It already has diminishing returns because Magic find basically does nothing.
Not unless there are significantly more enticements and much better content. The HoT expansion was really bad value. Still feels like two zones and two unfinished zones to me.
Server switching in GW is catastrophically bad, usually to another server that is also about to switch. Really needs sorting out because it’s getting rather unplayable.
And yes, please go back to the GW1 districts system, the current system is rather embarrassing.
Why not, it doesn’t actually affect anything anyhow and removing the cap will give people something to grind at.
It’s and expensive way to give yourself a very boring chore every day that will NEVER repay the cost of buying it.
Things like infinite logging and mining tools will never pay for themselves but they are a convenience, the nodes add an inconvenience at great cost.
I don’t know why you are complaining about it in this forum. Nobody from ANet ever reads the ranger forum.
You are wrong about computers not being able to generate random numbers. Sure, from a mathematically robust point of view, but to ALL intents and purposes then generating a random number is trivial for a computer and has been for a very long time. This is not the problem.
More likely the problem is humans not understanding probability, we are really bad at it and think there is some notion of everything will be equal in the end. Run the numbers enough times and this notion may approximate to true, but in the end may be 900,000,000 hours rather than 900.
Why is map population done SOOOO badly in GW 2
So many problems getting into populated maps and all the game wants to do is dump you is useless maps that not even the game wants you to be in. I get repeated “there are few players remaining on this map” messages, you click yes and get dumped into another useless map, over and over and over again!
Then you have the inability to join populated maps voluntarily because the game close them off to joining way too early. So you have players taxi LFGs using a broken LFG system that does it’s best to make this as hard as possible.
Given that the game is now just about jumping from one world boss to the next please sort this MESS out because quite frankly the game is just a waste of time and no fun.
Well how about making it so only the person wielding the Dreamer can hear the screeching? That way they can enjoy it without bothering anyone else with it
I wield it and I don’t want to hear it!
It’s a shame that ANet spend effort on something that NOBODY asked for and ignore everyone when we complain that they did a bad thing.
And they won’t even have the decency to respond to this.
Makes you wonder why there isn’t a rival company in the game setting up to compete with Black Lion.
More colours would be useful. And get rid of the ‘cheap commander’ mentor tags that litter the place
This is much asked for, please revert the sound of the dreamer to how it was. It really is now an obnoxious weapon to use. A tad embarrassing too with other people around.
The fix should be easy, make the chest action higher priority than the talk action. It’s just bad design, you even get NPCs trolling you at the mystic toilet in LA where you “greet” them as they walk past!
I joined ONE taxi to Tarir, turned out to be a dead instance so I left and now I can’t join any other party! WTF? Is this a new bug or a bad change?
Been complained about a lot, ANet don’t care. I have no idea what most of the bosses in this game look like, just select and watch the red bar.
And some people think GW2 has ground breaking graphics. It may have, but what use are they when the scribble all over the screen? Useless.
Something to turn into mastery points would be nice.
I hate Wing Wars 2
Just remember mastery points are another attempt by ANet to force players to play the way ANet wants you to play, not the way YOU want to play.
Feels to me like ranger didn’t get an elite spec. Rangers always have the option to not use druid, and so many don’t, but for them, ranger went backward when every other class got cool stuff. In fact ranger lost a lot with changes to spirits and traps and the reworking/removing of traits. Ranger really needs a new elite spec.
Two things then, 1) why doesn’t ANet just cancel the buy orders 2) Why doesn’t the buyer cancel? The latter is almost certainly because they no longer play the game, which makes 1) even more of a no-brainer.
Only that two liner comes from ANet, the rest of the page is player content, opinion and discussing the features put in the game, I was using the description provided by ANet and archery is a very central aspect of that description. Also agreeing with you in so much that a very common complaint amongst rangers is that ranger archer is actually pretty poor in the game. The Elite spec was a wasted opportunity to fix a central mechanic of rangers that was poorly implemented (they could have done a lot more with beastmastery too which is poor) but instead they went with healer. Not something any ranger would have rolled ranger for in the first place.
Druid was a wasted opportunity and I regard it as somewhat of an insult as ANet chose to ignore 3 years of criticism about how poor the ranger class is, they chose to re-introduce monk as a poor attempt to deflect ranger criticism. I want them to address rangers properly next time. I know they won’t get rid of druid, that ship has sailed but boy do they OWE rangers big after that slap in the face (on top of all the other ranger hate they peddle).
So the problem lies elsewhere then. The Guild upgrade system is bad.
Took me weeks of doing daily runs. It is a pain as many times he gets past the phase where he will do it without doing it once. What is annoying is when you finally do see it and you can’t get to it in time!
I present to you:
“Rangers rely on a keen eye, a steady hand, and the power of nature itself. Unparalleled archers, rangers are capable of bringing down foes from a distance with their bows. With traps, nature spirits, and a stable of loyal pets at their command, rangers can adapt to any situation.”None of the bolded stuff has anything to do with archery. Archery is just one part of what a Ranger is.
