Showing Posts For docMed.7692:

Optimal War & Mes Gear for CoF path 1

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: docMed.7692


In this case “sometimes” ~= 21%.

May I ask how you arrived at 21% of all encounters a Tyrian player goes through?

Example: a bad player who never dodges would never be able to maintain more than 90% of their hp.

Not to mention you lose DPS if you waste time dodging!

Need a dueling area

in Suggestions

Posted by: docMed.7692


Have to agree - dueling in general would be awesome, but only in pre-determined zones; such as a Lion’s Arch dueling zone (don’t put it in WvW!).

An Ode To Farming. (Memories)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: docMed.7692


Dusk has got it right - 5-6g/hour or as I like to put it (around 1800 to 2400 COF p1 clears to get a legendary depending on which you pick and if you buy the legendary outright or invest in each component).

Possible New April Group Dungeon!?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: docMed.7692


April 30, 2013
In secret foundries deep beneath the Shiverpeaks, the Molten Alliance forges deadly new weaponry that combine the fiery power of the Flame Legion with the iron might of the dredge. There, Alliance weapon smiths test their creations on innocent captives, perfecting their cruel technology until it is ready to unleash on all of Tyria.

In the last chapter of the Flame and Frost series, you’ll strike at the heart of the Molten Alliance with your comrades Rox the charr and the norn Braham. Take the battle into the enemy’s weapons facilities and defeat a final hybrid menace unlike any Tyria has ever seen!


So not that the above really hints at releasing any new dungeon... But it would be quite cool if this current living story ended with a 5 man dungeon that became static moving forward. Nothing quite on the level of fotm, but more along the lines of a dungeon with 1 equivalent EX path!? Confirm/Deny ArenaNet!?

(edited by docMed.7692)

Leaderboards Have Been Released!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: docMed.7692



Cya, ArenaNet.

Way to take an absolutely amazing game (Guild Wars) and drop it into the furthest abyss possible.

Recommend firing whomever thought of leaderboards.

Competition keeps some people happy. If you don’t care, don’t look at them. Problem solved.

That’s not even the problem. The problem is breeding elitism through a ficitional useless number people will put stock in even though it’s just a measurement of time invested. The only reason to honestly have leaderboards is for PvP, any kind of quantifiable PvE metric gets grabbed and ran with. I weep for the future of dungeons if they come out with stats like dungeons ran, speed clear stats, etc.

Just a bad idea overall, going to cause fragmentation.

Heavin forbid people want to clear dungeons fast and have fun at competing in this fashion!

Do you really think you’re going to join a PUG that says “we’re going for the WORLD RECORD – please ping your gear!”?!

Any group that goes for the fastest clear time would be a set group of players looking to accomplish this, etc. PUGs would not be impacted.

You must not of played WoW during the GS debacle, where even pugs were shunned by a number derived from a kitten poor formula that doesn’t take into account player skill or class limitations or abilities.

Maybe the Speed clear thing isn’t that big of deal for pugs, but total dungeons ran, how many times each dungeon, etc. will become a big deal, whether it is now or not.

If people want a speed run type deal, fine, do it by guild not by group or player.

I played WoW since closed beta phase 2 to end of CATA and demo’d MOP. So I’ve got a good idea of how it functions. Nonetheless, guilds should consist of players who have the same ideals you have and enjoy playing the game in a similar fashion, no? Yes, these changes might force guilds to split and/or change their goals/ideals, but in the long run I really don’t see how that is an issue.

If you don’t think something splitting a guild apart is an issue I really don’t know what to tell you. We’ll just disagree, to me guilds are important, to others I can see why they wouldn’t be.

I don’t really think you’re quite understanding me here. Of course guilds are important (I missed the part where I said they weren’t). However, this implementation gives guilds a reason to pursue a more structured focus and interest as opposed to simply a social hangout spot. I think it’s striking the right balance and giving hardcore players more to aim for. Again, these changes won’t impact casual/pvx/go with the flow types guilds, but it will give those looking for more (and kitten flexing) something to aim for, which I’m on board for.

Like I said, I respectfully disagree I can’t say anything that hasn’t already been said by both sides of this debate.

It’s not really disagreeing when we’re talking apples and oranges.

Leaderboards Have Been Released!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: docMed.7692



Cya, ArenaNet.

Way to take an absolutely amazing game (Guild Wars) and drop it into the furthest abyss possible.

Recommend firing whomever thought of leaderboards.

Competition keeps some people happy. If you don’t care, don’t look at them. Problem solved.

