(edited by Yashuoa.9527)
I like druid in general.
It looks cool and it has a lot of fun stuff.
Glyph of Unity however I find lacking.
It has a small radius in which you tether yourself to friends/enemies.
Dependable if you are in celestial form or not, you will either heal friends tethered for x for every heal you do or damage enemies for y every attack they do to you.
These x and y numbers are ~300-400 dmg/healing for every hit/heal.
Isnt that like low?
Both the dmg/healing and the range/radius?
Glyph of Alignment seems better than Glyph of Unity to me, even though the latter is an Elite skill.
Sublime conversion differentiates itself due to not just being a wall that stops projectiles for you (which already exist on classes).
It also converts the projectiles into healing.
However this healing is almost nonexistant.
Which makes it basically another projectile destroyer wall right?
The healing from projectiles that fly into the wall add a little bit energy to gaining celestial avatar form.
The healing however, is less than 200.
I kinda love the idea of a wall that converts dmg projectiles into heals and had expected it would heal a lot more for each projectile.
What do you think of these two spells?
(edited by Yashuoa.9527)
Title has it all.
Dedicated healer, in a game that doesn’t need dedicated healers.
Another ranged weapon, to go with our 3 pre-existing ones.
We’re still shackled to pets, which are still a fail mechanic.
I’ve got nothing. Shaking my head here.
You heal your pet to get really quick to full celestial avatar form, so the pet has an additional use.
I would like to ask you for two changes to the hammer.
Hammer #4:
The first press on the spell will do what it already does.
On second press, you will cancel the Shock shield block and throw a piece of electrified scrap metal at your target for x dmg. This attack has a 900 max range.
If you have not blocked any attacks when going to the second press on the spell, than the cooldown will be reduced by half.This is the general idea.
It could be changed a bit.
Maybe something like a cripple or so added to it for example.I like the hammer 4 idea.
Thanks for mentioning.
I would like to ask you for two changes to the hammer.
In this game, some abilities have 2 parts.
For example counterattack->crippling throw from the ranger greatsword.
A few other classes have such a mechanic as well. Including engineer, with magnetic shield->magnetic inversion.
I want to suggest something like that for the hammer.
Hammer #2:
The first press on the spell will do what it already does.
Than you have the option to do a second press if you want to.
On second press, you will cancel the Electrowhirl and shoot a lightning attack from the sky at your target for x dmg. This attack has a 900 max range.
Hammer #4:
The first press on the spell will do what it already does.
On second press, you will cancel the Shock shield block and throw a piece of electrified scrap metal at your target for x dmg. This attack has a 900 max range.
If you have not blocked any attacks when going to the second press on the spell, than the cooldown will be reduced by half.
This is the general idea.
It could be changed a bit.
Maybe something like a cripple or so added to it for example.
Why these changes?
This will make everybody happy.
Both the people who wanna be in melee range all day and those who like a bit of ranged options added into the spec.
Ground target is in most cases a buff.
Feels a lot better to have it controlled.
It just needs a shorter delay before it falls.
Overloading yourself is a cool idea in itself fantasy wise.
Love the stunbreak on overloads.
Great to have the needed stability if traited
(shouldnt that be baseline actually?).
I think the overloads are a bit too weak and the waittime before you can use them + the cooldown that they increase on attunements, is to high.
I would like to see the waittime and cooldown being lower.
Water overload:
Increase the healing some?
Earth overload:
In addition to this, stoney armor being added for the elementalist when overloading earth (the focus #5 ability, while in earth overload). Becoming stoney armor/earth yourself while overloading the earth, seems very fitting.
This gives the overloads this extra oomph that they need imo.
Cyclone pull warhorn #4.
This 180 range pull is very small.
A range increase would be welcome.
The Rebound heal seems very low.
You basically can get killed by the next hit right after it.
Personally I would really really really want the earth overload change the most.
Overloading yourself is an idea I like fantasy wise and I would love the Tempest being a strong Elite spec like many others.
Final edit.
Two changes to fire and air overloads to give them a defensive element, so that you dont become a complete punching back (with protection and stab on), while overloading these two attunements.
Overload fire:
In addition to its current effects, the radius increased to 360 (the 180 is to small).
While overloading fire, while spinning as a tornado, you will destroy projectiles.
