[Currently Inactive, Playing BF4]
Magic find works. http://sinasdf.imgur.com/
Well that was massively underwhelming…nothing really specific about stuff coming up, just a video preview of the dungeon
Giving a preview for new content and the upcoming patch
Right now it’s streaming, video will be posted later
-more massive world changing events (but of course we know this and it’s said all the time
I really don’t get why anti-farmers want to enforce their own tendencies on farmers.
It’s like casuals trying to instill casual tendencies on hardcore players.
Good luck.
I don’t think they’ll succeed but I can tell you why they try. The champ farm trains increase the price of everything on the TP. Or at least they seem to. Much more gold goes into the system than mats.
I’m not entirely sure about that, but then again we don’t have the proof for it
Champ farming does this:
-contributes gold in the economy from pure silver from boxes
-contributes materials in the economy (which indirectly leads into a gold sink through TP fees)
-generates lots of blues/greens, which now act as an indirect gold sink due to the # of ppl who decide to a.) salvage for luck or b.) sell directly to the TP rather than vending for pure silver to a vendor
But anyways, farming can never be stopped. Farmers will always find the most efficient way to make gold and you can’t stop that unless you totally redesign an MMO into something else that wouldn’t even be considered an MMO. These efforts from non-farmers are just wasted.
I really don’t get why anti-farmers want to enforce their own tendencies on farmers.
It’s like casuals trying to instill casual tendencies on hardcore players.
Good luck.
Well that may not always work though. I’m saying this from my personal point of view. I’m the type of person who tries to play the game as much as possible to get my own stuff. I rarely ever buy stuff. I don’t know how many people out there also try to farm their own items as much as possible. But for me this was a one time thing to boost my character a little. Now, I’m just turned off of buying stuff at all, because what good does it do me in the long run (investments bull vs. bear market). I for one will now definitely not be buying any more lower level items, which definitely means one less person on the demand side (I know that may not make a huge difference, but it will make a difference to those people from whom I technically would have bought.)
Then as someone said above, you are different type of player. Unfortunately there are many others who wish to use the TP to buy their gear than acquire it directly.
Now, what good does buying items do for you in the long-run? Well for one it gives you boosted stats right away from buying it now rather than farming it and hoping you get the right armor type and stat. It’s definitely a convenience factor. Don’t you think you will stay alive longer and kill stuff faster with a full set of greens NOW, as opposed to acquiring each green piece one by one? Think of buying low-lvl gear as buying efficiency.
Soulbound needs to be changed for a number of items, especially the one that you buy with real gems and real money ( gem cards), The biggest example being the lastest permanent pick as others have mentioned,
In a pure MMO sense, yes this can work and is understandable. But Anet does this for financial reasons, which I don’t fault them for.
Not really. Even if I were to delete this character and make a new one I would NOT buy new items just because this now irks me to much. I will also never again buy soulbound items for any lower level character now that I have realized the extent of the issue. If it were simply account bound, then I would continue buying. Why would I continue purchasing stuff without it fulfilling my needs? Especially since items on a lower level will get traded out relatively quickly anyways. In this situation I will cut my losses, be angry about it, and then move on. But I will never purchase any soulbound items below level 80 that I don’t desperately need again. Soooooo, why is soulbound necessary?
Again, to keep the economy in check and to encourage demand. Soulbinding acts as an item sink. If we didn’t have soulbound items in MMOs the price of items would always depreciate due to an ever increasing supply that never gets drained.
Or to give you a specific example…
Lets say the game is programmed so that 10 Emberglow’s drop in a week. Then let’s say 7 players buy them. If we have soulbound gear, that leaves us with 3 supply since those 7 players will have Emberglow and they can never resell it. Next week comes by and 10 more drop. So by the end of the 2nd week, we have 13 supply.
But what if we didn’t have soulbound gear? Well, just like the above, we have 13 supply (3 unsold and 10 more drops). But let’s say that those 7 players with Emberglow decide to move on. They then decide to ‘recoup’ their investment by reselling it. So now we have 20 supply.
