It’s the contribution to the party that is a lie. When you’re on bearbow, what do you give to the party? Not dps nor support. There is no wrong way to play the game, but there’s an efficient one. I understand we all don’t play for efficiency, and that’s fine.
But please, humor me that the majority doesn’t want a fast run. Hence, the “exp,” and “zerkers” that the LFG tool is littered with.
$625?!?! I’m sleepy
I must say, I love this idea! Something dark, with mysterious tonic… Actually it reminds me about Geralt from The Witcher, so I would love it
Hmm, I’ve not played the Witcher games. Any good?
Witcher 2 one of the remaining decent RPG games with good story, amazing graphics I might add. Make sure you play it with combat mods, otherwise the difficulty curve goes down towards the end once you go up the skill tree and get better weapons.
I don’t think any zerker oriented players are trying to talk down or insult non-zerkers players. Much of it is just trying to correct a wrong perception, albeit sometimes coming off as rude.
When a non-zerker said they can finish the dungeon just as fast > that’s a lie. When you say you can bearbow or cleric staff your way and contribute just as much > also a lie.
DB kindly get your stuffs back from FA. Thank you!
(edited by Yenn.9185)
Different colors are great and all that, but I’d rather have a commander icon that looks like a cookie
Dorito is not doing it anymore for you?
With a non-speed run party, it could take a while. Champ farming is stress free and your gold income is more consistent. There are some benchmarks that I usually like to pass to know I’m being efficient. Like, CoE all paths for 1hr, etc…
Goodfights tonight in Red BL (DBBL). Shout out to [TE]. You guys were solid tonight.
Goodluck the rest of the week.
Indeed good fights on DBBL tonight. Unfortunately I had to logged off 3hrs in.
Once they introduced the dodge mechanic, it was inevitable player would go full offense. I mean, are you suggesting an encounter where dodge is useless so you would have to soak the damage? There is no skill in that, just a gear check.
This might be a bit extreme but what about when a inexperienced non-zerker member join my party where I clearly said “exp zerkers only,” is that reportable?
Sometimes the description is not enough. I understand they might not speak/read English well, or whatever the reason of them joining regardless of my description. I have to draw the line somewhere.
At the very least, the tool needs to differentiate party leader (party creator) from other 4 members. Why?
Leader decides the play style of the group – speed/casual run
The description is not idiot-proof. Players still join exp/speedrun groups when clearly they’re not up to it. Is that by design too?
I would go bank slots first before bag slots. Then transmutation crystals, then skins.
Thief need more HP. They don’t cleave as well as warrior and their single target dps is only a little bit better.
If they gave guards and mesmer 25% movement passive, then this wouldn’t be such an inconvenience. I mean 6 classes got one, any reason why the two got shafted?
Lol I consider myself lucky if I get exotic drop in a month.
That’s probably the hardest part for new players to accept, that in PVE you’re so much better at melee.
In terms of functionality, the gw2lfg site is better. I mean cmon, the site even has tags for specific group requirements. What we got is tool with an already basic function that is susceptible to being abuse.
If this happen, good thing I don’t use facebook.
Where the hell is OP?
“Let me just post a topic and disappear.” This is clearly a flamebait.
Easy for you to say because the majority of PuG that runs in all dungeons uses “play how you want” builds. Easier for you to get a party, nothing to worry on your side. If all dungeon turns out to be similar to the glory days of CoF1 farming (zerkers only). Can you say the same?
yes, because I avoid partying up with kittens that care about what I wear by doing guild runs. Much more reliable.
Not the point, we’re talking about PuGs here. You can do a naked guild run and only your guild would care about.
You bet my kitten that when I’m on my min/maxxed gear, and suddenly someone joined my party on clerics, I’m NOT gonna enjoy that puppy.
Question: how do you know they are wearing clerics? You ask right? Or do you say nothing, then randomly in the dungeon you just kick them?
