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Non-HoT-Accounts [Merged]

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Vinceman.4572


Sorry, first I have to answer is: Playing an online game is luxury, nothing else. So, you either invest or not. If you aren’t able to, then you aren’t able to, period.

How is my mind set? I’m complaining about the experience I made. How is your mind not set? You say, you’re not facing those problems … maybe because you’re having the expac?

Exactly, I wanted to go on in this game so it was obvious for me to buy it. I ranted a bit after some weeks because it wasn’t enough for me in the first place. After the recent patch it has my mind has changed and is set: The investment was worth it. Pretending to be absolutely rational about this decision, I was and still paying cents for every hour play time.

Exactly. SAB came back because people were complaining. 90% of the Spring update is stuff people were complaining about. WvW Borderlands will be Alpine soon … because people complained about it. But maybe I have more faith in Areanet than you.
(Funfact: Read the Spring-update with the fact in mind that your not having HoT. Spoiler: Suddenly it’s a reeeeaaaally small update.)

Yeah, you are one out of …. how much? 1000? 10000? SAB and WvW are big themes for the community or at least a huge part of it, yours is not, that’s the difference you can’t deny it.

  • Funny is, that you’re arguing all against it, but also say you won’t discuss it.

No, that’s not the case. My personal feeling about having luxury is following point: If I want something to have so badly although it’s luxury, I go for it, like working harder, save money from other things a.k.a. less sweets, less car driving or whatever you take into account. Personally I don’t have addictions like smoking or anything else but you can save 30€ everywhere without limiting yourself too hard.

  • Your mentioned 30€ twice. I’m seeing it at 45€ in the official shop. 40€ at amazon and 40€ at my local store.

Google is your friend. You can buy the expac for the amount of 30€ from several serious sources. Why you have to take them from the most expensive ones like the official store, amazon and your local store? This is really no argument at all!

  • If 30/40/45€ is not much money for you. You should be happy. I’m happy for you, that you’re in this position.
    But not everybody is. I’m working and I’m a parent. After paying mortgage and bills most of the money left goes to the kids.
    And if I’d choose to spend some money on me alone, there are a lot of things higher on my wishlist (5 year old PC / small monitor) than on an overpriced xpac, that took stuff away from me.

Well, seems you have set your priorities. You have to pay mortgage, bills plus you planned to have a family life. Good for you, we will have soon so I am in a different position at the moment, ok but you cannot be serious about your claims then. This is ridiculous. Either you can afford buying it or not. Like I said, playing a video game is luxury.

As a parent: birthday/christmas COSTS me money. Parents are Santa Claus

Oh really? Didn’t know that, I thought Santa was real! oO /irony

Sorry, you can’t tell me that there weren’t 45€ for yourself on christmas or you must have a really hard life but then I don’t recommend spending wasting more time in a game like this. And don’t repeat the phrase of wanting other things like a new pc. Change your priorities then and buy the pc one or two weeks later.

Took me 3 runs of the dungeon to get the bug.

(edited by Vinceman.4572)

Just smh with this raiding community

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Vinceman.4572


This reminds me of the good old times on the sports ground when we were playing soccer and all the worse players wanted to play with us and we denied it. Holy sh_it, it was always fun if one of them got angry and started to shout insults at us. There has always been one of us who could run faster than those individuals.

The complaints are a joke, sry to say but it’s true. You got enough hints to avoid the requirements from players in this thread/forum. It is like dungeon running was at it’s peak: Build your own frickin group! You have the technology. I bet most of the ranting players are the ones that need to be carried like I can see it every day in dungeons now after this patch and in fractals. The bearbows & greatsword mesmers are still alive going for higher fractals today and they all think they are performing well.
I’ve seen enough players calling for raids and inside they couldn’t even manage to do one important thing like moving their char onto the right places, take over a green circle spot or just avoid being hit at melee range to downstate on vale guard when there was a tank having the aggro.
Just a side note: I helped a friend levelling 12 fractals these days and everytime we finished one he was talking about how well the group has played and that there were some awesome group synergies. The whole run he was quite underperforming (don’t have to mention but: greatsword mesmer) but he didn’t know it due to obvious reasons because if you are bad, you won’t recognize it often. Well you actually can’t because you don’t know how it feels to be good.

Appearance and reality – appearance and reality, that’s all need to be said in the end!

Every player I met that wanted to get in touch with serious raiding has made it. It reminds me of my loved german fellows instead of taking action and work for the success we go deep down into the basement and rant around.

Took me 3 runs of the dungeon to get the bug.

(edited by Vinceman.4572)

Non-HoT-Accounts [Merged]

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Vinceman.4572


I don’t know what you are doing then, even yesterday I pugged 18 or 19 fractals. The only kicks we had to execute were people not leaving the group after finishing the fractal when they were back to other maps in Tyria. In the majority of the runs the atmosphere was near to perfect with laughing, constructive criticism and all runs were successful. Nobody cared about classes, only one hardliner was asking to swap an ele to war/rev/guard after two wipes at the boss but I told him it’s ok and we went on killing it the next try. On Mai Trin, 2 of the pugs died instantly a.k.a. no AR but we went on, rezzed them and defeated her while another player dc’ed at 50% and was dead at the entrance of the fractal.

