Besides, one could just as easily argue that stealth is not only about masking sight, but also sound. If Dredge navigate by sound, then thieves could simply remain hidden from Dredge by eliminating the sound signature of their footsteps.
What about smell? I doubt stealth also comes with a shower and even if it did, a wet charr would still smell like a wet cat…
Bugs are a result of human error. The incorrect mats are a part of the game not working properly since, given every other recipe in the game of the same tier as the snowflake, it was vastly different, better, and completely circumventing of the price of salvaging where the major ingredient is either lost entirely or almost entirely.
Except there was no bug in the snowflake incident. The recipe was working as intended. The only issue was that everybody on their team who came in contact with said recipe had no idea what “salvaging” is. That’s not human error, that’s human incompetence on a high level.
Also, not every other recipe of the same tier works the same. Just look at passion flowers. That’s a clear deviation. So, if they did it once, who’s to say they won’t do it again?
Ammm, no, thank you. I spent June-September doing my 30min/day daily quests to get a stupid ring every 2 weeks with stupid random stats that never worked for my class so I could spend another 2 weeks on another stupid and ultimately useless ring. Which would be the best they could do with factions in a game that’s not based on factions.
There’s a difference between constructive criticism and just trying to be insulting. I think people need to calm down and think about what they post. I think Arenanet is very lenient with what goes on in these forums.
You are new to the forum, aren’t you?
Have you ever had a job where you receive a boatload of abuse from a customer? Well the internet gives a way for people to do this in spades.
Yes, I have. And, guess what, I was getting paid to deal with it. Just like the people who read the forum.
I already said I don’t know anybody who got banned. What re you sorry for?
And I’m sure you know exactly how Anet handled their end by being a fly on the wall. Certainly can’t argue with concrete facts like this little treasure.
They didn’t even apologise for it! Not even a “we are sorry for the inconvenience”. And since I’m not naive like you, I don’t believe they took actions.
Cute. No, a more honest comparison would be someone leaving the keys in the ignition of a fine Aston Martin in a rush. The doors unlocked.
Occasion would allow you to hop in and drive away with a luxury car cost free. At least for a moment or so…
Blaming the victim is a bad premise to argue. Not gonna work for the car thief either.
You do realise people paid for this game, right? As in, gave money to ANet for a product. A product that is obviously broken. Try again?
Yes, yes, video game bans are such very serious things to be compared to murderous dictators. Come on now. Where’s the hitler or nazi reference?
When you start paying for games with money you earned, you’ll understand.
That’s hilarious. Especially since ANet showed 0 responsibility. Nada. Gar nicht.
Little veiled, but I’ll run with it.
It’s called German, official language in a number of countries.
Blaming the system for your own behavior isn’t always going to fly, nor should you ever expect it to work that way.
When it’s the system’s fault, I do expect it to fly and work that way. That’s what happens to me every time I return damaged goods to the store. Heck, I even got reimbursed for a laptop after I personally dropped it on the floor and broke the hd.
Obviously not… also got a bit of a paranoia streak going. Or maybe you’re trying to incite that in others?
Like I said, when you start paying for games with money you earned, you’ll understand.
If the whole issue is about customer care, you haven’t got a leg to stand on. There are so very many instances of Anet taking care of it’s customer base, it’s ridiculous.
Give a “for instance”.
You need to calm down and take a step back from all this.
You simply donn’t realise the implications. At any moment they can say “we didn’t intend for you to gather passiflora with a guild bonus on, that’s an exploit and everybody who gathered more than 200 is banned”. Because that’s what a retroactive ban policy means. In the real world you can’t go to jail for a crime committed before a law was introduced. That’s why there are many laws and they are detailed instead of just saying “yeah, ammm, don’t do bad things”.
Nah, they’re still in the game. The exploiters aren’t. Who won that battle of wills? Who lost all that time they’re never gonna get back?
It’s human to make mistakes developing something as complex as content for a game.
If you’re a coder or dev in something and make a mistake, you don’t deserve to be crucified for it by your users. Out of a million+, 200 bad apples isn’t too shabby.
Normal people get to pay for their mistakes. ANet is literally pushing the blame onto the players without taking any responsibly for it. If I were to make a mistake like the one their QA team made, I’d be fired. Instantly. Human or not, most people get paid to do their job right. Not to pretend they are working and screw up things in the process.
So there’s your mercy.
They’re pretty generous with it overall. You don’t do this hundreds/thousands of times and sit there feigning ignorance thinking you’re fooling anyone.
Oh, darn, they are so generous, showing mercy for their own mistake… How about I sell you a broken TV and then show you mercy by not banning you from the store and allowing you to buy more of my broken items. How would you feel bout that?
Anets game. They have the authority to act on these things. They did. Game set and match. Checkmate.
Yes, and dictators also had the authority to kill people for no apparent reason. Doesn’t make it right though…
Crash course in personal responsibility.
That’s hilarious. Especially since ANet showed 0 responsibility. Nada. Gar nicht.
Blaming the system for your own behavior isn’t always going to fly, nor should you ever expect it to work that way.
When it’s the system’s fault, I do expect it to fly and work that way. That’s what happens to me every time I return damaged goods to the store. Heck, I even got reimbursed for a laptop after I personally dropped it on the floor and broke the hd.
