Showing Posts For Vesuvius.9874:

Path of Fire Stress Test September 7

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vesuvius.9874


Why run it when most people are at work for the NA?

Because that is also when we are at work

I lol’d pretty hard at that when I was reading that at work Hopefully no one noticed

typo or retcon?

in Lore

Posted by: Vesuvius.9874


No Cantha is correct. It has always been said that humans came to Tyria from lands to the south.

Can a Wyld Hunt be wrong or impossible?

in Lore

Posted by: Vesuvius.9874


About bad Wyld Hunt- look at Scarlet. I think her Wyld Hunt was to awake Mordremoth. It is really bad Wyld Hunt.

“Bad Wyld Hunts” are called Dark Hunts.

Asura vs. Asuran - How to use them.

in Lore

Posted by: Vesuvius.9874


English isn’t my first language so I’m not 100% certain on the double usage of the word “those” but maybe one of them should be “these”? Not sure :P

Perhaps someone with a better understanding of English grammar can chime in.

Asura vs. Asuran - How to use them.

in Lore

Posted by: Vesuvius.9874


Pretty well stated I’d say. I agree with everything except the quote below.

  • To avoid confusion whether they are referring to multiple asura or the race, I’d add “Those raptors belong to the asura race.” or “asura people.”

I’d say, “Those raptors belong to the asura.” rather than adding race or people since it is clear from the context of the sentence that you are referring to the entire race.

What would you say then if the Raptors belong to multiple asura and not the race?

It would still be the same sentence based on your own initial statements that the plural of asura is still asura (which I actually agree with). The word asura in that sentence would refer to the group and not the race based on the context of the conversation taking place.

  • “Asura” is plural of “asura.” Ex. “There’s a group of asura over there.”

Asura vs. Asuran - How to use them.

in Lore

Posted by: Vesuvius.9874


Pretty well stated I’d say. I agree with everything except the quote below.

  • To avoid confusion whether they are referring to multiple asura or the race, I’d add “Those raptors belong to the asura race.” or “asura people.”

I’d say, “Those raptors belong to the asura.” rather than adding race or people since it is clear from the context of the sentence that you are referring to the entire race.

Sylvari an argument for the best race?

in Lore

Posted by: Vesuvius.9874


you should “stop caring” though you did care enough to post

If you read my quote above, you’ll see that I asked Greyhawk to stop caring. At no point did I say that I’ve stopped caring. You claim that I did, and then turn around to ask me why I’m posting here if I’ve stopped caring. What you’ve done here (with me) is what you’ve been doing with Greyhawk this entire thread (which btw he’s already pointed out, see below).

You have this remarkable habit of Strawman-ing everything I say

Maybe you’re doing it subconsciously but you need to be aware of it if you’d like to have a meaningful conversation/debate/argument.

Many still believe in the spiritual belief on how the universe was created

What does that have to do with astrophysics…?

Just like the Silvari, they are missing a few key pieces (origin, purpose, ect) and perhaps always will. If they had these the science community could have something more akin to a solid answer, and in time a final concrete answer could be made.

Yes, a “final concrete answer” could be made… until someone down the road comes up with another theory that will challenge the status quo and when proven, will become the new “final concrete answer”… until someone further down the road comes up with another theory…

Sylvari an argument for the best race?

in Lore

Posted by: Vesuvius.9874


You have this remarkable habit of Strawman-ing everything I say, and now I apparently haven’t even played the game. I don’t even know what you mean why you claim I said that “the other races are more connected”. Where did you pull that from? What does it even mean?

I’d stop caring at this point if I were you. I lost all hope when I read this little gem:

While an argument could be made to discount everything in Astrophysics

Crystal Oasis soundtrack in PoF?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vesuvius.9874


Will the soundtrack Crystal Oasis (either the original or the remake) be part of the in game music in any of the PoF maps (like it was in GW1)?

Sylvari an argument for the best race?

in Lore

Posted by: Vesuvius.9874


Without knowing whats its purpose or how it came to be it’s all… talk.

That’s like saying let’s discount everything in astrophysics because the true nature of the universe is unknown to us… even though there are other things that astrophysics explains clearly and fully.

The Return of Koss?

in Lore

Posted by: Vesuvius.9874


I’d just as well as not see any gw1 heroes as undead/awakened, not even crappy ones like that fat memser whose name I can’t be kittened to remember. And considering how most of them did keep traveling after Nightfall its not implausible that they may have passed in either Tyria or Cantha.

You mean you don’t want to see more of this awesomeness?

Norgu the mesmer


Why aren't we blind?

in Lore

Posted by: Vesuvius.9874


Not sure why everyone thinks that all the gods can now be easily killed by mortals. There has never been an instance where a mortal has taken down a god at full power. Ever. If people are so certain of it, please provide proof or a source.