But I think all this won’t solve your problem because your mind is set. The only thing we can tell is that they won’t change the system like it is now because the modifications were made to let people buy the expac. You can complain, rant or laugh about it nothing will happen.
My personal thought in this case: If there is content I’ll want to play so badly, I invest money. The expac is about 30€/$ these days which is justified for the content by now (+ after the recent patch). I can also understand people not willing to get it but hey, that’s their deal. And I also don’t want a discussion about 30€/$ being expensive or kids/students having no money and so forth. Work for it, save for it or wait for birthday/christmas.

Took me 3 runs of the dungeon to get the bug.

(edited by Vinceman.4572)

How do you ever get into all..

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Vinceman.4572


Even though most of your arguments are perfectly legit, this does not excuse the toxicity of the community. Whether you tell someone “Sorry can’t join, we don’t have time to teach people we don’t know” or “Get out you’re too noob [insert random teenager insult]” take the same amount of energy/time.
One is adult, one is just a show off that mostly mean “Hey Im in a guild that did raids so I was able to learn before you did and now you’re stuck hahahaha newb” or something like that.

And this is completely ridiculous.

This a game, some people simply forget it, if you’re not willing to help players, that’s indeed your right, but don’t insult them for trying. As you said, everyone plays the way they want, if someone wants to jump into a raid without knowing a kitten about them, it’s also their right, but it doesnt deserve the trash talk.

I totally agree, serious insults have no place in an online game but you know, we won’t erase them or change the mentality/mood of some bad apples. Everybody of us has made negative experiences ingame or in any case sooner or later everybody will.
But I also see the joining into a group that made requirements I do not fulfill as rude and ignorant breach towards other players. In terms of raids I’ve never seen people with less than several thousands of AP joining, so it is definite we are not dealing with beginners or players not able to read the english language. If it happens to some rare raid groups ok, but the majority of the cases you have to deal with players trying to cheat their way into a group that put the lfg for a reason. The groups want to play like they described it – same thing if you go out on a sports ground and try to play with others who were there before. You ask them and if they agree you follow their rules and you have fun. If they don’t want you to play with them you have to deal with it. I would love to see peeps running into those groups and interrupt the game. It won’t end up with insults only. ^^ Yeah, I know, violence is not a reason either but we all know that this could happen so that’s why you behave in a certain manner and just don’t do such things unless you are a freak or a lil bit stupid.
What I am trying to say, insulting players are a thing of toxicity but not respecting the rules of others is the same. We all would be happy if both sides acted correctly, resulting in less drama.

Took me 3 runs of the dungeon to get the bug.

(edited by Vinceman.4572)

How do you ever get into all..

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Vinceman.4572


Sigh. You are part of his problem, not him! I still find it unreal that people in LFG want ‘gear checks’ to do a full run of Ascalonian Catacombs. Come onnn people. Don’t you remember your first dungeons/raids/fracs??

Please, you have to respect everyone’s personal desires ingame. If people want to have gear checks in AC, you have absolute 0 right to intervene. Accept and respect that others want to play like this. You have many opportunities to avoid them and get your own thing done!

I agree entirely with the op, it’s gone completely bonkers and unfair. GW2 has some excellent devoted chilled players too who don’t need to complete a dungeon in 3.5minutes or whatever the hell the idea is to get super rewards and legendary gear crazy fast. Some of us enjoy what the game has to offer and enjoys all the story telling, the pace at which you want to go. This does not make someone a bad player.

And this is why you are in a conflict with solid raiding people. Raids are no chillout zones when you visit them for the first time. Well, it’s not serious business but you can’t jump in like a freakin drag queen and welcome the encounters with your open world mentality. That doesn’t work and there are players out there who want to avoid getting people like that because these are the ones who are responsible to let the group fail over and over again. Had people in my first runs who were grouped for the green circle. They failed so hard just to run into even though we told them not to focus on any other things like this and you know what is happening then to the whole team.
Yes, you can enjoy the content, but it’s on a different level many players aren’t able to reach rudimentary.

The raid state is just terrible right now. Not only is it needed for the first ever GW2 legendary armor, but it isn’t achievable by the vast majority of players.

It is, if they would stop pressing only 1 on their chars and actually learn how to play their class properly.

If you want to find a group on the LFG and you don’t have a lot of experience ( even if you know what you’re supposed to do, you play your class perfectly ) it’s just completely over. The raid community is extremely toxic in PU raids, people leave after 1 fail, you end up searching for other players, then others leave, etc.. It’s just horrible.

Open a “training group” via LFG and people will join. Watch out for players that perform well in your opinion and add them to your friend list.
Go into forums, try several raid guilds, raid communities. There are dozens of them and they don’t prevent searching for players, they really do.
The problem on your side: You have to be patient and bring lot of time, effort, sweat and nerves. But that’s your entry into raids. Once you’ve done this raids can be chill mode.

The big problem is indeed people asking you to have x LI, otherwise you’re kicked, it doesn’t matter if you’re very good, doesn’t matter if you perfectly know the boss but you’ve killed him only a few times, you’re worthless. Some groups even ask for the Eternal title, like, wtf… You can be good and lucky and you didn’t die during boss fights but one of your mates did, what’s the point with your own skill?!? I find this perfectly absurd and stupid, but it perfectly reflects the state of mind of most of raiders right now.

Since raids are time consuming and you don’t want to spend or waste any more like you did when you were learning the encounters, it’s their right to ask for special requirements showing possibly skill and experience. You have no idea where

The other point is fully asc gear, I do own it myself because I love optimisation, but asc vs exotic armor is just an anecdotic amount of stats, well those people don’t give a f*** if you’re good and you know how to play your class/you know the bosses, you have an exotic armor ? You’re a complete s*** and you deserve to get kicked.