If you are min/maxxing, state it before you run the dungeon. That’s all we need to do and there will be no problem. That way the min/maxxers get to play together and are happy and everyone who wants to play in their whatever gear get to play together and are happy. No one should get offended if you join a group, they say they are speedrunning and ask your gear setup, and then kick you for not having the gear they want you to have. They are allowed to do that. Just move on to another group. The majority of players aren’t speedrunning. Let that niche group do their thing, you do yours.
One time I was honestly kicked out of a FoTM10 (yes, TEN) for not having an Ascended backpiece. Everything else was BiS, but I only had an exotic back, so I was kicked. At first I was shocked because I’ve completed FoTM10 on a full Rare alt so I wasn’t sure what the big deal was, but then I realized they are probably looking for a specific setup and if I don’t cut the mustard then I just don’t cut the mustard.
It took me 5min to get another group for FoTM10 without issue. Slightly overkill for FoTM10 IMO, but those 4 guys clearly want to play a certain way and who am I to say they can’t.
When 2 or more party members are not in zerkers, you know it; trust me on that. And yes, we are in agreement here that if you mind your business, we mind ours. But if I posted for “dps builds,” “experienced” etc, I still get some random who seemingly cannot read.
Easy for you to say because the majority of PuG that runs in all dungeons uses “play how you want” builds. Easier for you to get a party, nothing to worry on your side. If all dungeon turns out to be similar to the glory days of CoF1 farming (zerkers only). Can you say the same?
You bet my kitten that when I’m on my min/maxxed gear, and suddenly someone joined my party on clerics, I’m NOT gonna enjoy that puppy.
Why does it always comes up saying that speed runners are not having fun? The fun comes from being efficient, not wiping, and finishing ASAP (and loot). This is a game, not a job, and I don’t get payed to play. So we all play to have fun.
Oh please, don’t make it like the “elitist” honestly wanna play with bads.
Hmm I thought base toughness was the same for every class? I also thought that ele, along with guard and thief, has the lowest base vit? Well, point remains that they’re squishy :P
I have not encountered any build that utilizes the staff for mesmer, again for dungeons. Feel free to use whatever you want while exploring. Also, you have the greatsword if you really need to range.
For the 25% movement, you can use travelers runes. Your DPS won’t suffer to much but it’s quite expensive right now. If you want something cheap, you can also use rune of speed. Your DPS will suffer quite a bit on this one.
I don’t like it. The Z axis and slow sense of movement ruins it for me. It just doesn’t feel fluid and dodging is also harder. I would have been fine if combat were similar to land but with underwater surroundings.
If you’ve been with the same server since launch, I can’t really blame you for being on a stacked server. It’s even worse if you play on your server’s prime time.
Anyways, I don’t agree with queue priority. Everyone wanna play as much as you. Though I’ve always wanted a title or something I can show off in the wvw for sticking with my server.
When you say PVE, I assume you mean dungeons since everyone can blind fold their way thru open world. I definitely have a harder time playing ele in dungeon due to their low hp (full zerker is like <11k hp). Mesmer are wanted for their utilities. I think eles have the higher DPS though.
In Wvw, my experience ele have an easier time tagging enemies. Again, mesmers are for the support/utilities.
At this point, it’s better to segregate the community between casual and speed runners. The problem is (PuG) casuals also like to speedrun, evidence to that is they still join speedrun groups despite not having zerkers. And yes, zerkers wanna be partied with other zerkers because they want fast runs.
PS. Don’t get kitten when someone says cleric gears are trash in dungeons.
^^ That thread sounds to good to be true as I haven’t had the chance to test it out myself. So you’re saying I sit on 1200 and tick 7k on lava font?
It’s too early to say. SBI has lots of PuGs on reset night just like every other server.
Thank you for your work on fixing the lag. I’m actually optimistic that this will make difference in WvW.
On the other hand, what about FPS issues? Apparently a lot of players, despite having top-of-the-line PC, are still having experiencing below 20fps on very crowded events.
It depends on where/what you are trying to accomplish. “Play how you want” can only get you so far. Aside from open world, in every aspect of the game (wvw, dungeon, spvp), there’s an optimal way of doing it. If you wanna smell the flowers while running dungeon, that’s fine but don’t expect to be as efficient as those who run specific builds/gears.
