Showing Posts For Winds.3087:

What century do they fight in?

in Lore

Posted by: Winds.3087


I can’t imagine something like elementalist with pistol or rifle. Or mesmer with hammer and bow. It would look silly.

What century do they fight in?

in Lore

Posted by: Winds.3087


Not only magic seeds that created bridges.
Henge of Denravi had a boat and pier that looked like they were grown.
If I recall it correctly, some Maguuma missions like The Wilds also had grown-like housings or rather tents that looked similar with what sylvari use now. As for weapons, armor and clothes, we can’t possibly know what druids used since they all were spirits.
Briar blade and oaken aegis looks druidish though.
I also don’t think they needed turrets when they had living tanks hurling stones(oakhearts).


(edited by Winds.3087)

What century do they fight in?

in Lore

Posted by: Winds.3087


Their “technology” is unique, being specialised in growing specific plants to their liking.

Druids and perhaps Maguuma centaurs used similar “technology” long before Pale Tree was even seedling.

(edited by Winds.3087)

Anet, if this is true...(theory)*spoilers*

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: Winds.3087


Even so, it would be impossible to do so many endless illusions alone, which means as you suggested, there must be a team, but I sincerely doubt that DR’s entire population of Mesmers would betray the queen.

Even players could generate metric ton of clones of clones of clones by reflecting clonegens alone. Anise can control up to 16 phantasms or perhaps even more which is obviously harder than smuggle some hard light from wonderful lands of teleportasia and shape it like your wildest dreams demand.

…I think you and everyone other doubting her superpowers are just jelly. I know that because I’m somewhat jelly too.

Birthday protest for Fall of Abaddon

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: Winds.3087


Agree. But the mere fact that everything was against Evon, his only valid reason was the fractal he offered and he still got 48% sums up how big the desire is.

Achievement points.

Liadri Phase 2 Tips??

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: Winds.3087


You forgot about moa!

Out of Combat Double Blink

in Mesmer

Posted by: Winds.3087


I was relying on this bug to be at least on par with everyone.

Another option to store gold

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: Winds.3087


By putting your gold into BLTC you agree with possibility of evon siding with his old buddy zommoros and stealing them.

Do you think Desert Rose price will rise?

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: Winds.3087


Looks like they are too easy to get. I hope we’ll have something semi-hard and exclusive, like last stage of fractal capacitor one day.

Charr-Human relations

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: Winds.3087


Humans acknowledge they are no longer a dominant species

Go tell that to Emperor of Cantha when he’s back from his own space station.

Elementalists are no longer viable

in PvP

Posted by: Winds.3087


I wanted to jump pvp as mesmer or perhaps ellie to do some dailies or even play for fun and now I’m stuck on being so noob that I can’t kill anything which is obviously unfun. Of course there’s always room for tryhard improvements but
Next time I log on necromancer and… just… kill stuff. With ease, after playing, like, 1hour and a couple of tourneys as well bunker in the galaxy far far away where they were thought as underdogs. And this is highly unfun too.

Elementalists are no longer viable

in PvP

Posted by: Winds.3087


fun fact: only team that had an ele so far was #duke

Had any of them any mesmers? Please tell me.

Who's ready to protest for BOTH fractals?

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: Winds.3087


The real pathetic thing is to vote for a 4 week discount instead of a permanent content.

Which you will try to skip after second run when novelty wears off and fractal routine kicks in. Or even fear it because of boring and long mechanics. Like dredge.

Who's ready to protest for BOTH fractals?

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: Winds.3087


I’m going to protest this entire unholy transformation of good lore into boring runskiplootgetout bloody chore of a fractals.

Why is the aggro mechanic "secret"?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Winds.3087


Seems to be boss specific, I tend to always get aggro from Mossman (which kinda sucks) but thats the only one that I feel is doggedly following me around…

Pardon me, but are you playing norn female? Because after extensive tests it seems that those are his priority top, if he don’t find one, he stalks human females, then thieves, then ellies.
(no thieves were hurt during tests)

New Meta no more Mesmers :(

in PvP

Posted by: Winds.3087


I heard tpvp mesmers have extremely rigid utility map. Like portal, illusion of life and stunbreak. Where should they slot null field?

Aggro since June 26th

in Elementalist

Posted by: Winds.3087


Are you using fire fields?

