Don’t level the alt. There’s really no reason to level another character unless you have a lot of gold just burning a hole in your pocket.
Run around Orr by yourself for a while. Try to take out some of the events there (not just the temples). It’s difficult (at least for me). Mostly because the risen just keep coming.
Alt friendly or no, you could also see this as a way for people who enjoy the leveling process (naturally of course) to make a little gold. Create a toon, level to 80 in the world, and then cash him/her in for some amount of gold.
Here is the reason why the manifesto was abandoned.
“Nexon acquires 15% stake in NCsoft”
“Guild Wars 2 team hires Nexon employee as cash shop manager, changes already apparent”As much as I dislike Nexon, GW2’s original Manifesto is still intact. Having appealing Gem Store items doesn’t change anything, since you can buy everything without spending any real world money on this game.
Ok, in general, I think manifesto discussions are counter productive. But I think that any complete discussion needs to look at what ArenaNet said, what they implied, and what people inferred.
These things may all be different. IMO, what ArenaNet said and what they intentionally implied are all part of the manifesto. I also think that what people inferred is also reasonably part of the manifesto insofar as ArenaNet should have known people thought that and they didn’t do anything to correct the inference.
re: Crystin Cox, it’s absurd to criticize a B2P game that owes its continued success to gameplay monetization for hiring an experience monetization manager. I believe she was hired because she has experience in bringing in the kind of revenue that GW2 needs in order to continue to run servers and deliver a reasonable profit. She was not a plant, she’s one of the few people who knows how to do this.
I don’t understand how anything you said relates to the manifesto.
This was in response to the OP, who is complaining about the Manifesto’s “no grind” quote. There is no required grind in GW2. I gave an example of how players misunderstand the Manifesto.
Ah, for once I agree with you. I found two quotes that seem relevant to grinding in the manifesto.
So if you love MMORPGs, you should check out Guild Wars 2. But if you hate traditional MMORPGs, then you should really check out Guild Wars 2. Because, like Guild Wars before it, GW2 doesn’t fall into the traps of traditional MMORPGs. It doesn’t suck your life away and force you onto a grinding treadmill; it doesn’t make you spend hours preparing to have fun rather than just having fun; and of course, it doesn’t have a monthly fee.
As long as your ok with being sub-optimal this is true. They don’t gate you to force you keep up with the Jones.
It all gets back to our basic design philosophy. Our games aren’t about preparing to have fun, or about grinding for a future fun reward. Our games are designed to be fun from moment to moment.
Nothing about ascended gear is fun, so no contradiction there.
I think the complaint is a general whine that this game is not the game that ANet implied they were making. A lot of people made inferences and got their hopes up for something that didn’t happen and now they are looking for an explanation of what happened. But there is none and will be none.
For most people, when we don’t deliver on expectations there is an accounting. But what most people don’t seem understand is that ANet is really only accountable to their shareholders. As long as they make the expected profit things are good, if they aren’t making the expected profit then things are bad and they need to explain.
This is just another QQ thread from players who don’t understand what the original Manifesto was.
There is no grind required in this game. None. Here’s how it works:
Player A – I want these awesome new Ascended armors. I need these to be the best player in game!
Player B – Me too! Let’s start making the gear.
Player A – (looks at required mats) Wow! So much time gates! This is a grind…
*1 month later
Player A – I now have my full set of Ascended gear! Time to PvP someone in the WvW Boarderlands.
Player C – I only have Exotic gear. Let’s 1 vs 1.
*5 minutes later
Player A – How did I lose to you??? I have full BiS gear!
Player C – I have skill.Moral of the story. Ascended gear is not required to play this game, nor does it make you a better player. It’s BiS end game content that you aim for. It’s a goal you set for yourself, and not something that you can just get on a whim. You put in the efforts to gather/buy the materials needed, and you’re rewarded with BiS gear. By doing so, you make the choice to “grind”. Anet doesn’t force that on you.
I don’t understand how anything you said relates to the manifesto.
Since this game isn’t getting any more alt-friendly, why not let us “sell” our level 80 characters for some amount of gold?
I don’t mean sell to another player, but have a way to delete the character and get back some of our investment so that we can focus on a single main.