Overload air:
In addition to its current effects,
when you start this overload, you will gain shocking aura.
(edited by Yashuoa.9527)
Been trying druid.
I like a lot of the spec.
However, doesnt it lack druid stun break spells?
As in, stunbreak spells that you get from choosing the druid spec.
I would like to try out an as much ranged options as possible scrapper build, while still having good stuff from the scrapper spec?
Would flamethrower work in that build?
Would going with grenades be better?
Could anyone give some tips how such a build could look like?
Regarding the other build, the melee build.
I dont really like having hammer + all gyros.
That feels like hammer without weapon swap.
Wich kits would work well for scrapper?
was afraid it’s gonna be like this. Well, crap… Here you go full condi clear every 10 or so seconds…
Was pretty obvious that we couldn’t just bounce in and out at will.
As much as I would love a full condition wipe every 6 seconds it obviously wasn’t going to happen.
They can put an internal cd on the condition wipe, so that it wont proc every avatar transform.
That way they could make it so that you can bounce in and out more often.
You lost the passive signet bonus’ doubling up. That’s about all of it.
So 180 extra toughness for like 6-10 seconds every 20.
As well as the double healing signet spam for a few seconds.
Thanks for the info.
I don’t think there were any changes that would result in a sudden, big increase in damage taken when playing the build you seem to play.
Causes for feeling that you take more damage than usual might be that:The written in stone bug that allowed eles to have double signet passives on them was fixed so if you are using this trait and signet of restoration and/or signet of earth you might be a bit squishier now.
Vigor uptime for elementalists that don’t run cantrips and the water trait line was reduced to 50% so you have less dodges now.Sigill of air got buffed by having its icd reduces so the overall damage that glasscanons deal was probably increased by a bit.
It also might just be a feeling you alone have or bad luck, maybe you are playing a bit worse than usually right now so you feel like you take more damage or maybe you changed something about your build by accident.
Yeah it may be several things adding up. The change, me playing a bit worse, bad luck etc.
it got explained to me ingame to me by one of you.
I can understand that they fixed it if it wasnt meant to work like that, but I wouldnt mind some survival back through scepter buffs.
I find it hard enough already to survive as that build.
Not super duper happy with survival fixes, which after all, kinda feels as a survival nerf.
(edited by Yashuoa.9527)
It feels as if I am taking way more dmg today than previous week.
Does anyone experience this as well?
Maybe something went wrong in the patch or maybe its between my ears and that I have been really unlucky in getting lots of crits on me I dunno.
I am playing S/F Air/Earth/Arcane fresh air.
I want to deal dmg mostly from ranged with some good crowdcontrol snd nuke combos.
Being a pewpew wizard.
More scepter buffs I would like to see.
Lower delay on Dragon’s Tooth.
Higher dmg on scepter in general.
Shatterstone pulsing multiple times before it explodes.
The pulses could be healing, chilling, dmg, invuln etc. or a combination.
Autoattacks from scepter being faster.
Especially fire.
Lightning autoattack dmg buff/shorter channel for the same dmg.
Autoattack water and earth being given something extra.
Like a heal percentage and weakness for example.
Lower cooldowns on the weapons scepter+focus their survival spells and crowdcontrols.
(edited by Yashuoa.9527)
Would it be to good if the cooldown started ticking the moment you summon the elemental and/or something like if it gets killed, the cooldown is reduced by x?
The x still to be determined to a fair number.
(edited by Yashuoa.9527)
erm… you do know we have a rifle AND pistol for ranged right? the hammer was given to allow a melee alternative and does not need to be used… you can also equip a kit if you want to be ranged and not taint the hammers purpose
I have explained in my post above yours, with the rifle example, how such weapons are more melee dominant than range, due to the strongest attacks being in melee range.
My suggestion would also not taint hammer.
Yeah, your suggest would absolutely taint the hammer. You cannot reasonable expect aspects and effects to be added to skills with out losing something else or having the cool down extended. Either of which absolutely taint what we have now.
No it would not taint the hammer because I am not talking about losing something else or having a cooldown extended.
That is what you believe that would happen. Not what I said.
It would not be weird at all to have the cooldowns remain the same and not losing something else, while still getting the 2 changes I suggested.
Meaning it wont taint the hammer.
You wont get to do a full electrowhirl if you want to use the ranged part.