The death of CoF farming in 1 week

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Winds.3087


That’s actually disturbing. I run with 2 warriors and they get all loot while we get tiny fractions of that. For example, where warriors get 1 exotic, handful of lodestones and 7-8 rares, non-warrior party members get 4-5 rares on the lucky day.

gg mesmers?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Winds.3087


Anyhow, all the whine is silly. It doesn’t replace Mesmer portal, especially if it’s personal only… Or have you forgotten that one of the draw backs of having portal is that you’re the one who has to actually get to the place to port people to?

Stop denying my sacred right to whine, or I’ll bite you. Seriously. ]:E

gg mesmers?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Winds.3087


First we get watchwork portal, next time you’ll see magitech time warp and that’s all will ball up to the point where every dirty warrior strait outta cof will have their own personal kasmeerlike mini-me(999 gems) in pretty purple miniskirt doing warpjobs.
I’d say protest.

QOL changes for veil

in Mesmer

Posted by: Winds.3087


Were rabbits. We also have vulnerability that is better than an istant cast.

I hope you are joking. Of course it’s not. Instant travelling winds of chaos is, like, ten thousands time better than one random stack of vulnerability. Even 33% faster would be godsend. It’s just silly when someone can straight outrun your projectile with swiftness.

QOL changes for veil

in Mesmer

Posted by: Winds.3087


I doubt we have sons of svanir that changed their spirit from old J to rabbit. Also instant travel winds of chaos. Gimme that back. Anet pls stop why are you teasing us with things that aren’t true.

QOL changes for veil

in Mesmer

Posted by: Winds.3087


That stuff also features oneshotting chaos storm and oneshotting instant winds of chaos. Mesmer we lost that day :<

GW2 without Abaddon - read how would it look!

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: Winds.3087


Ritualist magic would still be there even without abaddon.

Rock the Vote

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: Winds.3087


Apparently we got tons of concealed developers and startling prophets on these forums, who already know ahead everything about content that will be released months after this living story.

Rock the Vote

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: Winds.3087


Well, I don’t have wild theories, but they are the ultimate truth… I don’t like Kiel. I do like Evon. That’s why I vote for Evon.

You can like or dislike whatever you want, it will be ultimate truth.
For you. Until someone convince you otherwise.
I’m ok with that until you try to link your personal likings with stuff like “behemoth being out there because of thaumanova” or “abaddon\thaumanova fractal will be boring\exciting because I recently read mind of developer and saw the glorious\boring fractal he wants to build”.

Rock the Vote

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: Winds.3087


Well then you’ll have to take it upon yourself to make this correction to basically every single Kiel supporter talking about the lore of the Reactor. Pretty much all of them are using what I just said as what makes it so interesting to them (and then assuming we’ll see that in the past before these things would have been possible, operating under the assumption that the Reactor is indeed responsible for it). I’ve yet to see a Kiel supporter explaining the lore of the Reactor that DIDN’T harp about how it’s causing such things as the Shadow Behemoth all across Tyria.

The logic being used is basically what’s going on at the Reactor presently: things are just being summoned into Tyria at random, so the distinction between Shadow and Chaos beasts is moot. Elementals and naturally-occurring wildlife are also being brought/pulled into Tyria by this phenomena.

I’m yet to see anyone’s supporter that doesn’t think his own wild theories are ultimate truth.

Rock the Vote

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: Winds.3087


Let’s just put it this way. This is ALREADY happening in the current, playable world. Look at the Shadow Behemoth and any other shadow/chaos beasts. Thaumanova’s effects on the world are playable already, and independent of a possible fractal investigating the incident, the effects and lore surrounding the aftermath can still be built on.

Just because chaos beasts look similar to underworld shades doesn’t mean they are same. And it certainly doesn’t mean behemoth is out there in tyria because of some pesky asura blowing some pesky reactor. It could be here because apparently Grenth found better toys and reapers still being bunch of whiny girls, having little to no control over underworld. Be thankful that you have that behemoth classified as “playful puppy” by underworld standards and don’t have Dhuum over your doorstep, banning your necromancy and swinging his scythe with eerie giggles.

Simin 50% bug. Fix incoming?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Winds.3087


And then there’s that wonderful bunch of fractal bugs and exploits which turned dredge, colossus, uncharted, ascalon into bloody mess, apparently frozen rework of general dungeons, reward issues and more.
Is there any fix incoming? Who knows, but right now last developer words seen on this subforum is somewhere on, what, 5th page. More pressing matters they have: esports, living story, hotfixing necromancer. I’m sure they will do something when all this pass though. Can’t ignore dungeons forever now, would they. Would they?

…that’s all really discouraging.

Best WvW class

in WvW

Posted by: Winds.3087


Hard to tell, it’s constantly shifting, you know. Like, two months ago it was guardian riding on his personal arrow cart.
I did some www stuff less than a week ago and it is now arrow cart riding on it’s personal guardian.