If soulbinding didn’t exist, each passing day more items would trickle into the economy and reach a point where they are worthless due to neverending supply.
Soulbinding in MMOs will always be an existing mechanic.
I’m just worried that we won’t have a new JP considering Foreman has been working on W2 SAB this whole time.
The prices on these aren’t even that high compared to the material requirement though. You’re only looking at a around 1 gold profit from making all 3 of these ascended time gated materials each day… and that’s dropping rapidly. Should we all suffer this time gate for all of 1 gold profit just 3 weeks later?
…and the profit margin will continue to keep dropping… just look at the price trends.
People should NOT be making planks and deldrimor ingots as an investment. They are likely to keep dropping in price unless Anet comes out with newer ascended skins.
Speculators such as I instead are hoarding the time-gated materials such as Lump of Mithrillium in the event that these time-gated items are required for ascended armor or even precursor crafting (which benefit from time-gates)
You decided to gamble 200g and lost. I bet you wouldn’t have bothered making this thread if you spent 200g and were lucky enough to end up with 2 precursors. At one point I have wasted 1000g before getting a single precursor but I didn’t complain about it because I knew the risks I was taking.
It was your choice to spend 200g rather than save it and accumulate enough gold to buy it outright rather than gambling. Gambling is a player choice, and as such I can’t feel sorry for you. You gambled and lost, just suck it up and move on.
That being said, Anet should come up with a token system so that if you DO lose, you end up getting a precursor after a certain # of chances.
For example after doing 1500 combines in the forge you end up with a precursor. Of course this would destroy the value of precursors (and probably increase the price of rares/ectos) so this would be a bit more complicated and would need to be very carefully analyzed.
they said we would be able to craft precursors by the end of this year, or maybe slightly sooner.
If it doesn’t happen I’m going to quit the game, because there is no point is spending 800g for dusk. That is simply asking way too much from someone that plays legitimately.
Mystic toilet has taken 200g from me, and copious amounts of mats that I’ve farmed myself, and I didn’t get a precursor so I won’t use it again.
If we can’t craft precursor by november/december, and if they don’t say anything about it, I’m leaving this game, because this is a joke and gambling your hard earned effort away is not my idea of a good time in a game.
Yet you are totally willing to pay the other 800G for non-precursor materials?
You are willing to spend 500g on Gift of Fortune? 300G on Gift of Twilight?
It’s meant to control and mitigate huge fluctuations in price for the very small % of players who will want to hoard and rush through crafting ascended.
If we didn’t have a time-gate for this item, it would have caused the materials to rise to prices far higher than they would if we had time-gated mats.
eh… ?
The materials for crafting these lumps… iron and platinum, is a joke and easy to acquire.
What you said makes 0 sense to me.
I don’t have the time to explain a simple concept of supply demand. But you can look alone at the prices of iron and platinum before and after ascended crafting is introduced.
Remove the time gates and you could see those prices rise even further.
Of course crafting precursors won’t be cheap. Why do you think the end-game goals should be easy to acquire?
Well legendaries really arent legendary. Since 80% of what you use to craft a “legendary” is just bought of the tp it really shows nothing about a player except that they have either a lot of time/played for a long time, are lucky, play the tp or have large wallets irl. There is nothing skillful about owning a legendary. At this point it just an expensive skin.
Edit: Thats why so many players have them. Anyone can get one.
So? You are taking the name too literally. You think ‘rare’ actually means rare? You can get at least 12 rares a day doing metas.
It’s still an end-game item, one that I would bet less than 10% of the concurrent playerbase hasn’t even touched. It’s an item that is not required, and is for those who are willing to pay an obscene amount for convenience/skins.
You make it easy to easy to get and you will have nothing to progress towards in this game. It would have been better to just sell this game for free and reward everything to a player on log-in if you want it that easy.
It’s meant to control and mitigate huge fluctuations in price for the very small % of players who will want to hoard and rush through crafting ascended.
If we didn’t have a time-gate for this item, it would have caused the materials to rise to prices far higher than they would if we had time-gated mats.
