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How can a slower player contribute?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Slalom.3174


What AriaSilverfyre said is good.
Remember you have 5 character slots. Make some experimental toons to see how they feel (remembering that professions have more options are higher levels).

Since I am also on TC, PM me in game if you have any questions.

Good Luck and Safe Travels.

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Did something change recently?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Slalom.3174


I thought that if two sigils of the same type are placed on the same weapon only the first would apply. Is that true in all cases?
Are there exceptions?
If there are exceptions where is that information listed? (Have not found such on the wiki).

Condition Duration – Agony, Chilling
Permanent Bonus – Accuracy, Force
On Kill – Bloodlust, Corruption
On Critical Hit – Air, Fire
On Weapon Swap – Battle, Energy
On Hit – Fraility, Ice


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EotM gear opinions wanted

in Warrior

Posted by: Slalom.3174


Thanks, a WvW-light with training wheels is just how I look at EotM.

I have decided to go with a Berserker armor set. Spent the day accumulating materials (a few more days to make the Deldrimor sigh).

Also got my Weaponsmith to 500, so will make some weapons too.
Thanks again.

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EotM gear opinions wanted

in Warrior

Posted by: Slalom.3174


I have been a PvEr until the last month when I finally started some WvW.
Played my ranger and guardian for a bit then this weekend dusted off my warrior.
Wow! What a hoot! Lots of fun.

I know it is not “real” WvW, but for the time being I am ranking up in EotM.
It seems the quickest way to get the World points for basic skills I want.

Right now this warrior is using exotic zerker with Scholar runes and a mix of zerker and soldier trinket —> 21k health, 3k armor, 1100 damage.
With those stats, condition cleanse, mobility and an aggressive style, he is resilient and fun in zerg clashes.

Anyway, I have a dilemma.
I am ready to make an inital set of ascended armor for this warrior, but cannot decide what how to outfit this warrior during his time in EotM.
Soldier’s, Zerker, Knight’s or a combination.
Since I am running around with the zerg, health and armor seem less important than power and precision as long I as can draw fire and tag mobs.
That is, until we clash with another zerg. Then I appreciate the health and armor and wonder whether I need more.

Note: over time I will make a complete set of Soldier’s, Zerker and Knight’s that I can mix/match and share between my warrior and guardian.

Maybe it doesn’t matter.
Your thoughts?

For the moment using zerker sword+horn/greatsword for mobility, closing, aoe and attack speed.
Hammer feels slow to me, but open to change that later.
I have a nice variety of ascended trinkets.

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Roaming WvW ranger post-patch - build tweaks

in Ranger

Posted by: Slalom.3174


Wanna thank you, Lugh, for the great advice.
Made 400+/- badges since putting my roamer build together.
Really loving “Guard”; so handy. when it is 5vMe, I get locked down and die, but otherwise it is working pretty well.

Now I need to work on my zerg set (Long bow plus ax/???).

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Feature patch changes

in Ranger

Posted by: Slalom.3174


bump to the first page

Today’s the day!

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Roaming WvW ranger post-patch - build tweaks

in Ranger

Posted by: Slalom.3174


Nevermind; found some good info

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(edited by Slalom.3174)

Roaming WvW ranger post-patch - build tweaks

in Ranger

Posted by: Slalom.3174


Thanks for the hints, LughLongArm

I love torch in PvE; was reluctant to load dagger instead.

Much appreciated.
Too bad I can’t afford all the Ascended trinkets just now.

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Roaming WvW ranger post-patch - build tweaks

in Ranger

Posted by: Slalom.3174


Here is my plan so far for a solo or small group roaming ranger.
Any suggestions to solve listed problems would be appreciated.

- Utility slot 8 may be Grasping Vines (Sylvari)
- Ascended everything would, of course, be higher, but I am relatively poor.
I have or can make everything listed today.