(edited by TooBz.3065)
The game needs some type of progression to be rewarded for playing or it wouldn’t even be a game. If not everyone would start at level 80 and have max gear. Sorry there needs to be some type of challenge and progression in a MMO, you cant always have everything here and now.
You don’t need progression, you need an objective. For example, chess, checkers, bridge, baseball, backgammon, Life, four square, volleyball, euchre, hearts, Settlers of Catan, Rook, Sorry, Boggle, Apples to Apples, Uno, Clue, Monopoly, Mousetrap,
Yahtzee, Bejeweled, Peggle …
I don’t understand why
Common -> Fine -> Masterwork -> Rare -> Exotic -> Legendary….
is not a gear treadmill, but..Common -> Fine -> Masterwork -> Rare -> Exotic -> Ascended -> Legendary
is a gear treadmill?Why? because it takes more than a handful of hours to get?
I don’t understand the logic of that… Treadmill implies never ending, they planned on adding ascended gear very early in the game and are not adding anymore tiers.
Its just seems people like to complain when they can’t be instantly gratified and might have to actually put some time into something. Then proceed to make inflated claims to try to get their way.
Ascended gear is a new addition, the other tiers existed at launch.
You can’t tell if you’re on a path or a treadmill until the ground starts to move. Adding any additional tier may be a lengthening of the path or the start of a treadmill. And really, what’s the difference.
There’s a lot here, but, in case it wasn’t mentioned, a lot of “horizontal” progression items trip over each other. For example, if you want a new skill you spend a large number of skill points, which impacts your ability to get bloodstone shards for a legendary. At the margins, you have to pick one or the other.
I think horizontal progression would be better if you could pursue multiple paths at the same time.
Well, an important part of progression is the ability to choose. If you decide to invest in a legendary, you are likely to miss out on other things. At the same time, if you invest in other things, a legendary might be unreachable.
If everyone pursues multiple paths at the same time, then the hardcore players will soon be done, while the more casual players still have goals to reach. On the other hand, if we have to choose between the paths, then the hardcore player will be busy for a while to get all of the things, while the casual player will make a choice and decide on what is worth his time.
That said, you make a good point and I do think that skill point unlocking is rather dull.
But to progress in all directions at the same time, I don’t think that would be the best way to do it. The choices define our characters.
Choices are good. I didn’t mean to imply that I wanted to be able to pursue everything. But I do think having a single gating currency is a bad idea. Whether it’s obsidian shards (for the VP) or skill points (for the limited HP to date). Instead, I’d rather have flavors, things that could actually bridge the gap and be obtained during the legendary hunt without really setting you back too far.
Also, regarding the hardcore player, watching Nike get a full set of ascended armor the day it came out makes me think that you just can’t slow down the hardcore, no matter how much you try.
Edit: 2, for example, a hardcore player has enough skill points for both the bloodstone shard and the healing skill.
(edited by TooBz.3065)
There’s a lot here, but, in case it wasn’t mentioned, a lot of “horizontal” progression items trip over each other. For example, if you want a new skill you spend a large number of skill points, which impacts your ability to get bloodstone shards for a legendary. At the margins, you have to pick one or the other.
I think horizontal progression would be better if you could pursue multiple paths at the same time.
A manifesto isn’t a promise, but it is supposed to be a meaningful statement about someone’s core intentions. Abruptly departing from a public manifesto rightfully causes people to question the integrity of a person doing so.
People unhappy with the way things turned out want to make a manifesto some sort of contract, and people who are happy want to water it down to something meaningless. The truth is somewhere between them.
To me, this is the crux of the matter. You can parse the wording all you want but what they said, what they meant, what they let people believe, and what they did all matter. But none of it was set in stone or contractual.
Anyway, label it how you want, I am not at all offended by GW2 cash → gems → gold conversion or it’s gold → gems conversion. I don’t feel pressured to spend cash for gold, gold is easy enough to come by.
Obsidian shards to make ascended or a legendary.
Ascended recipes cost 21000 for each insignia.
Karma gain has been seriously nerfed, so expect future gain to be slow.
I agree that, as implemented, RNG is a problem. It’s not a problem for the economy, it’s a problem from the stand point of player fun. I would appreciate any mechanism that spread the wealth a bit.
