Showing Posts For Vesuvius.9874:

Sylvari Pride/Hate Soundoff!!! and Hashtags?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vesuvius.9874


I don’t main a Sylvari but I do have one and think they’re one of the better races. Any race that gives such importance to the role of a mother cannot possibly be bad/evil/hated.


I just realized something

in Lore

Posted by: Vesuvius.9874


I wonder how many people of the OP’s race got together for the OP to put out such an intelligent post. :P

Finished with the Revenant? Please move on..

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vesuvius.9874


Simply putting it, Anet you are alienating a sizable chunk of your audience to push a class you are putting all your hope in to sell expansion copies. It makes me regret pre-ordering.

Yes, it’s all part of their elaborate plan to run their own company into the ground.


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vesuvius.9874


Do you think marriage should be character or account bound?

Aren’t all marriages soulbound by default? :P

Today's dailies: You do fractals YES or YES.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vesuvius.9874


Apparently fractals really needed the help as they are the only thing that gets doubled up on.

But if no one is doing fractals, then who exactly is kicking the OP out of his party…?

Today's dailies: You do fractals YES or YES.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vesuvius.9874


Perhaps even including some RP choices (why not?)

Why not? Ummm maybe because OP will start complaining about why he’s being “forced” to RP…


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vesuvius.9874


So you want people to get married in order to be buffed?

Isn’t that more of a *DE*buff?

Married “buff”: 50-100% of all incoming loot is redirected to your partner. Chance of redirection increases the more kittened off your partner is with you right now. Half of your inventory and currencies are automatically removed and sent to your partner when this buff ends.

(edited by Vesuvius.9874)

Another Double-Fractal Daily Day

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vesuvius.9874


I like the double fractal dailies. I enjoy doing Fractals and this lets me kill two birds with one stone.

Today's dailies: You do fractals YES or YES.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vesuvius.9874


According to some of these posts, Why do we even have to work to do any dailies anet? why not just reward with me 10 achievements points and the chests whenever I login anet?
Some of you folks are incredibly spoiled and want everything your way, and if its not, you will make sure you whine and cry about it until someone hears you…

I agree. At this point they should just dumb it down to spoon feeding. Maybe something along the lines of, “Hey! You managed to log into Guild Wars! Congratulations on this impressive feat! And for this, you get a reward!”

Oh wait…

Today's dailies: You do fractals YES or YES.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vesuvius.9874


This would be a classic case of “I don’t want to do any work but I also want my rewards”. ANET has provided enough options at this point to get the daily rewards that complaining about “lack of options” at this point is childish. The sense of entitlement in people these days baffles me…

Mounts [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vesuvius.9874


No to mounts!

I’ve just taken one shot of the GW2 Forum drinking game. No doubt when someone adds a .gif I’ll be taking shot 2 real soon.

HAHAHAHAHAH!! that made my day!

Major Bug: Beta Char still active with gear

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Vesuvius.9874


Pics or it didn’t happen.

gw2 dropping to #19??? where are the players?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vesuvius.9874


Q: Where are all the players?
A: Not on Raptr

New use for Luck Request for Expansion

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Vesuvius.9874


I’m trying so hard to feel sorry for the OP but just can’t. I doubt ANET will waste even an iota of time to address this when they have practically thousands knocking on their door asking for the expansion.

Who are the Elders?

in Lore

Posted by: Vesuvius.9874


However, I think there is another interpretation: that “the Elders” is Ogden’s term for beings that are on a comparable level of significance to the Elder Dragons. The gods, for instance, may also be “Elders” – something else that mortals may only see certain layers of.

Thanks for pointing that out. I had that idea of the Elders being these entities on a level that of the Elder Dragons and the Gods floating around in my head but am not sure why I didn’t put it down in words.

Here’s something else to consider. Take a look at this snippet of a conversation we have with Ogden when we first see him in Hidden Arcana:

PC: I need information about how to deal with Mordremoth.
Ogden: Actually, I think you need information about the meaning of your vision from the Pale Tree.
PC: What? How did you—
Ogden: There are those who have taken interest. I had some warning that you might be calling. Your challenges do not go unnoticed.
PC: Who?
Ogden: All in good time. But know that they have Tyria’s best interests at heart.

(Emphasis mine.)

Who is Ogden referring to here? The Elders perhaps? I don’t want to over complicate this topic but is the mysterious E part of the Elders?

