Showing Posts For Vesuvius.9874:

capes? where are they?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vesuvius.9874


Where are they? In GW1

Legendary Armor: Yes or No?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vesuvius.9874


Yes to legendary armor with ascended stats that can be swapped. Make it 10 times as hard to get legendary armor than it is to get ascended. To those complaining about grind, remember you can simply choose to NOT go for legendary items since they would have the same stats as ascended. Sounds like a win-win to me.

Make it happen.

Feedback/Questions: MegaServer

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vesuvius.9874


I can answer this since I’ve seen several people post on the matter.

It isn’t apathy that causes people not to res. It is because people at events are now seen as competition instead of allies. When there are so many people dpsing a boss that you sometimes don’t get loot because you don’t tag for enough, you see the other people as obstacles in the way to getting loot. Ergo, when they down at the event, you don’t want to res them because a) it takes away from your dps time and b) it means they will start dpsing making you have to dps more to get your loot. Also a dead person doesn’t waste as much processing power on your computer as a live one running around spaming effects ;-)

From what I’ve seen people don’t res during events anymore. If someone dies, they leave you until then end, and then will res you. The megaserver overpopulation has bred this attitude not because of apathy, but because of competition for loot.

That’s a really interesting viewpoint. That would mean that prior to megaservers, people rezzed because there wasn’t enough DPS to down the target to get loot. Rezzing people meant there would be more DPS to go around and that would increase the chances of getting loot.

If all of this is true, it just means that people have always been self-serving in their behaviour, both before and after megaservers. Therefore, complaining about other people’s behaviour still doesn’t make sense :P moot point lol!

How do you "casual" ?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vesuvius.9874


How do I “casual?”

I play guild wars 2.

Couldn’t have said it better. Best reply.

Feedback/Questions: MegaServer

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vesuvius.9874


mega server is only ok if you pretend all other players are NPC’c- very vocal NPC’s

people don’t even res any more
they will run over your corpse because why not? it is not like they are ever going to see you again

seriously, give us our communities back- we made them- it took two years.
you took it away in one patch.

I know! I was late for work today because megaservers put everyone on the same kitten train! Everything is megaserver’s fault!

I am no longer interested in logging in anymore. I don’t know what else to say. This really really sucks.

Can you give me all your gold then?

There’s no need to be so incredibly unpleasant about other people leaving feedback.

I’m confused… what part of that seemed so “incredibly unpleasant” to you… ?

Feedback/Questions: MegaServer

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vesuvius.9874


Very good explanation but I was waiting for the part where you explained how suddenly people have stopped rezzing because of megaservers… maybe that part of the post ended up on a different server? O_O! Aaaaargh curse you megaservers!!

I couldn’t help but laugh at that. So thank you.


Why doesn’t Anet just give every map’s megaserver a number and an option to access it, kinda like how districts worked for city maps in GW1. District 1,2,3 etc… That would literally eliminate the problems people are having with guild recruiting, by allowing people to search for guild recruits in every maps district, instead of cutting them off from over 3/4 of the potential recruits for that are already on their home server.

Excellent idea. This should also solve RPing issues (not that I care about RPers but when this can solve that problem as well, why not?).

Feedback/Questions: MegaServer

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vesuvius.9874


So lets take your work analogy -why don’t we.

yes the mega sever made you late because it put everyone on the same train
- not only that
at each stop, it randomly changed all the passengers and in some cases the actual stop because now the station was no longer open.

- no one on the train spoke the same language and your neighbor, who got on with you went missing.

there are so many people on the train you can’t see the train let alone the stop

halfway through your journey you disembarked from the train, only to find- when you get back on that it is now a different train.

by the time you got to work – you seriously thought about taking the long way in the car next time.

Very good explanation but I was waiting for the part where you explained how suddenly people have stopped rezzing because of megaservers… maybe that part of the post ended up on a different server? O_O! Aaaaargh curse you megaservers!!

[Suggestion] Eyepatches as Trinket skins?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vesuvius.9874


Nice! Now when I take my eyepatch off, I can unleash all my reiatsu!

Feedback/Questions: MegaServer

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vesuvius.9874


mega server is only ok if you pretend all other players are NPC’c- very vocal NPC’s

people don’t even res any more
they will run over your corpse because why not? it is not like they are ever going to see you again

seriously, give us our communities back- we made them- it took two years.
you took it away in one patch.

I know! I was late for work today because megaservers put everyone on the same kitten train! Everything is megaserver’s fault!

I am no longer interested in logging in anymore. I don’t know what else to say. This really really sucks.

Can you give me all your gold then?

(edited by Vesuvius.9874)

The Most Hardcore Thing you have ever done?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vesuvius.9874


I finished yesterday’s daily. Take that all you hardcore players!

Also I beat the Evolved Jungle Wurm with my healing skill alone.

(edited by Vesuvius.9874)

Feedback/Questions: MegaServer

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vesuvius.9874


Are you at all familiar with how nodes spawn

I’d like to know your understanding of how nodes spawn.

Feedback/Questions: MegaServer

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vesuvius.9874


Node spawning in the same location was a bug which people were exploiting over and over. Megaservers have fixed that.

Are you complaining about ANet fixing bugs now?

I don't like doing daylies anymore

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vesuvius.9874


Just advice, do what you want and be happy or miserable.

+1. People will complain about anything and everything these days and it seems they enjoy being miserable more.

No one is forcing you to do dailies. They are there for your enjoyment. The random mix of choices is to help you broaden your play style and the things you do by giving you different things to do everyday. Dailies are not supposed to be giveaways where you expect to do nothing but still earn laurels. You have to be willing to work for it to achieve rewards. I bet you’d complain if the dailies were the same everyday in which case you’d think they’re a “grind”.

I have not PvPed even once since this game launched and I’ve been playing since day 1. I have NEVER PvPed to get dailies. If anything I’m noticing it’s easier to get dailies done after the feature patch through PvE alone. I have yet to come across a daily that I couldn’t finish through PvEing.

(edited by Vesuvius.9874)

lingering problems in large scale events

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vesuvius.9874


You can’t fix people.

Well said. As a programmer who understands how broken people are, I can say for certainty that there is no amount of coding that can replace human stupidity.

Hot Topics - Condensed Points

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vesuvius.9874


even for lv 1-9, exotic is a must!

Please do not mislead new players with such nonsense. I’ve been running Fractals long before I got my characters decked out in full exotic gear.

[merged] Will race change be available ever?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vesuvius.9874


No it won’t be available. They have stated this very clearly. Stop asking.

[Feedback] How traits are obtained

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vesuvius.9874


I think it’s stupid that you have to go out in PvE and get them! I’m a WvW / PvP player and I dislike PvE much.

You know you can just buy them right? Also, correct me if I’m wrong but don’t PvP players have everything unlocked to begin with?

Female characters look way better

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vesuvius.9874


if i am going to spend long hours looking at a character’s behind

Question is, why exactly are you staring at their behinds to begin with…?

Gw2 most grindy game ever..?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vesuvius.9874


This game has become one giant gold sink. What’s the point of playing if I can buy everything I want with my credit card? It just seems like a huge grind right now.

I’d like to see more rewards that are tied to actual gameplay rather than the Gem Store, but maybe that’s just me.

And when stuff isn’t available to people like you at the swipe of a credit card, you whine that this game is such a grind and that you have to spend HOURS trying to get legendaries…

Multiple Runes. Player friendly Yeah right

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vesuvius.9874


This weekend I spent 70 dollars removing, buying and swaping runes just
to see what would and wouldn’t work.

What you should’ve done was taken a look at this site: