are warriors looking these days?

Only 10 Daily Achivements?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sandpit.3467


Haven’t they learnt from 7 years of GW1 that it’s not a good idea to try to force players to play the way they don’t want to play!

Give me ideas what to do :(.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sandpit.3467


Play another game, come back in a couple of months and see if they added anything worth doing. Don’t expect anything though.

On capping Achievement points: Don't.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sandpit.3467


For me GW2 is dead, I only log on to do the dailies, see there is nothing left worth bothering with and log off again. There is no real content left in GW2, the living world is trickle garbage that seems to want to do nothing other than clog up your inventory with worthless account-bound junk.

GW2 after 1 year feels like GW1 after 5 years. Just going through the motions, except this time they haven’t announced GW3 to keep us on the hook.

While I don’t see what problem the daily cap is solving I also don’t care because if all you have to do in the game is dailies then what the heck are we doing still bothering with this terminally declining game?

We're back to square 1

in Ranger

Posted by: Sandpit.3467


Her leaving won’t affect anything as nothing has ever happened.


Still waiting for any sight of ranger love for many years now across both GW games.

Close this subforum

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Sandpit.3467


It’s not that the devs rarely post in this forum, it’s that ANet continuously shows no love for the runt of their profession litter.

The reason rangers are hated in PvE

in Ranger

Posted by: Sandpit.3467


No point blaming the players when ANet knows the profession is in a mess and drag their heels fixing it. Too busy making warriors more uber, playing warriors and giggling like 12 year-olds. Why should a ranger play a warrior play-style just because it’s the most efficient ranger build, if you are going to do that then why not play a warrior and be better still?

Why no excite for active build swap?

in Ranger

Posted by: Sandpit.3467


All we need now are some viable builds to swap between!

To the programmer who was bug fixing Ranger

in Ranger

Posted by: Sandpit.3467


I was there when the dev. officially responded to this. He said the names were stored server side and it would take almost an entire server on its own to store every single characters’ pets’ names. They didn’t comment any further on it after that.

Everyone knows that line was utter BS

Say Worse case scenario:
20 exotic UTF-8 characters per name
40 pets per ranger
5 rangers per account
10 million players
That’s 80GB

More realistically
10 common UTF-8 characters per name
5 pets per ranger
1 ranger per account
1 million players
That’s 50 MB

That won’t even make a dent on a cheap usb flash drive, let alone a server.

Why are Rangers forced to....

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Sandpit.3467


We shouldn’t have to trait out bugs and bad design mechanics.

Why I'm not buying stuff from the gem store

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Sandpit.3467


Not that anyone cares, but everyone is still in starter town clothes because ANet hasn;t added anything there (except crummy pirate and chef). Silvari have to run around in a bikini!

Why Do We Hate Rangers?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sandpit.3467


It’s not the players fault that rangers suck, ANet has produced a poor, non-functioning, badly traited, non-synergistic, bugged profession that lacks damage, utility and defense and diversity. The best damage is to play as a warrior, but you are pants compared to a warrior and if you want to play range then pretty much every other profession has better ranged options than the ranger.

Then there is the pet.

Even good players bring very little to a party. Playing a ranger is a selfish role-play indulgence. The question is will ANet change that after that huge CDI that just closed. My guess is no, they will just tinker around the edges and rangers will be just as bad as ever. Just look at what they are giving rangers in the new trait system, you will now be able to spend trait points to remove one of the suckiest problems with long bows. Rather than fix the sucky problem they make rangers have to spend traits to fix the bad design. What’s next, an new trait called pet training to make you pet AI not so utterly kittened? Other professions get bug fixes, rangers don’t unless the “bug” was in the rangers favour.

Nobody in ANet plays a ranger as main and it REALLY shows.

Dev Blog: Changes to Traits

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sandpit.3467


Wow, ANet really hates rangers

Collaborative Development: Ranger Profession

in CDI

Posted by: Sandpit.3467


So when is Allie wrapping this thread up? so we can go to the next phase?

1) Denial and Isolation – Check
2) Anger – Check
3) Bargaining – Check
4) Depression – Check

all that’s left now is

5) Acceptance

Not Fun To Play or Play Against

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Sandpit.3467


When the game first launched Orr was so bad they had to tone it down, so ANet knows that this is really bad design, yet more and more in Living World they keep adding this lock/stun/bouncy/bouncy death watch mode.

Stealth is just a bad game mechanic in PvP, to have stealth that cannot be countered is even worse. They attempted to make a useless ranger skill (Sic em) useful but they failed dismally because once they latch on to a “design philosophy” they lose all sense of what is right or good and just stick to it.

Collaborative Development: Ranger Profession

in CDI

Posted by: Sandpit.3467


Trap proposal

Remove the 1-only of each type restriction and allow traps to stack like they did in gw1. This will add a lot more flexibility in game strategy without effecting normal open flowing game-play. It will allow rangers to make a more positive contribution in preparing and planning certain dungeon phases.

Collaborative Development: Ranger Profession

in CDI

Posted by: Sandpit.3467


Also, I don’t want this thread to be entirely about pets. We’ve seen a ton of great feedback about them, and I would like to hear more about utilities that need help (and aren’t viable unless spec’d into) as I haven’t seen as much on that front!

Thanks all

I think the main aspect that needs addressing besides pet is bow. Ranger bows are so mediochre it’s not funny. The bow weapons can easily be dodged/side stepped and there is so much range hate built into the game (reflecting missiles, mob agro) that it’s a big disadvantage to use a ranged weapon like a bow in many scenarios, esp PvE. It seems that ANet is still embedded in the mindset that range = safety therefore it should be a really poor damage option, but the game punishes range, bow in particular. Rangers, especially bow rangers are not welcome in many dungeon parties.