BUT (and this is huge) the problem is, the more you get, the more you want. Before the magic find change I would get all blues and greens. I thought “man, if I could get rares once in a while that would be great”. Now I get rares on a semi-regular basis, maybe 2-3 a night. And I’m thinking “man, if I could just get exotics to drop more often.”
I run dungeons, do jumping puzzles, participate the guild missions, wvw, the do some of the living story. It’s all fun because (and only because) I do it with friends.
You can Google pay to win…..
Start with that……
I d say you will find most of that described in those articles as part of GW2.
What is needed to get the best gear?
GOLDHow much? really a lot.
You can get gold via real money that is alone pay to win.
AKA being able to have advantage over Others paying real money
So WoW that has a huge goldseller problem is not pay to win, while ANet which chose to monetize that which is happening anyway is P2W? Also Diable 3 was P2W until recently?
Also, I thought P2W was a system where you had to pay if you wanted to win, not that you could use cash to obtain gold.
The only way I think people can call this game P2W is by redefining winning to be obtaining stuff from the gem store. The entire game can be played from start to “finish” without a single gem store item.
Re agony. The +5 you can buy in the fractals bring you to either +40 or +70 (depending on whether armor pieces have an infusion slot). Which is plenty for doing the available fractal levels.
(edited by TooBz.3065)
No. Find another game to play instead.
I personally believe that the game needs a healthy dose of vertical and horizontal progression. It should not be so polarized towards either of the two.
It should be polarized towards horizontal. As of now they haven’t done any horizontal progression since launch. I haven’t seen a single new armor set that wasn’t being sold to us for real money. The game was marketed as a horizontal progression game. Then Anet backhanded us and added ascended gear adding vertical progression. It was a wicked blow to the people who bought the game for a game that didn’t force you to run the treadmill. Most of us got over it, a lot of us left. To add even more vertical progression with content that requires the next best thing to do (fractals, now with absurd agony requirements and increasingly expensive agony infusions that require the use of an insane gold sink) would be another injustice. On top of completely ignoring the fact that vertical progression doesn’t belong in the game, even if the player base agrees it should Anet still has yet to do any horizontal progression at all.
Anet’s priorities are in all the wrong places. This is going off topic for a moment but I haven’t even been able to complete my main’s personal story because the path I chose is still bugged over a year after launch. I’ve reported the bug several times since I first tried it.
They haven’t done none. They’ve added back piece skins, shoulder piece skins, aquabreather skins (I think). They also added two new healing skills. Those are all horizontal progression. It’s all been relatively easy to achieve and not very interesting. But you can’t say there has been none.
One thing I’ve seen repeated here is the desire for a guarantee that content will not increase in difficulty with ascended gear, and therefore it will remain optional.
I think that once you introduce more powerful gear, an increase in difficulty is inevitable.
If players get more powerful gear then the game becomes easier.
If the game becomes easier players complain that it’s too easy.
If players complain that it’s too easy ANet will provide more challenging content.
The content will probably not be gated (like agony) but the game will get harder to compensate for the increased power of the characters.
I don’t think there will ever been build diversity. Too many people (myself included) just seem to follow whatever the majority is doing. As the majority shifts, so do we.
Short answer, yes. IMO, the economy has inflated and DE have not kept up.
Because I spent hundreds of dollars here and I have a right to voice my thoughts. That’s why I still post. And I actually LIKED the game the first few months after release.
I don’t see where Hjorje or anyone else is questioning your right to voice your opinion. I think he, as do I, find it strange that you cannot move on if you dislike the game so much. Even if you did spend that much on the game, no one forced you to spend the money beyond the game price.
It just feels like you are here to provoke other posters who disagree with you. I might appreciate what you have to say, but you are so unnecessarily confrontational.
I don’t think it’s strange at all. There has been NOTHING to come out this year that’s worth your time. Without a good distraction there’s nothing to do but stew. It may not be healthy, but I’ve seen many people not get over an ex until they found someone new.
Thank you very much, both of your input has helped me. Upgrading weapons and armor with runes and sigils is something most beneficial at level 80, correct?
I’ve been salvaging everything I can’t use thusfar, and have 23% magic find, along with a bunch of random runes. Should I be trying to keep these runes in the bank for level 80? I don’t know how rare or hard to find/make runes is.
