really bad engineer
really bad engineer
Engi is the only profession that makes me yell at my screen “Why won’t you die”. Warriors and guardians eventually die, but the engi just keeps on and on and on.
, says the elementalist.
really bad engineer
Yeah. Just had a match on temple where it was off the charts. I’d empower and get healed 5 seconds later. Forgot to catch IP.
really bad engineer
In the frame of duels/tdm (non conquest based objectives) I think stealth is fine as it is AS LONG AS WE DON’T GO INTO SHADOW ARTS. It’s when we start getting eternal stealth (shadow ref is like 16 seconds with shadow arts), and stuff like condition removal while stealthed and huge regeneration while in stealth that things get silly.
really bad engineer
It’s clear then: anet has to do something about caed. How come Caed didn’t come up in the ready up livestream? nerf caed pls
really bad engineer
really bad engineer
Keen for this on meditation guards, the healing ratio on monk’s focus is half decent. Also maybe something with power ranger might become viable potentially?
really bad engineer
“I don’t think the problem is that Elementalist is weak, I think the problem is that other classes are too stronk.”
ya exactly this, power creep in this game is insane. 7 months or so back D/D ele was the most rediculously overpowered thing in the game and now it’s one of the worst after a few minor nerfs.
also the amount of people who blame their losses on ele players is disgusting. I bet they’re the same people who complain about “ELO hell” – it’s not them, it’s me.
really bad engineer
I want to see “Legendary ________” for wins while in the top ~500 or so of leaderboards, probably just team arena. Champ means nothing but that you have played a lot.
really bad engineer
it’s retribution for playing decap engi
really bad engineer
You just use one, they drop as skins now.
really bad engineer
1.3k matches to 60 :[
EDIT: Also thanks for making this, good stuff.
really bad engineer
(edited by Writetyper.1985)
just a necro really. Especially a necro with a lot of condition return.
really bad engineer
Good. It’s not tpvp, this is where skyhammer gameplay belongs. Should be fun as kitten.
really bad engineer
Is this some kind of parody of skyhammer removal polls?
The difference being Skyhammer is a map which anet themselves has said should not be in solo queue, and foefire has been a staple since launch.
really bad engineer
Rank is based on a hidden value, called MMR. All players in a match lose or gain the same amount of MMR based on the other team’s average MMR. The space between ranks doesn’t necessarily represent an even spread of the space between MMR, while ranks is completely linear. You will probably gain a lot for winning a match, too.
really bad engineer
+1 (Or at least +1 to fixing that playstyle, not sure if increasing killscore will fix that)
This is the main reason I hate foefire
really bad engineer
Remove rallying and somehow nerf chain ressing (Someone goes down in a zerg people just get him straight back up).
really bad engineer
only if you stop pushing far and dying making it a 3v4 mid
really bad engineer
I find this thread pretty amusing. Heres a build for a specific game mode for a specific point on the map that was made to use an engineers greatest strength to its advantage.
And of course the engineer is gonna push away the pont defender and cap. You know why? Because the defender went bunker and can’t kill for crap and engineers have strong area conrol.
There are skills and traits that help against cc and bypass blocking status but five dollars say no one takes them, they’ll just rather take the easy way and come complain on forums.
which one should i take on my thief? i am all ear
hard to catch :~)
really bad engineer
This thread will be merged and ignored. Unfortunately for some reason they REALLY REALLY REALLY want to kill off solo queue, so skyhammer is staying.
really bad engineer
I’ll be honest dude, nobody is actually fooled by the “mesmer illusions everywhere” thing for more than a split second due to the confusion/screen clutter. Even if you’re doing the “stand still and do nothing but auto pretending to be an illusion” thing, it only takes a quick AoE to determine the real mesmer. Nobody checks buff bars or anything like that to figure it out.
really bad engineer
Bad game mode allowing dumb builds like this to succeed.
You don’t hear any complaints about this being op in wvw.
But PU mesmers and P/D/permastealth thieves are eternally complained about because of the fact that in WvW you can just disengage and not need to fight properly at all. As well as abuse of food, stat spreads like dire, etc.
really bad engineer
I smell a hard punishment for exploiting servers/players.
