Showing Posts For Tricare.2946:

5/3 T3 Kaineng/Maguuma/Yak's Bend

in WvW

Posted by: Tricare.2946


Why are we on the 2nd page? YB camping the EB JP earlier, you’re doing it wrong. You’re not suppose to let 1 guy spike any of you in a 1v4.

2hand weapons, 2 sigils.... just saying

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tricare.2946


yup that’s about it.

5/3 T3 Kaineng/Maguuma/Yak's Bend

in WvW

Posted by: Tricare.2946


Not any better than BV

Resorting to killing people at fight club.
So classy of them~

Yeah, then why is it that every time I show up at fight club I get ganked by every DARP and DFND there; and when i run into a group that doesnt, none of them can kill me.

And it doesnt stop at fight club, when I am roaming and am spotted I am automatically targeted and most of the time i can either get away or kill them if it was 1v2 — sometimes even 1v3’s

And I take it none of you were there when our group of 10 people wiped out an entire mag zerg at a camp, then 10 mins later again @ a vet. When you guys saw us again your zerg was too scared to approach a small group of 10 people.We dont need to “resort to killing people at fight club”

So since we gank you at fight club “every time”, you never run into anyone who loses to you? You may not “need” to resort to killing people at fight club, but it’s pretty clear that’s exactly what happened in the screen shots. Where are yours? Oh wait…sensing a pattern here.

Im not in those screenshots.

I meant you plural, since you said we.

Engrish, pwease?

Not sure what you are trying to say, in this response.

I’m saying that saying “we don’t/don’t need to do these things” is a bit silly when people are clearly shown doing said things in the series of screenshots in the previous page. But I dunno, maybe they had a good reason, like Maguuma was at their windmill and kept taking south camp.

From what i understand they were at the camp and saw a dead yak at the fight club spot. My guildies said he said “thank you” after we took out the fightclub people. so idk what was going on there…

What had happened was we were trying to start fight club. There were 3 WäR dueling a yak ele, when 2 yaks decided to jump in on a duel for a 1v3 and we were like "nuh uh, that ain’t happenin’’ so we jumped off the ramp on the windmill and were like “we goin to pound town on yo face” I told the ele to stand back because we get all blood lusty and start killing everything sometimes, it just happens you know? So we killed the one and as we were about to spike the 2nd, that’s when you showed up.

It’s like, you know, you see someone you kind of know getting tackled and stuff, you come over beat up the guy and he’s like “thanks man!” and you’re like “who was that?” and he’s like “the cops yo, I just tried to kill one of them and they weren’t having it!”

Did phantasmal zerker get fixed this patch?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Tricare.2946


I like the OP’s name. I think it’s what Anet is hoping this issue will do.

5/3 T3 Kaineng/Maguuma/Yak's Bend

in WvW

Posted by: Tricare.2946


Hey [BV] had a good time at fight club. Thanks for coming out. those 3v3 and 5v5’s were fun.

5/3 T3 Kaineng/Maguuma/Yak's Bend

in WvW

Posted by: Tricare.2946


3 [BV] showed up to fight at fight club…. lost to everyone there and left…. bring moar next time?

5/3 T3 Kaineng/Maguuma/Yak's Bend

in WvW

Posted by: Tricare.2946


Hey [BV] south supply camp at windmill is fight club. Way to be cool.

Let us know when you want to fight club, so you can prove numbers mean nothing.

We would be happy to have a fight club. How about tomorrow? 6pm server time? What works for you guys?

5/3 T3 Kaineng/Maguuma/Yak's Bend

in WvW

Posted by: Tricare.2946


Hey [BV] south supply camp at windmill is fight club. Way to be cool.

Please disallow grouping with enemy servers

in WvW

Posted by: Tricare.2946


I see no problem with it. If you don’t want to join the party don’t. I’ve used it many times to set up fights and duel.

5/3 T3 Kaineng/Maguuma/Yak's Bend

in WvW

Posted by: Tricare.2946


Its loads of fun waiting for people to leave their keep and arrow carts to fight even numbers.

lol we’ve been dealing with the same thing. Always hiding in numbers or towers and such.