My bank and inventory is already hard to manage and keep small so I have to get rid of things that aren’t that important, but don’t know what is worth it and what isn’t. I have many minor runes and sigils and have been thinking of just tossing them on the items I currently use, or selling them, but would hate to regret doing that if I should wait until 80.As far as crafting goes- I am currently trying to do jewelry and huntsman. I don’t have a problem switching anything since I’m not even level 20 on either of them. My question is this: Lets take jewelry for example- I am to craft silver filigrees for certain recipes I have unlocked, but am currently only able to craft copper junk. Do other components and refinement options open up automatically as my crafting level increases? Do I just keep crafting copper junk until I level high enough?
I always stick a sigil of bloodlust on my weapons as I’m leveling up. A minor one until level 39 and a major one from level 39+. The extra power is helpful and the sigils are cheap.
Other than that it doesn’t really matter
One thing I’ve noticed in this thread is that it’s populated by specialists, people who spend all their time running dungeons, in fractals, or in WvW. They obviously push for their own agende, here’s mine.
I would like a reasonable solution for those of us who do a little bit of everything. So maybe instead of 800 badges or honor, or 1000 dungeon tokens have an option that includes 400 badges + 500 dungeon tokens. I won’t make that much difference in the long run (I’d still get two ascended items at 800 badges, and 1000 tokens) but the road would not seems so long.
Has there been another MMO this year?
Another thought, I think the acquisition of raw materials for ascended gear is too steep. If you assume I’m going to make 1 armor set (6 pieces) and 3 weapons (1 two handed, 1 main hand, and 1 offhand) then that 9 ascended items to craft. 4,500 dragonite ore which requires 150 temples. The Empyreal fragments require 225 dungeon runs.
Edit: or alternatively, make it so I don’t have to capture 550 keeps in WvW to get the necessary dragonite.
(edited by TooBz.3065)
I feel like I have to say, I wish you guys had come out with ascended gear before launch. It would have saved everyone a lot of angst.
Re speed of acquisition: If acquiring VP gear through drops is suppose to be something that’s more than just theoretical, then the drop rate should be more than minuscule. I have rarely seen exotic drops and never received an ascended drop. I play a fair amount. Therefore, for me, the drop rate doesn’t even factor into how I feel about ascended gear.
Re favorite progression systems: Mass Effect 2 was probably my favorite (not a very deep skill tree but lots of ability to use them). Dragon Age Origins was pretty good. Guild Wars 2 through the leveling process (up to level 40ish) is excellent. This is my first MMO, so I don’t know about the stuff that other games have done in this genre.
Here are a couple of thoughts. Assuming progression is tied to the character and not the account. A robust progression system is going to keep people entertained, but is going to limit their flexibility.
A flat system (like was present at launch) with the best gear and skill easily attainable encourages experimentation. Different characters, different builds. If something changes it’s no big deal, you just get new gear.
A horizontal progression system encourages focus on a single character, but is a little more open in terms of different builds. You can try out a conditionmancer and a minion master or a power build. No big deal, because the gear is easy to obtain.
A vertical progression system encourages focus on a single build type for a single character. Because the armor is relatively difficult to get, most people are only going to get one set it discourages experimentation.
Ok, thanks for answering, so I can go berserker staff? I thought it was a condition weapon just like scepter.
I would see it as useful for either. Pyro is probably better at explaining why but in general the staff gives you access to
All randomly (depending on skill). Only bleed, burning, confusion, and poison depend on condition damage.. More than half of these conditions are useful no matter what your build (or useless depending on viewpoint)
Staff also gives the following boons
Those are all independent of whether you are a condition or power build.
While I don’t have anything definitive yet, I think some aspects of the staff make a good single target power weapon. (yes, power).
Because the phantasm gets bonuses for each condition on a target, the phantasm can hit like a truck.
Testing it against vets in frostgorge, if I drop choas storm on a target and then summon the phantasm, the phantasm frequently hits for 8k damage (the warden, in contrast hits for about 6). Of course, there’s only so long you can do that.
Yeah for pve players it doesn’t matter. But I am not one of those. I fight things that hit back (real people) and when you face someone that has the same skillevel as you, and they have more stats, armor, and weapon damage, they will beat you.
If I played this game for PvE I would never even think about getting any ascended armor.
GW2 is not alt friendly for WvW players. That better?