- 3000 Attack
- 20000 Health
- 3000 Armor
- 1300 Condition Dmg
- 60%+ Condition Duration
- 25% Movement Speed

Still tweaking these Problems:
- Too much Vitality and not enough Toughness
- Would like some more Endurance Regen
- Haven’t decided on Sigils yet (ideas?) Strength, Force, Agony, Bursting, Malice, Energy, Geomancy, Hydromancy, maybe even Purity
- Traits -adjustments sure, but I think the 30 in Marksmanship and Wilderness Survival is necessary
- Is Condition Duration even worthwhile? Maybe focus on constant re-apply

Precision, Crit %, Ferocity and Crit Dmg are NOT as important
Weapon set is fixed (except for the off-hand dagger).

Thanks for any suggestions.

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Let´s talk about bears.....

in Ranger

Posted by: Slalom.3174


If i want a polar bear i want a freakin snow white bear and not some street sludge color.

Real polar bears are often not snow white, and my guess is that they are using a real bear model for that color.

Snow is actually slightly orange. As many photographers who try to white balance using “white” snow in their photos have discovered. (If you try it, it gives everything a slightly cool, steely blue look.)

To make it even more confusing, if it’s a sunny day and there’s snow in the shade, it will be blue. Because it’s being lit by the blue sky, not the white (orange-yellow actually) sun.

I don’t want to get into a dissertation, so let’s just say that color (and whiteness) is mostly a figment of your imagination. Your brain is exceptionally good at making things which aren’t white appear white based on the color of surrounding objects, and what color you think the object is supposed to be. That’s why sometimes your photos look yellow (indoors incandescent lighting) or green/blue (fluorescent lighting). The camera doesn’t have your brain tweaking the colors for it, and is recording the actual colors.

I don’t have a problem with the color of polar bears in the game. Yeah they could be whiter. But bloodstained paws and muzzle would probably be more realistic.
(You’ll also notice this pic has been white balanced so the snow is slightly blue instead of white/orange, to make the polar bears’ normally beige-cream coat appear whiter.)

And if anyone asks, polar bear skin is black.

In the immortal words of Frank Zappa,
“Watch out where the huskies go, and don’t you eat that yellow snow”.

And thanks for that info about a polar bear’s black skin. Never thought about that.

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Feature patch changes

in Ranger

Posted by: Slalom.3174


Thank you, Adrian Guardian.
Was needing this list also.

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Carrion vs Rabid vs Celestial vs Settlers

in Ranger

Posted by: Slalom.3174


Nice commentary/ideas. Thank you.
I have a Carrion set waiting, but haven’t yet seen a real benefit with Celestial armor.
Maybe post-update? …Maybe?

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Acquiring Runes of the Aristocracy

in Ranger

Posted by: Slalom.3174


So folks are talking about axe builds using the Superior Runes of the Aristocracy.
These are only available with Caudecus’ Manor and are soulbound on acquire.

I wonder if all-ranger groups will now be running that dungeon. :-)

Just wondering

edited for clarity.

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(edited by Slalom.3174)

Any news about birthday presents?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Slalom.3174


Thanks guys.
auto-60… hmm, would be nice.

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Any news about birthday presents?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Slalom.3174


Game launch anniversary is tomorrow… if I recall.
So wondering to what might be happening and/or appearing in backpacks.

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Stylist Service - Order your Look!

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Slalom.3174


My little male Asura, Weeble, is a guardian.
In keeping with his namesake I’d like him to be roly-poly with a knight-sort of look.
(see image )

I am not inclined toward dark colors (unless as accents). The colors in the attachment aren’t necessarily what I am shooting for.

I have Total Makeover Kits so re-designing him from the ground up is doable.

Dungeon gear is not available to me.

He uses all manner of weapons, so let’s not dwell on those choices.

Will patiently await ideas.


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tomes of knowledge?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Slalom.3174


I have gotten several this week from BL chests while key farming.
No guarantee, but still a source.

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am starting a newb toon for WvW only

in WvW

Posted by: Slalom.3174


Thanks guys.