Did phantasmal zerker get fixed this patch?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Tricare.2946


Still haven’t heard anything yet?

How I dealt with my AC hate (video)

in WvW

Posted by: Tricare.2946


Put your elbow down.

Torch with Mesmer (Zerg Killer build)

in Mesmer

Posted by: Tricare.2946


I was on my phone, link didn’t work either way. i’ll keep quiet next time.

Torch with Mesmer (Zerg Killer build)

in Mesmer

Posted by: Tricare.2946


bad link

/15 char

Did phantasmal zerker get fixed this patch?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Tricare.2946


I can wait….. only for so long though.

Limit flame ram construction

in WvW

Posted by: Tricare.2946


lol everything looks good to me.

Hard core WvWers tier 4 & below.

in WvW

Posted by: Tricare.2946


1) One common misconception I read here is that players in higher tiers are less skilled than players from lower tiers. Now this might be true on a personal basis. However in terms of teamwork, organization and tactics, it is much better in higher tiers.

Here is a video to demonstrate. Our 20 men zerg wiped a much bigger 60 men enemy zerg.

You only get these kind of fights, organization, teamwork and tactics at higher tiers.

If smaller scales fights with less lag is your cup of tea, then yes that would be a good reason. But I do not agree that higher tier WvWers are worst players than lower tier WvWers.

2) Another common misconception is that there is massive queues in higher tiers. Back when I was with SBI in its prime, rarely did I queue for more than 15 minutes. Now in Kaineng, during our reset we would have a 10 minute queue on certain maps. Other than that Kaineng rarely has a queue of over 5 minutes during weekdays, and often no queue at all anywhere.

Of course this varies from server to server, and time zone to time zone. For example NA and EU just happens to be Kaineng’s weakness, while Oceanic is Kaineng’s strength. So if you are an Oceanic guild, you should look for a server with a weaker Oceanic presence (instead of Kaineng). Another server, SOR, happens to be super stacked in NA prime time. So if you are a NA guild, you should look for a server with a weaker NA presence (instead of SOR). It just takes a bit of research. I am sure most servers will gladly tell you what strengths and weaknesses of time zone they faces.

Queue isn’t a problem if you look for a server that needs people from your timezone.

3) On server loyalty, you should be loyal the the people and friends that you play with, instead of the server. The server itself is just a name. The server itself is just a machine. So that’s my question: If friendship is the only thing holding you there, why not just get all your friends, your whole WvW population, to transfer with you?

4) PvE and dungeons pays more than enough for transfers.

lol more than 20 people. Boring fight. Don’t think anyone knew what they were hitting, they were just spamming aoe skills and hoping for the best.

5/3 T3 Kaineng/Maguuma/Yak's Bend

in WvW

Posted by: Tricare.2946


So what’s up with 15-20 yb/kn chasing down 3-4 of us across EB tonight? Can’t beat anything with more numbers? Especially you [FX]

5/3 T3 Kaineng/Maguuma/Yak's Bend

in WvW

Posted by: Tricare.2946


you guys barley won…. why post this video?

Again, Maguuma: #magswag, chest-pounding, being stupid. It’s what we do!

I’m on Maguuma…. [PYRO] should have won 3-0……

5/3 T3 Kaineng/Maguuma/Yak's Bend

in WvW

Posted by: Tricare.2946


you guys barley won…. why post this video?

5/3 T3 Kaineng/Maguuma/Yak's Bend

in WvW

Posted by: Tricare.2946


RAM loses to PYRO gvg. uhmmm im the asura guardian with sunrise and rodgort and jus sayin…I never used my heal. better luck next time? eeeeeeek

you won 3-2 wouldn’t be so proud of myself. Maybe if you healed the first two you would have won.

5/3 T3 Kaineng/Maguuma/Yak's Bend

in WvW

Posted by: Tricare.2946


So anyone up for team fights? Like 5v5 10v10 or anything like that?

Come on now, don’t be shy. [RE] you’re good at rolling over smaller numbers. How about a honest fair fight?