You’re close. However, in WvW, I can be geared in all whites, and still win. There are two things that determine wins: Skill, and zerg size. Skill is far superior than gear. If you feel having a slight stat increase will guarantee you victories, you severely underestimate how good WvW players can be. As for zergs, you can run naked, and still survive.
What server are you playing on out of curiosity?
I’m on Maguuma. The #1 skilled NA server in WvW. We can go toe to toe with Black Gate, so long as we’re awake.
This explains a lot. If you think a person in white items can beat a player of equal skill in ascended items, you’re delusional…. but I already knew that from reading this post.
It’s done on a daily basis in our WvW. You’ll see the occasional Maguuman without armor standing over the downed body of enemies. You don’t need armor when you’re skilled enough to evade attacks. That’s why I say the Skill > Gear.
The rest of the story being that those dead enemies were AFK. I’m sure people frequently WvW naked and take down multiple enemies. You can’t just pull statistics out of the air either, though judging from other topics you’re also trolling for reactions, I have a feeling it’s a habit.
No. The WvW banter was a just a temporary debate on how skill is more important that gear. As for trolling, how is that so when all my arguments are based on facts? Is it because you don’t like that I’m defending Anet using valid arguments?
Whenever you have a debate where one side is backed by facts, and the other is based on pure opinion and speculation, guess which side will always win.
Um.. do you follow politics at all?
Perception > facts. If enough people see a problem with something, then there is a problem.
Also, there are needs and there are needs. See, for example, “'s_hierarchy_of_needs” you’ve picked an arbitrary level and said “this is what need means” but it’s not what need means for everyone else. Being able to functionally play the game is not enough to satisfy the “needs” of some players.
Log on, faff about, decide it’s time to log out, rush to finish my daily, wonder where the time went.
Many problems? What problems are you talking about and how could this solve it?
So let me get this straight; you want to put more stuff to hinder player’s and server’s performance….because…..why? For the heck of it? To make dungeon runs unnecessarily longer, or clearing mobs in PvE with melee weapons harder than it is?
Thanks but no thanks terrible and uncalled for change that would divert resources on Anet part and would make the game a bother to clear.
Remember what dungeons were like before people figured out stacking? Remember what WvW was like before the zergball?
Stacking makes guild wars 2 much easier. Without stacking it would be harder.
That’s all.
I think it would dramatically change the game, especially in WvW.
Assuming you are not being deliberately obtuse about viewpoints different from your own…
For me, the problem is that the imbalance between rewards offered in PvE and rewards offered in WvW shows a profound lack of respect for their WvW players. With the season 1 reward chest they had the opportunity to remedy that imbalance a little bit.
Instead, they provided rewards that felt like a slap in the face.
(edited by TooBz.3065)
Oh, thats funny, because based on the WvW guilds I have seen and fought with/against in WvW every single one plays for fun rather than rewards.
Why do you folks treat fun and rewards like they are opposing forces where you can have fun or rewards, but not both? There is no reason you cannot have fun and be rewarded at the same time.
I can go complete a world boss for a guaranteed rare, each boss, once per day, not to mention the chest full of other loot, often with another rare. Takes very little effort in most cases.
Yet something that took me 4 weeks to finish rewarded greens and a few other odds and ends. The only thing of value was the draconite ore, of which I can get the same amount doing 4-5 world bosses in one day simply by watching the timers.
Seems legit.
Oh, but fun and loot are opposing, at a certain point. Since the introduction of WXP and the ramping up of rewards we’ve seen an influx of players who are unwilling to fight, afraid to leave the zerg, and have no interest in any aspect of the game apart from capping structures. If WvW ever reaches reward parity with PvE, that will be the end of it, and there will be nothing but the zerg. After all, wasn’t that mass migration for the first couple weeks one of the main complaints about Season One?
Unless WvW play is motivated by something other than the desire for loot, all it will be is one more outpost for PvE.
Anyways, some descriptions of loot disparity in this thread are way more extreme than the reality. I was away for most of the Season and it took me a few days, at the very end of the season, to get all of the achievements. If you ranked up 50 times in WvW you assuredly got many chests, events, and loot bags in addition to the unique final rewards.
I think that the farmers in PvE want the maximum reward for the least about of time and skill. (see post above). Therefore, as long as gaining rewards in WvW is more difficult or more time consuming than running a champ train, WvW will be fine.