Do you really expect players to level 400-500 just to get the last 3 levels? It cost so much that you won’t do it to level your character.
@OP, as it stands, you can no longer level your character to 80 by pure crafting. If you don’t have exp scroll, it’s even harder for you.
Hey guys,
I wanted to compare my feelings about following topic with other players.
A few weeks ago I started a new Character …. at lvl 35 I wanted to go into Dungeons and then everything began…. I got kicked out, insulted etc.. when I dared to join a Group for AC at lvl 35….
It took me about 2 Hours to get together a Group for AC to enter it…!!
In my honest opinion many people have to change their mind in this game….
Of course I didnt join Groups which inteded to Speed-farm it…Just normal runthrough groups…People have to accept that its a Game and that profit is not the most important thing.. It should be fun which is bigger if you share it with others….To put it in a nutshell: STOP kicking lower levels out of your groups, just because it will take 10 minutes longer…. Lets be a good community and be friendly to everyone!!!
What do you guys think about that?
What is your experience about that topic?Thanks in advance
Just wait until you start getting kicked for being the wrong class or not having ascended gear. It’ll be even more fun!
I’ve only done one dungeon, EVER, and that was Arah story mode so I could complete my personal story. Mainly, because of how terrible this community can be.
Agony resist aside, I have never been kicked by not having ascended gear nor have I’ve encountered a party asking to have ascended gears.
kitten, so I wanna buy a level 80 for cheap, why not?
The question is how much is it going to cost and will the item be a one-time use or unlimited use. The cost needs to be lower than what it cost to just buy a new item.
So, the upshot of all this is the next revision of the LFG Tool should allow the lister to SET and LOCK the dungeon path that will be available and to set a minimum level so that if the viewer is below that level, they CANNOT SEE the listing to erroneously respond to it.
I’d like to think that’s well within the skills of ANets code-monkeys.
Something like this is already a problem with the current tool. If I’m on my low level alt, I cannot see the listing of coe or arah for example. They should remove all the level restriction when just viewing the listing.
pay to win? meh
How is that pay to win? I think he’s asking for a template so he can readily switch build without respecing every time.
When something is sold in the shop which is not a purely cosmetic item, but effects game play, it is considered a pay-to-win item.
I disagree. This doesn’t give you an advantage, it’s simply a convenience item. You know so you can switch from a dungeon build to a wvw build, etc. Of course, they have to disable it on sPvP and part of WvW (like you can only use it inside citadel).
pay to win? meh
How is that pay to win? I think he’s asking for a template so he can readily switch build without respecing every time.
It depends on what you mean by “easy.” Skipping trash mobs do take some practice but it’s not hard by all means. At some point you’ll learn to skip trash like it’s nothing to the point that you would rather save time that be a bit safer.
So if you’re inexperience, take the safer route of killing mobs. This is always a problem on Arah with PuGs.
Seriously, they didn’t have to change the exp gain from 10 to 7. I just realize that yesterday after I used my exp scroll to lvl20, I craft chef to 400 and only ended up level 27. I’ve already max leveled 6 characters thru crafting and this one just makes it more expensive that it already is.
You can also craft; maxing 1 crafting profession will give you about 10 levels. Also, you should WvW. Karma trains are easy experience. You probably feel it’s really slow because it’s your first toon, but believe it is quite easy. I will personally hold on to doing dungeons until you’re 80 unless of course you have friends you play with. A lot of dungeon groups ask for 80s.
So yah, exploring, living story, wvw, and crafting are what I would do.
I suggest waiting until you reach 80 which is really not that hard. It will save you a lot of pain and suffering.
I dont care much about the AP, but there are sometimes limited skins given after you complete the meta. Every single one of those should be tradable in TP. The sunless wings is NOT tradable.
Remember that not everyone has access to the tool. Also some people actually prefer the site compared to this casual-friendly tool.
Its been mentioned before that players dont like missing out of content. They are “forced” into playing the LS or miss out, and thats not a good feeling for most. This results in burnout so you need to learn how to ignore it.