Sry, but you don’t know what you are talking about. We have a wing clear of a full exotic team but they are organized and very good players. So, actually it is completely insane not to insist on asc gear, at least weapons and trinkets.

Raids made a kind of player coming back into the game, those very elitist players, that we used to meet when CoF p1 farm was a thing, who are extremely toxic, unpleasant, and who don’t hesitate to trash talk/flame and to tell you that you’re a big trash ( have never lived it myself but happened to friends ).

Well, people were and are mostly toxic if you join their group and you don’t meet the requirements. It is an hostile move of those players but since I have beenduoing and soloing dungeons it is a mess with players joining your sell runs and don’t understand any word I write. Same goes with harder fractals when people join your group with less AR than needed. See it from that perspective, please.

You now have two options : -creating your guild. This is probably the best solution as you’ll have the controle over it and you’ll be able to take some beginners and slowly progress into the raids.
-what I did, joining a raid guild, a raid guild with good and less good players, and killing at least the VG once every week, or even other bosses if you’re in a good guild. I highly recommand not to get in a speed clear guild, first they’ll refuse you if you have never beaten the bosses, and the atmosphere is very toxic with a lot of pressure, you honestly don’t even feel good when you’ve finished your raid with them.

Exactly, except the fact that the atmosphere in a speed clear guild is not very toxic per se.

Took me 3 runs of the dungeon to get the bug.

(edited by Vinceman.4572)

How much gold from dungeons now?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Vinceman.4572


Less but now it’s more worth than after the nerf. It’s in a satisfying state again – for me.

Took me 3 runs of the dungeon to get the bug.

Guaranteed Blue Skins at Aetherpath

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Vinceman.4572


Thread can be closed.

Took me 3 runs of the dungeon to get the bug.

Fractal loot nerfed?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Vinceman.4572


Saw asc boxes every t4 run since Tuesday – I got one too. In my opinion the droprate has increased powerfully, definitely not nerfed.

Took me 3 runs of the dungeon to get the bug.

My thoughts on the new Cliffside

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Vinceman.4572


Ofc is this intended. You should not be caged otherwise you will be punished, that’s it. Stay close, run out of the orange hammer indicator, don’t dodge it or only in emergency and then you’ll always have a dodge to not get caged (orange circle indicator).
With today’s daily I ran high cliffside twice now and it just depends on player skill. My pug today was horrible and we had about almost ten attempts till we succeeded because people didn’t dodge properly, dodged too much, ranged too long, stayed in the colored indicators and more. My group two days ago was way better due to a higher skill level than today.
—> Train hard and stop to complain.

Took me 3 runs of the dungeon to get the bug.

Fractal loot nerfed?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Vinceman.4572


I hope it’s just bad RNG on my part, but is anyone else seeing REALLY awful loot from the daily chests? I’ve done 6 tier 3 dailies (18 total fractal chests) since the update and have gotten pathetic loot. Just a couple fractal encryption keys and maybe 1-2 rares.

T4 is the way to go, not T3.

Took me 3 runs of the dungeon to get the bug.

frac limiting

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Vinceman.4572


Soo since this seems to be the place to drop some opinions on the new patch for fractals, i’ll just drop my opinion here:

So i’m actually new to the game.
I’ve been playing GW2 for about 1 Month now and it’s been a lot of fun. I quickly found a guild and joined the fun. So far so good. Fractals were always possible and I played them as dailys pretty often. Not always, but often. When the guys from my guild went to play the lower daily fractals I was able to join in without any issues.

So, now after the patch I’ve got a problem: Nobody wants to do the lower fractals anymore because the loot is bad and they are able to do the higher ones without any problems thanks to their agony resistance. And I can’t blame them, because…i mean I wouldn’t either if i could just do the highest ones and get all the loot.
But I can not, as I now have a agony resistance of 10 or so, not very much to say the least.
They now drag me along in the higher fractals (76 and up), which is fine for me, but its no real fun for me, nor for them (at least thats what I guess).
So while the patch made the fractals definetely better for those who have been playing fractals for a longer time, it is now problematic for new players to join in, at least for those in a guild and who want to participate in said guild, as the seasoned players now lack the motivation to play the lower fractals.
Although I can not offer any advice on how to solve that problem, I would just like to mention this here. I personally had more motivation playing the Fractals before the patch, since I was able to actually help the group, not be an obstacle.
Since I really enjoy GW2 and playing with my guild, I don’t have the motivation to do lower fractals with pugs.
Which then again seems to be a must now if the new fractal system focuses more on people with more experience in them. Sadly, this leaves the newbies out of the equation.

If your guild mates let you run with them in higher tiers, you will level up and after some additional fractals here and there you will reach their level very soon. Infusions are cheap and asc armor to put them in is to be crafted by everyone who wants to run the higher ones. I don’t see a problem here.
In EU there also isn’t a problem with pugging lower fractals, you find tons of lfg for tier 1 & 2. Your complaint is not valid in my eyes

Took me 3 runs of the dungeon to get the bug.

Thank you for the rewards

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Vinceman.4572


Oh and PUG have no incitative to do do 76+ Daily Fractal if it not Swampland or Molten Boss.

I pugged all 3 tier 4 fractals today.