It is also possible the Elders gave Glint’s egg to the Master of Peace.

PC: I saw the Master of Peace take an egg.
Ogden: Fear not. He did not steal it. He was given custody of it.
PC: By whom?
Ogden: You know. You witnessed it, didn’t you?
PC: Not clearly.
Ogden: Then you’re not meant to know just yet. All things in their time.

(Emphasis mine.)

Just wanted to add this bit as well. Ogden saying that we’re not meant to know just yet might be a reference to how we can see only certain layers. The PC wasn’t able to witness who or what gave custody of the egg to the Master of Peace because of the PC’s inability to perceive whatever layer the Elders exist in.

"Meta" does not mean "Most Effective"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vesuvius.9874


Uhhh ya it totally means most effective! >_>

META = Most Effective uhhh… Traits… and umm Attributes? ^__^;;;

Exp past 80 doesn't give spirit shards

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vesuvius.9874


And what happens when you master all masteries?

You come back here to post a “I quit!” thread at which point a number of people will ask you for your gold. I’m going to pre-empt that and ask you for all your gold right now. I can haz yuar g0ldz pl0x!!!11one!!eleven!

Who are the Elders?

in Lore

Posted by: Vesuvius.9874


Given that the entire dialogue is effectively about the Elder Dragons’ placement in the All, ‘the Elders’ has a high chance of refering to the Elder Dragons.

Yes, given the context one can reasonably say that he indeed is referring to the Elder Dragons. It’s just that I found it strange that the whole time, he was referring to the dragons as Elder Dragons (including in the other dialogue choices we have) in all but this one instance where he says “the Elders” when he easily could’ve just said “the dragons” to remove all doubt. That’s why I was confused.

I was secretly hoping he was referring to something that was yet to be revealed in a future story (perhaps Heart of Thorns).

Who are the Elders?

in Lore

Posted by: Vesuvius.9874


After you complete the Hidden Arcana quest, when you talk to Ogden, he says:

“We see only certain layers of the Mists, the Elders, and Tyria.”

In that sentence, is he referring to the Elder Dragons when he says “the Elders”? If not, then who or what are the Elders?


Legenday Backpiece Worry

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Vesuvius.9874


No, my analogy is perfectly fine. If you want the skin you have to pay for it by doing fractals. Period.

Before the change, I had to map all the WvW to make my 3 legendaries. I couldn’t stand WvW at the time, but had to do it anyway. I did it because it was part of what it took to get what I wanted. No complaining.

You can twist it any way you like, but doing a fractal is a cost for obtaining the piece. There is a set of armor you can only get in PvP and if I want it, then I will have to go there and get it. I don’t want to, but I will some day just because I want it. I will do it without whining and crying about it because that is the cost of getting it.

Agreed. This approach also lets people try out new modes of the game that they otherwise would not consider. Once they try the new modes, perhaps they will start enjoying it. This in turn results in less QQing on the forums about the perceived “lack of content”.

As an example, I’d almost completely written off getting the Luminescent collection when I first looked at what it would take to get them. Now instead of QQing about how there aren’t enough options available to get them, I decided heck, let’s give it a shot and see how bad it really is. I actually ended up enjoying the journey and am actually looking forward to working on the next item in the collection.

Some things demand that work be put into it. If it was available so easily and freely, it devalues the item. If every John Doe was carrying a legendary because it was so easy to obtain, then what would be the difference between that legendary and a regular green item? Legendaries demand that a substantial amount of effort be put into creating it and that’s how only the most deserving get them.

Legenday Backpiece Worry

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Vesuvius.9874


MAN, SUCK IT UP BABIES…this is a game… there are always gonna be aspects of EVERY game that you will like or dislike… Just do the content and get over it. Its not that bad. are you really that weak that you cant take a margin of time to do something thats not “your cup of tea” to get an awesome reward you really want??? moderate away…. IDC anymore, tired of the whining. You people are gonna get this game nerfed into the ground and ruined for the sake of your laziness… period.

+1. Well put. Then after the nerf, it’ll the very same people who’ll be complaining about a lack of challenging content.

Legenday Backpiece Worry

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Vesuvius.9874


lol forced…

I love these threads where people make it sound like someone has a gun pointed to their face to do content. When will they learn?