That’s not even the problem. The problem is breeding elitism through a ficitional useless number people will put stock in even though it’s just a measurement of time invested. The only reason to honestly have leaderboards is for PvP, any kind of quantifiable PvE metric gets grabbed and ran with. I weep for the future of dungeons if they come out with stats like dungeons ran, speed clear stats, etc.

Just a bad idea overall, going to cause fragmentation.

Heavin forbid people want to clear dungeons fast and have fun at competing in this fashion!

Do you really think you’re going to join a PUG that says “we’re going for the WORLD RECORD – please ping your gear!”?!

Any group that goes for the fastest clear time would be a set group of players looking to accomplish this, etc. PUGs would not be impacted.

You must not of played WoW during the GS debacle, where even pugs were shunned by a number derived from a kitten poor formula that doesn’t take into account player skill or class limitations or abilities.

Maybe the Speed clear thing isn’t that big of deal for pugs, but total dungeons ran, how many times each dungeon, etc. will become a big deal, whether it is now or not.

If people want a speed run type deal, fine, do it by guild not by group or player.

I played WoW since closed beta phase 2 to end of CATA and demo’d MOP. So I’ve got a good idea of how it functions. Nonetheless, guilds should consist of players who have the same ideals you have and enjoy playing the game in a similar fashion, no? Yes, these changes might force guilds to split and/or change their goals/ideals, but in the long run I really don’t see how that is an issue.

If you don’t think something splitting a guild apart is an issue I really don’t know what to tell you. We’ll just disagree, to me guilds are important, to others I can see why they wouldn’t be.

I don’t really think you’re quite understanding me here. Of course guilds are important (I missed the part where I said they weren’t). However, this implementation gives guilds a reason to pursue a more structured focus and interest as opposed to simply a social hangout spot. I think it’s striking the right balance and giving hardcore players more to aim for. Again, these changes won’t impact casual/pvx/go with the flow types guilds, but it will give those looking for more (and kitten flexing) something to aim for, which I’m on board for.

Precursor Drops?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: docMed.7692


Over 300g as well, over 2000 hours of play, no precurser. A guildie randomly throws in 4 rares, pics up a precurser, they had to ask what it was as they only been playing the game for a little while. Like everything in this game its down to luck.

Play time isn’t really a representation of grinding for a precursor. You can farm around 1500g in about 20 days played if you grind cof p1 hardcore in a zerk mes/war group (I’ve done the math), which is just under 500 hours played. So, they definitely have the rarity of a precursor (and in turn a legendary) done right. Where they get it wrong is the process itself is very boring, highly luck based, and there’s things that inflate the market drastically (like cof p1 farming is currently doing and has been doing almost since launch).

Sorry doc, but according to my math 500 hours in 20 days means that one day has 25 hours. Even if you lowered the number of hours played to 480 (as you said "just under 500 hours") that would mean that one has to play 20 days 24 hours per day... Uhm?
Sorry, but this math makes me question your math... Not saying that 1500 gold thingie is wrong, just pointing out that it’s impossible to do it in 20 days with 500 hours of play.

"Just under 500 hours". That’s my way of saying 480 hours rounded. I also said "played", so yes, you would have to "play" 480 hours. How much play a person does per day will dictate the rate it takes to earn this. For example, if you play 10 hours a day (all of it going to grinding), that would mean it would take 480/10 (48 days) to grind out the 1500g.

About 20 days played is what it would take if you grinded it out non-stop (which is what "played" refers to). Literally sitting in your chair for 20 days and rinse/repeating cof p1.

(edited by docMed.7692)

Precursor Drops?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: docMed.7692


Over 300g as well, over 2000 hours of play, no precurser. A guildie randomly throws in 4 rares, pics up a precurser, they had to ask what it was as they only been playing the game for a little while. Like everything in this game its down to luck.

Play time isn’t really a representation of grinding for a precursor. You can farm around 1500g in about 20 days played if you grind cof p1 hardcore in a zerk mes/war group (I’ve done the math), which is just under 500 hours played. So, they definitely have the rarity of a precursor (and in turn a legendary) done right. Where they get it wrong is the process itself is very boring, highly luck based, and there’s things that inflate the market drastically (like cof p1 farming is currently doing and has been doing almost since launch).

Precursor Drops?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: docMed.7692


I’ve never met a single person who spent over 300g and ended up with no precursor. Just gotta sack up and toss that gold in there – it’s not easy, but imo its much faster than the 600g+ grind.