There really wasn’t anything I didn’t like about Halloween last year. The whole atmosphere was really awesome.
I think the one thing that can improve (and this applies to all the other festivals we had) was to have more engaging activities. We had something like 150 pumpkins to carve, and it wasn’t hard, just very tedious. We could have less of those activities and have more interesting ones, such as scavenger hunts.
Of course crafting precursors won’t be cheap. Why do you think the end-game goals should be easy to acquire?
Go take a break. I’m playing GTA 5 in the meantime. I’m kind of burnt out on GW2, but I don’t go all preachy on the forums proclaiming and threatening to leave the game..
The only reliable way to get in main is to get in a party with someone already there and join them. If your server has voice comms, get on there and ask for an invite. You seem to get priority over the overflow queue this way. I’m on a very high pop server and could wait all day queued without getting in, but with a pull from a party I regularly get in on the first try.
Yeah knew that one was coming………..
I guess I’m a bit of a loner, and the one time I did accidentally get into main we did have TS and a couple of well organised guilds and lots of other people, but still failed.
(But being a bit of a loner, shouldn’t exclude me from open world content).
Teq content isn’t for solo players.
So whats best way of making gold with skillpoints atm?
I have not used this site and I’m not sure if it’s still working or not, but just check the prices in game to verify it’s up to date.
Don’t worry about the wierd URL, it’s just amazon’s cloud service.
It’s already been confirmed that it’s perma content.
Just want to say “thanks for the good fights” to OMEN and friends
Really good fights – Will start streaming again soon!
Gallimar [FEAR]?
I thought FEAR people were explicitly banned from posting in the forums ;o
Saw your link vol.
Ehhh i have been wearing full magic find since this game launched.. So….But ok, what activities should i do?
Magic find is only half the equation. The other half is kill rate per hour. You need to kill enough mobs to utilize MF well.
For example, lets say you wore MF while killing Sparks near Dwayna, versus wearing MF during event chains like shelt/pen (pre nerf). You would get way more loot doing shelt/pen and way more use out of MF due to the significantly higher kill rate per hour.
The current ways of making money that I know of now are:
-speed clearing easy dungeons for daily gold
-champ train in FGS/Orr (probably the best method)
-Gathering (especially if you have multiple alts)
Debbie downers can’t change the fact that GW2 has won several accolades in the past year.
I’m still chuckiling how someone tried to say Final Fantasy is better than GW2. Man, that guy must hate GW2 THAT bad.
I have played the game for 1700 hours now. I just reached 550 gold. I have enjoyed playing the game and i know that’s the most important. But I see all my friend and, guildies around me getting their legendaries. There is one who has played the game for 1100 hours and has started making his 4th legendary.
I farm dungeons and harvest nodes. But i’m still sooo far away from my 1st legendary…I’m totally lost.
What am i doing wrong? :/
You’re doing activities that don’t get you the most gold/hour.
It’s a lvl 80 instance, so it’s appropriate that they, at the minimum, reward lvl 80 gear. Lvl 80 exotic gear is still appropriate, and can be used to complete all content currently. Ascended weapon improvements are neglible and for those who min/max.
What’s the alternative? Give everyone who completes it (and since it’s LS, it most likely will be very easy) an ascended weapon? Doesn’t that defeat the purpose of ascended crafting?
Quite simply, if you don’t like it or don’t want to use it, then don’t worry about it.
It’s the design choice for ascended. Some ascended mats are easier than others to get.
Of course they could have designed a system where all mats are acquired at the same rate, but then you’d have to increase the # required to a higher amount.
and people would still complain since ascended gear would be considered end-game gear.
Doesn’t matter that the stats are the same – the fact that stats would be interchangeable automatically makes it superior to exotic
2 options:
- 400 gems for 1 of 25 dyes (6 of which are new)
- 800 gems for 1 of 6 new dyes
everybody’s happy!
such an easy fix800gems for ONE dye and you’d be happy?
thanks for dat lol
edit: Anet is offering pure RNG and is willing to take real $$$ for that – good way to get rid of customers
why not ONE package with ALL new dyes for maybe 1000 gems – i BET a lot more ppl would buy that, even with real cash
Keep convincing yourself that.
