Commenting on this thread so I can keep an eye on it. Dis gun be good.
So from what I can tell in ‘lore’ Norns average at 9’0" tall, so does that mean in-game the middle of the slider for Norns are 9’0"?
Interval midpoint is not the same as average.
We’ve asked to have vigor-share changed to stability-share, but you know…
Foot? "/inches? lbs? I don’t recognise any of these units I humbly request measurements in cm and kg.
Regarding the weights. BMI is mostly an arbitrary measurement that doesn’t mean much outside it’s interval, it’s mostly for quick glance for an average human. Going through scaling is the correct way as body volume (and thereby mass) will scale cubically with height, if proportions remain. To illustrate this we can look at Robert Wadlow who was close to 9 foot and weighed 439 lbs and he looks rather skinny.
(edited by Zorby.8236)
Someone in this forum suggested a few weeks ago about this, i did want to bump that thread but the search doesn’t work. -.-
Anyway, we need a slot in Hero/Equipment panel for our minis. Just like Anet did to Outfits, why not one for minis with the on/off option as well?
This has been a recurring suggestion since launch though. And while they haven’t made any statements on the issue (that I know of), I do believe it’s on their “stuff we’d like to do after we’re done experimenting”-list. Sadly their “stuff we’d like to experiment with”-list is ever growing :/
Cleave? They arent dumb enough to stand next to me or the boss.
This keeps getting better
The reason I dont wear other sets Maha, is because I also run other content, particularly Tequatl and THW.
Because carrying around 2 armor sets is too much to ask right? I can use the blunt end of a screwdriver to hammer a nail, no need to carry around a hammer then.
Oh, I had missed this thread, but…
I use LB and Axe/Wahorn on most fractals for 48-50 with celestial/zerker mix. The mainhand axe will do 1500-1800 damage per bounce against most things, which is pretty high.
For PvE melle in dungeons I recommend carrion stats with sword/torch and GS or sword/axe. Use flame trap. Just ball up enemies and put them in fire field. Most competent groups will max team might with you fire fields. Everything will melt. Use offhand axe for retaliation (some foes are weak to this). Use leaps on GS and sword to give you fire aura. Enjoy!
I must say, at first I was angry at the backlash against carrion gear on melle rangers, but now I am just finding the whole discussion rather amusing. I know it’s not very Meta, and it’s honestly a little overpowered in my opinion, but I am starting to think the disagreements have more to do with flame trolls than anything.
There are a few points I’ll leave the non-trolls with:
Carrion is not a bunker set. It is a major in condition and minor in power, and the only set that has this very powerful stat combination (a major in one of power or condition and a minor in the other). There are no carrion trinkets as I suspect a full set would mess up the balance and be way overpowered.
+2: Thieves camping shortbow and not blasting.
XD classic
Good Job OP, that should show ANet…
[…] for at least making you’r stance […]
And in case anyone wondered, the wasted bank space was worth more than what you get from the shards.
You have 3 leap finishers on your weapon sets […]
Actually only 2, Swoop and Monarch’s Leap. Hornet’s Sting isn’t a leap finisher.
Swoop acts as a double leap finisher when executed entirely within healing spring.
Are you sure about that. I mean I know I get the Healing-heart twice from it, but does it really trigger twice? During the attack on LA freeing citizens counted as a blast finisher, and you could spam it. I put down a fire field and spammed F, pop-up hearts showed Might, Might, Might…but only once I let the channel finish did I get 3 stacks of might.
@OP, simply put use the second build posted by Aylpse. And for the love of all the fluffy kittens DO NOT use bears!
You have 3 leap finishers on your weapon sets […]
Actually only 2, Swoop and Monarch’s Leap. Hornet’s Sting isn’t a leap finisher.
I keep saying, I know zerker deals more damage, i’m just trying to max the damage you can put out in full soldiers
And what you seem to be missing is that that is already a fundamental contradiction. If you’re in full soldiers your intention was never to deal any damage at all. And if you intended to push damage you wouldn’t be in full soldier. It might’ve been a fun little thought experiment for you, but that’s all it is ever going to be and it’s not clear in your OP that’s what it is.