So, is their some other way to get the Legendary backpiece then? No. So, yeah, many will be forced to do content they hate in order to get an item. Or never get a new Legendary.

What’s next? Start QQing about how you’re forced to log in to the game to get the legendary? Because clearly there is no other way. You have to log in first before anything else. Oh the horror! the oppression! Why would ANET inflict such cruelty?

Legenday Backpiece Worry

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Vesuvius.9874


the fractals community is awful, no chance anyone who is a necro will never get one lol, i have a necro (not my main) but i still love it, its bad enough getting into a dungeon group without being kicked, i know alot of people who only wvw/pvp, what about those players ? there gave pvp players a chance at crafting legendarys with reward tracks and so on, so why cant there with the back piece ? it may of took longer to get all the parts only doing pvp but the choice was still there

Rather than feeling sorry for yourself, why don’t you try creating your own group? You’re not the only one who’ll want the new backpiece so it won’t be that hard to get a group going.

Legenday Backpiece Worry

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Vesuvius.9874


lol forced…

I love these threads where people make it sound like someone has a gun pointed to their face to do content. When will they learn?

What would anet do if

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vesuvius.9874


How is it a bug if it is vital to the profession? :s

SMS... Thingamjiggy...?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vesuvius.9874


lol if you’re worried about them spamming you with ads on your phone number, then no that’s not what this is about. If you sign up for multi-factor authentication, you’ll receive a text message from their authentication servers when you log into Guild Wars. You simply need to reply to that message and their servers will authenticate you. That’s it.

I haven’t signed up for the SMS authentication mechanism yet, but I’ve used other similar services so I’m pretty sure that’s what ANET will be doing as well.

This is a very positive step in the right direction by ANET to bolster security. Things like this should tell you that they take security very seriously.

Almost 1 year since Dry Top

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vesuvius.9874


But we already know exactly when we’re getting HoT. You know, “When It’s Ready™”

Tempest Teaser

in Elementalist

Posted by: Vesuvius.9874


They’re still waiting for the overcharge timer to kick in. ba dum tis


Tempest & Warhorn confirmed – Feedback [merged]

in Elementalist

Posted by: Vesuvius.9874


And pardon me for not being excited about having to sit in an attunment for X amount of time, then having to channel that attunement for 2,5s-5s hoping no one will interrupt me with the insane amount of interrupts in game, and then, if it works or if it doesn’t, being locked out from that attunement for 15s-20s.

Sure will love when I need to heal and am locked out of water or when I need to do damage and will be locked out of fire / air, sounds super!

I think you just described a play style that’s different from the current norm. Isn’t that what ANET “promised” ?

Norm forms.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vesuvius.9874


They are racial skills and therefore will always be underpowered.

Ele and Engi weapon swap OOC

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vesuvius.9874


Revenants got weapon swap. Eles and engis need to be treated fairly and given weapon swap as well!

No. If you play Ele then you will understand why you cannot get weapon swap.

I do play ele. Doesn’t mean I can’t ask for weapon swap.

Ele and Engi weapon swap OOC

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vesuvius.9874


Revenants got weapon swap. Eles and engis need to be treated fairly and given weapon swap as well!

Three Precursors (Spark) in < 3 weeks

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vesuvius.9874


Pics or it didn’t happen.

Gemstore: Everything Available Always

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vesuvius.9874


It simply makes more business sense to continue the way they have it right now. It increases rarity of items which causes people to want it more. Also, making it a limited time offer forces people to make a decision (whether or not to buy) faster rather than sitting on it forever because something is “always available”.

Tempest & Warhorn confirmed – Feedback [merged]

in Elementalist

Posted by: Vesuvius.9874


It’s not that people think warhorn skills are bad – it’s bad because Elementalists already have two outstanding off-hands in the dagger and focus. They didn’t need or want another offhand.

Umm I’m an ele main and I don’t recall ever saying I didn’t need or want another offhand… why are you speaking for me?

Tempest & Warhorn confirmed – Feedback [merged]

in Elementalist

Posted by: Vesuvius.9874


I’m excited about the warhorn. Reminds me of Stormcaller from GW1!! EPIC!

"No Subscription" is not a FAVOR

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Vesuvius.9874


Consider this, at the cheapest gem store price a transfiguration charge costs $.30. So a monthly $15 would in theory get you 50/month. If—by handing over the subscription—ONE of the benefits was unlimited transfigures, does that appeal to you? How would your relationship to the game change if you could dress yourself each day to your heart’s desire?

