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[Feedback]Let's make Scepter a better weapon!

in Elementalist

Posted by: Taldren.7523


Aww don’t touch magnetic wave. Best skill S/F ele has :-/.
The aura on earth3 would be great. Light aura would be nice but won’t fit eart so good.

Magnetic Aura and Magnetic Wave would be insane :p

80 Elementalist (RotV), 80 Mesmer (RotV)
80 Necromancer (IRNY), 80 Guardian (IRNY)
GW2: it’s like DAoC, but for the WoW crowd.

[Feedback]Let's make Scepter a better weapon!

in Elementalist

Posted by: Taldren.7523


Scepter needs an aura.

Main-hand Dagger has Air, Focus has Fire , Off-Hand Dagger has Water, Scepter should have Earth.

Yes, I know that Staff has Earth, but Staff also has built in combos that produce water auras. There is no reason that two weapons can’t have the same aura as long as whatever you are holding in both hands can at least produce two of them.

Personally I would like to see Scepter Earth 3 become Magnetic Aura and Focus Earth 4 become Dust Storm .

80 Elementalist (RotV), 80 Mesmer (RotV)
80 Necromancer (IRNY), 80 Guardian (IRNY)
GW2: it’s like DAoC, but for the WoW crowd.

(edited by Taldren.7523)

Fresh air vs thieves/mesmers

in Elementalist

Posted by: Taldren.7523


Earth Trait is up to you on the end, depending on whats harder. Easy way is they will drop you to the point infiltrate gives stealth. From there do the little knockdown rapid nuke combo (if you play FA S/F you know it by heart like I do). Congrats, you just murdered Thief/Mesmer.

You really need to do some math on this … 20% of 11k hitpoint with 1000 toughness and no condi clears … you will die in stealth if you ever make it to stealth in the first place. 2,200 damage is not outside any DPS classes ability to take from you in a single shot at that low a toughness.

80 Elementalist (RotV), 80 Mesmer (RotV)
80 Necromancer (IRNY), 80 Guardian (IRNY)
GW2: it’s like DAoC, but for the WoW crowd.

Fresh air vs thieves/mesmers

in Elementalist

Posted by: Taldren.7523


Thieves mitigate their low hitpoints (Medium Armor) with stealth and evade. One is core to the class and the other is spread generously spread throughout the class lines and utilities.

Mesmer’s mitigate their low armor (Medium Hitpoints) with stealth, teleports, blocks, distortion, ect. One is core to the class and the others are generously spread throughout the class lines and utilities.

Elementalists mitigate their low armor and low hitpoints with Dagger/Dagger, Celestrial Armor, Cantrips, and the Water/Arcane lines. You get an option for the third line.

Oh, and IceBow nerf


Now to go gloat on twitter

80 Elementalist (RotV), 80 Mesmer (RotV)
80 Necromancer (IRNY), 80 Guardian (IRNY)
GW2: it’s like DAoC, but for the WoW crowd.

Remove icebow from the game

in Elementalist

Posted by: Taldren.7523


They tried 5 ele sPvP and got pounded. The team then tried 4 Ele and 1 Thief and still ended up loosing. But people were still complaining in the stream about how OP ele was.

80 Elementalist (RotV), 80 Mesmer (RotV)
80 Necromancer (IRNY), 80 Guardian (IRNY)
GW2: it’s like DAoC, but for the WoW crowd.

Irenio/Roy appreciation thread

in Elementalist

Posted by: Taldren.7523


Scepter’s Fire #1 is so clunky, I wonder if they’re touching it.

Of course not, that would be helpful. They did a Mic drop and gloating on twitter on nerfing cantrips, the fire line, and ice bow … do you think they actually want to help the class?

Plus all the #1 abilities are pretty much bunk on scepter. They also need to decide if Scepter is a condi weapon or dps weapon because the mix of the two and hamstringing it.

80 Elementalist (RotV), 80 Mesmer (RotV)
80 Necromancer (IRNY), 80 Guardian (IRNY)
GW2: it’s like DAoC, but for the WoW crowd.

Remove icebow from the game

in Elementalist

Posted by: Taldren.7523


The Icebow nerf to Skill 4 was justified. It was OP, you knew it, I knew it, we all knew it.

The problem is though that after just mentioning the nerf and doing a gesture that I consider to have been just a middle finger to all elementalist, there is no mention of fixing conjurers.

Conjurers are still crap tier utilities (even more so with the nerf), except for FGS that has a single use of being a mobility skill.

In the face of this gigantic issue to an ENTIRE skill type, what does ANET do? Gut one more of the skills in the category and move on as if the job is done.

kittening classic ANET stuff.

No we did not know it. It rooted us, the lowest hitpoint and armor class in the game, in PvP which is both high risk and high situational. Abilities like that are SUPPOSED TO BE powerful.

80 Elementalist (RotV), 80 Mesmer (RotV)
80 Necromancer (IRNY), 80 Guardian (IRNY)
GW2: it’s like DAoC, but for the WoW crowd.

Remove icebow from the game

in Elementalist

Posted by: Taldren.7523


It is a thing, just not a thing that anyone actually uses.

Not any PvPer anyway.

80 Elementalist (RotV), 80 Mesmer (RotV)
80 Necromancer (IRNY), 80 Guardian (IRNY)
GW2: it’s like DAoC, but for the WoW crowd.