Why is everyone posting sleek smaller greatswords glossing over Greatsword?
It was a “Rumor” after all.
If it turns out to be like that…That’s some top trolling from ANet’s side then
As a filthy Zerker, OP you have no clue what you’re talking about. Are you seriously taking what PuGs and their kittened lfg posts say to be true?
Been in the game since release and never have been in a dungeon. As a lvl 80 Ranger i’m just not wanted. Even with my zerker gear it makes no difference. I’ve just settled that this is part of the game i’ll never see.
Have you been hiding under a rock for the past year then?
This thread is hilarious.
So much ignorance in this thread @OP, kicking rangers just for being rangers is so 2013, I wouldn’t be too worried about it.
Voicing my full support for Mkkoll’s well written post.
1.[…]but would it be too much trouble to have a confirmation message when sending coins or items.. I’m still pretty sure I sent silver, but if a confirmation message popped up asking “Are you sure you want to send xxxx amount of GOLD?” I would have noticed.
God please no, not more confirmation boxes…How about players exercise caution instead. You mess up, too bad, that should teach you.
2. I don’t even know whom this gold got sent to or if I really did send it.. after you send a mail there is no outbox showing what you sent and what items..
This is actually a fair suggestion though, I agree.
3. I don’t know who it is and support won’t tell me.
I wouldn’t imagine they would…
4. I wholeheartedly thought and still do think this is an issue on their end. Why? Because 1 week prior I had a 2 week email exchange with support that got escalated to the devs because I could no longer purchase gem items in the store. I was thinking this issue might have just been some of the aftermath of that issue.
Correlation does not equal Causation, say that three times!
5. Last but not least.. this has taught me 1 lesson.. don’t be kind. Because I wanted to be kind enough to share some silver to people who send me rams as a commander (was sending 4s for each ram) I lost half of my gold. I doubt I will be sending mail ever again thanks to this experience if I even continue playing.
You’re taking the wrong lesson from this…mistakes will be repeated.
No confirmation message is a HUGE downfall of anygame[…]
Oh how nice that would be, no more solving differential equations and sacrificing goats just to toss an item, one can only dream…
I propose to either have the party leader immune to kicks or for the party leader to have control of who joins their party.
There’s no such thing as a party leader or party ownership, only instance ownership. Now if instance owners weren’t booted upon loosing party…I guess there’s a reason for the current way though.
This thread is better than TV
My body…is ready.
I always forget to repair my armor, the only cue in for me is when I’m running around pantsless. So repair canisters are god sent in the middle of fractal runs.
Adding my voice to the concerns. All-or-Nothing outfits and tonics is going to destroy a lot of looks for me, and I’ll be asking for refunds for every item that won’t function like currently.
I would hope she is! Bald is the right way to Asura!
First of all, March 18 is only a “clean up” build. They’ll remove glory and the current LS, not much more. Then there are 2 other builds coming, the feature build and a balance patch. The ranger CDI will be seen in none I think. The CDI discussion must go through the entire development pipe-line, so I don’t expect to see any of that no less than half a year down the line.
I’m sick of people complaining about their pet.
If you don’t want a pet-class, you don’t want Ranger. It’s as simple as that.
No, it’s not as simple as that.
When people rolled a Ranger they realized it came with a pet. It wasn’t a surprise. What they discovered was pets don’t work correctly…and Anet has said they are not sure if they can fix it.
If the pets worked as intended, you would get very few, if any, complaints about them.
I want to play an archer like I do in every game. There is no other class that can wield both bows. The pet is just a horrible nuisance I have had to deal with. How pets got tied to “rangers” I have no idea -must be one of those copying WoW things.
Drizzt Do’urden from The dark elf trilogy is a Ranger that has a pet Jaguar as a companion. The are many iconic Rangers who develop relationships with animals.
