I usually (not all the time) keep my pets close in pvp. I prefer to combo them Wolf leap, f2 cast for howl should be finished to hit them w/fear, and immediately swap to owl to go in for the chillkill as an example.
Now to lay that up with your pet anything farther than melee range becomes sketchy or not possible. Pathing, dodge, delay, distance, sprint, teleport, stealth, splash/aoe dmg, gap closers, stationary/cast time pet f2, and moving targets all factor too much in a pet being effective at a distance.
My favorite pets to use pve&pvp
PvP Owl or Raven hit hard, chill/blind, and work well w/taunt.
PvP Wolf fear to avoid stomps, and help prevent capping.
PvE Jaguar and/or Jungle stalker (might), and stealth dmg increase
PvE Drake combo finisher blast
Always room for improvement, but keeping those pets close to you can be quite beneficial.
All you people that are screaming terror on the F2P core game need to do a little research. But wait this is the internet why would you try to google before whining.
From the data mined “Trial Account”
http://thatshaman.blogspot.com/2014/07/upcoming-features-from-entanglement.htmlList from /u/Vahkris on reddit:
Only one or two character slots
Limit of level 15
Seems like a limit on how high a “rank” you can get (specific to trial or possibly PvP related)
Only able to send mail to friends.
Can’t send items or gold through mail
Can’t speak in map chat
Can’t access Team Arenas
Can’t access main WvW maps (EB and Borderlands)
Even if those limitations have been adjusted this is not a bad thing. Letting future customers check out a three year old game for a limited time is just good marketing, especially timed well with their first expansion that includes the core GW2 game for free.
(edited by Wetpaw.3487)
the hints were there,
1. Limitations on mailing gold
2. Core GW2 game Free with purchase of HoT
3. GW2 authenticator setup plus perk (pet)
4. NCsoft other games (B&S/Wildstar) going f2p in the states
Looking forward to watching GW2 at PAX, and further information on raids!
I never played a Priest in WoW, but I was a support/heal Medic in Wildstar pvp/pve and it was extremely helpful to pull a party member in both game modes. It also brought a new element to support/control.
Allowed only on players within party would be a must.
I would give it 5 seconds flat before someone uses that on people in a jumping puzzle…
It works well in other games, and to be more specific would only work with friendly players in party.
I would like it to work in Party, up & downed players, one target. Personally I would like to see this on the Druid staff to bring a skill unique to the Ranger…portal(mes), etc.
The Necro traited can pull 5 downed friendly targets.
Here’s how some other games have worked it.
A weapon/utility skill for a friendly pull, similar to the Priest (WoW) & Medic (Wildstar).
Thanks to that_shaman and WoodenPotatoes for all the work put into the tooltip builder.
Just a weapon/utility skill I would like to throw out there for Anet that I have enjoyed in past games. I can see this skill being handy in dungeons, world bosses, spvp, wvw, downed players, etc…1/2 second cast, 20-25 second cd, and friendly targets in party.
edit for tooltip not showing.
Thanks to that_shaman and WoodenPotatoes for all the work put into the tooltip builder.
(edited by Wetpaw.3487)
Quick Draw will not reduce the cooldown of Whirling Defense (Axe #5) even if the cast time is reduced with Quickness.
Still needs some love, but thanks for the rest of the fixes.
came across this, pretty sure what the op discussing.
I enjoy WvW very much, it just has one of the worse reward systems out of all game modes. I hope someday we can see exclusive armor/weapon sets, reward tracks (spvp), legends, and hell once in awhile I would love to see some random devastating natural/monster events Sim City style to liven things up.
Some BAM maybe your side can summon similar to WoW AV back in the day.
Yes please. I enjoyed the WoW, SWTOR, and Gw2 bwe events that did this.
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I train mobs onto afk players all the time when covering south hill Tequatl. For that particular instance those players need to find somewhere else to afk.
I do miss my Hunter’s [Misdirection].
(edited by Wetpaw.3487)
I’m in spvp for my daily and tomes. Matchmaking, and 3 or 4v5 is just not worth jumping into prolonging the match.
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Some kind of nature magic group port would be great.
Kits could make up some new weapons (2h axe) or duplicate weapons (staff) also w/o actually equipping in weapon slot.
PvP can be done in the PvE world. Branded event and SW bandit event that gave the option to be flagged for PvP in PvE world. A “bug” later fixed.
The first example wasn’t a bug, though; that was a beta weekend finale.
The Branded event is still my favorite open world event from GW2.
PvP can be done in the PvE world.
The Branded event during beta.
The SW bandit event also gave the option to be flagged for PvP in PvE world, a “bug” later fixed.
(edited by Wetpaw.3487)
The reason the Ranger is not getting buffed/reworked is because bugs/broken>balance, can’t balance what is broken.
Real hard to take this post serious, comeback w/the Champion Hunter title and you will be singing a different tune.
