The suggestion would kill GW2 dead, instantly, Ghost town, shut off the servers because nobody is playing.
It’s hard to jump when you are a little Asuran totally obscured by a fat charr or norn.
+1 for 10,000 grind point. What were they thinking? GW2 is now truely the MMO of Grind. And they won’t fix it despite all the feedback.
Well on the one hand this should be merged with:
But on the other hand, that will be completely ignored by ANet, so why not, +1
Main feedback for me is 10,000 = Pure Grind, why did you choose that number?
I wish they would remove cheap commanders (mentors), they add nothing but confusion to the game. Perhaps enable them in lower level areas if their intent was to help new players but at end game they detract.
As a minimum can we change the icon so it doesn’t look so much like a red commander on the minimap; green apple?
Completed it twice for the first time this year, no achievement progress (and no other form of reward either) so I still have to do it 3 times. Am I missing something or is this linked to world full bug? It’s frustrating enough let alone if it doesn’t even mean anything!
Same here. I also got in once, completed it twice (first two this year) and got no credit!
Since the game has gone more large scale, after the initial month of HoT release I now find it impossible to get into a decent map. Every time I log in, even at peak times, I get dumped into a dead map with zero chance of doing any of the map’s meta. Often I then get that stupid dialog that tells me that I am in a low population map. I always accept and it ALWAYS dumps me into another stupid low population map; of then the low pop dialog will appear again within 2 mins. How bad is that?
The LFG tool now NEEDS a my zone only filter, it’s very hard to get into a taxi with two pages of taxis for other maps happening as well. And relying on taxis is REALLY bad game design as players try to get past this bad game aspect. Maybe afk players need to be booted (though not aggressively as PvP/WvW, just something to help the current bad situation.)
Give us the ability to enter a populated zone or significantly improve the algorithm for placing players in an instance. GW1 town instances had a vastly superior mechanism.
Still happening Windows10 64bit client
Maybe you wanted to play a ranger instead of a monk
Well at least they didn’t nerf the weakest profession again. Oh wait, they will fix some “bugs” instead.
It won’t help, it just runs the installer, detects a newer version on-line and downloads that instead.
Take a copy of someone’s gw2.dat file (currently 25-30GB so will need a 32+GB usb drive), start the install process then when it starts downloading, cancel it and copy the gw2.dat file in to the install folder, replacing the partial one the download started. Then run gw2.exe and you should be good.
You say you love them yet can’t be bothered to give them 2-5 seconds of your time to address them properly by their name when asking for their help. You instead command them like slaves and show them no respect.
Was sort of fun at first but it’s got boring and troll like now
I was fighting one of the new HoT event bosses today for the first time. I have no idea what it looks like, I know it was bigish and it may have had wings but possibly not that is all I could tell from nearly 10 minutes fighting it and really trying to get a look at it.
That is just broken, how can visual effects be so terrible that you can’t even see what you are fighting for 10 minutes? Please let us turn all this crap off and see the game!
Edit: It was Champion Axemaster Gwyllion, no wings! The (out of combat) picture on wiki showed me what the game could not.
It wouldn’t be so bad if you could name two pets but not the others but the name forgetting bug affects all pets eventually. Alternatively it would be better if there was a name for the slot 1 pet and a name for the slot 2 pet. So many things would be better than what we currently have. Heck, even just 1 perma pet name would be better.
Didn’t buy the inventory slot upgrade because for a single character that’s a screaming rip-off. 600gems isn’t cheap if you equate that to real cash and realise that it would cost you more than the full game just to add another bag slot to your characters!
Grind Wars 2 (Obviously)
Invented Currency 2
Ranger Nerfs 2
Yeah, dreamer was great but then ANet destroyed it as part of their ranger hate campain. And just to get the people who still didn’t care that the bow was useless they decided to make the sound effect ear-splittingly painful so that everyone else in the game can hate you too.
How would people feel if ANet “forgot your character name” every time you switched to a different character? Come on, what does it cost you to name him again?
I’d love to see this bug appear in the game, the forums would be hilarious
Tell ANet to save our pet names, most people just get sick of re-entering the pet names. It’s ANet that are evil here, rangers have been complaining about this since day 1 but all we get is lame excuses about it being too hard or takes too much storage blah blah. A local file with pet names for each type would do fine.
I’d even settle for just dropping the “Juvenile” from the name but ANet don’t even care enough about rangers and pets to do even that. You see, ANet HATES rangers and do everything they can to make us unhappy. It’s an experiment to see how much you can destroy a profession and still have people want to play it.
Don’t bother until they fix the profession. Which they never will.
LFG needs a lot of improvements. Option to only showing LFGs in you current zone would help a heck of a lot
This one has always jarred with me. It’s a tax on players wanting to help other players in the map. Not against gold sinks but please don’t penalise people getting to content.