5/3 T3 Kaineng/Maguuma/Yak's Bend

in WvW

Posted by: Tricare.2946


@Farout.8207 Assuming someone speaks for the entire server is a little ignorant. I don’t only roam though. I have, on occasion, ran with a random zerg to take a keep or when the guild is getting together with 20+ to do some damage. However, running around and spamming the number one key and trying to tag as many targets as I can requires little skill.

@Strippling.2524 No one is claiming to be “too leet” for you guys. But, it does take, at a minimum, 2:1 odds for you guys to win most fights.

Thinking that I believe someone speaks for their entire server is a little ignorant in itself. Everyone runs with the Zerg at times and that is exactly my point, but most people don’t get on the forums and act like it is some exclusive behavior of their opponents.

I personally never run from fights but I will admit that I lose some and I win some. I even got beat by an up-leveled player once. Maybe one day, if I really work hard, I can elevate my game play to the level of the average Mag player. Then it will take at least two opponents, maybe three, to beat me. I’ll keep practicing!

You know, one should always strive to be the best. I do hope that you work hard and improve yourself to be on our level of skill. When that day comes maybe we could have some pretty epic fights that don’t involve spamming 1 and changing targets as fast as you can.

5/3 T3 Kaineng/Maguuma/Yak's Bend

in WvW

Posted by: Tricare.2946


@Farout.8207 Assuming someone speaks for the entire server is a little ignorant. I don’t only roam though. I have, on occasion, ran with a random zerg to take a keep or when the guild is getting together with 20+ to do some damage. However, running around and spamming the number one key and trying to tag as many targets as I can requires little skill.

@Strippling.2524 No one is claiming to be “too leet” for you guys. But, it does take, at a minimum, 2:1 odds for you guys to win most fights.

Here’s a video of what I was talking about though. Two Mags chased five Yaks into a camp. They wouldn’t leave to come out and fight. So, we went and flipped the Dredge to try and kill them

Did phantasmal zerker get fixed this patch?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Tricare.2946


The 4 hits do not always happen if the IZerker is far away from the target it might only get 1 strike in because the animation generates 4 attacks. Saying it only hit a static target 3 times doesn’t really tell the whole story. Hundred blades or whirrlwind on great sword are similar. Each attack has a size and facing and timing and those things determine if a hit occurs.

Thanks for the update Jon, but I would urge you to check up on the iZerker again as multiple people have confirmed that something went wrong with it after the 26th of february patch.

So I would really appreciate it if you could check it out again because there’s definitely something not working as intended. And even if this behaviour was intentional (like with the Ranger SB ‘animation fix’) we would also appreciate it if you just come out and tell us instead of making stuff up as your customers are going to find out anyway (like with the Ranger SB ‘animation fix’).


(Or, give Mesmers a Mainhand Pistol and I’ll be too happy to complain about anything)

As far as we know something did go wrong. We can’t reliably get it to display all of he damage floaters, but we have tried to test if the damage is lower or it just doesn’t hit and we have never seen that error I our debug setup which shows attack areas. I may try and make a bad pic tomorrow to show what I mean.

What happened to the “bad pic” that we were supposed to get? Find out that it was more than just “floaters”?

5/3 T3 Kaineng/Maguuma/Yak's Bend

in WvW

Posted by: Tricare.2946


So YB/KN, I’ve been seeing a lot of bush league guilds and such running around and hiding in towers/camps from smaller numbers. Then when they get the upper hand with 3-4:1 ratio, think they’ve accomplished something, when earlier we wiped them. Are there any good small 5-10-15 man roaming guilds left? Or has everyone just succumbed to zerging everything thing and following the blue icon?

Oh and sPvP is a joke, they ruined the play style there, and there’s no open “open world” environment.

Did phantasmal zerker get fixed this patch?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Tricare.2946


I hope this isn’t going to be a “lets just hope they give up and forget about it” issue.

KtowN vs Magummybears & Yaks Bend Riders

in Match-ups

Posted by: Tricare.2946


Fight club anyone?

KtowN vs Magummybears & Yaks Bend Riders

in Match-ups

Posted by: Tricare.2946


You think that fight was 2 hours?