Are you a moral person? You should be honest and think for yourself instead. Common sense: not so common anymore…
I do think for myself. I’m currently thinking about how they can ban at wimp for anything and it can hit anybody. Common sense has nothing to do with it. This whole issue is about costumer care and ANet showed 0 of that as well.
I find that hard to believe.
They would have been stupid to do that thinking it wasn’t an exploit, and clueless if they only did it a couple dozen times.
Were it the later, they may still be playing tonight.
They were neither stupid nor clueless. Maybe I’m wrong! Maybe they were stupid? Anythings possible.
I tend to think pro traders are a bit more savvy then that myself. Feel free to argue the negative all you want.
And how do you feel about the dev team and the QA team? Especially the QA team. Are they stupid or clueless in your opinion?
Most game companies have this policy: It’s not a bannable exploit until we say it is. Because that’s the fair, reasonable, responsible-for-own-mistakes stance. Removing the gain? Yes. Banning? Never.
Stop being willfully ignorant. You know kitten well that being able to turn 1 Ectoplasm Orb into multiple through Salvaging is not how Salvaging is supposed to work.
It is not meant to multiply Ectoplasm Orbs, for obvious reasons.
Reading this I realised smth… Progression is based on 2 things: increased costs and increased income. Like, when you are lvl 10 hearts give you some copper, but WPs and repairs also cost a few copper. When you get to 70+, hearts give you 2s while the cost of WPs and repairs increase to silver as well. Etc etc. Recently they introduced ascended gear which increased the cost but nothing was done to increase the income accordingly. That mostly concerns GoE(the price went up 2 times, after all), since we still had the same Ecto income we did prior to fotm patch but an increased cost due to that same patch, and somewhat T6 mats. A new way to obtain Ectos would be absolutely logical and even needed to maintain a stable economy.
There’s really just two possibilities here. The first one is that ArenaNet knows something we don’t, and which they have not communicated to us. The second is that ArenaNet presumed malicious intent of these people, received evidence colored by confirmation bias, and have made a mistake in judgement as a result. There isn’t a third option.
There is a third option, my personal conspiracy theory that explains everything without assuming that their team is filled with incompetence. Let’s see what happened:
- Wrong recipe allegedly slipped through the cracks. Those cracks being a dev team that has already created thousands of crafting recipes and a QA team that gets paid to notice these things. The only way that could have happened is if the recipe was intended to exist that way.
- Recipe was patched in, players noticed and put it on the forum. ANet knew about the way the recipe was working within hours of the patch. It took them 4 days to patch it out. I’ve seen accidental glitches in other games. Servers tend to get shut down within minutes of the first report. The only logical explanation is that they wanted to let as many players as possible craft/salvage as many items as possible.
- It took them 2 weeks to issue the bans. Running a scrip to find out who salvaged more than xxx items does NOT take 2 weeks, neither does banning 200 accounts. They were obviously looking for something more that just who “exploited the most” when deciding who to ban.
If you take the 3 italic lines and combine them…you tell me xD
Oh just like every other jewelcrafting recipe? Like this?
Beryl Mithril Ring
1X Mithril Setting[s]
1X Mithril Band[s]
3X Embellished Brilliant Beryl Jewel[s]3X Embellished Brilliant Beryl Jewel[s]
I wouldnt say just like when other jewelcrafting recipies you at most get back 1/3 of jewels back. Again, deliberately ignoring the obvious.
Oh, so there is always a perfect pattern and it repeats itself without exception? Like this:
Exquisite Passiflora Jewel
1x Glob of Ectoplasm
1x Orichalcum Filigree
15x Passion Flowers
15x Passion Flowers
Thus, by your logic, everybody who crafted a Passiflora Jewel exploited the system because the pattern doesn’t fit in with the rest of the Exquisite Jewels. Very interesting theory.
PS: Every time you say it was obvious you are calling the devs incompetent. Unlike you, some people assume that’s not the case and that devs(and paid testers alike) are intelligent people qualified for their job who can’t possibly miss smth this obvious…because they get paid not to… Do you know what happens when a doctor misses an obvious condition and a patient dies? The doctor loses his licence. And nobody tells the patient and his family they “should’ve known better”.
And, just to check, are you saying the people who were concerned enough about this to post a thread asking about it, should get a free pass because it wasn’t replied to in time for them -not to grind out something they already thought was an exploit?- Seems to me that if you’re going to post and ask if something is wrong, then chances are it is.
Here’s the thing…. You find this issue and you ask the official team. You wait 1 day. 2 days. You can see people cashing in on it, prices rising(thus reducing the potential profit) and nobody is answering you. From my experience, publishers jump on potential exploits like rabbits on a carrot. As in, in any other game I ever played that topic would’ve gotten a moderator/CM/GM reply within 2h of posting it to inform us that “yes, it is an exploit” or “we are looking into it, I suggest you withhold on doing it for now”. Because that’s “customer care”, you want to warn your players about potential problems. In addition to that, there is the screenshot of the Anet guy refusing to say anything about it. Any player who’s used to experiencing “customer care” would take that as “yeah, feel free to do it, it’s ok”.
Never said it was my friend. Just a player I knew, have done fractals with a few times and talk to casually in LA /m.
And, obviously, random players always tell the truth, the whole truth and only the truth right? This is such a “friend of a friend of a friend”-story…
And you are talking about just ecto. You aren’t accounting for generating a stack of ectos for virtually free, selling them on the tp for 100% profit, buying a stack or more of rares and playing the mf for precursors to sell back. Or Unidentified dyes. Or any of another dozen or so possibilities.