As for why we aren’t blind? There is a good reason for it that just hasn’t been revealed yet. If you watch the expac announcement video, Mike O’Brien himself poses the very same question. It is obvious that we will find the answer to it once we’ve gone through the entire expac.

(edited by Vesuvius.9874)

God for a Human Elementalist

in Lore

Posted by: Vesuvius.9874


As you can see, the associations are heavily interlocking. In the case of an Elementalist it would seem the choice might be led by what specific element you were interested in. Energy Storage is no longer a factor for “modern” Elementalists.

True, however I’d argue that the Arcane trait line used by modern Elementalists is the new tie to Lyssa now instead of the old Energy Storage attribute.

God for a Human Elementalist

in Lore

Posted by: Vesuvius.9874


There’s nothing that locks a human to one patron.

Pretty much this in a nutshell. There is no right answer.

The Return of Koss?

in Lore

Posted by: Vesuvius.9874


Not necessarily. Livia’s the only necromancer we know of that’s had an extended lifespan, and maybe Khilbron, and both of those can be attributed to the Scepter of Orr.

Razah, on the other hand, is a creation of the Mists, which as far as we know don’t age, and Zhed was a very young member of a race known to naturally live for hundreds of years.

Yes, I’m aware of those facts but I’m just coming up with crazy ideas to justify it to myself because if there is one character I’d pick from Nightfall, it’d be him :P

The Return of Koss?

in Lore

Posted by: Vesuvius.9874


Out of all the Nightfall heroes, my money is on us seeing Razah again.

I’d love to see Razah but my bet is on Jurah, the Master of Whispers. Remember, he was a necromancer which would give him the highest likelihood of being alive to this day.

PoF predictions...

in Lore

Posted by: Vesuvius.9874


Where as animals of the Jutan, Trolls, and some other more alien creatures have very little association with Melandru.

Just an FYI, Jotun, trolls etc. are actually native to Tyria. It is actually the humans (and their gods) that are alien to it.

New expansion pack... new forums?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vesuvius.9874


They better still have a lore section…

Not to worry!

Nice, thanks!!

God for a Human Elementalist

in Lore

Posted by: Vesuvius.9874


For me personally, the reason I don’t tie my elementalist to just one god is because of the very nature of the elementalist. He is a spellcaster who draws on all the elements around him. There may be elementalists who would love to specialize in a certain element and therefore revere the associated god more, but I like to think mine is a master of all. Besides, if your elementalist specialized in let’s say fire magic, then he would be more of a pyromancer than an elementalist.

Grenth is Ice, and although Lyssa is the patron of Assassins and Mesmers her domain is also of Water.

I don’t get this, AT ALL. How is Lyssa the goddess of water, yet Grenth ice, and grenth was the patron for all water eles in gw1? I don’t understand why they changed that from GW1 to GW2, as before Lyssa never had anything to do with water magic.

Prior to Nightfall, Abaddon was the god of water (and secrets). After the Nightfall storyline, since Abaddon no longer existed, Lyssa took on water.

God for a Human Elementalist

in Lore

Posted by: Vesuvius.9874


I was faced with this difficult choice as well where I had to pick one. After playing years of GW1, I was used to the fact that Elementalists revere all five equally (yes, five. This was way back in Prophecies). The five gods worked perfectly for Elementalists since the five attributes of Elementalists lined up well with the five gods.

Dwayna – Air Magic
Balthazar – Fire Magic
Grenth – Water Magic
Melandru – Earth Magic
Lyssa – Energy Storage

Ah good old days of GW1

And what about Kormir? I know, she was a “new god” in GW, and have no idea, how Elementalists viewed her.

No clue at all. In GW1, you could interact with the avatars of the gods and they would give you a blessing. For example, at Balthazar’s statue, the Champion of Balthazar would grant you a blessing called Disciple of Fire that would boost your Fire Magic attribute by 1. You could similarly boost Air at Dwayna, Energy Storage at Lyssa, etc. and the others at the statues of the other gods as I mentioned earlier. However, at the statue of Kormir, no such blessings were offered. So I really have no idea what the elementalists thought of her.

New expansion pack... new forums?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vesuvius.9874


They better still have a lore section…

God for a Human Elementalist

in Lore

Posted by: Vesuvius.9874


I was faced with this difficult choice as well where I had to pick one. After playing years of GW1, I was used to the fact that Elementalists revere all five equally (yes, five. This was way back in Prophecies). The five gods worked perfectly for Elementalists since the five attributes of Elementalists lined up well with the five gods.