You will choose which of the 2 parts you will use when using the ability.
Either a full electro whirl, or you use your second press and go for the ranged part.
Same for the block.
You can not do a full block, if you want to use the ranged part, because you need to cancel the block with the second press. So its either a full shock shield or you move onto the ranged part with a second press.
These are not huge changes and they would not require losing out on something or having a cooldown increased.
Similar abilities exist in the game, where a second press activates a different part on the ability. The cooldowns on those are low (warrior and ranger have them for example).
If you would not lose something and not have a cooldown increase, then there is no reason to be against it right?
(edited by Yashuoa.9527)
A lot of threads for scepter buffs already running. I can repeat my suggestions here too if it matters -)
Fire auto: Don´t increase damage, decrease casting time so the burn part gets pushed.
Air auto: Add a condition on the last hit of the channel chain (e-g. 2s confusion, blind, ..)
Earth auto: increase flight speed a bit and give the last hit poison instead of bleed. Or make it 8s bleed duration.
Dust Devil: instant cast
Rock barrier: 1/2 casting time.
Those would be nice addtional changes.
I like the earth poison especially.
The autoattacks could use some love indeed.
What do you think of my suggestions?
So S/F fresh air is only good in WvW zerk mode?
Not in conquest?
Logged in today. Saw the ground target Dragon’s tooth change being live.
I prefer it ground target, I like that, so its a buff for me (and so it is for many I have read), but it feels as if the scepter buffs and this change still need some extra.
Dragon’s tooth.
Dragon’s tooth is already a casttime spell.
It having a LONG delay on top before it falls from the sky, seems a bit of an overkill.
I dont mind that it has a delay before it falls, but that delay should be SHORTand not long as it currently is. So that it becomes more reliable to hit an enemy with.
Currently you need the enemy to be in a long cc, in order to hit them at all, or they need to walk/stand in it and not defend against it in those 2 seconds.
However basically every decent player can avoid it, (if they are not in a cc that they cant break), due to the casttime and 2 seconds long waittime before it hits, giving way to much time to avoid it). Making the delay shorter will allow for less time to react and you could use it out of shorter ccs.
Than the next spell I want to talk about is Shatterstone.
Why would an enemy, stand in the shatterstone for 2 seconds?
Its radius is even quite small and if you actually get hit by it, than it doesnt matter much because its dmg is not to write home about.
It needs something extra. Like the 2 seconds before it goes off, being pulses, that already do something. Being it dmg, healing, regenerating, chilling, condition cleansing (with internal cd) etc.
Buff it up in general.
What S/F could use is to just buff it up in general.
Like higher dmg and healing, lower cooldowns on some survival spells.
You could do that small step by step and see where it brings it.
What are your views on this?
(edited by Yashuoa.9527)
erm… you do know we have a rifle AND pistol for ranged right? the hammer was given to allow a melee alternative and does not need to be used… you can also equip a kit if you want to be ranged and not taint the hammers purpose
I have explained in my post above yours, with the rifle example, how such weapons are more melee dominant than range, due to the strongest attacks being in melee range.
My suggestion would also not taint hammer.
So S/F fresh air is only good in WvW zerk mode?
If you want ranged burst….forget ele and play something else
Who would be called good ranged pewpew classes?
I would like to talk about additional ranged scrapper attacks.
All our weapons have a focus on melee.
Less, so than the hammer, but a focus on melee none the less.
Focus on melee, as in, their strongest attacks are melee.
For example eventhough our rifle is not a melee weapon, as in swinging a sword or so, it is a melee weapon in the range that is ideal to fight in.
The #1 is a ranged autoattack that wont make you really kill stuff.
The #2 is a root. The #3 is best to use in melee. The #4 is a cc+dmg on medium range with 15 sec cd.
The #5 brings you into melee range.
Real ranged weapons.
Ranger longbow is ranged.
Mesmer 2h sword is ranged.
Ele staff is ranged.
The engineer does not have a weapon, which is a mix of melee and ranged BUT,
where the ranged part is dominant. Where you have a few low cd strong ranged attacks.
All mix weapons that we have are melee dominant.
So getting another weapon, Hammer, which is 99% melee, is disappointing to me, because we already have almost only melee dominant weapons.
Yet we lack a ranged dominant one or a ranged weapon in general.