That’d be because you said he made 4000g in 4h from that recipe. Which is so very different from “He made 100g from that recipe and then used his superior market knowledge to multiply his gold”. He did not exploit 4000g in 4h because that’s simply impossible.
must make everything else in this game a exploit or a scam amirite?
Well, as a matter of fact, yes. I don’t think most people realise the implication of these bans. The definition of an exploit depends, above all, on the intentions of the developers. At any given moment they can say “we didn’t intend for you to gather passiflora with a gathering booster on, it’s an exploit and everybody who did it xxx times is banned”. They can literally apply it to every single aspect of the game because their policy is flawed. Most games do not consider exploits bannable until they are officially recognised as such. Gain might be removed(if that is possible), but accounts are rarely banned, because most game companies don’t assume their players are mind readers and thus have reliable knowledge of what members of their team were thinking when creating the content.
(edited by TWMagimay.9057)
If he had not known this had a better profit margin than his usual approach, he would have kept his usual approach instead of making 50 jewels in order to get easy gold. The fact someone who understood the crafting system, and so knew exactly what he was doing, was so eager to change how he crafted items in order to quickly use a new recipe with higher returns than the old recipes in the game, by making a high quantity of those new items and salvaging them for ectos, is proof that he knew he was trying to “play smart”.
When I was lvl 70, I was farming mithril ores and selling them for 50c each. Then I got to 80, discovered ori ores and, what do you know, those were selling for 3s each. Same effort, same time, slightly different investment and 6 times better profit. Should I have automatically assumed that I’m exploiting just because this new resource of income was suddenly so much better than the old one?
I don’t see anyone being banned for doing something they thought was legit.
I see a bunch of exploiters who crafted dozens of ectos out of a single ecto, obviously knowing they were abusing an exploit, and now pretending they weren’t doing anything wrong in order to avoid the punishment they deserve.
There was a topic about this in the forum. In it, the OP himself described it as an exploit. That’s what it was, and being banned is nothing more than what exploiters deserve, regardless of how many weak excuses they try to use in order to get away.
How do you know what they were thinking? Unless you can provide proof of your psychic powers, that’s pure speculation.
[disclaimer]I only found out about this after it was fixed. Nobody in my surroundings is big on crafting randomly so once we saw the stats, we didn’t even bother crafting a single piece.[/disclaimer]
I can give you 2 scenarios that would explain why smb would do this without consciously knowing it’s an exploit.
- Not everybody is deep into crafting. I have 400 JC and the last time I made anything was about a month ago. I didn’t follow a guide to it, instead just went on gw2db and crafted by order of appearance. As such, I have no working knowledge of the patterns involved in JC and find it entire possible that I wouldn’t have seen anything wrong with the recipe. Would I have had the “too good to be true”-feeling? Maybe. But I can’t say that I’d have 100% known it’s a bad thing. Which brings me to…
- Somebody who’s really into crafting on the other hand would consider this painfully obvious. At this point there are 2 possible explanations for it: at least 2 people from ANet missed the elephant in the room(the person who created the recipe and the person who tested it at the very very least) or it was intended. Now, players tend to assume the game team is more knowledgeable than they are(at least the -nice- players do, you know, the people who don’t tell the doctor how to do his job xD) and as such would be prone to thinking there is no way the team screwed up like this. Which brings me to…
I pointed out in other topics that GW2 is vastly based on discovering new things, thinking outside the box, being creative. This alone makes it so much harder to determine what is intended and what isn’t(hey, one JP has you walking though walls…c’mon). Exploits themselves are already a grey zone. Thus why most games would settle for “ooops”, fix the glitch and do a rollback.
(edited by TWMagimay.9057)
There are various degrees to exploitation. Does every crime get you life in prison? Does every write up at work get you fired and unhirable? Every infraction in school get you expelled? Get real dude.
So, what punishment did the lesser exploits get? While not every crime gets you life in prison, small crimes generally don’t go unpunished either.
It comes down to this:
(b) If You violate the Rules of Conduct, then NCsoft may, in its sole and absolute discretion, terminate Your Account under Section 3(b)
Their discretion doesn’t mean its for you or me to decide. It means its for them to decide. And they made the decision that breaching the code of conduct on such a level that it could impact the entire game was a ban worthy offense.[/quote]
No, they made the decision to ban players for a mistake on the dev team’s side. They played the game as it was given to them, how is that breaching anything? I would absolutely love to see you banned for doing smth you thought was totally legit and then watch you defend them. That’s my issue. I don’t actually want perma ban for exploits, I want ANet to act like every normal business out there and own up to their mistakes. They gave us a flawed product. Most business out there give compensations for the inconvenience. ANet gives bans for it. Does that sound normal to you in any way?
You agreed to it by playing the game. You agreed to it by using these forums. If you disagree with it now, then Im all for your account actually being reset so you have to agree to it again if you want to continue playing or participating in the community. If you don’t agree with the ToS and CoC I honestly don’t see any business for you to be here.
If your suggestion comes with a refund, I’d gladly take it. Check and get back to me on that one.
PS: Have a look at the topic Are these exploits? Notice the question? People are starting to doubt game aspects that were never considered exploits before. And that would be my whole problem. How am I supposed to log in the game and play comfortably when I have no way of knowing if I won’t get banned for smth I thought was perfectly legit? Do I have to e-mail support on daily basis and ask for their permission to do xxx? And having in mind that support seems to have some communication issues(check rollback on compromised accounts issue where they were saying “no” nearly 1 month after the offial “yes”), how am I even supposed to trust their answer? Do you feel 100% safe in this game that you won’t end up arbitrary banned? If you do, kudos. I absolutely don’t.