It’s not PvE so it doesn’t matter in anet’s eyes.
really bad engineer
You probably should have censored that dude’s name.
really bad engineer
Ranger. Feels good when I overpower 111111
really bad engineer
really bad engineer
I use it for condition removal for builds wherin I can’t run Empathic Bond (IE Power Ranger builds) so that you don’t die in seconds to an engineer.
really bad engineer
It’s not a drop. He got the appropriate Fractal skin, transmuted it to the fractal skin, and then used the fractal skin in PvP. This is fixed now unfortunately.
Darn I wish I would have known about that! Oh well Fractal skins are so hard to get anyways. Got to love rng.
Wish I found out about it earlier, spent a long time farming my appropriate fractal weapon only to discover that it’s fixed :[
really bad engineer
It’s not a drop. He got the appropriate Fractal skin, transmuted it to the fractal skin, and then used the fractal skin in PvP. This is fixed now unfortunately.
really bad engineer
Is there anyway to tell or see what your individual MMR is?
No, not currently.
I would actually like to know slightly more about this. Is it likely that we might be able to have a visible rating at some point?
Word of warning: having played Heroes of Newerth, publicly visible rating is a bad, bad bad idea – it should be personal and mutual friends only, HoN players would trashtalk the hell out of and blame the lowest MMR player on the team frequently.
really bad engineer
Necro is a great nod contender vs a hambow with all the sustain from life siphoning…
…hambow was pretty much made with the intention of countering necro in mind.
and I’ve never seen “necro” and “sustain” used together in a serious context
really bad engineer
engineer 15char
really bad engineer
My bad forgot about active. Even so, that’s crappy damage. One barrage does more. And its a waste of a slot.
It can do that twice or even three times. See the twitch link above where an ele dies while a spirit ranger is completely CC’d from burn procs, the pet, and storm spirit.
really bad engineer
Also, Soloqueue rank is not an accurate representation of skill.
The only true representation of skill is how many times in one playing session you can listen to the same space jam theme remix in a row. I’m sitting at 75 for, how about you casual?
really bad engineer
(edited by Writetyper.1985)
Storm spirit doesn’t provide or aid DPS at all. What are you guys smoking? It procs swiftness, that is all.
really bad engineer
I’ve never seen a ranger in spvp or wvw running frost spirit (storm is way better for the rediculous burst damage, especially considering spirit is a condi build), and I don’t think anyone complains about rangers being OP in PvE. What are you saying with this thread?
If that’s changed then the alternative is 10% extra damage on ONE attack every 10 seconds… yeah, nah.
What burst damage? I have tested it a few times recently and it seems a little underwhelming (wvw) …and the proc is a joke.
I have to admit I am missing the spirit bandwagon. The only one i have ever found useful was Stone Spirit
really bad engineer
Engineers are a slightly better counterpart of elementalist. Like ele, when mastered, they are a threat and can possibly be considered OP. But on average hands, they differ in a sense that eles will suck while engies still have something to offer for the team.
There’s the dumbed down grenade and bomb poo build which anyone can use and still be effective. And then there’s the <insert random kit and/or gadget> high skill ceiling Engineer that’s really really good, you can’t really beat them if you’re average because majority of players have any clue on how half of the engineer’s skills function. Plus they have the best 1v1 elite in game.
Random ridiculous burning proc aside, engies are fine. That’s just my 2 cents.
I honestly don’t think any game should be balanced around a low skill level – it should always be assumed that all combatants are at the peak of their game. There are way, way too many variables all the way down to make the game balanced for “average handed” engineers which when tampered with will effect the strength at the top. Dota is balanced 100% around the pro level and look where that game sits.
i see that the general consensus of the thread is that engineers are fine – I agree with you in their current state, but don’t come running to me when anet neglect to tweak em down a lil bit in coherency with the rest of the classes and engineers become what eles were back in the day. Class balance is a universal thing – it’s all classes in coherency with each other, not just your own class.
really bad engineer
Good fights. PPT is a pointless coverage fight and it’s not even very fun (Musical towers? I’ll pass.)
IDK why you’d care about bags either, if I wanted to farm like a drone I’d go to PvE
really bad engineer
I’ve played this build for a couple of month in WvW roaming around solo. The problem with engi stealth is you cannot dodge while stealthed because Powder Keg will reveal you.
Oh god I hate this so kitten much. The amount of times I’ve died beacuse of this.
But yeah these days I run rocket boots – immobilize is an engineers worst enemy, the burning on the toolbelt skill is pretty insane especially considering you can pry bar and then F4 before the guy is unstunned, and you can use the healing turret water fields before you use rocket boots for a blast finisher into a water field. It’s pretty insane.
really bad engineer
So how is the condition stat going to be addressed?