Remove icebow from the game

in Elementalist

Posted by: Taldren.7523


PvE is for people that fail at PvP.

No, PvE is for people who try to get away from toxic individuals such as yourself.

PvE? That is only 1/3 the game,

No, PvE are a bunch of people that play the same puzzle over and over again and expect the world for it. Gear scores, Best In Slot, Player priority, and ever other corruption of MMOs has been a direct result of PvE, so please spare me that its the PvP players that are the big bad wolf among the sheep. There are plenty of other games where PvE is the center of the universe … GW2 is/was not one of them.

80 Elementalist (RotV), 80 Mesmer (RotV)
80 Necromancer (IRNY), 80 Guardian (IRNY)
GW2: it’s like DAoC, but for the WoW crowd.

why do they keep nerfing over pvp?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Taldren.7523


That’s funny because they nerfed IceBow over PvE. They also nerfed RTL over PvE because you were getting places you shouldn’t. They also nerfed powerful aura over PvE. Shall I go on? PvE has done more harm to PvP than the other way around. PvE is easy, there is always a way to be useful … in sPvP there is now only D/D Cele or you melt.

80 Elementalist (RotV), 80 Mesmer (RotV)
80 Necromancer (IRNY), 80 Guardian (IRNY)
GW2: it’s like DAoC, but for the WoW crowd.

Irenio/Roy appreciation thread

in Elementalist

Posted by: Taldren.7523


All of the Ele haters coming out of the woodwork it seems.

Mesmer main, ele is a good second. Love the changes. Nope, I don’t hate myself.

They made the class less diverse and pigeon holed it further into D/D Cele for PvP. It wasn’t like S/X Air Maurader Eles were all that common, but now its pretty much dead.

WTeverlivingF is there to love about that?

They blamed the entire burning issue on the Ele and left the burn burst guardian and engineer completely untouched.

Ground Target Dragon Tooth? About time, but that doesn’t fix scepter at all. The issues with scepter are NOT number problems.

80 Elementalist (RotV), 80 Mesmer (RotV)
80 Necromancer (IRNY), 80 Guardian (IRNY)
GW2: it’s like DAoC, but for the WoW crowd.

Over nerf on Ice Bow?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Taldren.7523


It’s not strong, anyone with the least of skill can just dodge out. This is strickly a PvE nerf done without regards to PvP or WvW. Killshot, Backstab and Shatter are strong because they almost insta-kill people. Ice bow was good to kill blobs of PvE creatures, that’s about it.

If the skill can just be dodged does it matter if it deals 50% or 100%? oô
Did you really use Icebow in pvp?


its a pve skill, that still works well for the purposes it was used for: on large groups of mobs or large-hitbox bosses

No, it was also a PvP ability that we used in builds that weren’t the cookie cutter D/D Cele build. I use it quite often in my S/x air/earth marauder builds. I don’t want to hear a PvE bunny telling us what we use and don’t use in PvP, thanks.

80 Elementalist (RotV), 80 Mesmer (RotV)
80 Necromancer (IRNY), 80 Guardian (IRNY)
GW2: it’s like DAoC, but for the WoW crowd.

Remove icebow from the game

in Elementalist

Posted by: Taldren.7523


Hey look at the bright side, at least that one troll from the Rev forum won’t come here to cry about it :p (I can hope)

Anyway, this change was long overdue. One skill shouldn’t have had such a huge impact.

But now I do hope we get changes to make Conjures more worth slotting. Earth Shield stun break would be a good start, followed by AoE effect when a Conjure is summonmed.

huge impact on what? PvE? That is only 1/3 the game, screw PvE. It destroyed it for WvW and most importantly sPvP. It was an absolute risk to take it in sPvP and now there is zero reward for being rooted.

Pve is much more important than both www and pvp, 50% nerf on 4th skill is very good, but they should nerf 5th skill because it makes boss battles very stupid.

Lol, good one. Name a single paid tournament for PvE? Compare twitch viewership for sPvP to PvE channels. Yeah, more important my kitten .

which side of the game has more content? how much content is pve focused on the upcoming expansion? how much pvp content is being added in the expansion? how much more people play pve then pvp?

thought so.

What part of the game has the highest utilization … the vast majority of that “content” of yours goes un-used. There is additional pvp content in HOT and again, it will be utilized far more than your PvE content. Seeing as there is never a lack of people in sPvP, I’d like to see the numbers on that then take your insinuation, thanks.

PvE is for people that fail at PvP.

80 Elementalist (RotV), 80 Mesmer (RotV)
80 Necromancer (IRNY), 80 Guardian (IRNY)
GW2: it’s like DAoC, but for the WoW crowd.

Remove icebow from the game

in Elementalist

Posted by: Taldren.7523


Hey look at the bright side, at least that one troll from the Rev forum won’t come here to cry about it :p (I can hope)

Anyway, this change was long overdue. One skill shouldn’t have had such a huge impact.

But now I do hope we get changes to make Conjures more worth slotting. Earth Shield stun break would be a good start, followed by AoE effect when a Conjure is summonmed.

huge impact on what? PvE? That is only 1/3 the game, screw PvE. It destroyed it for WvW and most importantly sPvP. It was an absolute risk to take it in sPvP and now there is zero reward for being rooted.