(edited by TWMagimay.9057)
The moderator already declared topics like this as a violation of the rules. S/He also suggested such questions should be directed at support. I wouldn’t expect a fast answer though, just imagine how many people are wondering the same thing you are and have already e-mail for their individual answer. Come to think of it…I should probably do the same so maybe I can resume play in a week or so.
So, from your answers….you are all exploiters. You also think it’s perfectly ok, because it’s “not a big deal”. What happened to that ToS you were talking about? Because it doesn’t say “huge game changing exploits”. It says “exploits”. Period. And you agreed to it, didn’t you? And then you keep saying how exploits are inexcusable, yet there are a few posts excusing exploits. How does that work? You should pick a story and stick to it instead of changing it the second you realise you are also guilty of the crime and then coming up with lame excuses for your own actions while dismissing the excuses of others for theirs. There is a reason a lot of games don’t have a ban policy when it comes to exploiting.
you knew this was an Exploit there is NO EXCUSES 0 Nada ZERO 0 Not 1 Can be found!
There are excuses. They are just all neutralization tactics used to make the offenders appear to be innocent or to shift blame elsewhere.
There are no legitimate excuses. But that won’t stop people from making Anet out to be the villains.
Ah yes, the WHOLE guild should be penalized for what a few did. How very enlightened of you.
Birds of a feather.
I guess I should start asking here as well, see if any of you can come up with a good enough answer.
You honestly believe that exploiting is inexcusable, players’ fault and deserves a perma ban, right? So how about this list:
- Hitting the last seal in fotm with a character skill
- Standing in the safe spot in Arah p3
- Jumping the dredge fractal
- Using EA prior to the fix
- Using stealth in WvWvW to cause perma invisibility due to culling
- Taking shortcut in a JP(from a stone in the middle to special skills that blink you through holes)
- Using a mesmer portal in a JP
- Pulling the champ karka to where it gets “stuck” to pick the ori node safely
- Using various skills to go through walls(WvWvW and dungeons in particular)
Do I have to go on or are you already in the list of people you want to see banned?
No, its not an oxymoron. I’m sure you’ve made pretty obvious errors at your place of work (or school, as applicable) that have passed multiple levels of inspection before you see the mistake and slap yourself on the forehead.
What you have to realize is that this is a job for ArenaNet’s developers and they had to deal with dozens of new recipes for that update. The crafting team might be a handful of people. Hell, it could be as pathetically small as the class balance team which Peters admitted was only 2 people as of a month ago. Did they make a mistake? Yes, but what 5 specific people didn’t see is painfully obvious for a random 5 in 400,000 people to see.
ArenaNet’s QA is lacking. But that’s no excuse for what the banned players did. They knew exactly what they were doing.
Actually…no. I have never made an obvious mistake. Neither in school, nor in the uni nor at work. Because, guess what, I’m actually good at what I do. I’m a translator btw. I’ve had to translate hundreds of pages over short periods of time. Once I’m done with the first draft, I’d carefully go over it again to make sure I didn’t screw up. Then I’d submit it for proofreading where smb else makes sure I didn’t screw u. And if the clients were to find a mistake, we wouldn;t ban them from the company. Actually, we’d take full responsibility and compensate them. Because it’s our mistake. We delivered a flawed product. And when we have a severe deadline(one time had to translate a 400 page book in 2 days), we hire extra people for it.
Yes, that I agree with. People knew what they were doing. They were playing a game made by a competent team that knows what they are doing and doesn’t casually let obvious bugs slip through the cracks. Obviously, they were wrong to put their trust in the GW2 team.
(edited by TWMagimay.9057)
But if you can honestly look someone in the eye and say that you didn’t realize that converting 80 mithril + 2 snowflakes into 15-30 ectos was an obvious oversight and not an intended mechanism, then I have to question your intelligence. The people who exploited this weren’t naive and didn’t stumble on it. You need to know how the crafting system works and how the market works. If not, then you were mislead by someone who did know and then the only person you can be angry with is the person who told you about it.
Isn’t “obvious oversight” a bit…oxymoron-ish? If it’s obvious, how can it be overseen? I think that’s why people are pleading “i didn’t know”. And by questioning the intelligence of those who saw it as intended, you are indirectly questioning the intelligence of the people who created and tested it.
The number of accounts terminated as a result of this exploitative activity is actually very small—fewer than 200. However, these people are the very worst offenders, and engaged in this exploit to egregious levels—hundreds and even thousands of times. They knew exactly what they were doing and they knew that their activities would damage the economy.
I agree, they knew what they were doing. They were playing a game your team created, crafting an item your team patched in the game and an item your team supposedly tested. And if it’s such an obvious exploit that players were expected to recognise it immediately and see the consequences instantly…why didn’t your team see the same thing? Didn’t your team know what they were doing? You are literally banning the people who thought your team was competent enough to not have missed a bug this obvious and thus assumed it has to be legit. And with this whole thing in mind, how do we, the players, know what is “intended” and whether knowing the game better than your team might get us banned?
