Ha no I don’t think it is more cost efficient really but I did want to use what I had gathered- ironically I did have some chilli and some vanilla but no peaches.
I bought some more chilli- I think 3 and some vanilla 5 or so and sure, it is not that expensive in such small amounts but on my lvl 10 character it is. 10 silver is a lot of money to her.
I craft mainly because I enjoy it and I took cooking because it is so creative- I love spending hours in discovery just trying out different things. That is not efficient in any way but it is fun for me. I also only tend to make one of a thing unless I want to use it. So I end up with a lot of food that doesn’t stack. I am really not saying the game forces me to do anything, I am aware that I chose to go this route.As for the food achievement I don’t even know what that is.
But OT I don’t see how being able to sell food to vendors is bad for the game- I mean, you can sell all other crafts, why not food?
Peaches are for karma(like, 100 karma for 25 bulk). You could’ve sold your peppers and vanilla made profit and gained 25 chef levels for 100 karma and a bit of copper(for the flour and stuff).
The food achievement is…an achievement to eat food. 800 items to be exact. 1-400 chef would generate, what…~200 items? Even if you just discover, there is still smth you can use the useless food for.
I didn’t say it was bad. I just said there is no reason for it. It’s not a tragic loss, it’s all by player choice. Kind of like all the people who want random stuff that nobody cares about and insist it’s really really important.
That’s cute but your pants last forever. Crafted food lasts between 30m – 1 hr.
Awww, so cute, you wear your lvl 10 pants in Orr. But, wait, it’s ALL forever, so I guess you are currently wearing about 50 items in each gear slot, right?
For me it is about leveling cooking yes. Producing huge stacks of the same food is an option but it also costs money which is why I tried to go the discovery route with what I had in my collection mostly and just filling in the gaps on the TP.
As for producing useless food- I found that only intermediate items like bakers wet. sesame ginger sauce etc have any value on the TP.
Almost all finished products have 0 value, not even 1c. So the dill/vanilla/chilli etc that you payed a fortune for is now a loss.
I mailed so much food to my friends that they asked me to stop, my alts and bank ran out of space. That was when I started destroying the items at a loss. Not a grape pie among them.
A vendor would be godsend
So, you think it’s more cost efficient to discovery 15 recipes with, say chilli peppers than to craft 20 peach tarts? I have to disagree. There are a lot of ingredients you get tons of while gathering and you can use those to craft useful food in bulks to level the craft. You CHOOSE to make all that useless food, the game doesn’t make you do it in any way. Also, just curious, do you have the food achievement complete?
I also love my staff. I’d marry it if that were legal. Currently using D/D(for the stupid weapon master achievement) and it’s making me wanna cry. Staff just makes everything so much…easier. <3 range.
“The part I still don’t understand is…why on Earth do you want to craft worthless items to vendor at a loss? How is having that option in any way appealing to you?!”
Your question is – why don’t I want to make 1 copper to 20 copper (guessing what the prices were ) for each item I craft to the vendor that doesn’t sell for the 25copper I think that it’s worth on the trading post if noone is buying it? This is obvious to me, I want the same “out” every other crafter has, I want to be able to vendor what doesn’t sell.
I may be done with cooking but there are still other people leveling it, they have product all the time extra, shouldn’t they be allowed to vendor it like any other crafter can?
It’s not like this effect can’t hit the top level food either, as long as people refuse to buy it until people sell it at 1 copper, they can push down the price themselves. No one can do that to any of the other crafted items, the wool gear I made recently on my tailor sold to the vendor for almost 1 silver a piece, no player could cheat me out of recouping some of the cost. I had 2 directions to sell and one was guaranteed (vendor). With food having no vendor price, other players can cheat other players out of the vendor cost because there is none and there is no second outlet to sell it (vendor). Instead you have to take a complete loss and destroy it. It doesn’t even have to be intentional, that’s why I cited grape pie as an example. Yes players undercut each other intentionally but they did that because they didn’t want to wait for thousands to sell just to sell their one or two. How does any other crafter deal with that, they vendor the goods and say, that doesn’t make any profit, I won’t make it intentionally in future. That is missing from cooking right now. Then when someone does decide to stock a grape pie for low level characters… there aren’t 20K of them there.