So it seems fair that some of us have a wish for a weapon which has strong ranged attacks.
A modefication to the hammer could make it so, that melee lovers can still love every part of it, but that it gives some to ranged lovers too.
By making the following two changes:
Electro whirl #3.
On second press on this ability, it shoots a ranged lightning whirl attack at your target.
Around 600-900 range.
Shockshield #4.
On second press on this ability, you will throw a piece of shocking scrap metal.
If you have not blocked attacks, it reduces the cd by half on second press.
Around 600-900 range.
A second press. Similar to other abilities who do a different thing on second press.
The ranger 2h sword cancels his block for example and throws the weapon.
This idea for the #3 and #4 could be modified, but a second press to allow for a ranged function is kinda what I want to propose.
You could still use it in meleee the same way as it is now, but it enables some ranged options to the weapons, to give some to the ranged wishers too.
Any chance for these change to happen?
Both melee and ranged lovers can be happy this way.
(edited by Yashuoa.9527)
The 3rd attack gives 3 leaps at range 1000
The 5th gives a 240m AOE + a lightning field at range 1200So it’s already a combination of melee/distance.
And as said by morrolan you have the kits.
What you say is not really true.
The hammer is not a real mix of melee and ranged.
The leap brings you in melee and the 5th has a 25 sec or so cd.
So its basically near completely a melee weapon.
All our other weapons have a focus on melee too.
Less, so than the hammer, but a focus on melee none the less.
Focus on melee, as in, their strongest attacks are melee.
For example eventhough our rifle is not a melee weapon, as in swinging a sword or so, it is a melee weapon in the range that is ideal to fight in.
The #1 is a ranged autoattack that wont make you really kill stuff.
The #2 is a root. The #3 is best to use in melee. The #4 is a cc+dmg on medium range with 15 sec cd.
The #5 brings you into melee range.
Real ranged weapons.
Ranger longbow is ranged.
Mesmer 2h sword is ranged.
Ele staff is ranged.
Engineer doesnt have…
The engineer does not have a weapon, which is a mix of melee and ranged BUT,
where the ranged part is dominant. Where you have a few low cd strong ranged attacks.
All mix weapons that we have are melee dominant.
So getting another weapon, Hammer, which is 99% melee, is disappointing to me, because we already have almost only melee dominant weapons.
Yet we lack a ranged dominant one or a ranged weapon in general.
So it seems fair that some of us have a wish for a weapon which has strong ranged attacks.
A modefication to the hammer could make it so, that melee lovers can still love every part of it, but that it gives some to ranged lovers too.
By making the following two changes:
Electro whirl #3.
On second press on this ability, it shoots a ranged lightning whirl attack at your target.
Around 600-900 range.
Shockshield #4.
On second press on this ability, you will throw a piece of shocking scrap metal.
If you have not blocked attacks, it reduces the cd by half on second press.
Around 600-900 range.
A second press. Similar to other abilities who do a different thing on second press.
The ranger 2h sword cancels his block for example and throws the weapon.
This idea for the #3 and #4 could be changed, but a second press to allow for a ranged function is kinda what I want to propose.
You could still use it in meleee the same way as it is now, but it enables some ranged options to the weapons, to give some to the ranged wishes too.
(edited by Yashuoa.9527)
Will there be builds in pvp, where you have descent ranged dmg output on top of your melee hammer stuff as Scrapper?
I had kinda hoped that the hammer would be a mix of melee and ranged, but its all melee.
It would be nice imo if Electro whirl and Shock shield, would be given an additional ranged component to give this mix of melee and ranged, while keeping all the melee stuff it currently has.
I just want to get some things off my chest and ask some questions regarding tempest.
I have always loved wizard and support type of classes and I have a wide variety of taste, so I have been diving in into the Ele class among others.
A lot of Elite specs I like but I am really disappointed about Tempest so far.
The idea of overloading an attunement for extra power is cool in itself, but I dont like the way its implemented so far.
Overload double payment and to big of a payment.
Overloads look to me like way to big of a payment for to little reward.
Having a small cd increase on your attunement seems more fair than the heavy 16-20 second total cooldown after an overload (dependable on traits).
That cooldown is just to large of a payment/punishment, for the reward of the overload.
