Umm porting doesnt cost anything if you port in town to another wp in town.
True, but of all the JPs in the game only three of them are in a town.
True but a majority of them are easy and require little to no effort, the only time youd even know if someone was porting them youd have to be in that zone or advertise on lfg. More often than naught people still wont tip.
Umm porting doesnt cost anything if you port in town to another wp in town.
A good ranger is a nice addition to a team, a bad ranger will just get kicked.
We’ll have to wait and see about the Fractal Mastery. I’m very interested to know what’s in store there as well, as what they include/don’t include will determine a lot of things about Fractals in the future.
I also just want to say to a few posters above that I don’t agree with the argument that “Fractals being unrewarding is good”. I realize that because it’s unrewarding, few low skill or poor attitude players are trying to get into it, so you get fewer not-so-great players in your groups. While on the surface that sounds good, it means in reality you have fewer people trying to learn the content and higher attrition of players who do know the content. Rewards being good in Fractals would mean that more people learn the content, more people do the content, and more people feel good about the content. Sure you’ll get some rotten eggs in the bunch, but I think as higher levels of Fractals are introduced, the Agony gate will encourage the top players to stay on top of the curve, so you will still get exclusivity in the quality of groups you run with. That’s my two cents, anyway.
Honestly the only time in fractals I have a problem with is 1-10 while pugging. Once you start hitting 30+ people tend to know what theyre doing. When I take people I know into 30+ we more or less just breeze through and laugh when people take really silly deaths like on bloomhunger in swamp because someone doesnt like a certain song on pandora and alt tabs and gets downed (its always me :p).
If you credit your source material, and are gaining no money in the end and you make sure you claim you are unaffiliated with ANet youre probably all set but dont quote me as I AM NOT A LAWYER SO IM NOT 100% SURE.
(edited by Travis the Terrible.4739)
I highly doubt they would change it so existing tools don’t work in the expansion. after all, nodes are nodes. More likely to add even more tools to choose from. I only hope they even them out so all offer the advantage of the sprocket one.
When it came out there was a giant commotion about it. Im still waiting for my molten alliance pick to give me something other then a cool lava effect.
Ive hated jumping puzzles since launch, only reason I even have over half of them done is because of mesmers. If I wanted to play a platforming game Id have went and picked 1 of those up. Dont get me wrong having some small jumps/ledges is fine for combat purposes but something made solely to appease the platforming crowd (SAB) was just a complete annoyance.
Theyre an annoyance and serve as APs only. The only ones I ever even do are the ones in LA and trolls end is bout impossible on a charr/norn.
Arenanet made a mistake in doing that. Buffs and nerfs should not change the function and use of a weapon in such a manner. If you were a sword/sword rifle user, for example, that change alone meant you had to drop the weapon and that’s not what a buff should be doing.
Rifle was never an adequate power weapon and the adrenaline change limited it even more because it couldn’t be used with the killshot opener. The weapon was made doubly useless and Arenanet`s logic on the rifle changes eludes me to this day.
Because skill 4 gives the enemy vulnerability and the burst skill and 3 skill were pure damage. The bleeding had no place on the weapon at all. If anything the 1 skill was merely bandaided by the bleeding.
Wiki says that an exotic aquabreather drops from Tequatl, but I can’t confirm that myself
Light medium and heavy ones drop. Theyre rares not exotics though.
I saw a player with Twilight and less than 3K AP.
Asking for an AP threshold is just being ignorant.
AP has nothing to do with swiping your credit card or grinding out legendaries. Granted AP is a dumb way to get experienced people but its the only way we really have of weeding out people who are going to drag parties to the ground. Also odds are someone with 15k AP is going to be more experienced in more content then someone with 500.
Now granted Ive seen people with 5k AP that just make people with 20k look like brand new but still. Also some of the best runs of dungeons Ive ever done were with people who had around 10k AP and e of the worst have been people with 20k. APs arent a great way to measure skill. AP never have been and never will be a good way to measure skill. Only play time really.
