I’ve found the tonic to be great fun, and I hope that the next area has a similar tonic to make you larger.
So much yes! A Megature-tonic is on top of my list of wants. So far this has had to suffice, but the duration is so short :’(
You’re playing the wrong race. At least Norn female shout retreat with calm authority. That said I wouldn’t mind it beign changed to “Take Cover!” as the aegis blocks an attack.
They go into their pokéball, duh!
Umm, have you seen the Reaper’s Shroud animations? The scythe is held nearly the same way a greatsword is and swung in a very similar motion.
The animations actually look a like a mix of GS, staff and hammer. 1 could be either hammer or GS, 2 is staff, 4 is more GS, 5 is very hammer but could be GS. Mechanically it counts as a hammer and advances hammer kill achievement.
Hate to break it to ya but auto-loot is not EVEN a feature in every game, let alone a basic feature. Dunno what games you’ve been playing but most of the ones I’ve played, MMO or otherwise, don’t even have it included. Add to that the fact that it’s one of the easiest mastery lines to finish makes me wonder who’s really trolling around here.
In the previous MMO I played before GW2 auto-loot was a cash-shop item.
Use GS as a sub for LB in that case, you never want to get rid of S/A.
I also find it irritating that anything and everything will tag your pet and put it into combat. Particularly annoying when you’re trying to run through a bunch of mobs in pve without being tagged.
Hostiles hitting your pet won’t put you in combat. You’re only put into combat if the pet retaliates. If it’s on passive mode and you get into combat either you were hit or you hit something.
I also suspect, although I don’t have any solid numbers, that the majority of players don’t have any legendaries at all. It’s true that it’s not unusual to see them, but they’re still far out-numbered by normal weapons and I know there’s plenty of people even on this forum who either don’t consider them worth making or think it’s too expensive and they wouldn’t be able to do it.
I wouldn’t even use the vast majority of legendaries if they were given to me for free.
Isnt viper like 2x the damage than berserkers?
According to this http://www.qtfy.enjin.com/dps
SB + AT is 32K DPS
SB + AT druid is 22K DPS
LB + SA druid is 16K DPSif thats true, berserker sounds really underwhelming, why does anyone use it?
You can’t compare a pure ranger spec with a druid spec, totally different objectives. Condi ranger is for dealing top tier condi damage, nothing more, it doesn’t provide all of the regular buffs and such. Druid (both condi, power and healer) are there to supply buffs, condi while doing a bit more dps, power is a bit more flexible and healer for when your group really needs the support.
Why did you downscale the image to like 2×2 pixels? Post full resolution and maybe we can make out details?
I don’t understand why this hasn’t been addressed by now.
It has been addressed though. I can’t be bothered digging up the thread but basically JP came in here and said he was looking into it. What he meant is he was monitoring the Ranger community discussion/outcry/whatever. Generally PvP-ers like it and PvE-ers dislike it, and since the game is balanced around PvP…I’d start getting used to it if I were you.
Bear-form does not work. I get OS with over 50k HP. It most likely is 100% of your HP. Bear-form only increases your hp (by giving you tons of vitality) while DS adds another healthbar on top of your regular. The regular one is unchanged so the beam deals 100% of that, and as you said you think LF counts for twice hp so you would survive that.
My last post was a joke :p If it’s a set amount of damage…I (or anyone else) should try to bear-form tank it.
and the only attack Maw has is the beam (dealing % damage, set to 100%).
I dont believe this is true. You can tank the hit with a necro in DS. And it doesnt even do 100% life force.
Fine…And the only attack Maw has is the beam (dealing % damage, set to 100% if we exclude necros exploiting DS).
As Spoj posted Jade Maw is an elemental, that was lifted from the game files, There is no debate to be had at all. Just because They referred to it as Kraken in the patch notes doesn’t mean that that’s it’s actual in game type. That was probably the choice of words in those patch notes to distinguish it from the fractal itself (which is also known as Jade Maw).
A slaying potion wouldn’t do squat on Maw since the only ways to deal damage is either through crystals (deals a certain % damage, unaffected by modifiers), killing tentacles (each killed deals a % damage [Maybe…it used to, then not, then again, you get the idea]), or through life steal (deals a set amount of damage, unaffected by modifiers) and the only attack Maw has is the beam (dealing % damage, set to 100%).
That said the Jade Colossi are also elementals, so feel free to use potion on them.