Dwayna – Air Magic
Balthazar – Fire Magic
Grenth – Water Magic
Melandru – Earth Magic
Lyssa – Energy Storage

Ah good old days of GW1

Sylvari an argument for the best race?

in Lore

Posted by: Vesuvius.9874


They clearly want followers to seemingly power their own version of the Pale Tree.

There is no such stated goal of the Nightmare Court to “power their own version of the Pale Tree”. Regular Sylvari follow the teachings of Ventari. The Nightmare Court simply rejects the teachings of Ventari and say that Sylvari should follow their own path.

Perhaps there is no Balthazar...

in Living World

Posted by: Vesuvius.9874


Nightfall was first GW game I ever played :|

hence my surprise on someone’s claim that “his will survived altho broken”

Yes, his will survived… in the One Ring that was forged in secret (because he’s the God of Secrets). Guess who else forges stuff in GW? That’s right, Balthazar!!

Now Balthazar has the One Ring and Abaddon is carrying out his will through Balthazar and the One Ring. We must now journey through MordorRing of Fire Islands and destroy the Ring in the fires of Mt. DoomAbaddon’s Mouth.

Revisiting The Wizard's Tower Lore

in Lore

Posted by: Vesuvius.9874


I believe it is a given at this point that the devs will never touch on the Wizard’s Tower. As far as I know, they’ve stated as much too(don’t quote me on that though). Their idea of it is what Randulf has said. The allure of the Tower is in its mystery.

Revisiting The Wizard's Tower Lore

in Lore

Posted by: Vesuvius.9874


If we were really going to expand on it, I’d love to see the idea that while the castle itself is fairly large, on the inside it is just as big as Tyria if not bigger (because it is a magical castle :P ). That would give the devs a lot of leeway to incorporate so many different ideas and storylines into one single castle!

What are the Scepter of Orr/Mists?

in Lore

Posted by: Vesuvius.9874


Long live Livia!

That almost sounds like a curse at this point. Maybe let her live in peace now lol…

Why did Balthazar go to Orr?

in Lore

Posted by: Vesuvius.9874


At first, I was going to say “To get to the other side! HAH!”… then I realized this wasn’t a joke but a real question

S3E6 violation of Charr lore "spoiler"

in Lore

Posted by: Vesuvius.9874


look at what happened to tribune Rytlock when he stepped out of line fight Mordremoth instead of following his duty, he was escorted back to the citadel for investigation.

Actually, Rytlock was called to the Citadel to explain to Smodur about his time in the Mists when he went there to get his sword back. Got nothing to do with fighting Mordremoth. Smodur actually agreed to fight Mordremoth during the World Summit at the Grove.

What did happen to the 'Eye of Janthir' ?

in Lore

Posted by: Vesuvius.9874


It’s actually pretty firmly established that the Eye of Janthir is heavily tied to the mursaat, since the days of Prophecies.

Sorry, I think I haven’t clarified what I meant by the Eye being “tied” to the Mursaat. What I meant was why did the Eye disintegrate (I'm taking this to mean that it died) when the last Mursaat died? Almost as if the life force of the two are connected to each other such that one cannot exist without the other. Why couldn't the Eye just continue to exist after Lazarus' death? Clearly there is a reason for this and my issue is that this reason was never given.

What did happen to the 'Eye of Janthir' ?

in Lore

Posted by: Vesuvius.9874


Still unclear…

So they are indeed suggesting that the Eye was tied to the entire Mursaat race or at the very least, to Lazarus. My only issue with this is that this fact was never mentioned nor hinted at prior to this event. Why are the two even tied to each other? I felt that the only hook to move the story to the Isles of Janthir was the Eye. Now it looks like there is no reason to go there, and if there is no reason to go there, then why bother naming that part of the world?

We could possibly cite Kasmeer as the reason to go there (if ever) since her ability to detect lies could be likened to the Gift of True Sight but we’re really stretching it at this point.

What did happen to the 'Eye of Janthir' ?

in Lore

Posted by: Vesuvius.9874


Spoilers below related to the season finale.

From the Eye of Janthir wiki page:

It is revealed by the Shining Blade to the Pact Commander that with its latest task completed, the Eye began to seek out its masters. To fulfill this, it began searching for and collecting Lazarus’ aspects as he was the last mursaat alive. When he was finally revived and subsequently killed, the Eye of Janthir disintegrated, proving once and for all that no mursaat remained.

My question is, at what point was it established that the existence of the Eye is tied into the existence of the Mursaat? The Eye was picked up by Saul from Janthir which I understand had its own people (different from the Mursaat). If anything, the existence of the Eye should have been tied to the people of Janthir, unless the people of Janthir were actually the Mursaat.