Explain how the price could recover from what it is now? Do we even have enough bag space to hold 20 k + grape pies if we wanted to try to bring the price to something better? This is a logistic problem that will only get worse as more piles up.
Ah, so it’s about leveling the craft. You keep pointing at the vendor price difference. How about this:
- You can level cooking by crafting only food that you can benefit from. You basically need 1 discovery every 25 lvls and then to make 15-20 of those. Sure, you end up with a stack of food that’d last you 1-2 months, but every single it of it is useful to you.
- You can’t level any other craft by only making stuff you can use yourself. You are forced to craft useless items if you want lvl 400 of anything besides cooking.
- You need 800 foods to get an achievement. And will barely craft even half of that while leveling the skill.
- There is no such achievement for, say, jewels.
You do know how economy works, right? People don’t just “refuse to buy it unless it’s 1c”. If that strategy worked, everything in TP would be at vendor prices. Obviously, that’s not the case. But if by some miracle that were to happen….and people just stopped buying food to crash the prices….crafters would simply stop providing. Eventually there will be no food on the TP and those who need food would start bumping the buy price hoping to get some.
I don’t understand why the market has to recover from it. The price is not 1c because there is no vendor price. It’s 1c because nobody wants to use it. Here’s smth interesting for you to chew on. There are good 30 types of food in the TP right now that go for over 1s/unit. They also don’t have a vendor price, just like the grape pie, yet they are not at 1c on TP.
Lastly, to sum it up a bit, adding a vendor price to food would allow you to sell said food for a few c. It won’t magically make people want it more. It also won’t create a reason to craft it since you’d still be a loss.
Magimay, easiest way to explain to you that the reason grape pies are worthless is because no one can vendor them so they undercut until the price reaches 1 copper. I am not trying to make grape pies at lvl 80 to sell but just like every other crafter I should be allowed to try to sell lower level items if people will buy them, if they won’t I would vendor them and lose money. Without vendoring, you can’t lose money you just lose it all. Since no other crafts are subject to this and the game did not ship without a vendor price on food. I don’t think they intended it to be this way. They only wanted to stop people from using food to trade cash for karma. People have asked for lots of things so this probably is a low priority but not still on my mind that it needs some resolution eventually.
The part I still don’t understand is…why on Earth do you want to craft worthless items to vendor at a loss? How is having that option in any way appealing to you?!
This might be a stupid question but…why do you make worthless food? Ok, grape pie is 1c. Grape itself is 51c sell/37c buy(1k grapes ordered at that price) right now. Also, it takes 800 food to get the achievement… Instead of trashing it, give it to smb who doesn;t have it yet….
Although I would like if TP wouldn’t allow prices that make less than 1c/item profit(counting the fees in ofc).
Legendaries are obviously the carrot in GW2. Believe it or not, some players actually enjoy farming. What is extremely boring and repetitive for you can easily be fun for smb else. Because people are gasp not YOU. I like how they made it. the farmers have their carrot, those who dislike farming don’t have to do it because it’s ultimately irrelevant to the gameplay. In every possible way. If they never implemented legendaries, nobody would miss them. Except those who like farming and the huge number of masochists in this topic. You say they don’t involve skill…they aren’t supposed to. They are for the pve players and pve can never require skill(because AI is predictable and once you get the hang of it, even the hardest dungeon boss becomes a kitten). Get a grip and learn2think.
Is the achievement “Attend the party” obtainable right now or is it part of one of the next acts? If it’s already in…how do you do that?!
@Selo: 5/5 fire aoes, 4/5 water aoes, 3/5 air aoes(and 1 muplitple target skill), 3/5 earth aoes. I’d say that’s a pretty good ratio of aoes to ST, especially for water(the one you’ve only seen autoattack from, dear pro ele). I’d also like to have a look at your crystal ball. You know, the one that tells you what server ppl play on, how much pvp they do, how old they are.
1. So, why are the ele autoattacks excluded and the mesmer included? Last I checked, mesmers don;t have any special skills there…
2. You know how the mesmer sword2 kind of…ermmm…doesn;t let you move during the cast, right? If you are getting killed by it, try moving 2 steps to the left next time. It also requires the mesmer to be using a sword to begin with.
3. GW pink beam does less dmg the closer you are to the mesmer wink~wink And the dmg is compearble to air scpeter auotoattack. Also, you do realise that phantasms and clones are skills. That have cooldowns. Right? Especially phantasms.