And the wiki is 99% player maintained. And it’s open to anyone to edit. If someone wished to set Jade Maw as ‘housewife’ there’s not much stopping him, someone would likely revert it, but tbh I don’t think that many care about fractal boss types anyway, (except the people in this sub obviously!).
Mortar kit, thanks for reworking it, making it actually useable! But the way it looks? Looks like a level 5 rifle skin or what ever.
I like it! Looks like an old grenade launcher:
Daze for Storm Spirit was also suggested on the forums, as well as Spirits pulsing boons with Nature’s Vengeance. Looks like they do read the forums!
Pulse 1s boon per 3 s, so useful.
Edit: Also, a “destroy” command for Spirit. I recall someone posting about wanting that since they can’t move to force a reset mid-combat. Pop that active and reset it!
The way to move it was the swap the spirit of the skill bar and then back on. The spirit dies and goes on 20 s cd. Now we get 30 s instead…cool.
I don’t get why Fortifying Bond isn’t a beastmaster trait…it seems like it should belong there.
These keep getting better and better
That would be weird, seeing as the #3 skill is for the stun you get at 30 stacks.
I would advice against making ascended armor, just stick to exotics. Since you mostly do open world PvE and don’t care for min/maxing/meta you are most definitely not going to notice the upgrade from exotic to ascended. The weapons fair enough, but not the armor. Rather spend those resources on fluff and shinies.
Why can’t you guys just keep scrolling and go about your business? Report it if you see fit.
Why come up here and cry about an issue that has already been beaten to death?
Are…are you aware of the irony?!
Issue 2: AC story gate skip
I don’t see much difference between leaping over the gate and having 1 guy standing on the button and then having a mesmer portal him through. In both cases you are using profession mechanics to skip having to walk up and fetch a rock. I say allow it.
Issue 3: CoE exp door skip
I believe it’s already established that bosses can’t be safe-spotted and there must be a camera angle for every deviating player. You can just check the skippers footage if he strikes Alpha and void it. Otherwise I see no issue with this.
Issue 5: AC exp burrow skip
I didn’t realise this was an issue. It’s an optional event and not hard to run past whether it’s spawned or not. It doesn’t really save any time either…
Issue 6: Molten Facility lightning riding
I want to start by poiting out that it doesn’t “magically skip dialogue”, the NPCs still have to do all the talking. What you skip is their run down. Even if it can be considered OOB it’s not used to skip any run or event or so, only the NPCs run. I don’t see it as any different to any other NPC manipulation like Magg in CoF2 (err…I don’t even know if that’s allowed, but it should be).
Issue 7: Arah p4 final jumping puzzle
Whereas here you make a decent run through OOB, this is the only one I think shouldn’t be allowed of the ones listed.
Right click anywhere on the background and click “save as…” or something similar. Save it to your PC as a complete webpage. Bam, you now have a static page that doesn’t change.
The upside to HS is the on-demand cleanse/waterfield, if that goes it’s going to hurt HS severely. We’ll have to see what they have in mind. The Idea of changing TU into a signet and HS to survival is interesting, but I feel that could possibly harm CondiSurvival builds.
In other words, the secret is being optomistic — but not having high expectations.
That’s a fine line you walk, sir. I can respect that.
Thank you. I find it rewarding on an emotional level.
Walking along a Razor’s edge? Oh god tell me your forum name isn’t chosen just for this…
if you ran DPS you could of cut those times down by 20% respectively
I didn’t know DPS increased your party’s movement speed.
Not only! I’ve heard it increases…uhm…“performance” by 20% as well!
Otherwise, I wish they’d go the other way and bring the bundles back instead. Maybe not the TP gun, because you can break the instance, but the others are honestly just fine.
Harpy love potion…come on ANet :‘( I’m dying to spread the love!
I can understand that. Good to know it’s on the way, I just wanted to make sure it wasn’t forgotten :p Cheers!
I really like that spread sheet, but isn’t Molten Facility (Test+Duo?) missing?
I hold down right mouse button a lot yeah, even though I do have A/D bound to strafing rather than turning. But I’ve never had the problem OP is describing. I have fast cast with target AoE and it doesn’t take much effort to release rmb, place the AoE and resume holding rmb.
well the glow/shine is white, maybe that’s what he’s on about? In any case I’d reskin it anyway, because the ascended 1h swords are bulky as hell and not very thief-like :p
Because we already have dolphins underwater? Spirits are dolphins underwater. The elite one is a whale
Thirdly, you still don’t know what kind of utility the druid will bring. Hell, even these changes aren’t necessarily final.