Ever since the game released they have used RNG (Except for a few exceptions, such as Wintersday skins). If it works, they’re going to continue to use it.
I probably was too sarcastic for you to understand.
Your claim, from my understanding, is that the only reason why they don’t have weapon dyes is to keep people playing the game in order to chase that desired colored weapon. After all, if you could easily dye a weapon, that won’t keep you around long, right?
You may have logic in that but it’s a lame argument, not a sound one. It also doesn’t help that you’re taking a seemingly innocent topic regarding dyeable weapons and turn it into some massive conspiracy theory that Anet is holding back on such a feature in order to milk customers.
And my examples shown above just show how absurd and simple-minded your conspiracy theory is. Why do we stop at weapon dyes? Why not make some conspiracy theory up for weapons, class/professions and gear tiers?
Heck, how about I make up this conspiracy theory – the only reason why we are getting WvW leagues is so Anet can make a ton of money on server transfers! Heck I can come up with more.
We GW2 players are spoiled. Unfortunately, the majority of the fanbase doesn’t realize this and wants anything and everything free, easy and quickly.
I don’t see how you can match up well with these dyes, unless you go with SAB tribw1 weapons or you run a necro or any other class with dark emo weapons.
they seriously took out weapon dyes so they could add recolored skin drops as a “feature” later
it is pathetic
/me nods.
Yep. This is why we can’t color our weapons, folks. So they can pull crap like this and the different colors on the Ascended weapons.
Personally, I kind of like some of the Nightmare weapon skins. But bright blue glow? That’s…missing the point entirely. You don’t make them more frightening by adding a built-in nightlight!
It’s happening! People are questioning the game’s setup to make more money the system is breaking! Woo hooo
looks like it happened already with this guy.
Please, masta, explain how anet can make real $ on an item that can only be acquired by running the dungeon.
Certainly, if we can dye weapons like we should be able to then people wouldn’t be chasing that carrot for a different colored skin. They’d have to come up with something else for us to do. This is update is just a small start. Ideally in any free to play MMO the objective of the owners of the game is to keep you playing for as long as possible by chasing many aforementioned carrots because they know the longer people play the more likely they are going to crack open that wallet for something else if not for some skin color variant. So maybe you can’t buy these weapons with gems that’s not the point the point is they want to keep you playing so you’ll keep coming back and checking out that gem store.
Is that so? That’s the only reason why they haven’t released dyeable weapons?
Well why should we stop there with our reasoning!
Why don’t we point out that there are 80 levels in the game. I guess that means Anet wants to keep us leveling for such a long time that they want us to stay playing around. Why not 40? Or 20 like in GW1? Oh it’s because Anet wants us to play forever..Shame on them.
Or how about the fact we have 5 races and 8 professions? I guess Anet wants us to learn and play all of them so that we can keep playing forever and ever. Why not just have 1 class Anet? and 1 race? Oh it’s because they want us to play forever. Shame on them.
Or how about introducing all these tiers of gear? Basic, fine, masterwork, all the way to legendary! Why don’t they just give everyone basic gear! After all it’s easy and cheap to acquire! Oh I know why..it’s because they want us to keep leveling and improving gear to make us stay around longer. Shame on Anet, they are bad and they should feel bad?!
Seriously, I thought I bought a fantasy game. But after seeing megalasers attached to skyships defended by golems, and repelling a terimantor invasion from an alternate future (after I destroyed a high-tech weapon facility), what about magic? Most of the classes are magic users. Only engineers and sometimes thieves fit this game nothing else (warrior is totally outdated). Others are outcasts.
Why aren’t we replaced with golems? It’s just a matter of time I guess.
TA was one of the few fantasy-only dungeons, but BAM it needs some technology for sure.
Will fantasy ever return?