Time flies when you’re getting your can kicked by YB! DEEEEERPPPP

I don’t think YB has been kicking any can…

KtowN vs Magummybears & Yaks Bend Riders

in Match-ups

Posted by: Tricare.2946


Yaks, you’re going to need more than 10 golems

Did phantasmal zerker get fixed this patch?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Tricare.2946


If any ability doesn’t hit for it’s full potential on a static target, when it’s meant to, that ability is broken.

He just said it’s not “meant to.”

The berserker itself travels as it attacks. 4 attacks are spread out over the distance. Not all 4 of them are going to always be in range of a stationary target.

It’s completely identical to warrior greatsword whirlwind, where you do A LOT more damage if you stay right next to them for the entire animation. Such as if the warrior is crippled/chilled or immobilized, the attack barely moves and thus gets more hits. Same with if the target is next to a wall, and you whirlwind into the wall so you don’t move.

The iZerker should hit 4 times when summoned on a static target, period.

Video of Phantasmal Berserker bug

in Mesmer

Posted by: Tricare.2946


lol seems legit

Did phantasmal zerker get fixed this patch?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Tricare.2946


If the iZerker doesn’t hit 4 times on a static target there’s something wrong. If any ability doesn’t hit for it’s full potential on a static target, when it’s meant to, that ability is broken.

KtowN vs Magummybears & Yaks Bend Riders

in Match-ups

Posted by: Tricare.2946


Lol [Pro] having fun getting killed out front of mag’s keep in EB?

Did phantasmal zerker get fixed this patch?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Tricare.2946


iZerker is missing, it’s not a “floating numbers” problem.

What's going on here? (IZerker) *screens*

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Tricare.2946


I’m also wondering what’s going on.

KtowN vs Magummybears & Yaks Bend Riders

in Match-ups

Posted by: Tricare.2946


Giving Yak’s Bend a fair chance…

Worth it to go for Toughness?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Tricare.2946


You’ll live longer with everyone dead around you.

Full berserker with a good build.

Phantasms against invulnerable targets...

in Mesmer

Posted by: Tricare.2946


I’m just wondering why my phantasms do not show up against an invulnerable target, the spell is not doing damage or affecting the target in anyway. Once the phantasm is summoned it should find out if the target is invulnerable, not me.

KtowN vs Magummybears & Yaks Bend Riders

in Match-ups

Posted by: Tricare.2946


Are you even trying Yaks? You too kaineng…

4/19 DB/MAG/YB

in WvW

Posted by: Tricare.2946


They will find you and just barely kill you!

Eh it was two of us against four level 80’s and a up level. After the first 2 were dead we had to wait for our skills to come back up and then it was smooth sailing from there.

4/19 DB/MAG/YB

in WvW

Posted by: Tricare.2946


[GOTL] decided to jump someone at duels last night, this followed shortly after.

WvW Ascended items

in WvW

Posted by: Tricare.2946


I remember something about being told that if all I wanted to do was WvW I could and would have the same benefits as someone who only plays PvE. Now I understand I will never get a legendary, because that is a PvE only thing apparently. However, I should have access to the same stats as the best gear in the game, which is ascended gear right now. There are only 2 ways to get that kind of gear that I know of, and neither are solely obtainable in WvW.
I don’t care about looks, I just want the stats.

Can't really do the daily in WvW anymore

in WvW

Posted by: Tricare.2946


I remember something about being told that if all I wanted to do was WvW I could and would have the same benefits as someone who only plays PvE. Now I understand I will never get a legendary, because that is a PvE only thing apparently. However, I should have access to the same stats as the best gear in the game, which is ascended gear right now. There are only 2 ways to get that kind of gear that I know of, and neither are solely obtainable in WvW.

I don’t care about looks, I just want the stats.

I have never seen a dev quote that all dailies should be accomplished solely in WvW. I would like to read it if someone could link that statement. Legendaries also require badges from WvW even if those can be gotten from the JP and completion that requires WvW points.

They have also said they want to introduce ways to get laurels in WvW and I suspect we may see that in March. Until then 10 minutes to complete a task in PvE is not a big deal at all IMO.