My relationship to the game would change drastically. If I had the option of saving $15 a month by foregoing unlimited transfigures and any other cosmetic change for that matter, I would pick that option. Every. Single. Time.

No subscription IS a favour.

The game needs a content bridge before HoT

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Vesuvius.9874


I’d rather they keep working on HoT and get it shipped on time than incur delays. Thanks, but no thanks.

HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Vesuvius.9874


Usual pricing for expansions are around $20-$30 usd. I thought Arenanet strives to innovate????

What’s charging $50 for an expansion got to do with innovation?

New Playable Races

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vesuvius.9874


Largos whoop everyone else’s behinds hands down.

Tequatl DC in last phase.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vesuvius.9874


Bah you beat me to asking for stuff. Oh well… see you at HoT launch OP

Salvaging rares-exos gives less Ectos now ?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vesuvius.9874


That’s odd. I’m actually noticing more ectos now than before.

Centaur Clans?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vesuvius.9874


Centaurs can’t swim and therefore won’t be able to fight DSD. Don’t think they’ll ever be a playable race because of that. I don’t think we’ll ever see new playable races in GW2 at all but if I were to guess the most likely candidate, it’d be the Largos.

Specializations... Killing the game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vesuvius.9874


Yeaaaaaaaaaaaah I highly doubt ANET is going to go back to the old trait system even if the new specializations are “killing the game”. OP can either adapt or ragequit. If it’s going to be the latter, then… i can h4z all yuar g0ldz pl0x lol rofl!11one!?

Revert Burning

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vesuvius.9874


I too have put my guardian onto the burn wagon in spvp due to the fact that if i dont, im at an disadvantage and if im up against other burn type professions then i wont have a big chance at winning. And since i want to win, ill take what does the best.

See how you are complaining about taking what does best? That’s the entire non-zerker population right there when zerker was the meta. People had to go with zerker even if they didn’t like it just because that’s “what did best”. Now that condis are giving the zerkers a run for their money, everyone’s QQing about nerf nerf nerf.

Revert Burning

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vesuvius.9874


Whats the average burn damage? WP posted a video where he got 19k for about 2-3 seconds using every burn duration and proc he could. How is 19k burn different from a 19k backstab or 100blades?

Because you can’t do a 19K backstab or 100-blades every second while actively avoiding being hit? Burning SHOULD hit hard, but not that hard.

You know, just like you can’t do 19K burn every second. Not sure how ONE tick of 19K burn equates to “zomg!!11! 19K burn every second!!QQ!11!”

Because you can’t land a single backstab for that much, let alone land a backstab for that much and still have copious amounts of survivability.

21k backstab damage.

70K+ backstab damage

Still think 19K is too much?

“It’s very difficult because depends of many factors…
The highest crit when I was alone was 13k to a mesmer and 13k to a warrior.”
his own comment.

He had every possible buff on him and maxed out on all factors to increase damage.

Thanks for the explanation for the 70K backstab damage. Now only if you could provide one for the 21K backstab damage.

Revert Burning

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vesuvius.9874


A nice solution would be to cap it to 5 stacks in PvP. It is still a lot of damage.

<sarcasm>Another nice solution to go with that would be to cap crit chance and crit damage to 5%. It is still a lot of damage.</sarcasm>

“If you need to indicate that you are being sarcastic,then your sarcasm has failed.”

‘A wise man like Hodor’
2015 A.D

Given the level of intellect around the zerker vs condi argument, I felt it was necessary.

Condi Damage vs. Power Damage [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vesuvius.9874


The premise of this thread was that, condi dmg should be weaker than direct dmg, before they changed the title or merged it or whatever

Why should it be weaker?

Revert Burning

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vesuvius.9874


A nice solution would be to cap it to 5 stacks in PvP. It is still a lot of damage.

<sarcasm>Another nice solution to go with that would be to cap crit chance and crit damage to 5%. It is still a lot of damage.</sarcasm>

Revert Burning

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vesuvius.9874


You do all recall that new buff called ‘Resistance’ that’s not really fully implemented right?

You know, the buff that has this as a description: ‘Resistance temporarily negates the affected target of all effects caused by conditions.’

That’s what all the zerker fanboys are willingly blind to.