Took me 3 runs of the dungeon to get the bug.

My thoughts on the new Cliffside

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Vinceman.4572


No, absolutely, no!

The encounter is way better than before. It just punishes bad players or groups. Standing far away from each other and give the opportunity to afk- or semi-afk-range bosses should never be a possibility – never ever. If you stand together meleeing he won’t shadowstep and it forces you to keep an eye on his animations.
Study this video of a lvl 33 run (not mine) and you can see that a shadwostep is not done out of the air, he only steps to players that aren’t to reach for him with his hammer attacks:
The damage is also fine, because you only get hit if you don’t dodge immediately when he is shadwostepping. This divides skilled players from lesser skilled ones!
Maybe you and your group should practice this fractals at a lower tier.
We did him around lvl 30-40 with less experienced players and it was no difference comparing to other fractal encounters a.k.a. it was new but still easy.
A total difference from lvl 94 when I pugged later on and we had one wipe during his final phase but beat him the second try.

Took me 3 runs of the dungeon to get the bug.

(edited by Vinceman.4572)

New fractal dailies a bit confusing?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Vinceman.4572


Yes, only 5, 3 of the highest tier and 2 daily recommended.

Took me 3 runs of the dungeon to get the bug.

frac limiting

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Vinceman.4572


Now there is zero choice. I spent 3 times as much time doing this new system for the same rewards as before. It was far more frustrating, I had to keep kicking people without AR since swamp was nearly the only one that AR didn’t matter, and I had to wait a lot longer to even get a group started. The entire time every single person in the group was complaining about being forced in to content we didn’t want to do.

Now there is a good amount of choice. I spent the same time or less than before doing this new system for better rewards as before. It was way more inspirational, I didn’t have to keep kicking people without AR like I did several times in swamp when the axe insta-killed some peeps and I had to wait a lot shorter to get a group started. Not a single time any person in the group was complaining about being forced into content we didn’t want to do.

I guess it’s 50/50 now! Reading others here in this thread make me feel it’s 99/1.
Stop whining about nonsense please, ty.

Took me 3 runs of the dungeon to get the bug.

Non-HoT-Accounts [Merged]

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Vinceman.4572


At first, I disagree to Thaddeus about the reward part in his comment, the rest is fine for me. Fractals till level 76 give enough rewards at the moment. The asc droprate there is fine because we had many drops the last days in tier 3 which was not the case when we were doing 56-67-77 and getting the champion chest afterwards the last six months. I’ve never seen such an asc box party before like I saw with tier 1-3.
Yeah, the change from pre-HoT 30, 40 and 50 to HoT was made and became worse but it was for everyone, HoT owners included. Later on they patched it in december so the droprate for an asc box after swamp of the mists was almost the same like before HoT. And as I stated above, swamps of the mist was playable for non-HoT-owners —> 56-60-67.

To respond to emma, I would never ever show in the first place that I have enough AR. If people are asking I’ll do it but running immediatley to the well after loading screen would be suspicious to me like somebody has to hide something behind his proper AR status. It’s like: “Look, I have nothing to hide. My AR is fine. (But I better don’t mention I have almost no clue what I’ve been doing in the upcoming level.) Take me with you.”
No offense and you already said that you are not the one wiping. But then I ask myself why you are getting kicked. The only kicks in fractals I had to experience were kicks immediately after joining to a 4 man group which is a sign for them having a 5th member themselves but weren’t fast enough to cancel the lfg or communicate it in their group.
I highly doubt that you are getting kicked because you don’t have the elite spec. It’s more due to the thing I wrote or they just don’t want to have (another) necro. Only once I remembered that one player asked a mesmer to change to chrono. He didn’t, we wiped, the one who asked left the group and we went on successfully.
When pugging higher fractals (50+) it rly doesn’t matter if you have the elite spec or not. The content is still faceroll and when pug-players begin to struggle it has nothing to do with the lack of a missing elite spec. The overall personal skill is way more essential than the spec and running chickens will be running chickens no matter what specialisation. If they go down, they will go down with both, if they defeat a fractal boss they will defeat it with both.
If you persist that you are getting kicked not having viper gear, you were joining groups asking you to ping your gear. Don’t do that, leave those group asap or better, if a gear check is written in the lfg, don’t even join these ones! They are not faster, they are not better and the atmosphere is way worse than a usual group with only numbers like “69”. I promise you the kick rate will decrease instantly.

Took me 3 runs of the dungeon to get the bug.

(edited by Vinceman.4572)

frac limiting

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Vinceman.4572


That just makes doing fracs even more hostile than before -_-

Explain yourself please. Every fractal has the chance to become a daily now, if I’m not mistaken, so I don’t see a problem here. Fractal community/runners in EU are very forgiving and they rather leave the group than kicking or insulting you. These are my experiences after 6 months of pugging fractals post-HoT and more pre-HoT.

Took me 3 runs of the dungeon to get the bug.

Non-HoT-Accounts [Merged]

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Vinceman.4572


Well, you bought your acc to a time when there were offers about 10$/€ per account, so I think this is a fair price for the stuff you are still able to play. If you have paid more it’s your own thing because GW2 was on the market for over 2 years, it wasn’t a new game.
You feel excluded now? Look at the price for the expansion at the moment. It’s a gift due to the fact the expac has been released since 6 months.
Time goes on, deal with it. Same thing when buying a 2 year old car and not having the actual settings.
Referring to the kicking people. I feel sorry for you. Must be in NA, in EU almost no one gets kicked, the groups aren’t even recommending an ar check before. It can happen that you will be kicked if not having the required amount but that is fair tbh because you wanted to cheat your way through letting others carry your weight. Ok, there is another chance of getting kicked short before or during the fractal. Your chat language doesn’t fit with the atmosphere of the group. And again, like the ar thing, you are the one who would be the problem then.