They arent new hearts they just changed how they worked.
I dont have any character with fractals above level 3 so I cant really do the 21-30 one.
None of my guild that are on at the moment are up for fractals and PUGing them is the less preferable option to pulling out my eyes with a rusty spanner.
So yeah, cant do daily again.
Fractal levels are account bound. But that doesnt help if you dont have the AR.
Considering fire damage can kill fire elementals, I don’t think they would do this even though it would add more realism.
They simplified the damage considering gw1 had so many damage types. Slashing, piercing, blunt, air, fire, water, earth, chaos, dark, holy, and shadow. And thats not counting conditions or hexes…
Sure. No problem says ANet. Gem store or in game? Then you better get on your knees and pray for gem store because Gwyenifred says HI! (Drop rate, one in 200,000 bags, account bound, so unsaleable by those who don’t want it or the few that get 2)
And if anyone doesn’t think they won’t make the drop rate that low again, I have some nice marsh land to sell you with only minor crocodile problems.
You mean alligator right?
The higher levels didn’t require more teamplay or coordination.
Very incorrect. For example, I can tell you FoTM50 Uncategorized fractal requires proper coordination, otherwise a 20min fractal turns into a 80min fractal.
In fact, most of the upper fractals will require coordination on some level beyond zerg tactics. Not that there aren’t areas that have zerg tactics, but a level 1 Grawl fractal compared to a level 40 Grawl fractal will definitely test your team’s coordination.
It all depends on group comp as well. Granted a team doing 40 will have a somewhat optimal group but having an optimal set up in the higher tiers speeds things up immensely. Ive done runs at 50 that have taken 30 minutes and runs at lvl6 that have taken 2 hours. It all depends on the people you have, if they know what to do and what not.
I’d keep the crossing and get the sunless GS for my necro in advance…
This. I keep doing teq in hopes to get his hoarde for a second time (first was ages ago)….
Be glad youve gotten one. I have yet to see a single 1 after 2 minis (which arent worth crap) snd countless spoons.
Theyd kitten more people off by changing it now then theyd please if they did change it. That said crafting is fine. It only starts to become a clutter once you get a lot of recipes and even then the search function exists.
Anyone remember ff14 before they nuked the entire game? Yeah they redid the entire crafting system because it was overly complicated/confusing.
Weapon swap breaks revive as does store weapon.
What you call GvG is not what GvG in gw1 was. It had an objective not to just go and farm bags in a blob vs another blob. Based on information known about stronghold its fairly similar to the original GvG just sayin.
Just a quick fyi, ncsoft wasnt a fan of cantha because it merged several asian cultures different architectures together. So you’d have chinese style building, next to a japanese one.
How about a new set of cojure weapons…… Sword, shield and net, a gladiator set… Mellee and crowd co troll oriented, with
1 three melee attacks, 1st damage, 2nd bleed, 3rd big damage and vulnerabillity
2 gapcloser, shield smash, dazing ennemie shortly
3 net throw capturing up to three ennemies in place and making them vulnerable, activating again pulls the ennemie towards you
4 throatgut, huge stack of bleed
5 defensive stance reducing damage taken , reflecting damage, on 2nd activation, shieldstun..
Umm there is a conjure shield skill already.
Lightning hammer is pretty good that 1 auto chain is a blast finisher that blinds not to mention the other skills. Icebow for stated reasons. Axe is pretty ehh, shield has its uses but its pretty far and in between that youll ever use it.
Edit: This is bad logic as the Sylvari are not corrupted by Zhaitan.
Because they already are under the influence of another dragon. :p
Umm the chest a champ leaves is to let you know you got a rare item or higher.
When you use this trait in CoE and you get crystalled by subject alpha you actually can still attack. Its the only way I know of to get out of crystals other than others breaking them.
Just ignore the fact that you still need to “land” longbow burst for condi clear. And by land it just needs to not being destroyed/reflected. You dont have to hit anything with it. Unlike every other weapon in which you have to hit something.