Pve is much more important than both www and pvp, 50% nerf on 4th skill is very good, but they should nerf 5th skill because it makes boss battles very stupid.

Lol, good one. Name a single paid tournament for PvE? Compare twitch viewership for sPvP to PvE channels. Yeah, more important my kitten .

80 Elementalist (RotV), 80 Mesmer (RotV)
80 Necromancer (IRNY), 80 Guardian (IRNY)
GW2: it’s like DAoC, but for the WoW crowd.

Remove icebow from the game

in Elementalist

Posted by: Taldren.7523


Hey look at the bright side, at least that one troll from the Rev forum won’t come here to cry about it :p (I can hope)

Anyway, this change was long overdue. One skill shouldn’t have had such a huge impact.

But now I do hope we get changes to make Conjures more worth slotting. Earth Shield stun break would be a good start, followed by AoE effect when a Conjure is summonmed.

huge impact on what? PvE? That is only 1/3 the game, screw PvE. It destroyed it for WvW and most importantly sPvP. It was an absolute risk to take it in sPvP and now there is zero reward for being rooted.

80 Elementalist (RotV), 80 Mesmer (RotV)
80 Necromancer (IRNY), 80 Guardian (IRNY)
GW2: it’s like DAoC, but for the WoW crowd.

Irenio/Roy appreciation thread

in Elementalist

Posted by: Taldren.7523


50% HAD to happen? So Ice Bow HAD to be made completely useless outside of PvE? Why exactly? Because you enjoy PvE and that trumps the fact that its now useless for the other 2/3rds of the game? The fact that a Guardian can still burn a target down in a few seconds, but they targeted the entire fire line of the Ele just kittenes me off. There was an issue with Ring of Fire and perhaps dragons breath … so they ruined it for every other weapon the elementalist had access too.


This is the worst balance team I have seen across all my decades of MMOs and given DAoC, that is really saying something.

80 Elementalist (RotV), 80 Mesmer (RotV)
80 Necromancer (IRNY), 80 Guardian (IRNY)
GW2: it’s like DAoC, but for the WoW crowd.

Irenio like a Baus

in Elementalist

Posted by: Taldren.7523


Thank goodness I am ditching this class for Revenant. Good bye suckers, enjoy Tempest. Muahahahhaha

80 Elementalist (RotV), 80 Mesmer (RotV)
80 Necromancer (IRNY), 80 Guardian (IRNY)
GW2: it’s like DAoC, but for the WoW crowd.

Earth Shield

in Elementalist

Posted by: Taldren.7523


I really wish they would make Conjured Weapons act sort of like a Mantra.

You would pre-cast it and then it would fill your second weapon slot and be accessible via weapon swap on the normal cooldown. Once all charges have been used it, like Mantras, it would go on cooldown, although the cooldown would be less than it is now. Unlike Mantras you would only have one weapon at a time available and casting a new Conjured Weapon overwrites the previous one and places that one on cooldown.

80 Elementalist (RotV), 80 Mesmer (RotV)
80 Necromancer (IRNY), 80 Guardian (IRNY)
GW2: it’s like DAoC, but for the WoW crowd.

S/D Marauder Burst quick guide. (PVP)

in Elementalist

Posted by: Taldren.7523


This may sound strange, but I have played for some time a similar build to get away from D/D Cele (and I guess now Tempest too ) … except I used Conjure Earth Shield instead of Arcane Shield. It gives you two more AE interrupts, a block, and an invulnerability. The auto attack is worthless though.

80 Elementalist (RotV), 80 Mesmer (RotV)
80 Necromancer (IRNY), 80 Guardian (IRNY)
GW2: it’s like DAoC, but for the WoW crowd.

Superspeed discussion

in Elementalist

Posted by: Taldren.7523


Super speed was first and foremost an engineer thing that was later given to elementalists in their air line to a luke warm reception.

80 Elementalist (RotV), 80 Mesmer (RotV)
80 Necromancer (IRNY), 80 Guardian (IRNY)
GW2: it’s like DAoC, but for the WoW crowd.

Please give us out-of-combat weapon swap!

in Elementalist

Posted by: Taldren.7523


Rather have an Conjured Weapon weapon swap where for the duration (or until all charges have been expended) you can swap back and forth between your Conjured Weapon and your normal attacks on a 9s cooldown.

Using one or two of your Conjured Weapon attacks and then losing your conjured weapon by swapping to your normal attacks is … well … a stupid design.

80 Elementalist (RotV), 80 Mesmer (RotV)
80 Necromancer (IRNY), 80 Guardian (IRNY)
GW2: it’s like DAoC, but for the WoW crowd.

roy can we vote on rev pvp titles?

in Revenant

Posted by: Taldren.7523


Roy, can you take over Tempest? Please?

It’s in a absolutely horrible spot right now. We don’t even know why its called Tempest, tbh.

80 Elementalist (RotV), 80 Mesmer (RotV)
80 Necromancer (IRNY), 80 Guardian (IRNY)
GW2: it’s like DAoC, but for the WoW crowd.

Please give ele weapon swap

in Elementalist

Posted by: Taldren.7523


Elementalist should totally have weapon swap.

When I summon a conj weapon I should be able to swap between it and my regular weapon attacks based on attunement with a standard 9s cooldown or until all charges/duration expire on the conj weapon.