Just a start before nerf and buff
1. Remove sword lockdown
2. Fix LB cd reset bug
3. Fix pet f2 (even assigned elsewhere) responsiveness
4. Increase base speed and auto attack of pets
5. Fix utilities that sacrifice a Ranger’s profession mechanic-pets.
6. Increase radius of offhand weapons
7. Remove trigger time for traps
8. Make spirits mobile again
9. Reduce cast times/telegraph of Ranger weapon skills
10. Compare signets/shouts to other professions and balance
11. Make whirling defense mobile
12. Give pets their 150 stat baseline
13. Allow a secondary pet mechanic
14. Fix swoop lockdown midway
Fix the dozens of bugs https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/support/bugs/Ranger-Bugs-Updated/first
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Thankee sai, good stuff.
Maybe they have chosen not to release new gem store items until most of the preorder gems get spent on current items/gold conversion. Don’t want to give away new shinies for “free”.
tinfoilhat on~
Serious question? What’s taking so long to make changes to mesmer and dd ele? There have been countless posts at this point with ideas on how to improve it.
What’s taking so long to make changes to guardian and warrior? Or buff rangers?
You guys are hilarious. Just because a bunch of baddies comes to the forum and complains about 90% l2p issues ANet should jump the gun? Take it easy dude, it’s just a game.
At this point it’s not about buffing Rangers, but fixing them.
I can’t tell if it’s a lack of resources or the profession is too broken at the core to actually fix…the profession mechanic is broken.
On top of the broken pet mechanic that didn’t receive base stats, is too slow to keep up w/the game, bad AI/pathing, unresponsive f2 (assigned to other key also), utilities that kill/freeze the pet (?), and our spirits, traps, and shouts are bad compared to the mandatory condi cleanse and utility of survival/signet and other professions.
add that to the LB reset cd bug and off hand radius nerf and it gets old. We can duel ok so that’s a perk.
(edited by Wetpaw.3487)
all I fight is Mesmers, Ele, and Rampage match after match.
edit: fixed 15/char
(edited by Wetpaw.3487)
was working on a new playstyle that seem like overcame my Bear’s Paw v3.0
my montages are made to show what the build can do and what happens when using it right, examples of the build in action.
hope you guys will enjoy the montage.feedback is always welcome! o/
added some revenant footage there i know you guys will say they suck and such i just saw them for the first time cause i didnt really see ppl streaming it or got into the “beta testing” myself so those were my first encounters with them.
Nice video, melee Ranger has always been my favorite for WvW roam. Have you tried this in PvP yet? if so what did you change up? and what stats are you using (in your video)?
I was running Valk (WvWr) pre patch, but would like to go zerk and not rely on sigil/fury for maul.
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Rampage one key win Warriors
Mesmers stealthburst+everything
Med Guardian has too much burn damage in zerker/marauder
Ele has far too much sustain & damage
The one key win elites really bring pvp down.
I’m at the point where I’m afraid to do anything aside from pew pew lest I upset one of the chosen professionals who will run directly to Anet, pull on their sleeve, and say “A ranger did a good thing and I didn’t like it one bit!”
Then, after Anet manages to remember what this “ranger” is, let alone what good thing they could possibly do, they’ll issue a hotfix that turns Beastly Warden into less of a taunt and more of an annoying buzzing sound, like a fly or mosquito. Also, to add realism to the class mechanic, all the pet [F2] skills have randomized ICD, because animals are unpredictable so why shouldn’t pets be unpredictable, too?
Good laugh, don’t give them any ideas
(edited by Wetpaw.3487)
I can still beat them!!!
nerf my class and i will still burst pple down and they will still call for mesmer nerf
really……I hope ANET balance team has a brain and wont judge classes based on solo queuers and hot joinersI don’t want the mesmer to be nerfed.
I would be happy if Anet gave my Ranger half of the tricks a mesmer can pull off and call skill. Forget half, how about just one thing like pets that actually hit moving targets, distortion, reflect, blur, instant casts, portal, teleport, transform, blinds, rip boons, pass condi…stealth!
The added stealth blows my mind, Mesmers shouldn’t even have access to stealth in the first place.
Show me 1 single mesmer build that can do ALL that. Show me.
If mesmers are playing with a lot of reflects nowadays, how about not mindlessly spamming longbow skills from afar. How about observing the skills that are activated.
There are so many bad mesmers running around now I dont know why you guys have so much trouble killing them. Mesmers still use the same old greatsword mindwrack rotation theyve always done to spike people. This burst wad insane before the patch and is still insane now.
Yes it sucks when they sneak up on you during a fight and drop you to the ground, but theyve always been able to do this and so have many other classes. Im lookin at you mr rapid fire.
I don’t play a LB Power build in spvp. Besides the LB cd bug a decent condi build can produce better results.
and I never said you can do all of that in one build for the common response “Show me 1 single mesmer build that can do ALL that. Show me."
Is the balance team on vacation or something?
For the Ranger yes.
I can still beat them!!!
nerf my class and i will still burst pple down and they will still call for mesmer nerf
really……I hope ANET balance team has a brain and wont judge classes based on solo queuers and hot joiners
I don’t want the mesmer to be nerfed.