Rock the Vote

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: Winds.3087


3 human, 2 asura, 1 charr, 1 norn and no sylvari.

No sylvari? Screw kiel, screw evon. Trahearne for the council. “I’m not a pirate, I’m a scholar.”

Charr or Human?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Winds.3087


I laugh each time I see charr mesmer. Ugly, clumsy animations, 99.9% of armor looks bad.
Make asura.

Your Top 5 Favorite Traits? Why?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Winds.3087


This survey is surely monitored by anet! What we like will be nerfed, so my favorite is retaliatory demise.

Any trick to get Fotm weapon skin?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Winds.3087


I got more skins playing 38 than playing 48, while number of runs was roughly similar. that random :<

Patch 23-7 ele changes

in Elementalist

Posted by: Winds.3087


Rule of your average mmorpg forum poster: “My profession is underpowered and all other professions are overpowered”.

B-but what if I play 3 professions?

[Bug List] Bugged Skills and Traits

in Mesmer

Posted by: Winds.3087


Just saw this: any environmental weapon I pick blocks my clone generation entirely. It used to summon clones without weapons that attacked with scepter chain.


20%+dmg to shatter vs Illusionary persona

in Mesmer

Posted by: Winds.3087


On-demand invulnerability is never pointless.

Sanctum Sprint....when a good idea goes bad

in Bazaar of the Four Winds

Posted by: Winds.3087


Last time I joined sanctum sprint it looked like this :C

fotm 40+builds request

in Mesmer

Posted by: Winds.3087


10-20-0-10-30 for any 48 and feel k.


in Elementalist

Posted by: Winds.3087


So imagine Player X has been doing PvE all day on his Ele using RTL to travel around on a 30 second cool down. They’ve gotten used to that 30s cool down and how it functions and reactively hit that button every 30 seconds. Then they go into WvW and start roaming and all of a sudden it has a 40s Cool Down and they die cause they expected to be able to RTL but it was on cool down for another 10s.

I’d be ok with that. You’ll have to look at your class from another edge of the sword and learn to play your class again, like it should be. Besides, pve and wvw builds aren’t that good in pvp anyways. Entirely different objectives and gameplay. Three different games in one – pve, www and pvp and latter aren’t connected with two others at all – apart from balance, which comes from pvp. I’d like to see pvp player face when he realizes that his favorite build was nerfed because of pve reasons. That’s how I feel each patch.
Why not go further and balance pvp for pvp reasons, wvw for wvw reasons and pve for pve reasons is beyond me.

They should try their best not to split skills. What they should do instead is produce PvE content that require PvP-style of play. Aetherbalde Retreat was a nice move in this direction.

I haven’t seen any pvp-style in AR at all. Typical spank&spank and like everything else in pve anything they throw at you is countered by one competent support guardian.


in Elementalist

Posted by: Winds.3087


I heard it took them 4 years to start splitting skills in gw.

Sanctum Sprint Secrets

in Bazaar of the Four Winds

Posted by: Winds.3087


and “Light travel”, only if you are number 7 or worse, its chance increases with you’re place on the list.

But I remember getting two light travels consecutively while being 5th and ending up being 1st.

Phantasmal Haste trait broken after patch

in Mesmer

Posted by: Winds.3087


Quick and dirty test of phantasmal haste with common phantasms.
Conditions: steady weapon, light golem, no amulet, 20 illusions, summoning in melee range, 4% crit chance, 10% crit damage.
Counting begins after phantasm summon and stops after golem death.

berserker with PH: 1 minute 45 seconds
berserker without PH: 1 minute 55 seconds
swordsman with PH: 1 min 21 sec
swordsman without PH: 1 min 25 sec
duelist with PH: 1 min 45 sec
duelist without PH: 1 min 54 sec
warlock with PH: 2 min 1 sec
warlock without PH: 2 min 25 sec
warden with PH: 2 min 7 sec
warden without PH: 2 min 19 sec

Are condition mesmers viable for PvE?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Winds.3087


I’m just saying that being a condition mesmer, you have all the tools available to carry your group instead of relying on other professions/team members. So you can fill in any role.

As full berserker shatter mesmer, I have all tools available to carry and don’t really rely on my group comp. In fact, most of our support comes from our utility and weapon skills – traits no doubt play big part in that, but only enhance existing that much, which means even pure glass cannon can support your party effectively, while still dealing quite a chunk of damage. This is true strength of mesmer – we don’t really need traiting for support while most of our support won’t be even necessary in balanced group.