Took me 3 runs of the dungeon to get the bug.

(edited by Vinceman.4572)

I can haz weekend raid reset now?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Vinceman.4572


I’m ok with Monday thanks.

Took me 3 runs of the dungeon to get the bug.

Guaranteed Blue Skins at Aetherpath

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Vinceman.4572


I disagree completely.

Took me 3 runs of the dungeon to get the bug.

Guaranteed Blue Skins at Aetherpath

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Vinceman.4572


No need to ruin old skins people worked hard for.

What was the “hard” in having rng luck when running aether path? The hardest part was watching unskippable cut scenes and to stay strong when the one who got a skin wasn’t you. ^^

They should have changed it earlier, maybe 2 years ago but I think we can all agree that was due to the lack of a dungeon team. The change is ok. These skins shouldn’t cost more than 10g.

Took me 3 runs of the dungeon to get the bug.

Mai Trin 100 as daily

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Vinceman.4572


It’s actually extremely easy tbh. She does a lot less dmg than pre-HoT and so do the cannons. As long as you focus on killing the sniper dude first there’s little chance of wiping. It’s a bit tedious tho, I’ll give you that.

I mean you even have a second chance in the form of the mistlock singularity.

Of course it’s easy. OP hasn’t said anything about difficulty. Doesn’t change anything about Mai Trin having too much hp. Make her harder but lower hp. That’s all and we have a good encounter that feels right.

Took me 3 runs of the dungeon to get the bug.

Asc boxes in fraktal daily chests nerfed`?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Vinceman.4572


And the so called nerf was justified because the rewards were imbalanced. Now it makes more sense. Don’t forget that less skilled players can include dungeon runs (story + explo) due to reward buffs there.
Personally, I don’t see a nerf. Fractals around lvl 50 are half-way to the top. Comparing to the older system it was around lvl 25 when 50 was max level. The rewards there were very bad back in these days.
At the moment it feels way more rewarding than ever. The change was perfect.

Took me 3 runs of the dungeon to get the bug.

No New Fractal ?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Vinceman.4572


Boss HP in the highest tier is still cancer, no matter if condi or zerk. Pure annoyance with 0 skill involved except patience & endurance.

Come on, it really isn’t that bad anymore. Bosses went down fine; at least on the scales that were set as dailies yet. Only one that might need a little bit less HP would be Lornarr in Snowblind, but that’s because he’s not really exciting to fight in the first place.

As you could have seen, my post was referring to the daily of the patch day. Today’s daily fractals were/are fine. 94 cliffside because this fractal + the boss hp were revamped and molten furnace because there isn’t rly a boss fight (the dredge at the end has way less hp compared to others). Mai Trin should be nerfed in hp, no matter what, it’s still bullkitten.

Took me 3 runs of the dungeon to get the bug.

Guaranteed Blue Skins at Aetherpath

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Vinceman.4572


It’s a game, get over it. It’s not about your personal goal to be leader or one of the top players with most AP. This is about having fun.
If you have no challenge go and find a new one. Those skins were absolutely overpriced and the random chance of getting one was pure bullkitten.

Took me 3 runs of the dungeon to get the bug.

Fractal Encryption Keys

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Vinceman.4572


Rewards for sub 50 fractals are good enough. You must be joking!
The reward system was absolutely imbalanced before the last patch, you have to keep that in mind because it was nonsense to run higher than 77 (yeah exactly: swamp of the mists!). Now it is way more averaged since fractals before lvl 50 are no real challenge at all. 5 players in full zerk are plowing their way through there without any difficulty.

Also for those that find it too hard to lvl up in fractals and/or need to play to get asc boxes: We got satisfying dungeon rewards back, run these, run lower fractals and you have a lot of gold/items to go ahead.
Most of us who are running fractals for a longer time span had to craft the whole ascended armor. There weren’t drops that could have been changed via mystic forge. The crafting took a very long time and cost us lots of gold. Be happy that this has changed dramatically!
I mean it’s cool to get things done easily but lower fractals are fine. If you need 30 minutes for lvl 34 Underground, you, your party or all together are horrible in this game. No offense but that is actually the painful truth.

Also, especially for TheArtOfMouts, leveling up to get above lvl 50 isn’t rly an issue. You can join any lvl higher or equal to 43 till 50 to rise a level. You don’t need to maintain the order (or is it psychologically important for you?). Just take whatever you can get, there are enough you can hop onto or ask friends/guild mates running a higher one with you and you will be able to get to next tier in the lfg. It’s easy. Can’t even believe having to read such a statement like you did. Playing 7 levels isn’t even worth calling it grind.

Took me 3 runs of the dungeon to get the bug.

Mai Trin 100 as daily

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Vinceman.4572


I agree to the point that they really should think about the hp in the highest tier. It is pure annoyance and hasn’t anything to do with skill. Make them less forgiving but lower this ridiculous amount of hp.

Took me 3 runs of the dungeon to get the bug.

