On an unrelated note, STOP RUNNING AWAY FROM US..
When you find people constantly running away from you, it’s time to re-think your shower routine.
Thank you Waffler for copy pasting the entire post in your reply. I am used to people snipping out individual lines and write accordingly.
I actually just pressed the quote button, I’m too lazy to copy and paste.
I have played in Tiers 1 through 5 during my time in GW2. while I only have around 2000 hrs played, the vast majority of my time is played in WvWvW.
As a previous MERC, I saw a variety of large scale battles and learned a number of different tactics. It was a lot of fun. I still am involved in full map force vs map force battles, just not ever day now and the total numbers are usually lower.
IMHO, there is very little individual skill lvl difference between tiers. IMHO, Large scale tactics can be learned very quickly and IMHO, 1-2 leaders can make all the difference in battles.
IMHO, the enjoyment factor is personal and I am enjoying T4 as much as I enjoyed T1.
I think you should have used IMHO a few more times.
Transfers are expensive and they don’t guarantee that you will stay in the top tiers. You are at the mercy of the large WvW alliances and whichever server they decide they will migrate to next. Same situation as those drivers who are constantly switching lanes hoping to get a little bit ahead but end up moving no where.
If you are tired of losing I would advise you to just transfer to a different server at this point. If SoS moves up then we will get YB who will beat us by the same margin or more given that last time we fought them with a lot more players and still lost by a lot. We have 100 more rating points than Ebay and both their rating and ours remains relatively unchanged over the past month, so even if a significant portion of our players decided to take a break from WvW it still wouldn’t be enough to drop us in tiers. Either way we will be losing for a long time.
Get smart, stop being a baddy, things will change. Stop requesting nerfs.
This. AoE doesn’t mean you get to beat 5 people by yourself for free. Retaliation is a boon, smart players will do the following.
- Wait for it to run out before using AoE.
- Have a necro use Corrupt Boon/Spinal Shivers/Well of Corruption
- Have a mesmer use Mind Stab/Null Field/Arcane Thievery
- Equip a Nullification weaponThe rangers one shotting themselves on retaliation are the glass cannon I just want to hit everything for big numbers without thinking builds, and frankly they deserve to die.
While I am not complaining about retaliation, your list of items applies how to big zerg balls, which is the current norm? The only one in your list even remotely applicable is null field.
Personally I think rather then reduce it by 33% damage, they should have linked damage to how much you take back, it would solve a lot of the ‘many small hit’ issues.
Obviously one person employing these tactics will not be able to debuff an entire zerg ball spamming retaliation. But that isn’t a fair comparison, if you are going against a zerg where there are a lot of boon spamming classes then you will need a lot of boon stripping classes to deal with them. You could even have a zerg of nothing but rangers spamming barrage, but if they all use nullification weps then the enemy zerg will have no boons. The reason the OP is complaining about being killed by retaliation is that there simply aren’t a lot of people that choose to use skills/items that strip boons so it leads to a lot of people thinking they are overpowered.
Get smart, stop being a baddy, things will change. Stop requesting nerfs.
This. AoE doesn’t mean you get to beat 5 people by yourself for free. Retaliation is a boon, smart players will do the following.
- Wait for it to run out before using AoE.
- Have a necro use Corrupt Boon/Spinal Shivers/Well of Corruption
- Have a mesmer use Mind Stab/Null Field/Arcane Thievery
- Equip a Nullification weapon
The rangers one shotting themselves on retaliation are the glass cannon I just want to hit everything for big numbers without thinking builds, and frankly they deserve to die.
Only an idiot would rush a gate with rams or golems which has multiple arrow carts being manned.
QFT. Yesterday I was in an SoR rush to take Hills. 30+ golems. 5 arrow carts took almost all of them all down.
No one even bothered with the arrow carts. They just thought the golems were enough in number that they could bust down both gates before they all died. The element of surprise was also lost minutes before the attack. For the entire fight I was just facepalming my desk.
How do you face palm a desk?
They should also remove trebs, because they can be countered by trebs.
I can’t believe anyone is concerned about making sure their build is kept super secret in a game where character building is as simplistic as this. It’s extremely easy to tell what skills a player has equipped just by fighting them for a about a minute, and given the skills they are using you’re down to two maybe three different trait set-ups that are actually viable, not to mention you can already see a lot of the traits they are using through fighting them also. Sigils and runes are just as easy to reverse engineer. Now if you were talking about character building in Path of Exile, I might take you more seriously.
It’s amazing how much more attention WvW is getting since Devon became in charge, a lot of the issues and suggestions on the WvW forum are actually getting implemented and at a relatively quick pace. Just one thing that has been irking me since this game was released, I desperately need an option to disable right-click targeting, c’mon Devon you can make it happen.
Technically a necro could fear someone for at least 6 seconds by using 2 skills. How is that any different that confusion.
You really want to compare a necro’s ability to apply fear to a mesmer’s ability to apply confusion?
Guardian sniper rifle with the ability to “snipe” target allies at 1500 range for a 1000 + 0.5 coefficient AoE heal at target location. Oh yeah, I went there.