On a side note the burst precision trait that lets burst skills always crit applies to the fire field left by longbow burst skill.
Warriors heavily depended on stances in GW1, so maybe the F1 and F2 is an offensive and defensive stance mechanic for the specialization?
Because 33% IAS/IMS was just to good to give up? Honestly warriors used stances for that sole purpose, rush/sprint to cancel when you start taking heavy fire so you didnt die in frenzy. Unless youre talking prenerf prage. In the case of that it was just to good to give up a IAS and IMS in 1 skill that lasted longer than its cooldown.
Stances offered damage faster or being able to move faster. Gw1 warrior was just about damage in the most efficient ways possible that just happened to be with stances, namely frenzy.
Nobody said stormbow? When you dyed them different colors the skin did some funny things. If you dyed 1 purple it looked like it had scales.
We already have it, its called wvw.
ANet is making up for past oversights. There were no greatswords in GW.
Back in my day fellblades were wielded in 1 hand not 2. :p
Great sword offers a lot of utility to every class that can use it.
It has been discussed before,
Unfortunately they can’t implement it now, many sets of weapons rely on colour difference to distinguish them as you mentioned.
The Mystic/inquest set , The ascended weapons , The SAB weapons, The dark shield of the moon/shield of the moon, All the basic crafted weapons.
Flawed arguement here. You could change the skin at the start of the game. Therefore there is no reason as to why you should not be able to dye weapons. Color coding of stats doesnt work because of transmutation.
New speech or not, I demand his head on a pike outside of black citadel.
Not in a salad bowl?
Hes not worthy of being eaten. Better off rotting away :p.
Just make them purchasable with the pristine relics. This would please a large portion of people and only a few would get angry cause they grinded out fractals all day and night for the skins.
Once you get ascended gear. The pristine relics serve no purpose other than to be double clicked for 15 regular tokens. Unless you made mawdrey but othrr than that no purpose at all.
New speech or not, I demand his head on a pike outside of black citadel.
For a team vs. team activity I’m actually kinda curious why it’s a “hotjoin” activity and not an alternate mode in sPvP. Having map listings, segregation by skill level, and a mechanism to balance team sizes would have been beneficial to keg brawl.
(Not saying ANet should invest time and effort to do this now, just found it odd this wasn’t how it was designed from the start)
So people cant just go “wanna farm keg brawl AP?” Honestly i find the mini games rather boring. Even south sun cove which is a hunger games rip off which was nicely done I might say but just not my cup of tea.
Mini games are just eh. Theyre not meant to be just a mini game not where you spend 99% of your time. There were even keg brawl guilds before they restricted access. Lol
True my bad, I usually just assume they go together, my bad.
To an extent they are tied together but yeah defiance isnt whats shortening your condis. Its unshakable. :p
Anyone here of a game called DFO aka dungeon fighter online? No? Google it. Nexon was the publisher they ignored bots, hackers, the last sale before the game went down they made a “flyer” and posted it on the front page for the game. It was made in Mspaint thats how bad it was. Months later “oh were closing the game here have some of your money back.”
If the devs go quiet for months in a nexon game abandon ship before it sinks.
So for example a Phalanx Strength warrior won’t hit as hard as a full dps warrior but would be capable of stacking 25 minute and 25 vulnerability
Just a little thing. Warrior can’t maintain 25 stack of vulnerability. Other than that you are right.
Crushing Blow
Cyclone Axe
Greatsword Slice
Greatsword Swing
On my Mark
Yes they can
The key word is Maintain. That’s the thing. You can burst vuln, actually very good at it. But many fights last longer than your might will last. Remember defiance halves the duration. So your 10s Mace vuln is now 5s. 8s axe is now 4s. Likewise GS swings are 4s, and on my mark is 5s. If you were to use say Axe2, Mace4, and OMM you’d burst to 24 stacks, but it’d last for 4s, then drop to 20 for 1 more second and then be gone. And you have a cooldown of 30s for OMM and 15s on mace. Ignoring the limitations of rotations You can maintain 10 stacks from mace for ~33% of the time, 10 stacks from OMM for ~16% of the time, 4 stacks from axe for 66% of the time, then with GS you’ll be keeping up 2-3 stacks swinging that bad boy around.