Training Area (DPS meter) requires HoT?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Vinceman.4572


Here you go: You don’t need it because the rest of GW2 is faceroll content. ^^

Took me 3 runs of the dungeon to get the bug.

Asc boxes in fraktal daily chests nerfed`?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Vinceman.4572


Boxes spreading all around atm. We had boxes in every new group I was playing with. Yesterday 1 box for a Pug-player, today 1 for a guild mate, 1 for a Pug.
Even if you are unlucky, the rewards are very very very very very generous!

Took me 3 runs of the dungeon to get the bug.

No New Fractal ?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Vinceman.4572


I did a 94 (cliffside) and a 83 (furnace) a few hours ago. Both bosses went down very very fast.

Also did Mai Trin at 100, which took significantly longer, but the whole fractal is basically just that fight, so I think that’s fine.

Cliffside was changed due to obvious reasons, so i don’t count that to the stated problem.
Molten furnace has never been a thing so far. I’m speaking of Snowblind (not the ice elemental) and the last boss (Son of Svanir Shaman). Underground Facility Fractal lvl 81 endboss was the same thing, also Urban Battleground Fractal lvl 78 but not that boring.
Still pure annoyance. I like to face challenges but you get your rewards for being patient, nothing more.

Took me 3 runs of the dungeon to get the bug.

No New Fractal ?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Vinceman.4572


Boss HP in the highest tier is still cancer, no matter if condi or zerk. Pure annoyance with 0 skill involved except patience & endurance.

Took me 3 runs of the dungeon to get the bug.

300g commander tag and raids

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Vinceman.4572


This thread is a joke or hypocritical.
Every raider was and still is getting enough gold out of Spirit Vale where you absolutely don’t need any special commander abilities (ready check —> TS/Skype/w/e, markers not needed here) to get things easily done! If you don’t buy shinies all the time, you won’t notice the amount of buff food you have to spend gold for. Use the cheaper ones, Matisse already said it, it is way enough.
Additionally almost every so called “raider” is doing daily fractals while netflixing because that content is hilarious and donates around 10g every day.
These things put together will result in buying a commander in less than a month.

Took me 3 runs of the dungeon to get the bug.

How many fakers have you seen in raid pugs?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Vinceman.4572


I saw plenty of “beginner arah” runs back when dungeons were ran. I see plenty of teaching raid runs today. You are being overly dramatic and you are enabling manipulative and selfish behavior.

Maybe that’s right for NA. In EU there are almost no teaching runs or practice runs for beginners.
I feel bad for all the people without a solid group here. The chance to get into a group via pugging is very little if not to say about 0.

Took me 3 runs of the dungeon to get the bug.

Ascended Weapon Chests

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Vinceman.4572


The drop rates are fine. Got 6 chest (5 armor, 1 weapon) since reward change in december. An increase would it make too easy to acquire ascended stuff for all chars. Don’t forget you get enough gold out of fractals to craft asc stuff very fast as well.

Took me 3 runs of the dungeon to get the bug.

Dungeons Gold Rewards Need Rebalance ! [Merged]

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Vinceman.4572


Nobody knows. This is just a usual Anet answer. Hope is there but it was destroyed so many times before, I stay skeptical.

Took me 3 runs of the dungeon to get the bug.

solo AC dungeon, need monk runes, need help

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Vinceman.4572


Not everyone is stupid, some just don’t speak english.

Yes, some. But the majority of players is just stupid.

Took me 3 runs of the dungeon to get the bug.

solo AC dungeon, need monk runes, need help

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Vinceman.4572


Start to pug path 3. It is the easiest path till the end. Colossus Rumblus (the last boss) could be a little annoying for newer players but when Grast (one of the npcs) is with you, you can faceroll kill the boss in a corner. With proper groups you will later on just run to him and kill him on the spot.
Path 1 is the second easiest path, again only one hurdle: A burrow event during the middle of the run. New players don’t get the exact spots and the order of appearing burrows so it could be a bit frustrating. After finishing this event, the rest is faceroll again, even the last boss.
Path 2 is a bit harder and I won’t recommend to pug it with newer players if you are also not experienced. There are people in this game who are too stupid to understand some mechanics in this path and then it will become a mess in there.

Took me 3 runs of the dungeon to get the bug.

Story Mode Dungeons Dead?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Vinceman.4572


All dungeon story modes are soloable. You don’t need more than one player (yourself) to go through all other stories and skill.

Took me 3 runs of the dungeon to get the bug.

Just did CoE and the rewards are pretty fine

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Vinceman.4572


I did not take tokens into account, because that depends on the level dungeons you run and what you actually want to do with those.

This alone tells us that you are having no clue of what you are talking about!
Every dungeon path you mentioned nets you with at least 60 tokens on the first run of the day. Always! Beyond that you can get a minor number of tokens in addition out of bags.

Took me 3 runs of the dungeon to get the bug.

(edited by Vinceman.4572)

Fractal Encryption Key 5-Packs gone?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Vinceman.4572


Just bug fixes and PvP season.

I would rather say they have implemented new bugs. ^^

Took me 3 runs of the dungeon to get the bug.

How many fakers have you seen in raid pugs?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Vinceman.4572


And these people are slower than those who use the keyboard (thats the point he was making). It doesn’t take long to learn, just a few weeks and it’ll be second nature.

If you’re having trouble with binding your keys I suggest moving your wasd -> tfgh and 12345 -> 45678, this opens up a lot of easily accessable buttons. Might take longer to adjust but I found it increased my ability to react and improved my gameplay overall (able to make split second decisions convert into actions).