You’re welcome.
I just hopped into WvW because I’m short on time atm and this was the first guy that I found, but my buddy here is 100% a power build so he’s almost completely irrelevant in terms of the condition application/removal metagame.
I can do something like this every ~5 seconds. While typing. More intense conditions if I can make people play into my hands with something like Magnet>pry bar after they blow removal shouts and waste too many dodges. 50% bonus condition duration means that you NEED to clear conditions or you just die. This isn’t even as bad as it could be with something like 4 perplexity runes and a sigil of tormenting for extra condition spam procs to remove.
And yes, even warriors with melandru melt to this kind of condition spam. I shouldn’t even be needing to prove the point that conditions are strong in small-man, 5 minutes away from the zerg should do it for you.
(Also ignore my narcissism, was just surprised and it’s good to know grouch is onto this issue)
really bad engineer
(edited by Writetyper.1985)
15 characters.
really bad engineer
I’m not sure about removing the crit requirement for Incendiary Powder and making it proc with confusion instead is going to balance anything since it will just move the “OPness” from one type of build (crit builds) to kit heavy builds. I run 4 kits and 3 of them have confusion so it’s not a problem for me. I just won’t need precision now. Of course I’m still limited between two amulets for the highest condition damage but I would at least have a choice between those two if I wanted IP instead of just Rabid. Engineers would still run “dominate”, not that I really think that engineers would dominate in the way other classes have dominated.
These are just examples because anet enjoy constructive criticism, nothing there should be taken as exact word of balance because I can’t forsee what effect they would have on the game. The general point of this thread is just that engineers deserve a slight nerf to their strengths (heal turret) with the ready up patch, considering every other class is also getting a slight nerf. In return I expect slight buffs to the crappy part of engineers.
really bad engineer
Thank you for this perfect example. Anytime someone (experience and skill not even known) calls for a self-nerf they are automatically assumed to be so sagacious and honest. Sometimes this is true. In this case it is not. It only serves to draw those who have long been searching for justification for their claims that X class is overpowered and discredits both people in the process.
idk what I am now (decay) but I hover around here for weeks when I actively play and try. What counts as “proof”? Have you played the game recently, strong engineer play is by far the biggest condition bomb in the game, in an aoe, while being extremely tanky and hard to take down. That’s okay – those are the strengths of the class – but I’m worried that with everyone else being nerfed and engineer being nerfed in places that don’t matter at all (net turret?) engineers might be too strong and seen everywhere. That’s not showboating and trying to get justification and whatever else you’re saying, that’s “I don’t want kittening everyone playing engineer because it’s the hottest brand new fotm bandwagon carried-by-class option.”
edit: Whoops, that image shows way too much information, cropped. Frankly doesn’t say much anyway because solo queue is dead because of a certain map that will remain unmentioned as it will get my post merged.
really bad engineer
(edited by Writetyper.1985)
I’ve never seen a ranger in spvp or wvw running frost spirit (storm is way better for the rediculous burst damage, especially considering spirit is a condi build), and I don’t think anyone complains about rangers being OP in PvE. What are you saying with this thread?
If that’s changed then the alternative is 10% extra damage on ONE attack every 10 seconds… yeah, nah.
really bad engineer
For zerging: Guardian, Warrior, Ele, Necro
For roaming/small group: Warrior, Mesmer, Thief, Engineer
Rangers are really good for small group stuff too but the player needs to be good.You need to be good to play a ranger? Am I reading this right?
111111111. Top tier ranger gameplay.
Ya because staff guardians and hammer warriors do anything expect AA spam.
Hold on, let me just try and roam on a staff guardian or kill someone with warrior autoattack. Nope, something’s not happening.
Moments ago: See attatched wherin I kill someone almost entirely through use of Crossfire and 2 whenever it’s off cooldown. This ele was zapping about, switching attunements, using combos, all kinds of kitten. I just used autoattack. I proceeded to kill another dude ( using nothing but 111111 and 4/5 to catch up to him. Cooldowns and damage log are proof.
Don’t forget the passive condition removal, passive burning procs, passive bleed procs, passive 420/s regeneration from spirit as soon as you use it, passive protection procs and protection on dodge (you should be dodging all the time so that’s near-permanent prot), huge amounts of dodges on weapon skills so that if you take pressure you can just mash evades while your pet kills them. Oh, and don’t forget the pet – F1 to attack and pretty much just forget.