Solution, get rid of reflect, or change reflect so it’s a more balanced effect. Players have been cheesing events with reflect for ages and some mobs like chak champs are crazy stupid with their reflect spam.
It happens, it sucks.
Try the 64 bit client which is supposed to reduce memory crashes and join a party so you can rejoin the same instance on reconnect.
Druid will never be fixed
Ranger will never be fixed
ANet hates Rangers
They should be mobile always, not stupid stationary holograms
GW1 was full of this mess, you would think that after a decade ANet would have learned the value of putting player options in for this sort of stuff.
Report it as a bug
So much for the play how you want notion. Why does every design aspect of this game have to hate rangers?
Doesn’t hate rangers anymore than anyone else. It’s designed to be a challenge. Just don’t be
It’s a mechanic that pretty specifically targets rangers. Sure, take other skill/weapon choices, but it kind of makes you wonder what the ranger profession is doing in a game that goes out of it’s way to kill the things that make the profession.
Ranger is a profession to be played if you like the play style, not if you want to be effective. Sure there are some decent builds, and some good ranger players, but you have to work a lot harder to be average as a ranger than any other profession and your choices re very limited. You also have the certain fun in knowing that as soon as you get reasonable at it, ANet will swing the nerf bat your way again.
So much for the play how you want notion. Why does every design aspect of this game have to hate rangers?
Gliders in Tyria .. will it ever happen ? [Merged]
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Sandpit.3467
I am struggling to see how gliding helps jumping puzzles much, give me an example.
Gliders in Tyria .. will it ever happen ? [Merged]
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Sandpit.3467
Is there any reason why we can’t use gliders everywhere rather than just in the HoT maps? Still need HoT to gain mastery but once you have it why not? It seems a bit disjointed to not be able to use it for no good reason. Reminds me of DAoC when they added underwater, it just seemed odd when you could only swim in the expansion zones.
I can’t even think they would need to re-balance/change any of the existing map designs, so what if you no-longer die if you fall off a JP?
What can a dev say in here? Sorry we crapped on you?
Post HoT the game really needs a balance patch. eg with so much reflect in the game, bow rangers need a lot of help. Mind you, reflect is so OP, 100% damage reduction, 100% damage retaliation and all effects, conditions CC etc. also reflecte? Come on, that’s just “ANet HATES rangers” (yeah, we know they do but do they have to make it THAT obvious?
Can only agree. I know players regularly join arbitrary parties as insurance for a dc but even then, when you rejoin you often can’t get back into the instance because the map has filled your place!
In addition to this, the whole instancing thing needs a big improvement to allow players to select instances like in GW1 towns rather than be lumbered with a dead zone.
The transfer to another zone if under-populated feature is also bad. Often I say yes, go to the new zone only to be told within 10 seconds that the zone I am in is under populated! And this isn’t zones where metas have just finished.
I didn’t like the concept of Druid the moment it was revealed, but bad as it was, people didn’t expect it to actually get worse in the following weeks!
It is very stupid what they did to that noise, roll it back it was fine how it was before. I rarely use it now because it is so annoying/embarrassing.
The only exception would be if someone would arrange a ‘Dreamer only’ world boss event, a map full of Dreamer users, now that I would attend
Compared to the cost of buying a game, everything in the gem store is crazy bad value for money. I would happily spend money regularly every month on items but the value is so low that I don’t spend a penny.
The problem is waypoints that are contested when there is nothing happening. You can go up to them and wipe every mob from the area but it stays contested because it is waiting some random event to enable it to be clear. Most of Orr waypoints are useless and may as well not even exist because of this terrible feature.
Outlines come with post-processing effects, switch them off in graphics options. Allow first person zoom in is also in options.
Like the system in GW1 outposts
HoT was designed to hate rangers and this is just another kick in our nuts.
What other profession can have it’s weapon sets completely shut down by a typical mob? At least we have our pet who can tag the events for us while we sit and watch everyone else play this bad (for rangers) game.
ANet have clarified that that 1 key press for one action is okay but 1 key press for multiple actions is not. Most people want a solution for the insane amounts of double-clicking that this game inflicts upon us causing destruction of players wrists and their mouse. So 1 key press = 1 double click is fine, one key press = 250 double clicks is not.
Fixed a long-standing (10 year) designer mindset bug that prevented Rangers from functioning properly. Ranger is now a viable profession.
Why does ANet keep nerfing the crap out of the weakest most broken and useless profession?
How much worse can this get, who at ANet is on a mission to remove ranger from the game?
This is beyond a joke, why won’t anyone at ANet explain why they hate the ranger so badly to keep screwing it over so regularly?
New expansion and ANet gives rangers the shaft, again.
What were the odds on that happening?
Oh wait… 100%