Warrior’s vuln is not shabby at all, but it’s ability to maintain isn’t it’s strength.
Um defiance doesnt do anything except let you not use cc. Thats unshakable that halves weakness and vulnerability and applies stacks of defiance when CC’d.
BBway started off as assassin/warrior as warrior didnt have the energy to pull the full chain off. Then backbreaker got nerfed then people ran full radiant with +5e daggers.
Its seriously not that long of a grind. Even people who casually play can get it. I’m more limited by the laurels then anything else to be honest.
If anything timegating it is the “grind” and you can get around that by buying the timegated mats (it costs slightly more then doing it yourself).
Run dungeons if youre strapped for cash. Ac1-3 is stupid easy and gives 5 gold.
Generally speaking when you take a signet it’s for the passive most of the time, with the exception of signet of rage elite.
This 100% of the time. The only time you would ever use this signet is if youre running a gimmick kill shot build.
This. I also thought about dualshielding on DS as it could counter some classes and… It’s just such an amazing and funny way to play. Period.
Anyhow, I think (someone that knows this better than me please correct me if I’m wrong) Rangers can wield shields, and one of their ability (5 i think) is like a blocking ability, as usual, BUT you can throw it and stun or something like that. Pretty amazing, at least visually! I’m looking forward to create a melee Ranger with dual axes or axe-shield.
Ranger doesnt use shield. Thats engineer.
Quite a while ago there were people running full Sentinel’s. But ask yourself if you really need 35k+ HP.
Do you need more than 20k for a hammer train? Lol
1 slot per profession.
To be fair GW1 had a much more customizable UI. I’m not sure why they took a step back for this game. I wonder now that the old UI person is no longer with Anet, if the new one (if there is one) would be open to improving it to at least it’s predecessor’s level.
Something about unfair advantage here… Honestly Ive been saying that they went backwards with the HUD since day 1 it not being as customizable, npc menus having you only be able to buy 1 item at a time instead of a stack.
I don’t think it was ever ment to be a gold sink .
To be blunt ;
It is a reminder that you die a lot and need some l2p or a tweak to your build.
Dying can be faster than trying to just get out of combat to teleport. With that said its not all a matter of l2p. If anything its a nuicense and serves no purpose but to annoy the players at this point. It at one point served as a money sink that punished newer players harder than it did veteran players, thats why ANet got rid of the cost.
Interesting thoughts here. I always think of it as a gentle reminder of my need to use care in what I do. Especially that #%@$ jumping puzzle amongst the trees… at which I died multiple times.
You know, “Play more wisely.” I don’t love the runs to the repair NPC, but I don’t resent them.
It’s good to see other players’ thoughts on the matter.
Im fairly certain fall damage doesnt damage armor. Unless youre falling and almost dying then dying to the mobs. You so silly gaile.
Buy a crap ton of an item thats high demand jacking the price up then sell for more.
If it’s free now then why is it even a thing in the first place?
I could understand that in the past it could be used as a cash sink so people couldn’t endlessly try doing something that was above their ability’s. especially in dungeons this would create some pressure so you would keep yourself from dying to limit the repair costs. but if you’re going to throw that concept out of the window then why uphold the concept of armor repair at all?
It’s a death penalty. I think the intent is to prevent players from completing dungeon instances and/or fights if they’ve died too many times. I agree that it’s just severe enough to be annoying, but not severe enough to make a real difference. Like you, I’d rather see them scrap it.
Except dungeons have a repair anvil. Fractals dont have a repair but people just go char select then back into town to repair if they dont have cannisters. Honestly its a pointless mechanic.