We all know Druid is going to be some useless support thingy.
I’m not completely satisfied with the Ranger portion and how it was handled, but I’m not completely dissatisfied either.
That’s pretty much how every PvE Ranger is going to feel. Because while we got some nice changes for PvP I believe, they managed to accomplish 0 interesting changes for PvE. We got slightly buffed, we’re going to be pretty much the same afterwards, only thief and guardian have now shot ahead a bit.
(edited by Zorby.8236)
No comments on this?
I’ll reserve judgement for when I have actual concrete information to work with.
So the Outfit vs Armor skins debate continues to rage on! Many like the outfits for their ease of use and weight class anonymity, while Armor skins allow for deeper customization. Why can’t we have the best of both worlds? Well I think we could. I think we should take the next step in the wardrobe evolution.
Let’s further decouple skins from stats. Let each Character have a couple of Transmutation Templates or Custom Outfits. Each template would have slots for each armor and back (I’m not sure how weapons would fit into it, but I think the major concerns lie with armor anyway). Make it free to swap between these templates, but cost transmutation charges to apply/change the skin in any slot. This way it still cost charges somewhere but we’d be able to have a couple of custom styles to easily swap between. I would suggest to start of with 3-5 (3 is the minimum I would like to see, 5 is generous) and you could acquire more through gemstore.
I’m not sure how to handle weapon skins though and what to do with the “old” system. Though my preliminary idea is to have the old system in parallel with the new, and let skins on pieces overwrite if any slot is left empty in a template (and have an option no template).
This is just somewhat in the direction I’d like to see it move, I’m sure there are improvements to my ideas out there!
Usually I come into suggestion threads thinking they will be totally off-base and dumb, but these sound really nice and balanced.
However, I suggest the 3 point and 5 point minor traits are swapped and the damage increase to a target with vulnerability is increased to 5%. Only so it stays in line with other minor traits as the 5 pointers are usually the ones with a damage boost.
Yup, that’s exactly what crossed my mind as well. Though I think ANet is wary of adding any more damage modifiers :p One can hope…
Frost Spirit increases the DPS of your entire party by 3.5% untraited. That’s roughly a 17.5% boost.
kitten it that’s not how it works! If it increases party dps by 3.5% it increases party dps by 3.5%, period! If something increases your personal dps only by say 10% and you stand for roughly 1/5 of the damage that’s equivalent of 2% party dps increase.
No Spirit: 1k+1k+1k+1k+1k=5k dps
Spirit: 1.035*1k+1.035*1k+1.035*1k+1.035*1k+1.035*1k=1.035*(1k+1k+1k+1k+1k)=5175 dps
There, now that I got that out of my system. Yes I agree with you OP, SotH is awesome for lazy OWPvE but completely wasted in dungeons.
Very much in support of higher price but account wide. Knowing I’d have multiple characters I’ve not bothered with per character bag slots.
Yawn. Pretty uninteresting. At least they’re going in the right direction, just about 95% too short.
I will in the near future (collecting resources for it atm) delete and reroll 5 level 80 toons, all with 100% map completion and includes 3 500 crafts.
I could give you for 2 rangers. Which is basically both run meta build, only one switches Vigorous Spirits for Strength of Spirit and one Spotter for whatever. Can be the same that does both, that doesn’t really matter. I’d sooner relog to necro than play a 3rd, 4th or 5th ranger.
Yeah, that was the explicit point of my post. There’s been a lot of complaints about it, but I don’t think I’ve ever experienced it, so I figure there’s gotta be some common factor in groups.
Sticking to mid-to-late-run kicks (which I think you are most interested about) the common factor is kittens. If there’s a kitten or 2 in a group then the chances for kicks goes up dramatically, whether they kick some poor fellow or get themselves kicked (and then tries to play victim here).
[…]I love murdering things with unicorns. […](and I don’t PvP much). I mostly run in PvE situations, dungeons and fractals and what not.
Using sb on thief in combat situation is already pretty bad, so it doesn’t appear you care too much about meta and stuff. In that case I can just say roll with the sb and whatever, you did on thief you can do it on ranger.
I have instruments muted, I think that says enough