80 Elementalist (RotV), 80 Mesmer (RotV)
80 Necromancer (IRNY), 80 Guardian (IRNY)
GW2: it’s like DAoC, but for the WoW crowd.

Describe the Tempest in 3 Words

in Elementalist

Posted by: Taldren.7523


Roy take over!
15 characters ok

80 Elementalist (RotV), 80 Mesmer (RotV)
80 Necromancer (IRNY), 80 Guardian (IRNY)
GW2: it’s like DAoC, but for the WoW crowd.

Unrelenting Assault is massively OP

in Revenant

Posted by: Taldren.7523



If that’s correct, then you just proved their point, since UA is nearly double Blurred Frenzy, with more range, and on a shorter cooldown, albeit with an energy cost.

Um, it scales at 3x the rate with power.
It can hit 24 times (up to 3 targets per swing x 8 swings) vs 7 max.
It has a 9.5s cooldown traited (something you can’t do with Rev sword).
It also counts as a single attack so you don’t have to worry about things like fire aura, chaos shield, confusion, retribution, ect.

… and it also doesn’t have an energy cost that can stop mesmers from doing things like shatter.

Okay, so reworded, it does more than twice the single target damage and can’t be walked out of. So it will do slightly more than a blurred frenzy with two people in it. I’d say that at least warrants some discussion.

It is slightly less that BF vs 2 players and it can be walked out of. The shadowstep is just bugged just like steal and all other teleport attacks currently. With my thief I can Steal an ele while they RTL and travel the entire distance with them and deal the damage.

Also, BF has a 9.5s cooldown with the trait … which I know I take because BF is awesome.

Assuming Power/Armor = 1.000 and that they are using a weapon strength of 952.5

VS 2 Targets:
UA : 6,181 damage (3,532 and 2,649)
BF: 6,188 damage (3,094 and 3,094)

VS 3 Targets.
UA: Total: 6,181 damage (2,649, 1,766, and 1,766)
BF: Total: 9,281 damage (3,094, 3,094, and 3,094)

The ONLY time UA does more damage is vs a single target with no other target within 480 of them.

The only time 1v1 happen in real play is when you try and steal a cap with a bunker left on it. A bunker anything isn’t going to be greatly phased by UA. Anything else and its their bad gameplay that is the issue.

Vs Bunkers Ele:
Double dodge, burning speed, static field, or simply swap over to water and let them build 7 stacks of chill with frost aura and then dodge roll heal.

Vs Bunker Guardian:
Guardian can even do better since you can’t evade through a bubble, wall, ect … plus the 7 hits of retaliation sucks vs the damage you end up doing.

I have had no issues this weekend vs a revenant on either of my bunker builds in sPvP. I was able to hold them until help arrived and dispatched them … exactly like bunker builds are supposed to do.

80 Elementalist (RotV), 80 Mesmer (RotV)
80 Necromancer (IRNY), 80 Guardian (IRNY)
GW2: it’s like DAoC, but for the WoW crowd.

(edited by Taldren.7523)

Unrelenting Assault is massively OP

in Revenant

Posted by: Taldren.7523



If that’s correct, then you just proved their point, since UA is nearly double Blurred Frenzy, with more range, and on a shorter cooldown, albeit with an energy cost.

Um, it scales at 3x the rate with power.
It can hit 24 times (up to 3 targets per swing x 8 swings) vs 7 max.
It has a 9.5s cooldown traited (something you can’t do with Rev sword).
It also counts as a single attack so you don’t have to worry about things like fire aura, chaos shield, confusion, retribution, ect.

… and it also doesn’t have an energy cost that can stop mesmers from doing things like shatter.

The complaints I have seen regarding UA have centered around 1v1. Blurred Frenzy may be better against multiple targets, but no one is complaining about UA vs multiple targets. TBH, I don’t pvp much, so don’t have a horse in the race, I just don’t want the skill wrecked for PvE because of PvP issues.

There is no PvP issue here, because PvP is balanced around 5v5 , not 1v1. It’s a bunch of people that ran ahead of their group or tried to rambo the map that are upset about it.

What’s hilarious is the fact that IO + AA Staff does WAY more damage … even IO + AA sword does more damage than UA. These people have no idea.

80 Elementalist (RotV), 80 Mesmer (RotV)
80 Necromancer (IRNY), 80 Guardian (IRNY)
GW2: it’s like DAoC, but for the WoW crowd.

(edited by Taldren.7523)

Unrelenting Assault is massively OP

in Revenant

Posted by: Taldren.7523


Um, it is the #2. The game hasn’t been horribly broken by Blurred Frenzy , so I think it will do just find with UA which does less damage and has worse scaling.

I don’t think it does less damage or scales worse, but I could be wrong.

Tell tbat to GW2Wiki

Blurred Frenzy
Damage (8x): 808 (2.400 multiplier)
Number of Targets: 3 (Max of 24 Hits)
Range: 130

Unrelenting Assault
Damage: 202 (0.715 multiplier)
Number of Hits: 7
Range: 450

I believe unrelenting could be written “Damage (7x): 1414 (5.005 multiplier).”

I believe that Blurred Frenzy could be written as “Damage (24x): 2424 (7.200 multiplier)” if that is the case.

UA gets 7 completely random hits in its radius. BF gets 3 random hits x 8 swings. BF does more damage.