How is EBay coverage like? Maybe they can offset the balance if they come up 1 tier and swap with CD. I know SF is bursting through the ranks, if they reach T5 before EBay comes up, we’ll be stuck here even longer.
Last time we fought Ebay we didn’t beat them by much and that was before a number of players/guilds left CD. I actually think they would either be even with us or a little better at this point, but the ratings system will prevent them from coming up a tier for awhile.
I wouldn’t be surprised if it is, it is a ridiculously good ability right now combined with dual energy sigils. If you play a healing power based build though, I wouldn’t expect a dodge heal nerf to completely break the build.
I might start playing my guardian again, I stopped and switched to a necro awhile back because they were too easy to play. I play mostly WvW and all the shenanigans you can do with area control abilities plus being able to spam boons all the time to be nearly impossible to kill became boring after awhile. But I also play warrior a fair amount, so I guess if the warrior buffs turn out to be significant and I feel like being overpowered I have that option as well ;p
We also have to consider what the value of a crit/boon hate warrior is in WvW. So lets say he can snipe you from the back line with KS while a battle takes place. So what? Killing one person in a ZvZ will not affect the battle. The rifle is single party DPS, so he will have no AoE to hit the zerg.
You do know you can trait rifle shots to pierce right?
Mesmers have always been one of the most unbalanced and overpowered class. If you dont believe it, go roll one and see how easily you can face roll everyone.
The people who play overpowered classes/builds will never attribute the ease at which they can kill other players to their build, they just simply think they are highly skilled players. The funny thing is that this “nerf” has existed in sPvP for a long time and mesmers remain one of the more powerful/versatile classes in sPvP despite it.
So wait… you think confusion is the only counter to back stab thieves and bunker guardians?
Guardian “Save Yourselves!” Draw conditions from nearby allies to yourself. Gain multiple boons for a short duration.
You are loaded with conditions you get 7 boons. 7 * 3% that’s 21% damage bonus.
If you run around in groups I think it’s not uncommon to have 4 boons at least.
To be fair, most guardians that use “save yourselves” don’t take any conditions so they just end up with a bunch of boons. And secondly, I could already rip apart those guardians with corrupt boon anyway ;p.
This kinda makes me want to spec my warrior for kill shot and get this boon hate trait and the trait that makes rifle shots piece. Can you imagine that big ol kill shot ripping through zergs stacked with boons? Would be too much fun.
Haha, I used to do that all the time, but I found that shield is actually better for trolling because it has aoe knockback and you can cast it instantly once you deactivate stealth so they have no time to react :p
Limiting a transfer to once every 6 months would probably be extreme, but I agree that the incentive structure for sticking to one server right now is non-existent. I could see something like giving each server exclusive weapon/armor skins that are only obtainable if you have been on that server for a certain number of months/years. That way guilds can move if they want, but there are rewards for the individuals that stay on one server and endure all the blow-out matches/ridiculous queues and lag that come with mass guild transfers.
That’s clearly a bug, it should read Bronze Loot Bag.
SBI goes back to the drawing board for today’s reset…
Let’s see what kind of rabbits they can pull out of their kitten today…
I would actually say it succeeded judging by the amount of QQ it generated.
This isn’t a rant or anything, just curious about this.
I was defending Dawn’s Eyre with a ballista, shooting the invaders at the gate (I’m sure you know the location I’m talking about if you wvw much), and a ranger was able to shoot the ballista from on the ground with bow shots. Just straight shots, not area effects ones. I’ve never seen that before.
Did they give rangers a trait to spec for that increases bow range? Or is there a food/buff that increases range? It would have to be more than a range of 1,500.
5% range increase at 30 points. Bad siege placement is bad siege placement.
Pretty sure it increases longbow range from 1200 to 1500, if you think that’s 5% more power to you.
I don’t find myself kitten with the increased range. I’m a long-bow ranger, Berserker-build for maximum damage and crit-dam. I do a hellacious amount of damage. I can take out siege that most others can’t, and from a longer distance than most other classes. I can mow down every class except warrior/guardian… and my only bane is a well-played rouge.
What’s a rouge?
It’s not world shattering upgrades though. They are upgrades, yes, but they’re more of a convenience than a necessity.
And or but, whichever you prefer, it does give you another reason to keep grinding away, if you needed a carrot. I kinda miss my Carrot on a Stick from WoW suddenly.
But every time I duel someone and it’s down to the wire where I could kill the other guy if I get one more hit in but end up dying instead I always think to myself… if only I had ascended.
Yeah, saw a post awhile ago with some guy saying he had all 5 of his chars with full ascended accessories and had 70+ ascended rings in the bank from running fractals. I was only able to get my second piece of ascended gear a little bit ago and since I don’t do dailys religiously it will probably take about half a year to get one char in full ascended accessories… and I don’t even want to think about when they release the rest of the ascended equipment.
Devon is such a cool guy, no more will I have to waste hours drop trading my blueprints between characters.
All hail dragonbrand. The newest bandwagon.
You mean Brandwagon right?
It’s not just a Brandwagon, it’s a DragonBrandwagon!