I’ve tossed in over 300g with 0 precursors. I really should have just saved up, but I mfed in piecemeal whenever I had a bit of extra gold.

Technically that’s just 1/2 the low end value of the highest precursors. There’s still of course the chance you couldnt get it, but it’s few and far between. Don’t get me wrong – I hate the current implantation of precursors, but i much prefer MF dumping than saving the ever growing and inflated TP prices.

Leaderboards Have Been Released!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: docMed.7692


I just don’t get the issue of "community division". There’s always hardcore and there’s always casuals. All these metrics do is allow hardcores to measure their kittens which I am quite onboard for.

These dont force any players to change their current play styles - it just gives them a fun goal, if they choose to, to aim for.

Leaderboards Have Been Released!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: docMed.7692



There are lots of different metrics to choose from, but we feel total achievement score is a good measure of overall progression. We’ll be updating this leaderboard fairly often, so we hope to see some (friendly) competition in ranking."

WvW and SPvP leaderboards make sense. From an old DAoC player, and FPS ladder player, I can understand the desire.

PvE leaderboards are a different issue. It is naive to believe that only “friendly” competition will occur. If the PvE leaderboards provide a means to create community abuse, they will take the social aspect of this game (already dangerously trodding down the WoW /Rift have-have nots schism) further into territory that will eventually cause player attrition from those that are “friendly”.

If ANet’s intent is to concentrate on the players who view PvE competition as a serious endeavor (at the expense of other customers), then ANet needs to be more transparent about their business decision, and declare their intent.

In the meantime – my one piece suggestion regarding this is the same I advocated for RIFT right before leaving that game: make participation in PvE leaderboards 100% optional. Give players an option to opt out of something they are NOT interested in, or that may be used against them.

I don’t plan to ever look at the PvE leaderboards. The information has no value to players who have achievements and who do not feel the need to display information.

Well isn’t that the idea of why they are only showing a top player list and slowly expanding it? Seems like people who aren’t interested wouldn’t hit it anyways and therefore would not be an issue.

Leaderboards Have Been Released!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: docMed.7692



Cya, ArenaNet.

Way to take an absolutely amazing game (Guild Wars) and drop it into the furthest abyss possible.

Recommend firing whomever thought of leaderboards.

Competition keeps some people happy. If you don’t care, don’t look at them. Problem solved.

That’s not even the problem. The problem is breeding elitism through a ficitional useless number people will put stock in even though it’s just a measurement of time invested. The only reason to honestly have leaderboards is for PvP, any kind of quantifiable PvE metric gets grabbed and ran with. I weep for the future of dungeons if they come out with stats like dungeons ran, speed clear stats, etc.

Just a bad idea overall, going to cause fragmentation.

Heavin forbid people want to clear dungeons fast and have fun at competing in this fashion!

Do you really think you’re going to join a PUG that says "we’re going for the WORLD RECORD - please ping your gear!"?!

Any group that goes for the fastest clear time would be a set group of players looking to accomplish this, etc. PUGs would not be impacted.

You must not of played WoW during the GS debacle, where even pugs were shunned by a number derived from a kitten poor formula that doesn’t take into account player skill or class limitations or abilities.

Maybe the Speed clear thing isn’t that big of deal for pugs, but total dungeons ran, how many times each dungeon, etc. will become a big deal, whether it is now or not.

If people want a speed run type deal, fine, do it by guild not by group or player.

I played WoW since closed beta phase 2 to end of CATA and demo’d MOP. So I’ve got a good idea of how it functions. Nonetheless, guilds should consist of players who have the same ideals you have and enjoy playing the game in a similar fashion, no? Yes, these changes might force guilds to split and/or change their goals/ideals, but in the long run I really don’t see how that is an issue.

Leaderboards Have Been Released!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: docMed.7692



Cya, ArenaNet.

Way to take an absolutely amazing game (Guild Wars) and drop it into the furthest abyss possible.

Recommend firing whomever thought of leaderboards.

Competition keeps some people happy. If you don’t care, don’t look at them. Problem solved.

That’s not even the problem. The problem is breeding elitism through a ficitional useless number people will put stock in even though it’s just a measurement of time invested. The only reason to honestly have leaderboards is for PvP, any kind of quantifiable PvE metric gets grabbed and ran with. I weep for the future of dungeons if they come out with stats like dungeons ran, speed clear stats, etc.

Just a bad idea overall, going to cause fragmentation.