Especially with you having to be in an attunement for 5 seconds, before you can use the overload. That feels like you have to pay twice and to big a cost total. Especially the attunement cooldown.
Lacking tools.
Correct me if I am wrong, but the attunements are long channel casts (~4 sec) and are melee range, so this means
that you are gonna get interrupted for sure on these heavy cost overloads in pvp right?
On top of that, what happens if classes use cooldown increasing spells on you, like the Daredevil daggers which put a 10 sec cd increase on your spell? Even bigger attunement increase?
If they want the Tempest to be a frontline fighter with casttime spells and channels (with big cooldowns), than they need to give tools to be able to get these off succesfully.
Meaning cooldown spells or other ways, to prevent interrupts.
Think of stability and block spells, which the tempest lacks in amount.
All melee.
With d/d ele being melee, s/f not truly being a ranged pewpew build and staff ele being more of a ranged support build with aoe fields,
I had hoped that tempest would be a fighter who could dish out some good dmg at range (I dont mind their support aspect btw. I like support in classes in general).
However all overloads are melee.
I would like to see the tempest get a bit more ranged stuff.
Cant the fire and the air overload at least be changed to become medium to long range?
Like extra fireballs raining down from the sky ground targetable (600-900 range), on top of the current spinning in melee range fire overload?
Extra lightningstrikes at your target (600-900 range?) on top of the current lightning overload?
Or some other change to give them medium/long range power?
Remaining points and questions.
The Air warhorn spells. It has a pull on #4, which hardly pulls (180 range).
Cant they increase the pull range significantly? Like double or tripple it?
There is a lot more to be said but I want to reduce the length of the post.
Do you think that they will bring some needed changes to tempest in the remaining beta?
Which changes would you like to see?
Will tempest have a place in pvp, only pve, good in both or underwhelming in both?
I would like to hear your view on this all.
(edited by Yashuoa.9527)
What kind of weapon swaps do you expect to see on druid builds in pvp/pve?
Longbow+staff among them in pvp?
Shooting arrows from afar, combined with staff support.
The ranger is the first class who gets an Elite spec (the druid) that is a heavy healer spec.
I would like to know the intentions of ArenaNet.
When classes get their second Elite spec in the future in HoT,
will others be given a heavy healer spec too?
Or will it be restricted to the ranger having such a build?
In other words are such builds meant to be widespread among the classes?
Will we see heavy healer Engineers, Warriors, Necro etc. in the future?
I am not saying that I want or dont want that to happen.
I just would like to know the views on this.
I understand that they counter S/F ele, but I would still like to do as well as possible.
So some tips are still welcome in 1 on 1 and group play if the latter is possible.
In groups, do you roughly just try avoid thiefs/mesmers and let someone else take care of them, while you attack something else?
(edited by Yashuoa.9527)
Like a a few weeks ago when making characters I got the impression that the head size looks smaller than before. Even when sliders are used to get headsize maximum and even headwith in some cases.
Head size smaller than before, as in the head size body ratio doesnt feel correct.
The head feels to small in comparison to the body.
Happens with races who are not Asura.
I had a chat with an experienced player in here
He suspected issues with the head size body ratio as well.
Does anyone feel the same lately?
(edited by Yashuoa.9527)
Several times the last two weeks or so.
Really weird.
I am not sure how long it lasts, as I often use something like a teleport or so to get out.
However if I dont, I can be stuck for longer than 3-4 seconds.
Could it be certain spots on the map/terrain causing this?
Mine is Asura.
I like their animations, how medium gear looks on them
and it fits with them with all their robot stuff and their techno looking world.
Great suggestion.
How do you win as Fresh Air build from thieves and mesmers?
If they are counters (which they seem to be), how do you do as well as you can?
Especially fighting thieves as this build makes me feel like pulling my hair out :P.
Almost all my abilities require a target, so I cant AoE anything when they stealth.
I dont seem to have enough cooldowns/tanky survival, to get through their resets.
Any tips are welcome.
I enjoy the playstyle of Fresh air, so I would like to improve.
The upcoming change to Dragon’s tooth I welcome.
Ground target makes it better in most cases.
(edited by Yashuoa.9527)
Would going signet of air instead of arcane shield be fine too?
In the written in stone version?
Signet of air.
Its a 20 second cooldown stun breaker with written in stone trait
It gives a blind on the target when you use it.