Your fault for thinking this is a ‘fantasy’ game that is full of your typical MMO themes. Furthermore, what makes you decide what’s in a fantasy game?
Somehow where there’s more tehcnology (terminators and megalasers mostly), and i still fight with a sword, I feel out of place.
You knew the moment you saw beta videos/pictures that stuff like this would be in game. You have an entire race based on technology and robots.
You would have to be blind to not expect stuff like this to happen.
they seriously took out weapon dyes so they could add recolored skin drops as a “feature” later
it is pathetic
/me nods.
Yep. This is why we can’t color our weapons, folks. So they can pull crap like this and the different colors on the Ascended weapons.
Personally, I kind of like some of the Nightmare weapon skins. But bright blue glow? That’s…missing the point entirely. You don’t make them more frightening by adding a built-in nightlight!
It’s happening! People are questioning the game’s setup to make more money the system is breaking! Woo hooo
looks like it happened already with this guy.
Please, masta, explain how anet can make real $ on an item that can only be acquired by running the dungeon.
they seriously took out weapon dyes so they could add recolored skin drops as a “feature” later
it is pathetic
/me nods.
Yep. This is why we can’t color our weapons, folks. So they can pull crap like this and the different colors on the Ascended weapons.
Personally, I kind of like some of the Nightmare weapon skins. But bright blue glow? That’s…missing the point entirely. You don’t make them more frightening by adding a built-in nightlight!
What other conspiracy theories will we come up with? That they are going to make weapon dyes sellable on the gem store?
Seriously, I thought I bought a fantasy game. But after seeing megalasers attached to skyships defended by golems, and repelling a terimantor invasion from an alternate future (after I destroyed a high-tech weapon facility), what about magic? Most of the classes are magic users. Only engineers and sometimes thieves fit this game nothing else (warrior is totally outdated). Others are outcasts.
Why aren’t we replaced with golems? It’s just a matter of time I guess.
TA was one of the few fantasy-only dungeons, but BAM it needs some technology for sure.
Will fantasy ever return?
Your fault for thinking this is a ‘fantasy’ game that is full of your typical MMO themes. Furthermore, what makes you decide what’s in a fantasy game?
Sorry you have to deal with so many negative nancies here Devon. Just so you know, there are ton of others who enjoy the majority of these changes and are actively playing WvW to even bother posting here on the forums. It also doesn’t help that any sort of positive feedback is met with unjustified vitrol.
All it needs to drop is 1 Teq Slayer token per day. Add in a vendor with unique ascended weapons for 25 tokens, the mini for 75 tokens, and exotics for 3 tokens, and BAM, long lived content that will be played for years to come.
/fixed it.
But then people will still complain that Anet continues to create more currencies and that this type of content is only accessible to organized players and top servers
But seriously, I like the token system and I could see that working.
Imagine you taking down 1 gate/wall of a a keep/tower. Imagine 50 people inside which ain’t that abnormal. Imagine they all chaining their aoe into the gap. Good luck walking through and surviving
Aoe cap is there not only for the servers, but also because some things will be just impossible to cap and some classes will be rediculously OP. Like Ele and ranger, no. If aoe is unlimited, make healing unlimited aswel and all the other spells. But OOPS, we are back to 0 than…
So yea aoe cap is there for a really really good reason.
There is a dev post flat out saying, in plain english, its there for the simple reason of server performance.
I will say it again. If the cap were raised performance would suffer greatly. That is why it hasn’t been changed.
Please answer my question next Devon.
Do please elaborate on how Siege can possibly ignore the 5 target AoE cap????
Thank You
Easy. You have 1 object hitting 50, not 50 objects hitting 50. All the computations are piped through 1 object (siege engine) so you don’t have to calculate boons/conditions etc on 100 things, only 50 + 1 direct damage.
Not only that, but people don’t use flame rams as an offensive weapon. You don’t see flame rams being manned all across the map being used in huge zerg fights.
I really don’t get what you guys are complaining about. There are technical issues that prevent raising the cap. Just deal with it. Constantly complaining about fixing the improbably won’t make it any better for you.
