then they should work on f2p builds and hot builds.
did you see how the spvp is with em working “only” on hot builds?
Well, is better don’t give em more work ( HoT release was really a joke for both spvp and wvw. Seems no classes have been tested on ptr ).
Also, spamming game allows a normal account ( f2p ) to reach ruby.
Then is all about matchmaking, classes,builds, luck, and random stuff.
As other games, playing pickedup team ( unless using a determinant class ) don’t valorize the single player.
I am not saying there’s no skill, but there are too many variables.
Reported for giving false hopes.
you should try making a premade dude.
also is funny the way you wrote it.
seems more like a compulsive achievement/item farmer than a pvper one ( or just some1 who likes it )
As terrorsquad said.
Never seen a thief which played 4th HS, wasting all his initiative ( and time ).About the camera exploit is true, but not the real issue.
Only time I saw it was pre spec patch in WvW when you regenerated initiative in stealth and it applied as soon as you entered stealth.
Oh and in the WvW trapper condi thief, can’t remember who it was but he is/was on Aurora Glade.
Were we talking about spvp i guess.
On wvw permastealth is god
all classes which “work” are not meant to meta.
So they does not work.
In before trolls “with my premade we won with no meta”.
so it wasn’t me :\
Shortbow 3 i’m gonna miss you, you have been my friend for soo long…
As terrorsquad said.
Never seen a thief which played 4th HS, wasting all his initiative ( and time ).
About the camera exploit is true, but not the real issue.
Well, at first ANET said everybody could have done spvp without HoT, but the fact is who does not have HoT can’t.
Today on the last match to Sapphire i had 3 guardian in team.
One said he was bunker/healer, and with his spec tried to help mid.
We had won, and after the match we talked about it.
I said him “dude, there are better classes for healing. why focusing on play a guardian?”
He said back “I don’t have HoT. What build should i play to be competitive?”
At first i said him to check forum and Metabattle, but then i did the same and… nothing.
Put it simply, who does not have hot is a malus for the party ( also who has hot and play warrior and thief, like me, but this is another story ).
Enable elite specializzation to F2p for spvp should be the right choice to do.
We need players on GW2 atm, and i know that the game is cheap (30$)… but still, actually spvp is “not avaible” for non hot players.
What do the players think about giving f2p account the HoT specializzation in spvp?
At least thieves required skill at high meta lvl ( see any old tournament ).
Chronomancer was a tardy build as the others bunker meta builds.
Show us proof ( like achievements. if you are locked to tier 1 i can trust you ).
Now more than before, Spvp is having problems.
I’m not making this thread to talk about em ( everybody can read this subforum and see how people complain and about what ).
Plus, there are more afker/leavers, and often happens that you can’t enjoy not only cause premades, new players playing class in ranked and afker/leavers, but cause the absence of a voice chat to cooperate.
I know the game could be better also in the worst scenario ( this one ).
that’s the deal: I’m searching for people who wants to play a coop game with voice chat and tactic. People who wants to skill themselves ( giving and receive advices ), and have fun instead hate or stress.
I don’t care about classes ( i play thief tbh ), till we can work on something instead queue for a solo random game.
If somebody feels the same, feels free to add me in game ( Shirlias ) or pm me on forum.
2 leavers and 2 pips.
it should be like
with a disconnector no loss for the others ( the disconnected pay twice, so you cant wintrade ).
Debuff on disconnector ( stacks 3 times. 48h duration ).
When the 3rd stack is achieved, you cannot do queue for a week.
Or also, cause disconnections re like ruin the game ( can happens, but if some1 has frequently disconnection shouldn’t play a pvp mod, or at least should play with a premade ), a ban from the game should be nice.
edit: if you see more ip using the “disconnector account” for wintrading, ban all of em.
2 pips loss with 2 disconnected in our party.
I am playing only soloq thief, could you please do anything about this?
Cause it’s hard enough to play without bugs like this ( i really hope it’s a bug, or some1 don’t understand a few things ).
-Hawkeye: Rifle as new weapon, and stances. you can chose how your rifle work by changing stance (like kits ) or by activating one for a few seconds ( cd should be low to let the player swap between what he needs ). Chosing this spec let the thief lose the secondary weapon. Steal also would be replaced by a “mark” or something similar.
-Lord of the underworld: Warhorn as offhand ( the effect would be more like a whistle ), and shouts. Skills meant to summon minions like guild thieves ( maybe this skill and trap skill which summons thieves could be reworked, and a specific group of skills meant to minions summon ). Traits meant to give defensive boons which stacks longer on minions. an hybrid between mesmer and necromancer.
-Explorer: Torch as new weapon ( offhand ) which could provide a good condition build with Pistol as main hand ( pistol 2 tbh should be reworked to be more viable for both damage dealer p/p and condition build p/x ). It would be able to provide some fire fields. It will use “glyphs”, which will provide support ( stealth detection, aoe bs, teleport a friend, etcetc… non healing or tanky spells ).