PTR server sounds like a good first step. Have criteria(certain achievements complete, min amount of hours played etc) and an e-mail for players to apply. That aside…
GW2 is a game that promotes thinking outside the box most of the time. Which is good. But it creates a big issue when it comes to exploits. How do I know if I’m just being creative or I’m being too creative for my own good? Exploiting is already a grey area thus why most games(and pretty much every game I ever played) opt for this:
- An exploit is only bannable after it has been announced as such by the publisher. Prior to that people get the “I didn’t know it’s an exploit”-excuse. Once it has been made official(on the forum and game news, not in some facebook/twitter/wtc corner), people who keep abusing it get a justified ban.
- Prior to the announcement, there is no actual “punishment”. Just removal of gain. Smb exploited to lvl up faster? Ok, remove the exp gained through the exploit. Somebody made a lot of gold/items with it? Give them a reasonable amount of time to return it. And then a temporary ban if they don’t deliver.
Just make it fair. Because right now…I’m frankly afraid to log in.
Yet, still an exploit! Even if it was an exploit that gave 1 copper / year it deserves a Perma BAN. EULA clearly states (for the ones that care to read it):
You acknowledge that You may not, without signed written consent from a legally authorized representative of NCsoft, do any of the following: … (d) Use, or provide others with, any “hack,” “cheat,” “exploit” or “mod”;Well done Anet… +9000!!!
So, when should I expect bans for:
- everybody who ever hit the last seal in fotm with a char skill
- everybody who ever used a mesmer portal in a JP
- every thief who uses stealth in WvWvW
- everybody who picks the rich ori node without killing the karka champ
- everybody who did the back jump in the dredge fractal
- everybody who stood in the safe spot for the first 2 bosses in Arah p3
- everybody who pulled the dredge boss in fotm in the next room
- everybody who ever blinked through a wall/over a hole
Do I have to go on or are you already on the list?
Would maybe you have an answer to that question? 2 didn’t deliver till now and I would really like to meet the one person in GW2 who never exploited a single thing.
You don’t kick anyone for any reason at last fractal, period.
No doubt. That’s just a jerk move… Even if they suck, you could just let them die instead of upping them when they’re downed.
I have to disagree. I almost kicked a guy just after the Maw died just 2 days ago(opted for blocking him cause I wasn’t sure if he’s not the owner and what might happen if he was). Here’s how the run went:
- 1st fractal…me and my partner dc 3 min in. Restart the run, guy complains.
- 1st fractal(again), asura fractal, guy falls and dies on the side. Guy complains we are taking too long to suicide.
- 2nd fractal, don’t remember which one, guy complains the guardian is being too slow.
- 3rd fractal, swamp, guy complains it’s taking too long. Guy is on the floor half the fight, we are taking turns ressing him.
- 4th fractal, my partner goes afk for 1 min(bio), guy shouts at him to stop afking(caps and all). 2min later guy dies due to being afk.
Till that point I was still tolerating. Then comes the moment of truth…Jade is about to die, there are 2 crystals available. I’m holding one…the other one gets thrown. Guy gets targeted, killed, then the all target phase starts. Guy right out insults me for not giving him the crystal(anybody who ever ended up at the end of Maw without a single crystal would understand why I was reluctant to let go).
To sum it up: The guy was by far a horrible player, kept complaining and eventually ended up insulting me. Now tell me again how one should never kick at the end of fotm. Some people deserve just that.
So….someone does nothing wrong
It was, rather obviously and rather clearly, something wrong. And yes, I am laughing on the players (or rather, now former players) who abused this exploit thinking they would get rich, and not only didn’t get a lot of gold, but were also permanently banned.
You are truly clueless. It was defined as an exploit because people were supposedly getting rich off of it.
No, it was an exploit because it was incredibly obvious that using an almost infinite loop to craft a huge amount of ectos was exploiting the game. That some of the later exploites failed to make a huge fortune (and instead made 2-3g) only makes it ironic, not any less wrong.
IMO, “clueless” is cheating and then trying to claim it wasn’t anything wrong. The bans were deserved and perfectly justified; I hope ArenaNet won’t go back on them this time.
So, when should I expect bans for:
- everybody who ever hit the last seal in fotm with a char skill
- everybody who ever used a mesmer portal in a JP
- every thief who uses stealth in WvWvW
- everybody who picks the rich ori node without killing the karka champ
- everybody who did the back jump in the dredge fractal
- everybody who stood in the safe spot for the first 2 bosses in Arah p3
- everybody who pulled the dredge boss in fotm in the next room
- everybody who ever blinked through a wall/over a hole
Do I have to go on or are you already on the list?
Still waiting on an answer…
Bigger sample is need. 200 mithril sickles = 5 flowers for me.
PS: You can get more than 1 fruit per harvest.
What’s my sample size?
PS: I know.
Does it matter? It obviously doesn’t reflect the real drop rate. For 2 reasons. You are using passion fruits to measure it and not passiflora nodes. And my gathering brings in 1 flower/50 nodes(the pattern has been holding up for quite some time now). Unless you have the habit of getting 4 fruits/node, the difference is significant enough to make both our samples unreliable.
Depends what you mean by stable. In the last week I saw the precursors price clib up be 100g at least and I see more and more buy offers for legendaries from 1000 to 3000g. We must have A LOT real no lifes and TP experts in this game if so many people got such amounts of gold. We all know you cannot get this much by simply playing the game.