There’s a long way to go until it reaches that level.
Oh, thats funny, because based on the WvW guilds I have seen and fought with/against in WvW every single one plays for fun rather than rewards.
Why do you folks treat fun and rewards like they are opposing forces where you can have fun or rewards, but not both? There is no reason you cannot have fun and be rewarded at the same time.
I can go complete a world boss for a guaranteed rare, each boss, once per day, not to mention the chest full of other loot, often with another rare. Takes very little effort in most cases.
Yet something that took me 4 weeks to finish rewarded greens and a few other odds and ends. The only thing of value was the draconite ore, of which I can get the same amount doing 4-5 world bosses in one day simply by watching the timers.
Seems legit.
I agree, fun and reward do not have to be mutually exclusive. That’s just the way ANet has decided to do it.
So youre saying that PvE is designed to not be fun, but instead to be rewarding… yeah… uh huh… tell me more.
No. What I’m saying is that some things aren’t fun. I know that Champions aren’t fun because very few did them before champ chests. I know that world bosses aren’t fun because very few did them before world boss chests. I know that roaming around in mid level zones is not fun because very few did it until you suddenly needed materials that were only there.
They aren’t designed to be not fun, but upon finding out that they aren’t ANet just increases the reward for doing it. This is opposed to say, changing things so it’s fun to do them.
Now some of this may be the players fault, because the game seems to be full of people who aren’t happy unless they are maximizing for reward / (skill * time)
^cool pic
It wasn’t a matter of people discovering they didn’t need that much gossamer. If you look at the spidy graph, and zoom it in to max detail, it shows it 22,700 buy orders were filled at the starting price of 8s94 and dropping it down to 5s93. This started at 12:15pm (right when the patch hit), and the near-vertical line crash ended at 1:00pm.
People sold massive amounts off ASAP. And it didn’t have a natural curve, the way it would if it was the whole community moving. I suspect it was a group of people, or a few groups who planned to sell as soon as the patch hit, and were just waiting to press the button.
Personally, I think there should be limits in place to prevent people from doing this kind of damage. Clicking Buy 100 times in November, and then clicking sell 100 times in December should not warrant a 750g reward.
Ooh…. that sentiment is not going to be popular. Remember you are on a board with a bunch of people who live for the BLTP and the massive profits that they have figured out how to wring out of it.
ANet will NEVER limit profits because it’s a gold sink (which limits inflation) not a gold source (which increases it). This is the reason that farms are nerfed but the BLTP is not limited.
Probably someone bought out a bunch of them. Maybe relisting them afterwards.
Is damask time gated?
One of it’s components is.
@Belorn, that sums up the discussion perfectly. If only someone would do that for the ascended gear / alt-friendly arguments we could save a lot of time.
Oh, thats funny, because based on the WvW guilds I have seen and fought with/against in WvW every single one plays for fun rather than rewards.
Why do you folks treat fun and rewards like they are opposing forces where you can have fun or rewards, but not both? There is no reason you cannot have fun and be rewarded at the same time.
I can go complete a world boss for a guaranteed rare, each boss, once per day, not to mention the chest full of other loot, often with another rare. Takes very little effort in most cases.
Yet something that took me 4 weeks to finish rewarded greens and a few other odds and ends. The only thing of value was the draconite ore, of which I can get the same amount doing 4-5 world bosses in one day simply by watching the timers.
Seems legit.
I agree, fun and reward do not have to be mutually exclusive. That’s just the way ANet has decided to do it.
My guardian uses a candy cane hammer. I love these skins. Very fun.
Too expensive for zero extra costs for anet.
I would suggest you actually read up on databases and stuff before you make a statement like this.
Because right now you are just making a fool out of yourself.If there were no extra cost involved, why not just have unlimited storage buyable? Or at release for that matter?
I am not. It is unlikely Anet used 1 byte per entry, so if they used 2 byte (they probably used 4 bytes), it costs them nothing extra to store 1000 items instead of 250. Even if they used 1 byte integers it costs almost nothing extra because storage is so cheap nowadays.
Based on the randomness of the number 250, I would guess that it’s very likely that they used 1 byte. Everything about the game is streamlined to use minimum network resources.
I played with these guys on TC for while. Really some of the best WvW players I’ve seen.
At this point I’m sure he’s just trolling, moving on.