Also not the title displaying in the bottom right – I know a lot about ranger. In the classes current state you don’t have to be good to play a ranger in small man at all, dunno why you think that.
Can we get back to buffing them for group content? Something as simple as making Maul a blast finisher would be a huge bonus and I don’t think anyone’s complaining about power rangers being OP.
really bad engineer
(edited by Writetyper.1985)
Who knows, anet have broken the main promise they made about PvP and it’s a very very dangerous precedent. I’m worried, frankly.
really bad engineer
Brief preface: i main engineer.
The main things stopping engineers from just running riot in teamfights crapping condis out on everyone is a warrior to keep them CC’d during duration of zerker stance, and a necro to return those condis as well as melt an engineer down quickly. Otherwise you’ve kind of got thieves who just need a little bit of attention from an engineer to handle, rangers if the engineer gets caught out of position and maybe a DPS guardian if he doesn’t die from 2138471234 conditions first. Engineers are pretty kitten good.
In a 1v1 I’d have to say the only things that can beat me are potentially a condi warrior (relies on what goes on with Impale and Pin Down – do they get dodged, reflected, do I take it etc), a hambow warrior (depending on whether I fight on point or not or if I play well), a necro with some level of death shroud before joining the fight (consume conditions + too many condition returns to handle + too many conditions in general). Spirit ranger is cake, sometimes even if they have the res spirit up. Thieves and mesmers have to be VERY good to beat engineers in a 1v1 – that is, I have to kitten up, and the thief has to be good enough to realise that I’ve kittened up and capitalise on it. Other than that I can just kitten out a few condis onto them and they’ll just melt.
Engis in the ready up discussion got a few slap on the wrist nerfs to something not even relevant (Net turret? what…) whereas warriors are getting a heavy nerf (8% doesn’t sound like much, but considering healing signet is the only thing keeping them alive and it already doesn’t hold a candle to the kind of condis and poison an engi can put out, it’s hefty) and necro’s dhuumfire is becoming significantly counterplayable (we are talking probably a much, much easier fight for an engi given reflects and blocks for life blast), I don’t think there will be much to stop engineers rampaging around a map destroying everything and anything in their way with massive condi burst. Honestly I don’t much doubt that they’ll be in a position kind of like what Spirit Ranger was before – seeing 1 engineer borderline mandatory on a team, maybe even 2.
Every meta build in this game has been “too much” for a while now, and just about all of it is being toned down – except engineers, for some reason. I’m not even talking strict bomb/nade, pretty much anything condi or even anything exploiting the insane CC has potential to be very very strong judging off the ready up stream. I highly suggest you tone down engineers a little bit, because nobody wants a repeat of the HGH era.
Here are a few alternatives to be constructive (I am constructive.):
- Increase healing turret’s cast time to 3/4 seconds, or 1 second, depending on testing.
- Make the second skill of healing turret (cleansing burst) require you to “use” the healing turret for 1/4 second, locking you in place in order to complete the combo
- Make incendiary powder proc every 10 seconds upon applying confusion to the target – clever use of static shot and pry bar in order to proc incendiary as much as possible, fairly counterable too
- Make grenades have a 1/4 second delay before detonation if used at less than 300 range. Highlight the type of grenade thrown on the ground before detonation through visuals – frost grenades leave snow, etc.
- Reduce the 5 second “lingering” effect of backpack regenerator to something more like 2 seconds to encourage kit juggling (it’s basically 5/8ths of a healing signet on top of regular heals with regeneration)
- Preform this change: to incendiary powder to make it more active.
If you do all that I also ask that you buff our horrible builds, in particular turrets and anything involving gadgets.
really bad engineer
(edited by Writetyper.1985)
I don’t need spirit to beat most people 1v1.
ps – Interrupt the spirit. The cast is very predictable. Spirit out? Downed enemy? Interrupt.
How do I interrupt 420/s passive regeneration for the whole team?
really bad engineer
For zerging: Guardian, Warrior, Ele, Necro
For roaming/small group: Warrior, Mesmer, Thief, Engineer
Rangers are really good for small group stuff too but the player needs to be good.
You need to be good to play a ranger? Am I reading this right?
111111111. Top tier ranger gameplay.
really bad engineer