Basically I don’t care. Perma bans are bit too much as I said before. ANET should just strip the gold from supposed exploiters unless they did something bad to the economy which cannot be simply fixed. IMO if someone used “unfairly” gained ectos to upgrade their own stuff or for crafting something for themselves ANET should just give them 72h bans and take items/gold from them.
The precursor supply after the karka event dried out. Just like in real life, after an item plumets in price for w/e reason, the recovery doesn’t bring the item to the price before the event but to a higher one. And just like in every free market economy, prices keep going up(unless a special event changes the situation). We call that inflation and it’s perfectly natural.
Yeah, let’s pui people with the decency to not exploit an obvious cheat at an disadvantage over exploiters!
Oh wait… Not!
I’m very happy with the bans. I hope ArenaNet carries on with the permanent bans, instead of listening to the dishonest pleas of innocence from cheaters who knew very well they were exploiting the game.
So, when should I expect bans for:
- everybody who ever hit the last seal in fotm with a char skill
- everybody who ever used a mesmer portal in a JP
- every thief who uses stealth in WvWvW
- everybody who picks the rich ori node without killing the karka champ
- everybody who did the back jump in the dredge fractal
- everybody who stood in the safe spot for the first 2 bosses in Arah p3
- everybody who pulled the dredge boss in fotm in the next room
- everybody who ever blinked through a wall/over a hole
Do I have to go on or are you already on the list?
OK but TBH if anyone producing snowflakes in masses and then salvaging them didn’t know he is gaining unfair advantage is stupid IMO. Perma bans might be bit hard but it all depends on the amount of mess then introduced to economy. Mind that some of this easily gained gold was already used to buy off precursors, lodestones, whatever and we may safely assume that we all pay for this till now.
Let’s see if market stabilises soon.
Unfair advantage against who exactly? We all had access to the recipe and mats…. Oh, and the market is perfectly stable, been so for well over a week now.
“can’t talk about it”? but they can sure ban for it! Wow.
Do you know when that screenshot was taken?
17.12.2012(Tixx is in BC) at ~9pm(clock stamp) most likely USA server(only English in map chat).
As for the Gaile Grey answer…wonder if she even knows how ectos are obtained in this game…
The fact that you do not see the difference in gravity between the exploits you listed and the one being discussed is mind boggling.
Bother messaging back when you can find an exploit that would allow me making ridiculous amounts of gold in mere hours in a risk-free way.
Wait, what happened to:
Anet made it clear the first time that exploiters wouldn’t be tolerated.
Should exploiters be tolerated or not? You can’t have it both ways. How about you go steal some chocolate from the store? I mean, it’s nothing big, I’m sure they’ll be ok with it because we, as a society, only punish big crimes, but let small stuff slip. Oh, and while you are at it, can you check how much you have to steal before it becomes too much and you get arrested for it?
(edited by TWMagimay.9057)
You know what ? Good.
Anet made it clear the first time that exploiters wouldn’t be tolerated. They were promptly banned en masse the first time with the norn cultural weapon, but unbanned afterwards, and left it a warning.
Now you brought this on yourselves.
Good riddance.
So, when should I expect bans for:
- everybody who ever hit the last seal in fotm with a char skill
- everybody who ever used a mesmer portal in a JP
- every thief who uses stealth in WvWvW
- everybody who picks the rich ori node without killing the karka champ
- everybody who did the back jump in the dredge fractal
- everybody who stood in the safe spot for the first 2 bosses in Arah p3
- everybody who pulled the dredge boss in fotm in the next room
- everybody who ever blinked through a wall/over a hole
Do I have to go on or are you already on the list?
And please make more sense when defining an exploit.
That is exactly the problem. The definition of exploit is based on the intentions of the developer. Which makes the line between using a game mechanic to your advantage and abusing said game mechanic very very thin. Any creative thinking or strategy on our side is a potential exploit. Because we have no way of knowing what the devs were thinking when they created the content and whether they had our knowledge/ideas. This particular case proves it. They missed smth that according to half the people in this topic is very obvious. And that’s the scary part.
“2. It’s not like stealing from the store. It’s more like that time I saw a pack of cheese for 1 euro and took 5 even though I knew that pack was way too cheap. When I got the the register, they wanted to charge me 3 euro/pack. I refused and pointed at the label. What do you think happened?
a) they banned me from the store for trying to exploit
b) they apologised for their mistake and I got the 5 packs for 1 euro per
Hint: It wasn’t a.”Great, you only bought 5! Imagine you would have walked up there and said “hey, i want 500 of those!” and then stood infront of the store, selling the cheese for 2 euro each. Its either highly unlikley to happen, and if it does happen its illegal.
I have every right to do that. There are stores that sell items in bulk(and act as suppliers for smaller neighbourhood shops) who have that exact same policy. And it’s only illegal if I don’t have a permit to sell cheese. Last I checked, selling ectos on the TP was not against the RoC…did it change?
for number 3) Anet did the same for the karma exploit guys, were some people were let of the hook if they apologized and destroyed all profit/weapons. Im assuming that they said “screw it, if people want to exploit we show them what happens, off with the kid gloves”.
Acclaim maintained the “we screwed up, you screwed up, let’s just make it right and move on”-policy throughout the entire time I played the game. That was just 1 example(the best one, imo, since it was about a CS item). They did the same thing when their CS got hacked and people bought items for 1 coin each, when high lvl players exploited a low level quest to gain exp etc etc. Remove the benefits and move on. It’s all about how much a company cares about keeping their players. I guess ANet sold so many GW2 copies, they can afford to ban randomly.