Skill clicking with a mouse is inefficient, slower, draws your eye from the action and leads to sloppy play (thats before you even take into account ground targetting).

Like I said, I won’t discuss it, the advantages are unambigous but it was clear somebody will come around to pick it up for no reason.
Let me make this clear: There is absolutely no need to focus on playing with keyboard that strong in GW2 compared to a game where you need a decent amount of apm like SC2 or anything else.
To use that as an argument like Marthkus was just bullkitten.

Took me 3 runs of the dungeon to get the bug.

How many fakers have you seen in raid pugs?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Vinceman.4572


I got his so called arguments. I was just asking myself if he is serious with the “People clicking skills with their mouse…”
I don’t want a discussion about reaction time between clicking skills and using the keyboard or anything else. It is just sad that he mentioned that because there have been players around in every game being faster with their mouse than with using the other hand on the keyboard for all skills. To outline this, as he was doing, makes absolutely no sense and isn’t reasoning at all.

Took me 3 runs of the dungeon to get the bug.

How many fakers have you seen in raid pugs?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Vinceman.4572


Except those videos of people doing the VG and ignoring the green circle.

People clicking skills with their mouse and most people on only exotics.

Your metas are dumb.

Well, at first, no one said that asc stuff is a must. Secondly, I agree, to click skills with a mouse is a crime. They should all be arrested and burn in hell.

Seriously, wtf do we have to read here?

Took me 3 runs of the dungeon to get the bug.

Raid difficulty/achievements/rewards

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Vinceman.4572


Sry, I can’t get this picture of a bearbow ranger out of my head that is soloing mentioned encounters after pushing mobs out of melee range or luring bosses by their pet to wipe the own group and being last man standing calling out: “Why are you blaming me, you all died.” Because this is what the majority of rangers has been out there for a long time…and still is like I could experience the last weeks in my dungeon tours.

As usual the standard L2P response of peeps who don’t know what people use or how they play. Sorry to disappoint you but I never use a bear. And my build is one you obviously wouldn’t understand since I’ve nurtured and tuned it since the beginning of GW2. What I stated is true. Ascalonian dungeon for example: Everyone was dead on the spider because they assumed that it wouldn’t target them in the old spot. I moved when it was obvious that we were targeted there. Others moved too and continued to fight, but eventually they all went down. I soloed the spider boss using my Reef Drake and other pet, a fire drake I think and watched as in party messages mentioned what I was doing. They were surprised. I met a bearbow ranger in WvW about a year ago and thought what you were thinking. That ranger had no idea how to play a ranger. I meet zerker rangers in WvW and laugh after they shoot me – then destroy them. I’ve met good rangers in WvW and have good fights with them. I can tell when they have a good build and know how to use it. I main a ranger and have since GW2 betas.

You apparently haven’t encountered very good rangers. I feel sorry for my favorite class. But if you all die in a dungeon, you must not be very good. Just saying.

I have met many good rangers otherwise I wouldn’t have been successful in raids with them and asked them to join my group!
And you take AC as example for soloing bosses? Sry to tell you, but this is the one of the easiest dungeons even long before HoT. By the way, you can almost afk-kill the spider without using an exploit or safe spot since years. You beating the spider solo in a 5 man group isn’t a sign of quality it’s rather a hint that the other players are worse than terrible what is nothing special in GW2. I repeat myself, a majority of players is very very bad and it doesn’t mean you’ll be good if you are better than these species.
And I add this with a smile: Even good players die there because they are bored as hell and don’t pay attention. I confess, happened to me too.
Just to inform you, several players that have answered you now are able to solo complete dungeon pathes and cleared the raid. We have no problems to beat the content, you were the one beefing around instead of searching for solutions a.k.a. playing with guild members, playing with friends, forming an own group, playing druid, playing a completely different class.

Took me 3 runs of the dungeon to get the bug.

Raid difficulty/achievements/rewards

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Vinceman.4572


I call it elitist because it is. Raids have created an elitist attitude and a LTP resurgence. The “You just want easy content” answer to anyone complaining about content of the raid and what the problems observed in their opinion. So, yes, elitist is a very good term to use.

The problem is here that so many players have already beaten the first wing that you cannot deny the wing is not a real big challenge.
On the other hand there are so many very bad players that have played GW2 easymode content for the last 3.5 years and have the opinion this wing has to be beaten by them although Anet clearly announced that this won’t be the case.

On the other note, now that there is a meta and the success rate is such that taking a ranger doesn’t mean success said group of friends would rather not take a ranger anymore.

There is still no existent meta with fixed classes. Go to Youtube and watch dozens of raid boss kills with many different team compositions. Rangers are not excluded, you’ll just have to avoid pugs if you want to be safe.
Another thing I have to mention is, that – I can only speak for EU – there are no lfgs with 0 requirements. That means, you, Heibi.4251, are joining groups with special requirements you don’t bring with you. Ofc I would kick you if you came with a ranger and I wanted a herald or anything else. This is a big issue in GW2. Players don’t read lfgs properly or they just ignore the requirements. This behaviour is what I call asocial. Maybe you aren’t such a player but I highly doubt it because I never see any lfgs without proper requirements in terms of raids.

But it should have been more based on skill than having to have a meta developed to kill a boss quickly. Having a good build is necessary, but the problem is the forced play style instead of skill. If it was based on skill a party with good pve builds could have walked in and done it.