By your saying, every time someone wants to do dungeon with me, I would have to check the team:
- Do we have warrior to get vulnerability? – Yes, tick
- Do we have thief to blind? – Yes, tick
- Do we have necro to … No
Well, tough luck can’t do this dungeon.

I never said that. You can go in with 5 condition ranger party and still do all dungeons. But how long it will take and how hard will it be compared to trinity composition? This is not the flaw of condition builds, but pve encounter design intertwining with class balance which in turn is affected by pvp balance that has no connection to pve at all – result is some classes like rangers, engineers and necromancer condispecs fall out of this happyland, because they perform their duties worse compared to trinity in any aspect and players like all human beings tend to stick with easier and faster routes.

But I’ve been in situations where we had to 3-man a dungeon (me and 1 necro and 1 guardian) and I helped the team got through it with my condition build.

Why would you do that anyway, 3-manning dungeons that were meant to be done 5-man.

Are condition mesmers viable for PvE?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Winds.3087


But conditions are used to do more than just dealing damage (not all conditions are damage-dealing) and since mobs don’t cleanse conditions, they act as great group support. For example, crippling, immobile, and chilling provide great crowd/movement control. Vulnerability debuffs, etc. Again, your argument is still very wrapped up in the all-about-DPS thinking.

Yeah, well, the thing is, if players want trashpacks crippled, immobilized, chilled(what for anyway, dps them asap and you don’t need any of those except 2-3 encounters in the whole game), they would bring necromancer or elementalist who would do the job significantly better and more importantly – reliable. If we want vulnerability, better call that warrior and perhaps engineer to do the job. Weakness? Necro department again. Blind? While it’s fairly ok, dredge are immune to it and that’s better be left to thief or guardian anyway. One in which mesmers excel(engineers giggle) – confusion is mostly useless in pve. Poison too, while it’s ok adding on cm thugs and their buddies, everywhere else it’s just another low damage condition – perhaps I missed something that heals itself, but that doesn’t really change anything.
Apart from immobilize and perhaps cripple, mesmer’s condition support has nothing to offer, apart from 33.3% chance of getting 3 stacks of vulnerability on 50% chance that monster will target your clone and destroy it.
But even berserker build can do immobilize and cripple, so why bother building on condition?

(edited by Winds.3087)

Are condition mesmers viable for PvE?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Winds.3087


Plus pure Power/zerker builds isnt the best of the best in WvW (which i do alot)

Initial question was about pve. WvW is completely different story with their own builds that work best.

Are condition mesmers viable for PvE?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Winds.3087


This game isnt wow, its not all about DPS and Item Level. I am happy with the role i play, i dont feel like i am wasted and feel like i am making a difference (like everyone should) Would fights i have been in gone the other way without me? Maybe not but does that mean i was wasted while being there? of course not.

Fights would be way more fast if you were precision\power. This is the only difference we need right now, right with these 1 million hp encounters. But hey, no one’s going to tell you how to play this game. Play it whatever you like.

(edited by Winds.3087)

Chaos Armor? new change doesnt make sense.

in Mesmer

Posted by: Winds.3087


I will trade all, every single one of my aura’s for chaos armor.

Deal, your shocking aura(the only thing that stops mesmers from world domination) for our chaos armor.

Chaos Armor? new change doesnt make sense.

in Mesmer

Posted by: Winds.3087


It’s still aura, which means +protection +swiftness +fury on demand and it can be shared to your allies! And with proper building you’ll have permanent mass protection\swiftness\fury gimmicky signet auramancer. The only problem is, well, you’ll have to trait for it. I wouldn’t mind if they allow us trait for better chaos armor though. Maybe replace that atrocious Chaotic Revival and that abomination of trait – Retaliatory Demise. Seriously, who would pick that.

(edited by Winds.3087)

Are condition mesmers viable for PvE?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Winds.3087


I think you’ve just shown the very problem of condition builds in pve, Caro. You’re not the only one stacking conditions – even power builds sometimes occasionally add their own conditions with no +cond damage and duration, which hampers your own dps. Now imagine a group with two or more condition builds, their conditions will conflict and they both will lose huge chunk of their dps. Until anet decides to either split stacks from different sources or implement some kind of each consecutive stack hitting instant full damage after reaching condition cap, condition builds will be subpar compared to raw damage builds.

(I’d also like to point that after certain threshold of encounter knowledge berserkers stop being dead berserkers and survive sometimes better than full soldiers)

(edited by Winds.3087)