All PvE in this game is based soley off DPS as stated prior.
It’s a VERY VERY VERY simplistic combat system and design.
The entire model also rewards those who do as much damage as possible as fast as possible.
Once again look at the latest living story if you need proof.
What type of player do you people honestly think a shallow design like this will attract?
I’d say simplistic AI, but you say tomato…
Okay because soooo many people seem to have addresses my post on improving improving dodge by making it more mechanically and visually varied, with ‘No mo particle ’ffects’.
A) I did not say only particle affects, but animations. Simple fact, nobody plays this game and says “Oh look, did you see that dodge roll! It was exactly the same as the one six seconds before it, and the one six seconds before that, and the ten million I’ve done and seen since launch!”
B) We already know the existing particle affects and animations are being worked on. Putting more in for better and more varied telegraphs, and the efficacy of the current ones, are two completely unrelated issues. This is a non-argument.
Just because they are “working” on it, doesn’t mean that massive particle effects doesn’t make it difficult to see telegraphs.
I’m pretty sure Kai’s guide is just beserkers gear.
Just retrait to something like 10 (III)/20 (II,IV) /0/25(II, VIII)/15 (III?) or 10/30/0/30/0 for dungeons.
These phantasm builds are great for dungeons, but less good in the open world where your aren’t focusing a single target.
Non-sexy medium armor…. um… all of them, except maybe the cultural stuff.
That sounds flip, but really I don’t see the problem in the medium category. It’s all trenchcoats and hats.
A little while ago I wrote on the lfg quite explicitly:
“Zerk + scholar runes only, experienced only, full clear”.
I got someone with rampager gear and scholar runes. I got a mesmer with eagle runes. I got a warrior with baelfire runes. The obligatory mesmer with their traveler rune set. the obligatory warrior with ruby orbs. I had to tell them all to leave. So it’s not entirely the LFG’s fault, there are people who literally don’t even read the LFGs, so it would (although possibly wrong) be a fairly reasonable assumption for me to make that the OP could have even joined a group without fully understanding the description. If they joined something which just said something like “lfm p2”, entered and then got gear checked, then sure, the LFG didn’t specify it (they should have) but at that point they can just say well okay, I don’t fit your criteria I’ll drop party.
Pugs are pugs. They will never read the LFG, you will always get people who don’t pay attention and no amount of irritation will change that. I have a friend who posted “LFG beginner’s run, no skipping” and then got a warrior who berated the entire group for not stacking in the right place and not skipping trash mobs.
That’s the nature of random selection in a LFG group. Which is why I think it’s useless to argue about it and pointless to get upset about it.
There’s nothing elitist about that. What’s elitist is demanding that everyone who isn’t as good as you or doesn’t know as much as you stay off of the LFG tool.As I’ve said before pugs are pugs. Why don’t the “elitist” join a guild and run with them? There are speed running guilds out there, just don’t ask them for help with a jumping puzzle.
Even in the original post there’s no hint of anyone telling the OP to stay off the LFG. The OP is simply mad about the amount of LFGs asking for a certain amount of AP or a certain level. I personally (just like many people here), don’t see anything wrong with it, because the OP is free to start his own LFG. This topic for the most part is just a friendly discussion.
Yeah, I’m probably defensive. I’ve read too many posts that say “run full zerkers or you’re bad” or “s/p, s/f or you’re bad”.
I don’t see what’s elitist about wanting to run dungeons well and getting the most out of your character. Join a guild, read some guides, and start your own special snowflake groups. Others who did the work are under no obligation to teach you.
There’s nothing elitist about that. What’s elitist is demanding that everyone who isn’t as good as you or doesn’t know as much as you stay off of the LFG tool.
I’ve never once seen someone say “stay off the lfg tool because you’re bad”. I’ve seen “read my description it says I want x and x and x and you do not fit that criteria, don’t join groups that have requirements you can’t fill”. So in your words, there aren’t elitists in gw2.
@your second bit you edited in after:
Why don’t casual non speed runners do the same?
Because the lfg tool is for everyone, and that’s why there is a spot for descriptions
I do. I don’t pug. I run with guild members or I don’t run.
The purpose of every company is to extract the maximum possible amount out of their customers. If the Chinese are more willing to pay than the U.S., or willing to pay for different things, expect the company to cater to that market.
Just because it doesn’t fly here doesn’t mean it won’t fly there.
I don’t see what’s elitist about wanting to run dungeons well and getting the most out of your character. Join a guild, read some guides, and start your own special snowflake groups. Others who did the work are under no obligation to teach you.
There’s nothing elitist about that. What’s elitist is demanding that everyone who isn’t as good as you or doesn’t know as much as you stay off of the LFG tool.
As I’ve said before pugs are pugs. Why don’t the “elitist” join a guild and run with them? There are speed running guilds out there, just don’t ask them for help with a jumping puzzle.