The raid is based on skill. Having a build and a gear that are not forgiving is forcing the players to bring their best, their A+-game in a perfectly developed environment. The more tankier you can actually play the easier it gets. We don’t want that for raids too, we already have that for the vast majority of GW2 contant.
Actually we should be sad about so many weekly wing clears by the community because it definitely shows this raid is a lil bit too easy.

You don’t know how I play so don’t assign “players like you” to me. I’d be the one soloing the boss because the others were down. I’d be the one getting everyone up. I’d be the one who would help the party. I’m not an all or nothing player. I survive, do lots of damage, and get other players back up. I have a very efficient build that can be used in PVE and WvW without changing it. I run very good food and utilities and lead zergs in WvW at times. So don’t go assigning “Players like you” to me.

Sry, I can’t get this picture of a bearbow ranger out of my head that is soloing mentioned encounters after pushing mobs out of melee range or luring bosses by their pet to wipe the own group and being last man standing calling out: “Why are you blaming me, you all died.” Because this is what the majority of rangers has been out there for a long time…and still is like I could experience the last weeks in my dungeon tours.

Took me 3 runs of the dungeon to get the bug.

(edited by Vinceman.4572)

Raid difficulty/achievements/rewards

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Vinceman.4572



Hope- and senseless

Pointless and idiotic post with no actual content.

Dude, you don’t even read their assistant posts and just blaming the random groups, that they don’t want to have you as a ranger in their groups.
You have the opportunity to build a squad yourself, you know?
We killed several bosses with “just” a ranger or two. You have absolutely no clue what you are talking about.

Took me 3 runs of the dungeon to get the bug.

Raid difficulty/achievements/rewards

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Vinceman.4572


Making a minor change in the build is not what I’m talking about here. You obviously aren’t truly understanding what has been put before your eyes. A ranger could be maxed out and ready to do tons of damage but will be kicked unless he runs druid. A warrior doesn’t have to CHANGE his basic concept at all. Same goes for the other classes, they just do what they normally do with a few modifications and the really awesome elite classes that ANeT gave them – which made them vastly more powerful than before. Ranger got healing.

Hope- and senseless

Took me 3 runs of the dungeon to get the bug.

Bring Our Dungeons Back

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Vinceman.4572


The NPE initiative and Anet own messages posting in articles disagree with your statement.

The NPE initiative was for newer players to not having it too hard and “confusing”. They changed so much with it beside the nerf from champions to veterans with less loot. It wasn’t to counteract to a toxic environment and the official announcement don’t even mention a single word of toxic player behaviour.
Anet had and still has a hard time to bind newer and enough players to play the game actively and with this initiative they tried to make it tasty for beginners and simplify the introduction into the game. The breakup of the queensdale farming train was a pleasant side effect as we had champ to vet nerfs in every starting area with 0,0% trains there (Plains of Ashford, Metrica, Wayfarer Foothils, Caledon Forest —> no trains ever!).

Also, there has never been any important official posting that toxic player behaviour has been or is a thing in Guild Wars 2. I don’t count some minor forum posts to that. These are irrelevant and not significant. On the contrary, we have lots of announcements to fight and ban bots and players being banned due to using forbidden third-party software like in WvW and bans due to payment frauds.

Took me 3 runs of the dungeon to get the bug.

Bring Our Dungeons Back

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Vinceman.4572


I didn’t say zerker meta. If you read my entire paragraph it was in response to the player talking about Toxic Players. Toxic players are not akin to “zerker meta” only, if you didn’t know xD.

Yes, but you brought up “toxic meta made players quit” while the discussion was about “zerker meta” and this meta wasn’t a toxic one.
I agree that we have had toxic behaviour in Queensdale and the changes there were absolutely necessary and satisfying due to having enough farm maps like Frostgorge Sound or Cursed Shore and preventing beginners to play in a bad environtment in starting levels.
By the way, I personally doubt that many players left due to toxic comments in Queensdale or elsewhere and also the “grinders” didn’t quit the game because there were nerfs here and there. The main issue of GW2 that players are abandoning was and still is the missing content over long time periods.

Not all groups post their requirements on lfg. They analyze after joining, said group.

Well, I am of the opinion that (almost) every human being is able to learn something. If you were kicked by such groups why would you join them over and over again?
Sorry, the no-description lfgs weren’t really an issue, not even a minor thing.
The problem was way simpler: Bad or to let it sound harmless: unskilled players joined many “exp” and “zerker” groups on purpose because they wanted a carry bringing them through. And they felt excluded after a kick knowing that they will have a harder and longer run without such groups, sometimes with no success to even see a first, second or a third boss of the dungeon.

Took me 3 runs of the dungeon to get the bug.

(edited by Vinceman.4572)

Raids made me play less

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Vinceman.4572


Have there been already any serious 10 men nomads tries/attempts (also failed ones) on VG yet?
Because when I was running into the raid with my casual guild for the first time I took some soldiers gear on my guard to tank for them and I felt quite invulnerable in all phases until all of my mates were dead. I really don’t have to add that I had to actively try dying when I was the last man standing or it took very long to respawn. ^^
Since we weren’t able to reach the time limit due wipes in the last phase I don’t know about surviving the enrage with 10 players in such gear.
I am very interested to see at least attempts with 10 nomads.

Took me 3 runs of the dungeon to get the bug.