Yes, and my point being it would be nice if rangers had an elite spec that DID revolve around that central point. There is not a lot in there stating that rangers are meant to remove conditions and provide healing support for their allies. You might find things like that in other professions descriptions but not in the rangers’.
As has been suggested, swap Guardian Dragonhunter and Ranger Druid and the world starts to make a lot more sense for the people who chose those professions based on the described design philosophy.
It would be nice if ANet returned rangers to the original design philosophy
Unparalleled archers, rangers are capable of bringing down foes from a distance with their bows.
and gave us a true marksman elite spec rather than monk. I couldn’t comment on how powerful or versatile a druid is, I just know it was never in my thinking to be a monk when I rolled a ranger.
The problem is we all have such high expectations of GW2, party that’s the fault of ANet and their own over-hype train. Problem is, what was delivered was very average and the content not long lasting at all. All that remains is the grind; that isn’t going to change, it’s too late for that 3+ years on we have what we have and the game will never be great. Still worth playing but it I doubt future expansions will generate as many sales of we just get the same sort of poor offering.
Why don’t you play other content instead, you are clearly spending way too much of your life grinding that one map.
So we have this one thread complaint about Druid and how it is basically too healer oriented. We had at least 20 times as meany threads last year at this time complaining about lack of Trinity in this game and how people wanted to play dedicated healers.
Anet can’t win but if you compare the overal big picture they made the right choice. Just saying.
But why did they choose to turn ranger into monk? Pretty sure it wasn’t rangers asking for that.
And what’s with that useless underwater level? Pointless
Needs a show lfg for your current map only option.
WTB item that makes perma-contested waypoints uncontested for once.
Who would have thought that gift of fortune would cost a fortune?
I agree with OP, Druid is horrible, it feels like every profession got an massive upgrade and ranger got junk. Give ranger a new elite spec because druid is so NOT ranger. What sort of a person would create a ranger and then be happy with what ANet turned it into? It’s like signing up at university to study astro-physics but the course tutors decide that you need to pass astrology and basic tarot reading!
Druid as a concept may be usable, but for players who want to play monks! Rangers are not those players.
(edited by Sandpit.3467)
TD is a horrid map, poor dull events, terrible mobs and a royal pain to get anywhere because it is such a terrible map. The whole thing seems rushed and incomplete. Of the 4 maps AB seems the best but over played, VB is quite good, a few annoyances and DS is just a victim of the broken megaserver because it is ALWAYS empty, can never get into an instance and what is with that STUPID map closing mechanic? Why design fail into it?
Same problem as GW1, it would be nice if elite skills were more elite. many are just garbage and more are no better than a regular utility.
Personally I think there are too many wings running around, what is it with people wanting wings?
This would be a nice addition to the game, but I hardly think that everyone wants or needs it. Power players do. But there are people who set a build and never change it also, or almost never change it. I’m one of them. I agree it would be great for people who change builds.
Of course not having this feature may be one of the main causes for this. If you make it hard enough people won’t do it and at the moment changing traits and builds, especially for casuals is just too painful to do.
I can’t get over how bad the jumps are
Though I agree that it would be nice to have the possibility to put normal skills on the elite position, it would soon get to be a nightmare, balance-wise.
Do you mean that the elites are so bad that if we could pick normal utility skills then rangers would get a lot stronger?
I don’t think there are any in Queensdale, which would go a long way to explaining the problem you are having
Why does this cap exist? What problem does it solve? The game has got to the point of most players just logging in to get the daily, wander around bored for 10 minutes and logging off. When I reach the cap it would be a good thing because I will most likely finally quit.
Not the way it works. It’s ANet’s job to make a game people want to play, they get it right and we pay for it, if not we don’t.
No good listening to the players as we all have different opinions so they do what they want and rarely please us. The problem then lies with the players, we stupidly stick around hoping for better
What perplexes me is ANet’s crusade for clarity in combat.
I still have no idea what most bosses look like. When a zerg spell effects wipe over the entire area might as well just turn off the monitor.
I compact things a lot, I use invisible bag in last slot. I do not want another kitten ed are you sure box. If one is added I insist there is an option to not have it.
It’s not lack of players, it’s the mega-server dumping everyone into silly useless instances with little to no ability to find a good one. Usual for me is log on, check LFG, if I am very lucky there is something worth doing and the taxi isn’t full. 9 time out of 10, or worse, I give up after half an hour. Shambolic
Gliding in Core might generate some more HoT sales
If ANet are going to charge a listing fee and a sale fee for items on the TP then THEY need to take responsibility and not penalise their customers for using the only system that ANet provided.
Well the obvious answer would be Jeweler 500, anyone know why this isn’t a thing?
ANet could make money selling footfall effects in the gemstore