Agreed. We need to figure out how we want to handle this, however, so I can’t say when we’ll do something about it or what the nature of the solution will be.
Put a mini pet in the store that sells for 2k gems. This mini pet picks up all your bags automagically. You would have a gold mine with this.
They used this exact system in another Korean MMORPG I played a long time ago.. they gouged people even more by making them a rental (you had to buy a recharge every month)
The original was a monkey (picture attached) they expanded it to bunny rabbits, squirrels etc.. you could change it to pick up certain types of loot and set the radius, too.
Hah, I used to play that game. Once you get to late 30’s level wise though it seemed to take about 100 hrs of pure grind to get one level though so I gave up. I agree the loot system is pretty annoying, when running from a zerg if someone you tagged happens to die and you aren’t spamming the pick up button 24/7 you can pretty much say goodbye to whatever drops you get.
But you get TRON Legacy weapon skins… how can you not like that?
Can’t say that I’m surprised, guilds that transfer when their server loses will always be guilds that transfer when their server loses.
Cheaters never win… even while being spied on, supply drained and siege capped…
Congrats on outplaying those pesky doors.
I tried to 1v1 a door once… I fell asleep before the fight was over.
I remember a few days back, we were taking hills back on sos, and bay got contested so I went to see whats up. on way from garrison to bay some thief jumps me, so I just ignore him and run to bay while he presses 2 over and over. I get to bay and find 20 guys catting the wall, call in the other to come sort them out.
You always have to wonder if that thief knew they were taking bay and was trying to distract me, or was he thinking, omg why wont this warrior 1v1 me.
pressing matters. Not gonna lose a keep over 1 thief.
Pretty sure that thief was spamming 2 on you because that’s all thieves know how to do ;P
So glad this thread is back to the standard WvW trash talk rather than the annoying hacking/spying/sabotage accusations
I never got this. Along with the mercenary skills, I think it’s just a waste of skill points.
Because some people like to see bigger numbers, so why not give them bigger numbers against stuff that no one else is affected by in the least.
Why not something useful?
Like Spread Shot? Or all of the Balista line? Or maybe this new AC ability?
Like faster build/repair skill/s? Or increased movement speed during combat?
Because this imbalanced players against one another.
I still think the most useful thing on the list is the cannon boon removal one. That is incredibly effective since there is no cap on the number of enemies a cannon will hit.
It’s capped at 50 players.
I laughed for a good 2 mins at the temple of the silent storms one. All I use spvp for nowadays is testing builds for wvw, which has its own list of problems.
I don’t care what anyone says, SBI and CD are fun as hell to fight. tbh tier 3 was more pvdoor than this tier
Thanks! We think SoS is fun to farm.. er I mean fight also!
Something Anet could do is allow siege to be salvaged for something like blue print scraps, where enough blue print scraps can be used to create another siege blue print. I would see the system working like this: when a player builds a piece of siege, the builder is allowed to salvage that siege at any time to recover blue print scraps. If the player who built the siege does not use that particular siege for 30 mins, then other players besides the builder are also allowed to salvage the siege for blue print scraps. This way, siege that is useless after its purpose has been served such as flame rams can be salvaged by the building player immediately to reduce the total amount of siege on the battlefield. At the same time, if you have a troll on your server who builds 50 arrow carts somewhere useless, they must now continually run around and refresh each of those arrow carts themselves or risk having them salvaged by other players. This increases that amount of effort required to siege cap a server and at the same time, 30 mins after the troll decides to log off a server can remove the siege cap itself.
Anet should ban all the people in this video also, behavior this stupid can only be sabotage.
SoS has 4 threads in the first three pages of this forum discussing being siege capped, how about you guys keep the siege cap discussion there and use this thread to talk about the fights. I’m pretty sure Anet is aware of the issue at this point. For your convenience here are the links:
3. https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/pvp/wuvwuv/spy-seige/first#post1868220
4. https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/pvp/wuvwuv/Siege-cap-griefers/first#post1863433
This should be titled SoS/Trolls/Spies.
I can’t go a single day in WvW without seeing 20+ sieges built in lowlands.
. . . really? So which of us are the trolls, which are the spies?
I guess the fact I don’t take my stabs at WvW that seriously anymore probably makes me the troll. Alas, if only I was so effective as them. (Fricking rock showers and stun.)
Aww, I wanted to be the troll
If only CD would do as good during the week as they do on reset… you could be back to 10th place again if you kept your lead
Why would we want the blue keep? It has that stupid grub outside of it.
10th is green, if you guys improved your during the week skills, you could easily beat SBI, and be in close match with SoS. All you need is more SEA guilds to come so you can actually get to 695 overnight, after SoS die down. Sort of like what dragonbrand did to them.
sos has a good 150 rating points on us, even with a good turnout there’s no way we could take green. We would just pass up sbi and be stuck with the worthless dorito tower.
If only CD would do as good during the week as they do on reset… you could be back to 10th place again if you kept your lead
Why would we want the blue keep? It has that stupid grub outside of it.
So, new reset time today everyone. Love it or hate it, don’t forget it’s 2 hours earlier starting today.
I will show up 1 hr late because I’m that cool.