What’s going on here?

Zhaitan's minons

in Living World

Posted by: Vesuvius.9874


They already built a city. At least they built it when they were still alive. It’s called Arah :P

Housing idea for the future!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vesuvius.9874


Nice! I like this idea. Our home instance could contain this house that is fully customizable. It could also let you display personal achievements as trophies. Probably just have the entire home instance customizable so you can not only create your own house, but other buildings like an armory for example where you can display your armor and weapon collections.

This will give people more things to do within the game and also let this be a sink for consuming the various materials and help drive the economy.

New Legendary Hammer with Ep6!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vesuvius.9874


Oh snap! Thanks Randulf. Looks like Arden and I were trying to link directly to the tweet rather than the general page and it failed.

Anywho, to the point of the topic, yeah that just might be the new legendary!

New Legendary Hammer with Ep6!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vesuvius.9874


Link doesn’t work…

Think you meant:

So was Glint Wrong about Prophecies?

in Living World

Posted by: Vesuvius.9874


No Glint was not wrong about the Flameseeker Prophecies. That prophecy is complete. Take a look at this answer:

Repair M.O.X.

in Living World

Posted by: Vesuvius.9874


This is a great opportunity for them to create a quest chain (similar to Caladbolg’s) where we gather parts from around the world to make him better. As the state of repairs progress, more soundtracks can be added with each new repair component delivered.


in Lore

Posted by: Vesuvius.9874


They missed their chance on it with Heart of Thorns and now the story has gone in a completely different direction. The story would have to go into a sylvari-centric context again for them to touch on Malyck’s story and since we just got out of such a context, I don’t see when or if that will happen again.

In short, I’ve pretty much given up hope they will ever resolve it.

Thoughts on the new prophecy from trailer?

in Lore

Posted by: Vesuvius.9874


Glint’s Flameseeker Prophecies were complete as said by herself, so we can safely rule her out. There has been a lot of chatter around Aurene and this quite possibly being her prophecy. To a certain extent, that does make sense but my only issue is that Aurene is still practically a newborn. Are newborns even capable of this?

Trailer: "One Path Ends"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vesuvius.9874


This is nice and all but can we get trailer for the next specializations soon?

There were ’’trailers’’ of the elite specs before they were released one-by-one . It was official released btw. heres one of them.

He’s talking about new specializations that will be available with the new expansion. Not the existing ones.

Trailer: "One Path Ends"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vesuvius.9874


This is nice and all but can we get trailer for the next specializations soon?

I’m guessing that won’t be in the summer. Almost guaranteed actually. More likely towards the end of the year or early next year.

One stayed behind

in Living World

Posted by: Vesuvius.9874


Does that mean he never really left with the others? What exactly has he been doing all these years? and if he was in Tyria the whole time, then is whatever that “dimmed his light” in Tyria as well?

[SPOILER] It is him and her?

in Living World

Posted by: Vesuvius.9874


Perhaps it is the Paladin in me, but the thought of allying with undead is…disconcerting, at best.

Why yes, yes there are some things that I just Will. Not. Do. Regardless of the cost.

You sound like Balthazar…

There's no reason to return to Orr

in Living World

Posted by: Vesuvius.9874


Haha so much for “no reason to return to Orr”. In the words of the Risen, “Return to Orrrrrrr…..!”

Death, good! Everyone, come! (A message from the Orrian Board of Tourism)

Orrian Board of Tourism LOL!

So ANet still gives awful trailers.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vesuvius.9874


I think the “Go on, save Tyria” line was delivered that way on purpose and that the character saying it likely isn’t trying to be an encouraging influence.


That was clearly intentional. However, my take on it is it gives the impression that the speaker is an extremely powerful and/or knowledgeable entity. She knows what is to come. She knows what our part in all of this is and pretty much knows how everything will play out. Almost like how Ogden was speaking to us in the episode we go to Glint’s lair. He was essentially treating us like a kid that knows nothing and that he is in a position of power.

Trailer: "One Path Ends"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vesuvius.9874


Khilbron is in the Realm of Torment. Highly doubt that’s him. Seems like a risen wraith/priest but of high rank and importance.

Thoughts on the new prophecy from trailer?

in Lore

Posted by: Vesuvius.9874


Is this a new prophecy? Who exactly prophesied it?

[SPOILER] It is him and her?

in Living World

Posted by: Vesuvius.9874


Who could this be…

Why, that’s a nice crown you have there…

I believe that guy is going to help us fight Balthazar.

(Spoiler) Living Story S3E6 Discussion

in Lore

Posted by: Vesuvius.9874


It seems we are looking for allies among Elder Dragons and/or their minions as a way to fight Balthazar.