Heavin forbid people want to clear dungeons fast and have fun at competing in this fashion!

Do you really think you’re going to join a PUG that says “we’re going for the WORLD RECORD – please ping your gear!”?!

Any group that goes for the fastest clear time would be a set group of players looking to accomplish this, etc. PUGs would not be impacted. You can already see a “fragmentation” of this sort in FOTM. PUGs don’t run 50+ (least not most).

I don’t pug. It’ll affect guilds too.

So it will affect guilds to recruit players that want to have optimized groups and force min/maxing/etc? I don’t see the issue. There will always be casuals and there will always be hardcore, all it is doing is giving hardcore something to aim/compete for. None of these changes will impact casual players.

Leaderboards Have Been Released!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: docMed.7692



Cya, ArenaNet.

Way to take an absolutely amazing game (Guild Wars) and drop it into the furthest abyss possible.

Recommend firing whomever thought of leaderboards.

Competition keeps some people happy. If you don’t care, don’t look at them. Problem solved.

That’s not even the problem. The problem is breeding elitism through a ficitional useless number people will put stock in even though it’s just a measurement of time invested. The only reason to honestly have leaderboards is for PvP, any kind of quantifiable PvE metric gets grabbed and ran with. I weep for the future of dungeons if they come out with stats like dungeons ran, speed clear stats, etc.

Just a bad idea overall, going to cause fragmentation.

Heavin forbid people want to clear dungeons fast and have fun at competing in this fashion!

Do you really think you’re going to join a PUG that says "we’re going for the WORLD RECORD - please ping your gear!"?!

Any group that goes for the fastest clear time would be a set group of players looking to accomplish this, etc. PUGs would not be impacted. You can already see a "fragmentation" of this sort in FOTM. PUGs don’t run 50+ (least not most).

Precursor Drops?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: docMed.7692


The thing you have to understand here - The only way to get them is the way described (MF or random drop from high level content) - yet everyone says "save up and by one". If everyone did this, there would be NO PRECURSORS. I’ve mystic toilet dumped 200g and ended up with 2 precursors (dawn/the hunter). The fact is, they are not worth the 600g+ they are posting for and the people who recommend saving the 600g for it are typically the ones selling them and hoping the price continues to drive up. I’ve never met a single person who spent over 300g and ended up with no precursor. Just gotta sack up and toss that gold in there - it’s not easy, but imo its much faster than the 600g+ grind.

Leaderboards Have Been Released!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: docMed.7692


There really should be a ton of more expansion upon these leaderboads including official EX DUNGEON PATH CLEAR TIMES!!!!

help me on warrior build please

in Warrior

Posted by: docMed.7692


You guys are arguing about learning styles - either way, both will help you learn (I’ve run glass cannons and full toughness builds in multiple dungeons on different prof’s).

Also, since nobody pointed it out, might note that rifle is a 1 trick pony (#3 is the only good skill) - and this is coming from a warrior with Predator.

Leaderboards Have Been Released!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: docMed.7692


I would really love to see leaderboards for clear times on all explorable dungeon paths. Would be cool to see who gets the fastest times, etc. These metrics ae kind of just blah (who cares how many achievement points someone has... That almost just simply equivalates to /age as opposed to any kind of skill).

Q: Guild Mission Rewards - Precursor

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: docMed.7692


When Guild Missions were released and a specific note referencing that percursors were part of the loot table I got rather excited - I’ve still yet to see one and/or have any guildies get one (around 50-60 of us getting at least 1 reward per 6 weeks now, so that’s roughly 330 attempts).

Anyone out there get and/or hear of others getting one yet? Just curious what the actual drop rate is like. If it’s as super rare as before, kind of confused why a note about it was even added when it’s already known that pretty much everything in the game at 80 has a "chance" to drop a precursor.

Are Zerk Warriors that much better in CoF P1?

in Warrior

Posted by: docMed.7692


Full zerker warriors are the most effecient. Of course you can clear anything at whatever pace you would like - but when you have to grind a minimum 1400g for any legendary (depending on whether you buy your precursor or MF dump), every 1-2 minutes shaved off the 1700 runs+ that cof farmers do makes quite a big difference.

Axe mainhand and traiting for it is hands down the best over time dps. GS is best burst when 100B is up. Building appropriately to swap between these two and gearing full zerk will equate to the fastest clears - you don’t need to tank anything and a good mesmer will easily keep everyone alive and clearing effeciently (which is why Mesmers never get geared checked).