Read what I posted. Right now dailies are the only way a WvW’er can get ascended gear. I only play WvW and because of that I’m at a disadvantage from people who grind PvE to get ascended gear. This is not how it should be.

There should be no benefit or disadvantage from playing either solely. Right now WvW can’t get ascended gear, and with the way they changed dailies, it may even be harder. I have 1 piece of ascended gear that I got last month, it took me 25 days to get it. 225 more days (prob more because i’ll have to wait for the month to be up) and I’ll have full ascended gear….. yay..

Can't really do the daily in WvW anymore

in WvW

Posted by: Tricare.2946


The daily is designed to push users into parts of the game they might not play very often to see if they like that content and might enjoy other aspects of the game. At worst it is a 10 minute or less diversion into PvE.

You only listed 8 total options when there are 9. My list matched the list the guy posted later with the kill variety and stuff, so I have no idea where this list came from or what the 9th is but I bet it can be done in WvW giving you a possible 5/5.

If you played after reset, that was one daily and then at 7pm EST it reset so there were two dailies yesterday.

I remember something about being told that if all I wanted to do was WvW I could and would have the same benefits as someone who only plays PvE. Now I understand I will never get a legendary, because that is a PvE only thing apparently. However, I should have access to the same stats as the best gear in the game, which is ascended gear right now. There are only 2 ways to get that kind of gear that I know of, and neither are solely obtainable in WvW.

I don’t care about looks, I just want the stats.

WvW Videos

in WvW

Posted by: Tricare.2946


(edited by Tricare.2946)

Feb 26 Update - Broken Items For Mesmer

in Mesmer

Posted by: Tricare.2946


iBerezerker is no longer a combo finisher. Bug, HUGE nerf to GS?

zerker is still a combo finisher

Make Commander cost badges, not gold

in WvW

Posted by: Tricare.2946


Make another tag for WvW then? I don’t know what to tell you. Someone that doesn’t have at least 2000 badges of honor to spend on a tag should not be leading troops in WvW.

No. You shouldn’t be following him.

Yeah, he’s probably leading you into the JPs, haha.

I have 4k badges sitting in the bank and would have more if I didn’t start using them to buy siege. I know there are people out there with 4x as many as I have. The point is, gold is hard to get in WvW, while easy to get in PvE. I have only done the EBJP like 10 times, most of the time I don’t even get the chest because I’m killing people trying to get to the top.

Make Commander cost badges, not gold

in WvW

Posted by: Tricare.2946


Gold is the only currency shared by both PvE and WvW. The tome is meant for use in both, so it must cost a currency that is not exclusive to one or the other. It’s the same reason that you can’t buy the tag with Fractal Tokens.

I’m being the Devil’s advocate here, but leading is a whole different world than following in WvW. There is a far higher level of understanding for good commanders than there is your average player (no matter how many hours you have put into WvW). I say this because commanders face issues and are forced to understand strategies and situations that most players are never encountered with because they fulfill the role of the follower. 100g is difficult to attain and it seems as though you expect a commander to be on your level when they have just gotten the tag. All PvE aside, there could be a new commander who only plays WvW, but isn’t nearly as experienced as you. It is admirable that they want to step up and be a leader.

Be proactive. Reach out to them. Help them be a better player. The problem isn’t the tag costing gold, it is players with attitudes like yours that would rather shun them instead of making them an asset for your server. Be part of the solution.

First, karma is used in both PvE and WvW. IMO karma would even be better than gold. As gold is 1000x easier to obtain in PvE

Second, arguing about how good a commander should be or shouldn’t be to get the tag is silly. It’s a tool to help organize people, most of the time the people in my guild want to turn it on only for us, but can’t. The discussion here is really about the price of the tool for organizing people.

Make Commander cost badges, not gold

in WvW

Posted by: Tricare.2946


Commander should cost badges. You can only buy it out in wvw. All I do is wvw and have my bank filled with badges that don’t do anything. There’s no way I’m going to make 100g out in wvw, it’s a joke.

Really the commander tag is a joke. It’s the reason they don’t allow groups bigger than 5, because then the good guilds wouldn’t have to put on a “I’m over here, follow me noobs” tag.