80 Elementalist (RotV), 80 Mesmer (RotV)
80 Necromancer (IRNY), 80 Guardian (IRNY)
GW2: it’s like DAoC, but for the WoW crowd.

(edited by Taldren.7523)

Unrelenting Assault is massively OP

in Revenant

Posted by: Taldren.7523



If that’s correct, then you just proved their point, since UA is nearly double Blurred Frenzy, with more range, and on a shorter cooldown, albeit with an energy cost.

Um, it scales at 3x the rate with power.
It can hit 24 times (up to 3 targets per swing x 8 swings) vs 7 max.
It has a 9.5s cooldown traited (something you can’t do with Rev sword).
It also counts as a single attack so you don’t have to worry about things like fire aura, chaos shield, confusion, retribution, ect.

… and it also doesn’t have an energy cost that can stop mesmers from doing things like shatter.

80 Elementalist (RotV), 80 Mesmer (RotV)
80 Necromancer (IRNY), 80 Guardian (IRNY)
GW2: it’s like DAoC, but for the WoW crowd.

Unrelenting Assault is massively OP

in Revenant

Posted by: Taldren.7523


Um, it is the #2. The game hasn’t been horribly broken by Blurred Frenzy , so I think it will do just find with UA which does less damage and has worse scaling.

I don’t think it does less damage or scales worse, but I could be wrong.

Tell tbat to GW2Wiki

Blurred Frenzy
Damage (8x): 808 (2.400 multiplier)
Number of Targets: 3 (Max of 24 Hits)
Range: 130

Unrelenting Assault
Damage: 202 (0.715 multiplier)
Number of Hits: 7
Range: 450

80 Elementalist (RotV), 80 Mesmer (RotV)
80 Necromancer (IRNY), 80 Guardian (IRNY)
GW2: it’s like DAoC, but for the WoW crowd.

Balancing Healing Skills

in Revenant

Posted by: Taldren.7523


Right now the Healing skill on Herald trumps all other Legend’s healing skill.

I suggest give the Herald Heal Skill 1/4 sec cast-time, and reduce the cast time or make instant on other Legend’s Heal Skill.

For Example:
Shiro Heal Skill should be instant, considering it is used offensively and triggers when WE attack.

Herald Heal Skill is now being abused as an “Oh kitten” button without thinking. That 1/4s casttime will balance it for more skillful use and timing, rather than “any pug with a monkey brain can use it”.

Sigh, the counter play is to STOP ATTACKING. The same defense used for Confusion. This is a L2P issue.

80 Elementalist (RotV), 80 Mesmer (RotV)
80 Necromancer (IRNY), 80 Guardian (IRNY)
GW2: it’s like DAoC, but for the WoW crowd.

Unrelenting Assault is massively OP

in Revenant

Posted by: Taldren.7523


Double dodges are not a counter, as it requires you to blow your defenses to dodge one skill on a ten second cooldown and even then you get hit a few times, and it’s your only option. Very few blocks or invulnerabilities last long enough to stop it and the skills that do last long enough typically have too long of a cooldown to stop it often enough.
Even if you do use them you’re left with nothing to stop other skills. There is no way to fully stop it more than once, which is too much for a skill that can hit for so much damage. There is no other skill in the game that cannot be kited, evades, AND deals lots of damage on only a 10 second cooldown. Similar skills don’t have such a huge variety of functions and have more ways to counter them (such as reflecting Ranger LB #2). For comparison, Mesmer Sword #2 is similar to this, but for that you can just walk away if you want, whereas this skill cannot be kited.
Having allies is not a counter, as it means the Revenant cannot be beaten outside of team fights, so you have to just give up if everyone else is busy. Team fights are not all there is to PvP.
And if sword is useless without this skill then… Buff the other skills? If this is the only reason to use sword then obviously the weapon is poorly designed. Move the damage to other skills, like the #2.
Personally I suggest only making it follow foes for a maximum of 300 units. It forces the foe to play intelligently and get away when using it, while still leaving you with an advantage (forcing the enemy out of position and off point OR taking lots of damage). Another option is to front load the damage, to make it more reasonable to stop.

Um, it is the #2. The game hasn’t been horribly broken by Blurred Frenzy , so I think it will do just find with UA which does less damage and has worse scaling. Also where BF counts as a single attack, UA counts as 7 separate attacks meaning things like Fire Aura, Chaos Shield, and Confusion are extremely dangerous.

You are complaining about a spell effect … if it just teleported the Rev to your position and did the blurred frenzy animation it would be the same kitten thing.

Also, the game isn’t balanced for 1v1, so you can throw out that entire arguement.

80 Elementalist (RotV), 80 Mesmer (RotV)
80 Necromancer (IRNY), 80 Guardian (IRNY)
GW2: it’s like DAoC, but for the WoW crowd.

Unrelenting Assault is massively OP

in Revenant

Posted by: Taldren.7523


Happens with other teleporting attacks as well, or did. I believe there is a grace period while it trys to sync positions on the server where it can still change the location. On my thief it can happen, or did, on steal for example.

80 Elementalist (RotV), 80 Mesmer (RotV)
80 Necromancer (IRNY), 80 Guardian (IRNY)
GW2: it’s like DAoC, but for the WoW crowd.