You have 25% movement speed passively in all attunements with written in stone trait.
Deals 296 dmg.
Long 1200 range.
Arcane shield.
A 75 second cooldown stun breaker.
Blocks 3 attacks within 5 sec and if that happens, explodes for 887 dmg.
Always crits.
Melee range.
Arcane variants implies using 1 or 2 arcane skills instead of cantrips.
Thanks for clearing that up.
- Last Stand recharge reduced from 90s to 40s. (WTF MORE PASSIVE IMMUNITY L2P NOOBS CARRIED 100% INSTA OVERSKILL ABILITY).
This will come at the cost of losing Cleansing Ire though or the Rousing resilience buff, because all 3 are in the same trait row. Its one of the 3.
You list them as if you can enjoy all 3 (with the buffs to 2) at the same time, which you cant. It is a choice between those.
the fresh air builds on metabattle are bad and random anyway… the best fresh air build atm is air/earth/arcane with s/f. it gives you the best mix of survivability and damage.
Could you link how that build would look like with traits and utilities?
In this link it says ’’Aquamancer’s Training Aquamancer’s Training – If running Arcane variant.’’
The thing is, there are only arcane variants listed.
Air, Water, Arcane
Air, Fire, Arcane.
Which is this non-arcane variant?
What am I overlooking?
I am curious to what would be the non-arcane variant.
(edited by Yashuoa.9527)
In addition, she might want to make a ranger alt.
The druid elite spec that they will get seems to look like what she wants to play.
It will be a heavy healer.
I have seen the footage of the Elite spec of the ranger, the druid
and I have mixed feelings about this.
From what I have seen this Elite spec seems really cool (I will like it for sure), however, it seems to fill a role of a heavy healer. Something that doesnt exist yet in that extend.
What I like about guildwars is that the holy trinity of tank dps and heal does not exist in here. It makes the game more fun in my opinion, due to a different approach in how to work together. However seeing the druid being heavy healer, makes me worry.
Are other classes gonna get a heal spec too in the future, when the second row of Elite specs for classes will be released?
With taunts in the game, someone building to be really tanky and healspecs, this looks like a possible holy trinity gonna happen in guildwars.
Truly tanking probably wont exist, so the holy trinity might not happen at all, but it isnt weird I think that the worries arise.
I would like to know yours and ArenaNet’s views on this all.
(edited by Yashuoa.9527)
Yeah I just realised and that solved it.
Being lvl 3, my pet doesnt have a pet bar yet like is the case in pvp.
In pve, this petbar will happen at a certain lvl I guess.
No problem there, but when lvling right now and attacking mobs, my pet is just standing beside me.
He doesnt attack.
Is this suppose to be the case? Is this bugged?
Isnt he just suppose to attack whatever attacks me or whatever I attack?
I have only done pvp on the ranger, but I thought that I remember, when I lvled him to lvl 2 in pve and killed that nightmare boss in the starting zone, that my pet attacked mobs back than.
So basically I have a pet all of a sudden now who is AFK.
(edited by Yashuoa.9527)
I am cleaning up my bank and I see 10 data crystals in there with the text ‘’soulbound to another character’‘.
If I recall correctly, normaly it says on items ’’soulbound to x’’.
X being the name of the character.
If it says ‘’soulbound to another character’’, does that mean that character no longer exists?
Meaning I can detroy those data crystals?
I have been browsing through my characters and it says ‘’soulbound to another character’’ on all of them. Unless I messed up and overlooked one.
Just checking here to make sure I dont destroy something that might be important to a character.
Hi Dash,
nice initiative of you to share in dyes.
Thanks a lot.
Are all the colors about equally hard to get? I was lvling and around lvl 20 or so I received a dye. I would prefer not to pick dyes from you that I’ll get easily on my way while lvling.
Like for example, if I pick a dye here and I get that one around lvl 30 while lvling, picking a different one would be the smarter thing to do.
Could you advice me regarding that, if my choice of colors is okay?
The 4 colors that I would like like from your list:
-Banana Dye.
-Antique Olive Dye.
-Blue Shade Dye.
-Fog Dye.
My character’s name is Yashuoa (same as the forum name, without the numbers).
Realm is Underworld.