I guess I should say “Oops” for a couple unclear impressions.

I have 10 level 80s, but have not ventured into WvW for more than a year. In fact, have only been back playing PvE for a couple months.

It used to be that leveling in WvW was a viable option, fast and profitable according to what I remember folks telling me way back when. I guess things change and mature. Since I am on TC I will choose one of my existing characters and prep.
I don’t like leeches either.

Thanks for the insights. cheers

Necro, you say, is now useful in WvW! Imagine that! LoL! Off to research that…

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am starting a newb toon for WvW only

in WvW

Posted by: Slalom.3174


Hi all,
Your on-topic opinions are welcome.

Something I have not done ever in GW2 is to level a new toon wholly in WvW.
So just for grins and Sunday afternoons I am thinking to start one.

Haven’t decided a class yet. Doesn’t really matter since I like most all of them (maybe tossing a coin to decide which).
Also will run with the zerg (if one exists) until I catch up on the jargon and gameplay.

Here’s a couple questions for those that keep up to speed on such things:
1. Considering upcoming “enhancements”, should warrior play/development be approached differently than in past months?

2. While with the zerg, a guardian should go support or dps?

3. With Thief and Mesmer out of running, which will be the all-round fun class (zerg, GvG, solo roamer). Purely your opinion, right?

Last very important question:
At level 2 (level I should be after completing the intro tutorial) is it okay/wise to sport low-end gear skins or does it just mark a newb target? LoL.

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Post a Screenshot of your Guardian

in Guardian

Posted by: Slalom.3174


New Living Story so Weeble needs a new do. (…hairdo).


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Returning & LF TC WvW guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: Slalom.3174


After a year away I am returning to GW2 and wanting to get back into WvW.

I am looking to join a WvW guild. These are the REQUIREMENTS.
1. Tarnished Coast
2. Family-oriented
3. Mid to large size
4. WvW active
5. Allows rep only during WvW play (I have a tier 4 personal guild already for PvE play)

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Any new WvW Zerg Meta since Patch?

in Warrior

Posted by: Slalom.3174


Thanks for the info.
Soldier’s requires badges, right so I guess I will just go power with Knight’s and graduate to Berserker as I learn to survive.
But that leads me away from the Shout build and toward a Hammer build.
Oh well, gotta learn to crawl before walking then running. :-)

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Any new WvW Zerg Meta since Patch?

in Warrior

Posted by: Slalom.3174


So for the Shout Heal build, Sword+Sword instead of Sword+Warhorn?
Thanks, Bigmonto, for another twist to consider.

As a new warrior getting geared up for WvW, does Knight or Soldier or a combination make more sense?

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Help w Engi Skins: Armor & Weapons

in Engineer

Posted by: Slalom.3174


As already said it is purely personal taste…

Anyway, I am making a Flamethrower engineer so thought the Flamewalker skin from the TP would work.
Still have to work on the dyes, but here’s a screenshot.


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Default color on dye removal

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Slalom.3174


So I bought a Flamewalker Medium Armor Skin for my new Flamethrower engineer (appropriate, right ).
Check the attached image…
When using the Remove Dye tool to remove my current color scheme, each “removed” dye is set to Midnight Ice which is one I have not yet acquired. So I presume the Midnight Ice is the default dye for that skin.
Is that right?
If so, why are some of the “undyed” fields not set to Midnight Ice.
If not, why is that particular dye being applied?

Please clear up my confusion. Thanks.


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Show me your ugliest / creepiest character

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Slalom.3174


Still trying…

Came up with a mousey kinda guy, but I think he’s too funny to be ugly. :-)


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Show me your ugliest / creepiest character

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Slalom.3174


Thanks, @Hamfast.
Love the liverspots.
I am not settled on Asura, but will likely go Charr or Asura.

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Show me your ugliest / creepiest character

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Slalom.3174


Thanks, @Gizmo.
She reminds me of Joyce DeWitt somehow.