-Shade: Greatsword as weapon ( really not sure ) . Steal replaced by shadow form, which allow the thief gain another skillset ( no extra life like necromancer ). it will use Spectral skills, which are empowered if the thief is on Shadow Form ( an additional effect, or simply a % extra effect ). It will be a single target burst damage dealer ( GS will hit only one target while on shadow form, and will do normal aoe if shadowform isn’t activaded ) with self defensive skillset and some movement utilities )
i like the idea very much:
10 slots would be better ( maybe 2 slots for 700 gems )
-Mawdrey II
-Star of Gratitude
-Permanent Black Lion Merchant Contract
-Permanent Trading Post
-Permanent Bank Access
-Permanent HairStyle
I agree it’s overpriced, but still is a good feature.
Up ( not to spam, but still need a forum link or an answer from devs ).
There re also players who record “songs” and then play em with a macro while on instrument ( which makes fall to the ground the “1 button press= 1 action”. Cause they re not gettin banned, and also don’t get from macro any profit, like opening chests or use items ).
Some clarity about would be really great ( i am also sure i have read a thread about months ago, but still i can’t find it ).
Im not sure that thieves ’’rarely’’ use autoattacks… hmm no.
Also nerfs, like p 5, sd 3, s 1, etc… were ok. A must.
And i m talking as thief.
yes and Anet while you’re looking at True Shot please take a long hard look at how hard Ranger Pets hit…..
If you make guard LB weaker than Ranger LB can guards also get some kind of Pet that does mega DPS in pvp. thanks
ITT: People who are salty because rangers actually have burst now.
zerker rangers having burst is OK, bunker ranger having burst is NOT OK
Welcome to Celestial Wars
Incrase AA damage to leave initiative to defensive skills is a good thing, but they should lower other classes dmg output.
Expecially instaskills, which can’t be countered.
No matter how good you are, you can just “predict” and hope you don’t waste a dodge or an evasive skill. And this is rng, not skill.
Sometimes i think devs don’t play very often this game, or they could have seen that a thief can die only by walking into an afk dh.
Also, would like instead some evasive skills and traits.
Something like:
-Your dodge skill can pass through barriers ( there’s no point in be trapped for infinite seconds by 1 single skill, like dragonhunter do )
-Protection/Resistance for a few seconds while at X% hp
-Withdraw cd lowered back to 15 ( you just incrased it cause now is possible to lower it by traits? I don’t know, but you must consider that no1 can use that trait cause bountiful theft is a must ).
These are just exemples.
ps: dodge can evade unblockable attacks, so why i slip on engineer oil while i dodge or evade?
Autoattack dmg incrases and Acrobatic rework.
S/D is coming back
Aside from skill adjustments, another way we can adjust balance in PvP is by looking at the runes/sigils/amulets that are available for use through the customization panel.
I would be interested in hearing thoughts (with the high-level goals from the blog in-mind) on adding/removing various sigils/amulets/runes. In general, our goal for PvP is to be faster-paced with a higher-level of lethality than what we’re seeing in S1.
I know we’ve had this conversation a few times before, but it’s always important to have this discussion with the correct context in mind.
Wouldn’t be easier have less runes/sigils/amulets and 1 standard build for each class?
I know RPG are used to let the player choose what skills, equip, traits, etcetc…
… but wouldn’t be better if in pvp a player could only choose which class to play?
Balance should be way more easier, and ( reading pvp forum ) people complain about balance the most.
I think if they should choose between Balance and static classes or Less balance and the choice of pg, the first would be the most appreciate.
Also, people tend to follow metabattle and use the meta build they find, so would be the same as having all the same build.
of course meta would change every x months ( maybe from d/p thief to s/d thief, for an instance ).
Shortly, to me, the less choice, the better the SPvP.
Some changes seem good ( Ele, guardian and scrappers the most )
Josh, any chance to see engineer slicking shoes reworked?
Or at least the part “unblockable” removed.
edit: and about quickness + Stomp/rezz ?
Danikat way is a nice one.
@donari: if some1 plays bad or with time sinks to opening or use an item it’s not my problem. If there’s a way to skip time sink, expecially while you are nit playing at all, i would like to know.
I’m still new to the game; got my thief to lvl 80 and still consider myself learning the class. I understand the entire discussion here and the many weaknesses of the class currently. That doesn’t mean I would stop playing it; I have too much precious time wrapped up in the class.
I kind of do hate it when people come in and say it’s bad because mostly bads play the class. Perhaps like myself they are doing the L2P thing? I don’t play ranked because I do not feel I have the muscle memory and and situational awareness built up enough yet for this heavy skill required class. if I was going to down on anyone it would simply be anyone AFK’ing. IMHO anyone trying is someone learning.
If I had to put a thought out to what needed changed in this Meta it would be the rampant AOE spam followed by too much invulnerability..just my 2 cents
People should learn that they are not a pro, and this is a fact.