At one point they said they couldn’t fix culling either…… If Anet wants to do this, they will find a way. The game was designed with no cap. As I’ve said, if you raise the cap and stop encouraging whole servers to all stand in 1 ball, then you will reduce your lag issues by changing playstyle.
I don’t recall them saying they couldn’t fix it – they said that it would be difficult. That’s an open-ended response that invites the possibility that it can be fixed in the future, but also manages expectations. Then that Habib guy worked months on it and we got it (and surprise of course, people still complain about it and want it reverted).
It’s the same thing here. Devon didn’t say they will absolutely not fix it. He just said that there are currently no plans.
Everyone here needs to manage their expectations and understand that there are limitations in the engine, and that you have to deal with it otherwise until they have the time and resources to make these changes.
I want an increased cap just like everyone but I understand there is a reason why it’s in game and why we won’t see a fix.
I really don’t get what you guys are complaining about. There are technical issues that prevent raising the cap. Just deal with it. Constantly complaining about fixing the improbably won’t make it any better for you.
more than 10 years ago there were mmorpgs without technical problems in calculating more than 5 (lol 5 … I think I can handle it with pen and paper) targets…
If it is true ANet should instantly fire who wrote the code as it is garbage.
Rewrite it and remove this stupid cap.
Yeah and did those MMOS have:
-100 people on a single map/server
-different condition/boon effects (stacks and duration) and type of conditions/done (GW2 has 12/9 distinct conditions/boons)
Let alone all the other things that are included in calculations, such as keep timers, upgrades, internal cooldowns (i.e. dolyak spawns)
:) I read the dev post it made me laugh. What they do not realize is that for every angry post on the forum there are 10 ppl who doesn’t care enough to express their anger and just moved on to anther game or quit.
Or maybe they realize that forums are place where people who are disenfranchised with the game come here and whine about it?
And that maybe, just maybe, the players who do not post here are either
a.) In game and enjoying it
b.) off playing something else and quit long ago
If that happened, the price of rares, ecto and exotics would drop down enough that you’re no better off.
I really don’t get what you guys are complaining about. There are technical issues that prevent raising the cap. Just deal with it. Constantly complaining about fixing the improbably won’t make it any better for you.
You do know that if Teq dropped several rares/exotics every single time, that reduces the value of rares/exotics?
Do you know why rares/exotics have value currently?
because of ectos? quite frankly, even they have little to no value
Yes, but they have some value.
You increase the drop rate of rares and then the value of ecto goes down.
Those people who clamor and complain over inadequate rewards need to understand that if they make changes in rewards, it will change their value. You can’t expect a situation where ecto right now is 25S and then also expect it to remain at 25S when Anet introduces 4 guaranteed rares upon completing Teq.
You do know that if Teq dropped several rares/exotics every single time, that reduces the value of rares/exotics?
Do you know why rares/exotics have value currently?
ARGH, more rng! So 6/25 chance to get a new dye and 1/25 to get the one you want. In other words, gamble if you want to invest and buy from TP if you want to use, I guess.
Thanks for the codes, Dulfy. There will be quite some previewing tonight.
If it didn’t sell well Anet wouldn’t do it.
Did you expect a whole ascended armor set to be accomplished in a day for free?
+1 to everything there.
We were promised an update from the devs regarding a performance patch and so far I have seen 0 impact if it was included into the Teq patch.
Don’t make stuff up to promote your false opinion. We were never promised a specific update for performance. What we were promised was that they are constantly looking for ways to improve performance.
Don’t stack with the dps zerg.
Give them ice bows from a distance, kill fingers, spam some aoe on Teqila the Dragon and help turret defence if needed.
Don’t stack with the dps zerg.You will eventually die if you cant jump on waves or a poison cloud hits to your kitten . But without stacking with the dps zerg your survivability will increase from %1 to %51 =)
^ This
You can still support the zerg by dropping bows/GS near them. Just don’t stay around for long. It’s also easy to get out of the poison AOE if you keep moving
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