Ill give you number 4. Still doesnt excuse it though. two wrong doesnt make a right. Although I would like to see the guy who screwed up getting a pay cut/serious scolding. or atleast a public apology.
What wrongs? The person who wrote the recipe didn’t see anything wrong with it. Why are players expected to “know better” than the creators? If you have a bar, it passes safety inspection and then bursts into flames because of faulty wiring, do they tell you “well, yeah, our guy missed it, but it’s totally your fault for not seeing smth’s wrong with your wiring, you’ve bee using electricity all your life, you should know better”? Cause if they do, you should probably consider leaving that country.
5. Is a totally different scenario. In the one we are talking about ectos were made out of nothing. In your example, killing the boss trough an exploit or something along that line doesnt mean you suddenly get better loot, and even with skipping/exploiting it would still take 10-15minutes to do, unlike the crafting exploit that allowed you to make a dozen ectos in less then 2 minutes…
It wasn’t out of nothing, it was out of a crafted item. Which is how most ectos appear in the first place. That aside…that particular exploit causes the boss to act different not only making the run faster, but also easier. 2 of the prt were beeping about how we are wasting time. Most of the exploits I mentioned have a time-saving effect. Since in this game time = gold, you are increasing your gold/hour rate by exploiting(same for JPs and pretty much every dungeon exploit). How is that any different again? I can give you more, arguably worse, exploits, but I don’t want to advertise them. One of them actually touches quite nicely on the ecto generation topic.
And, what, we are being selective about what exploits should be punished based on what profit they make? Are you seriously saying it’s ok to exploit as long as some guy somewhere decides “it’s not that big a deal”? I know we all rooted for Jean Valjean, but would you tell your kid it’s ok to steal if s/he’s really hungry? And what if she really needs that lipstick? Is that ok also, because it’s just a lipstick, not like she stole a Porsche? Where is the line?
A few things…
1. I absolutely disagree with perma bans for exploiting. Players are as much to blame as devs/publishers. With that in mind…
2. It’s not like stealing from the store. It’s more like that time I saw a pack of cheese for 1 euro and took 5 even though I knew that pack was way too cheap. When I got the the register, they wanted to charge me 3 euro/pack. I refused and pointed at the label. What do you think happened?
a) they banned me from the store for trying to exploit
b) they apologised for their mistake and I got the 5 packs for 1 euro per
Hint: It wasn’t a.
3. I played 9Dragons for a long time under Acclaim(arguably the worst publisher in history). They used to give the occasional free item from the cash shop, 1 per account, not tradable. At some point they were giving weapon safety item*you attach it to a weapon and if upgrading fails, the weapon doesn’t break). People saw the loophole instantly. Make new account, get item, put on weapon -> bam, tradable. Some got over 1000 items like this. What did Acclaim do? They banned all accounts from the same IP that got more than 5. Then they announced they will unban the accounts for 48h and give players the chance to restore the exploited items. Those who delivered, got their stuff back. Those who didn’t got permabanned. Even Acclaim were pro enough to know that it was ultimately their mistake. And Acclaim sucked as a company.
4. So, all of you saying a lvl 400 jewel crafter should know the patterns and instantly realise smth’s off…how about the person who writes the recipes? Shouldn’t s/he know that even better?
5. Last night I was doing fotm 8 daily. One of them wanted to exploit the last boss in frozen fractal. When me and my friend refused, we got scolded and insulted. Should I expect that guy to be banned for exploiting? And why can’t we even report exploiters? Oh, right, because if they banned everybody who exploited the game, they’d have exactly 0 players left. It doesn’t matter how clean you wanna play. If you ever hit the last seal with a skill, you are an exploiter. If you ever took a shortcut in a JP, you are an exploiter. If you ever used los to fight a boss/mobs, you are an exploiter. If you ever took a mesmer portal in a JP, you are an exploiter. Next time you point your fingers and screams “exploiters should be banned”, remember that there are 3 fingers pointing back at you.
(edited by TWMagimay.9057)
If you don’t count gathering of all mats required…4h. If you know what you are doing, each craft 0-400 will take ~30min(I was short on crafting boosters so had to fit 2 crafts on 1 for my master crafter title xD).
(edited by TWMagimay.9057)
This game was built around the concept of letting us play the game how we want to play it. At this stage, we’ve tried everything and (most likely) most have settled on a few things in-game that they prefer over the rest of the game. We may have even developed a hatred of certain game aspects (for me, it’s the way the old dungeons are loaded with cheap shot mechanics that don’t lend themselves towards a skill-based game). We should not still be forcing players to do content that they don’t enjoy. You want to promote new content, that’s fine. But Fractals is not new any more, and neither is WvW. I think we can move on, now.
Precisely. The only aspect of GW2 I truly enjoy is gathering. Nothing else. Can you suggest a monthly achievement that won’t force me to do anything else?
I would love to hear a real reason why Fractals should stay on the monthly achievement list. Let’s have it.
Because the game developers decided it’s best. Kind of obvious, don’t you think?
Would any of you like some cheese with all that whine? Seriously, people, get a grip.
@Those complaining about WvW: Suck it up. If you hate it so much, don’t do it. It’s your choice.
@Those complaining about JPs: I’d have much rather have them do it “complete 30 different jumping puzzles”. It’s an achievement for crying out load. You are supposed to achieve smth for it.