I think the skill of the average player is fine. I’ve never run anything with people who are as bad as people here are pretending.
Most people dodge. Few people use consumables in PvE. But most use then in WvW. Frankly, they aren’t necessary to steamroll most of the content.
The skill gap from one player to another in this game can be immense. However, you only notice as you become more skilled and start playing will very skilled people. The lions share of this community thinks they’re skilled, but aren’t.
Yep, that would be me.
I think the skill of the average player is fine. I’ve never run anything with people who are as bad as people here are pretending.
Most people dodge. Few people use consumables in PvE. But most use then in WvW. Frankly, they aren’t necessary to steamroll most of the content.
Your missing the point. Nothing is neccessary. Theres a video of a level 35 engineer, solo’ing Spider Queen from AC. There are videos of no armor dungeon runs. There are surely tons of videos of people beating hard content with no consumables.
Does it mean you should do that because its not needed to faceroll or beat the content?
No it doesnt.We do it for efficieny, if everyone was like you, things would take 2x as long and even if your not playing for Min/Maxing and a casual player, spending 50 copper on a potion, and 1 silver on food, isnt really a big deal.
You can do anything, you can run 5 Longbow rangers and beat any dungeon. Again, should you?
Just because its not “Do this or fail” Doesnt mean its the correct way, especially when playing with others.
I don’t think I misunderstood. The topic is about a “noob bubble”. I don’t think there are many noobs or that not using consumables make a difference. Most players are fine. Not optimal, but much better than “noobs.”
If, one the other hand, people think that because I won’t use a bowl of sweet and spicy butternut squash soup for AC path 3, I’m a noob… sigh. Ok.
I think the skill of the average player is fine. I’ve never run anything with people who are as bad as people here are pretending.
Most people dodge. Few people use consumables in PvE. But most use then in WvW. Frankly, they aren’t necessary to steamroll most of the content.
Not a lot. While I think the living story is an interesting idea, I think that the quality of the content was below what I would expect from an expansion. My favorite part was the bazaar with the crystals, but I don’t think even that has lots of staying power.
I think elitists show up everywhere.
A guild mate of mine creates LFG requests that say something like “LFG beginner’s run, experts not welcome” in order to find a group of like minded people who want to experience the dungeon. Or alternatively, “LFG, I have 1k AP, if that’s not ok don’t join”
You will fill up your group plenty fast.
My first choice would be none. Stick to a main. Get a legendary. Have lots of gold. If one the other hand, you are opposed to gold and BiS gear then I recommend Guardian. Very different from the Mesmer and one of the best classes in the game.
Enjoy being broke.
And this is why WvW, PvE, and PvP will never be properly balanced.
Don’t. Honestly the game will get better if people don’t play zerggy content. Of course, most people like it so zerg away.
IMO, no. It’s not worth playing again. The game was much more exciting a year ago when you quit than it is now. Skills have been watered down and strategies perfected. The excitement and energy of 2012-2013 is long gone.
Maybe, but every class has weaknesses that people can comment on. My only point is your collective obsession with secrecy (which does not appear elsewhere) may actually be hurting you.
Good idea, as long as I’m not tempted to develop them. lol.
Honestly, I wonder how much is it that ele’s need a buff and how much is it that no one in this forum shares or discusses builds. If you look at other forums all the other classes combine collective experience to maximize their collective success.
Here everyone is secretive and wants to keep what they know to themselves. There may be a build out there that’s competitive but only one guys knows it. Or maybe no one knows it, but three guys each have a piece.
I´d support this idea if they make every ascended item 15 times more expensive to craft.
I don’t think this game needs any more grind. The current amount is plenty.
Decided to delete them both.
Good point. The boon duration builds use 2 water, 2 monk, and 2 travelers. But, Anet is in the process of revamping the runes specifically because of this kind of thing. There will (in a month or so) be a rune set specifically for boon duration.
You can use them anywhere. But I’m not sure it’s a good idea. I don’t know about soloing dungeons, but most speedrunners recommend runes of the scholar. They are much cheaper. (they also recommend full berserker gear)
Generally, travelers runes are good if you want the 25% speed buff and don’t want to use a utility slot. IMO (but I don’t know), this is less important in dungeons where you can run by mobs using swiftness.
Why is deleting a ranger an easy choice?
For me it was an easy choice. That doesn’t mean it would be an easy choice for everyone. Here are my reasons, but they won’t serve to a) help anyone else pick a class or b) provide fuel for a “rangers are useless” argument.
With respect to the ranger, I had a condition beastmaster with apothecary gear. I basically copied one of Xsorsus’s builds, cause he’s more clever than I am.
I deleted him because
1. The character was great for small group roaming, but not very good in a zerg and not very good for PvE content. I recently changed servers, and here a “small group” is 10-15. So the ranger didn’t have a place without a respec and new equipment.