(edited by Taldren.7523)

Condition Revenant is brokenly OP

in Revenant

Posted by: Taldren.7523


I didn’t see anyone taking any Condi damage in your video until the very end. Half the time I was trying to figure out when you were going to start applying your conditions.

80 Elementalist (RotV), 80 Mesmer (RotV)
80 Necromancer (IRNY), 80 Guardian (IRNY)
GW2: it’s like DAoC, but for the WoW crowd.

Unrelenting Assault is massively OP

in Revenant

Posted by: Taldren.7523


Seriously… all this over an ability that has less DPS than sword auto attack + impossible odds?

It’s a shadowstep + blurred frenzy with a larger radius, 1 less attack, less damage per hit, and a longer specced cooldown. OMG NERF!

The ability shadow steps and then does an AE … so after the shadow step you could just move out of range of it via teleport, RTL, double dodge, ect.

Or you could just stand near other people and all the attacks will be split between you.

Mesmer could just spam blurred frenzy every time to negate it … or just turn invisible.
Thief will just evade or stealth ignore it.
Ele: Static Field, Unstead Ground, ect
ect, ect, ect …

Screw it, I’m done … I don’t know if you are just too lazy or too incompetent to figure this out on your own.

80 Elementalist (RotV), 80 Mesmer (RotV)
80 Necromancer (IRNY), 80 Guardian (IRNY)
GW2: it’s like DAoC, but for the WoW crowd.

[PvE] Unrelenting Assault vs Autoattack

in Revenant

Posted by: Taldren.7523


Use UA in Herald with F2 up to get your might stacks, hit F2 and swap to Shiro so you can use AA + IO.

80 Elementalist (RotV), 80 Mesmer (RotV)
80 Necromancer (IRNY), 80 Guardian (IRNY)
GW2: it’s like DAoC, but for the WoW crowd.

Tempest: What is the desired role?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Taldren.7523


Ele already has enough support and bunker specs.
The class has been missing a viable condition and viable ranged nuker spec since release.
It’s maddening that our first new trait line since release almost mirrors the auramancer I have been playing since release.

That’s true, a condi spec would be nice. As for nuker, I thought staff was supposed to fill that role

Staff is a support weapon. Always has been. Again, Ele has already had its fill with support/bunker.

80 Elementalist (RotV), 80 Mesmer (RotV)
80 Necromancer (IRNY), 80 Guardian (IRNY)
GW2: it’s like DAoC, but for the WoW crowd.

Tempest: What is the desired role?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Taldren.7523


Ele already has enough support and bunker specs.
The class has been missing a viable condition and viable ranged nuker spec since release.
It’s maddening that our first new trait line since release almost mirrors the auramancer I have been playing since release.

80 Elementalist (RotV), 80 Mesmer (RotV)
80 Necromancer (IRNY), 80 Guardian (IRNY)
GW2: it’s like DAoC, but for the WoW crowd.

Describe the Tempest in 3 Words

in Elementalist

Posted by: Taldren.7523


Just rerolled Revenant.

80 Elementalist (RotV), 80 Mesmer (RotV)
80 Necromancer (IRNY), 80 Guardian (IRNY)
GW2: it’s like DAoC, but for the WoW crowd.

Unrelenting Assault is massively OP

in Revenant

Posted by: Taldren.7523


Given what other classes are doing, if you are down to crying about UA then you are not prepared. UA is the least of your worries.

80 Elementalist (RotV), 80 Mesmer (RotV)
80 Necromancer (IRNY), 80 Guardian (IRNY)
GW2: it’s like DAoC, but for the WoW crowd.

[BW2] Feedback Thread

in Elementalist

Posted by: Taldren.7523


They should have made the Tempest weapon Main-Hand Trident. That would have been at least something unique … and probably the only time you would see a Trident used.

80 Elementalist (RotV), 80 Mesmer (RotV)
80 Necromancer (IRNY), 80 Guardian (IRNY)
GW2: it’s like DAoC, but for the WoW crowd.

PvP Rabid Burn build

in Elementalist

Posted by: Taldren.7523


Another build that is completely unpractical in PvP. One CC without LF, MF, ect away from being 2 shot. Glass builds without mobility do not work on the low hit point low armor class of the game.

Mathematically that build is a mess.
With fury, you have a 22% chance of a 1 second 1x burn from arcane precision.
With fury, you have a 20% chance of a 3 second 1x burn from burning precision.
You have a 25% chance of a 5 second 2x burn from GoEP.

So with all that (Fury and GoEP) there is a 53% per hit of a burn stack per hit.

FireStorm lasts 10 seconds, pulses every second, and applies 1 burn per stack for 3 seconds.

So, if you could somehow get a person to stand in the obvious circle of raining fire for the entire duration they would have 10×3s of Burning + |5.3×1.33s of Burning| = 17 seconds of burning damage on average over 11 to 15 seconds.

Burning Damage: (0.155 * 1,500) + 131.5 = 364

364 damage * 17 = 6,188 damage over an average of 13 seconds = 476 dps

Zerker Meteor swarm does more damage than that without completely gutting your ability to clear conditions, mobility, and mist form escapes.

Not impressed.

80 Elementalist (RotV), 80 Mesmer (RotV)
80 Necromancer (IRNY), 80 Guardian (IRNY)
GW2: it’s like DAoC, but for the WoW crowd.