I would be happy if Anet gave my Ranger half of the tricks a mesmer can pull off and call skill. Forget half, how about just one thing like pets that actually hit moving targets, distortion, reflect, blur, instant casts, portal, teleport, transform, blinds, rip boons, pass condi…stealth!
The added stealth blows my mind, Mesmers shouldn’t even have access to stealth in the first place.
I would love to see WvW get the same reward tracks as spvp.
Is this thread serious? Are you all only playing against bots? Ranger is still deep down at the bottom of the barrel.
stop lying….2012 is over long time ago….condi ranger are brokenly OP just cause they aren’t massively present on official tournies doesn’t mean they don’t count condi ranger spammabilty is just childischly easy and it’s near perma dodging is tireing your logic about them being bottom tier is plain lying and flawed and based on nothing for matches in game prove the totall opposite thing almost all classes autofail horrendously in a fight vs condi ranger……all of them yes each and every single class….think im joking? prove me otherwise: you can’t
That was a good laugh thank you.
That looks to me like a Rifle.
[&C6EXAAA=] Preview it in game, and come back to me and say it! >.<
Gem store item?
I can’t speak for ranked.
For unranked I can tell you if we’re 3v5/ 200points down, I really don’t see a reason to prolong the inevitable while being farmed. I much rather see the match end quick and move on.
One other problem is the fact Anet pushed the reward system (best in the game) into spvp to help popularize this esport thing. I’m here for rewards as I kill time til the next WvW tourney or Xpac. Nothing would please me more to find out WvW was getting the same reward track system as spvp. I, and I’m sure some players would never set foot into a spvp match again if this happened.
I know this doesn’t relate directly to your concern, but thought I would address it anyhow in hopes Anet someday adds this reward system to WvW. In other words, I’m here for the loot and could careless how the match moves forward in this type of gamemode.
(edited by Wetpaw.3487)
Weapon master
Kit 1 > Staff
Kit 2 > Rifle
Kit 3 > Throwing knives
I was about to say it could be a new back item skin, but your idea is way better.
http://i.imgur.com/xA8qvVk.png Ive seen the chat code for this staff linked ingame.
This could just be the background art for a staff coming to the Gem Store, a nice bump in sales as players would buy a melee looking staff (for the Revenant or other professions) pre HoT.
Doesn’t have to be in depth. Just a simple, "you aint got no problem max, I’m on the problem, go back there and chill them pvpers out, and wait for the cavalry which will be coming directly. "
May have aged myself there with that movie quote adaptation, but there ya go.
kitten, thats all you had to say!!
I think necros got some of the largest buffs from the patch. Conditions are insane, and their life force gaining traits are very annoying. They are proving to be some of the hardest professions to take down right now I think.
Their own conditions aren’t very good relative to other classes.
You’re right.
But at least when the necro is meatshielding its party w/little outgoing damage they can still transfer conditions, strip boons, convert boons to conditions, teleport, cc, Lich, while having a few life bars to burn through…compared to a Ranger.
I don’t want to know anything about the story beyond the title, but with any purchase I want to know what I’m buying. A company that can’t layout what their product entails, and a consumer that finds nothing wrong with that is not a trend I would want to see encouraged & accepted.
Not to say this is what Anet is doing, or that HoT won’t be a great expansion.
Nope. Hopefully with time we will see features like this.
Character bound keybindings (not account bound)
Multiple saved build layout
Multiple saved wardrobe
Big fan of GW2, and will be buying the xpac. I suppose the only reason I havn’t is the principle. I mean what’s in the xpac? Why have I not seen all specializations yet? Hard content to be shared w/community? new legendaries? ect…
They want to sell me a product…I want to buy the product! but you have to show me what I’m spending my money on before I hit charge.
So far what I have seen looks great…but I want to know everything I’m getting, not including story spoilers.
“when it’s ready" ™ doesn’t open my wallet.
edit: wrong discussion
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Wilting Strike does not work w/Brown Bear. Seems to work with the rest of the bears.
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It doesnt mean anything yet. Also “stun protection 4sec” wut? Sounds more like a utility than trait.
It does look like a utility that goes w/a breakbar specialization, the Berserker specialization for the Warrior…use of the word “Broken” The trait mentioned is the Devastation Master that I don’t believe will be given to the Warrior.
Give reddit a check, I think the 150 Ferocity trait may go to the Rev though.
In the title, this sounds pretty fun.
(edited by Wetpaw.3487)
I rather see fall damage traits become a learned passive at a certain level. Could even make a fun quest for new players where you have to take a leap of faith from the quest npc you trained from.
I don’t see this breaking balance in any game modes, just a fun perk for the professions.
Hard to compare a Ranger to a Mesmer, they’re in the same mmo is about it.
Line up the Ranger weapon/trait/utility/elite/f1-4, and damage/support to a Engineer, Ele, Mesmer, Guard, Warrior and the Ranger is a joke. Hell even a Necro can tank with little damage outgoing but still be able to transfer conditions, control, and strip boons making their target prime meat for the dmg spikes by party.
I’m not saying nerf X profession, but throw the Ranger bone once in awhile. Mesmer can make a Ranger main drool with all the goodies up that sleeve.
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