Many players want to play the archer. they like the fantasy image of that, they buy the game and role the character for that, and they pay the price of that preference by having to wander around almost in town clothes while the rest of the players do the useful stuff.

Collaborative Development: Ranger Profession

in CDI

Posted by: Sandpit.3467


While we are on the subject of fixing pets, isn’t it about time that we have the ability to name our pets, and have that actually recorded somewhere? I gave up naming my pets long ago as a waste of time and effort. If pet is so central to the design philosophy of the ranger at least fix this somewhat insulting bug.

Disabling backpack view for all characters

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sandpit.3467


This game needs a lot more configuration of the graphics local to the client. First and foremost we need to be able to turn done the crazy particle effects levels that makes everything we see on screen pointless.

Please Fix Double Loading

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sandpit.3467


I have an SSD, load times still getting pretty long

Idea for AFKers

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sandpit.3467


Is there a problem with open world afk? Game formats where it can matter already have an inactivity timer. Do you really care that someone is afk in and event?

I don’t see a problem worth solving here and I wouldn’t want the game to punish players if something happens in real life that requires you to go afk for a few minutes (phone rings, baby wakes up, someone at the door etc.)

CDI- Fractal Evolution

in CDI

Posted by: Sandpit.3467


I just wonder about how many people do not play fractals because they are intimidated by the format and early difficulty. What I would do is lower the difficulty significantly for the first few levels to let beginner and more casual players get a feel for them. Maybe even reduce the 4 fractals in a level so that they are more approachable to casual play. Only talking about the first few levels here, say 1-5 to make them more accessible. Adjust rewards accordingly.

Collaborative Development: Ranger Profession

in CDI

Posted by: Sandpit.3467


last red post… page 19… we are at 30 now….

meanwhile every single other CDI has multiple posts each day… we haven’t had one in 2 days and by the looks of it, we will be going into the weekend without one…

next time we see will be Monday lol…wonder how many pages that will get to

It’s a thread about rangers, what else did you expect? ANet’s approach to rangers is completely consistent and hasn’t altered for years. Their fine, what’s more to say?

The last post was…

I didn’t say Rangers are in the right spot. I just meant that we have to be very careful of the power creep.

See? Nothing of any significance is going to happen.

Collaborative Development: Ranger Profession

in CDI

Posted by: Sandpit.3467


Specific Game Mode
Proposal Overview
Limit the amount of health that a pet can lose in a single hit.
Goal of Proposal
Pet survivability of one-hit death mechanics
Proposal Functionality
Pets can’t lose more that x% health from a single hit. x could vary by traits.
Associated Risks
low risk depending on the values of x chosen

Collaborative Development: Ranger Profession

in CDI

Posted by: Sandpit.3467


Specific Game Mode PvX

Proposal Overview
Make significant improvements to both longbow and shortbow damage and utility
Goal of Proposal
Unparalleled archers, rangers are capable of bringing down foes from a distance with their bows.

Proposal Functionality
Bows are not weapons that need a tweak, they are weapons that are spectacularly poor in damage and effective utility that need serious enhancement to bring them even close to other bow users (warrior longbow, thief shortbow) let alone those other professions actual stronger weapons.

Additionally, bows are not “safe” weapons, there is so much missile and range hate built into the game mechanics that bows are often a massive disadvantage in many situations. That aspect of bows also needs re-balance, it’s a bad mechanic for the game to specifically penalise and target a player for a certain play-style choice.
Associated Risks
There is a risk that rangers might start to become competitive at range, warriors and thieves may have to exhibit some skill to beat a good ranger.

NOT the CDI: Ranger Aspects - an alternative

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Sandpit.3467


They absolutely don’t want you to stow your pet so I can’t see them rewarding you with a buff for doing the one thing they don’t want. They might consider a heavy debuff for doing it though.

Collaborative Development: Ranger Profession

in CDI

Posted by: Sandpit.3467


Specific Game Mode PvX
Proposal Overview
Give pets a base speed buff, longer leash and combat close abilities
Goal of Proposal
Allow pets to combat moving/kiting targets more effectively
Proposal Functionality
Pets should have always enter combat with a higher base speed, I would even consider 33%. Some (probably not all) pets should have a combat close ability. All should have the ability to use melee skills whilst moving and leash range needs to be doubled to support ranger/pet synergy without pets either refusing to enter combat on command or inexplicably breaking combat.

Pets are very slow to enter combat, unlike melee players they have no speed buff or combat closer mechanics. In PVE this dramatically decreases their damage contrbution in multi-mob fights and in PvP/WvW skirmishing their damage output can be pretty much reduced to zero by semi-skilled players exploiting this weakness.
Associated Risks
This will make a big difference to the overall damage output of a ranger against single targets and give rangers more of a first strike and ranged capability. Though this seems odd to mention as a risk as this is basically what a ranger should have but this will change the meta, especially around roaming activities.

weekly reward

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sandpit.3467


I too would like to see weekly activities, it’s something I miss from GW1. It would encourage more casual players to keep logging on. Dailies can have a grindy feel and monthlies are too infrequent (plus take more of a commitment to complete) so weeklies should fill that balance gap.

Stuck in combat mode after combat has ceased

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Sandpit.3467


I have had this many times, seems worse on my ranger, possibly the pet also holding on to combat doubling the chance. And yes, the aetherblade puzzle (not so secret) is a good place to observe this.

LFG message = spam!?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sandpit.3467


Any reason why you can’t use the LFG tool?

Not so secret JP missing its airship

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Sandpit.3467


And the ship is back, yay!

Let the frustration begin

Swashbuckler's Cove terrain bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Sandpit.3467


If you need to get the jump, the Experimental Teleportation Gun may be worth a try.