(edited by Yashuoa.9527)
The item I got from doing pvp is ’’Stardust’’ a shortbow. Exotic.
It is written in yellow orange like letters.
From other games I am used that those are legendaries, but from additional searching after reading your posts, I start to think that this color is not for legendaries.
I dont remember from what type of box I got it.
All I know is that it was from doing pvp.
recently I got a legendary in a pvp box. This is an item that I dont use in the builds that I play on my character, so I would like to sell it.
However I am new to auctioning stuff and I am unsure how to determine how much gold something is worth.
I see some legendaries for a few gold and others are in the auction in the hundreds of gold.
How can I determine how much an item is worth?
I would like to become a better staff ele in pvp.
It is still a viable build right?
I have read up on it on metabattle and read and watched some stuff that I came across through youtube. I have practiced some in HoT join games.
A few tricks I am aware of, like using unsteady ground to prevent stomps and to help keeping people in your ground effects for example.
Especially when in a 1 on 1 I find it among the more difficult builds to play. Extra difficult in the part of making sure that your fields dmg your target enough.
Anyway, I would love some tips on how to staff ele in pvp.
Recommendable guides to read or video footage that you recommend are welcome too.
(edited by Yashuoa.9527)
Since the latest guildwars updates a few days ago, I get disconnects during pvp.
From map chat in heart of the mist, I could read how lot of others had that problem too.
The thing is you cant report this disconnect error, because that will give you another error and obviously you cant report the error that you get for reporting an error either (if you can still follow me :P).
So I thought lets just make it heard through the forums, so that the issue can get attention.
I am looking for an up to date Mesmer pvp guide that you recommend,
or maybe some advices and tips from people in this thread.
Like how to setup your attacks with the metabattle builds.
Maybe some general tips that you consider important.
As a new player, taking a look into this unique gw2 class (with a playstyle I am not familiar with from other games), some stuff is still unclear to me.
(edited by Yashuoa.9527)
Why is Greatsword + hammer on metabattle, but not something like Greatsword + mace and shield?
I am new to warrior and I just dont see what is so great about hammer.
Its not that I dont see that it can be a good weapon. I can, but I wonder if something else in its place would be good too.
Hammer has autoattack, weakness, cripple, knockback and knockdown.
The adrenaline move gives you a ground target aoe stun jump.
As mace + shield I get an autoattack with a build in weakness, a block for potential adrenaline and reflect on it if traited, a daze and on shield a stun and another block with reflect if traited.
The adrenaline move gives me a non-ground target stun, which can go up to 3 seconds with 3 adrenaline bars (quite good). Making a hundred blades follow up easier to do.
What am I overlooking?
Why is there so no such metabattle pvp build as Greatword + mace and shield?
Or some other Greatsword + mainhand + offhand build?
(edited by Yashuoa.9527)
This talent gives you might if you activate a healskill.
I have some questions regarding this.
Healing signet from what I understand is usually used for the passive part.
So you wont activate this one much (you will before you go into juggernaught mode if you take that one for example), so are there any other ways to activate Restorative strength?
If you heal due to the passive, will you get the might too?
If you heal due to the talents dogged march and adrenal health, will you get the might from Restorative strength?
Greetings all,
Just wondering who all was thinking about trading in their Guardian character for a Revenant when the expansion releases?
I was VERY hesitant to join the bandwagon (not fond of bandwagons) but after playing around with the Herald spec this past Beta weekend I think I might just be sold. The Herald offers the support and has the shield skills that Guardian should have had a LONG time ago. I can still do some things on Guardian that I cannot on Revenant, even with the Herald spec traited (which is good). However it is clear to me just from the limited time I have had to play that the Revenant has gotten the attention, trait synergies, and skills that a lot of Guardian players have asked for since release but never got because we were always “in a good place.”
PLUS fighting with staves!! YES!! Been waiting to do this in an MMORPG since my days of olde playing a Friar in Dark Age of Camelot. Oh yeah!!
I am going to wait to see how everything shapes up over the weeks until release of Heart of Thorns but at this stage I am about 90% sure that come October I will be deleting my three year old Guardian to make a Revenant.
Anyone else feeling the same way? Just curious.
I dont think anyone here is talking about deleting anything.
The opening poster is.
As you can read, its in the paragraph above the smiley face.
Thats why I wrote my reply.