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Show me your ugliest / creepiest character

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Slalom.3174


This is an old topic, I know.

I am making a new character and want to make it ugly. Trouble is I am quite uncreative.
Please post a pic of your ugliest character so I can steal some hints. Race does not matter. (no real life photos please! ).

Here is my current attempt. He looks too cute still.


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Confused On How to Gear my Bunker Ranger

in Ranger

Posted by: Slalom.3174


You do not mention what you want to do with your ranger (PVE, WvW, dungeons, sPvP). That factor would might affect some advice you receive.

For a condition build look at the new Sentinel gear (same stats as Apothecary, but Toughness is the primary not Healing Power).

Good luck finding your ideal solution.

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LFS! that means sword!

in Ranger

Posted by: Slalom.3174


Well, there is guesting lol, I don’t think that would be necessary. At least I hope not. I haven’t really taken full advantage of guesting to know what it actually does, but I thought you could WvW for a different server; maybe not though.

WvW is not available to guesters for lots of reasons. Hence my smart aleck remark

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LFS! that means sword!

in Ranger

Posted by: Slalom.3174


Seems like the Adamant guard blade, Flame blade, Legionnaire sword, Steamblade have a similar “all business” look to them.

Then there are the crusties, Orrian saber and Krait machete for Dragon"kitten". Hehe

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LFS! that means sword!

in Ranger

Posted by: Slalom.3174


I wish we could get all of us condi-gen or cleric users on the same server in a group roaming in WvW. That would be an extremely trolly and fun thing to do, and I think it would make for some entertaining videos.

hijack alert
So are you paying for everyone’s transfer? Hmmmm? Lol

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LFS! that means sword!

in Ranger

Posted by: Slalom.3174


IIR, the Fellblade is a 2-hander with a similar skin to the 1-hander shown in your image.
So maybe you still need to look around?

Edit: Umm, the HoM Fellblade is a 2-hander. The HoM sword is the Fiery Dragon skin.

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(edited by Slalom.3174)

Carrion Armor - something better?

in Ranger

Posted by: Slalom.3174


Other folks are using Settler’s armor and weapons coupled with Apothecary trinkets in a 313 condition bunker build. Melee weapons,etc.

See this:

I’d like to try something with short bow, but am having a love affair with sword+torch atm. Axe+dagger as alternate.

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Anyone have an open Temple of Balthazar?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Slalom.3174


You can locate an open Temple on a different server (using those links), then “guest” there. No reason to wait for your server’s Temple to open up.

Good luck.

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WvW is great for lower levels if..

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Slalom.3174


… and moved on to earn my next set of armor repairs.

Rofl, thanks! Best laugh of the day.

Are you in your server’s borderland? Hopefully, your server has some camps, towers, etc. to defend.
Watch map chat for clues where the action is. Ask in map chat or team chat.
Join a group; run with your guild.
Locate a blue Dorito and head to its location. Commanders are a dime a dozen and some are worth getting to know. Keep your dime for the rest.

Remember the gnu…. The easiest way to stay alive is in the herd (Zerg).

Good luck out there! Salute!

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Good all around support profession

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Slalom.3174


Did you arrive from other games? A typical chore is to unlearn the gameplay and profession features of those prior games. GW2 has a different approach.

Anyway, you can go staff or scepter with your guardian and still “pump out boons”.
Each profession has strengths and drawbacks. Investigate each focusing on those features that appeal to you. Please remember that results will vary from player to player. What feels fluid and relaxed, powerful and godly to one player may be twitchy and difficult to another. The same goes for builds — what works for one player in a situation may not be as effective for a different player.

Anyway I hope you find some workable solutions.

Good luck.

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I'm new please help

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Slalom.3174


Personally I hate when someone tells me to go read the manual, but it is true that it helps. So does the official wiki… So look here:

Folks on these forums are typically extremely helpful, but discovering the answers is like exploring the game world — part of the fun.