Even the Ranger in after earth develop a brief but close boon with a gian bird of prey. So close that the animal gave its life to save the ranger.
Rangers and pet have a long history some closer than other but there has always been a connetion.
Counter example~
Everyone’s favourite ranger (especially among anti-archers) Aragorn certainly did not have a pet in tow…unless of course you count Gimli.
The fact that our weapon coefficients are lower than other classes doesn’t automatically mean we can run whatever because “we won’t get the full out of zerk anyway”. That’s as stupid as saying “Well, I’m already only getting 80% scaling, might as well go full 0%”. Full zerk is still going to be better dps than any hybrid, especially one that includes Toughness, Vitality or Compassion.
@OP, you said it yourself, most of the defensive properties of the GS comes from the GS itself, passive evasion, stun/daze and one kick-kitten block. Stacking even more defensive stats with it won’t be needed! You should try to run as much zerk as possible, and start by switching out lower stat pieces (Shoulder/Hands/Feet, then Head).
TL;DR: Berserkers
Sword Ranger’s Greatest Enemy: Player Lack of Skill
I keep seeing this…guess what, you’re not a unique snow flake better than anyone else. Many successfully use the sword. Still doesn’t change the fact that it’s chain-attack has a completely unnecessary risk shared by no other weapon or profession.
- Stealthed a boss (on accident or for kicks
- Knocked back yourself
- Rapid Fired yourself (on cliffside, it hurts you way more than the boss in full zerk :p)
- Caused filler-pugs to instantly leave
- Spam #2 in down because it takes ages to pop, and then fly backwards as you rally.
I was…there, that line is getting old. But yeah, no Achievement :/
Battle for Lion's Arch Open Issues and Tips
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: Zorby.8236
In Tune
- This achievement is also a tricky one, I would recommend you disable your auto attack so that you are precisely controlling when you hit the holograms. Necros, Rangers, Mesmers; watch your minions, pets, clones, and phantasms, their damage counts against you if you are not attuned. Engineers, your turrets fall under that category as well. For all professions, I would recommend crafting your build based solely on damage your character does and not use any summons or sources of outside damage. Again, attention is critical, always be aware of your current attunement and the attunement of the hologram you are fighting.
Thank you for more content that heavily punishes Rangers and to some degree Mesmers who are mostly built around summons. What about summons and No More Tricks, do they count against for that as well? I know in Aether path my pet didn’t ruin the no touch electric floor achie…And How about conditions? If a condition lingers on after attunement wears off does that count against? That’s punishing to Mostly Guardians with passive burning and most builds that in some way or another includes bleed on crit.
Proposal Overview
Mai Trin and Horrik to only target players
Goal of Proposal
To make the fight less annoying for anyone that uses minions/summons, most notably Rangers.
As of right now pets at least will get aggro from Mai (don’t know about Horrik, but there’s no reason to assume he wouldn’t). Since much of the fight is about positioning it heavily punishes anyone with a summon. It doesn’t feel right that I as a ranger basically have to get my pet killed so that it won’t risk interfering.
Can’t use pets or other summons to distract bosses in dire situations (people down etc), But being able to do the boss smoothly is better I think than the one of occasions.
What? New Flare? Might want not want to?
I don’t see what the problem is, tbh. If other foreign languages are allowed, why shouldn’t chinese be?
Technically, it isn’t allowed. Each server has exactly one language everyone should be using. It’s just that latin alphabet and basic UTF support can be used for many other languages, and Anet sort of closes their eyes on widespread use of non-english (or non-german, french or spanish, in case of EU dedicated language servers) in the game.
Making other, non-latin alphabet based languages available would require adding something to the game. It might also have other repercussions – for example it might be considered a signal that Anet is allowing the use of those other languages. And if they did so, they’d have to support them (at least they’d need to have people able to read them, in case some chat conversations got reported).
A step from ignoring something and specifically allowing something may seem small, but the distinction is very important.
Which is why most likely there’s currently no support for, for example, cyrillic.