Increasing Baubles With More? Or Not?

in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: docMed.7692


There is no benefit to playing together other than sheer fun and potential mooching off your friends to carry you through if they are faster than you. The content is scaled per group size regarding difficulty, rewards remain the same - hope that helps!

Is it fair to say 9/10 like it?

in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: docMed.7692


It was meant to just be a fun thread, but let’s all get super serious and pretend our opinions are gold.

Post your sweet dig spots

in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: docMed.7692


You guys should post the amount of baubles you find as well

Is it fair to say 9/10 like it?

in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: docMed.7692


Given that typically complainers will post far more often than the persons actually enjoying the content - Is it fair to say 9/10 people like/love this content?

Minority haters be gone - this content is awesome (and this is coming from a legendary weilding, multi-geared 80, GW2 lover - that recognizes the need for spvp balance and wvw improvements).

Hats off Anet.

/Signed another appreciative thread.

The Return of Cut Scenes

in Flame and Frost

Posted by: docMed.7692


I too have to agree that the presentation of these cutscenes is much better than the personal story cutscenes. Good work!

Only +5 supplies for... 520 WXP levels?

in WvW

Posted by: docMed.7692


These posts are about “what’s wrong” rather than “how to fix it”, hence the reference to “needless QQ”. Obviously this system isn’t perfect, but whining about it in an unconstructive manner is simply /zzzz.

Pointing out what people dislike about the games development and what they feel was a disapointment is valid feedback.

On the otherhand, QQing about QQ…

Besides, we are in no position to tell ANet how to fix it. We tell them what we like, and dont like. And its upto them to come up with a way that fits in with the rest of their design, aswell as a way to do this with the resources they have available.

You should really read at least the OP before commenting, don’t ya think?

I have, and his complaint is simple. He feels that its a massive grind, and waaaay to much of a time investment to get pretty simple minor upgrades. Seems like a valid complaint.

On the otherhand you have managed 6 posts, and after raising a valid point in one of your posts, 4 have just been complaining about complaining. And this one an attempt at a pointless jab. Talk about senseless.

There are valid concerns and criticisms being posted here. And i tend to agree with some of them. The cost and timesink to get fairly simple skills, that arent even that good, is quite severe. Considering it takes more effort to get fairly minor upgrades, as opposed to spending less time/grind to get things that help you in all assets of the game (Asc. Gear) which is also something you can do on one character and have benefit another.

And i don’t think all that many people even wanted this kind of carrot-on-a-stick, a cynical person could easily suggest it was done on purpose as a pacifier to create a grindy system just to keep people running the threadmill as a way to not have to come up with real content for another while. Such as, meaningful gear, cool skins, actually rewarding so you can earn some coin as opposed to goldsinks.

tl; dr

Only +5 supplies for... 520 WXP levels?

in WvW

Posted by: docMed.7692


These posts are about “what’s wrong” rather than “how to fix it”, hence the reference to “needless QQ”. Obviously this system isn’t perfect, but whining about it in an unconstructive manner is simply /zzzz.

People post things like, “I don’t like that WXP is per character and not per account,” or “The ability values seem underwhelming,” or “I’m disappointed they didn’t include ‘do more damage to siege’”, and you really need to be told explicitly what the fixes would be?

did you read the op?

Only +5 supplies for... 520 WXP levels?

in WvW

Posted by: docMed.7692


These posts are about “what’s wrong” rather than “how to fix it”, hence the reference to “needless QQ”. Obviously this system isn’t perfect, but whining about it in an unconstructive manner is simply /zzzz.

Pointing out what people dislike about the games development and what they feel was a disapointment is valid feedback.

On the otherhand, QQing about QQ…

Besides, we are in no position to tell ANet how to fix it. We tell them what we like, and dont like. And its upto them to come up with a way that fits in with the rest of their design, aswell as a way to do this with the resources they have available.

You should really read at least the OP before commenting, don’t ya think?

GOLD For Tournament Wins

in PvP

Posted by: docMed.7692


I have to agree this is a good idea, but needs to be toned realistically (silver? small amount of gems?).

Only +5 supplies for... 520 WXP levels?

in WvW

Posted by: docMed.7692


Doc, you do realize that saying that every persons opinion who disagrees with yours is “needless” or just “QQ” doesnt make your opinion any more right, or theirs any more wrong.

It simply means you have to resort to bashing a conflicting opinion because you cant form decent statements to support your own. Not much different than just a sophisticated way of saying “Yeah, well you’re ugly” to win a debate.