Good luck and welcome to the game.

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don't get more noob than this, re: skill pts

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Slalom.3174


Check the wiki for any questions you might have:

In game you can use a slash command to launch the wiki:
For example: /wiki skill point

Good luck and welcome to the game!

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Best profession for a disabled player?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Slalom.3174


On your ranger, run bears and devourers as they are pretty good tanks.
And the armored fish underwater.

Think about a condition BM build using short bow and axe+torch (or war horn).

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Why do you rangers suck in Dungeons?

in Ranger

Posted by: Slalom.3174


Aragon, son of Arathorn (Lord of the Rings fame) is/was a ranger. He primarily fought using the sword Aduril.

^^ for those that think rangers are only allowed to use bows.

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Best profession for a disabled player?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Slalom.3174


Note: my response offers that the problem may be hardware, not class selection.

Both my hands have arthritis ( likely from too many years typing and mousing. ). I have been using Logitech G13 game pad for quite some time. It makes playing much easier.

The left-thumb joystick for turning and dodging works fine with right-hand mousing. I typically use 2 fingers to key skills on the game pad.

The G13 has a footprint large enough to fit my hand. The Razer Nostromo feels quite small.

I hope you find a workable solution. Good luck to you.

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(edited by Slalom.3174)

I'm so sick of profession shopping...

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Slalom.3174


Bunker BM ( either power or condition) ranger <— the currently hated WvW profession.
It is quite fun to play.

If other folks don’t like the class you play, then have them send you the purchase price for the game and pay for your Internet connection. Then they have a basis to tell you how to play. Otherwise, follow @DrixTrix advice, find new friends.

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in Ranger

Posted by: Slalom.3174


But can it be spawned outside CoF?

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(Video) Exploits - WvW Melee BM Ranger 2

in Ranger

Posted by: Slalom.3174


This is a nice build man. I always like things that kinda go against the grain a bit, and a melee ranger usually does lol. I was curious though, would you happen to have a more bunker version for TPvP you could share with me? I have some guildies who formed a TPvP team and we need a bunker. I tried the Guardian thing, but that just isn’t really fun imo. So I’m trying to learn ways to bunker from more knowledgeable rangers like yourself.

My very first video is a good bunker choice. I used to bunker with it for our team in tPvP just swap the traits that i said. The thread should still be in the first page here.

Here’s the link to first video (was on page 3) already a classic!

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Where do rangers fit in WvW?

in Ranger

Posted by: Slalom.3174


When zerging or keep attacks I use a condition/power build with SB and Axe+Torch (or Horn).
All other times (which is most of the time) Puandro’s cleric power build is terrific.

I am saving up for a apothecary set (6th for this toon) which will also allow roaming melee ( or maybe with Shortbow – I love it so. ).

So…my point is… Rangers can do it all… Adequately.

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Rangers: A good class for a new player?

in Ranger

Posted by: Slalom.3174


What Puandro said and more (though maybe his focus is a bit skewed toward the more challenging PvP and WvW aspects… Maybe ha!).

Also play with each weapon set as you level. (I did not even try main hand sword until recently.)

Warriors need to dodge ( unlike in other games where they are meat shields).
Eles are squishy at low levels and until you learn to avoid damage (dodge).

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Another new player here

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Slalom.3174


WvW is much Monster Play in Lotro, except your server is matched against two other servers. There is also arena-type PvP if you want to go that route.

You can ‘guest’ on other servers. When guesting you are limited to PvE content so no PvP. Guesting lets you check server communities without having to transfer.

I am also on Tarnished Coast which is a NA server. Seafarer’s Rest is EU, correct? TC is quite popular, but I can find quiet spots when the mood strikes. Most servers would be similar.

Good luck. I hope you enjoy the game.

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Where do I get max level gear?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Slalom.3174


You might this link for armor:

And this link for weapons:
Each has acquisition options listed for each item.

And this link to construct your desired build:

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