4. Name one?
Generally, the classes are simply different. The only aspect mesmer is better at is downed state. But people keeping saying ele’s are getting a better one for Christmas(whenever Christmas in Tyria might be). For the rest, they simply play different and excell/fail at different things.
ASelo: So, which fire staff skill isn’t an aoe? Name one. When you fail to do that, you can go back to being “awesome”. Oh, wait, you actually failed at 1st grade reading comrehension. Interesting….
@Selo(because the forum disagrees with quoting): I’ll have to assume that what kreit said is true. Because I refuse to believe smb who plays ele wouldn’t know what skills do…or at least bother checking before posting on a forum. All fire staff skills are aoes. Every. Single. One. Of. Them.
And I see nothing wrong with being able to hold a bunch of people back by yourself. Actually, that sounds quite OP to me.
when kitten hits the fan
And this is how a censor takes a dirty image and brings it all the way up to a life-long trauma… Anyway…
I really don’t get this…youdon’t have to swap attunements every 3s. You choose to. And after making that choice, you complain about it and want smb else to…unchoose it for u?!
Mmm, I was looking yesterday for the exotic explorer light armour…if i were to buy all materials and craft it, it’d cost me 5-6g…while each part goes for ~1.9g on TB…also, if you gather the mats on your own instead of buying them…you basically craft for free….which is cheaper than buying it for gold….
To be honest, I don’t think you do either. It’s not the range number in the skill description that determines the versatility. Unlike other professions, the Elementalist’s weapons aren’t more or less effective at different ranges. This may seem like a contadiction because other classes DO have a difference between ranged and melee weapons.
Take Static Field for example. At longer ranges, it’s a great snare/interrupt ability. At shorter ranges, it’s great at helping you escape combat. The versatility of the skill lies in the fact that it can do various things depending on the player’s creativity.
As for the daggers, they may require shorter ranges to deal their damage, but Elementalists are also extremely mobile. How, where and when you get into melee is for the player to decide. And when they do, they got a lot of ways they can actually fight the fight, making it hard to predict and counter their attacks.
Range has more to do with fighting style than with weapon effectiveness. The staff isn’t any less potent in melee than it is at range. Just different.
You’ve missed my point. It isn’t a pure “range” dilemma. Am not voicing a concern for daggers to be a viable long range alternative to staff. More so, dagger to just not be void if it cant be on its target 100% of the time. There are plenty of situations within the game where your in melee and then suddenly melee isn’t an option anymore. No not cause they kited away, not cause my gap closing skills are on CD. But when a melee fight becomes a range fight due to Player numbers/Boss mechanics. Being locked in a weapon set in combat leaves little room to adept in that scenario.
idk what versatility means to you, but in a context of a game. it means to me the ability to fluidly adept to any situation not just excelling at 1 given task. (dagger/melee : staff/aoe : scepter/burst)
I use weapon swap and engineer kits as an example because they offer room for diverse and customization for playstyles that the player controls. Where as with elementalist the weapons ARE the playstyle.
Meet conjured weapons. That’ll completely solve your problems. Now you have 5 weapons to choose from based on the situation.
TWMagimay@ because my first character was ele and i liked it but when i swaped to another class well it does a lot better and no it is not the thief exploit
thats what i meant if u change to another class u’ll forget that the ele exist
theres is something unfinished about itEle is good support other than that…
And it’s still personal, not some sort of a fact. I went ele→mesmer→ele. Just because you liked smth else better doesn’t make it a universal truth….
There is also a difference between fire/water/air/earth, yet I haven’t seen other classes ask for elements…
Elementalist #2 is very situational, it will buy you some time if the person isnt in melee (stomp) range, which just means someone else will stomp usually. But its a nice piece of cc you can throw into the battle before you croak. The #3 can be very handy however, if you need to move out of aoes etc to where a friendly can revive.
I would rate mesmers as better for saving oneself past the first crucial seconds, but if an elementalist makes it to #3 he can really up his survival chances.
Except there is a gap between getting downed and actually being able to use your downed skills. The time is more than enough for anybody to get to you before you start rooting them(unless they are crippled or lost). Oh, and you have to keep charging it until it’s over/smb stops u. Even if that means dying to loss of blood. You sound like you’ve never been stalked while in 3…people just strode next to you and since it downs you again(aka, less hp for you), they just finish you when you come out of it.