(edited by Taldren.7523)

Bersi or Assassin? Maths!

in Elementalist

Posted by: Taldren.7523


See, I am having a similar argument for the expansion … Berserker or Daredevil (Assassin).

Certainly isn’t going to be Tempest

80 Elementalist (RotV), 80 Mesmer (RotV)
80 Necromancer (IRNY), 80 Guardian (IRNY)
GW2: it’s like DAoC, but for the WoW crowd.

Tempest is simply the worst

in Elementalist

Posted by: Taldren.7523


If it were the exact same then we wouldn’t be getting so many complaints about how much worse it is.

Tempest lives or dies on whether they can make Overload an attractive option. If people don’t want to Overload, they aren’t likely to take up the spec at all, so I doubt it’ll often happen by accident.

It’s worse in that you are pigeon holed even further into requiring Soldier runes in order to get the Shout cleansing that was normally provided by Cantrips. It’s also worse in that it doesn’t have the mobility that cantrips offered (Mist Form / Lightning Flash) since you are compelled by the build to go with shouts.

Regardless, it is by no means a new playstyle that the new builds of every other class has provided them. There is nothing new outside of Overload which is fundamentally flawed in that it locks us out of our class defining feature of total available abilities.

80 Elementalist (RotV), 80 Mesmer (RotV)
80 Necromancer (IRNY), 80 Guardian (IRNY)
GW2: it’s like DAoC, but for the WoW crowd.

Am I the only one excited to play Tempest?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Taldren.7523


To answer you question, OP: You just may be.

The Tempest is just a slight variation of the A/W/Ar D/D or D/F auramancer ele that I have been playing since release. There is nothing new there other than overloads which I would likely only cast by accident.

80 Elementalist (RotV), 80 Mesmer (RotV)
80 Necromancer (IRNY), 80 Guardian (IRNY)
GW2: it’s like DAoC, but for the WoW crowd.

Tempest is simply the worst

in Elementalist

Posted by: Taldren.7523


Oh you trolls …
We already have been playing Tempest since release as it is exactly the same gameplay as the D/D or D/F auramancer. Complete failure of what was supposed to be offered.

Overload is going to as popular as Necromancer corruption abilities and will only likely be used by accident when you wanted to just verify you were in a specific attunement and then lock yourself out of it for a long cooldown.

Also, what the hell does anything the Tempest do have to do with the name Tempest?

80 Elementalist (RotV), 80 Mesmer (RotV)
80 Necromancer (IRNY), 80 Guardian (IRNY)
GW2: it’s like DAoC, but for the WoW crowd.

Describe the Tempest in 3 Words

in Elementalist

Posted by: Taldren.7523


What The kitten.
No new gameplay.
Same old kitten.
Does not compare.
Subpar to DareDevil
Subpar to Beserker
Subpar to Chronomancer
Subpar to Reaper
ect ect ect

80 Elementalist (RotV), 80 Mesmer (RotV)
80 Necromancer (IRNY), 80 Guardian (IRNY)
GW2: it’s like DAoC, but for the WoW crowd.

(edited by Taldren.7523)

Elementalist and Burning

in Elementalist

Posted by: Taldren.7523


In other words you don’t know what the hell you are talking about because you didn’t read. Great, so this is just contrived ignorant nonsense because you literally have no idea what you are talking about.

Thanks Obama.

LOL. I read your pseudo intellectual vomit just fine. But, you’ll have to excuse me while I flush it, because that’s all that whining was good for.

Reading a bit of teaser information is not empirical proof of anything, must less comparing that hazy bit of information with whats already in play. There are still far too many unknowns. And, solid data in play is STILL subject to change as the design evolves. So basically you’re crying about spilled milk before the cup even touches the table.

That’s why its contrived nonsense. That’s why its flushed.

And again you prove your ignorance. The post is about condition builds where elementalists have none that are viable. Burning is the only real condition we have, thus “Elementalists and burning”. What the hell this has to do with what your oblivious tangent, I have no idea. Warriors have one now, and look to get an even better one in the future. Right now every class has a viable condition build … we get D/D sustain where after a long period of time the condition damage may eventually kill you if you don’t walk away.

kitten , read you lazy bastage.

As for the burning abilities themselves … they are also pretty lame considering the range and secondary benefits provided other classes. The only exception is Burning Speed.
FlameStrike, Dragon Tooth, Flame Burst – all lolz

80 Elementalist (RotV), 80 Mesmer (RotV)
80 Necromancer (IRNY), 80 Guardian (IRNY)
GW2: it’s like DAoC, but for the WoW crowd.

(edited by Taldren.7523)

D/D ele: which nerfs?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Taldren.7523


The fire specialization is the main culprit.

—One of the damage multipliers needs to go, from either Pyromancer’s training or Burning Rage. Sorry PvE eles, but you’re unbalanced too.

—Blinding Ashes ICD increased to 8 seconds. It now has an individual ICD per target.

—Burning Fire. Cantrips no longer grant Might on use. They now increase your burning duration for x seconds.

From Water:

—Soothing Disruption: Cantrips no longer grant regeneration. They now increase your healing power for x seconds.

Some dagger main-hand skills need some shaves too:

—Drake’s Breath total burn stacks reduced to 3.

—Ring of Fire’s burn stacks reduced to 2.

—Lightning Whip’s damage reduced by 10%.

Some much needed improvements too:

—Greatly improved the fluidity of the Magnetic Leap animation.