2. Because he was a condition build, I had held off getting ascended gear for him . (Condition based builds benefit the least from ascended gear). So I didn’t feel like I was throwing away a month of work.
3. The only unique crafting skill the ranger had was huntsman, and I can live without that.
I was about to buy a whole new set of gear. Then I realized that if I had just focused on one character (instead of, I would probably have a legendary and all the gear I could want instead of constantly scraping by. Earn gold -> spend gold. Get laurels -> spend laurels. Get guild commendations -> spend guild commendations. Get dungeon tokens -> spend dungeon tokens. I’m always out of funds.
I decided to focus on one character, but unforunately, my crafting skills aren’t going to let me. I have a guardian with arms and artificer at 500, so he has to stay. A warrior with armorsmithing at 500 so she has to stay. A mesmer with tailor at 467 and cooking at 400 so she stays (for now). And a thief with jewel crafting at 400 and letherworking at 500 and map completion, so he stays.
I considered camping the level 80 at a jumping puzzle or node farming, but really I wanted to get rid of the temptation to spend gold on the character.
Before anyone jumps on my for complaining, I’m not. I’m just trying to figure out the best way to navigate the game as it is. Right now, I think the best thing to do is have very few characters. Preferably one.
I understand about the birthday gifts. The problem is that I’m trying to revitalize my interest in the game. No QQ here, I just know that having characters I can’t outfit makes me sad (for lack of a better term). I don’t like games that make me sad. So that’s why some of them have to go.
I figure if I get down to 4 that will be good.
I’m going to reduce the number of characters I have on my account. So far I’ve deleted a mesmer (duplicate class) and a ranger (easy choice). I’m trying to decide between deleting my necro or my elementalist.
Which do people think is better to get rid of.
6, down from 8. Soon to be 5.
I don’t care about dungeon elitists. I think the “zerker only” attitude is the reason that the critical damage nerf is inbound (basically you were mean to everyone so they are nerfing you).
However, to me, the problem isn’t the “zerker only” mentality, it’s that you can beat the content with a zerker only mentality. And bosses with big hits aren’t the solution, they just reinforce the problem. There is no reason to bring defense when any hit is going to flatten you.
That being said. To the OP: Don’t use LFG. Join Death and Taxes (or another speed run group) and leave everyone else alone.
(edited by TooBz.3065)
well, that’s what you get for gambling.
those people who have 8 legendaries and full ascended are probably 0.1% or even 1% of the entire population of the game. You only hear about them because they’re the most interesting to listen to, but the fact is, that over 95% of people are merely average players like you and me, who will gamble 6000g on the toilet to get no precursors, who will open 5000 bag of alliance supplies to never see anything beyond a rare, and who will spend 4 months grinding for a legendary when the guy next to him gets his legendary in 2 weeks, etc…
don’t fret, just because you’re not part of the 1% doesn’t mean you’re not good. I would love nothing more than to be part of that 1% that has so much prestige, but at one point you consider whether investing so much in a game is worth it or not.
IMO there’s a problem with any game that attempts to instill a work ethic.
I don’t mind DR, I do mind DR when there is really only one viable endgame zone (Frostgorge Sound).
If the rewards for Orr weren’t so bad and it wasn’t so annoying to be there, I may use it too.
But even with better loot and less irritating traversal it still would be an ugly zone.
There is more than just zerkers involved. Yes, if you were all zerker’s before you will be all zerker afterwards, but if you play WvW you probably aren’t.
The balance between valkyrie, cavalier, knights, soldiers, ‘of the knight’, celestial, and assassins is all shifting. And these are the ones where people’s choices are likely to change.
But what the hey. Grind away. It’s only another 3 months to replace the stuff, right?
Of all the things that are sub-optimal about this game, that isn’t even close to being on my list.
Cause Healing Signet and ultra high stats. With full zerk u can get 3k armour 20k hp tell me thats not op.
It’s also not true.
Oh one addendum. Even if I limit the choices to Berserker, Assassin, Valkyrie, Soldier, Knight and Cavalier for weapons and armor and Berserker, Assassin, Zerk/Valk, Solder, Knight, Cavalier, and Of-the Knight for trinkets, for the same 1 weapon, head, shoulders, body, legs, amulet, 1 ring, 1 trinket, and 1 backpiece there remain over 18 million combinations.
May someone fill me in how GW2 is grind based?
Ascended Gear and its crafting, Yakslapper, “kill 1000 giants” . . . Legendaries . . . these are generally the go-to examples.
Those come up all the time true, these are aspects of the game they are not what the game is based on. For example you do not need giant kill to do anything else in the game. I personally have 500 in all the weapon crafting and I am not going to make any ascended weapons. I could like anyone else in the game make a legendary, I have absolutely no desire to do so. What parts of the game can’t I participate in?