But still, actually thief needs some buffs.
I know a joke which explains better…
A thief walk into a dragonhunter.
Agreed with TS.
The achievement for playing a specific class is legit in the achievement context.
It’s not legit that to be “legendary” you are forced to play a class you don’t like.
Legendary backpack should be avaible to “all players” who reach enough tokens or high divisions, without having to depend from playing other classes.
I feel the same ( sw cf farming was… well you know ).
right now im clickin on globber.
Where should i find some “rules” about macro?
The use won’t be for SPvP, PvE or WvW.
Only to:
-Open chests
-Using Candy Grobber
Both 1 Click macro, to avoid Mouse destruction.
Talking about wintersday achievement… 10k drinks re pretty expensive, and not fun to farm.
JP is useful both for karma and gifts ( and still sometimes a do some runs ), but what about having fun?
That’s what i’m talking about… if you want to spread achievement all over the season duration, just make something like the grinch one ( do a thing X days over XXdays ).
Hes talking about fangs, scales, venom etc…
… just cause fractal boxes i guess.
Found an active event yay
Why kind of sissy, thin-skinned player blocks people anyway?
>He disagreed with me so I blocked him, that’ll show him!
They still exist, trust me!
this is on of the most stupid thread i ever read.
Kayberz said everything.
As necromancer, but still gg.
Nope ( and still waiting for legendary backpack changes ).
I really like gw2, but also i consider it a “filler” game.
A filler game it’s a good thing, cause it allows me to play other games instead, and still i am allowed to relog when i want and have to play for fun, not for farm or lvling characters ( i just login for daily login if i quit, but is ok for both me and ANET, cause client is always up to date, and a small reward for login ).
If you feel at the moment there’s nothing to do for you, just play something else instead.
Also, as a suggestion, don’t rush everything.
Try play it time by time and not for a “reward”, but for fun instead.
Branded Siege Devourer: it will take me much longer to untangle this event chain and figure out why it is stalling, but what I’d like to do in the mean time is add the drop to the Giant Branded Devourer in Fields of Ruin.
i would appreciate it very much ( instead of blocking till fixes ).
and Devouring the Brand.
Any chance the event will be fixed ( or the achievement gonna be changed )?
I could agree with the new legendary system world event farm, but at least should be clever to chose not bugged events the the achievement items ( the other was Enraged Spider Queen ).
if you don’t stand a chance or are just bored about spending 2 hours in ds, try through wvw farming.
It let you avoid masteries too.
And every single jumping puzzle in the game just became trivialized and you can bet countless players will find ways to skip most of the hard parts.
Like log out in front of the Chest?
If someone want to “exploit” using the glider to find a better way to do the jp ( and i’m not sure it could exist… also, after a bunch of years of gw2 plus halloween/xmas, jp are still cool but not hard ), it wont be a problem.
To me, it’s a great idea ( maybe, unlocked on “old tyria” by completing most of the HoT masteries, to let the new players explore the old tyria by walking ).
Good Luck with it!
And please remember to fraps!
Too bad most of the time the problem is the thief because even played correctly its still probably the worst class in the game and you are not helping your team playing it 9 times out of 10 unless you are one of the best players in the world. Too many bunker builds that still do good damage (so they not only stall thief but kill him), random powerful aoe, and spamming cc for teefs in todays game sadly.
Everybody knows.
But “still” someone has to say " you should learn how to play your class/role".
And ofc this has no meaning cause thief is out of meta.
It’s a good thing searching for improvement and being better with thief, but trying to state that thief is fine if you know what to do is trolling.
There will not be healers and tanks
“we said healers and tanks, not supporters and bunkers”
oh, gosh!
I play thief too and get flamed all the time, sometimes before the game even starts by my own teammates. I try not to care and as long as I got a 50%+ win rate I know I’m doing well no matter what they’re saying lol. Believe in yourself!!!!
depends on your team and enemy team ( skill, composition, build ) the most, bust still bro fist for not changing class.
traps should have an “instanst” effect and don’t be permanent.
Like thief traps or necro marks.
Then, if you dodge, you avoid the effect.
If you don’t, you’ll take it.
that’s the only way, but i play what i like, so for now no legedary back ( hoping they are gonna fix it somehow ).
Impact, you have to join a tf to do dps.
And sometimes happens that you die cause mass cc and mass dmg.
you can roam, yes, but sometimes you are forced to swap sb and do ranged damage.
and sometimes mean often.
ps: A thief could die just walking into an afk guardian… but you probably know this.
There are classes better far away than thief atm.
Im glad thief still have to pay for every single mystake he makes, but actually is too much. This bunker/healer meta is both unbalanced and boring.
I know.
i was just saying it was “stupid” telling some1 “delete your characters and reroll other classes”.
ps: a friend of mine, for an instance, has 3 warriors and 2 hunter on its account.