So wrong on so many levels I can’t even laugh at it.
It isn’t too bad. It isn’t meta but I’ve seen far worse. I just wonder why one utility is left blank (and swap pet). Spirits Unbound is pointless, and since you’re using GS I’d suggest Two-Handed Training instead. Heal as One is terrible, Healing Spring is the only heal you’ll run in PvE ever.
Some more hard critique. You’re using GS mainly (assumption based on it being in set1), so spamming Maul is important, yet you’re missing both GS traits (other being Martial Mastery). Signet of the Wild has a 13% uptime giving roughly 3% dps increase (4% with Signet Mastery). I’m not so sure about Signet of the Beastmaster, I think for GS build 20/0/25/25/0 might work better (need to compensate for the lost precision abit).
Making it required to have certain professions for running certain content to max out the profit of loot drops sounds like a bad idea.
it is an “in addition too” regular loot drops.
Doesn’t matter that it’s “in addition”, actually it makes it worse. After some testing by players it would become obvious what profs get the most bang out of their kills. I’m all for more profession flavour, but this doesn’t seem like a good idea.
Making it required to have certain professions for running certain content to max out the profit of loot drops sounds like a bad idea.
A patch is never late, nor is it early. It arrives precisely when it means to.
Relax people, it arrives when it arrives.
China will have its own version. This won’t happen for the western servers, as they’re English-only (aside from the specific German/French servers).
Nope, they’re not English: they’re international (aside from the German/French/Spanish servers).
And even then de/fr/es servers aren’t restricted to those languages. It’s more of a “hey, players on these servers will mostly speak de/fr/es, just so you know”.
On the topic at hand, I always support multiple scripts.
They can’t really give information in every single time-zone in the whole world after all.
Current time in Seattle is 11:10 in the “morning”.
I agree, that’s why all times should be given exclusively in UTC for anything international.
Warriors have nothing to complain about. Have you SEEN the offhand axe Ranger skill 5? Thought not. Also, damage-buffing Warriors, whether it would make them OP or not (even though every other profession knows warriors are OP anyway) should be the last thing on the devs’ priorities list right now.
Ranger axe 5 is actually one of the best skills ranger has, considering the massive amount of utility on top of the damage it deals.
“Hey guys, im going to self root, effectively CC’ing myself just to reflect projectiles while doing less damage in this long channel than my own autoattack chain!”
It reflects, grants retaliation, deals aoe damage, and stacks vulnerability. It’s an incredibly useful skill that people like to underestimate.
The reflection radius is 90 units, that’s too small to be effective. A projectile AoE landing next to you will hit you. Retaliation is bad and it’s dps is laughable. And the self root is … no! The only good it’s for is a bit of lulz againts Mai (Though GS is better, straight up block it). If the radius was larger (untraited) then yeah it could be useful, as it it now not so much.
Race: Any
Sex: Male
Armor: Inquest Guantlets (Crucible of Eternity Token Armor)Problem: There is a graphical glitch on the left glove where there appears to be two hanging strips of cloth.
I think this one is intended though, they look too well done to be a mistake…at least that’s why I picked them.
Edit: Wait…magic find?!?
Does it matter when you spend 95% of your time in kits?
Supersampling has 2 functions. The most notable is Anti-Aliasing, it’ll smooth edges making them less jagged (pixelated). A minor effect is that objects of sub-pixel size can influence the color. It is very expensive though, as you’re basically rendering 4 times as much as native.
Also, being all “uhu, ANet, Y U NO ANSWER ME” attitude isn’t going to help. I agree we need more variety. But we can do little else but, suggest and wait. Devs don’t have an obligation to answer every thread/post, And frankly, they wouldn’t have time. If this becomes a bigger issue and more and more poeple start talking about it, maybe they’ll consider allocating resources to it. This does not seem to be the case (I’ve been on forums, threads like these doesn’t seem to attract much attention) and so resources are allocated towards other aspects deemed more pressing.
(edited by Moderator)