Do we have to do this everytime ascended comes up? For some people, having BiS gear is viewed (correctly or incorrectly) as a necessity to participate in the highest level of play (in PvE and WvW).
For example, if you want to get the fastest dungeon speed run you have to have the best gear. If you want to be the most effective (individually) in WvW you have to have the best gear.
As to why the grind for the gear is unbearable…
There are billions of possible combinations of gear in the game. (I know, it’s hard to believe, but do the math, weapons and armor have 19 possible choices each, accessories and back items have 14 each)… even just looking at two handed weapon, head, shoulders, body, legs, amulet, 1 ring, 1 trinket, and a back item I got 95 billion possibilities. Yes, some of them are less intelligent and counter productive, but they are there.
Ascended gear is fine for PvE where only 1 of those combinations matter. But in WvW, it’s irritating and frustrating to be limited to 1 set when there are so many possibilities to explore.
Nice video. I remember when the game was that new for me. Enjoy!
Yes we are all aware how this process is going to pan out. My direct problem is that this is another Waaaaaah ascended sucks do something thread.
I dislike the gear as well, but I don’t make a stupid kittening post every time I feel kitten
I think this issue of how difficult it is to switch builds is a reasonable thing to discuss. We’ve only just had ascended armor and weapons long enough for people to realize what a pain in the keister it’s going to be. Can still have vertical progression and also have some reasonable ability to change your mind without waiting another three months.
Just curious how its going to work when all of the Runes
get changed (I believe next week?). For those who don’t know,
many of the early bonuses will be at the 5-6 piece to prevent
mixing and matching.Assuming many of us will have to re-rune our armor, do
we just save over the old ones and lose out? Is it too
much to ask to de-rune our armor come patch?It wont change next patch but the feature patch after that, while Anet will take a short break between those 2.
And i doubt that you will get a free extraction of your runes because its way too easy to exploit such a feature. To get your runes back 100% you need to use a Black Lion Salvage Kit, which generates gem sales for Anet. I am sure that some people will post that Anet changes all runesets in order to sell more of them but thats not the case.
Unless, of course, your armor isn’t salvagable.
Try entering the chantry of secrets and coming out again. That worked for me, for some strange reason.
as I said, I’ve tried doing that :P
Sorry, I should read more closely.
Why do people insist on posting these topics still? Anet has already begun to address the issue with ascended/ vertical progression directly with a CDI. Regardless of what your views on it are, its not providing constructive criticism.
Because people are slowly starting to realize what a colossal pain in the kitten it is to have alts in a game where a gear set takes a highest level character months to obtain?
or alternatively, because this has been going on for over a year without any sign of progress?
Try entering the chantry of secrets and coming out again. That worked for me, for some strange reason.
While I don’t think making TP items account bound is the answer. I think the TP has a huge perception problem among the player base. Someone should probably consider how to change that.
wouldn’t it be easier if they just made it so you could trade ascended trinkets back for laurels(less than it cost of course)?
Yeah, except that at the current “vendor” prices they would probably give you less than 5 laurels for an amulet, which would not help this particular issue at all. Instead it would just be insulting.
Hi there. I think it would be great if we could exchange unwanted ascended items for wanted ascended items for a fee.
For example, suppose I have an amulet that worked on an old build, but I don’t use anymore. The only option I currently have is to wait, wait, wait until I get laurels for a new amulet. This is both boring and frustrating.
Instead, why not set up a vendor who buys old amulets and gives you an amulet token. The amulet token + 1g (or whatever) can be used to buy a new amulet. The token solution is to avoid the ridiculously long listing for each possible combination of amulets.
Funny how some of these players posts in the Ranger development. How many of you actually play the class in game? and how many of you are just posting ideas from what you hear in game about the class? Cause I read some of your proposals and concerns, most don’t even make sense. One of the ridiculous posts…
make Ranger pets like Guardian spirit weapons so that they’re invulnerable
………. ok
Play? No. Played? Yes. I bet there are more former rangers and any other profession.
Specific Gameplay Mode: WvW
Proposed Overview: Overhaul pet attacks. Each pet gets 1 to 4 attacks, assigned to the f1, f2, f3, and f4 keys.
Goal of Proposal: Eliminate the rangers dependence on questionable AI without losing the flavor or the ranger.
proposed functionality: Give each pet predetermined attacks. Assign these attacks to the function keys (instant cast). They pet does not otherwise attack. This allows the ranger to better control the skills the pet uses and increases the responsiveness of the pet. Additionally, because the pet skills are now active, it removes the passive nature of the rangers attack. Other skills can be balanced accordingly.
Associated Risks: Pets won’t tank for the ranger.
Just link your build on one of the editors
Something like this is very very close.