—Reduced the after-cast of Ring of earth.

—You can now move while channeling Churning Earth, although you move 50% slower and you stop to deliver the final blow, like with Guardian’s Symbol of Wrath (GS skill 4).

—Vapor Blade now applies 2 stacks of vulnerability each hit.

—Impale’s cast time reduced to ½s.

—Dragon’s Claw damage per proyectile increased by 10%.

If fire specialization was the main culprit Staff and Scepter/Focus would be equally powerful and it isn’t. All your other changes make zero sense and look to be more of a “I hate elementalist” post rather than any sort of constructive feedback. The problem is limited to D/D and the abuse of Cleansing Fire … both of which I addressed above.

How can Scepter and Staff be equally powerful if they have an entirely different set of skills? You lost me with your logic there (plase, don’t make me explain this further).
Also, how can I be an ele hater when I’m currently maining one? What the hell? I’m just, out of words by now.
And what Cleansing Fire abuse? Do you really honestly think if Cleasing Fire was entirely removed from the game (and the respective trait), D/D cele ele would be balanced all of a sudden? Get real.

D/D Eles became extremely strong the moment they could spec into fire while retaining full traits on arcana and water, we all know that by now. You have to nerf somewhere. Besides the damage multiplier on fire (damage reduction on fire is needed in my opinion), my changes would have 0 effect on PvE ele builds and very little effect on either scepter (scepter eles spec into fresh air, so they don’t take fire) nor staff eles (which usually take earth).

Cantrips alone overshadow any other utilities the ele has, by far, they are already the best choice on their own, but once you trait them, it’s just totally overkill. The trait sinergy is just too strong.

Regarding dagger skills, Lightning Whip hits extremely hard with celestial, the base damage coheficient of this AA is definetly a little too high and the burn stacks on RoF and DB are just over the top for how easy they apply such a poweful condition.

Concerning the rest, if we are going to be nerfing, may as well propose some QoL changes too.

I can’t believe I had to reply to this, I thought what I wrote was self-explanatory.

You said that the fire specialization was the source of the issue. Does Staff and Scepter somehow lose access to fire attunement that would utilize said specialization?? No. Do you get, now, why your argument makes no sense? And if you don’t think removing 10% damge from an already low dps fire staff and scepter doesn’t affect them you are out of your mind. Losing the might on cantrip and the blind affects Staff/Scepter MORE than dagger given how slow the attacks are on those weapons. Removal of Regen on cantrip … you do realize we are the low armor low hitpoint class of the game, right? Scepter/Staff doesn’t exactly bounce all over the place like D/D can. The loss of mobility means little things like losing freaking regen is a big deal. In fact, losing the synergy is a big freaking deal too for the same reason.

80 Elementalist (RotV), 80 Mesmer (RotV)
80 Necromancer (IRNY), 80 Guardian (IRNY)
GW2: it’s like DAoC, but for the WoW crowd.

D/D ele: which nerfs?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Taldren.7523


The fire specialization is the main culprit.

—One of the damage multipliers needs to go, from either Pyromancer’s training or Burning Rage. Sorry PvE eles, but you’re unbalanced too.

—Blinding Ashes ICD increased to 8 seconds. It now has an individual ICD per target.

—Burning Fire. Cantrips no longer grant Might on use. They now increase your burning duration for x seconds.

From Water:

—Soothing Disruption: Cantrips no longer grant regeneration. They now increase your healing power for x seconds.

Some dagger main-hand skills need some shaves too:

—Drake’s Breath total burn stacks reduced to 3.

—Ring of Fire’s burn stacks reduced to 2.

—Lightning Whip’s damage reduced by 10%.

Some much needed improvements too:

—Greatly improved the fluidity of the Magnetic Leap animation.

—Reduced the after-cast of Ring of earth.

—You can now move while channeling Churning Earth, although you move 50% slower and you stop to deliver the final blow, like with Guardian’s Symbol of Wrath (GS skill 4).

—Vapor Blade now applies 2 stacks of vulnerability each hit.

—Impale’s cast time reduced to ½s.

—Dragon’s Claw damage per proyectile increased by 10%.

If fire specialization was the main culprit Staff and Scepter/Focus would be equally powerful and it isn’t. All your other changes make zero sense and look to be more of a “I hate elementalist” post rather than any sort of constructive feedback. The problem is limited to D/D and the abuse of Cleansing Fire … both of which I addressed above.

80 Elementalist (RotV), 80 Mesmer (RotV)
80 Necromancer (IRNY), 80 Guardian (IRNY)
GW2: it’s like DAoC, but for the WoW crowd.

D/D ele: which nerfs?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Taldren.7523


Ok. I thought about it for the day and this is what I came up with:

1. Change Cleansing Fire to cause 1 burn per condition removed (max 3) instead of a flat 3 burn stacks.
2. Reduce Ring of Fire (Dagger 4) to 1 stack of burn from 3.
3. Increase Firewall (Focus 4) to 2 stacks of burn from 1.
Evaluate … if it is still too powerful:
4. Reduce the burning stacks on Dragons Breath to 2 from 4 (every other pulse causes burning).

80 Elementalist (RotV), 80 Mesmer (RotV)
80 Necromancer (IRNY), 80 Guardian (IRNY)
GW2: it’s like DAoC, but for the WoW crowd.