@Those complaining about fractals: Deal with it. Used to be “complete dungeons”. Which also sucked for some people, but we didn’t complain on every corner, did we?
@All complainers: Nobody is holding a gun to your head. Don’t wanna do it? Well, then…don’t. They actually listened to suggestion and added stuff people wanted to see in it(the events and JPs). Just because they didn’t listen to you doesn’t make it a bad choice.
Lastly: To complete the JP part you literally have to look at the start of a puzzle. You can get the same puzzle to count on different chars(I just scored 15 points from LA). It’s a total of 30.
A few things…
1. Anybody who thinks trinity is “tank and spank”, “hp whack-a-mole”, “no skill/challenge”. You are right. You also must be extremely bad players. What trinity does is give you options. You can be bad and bored or you can be good and take encounters to the next level.
2. I frankly didn’t know what I was getting myself into when I bought GW2. I knew they didn’t have a “holy trinity”, but nobody could tell me how they did it. I had it down to 2 possibilities. Everybody is a dps with wanna-be support. Or every class can fulfil any role. I figured, it must be the second one, which would’ve made it the perfect game for me since all my healers(at least those I played for more than 2 days) could tank, support and dps at a decent lvl(basically, i’d build a jack of all trades from a healer). Sadly, it was the first option. I love everything else about this game or at least could love if I had the option to play the way I wanted to. Instead I’m just getting hyped about ArcheAge and hoping it comes out in 2013.
There was more, but I got distracted xD
yes we o – but salvage is server side controlled same as MF
And since we have the same server side…
First off, Ranger DOES have GS.
Second, Ele already has Fiery Greatsword.
I could see them using it as a PBAoE in Fire, a lightning rod in Air the way Mesmer does, and some decent possibilities for Water. Not really sure about Earth though, that really feels like a hammer’s territory.
Oh, I can it in earth. Thrust a big puppy sword into the ground to split it? Lift rocks with the sword and spread them around? Channel earth through the sword to block attacks? Yeah, I can totally work with that xD
you’re right OP. Prior to nov 16th no one had this issue. You are right they changed it.
But that’s okay these people who keep claiming it’s bad luck haven’t been hit with it yet so they’ll just keep on believing there’s nothing wrong.
If it changed…how come not everybody is feeling it? We all download the same patches.
Isn’t this, like, the intention of the game? The entire reason GW2 is so popular is that nobody has to be support any more…
And yet there is a large population that enjoys supporting. Seeing as that actually makes a lot of us feel like we are useful to our team.
There is, just not in GW2. Actually, not in any game. Otherwise “no holy trinity combat” wouldn’t have been the ultimate selling point of the game, it’d have been its dirty little secret.
Instead of promoting teamwork it does the complete opposite. It encourages less people to fufill their role as a support and more people to just be all out dps, it causes people to think why revive heal and actually help my teammate when I can kill the nearest thing to allow him to get up.
Isn’t this, like, the intention of the game? The entire reason GW2 is so popular is that nobody has to be support any more…
Nothing changed.
The drop rate is somewhere in the ballpark of 1%. I’ve been running through the area daily for a while now, and I’m averaging around 1 passion flower per 200 passion fruits.
Bigger sample is need. 200 mithril sickles = 5 flowers for me.
PS: You can get more than 1 fruit per harvest.
I am not contradicting myself because I have not stated anywhere that I think everyone using MF food is not a leecher.
I simply stated that running with MF food is worth the potential loss of damage, which I could prove with numbers if I seriously cared about our ‘discussion’.
We are about to start the run, thanks for asking.
It should not be anti-mf, but pro-efficiency.
A 40% bonus gold from boss monsters is very well worth the potential loss of damage.
Some placebo 100% MF is not, since you do not kill many weak, but few stronger mobs in dungeons usually.
So, what you are saying is, leeching is acceptable as long as you think it’s worth it? And that is supposed to be an…argument? What if I think 100% mfind is worth the dps loss(or w/e)? Why is your idea of “worth” more important than mine?
Oh, almost forgot. Welcome to fotm.
I am a hypocrite, so much that I go play CoE with my mates now. Take care
Oh, bummer, you ran out of answers. And sense. What does being a hypocrite have to do with running CoE?
1) Most people seem to agree that MF food is ok, because a lot of people don’t bother with food anyways. How can someone talk about people “leeching” and lowering their potential, and then, with a straight face, say that MF or no food at all is ok? We’re talking the possiblity of 20% boon duration, 10% critical damage, health regen, large boosts to pretty much any stat and a plethora of other effects. Mixed with oils or stones, there’s quite a difference (purely looking at stats) between people who use them and people who do not.
Why are we not seeing topics on people not using food being leechers?
I absolutely love this question. Let’s see what the anti-MF crowd has to say about that xD
I covered that when I was making some posts in this topic before.
It should not be anti-mf, but pro-efficiency.
A 40% bonus gold from boss monsters is very well worth the potential loss of damage.
Some placebo 100% MF is not, since you do not kill many weak, but few stronger mobs in dungeons usually.
Who gave you the authority to decide what’s “worth it”? And then here is this:
Mine is not performing the best you could.
40% gold from mobs is not “performing the best you could”. Thus by your very own definition of leeching, anybody who uses that food is a leecher. Same goes for anybody who’s not using food or the other buffs. Pick a point and stick to it otherwise you are just a hypocrite.