Does something have to be utterly devoid of flaws for someone to find enjoyment in something, does someone have to write something off as perfect before they can admit they enjoy it?
Its not about what other classes have just as bad, its about what other classes do better.
Being imperfect =/= sucks eggs, you know. You can, ofc, enjoy smth that has flaws. I find it hard to believe you can enoy smth that has only flaws….
Think of ele as an out-fighter and warrior would be a swagger(taking your boxing analogy to the level of smb who actually knows box). Yes, out-fighters have to work more, throw in more punches while evedaing the opponent better. A swagger pretty much stands there, soaks the hits and delivers a K.O when he gets the chance. Are out-fighters UP because they have to work harder? Before you answer, Muhammad Ali is an out-fighter.
Why not just hop to Heart of Mists and play around? You can see the difference between runes and how it affects you.
I think the class as is sucks, plenty of traits are useless or broken. I personally think damage could be up’d a bit since we cant weapon swap your stuck in the classes weapon limitations to adept to different ranges. Animations can be sluggish.
Am not talking about strictly spvp or tpvp or wv3 or pve. but as a whole.
But i still log on and enjoy playing my elementalist. does that mean i must just suck at the game?
If it sucks so much, what exactly do you enjoy about it? Or are you implying that you are a masochist?
Besides, you didn’t really name anything that sucks just for the ele as a class. Other classes have useless/broken traits, I have seen a lot of staff/gs mesmers so being stuck in a range can’t be underpowering and d/d build has enough catch-up skills anyway, other classes have funky animations also. I have mesmer and ele. The mesmer 2nd downed skill bug annoys me more than anything I ever experienced on my ele.
The same reason cultures with a deep rooted connection to Christianity name their children Christian names- like… well, Christian, Joshua, David, Mary, Joseph, Esther, etc.
The Sylvari have an intense connection to nature and, well, plants. Their entire culture is built around it, so, yes, you’re going to run into a lot of plant/nature-focused names. Seems pretty obvious, to me.
But the Sylvari don’t have parents that would “impose” names upon them.
Ermmm, in a way they….do. Us, the players. I have yet to meet a character that chose his/her own name O.O
Why give the Sylvari Gaelic names and then let the voice actors mangle it?
in Sylvari
Posted by: TWMagimay.9057
It’s quite normal. Take for eample the Greek name Helena. How do you pronounce it? Most likely the way you see it. The fact that the Greek letter H is actually prounced as i(independent) probably doesn’t bother you. I can give you more examples about names “butchered” by a different language/culture that nobody even notices(like, the character from Harry Potter – Viktor Krum…his name sounds wrong on so many levels to a person with slavic origin…and the author is actually known for extensive research…) and it just becomes custom. A lot of Germanic names suffer that same fate when they meet English(Schwimmer, DeWitt). It’s called “adapting”. Sylvari obviously speak English and thus adapt the names to fit with their own language.
There doesn’t seem to be a quote button…anyway…
But the most effeient way would very much depend on traits, 6-0 skills and weapon choice., doesn’t it? The reason I find it weird is…I don’t swap very often when soloing(air for running aroun, fire for killing, water when I feel i might have underestimated the mobs and earth…because it’s just fun) and, frankly, I love it. I kill fast, I survive without a problem and it’s just lovely. Ofc, that only happened after I got semi-decent gear. 2 days ago I couldn’t even get close to a certain event. Last night I solo’d it withotu breaking a sweat…which makes me feel like the class might be more gear dependent(because i most definitely didn’t become a much better player in 24h…)
Just don’t try any other class
i did it and my ele was thrown in the dust i log with it for the cooking only
Why? Just because you like smth else more then you like ele doesn;t mean it’s a universal truth….
This topic kind of made me wonder…I thought attunment swapping was supposed to be done with a reason…but most here claim the pro way is to just race through every cd you have, completely disregarding the situation you are in… Am I really doing it wrong when I put thought into playing an ele?!
Nothing you can say. It all comes from personal experience. You can easily convince a player that his class sucks(ofc, cause that’d explain exactly why said player keeps failing at various tasks). But you can never convince a player that the class is ok, just the person behind it sucks.