These posts are about “what’s wrong” rather than “how to fix it”, hence the reference to “needless QQ”. Obviously this system isn’t perfect, but whining about it in an unconstructive manner is simply /zzzz.

Only +5 supplies for... 520 WXP levels?

in WvW

Posted by: docMed.7692



I know you like the game, and you want to defend what they have done, but so did people in games like Age of Conan, and other failed games that are no longer being played.

If you don’t want this game you obviously love to be another MMO failure, hold the devs accountable for their actions, or you’ll be playing this game alone.

They did not deliver half of what they said they would this patch, for example many Ranger fixes, Necromancer fixes, and so on. The rank system, and rewards is so bad, I could have created the backbone for a much better system within an hour.

Just another needless rant (comparing this to AoC? I Lol’d). I missed the part where I indicated I love this game and/or did not acknowledge it [the patch] isn’t perfect? Go make a post that provides constructive feedback if you clearly have such problems with it. My intent is to discredit blatant ragers when in fact we should be grateful arenanet listens to its player base and responds.

I’d much prefer a tight knit community that enjoys the game than some whiney 16 year olds upset they’ll have to play A TON of WvW to hit the highest prestige and obtain (minimal) advantages.

Culling questions

in WvW

Posted by: docMed.7692


Please lock/delete this thread.

Only +5 supplies for... 520 WXP levels?

in WvW

Posted by: docMed.7692


Stop with these stupid QQ threads please. It is a carrot chase for people that like to chase carrots, which a huge part of the community requested in all aspects of this game. Nothing is obligating you to grind it out, nor is a fully WXP level’d player even remotely over-powered compared to a lvl 0. Yes there are benefits, but they are small and just worth it enough to work towards.

The community asked for incentives. Just because the devs gave us something, doesnt mean its what players wanted or care about. “Carrot on a stick” works for a horse, or mule, because they like carrots. Put a carrot on a stick in front of an alligator and it would care less about the so called “incentive”.

“Id like incentives to do X, Y and Z please”
“If you do X, Y, and Z, we will give you this bag of smelly trash, now get to work now that you have your incentive!”

It can really only be called an incentive if its actually something people want and care about. Its not even about the work of effort needed. People in this game would have been willing to do 5 times the amount of work to get incentives that were actually good. Instead, we asked for a cookie, and all we got were cookie crumbs.

They said from the start these are just the first few “incentives” and that many more will come. They delievered so far exactly what they discussed. Again, more needless QQ with little foresight.

Only +5 supplies for... 520 WXP levels?

in WvW

Posted by: docMed.7692


The thing that people don’t realize about this supply carrying cap - camps still create X amount of supply. Large zergs (when re-supplying) empty camps and often individuals do not get re-supplied even with 10/15 carry amount depending on upgades. Essentially, the fact that one can carry more supply doesn’t necessarily improve an overall zerg as there is still an issue of supply (what the camps can provide) vs demand (what the users can carry).

If the demand AND supply was increased, then yes, these would be insane upgrades.

Only +5 supplies for... 520 WXP levels?

in WvW

Posted by: docMed.7692


Stop with these stupid QQ threads please. It is a carrot chase for people that like to chase carrots, which a huge part of the community requested in all aspects of this game. Nothing is obligating you to grind it out, nor is a fully WXP level’d player even remotely over-powered compared to a lvl 0. Yes there are benefits, but they are small and just worth it enough to work towards.

Quit complaining & enjoy the fact that the community is growing (after largely shrinking from Nov >> January) due to these changes. Thank you.

Were you surprised quickness was nerfed?

in Warrior

Posted by: docMed.7692


I definitely don’t think it [quickness] should be removed, but it was rather strong in general across all professions and in particular for warriors. Ideally there should be some way to activate a burst style skill (whether through quickness or not) otherwise the pace of spvp can become quite predictable.

Were you surprised quickness was nerfed?

in Warrior

Posted by: docMed.7692


I run zerk war cof p1 quickness 100 HB, play structured with it from time to time, use it in general PvE, and for lol’s in WvW (I usually run toughness/HP/power). With that in mind - any lvl 80, veteran warrior knew this was quite over powered. Don’t get me wrong, any good player with stun breaks up or invulnerability skills can easily escape the stun / frenzy / 100 B combo.

But in reality - are you surprised this was nerfed? Why the big QQ? If anything this general quickness nerf allows for better balancing and fine tuning across all professions - which I still hope is coming.

My only gripe here is the remaining 50% dmg received.. should have been nerfed to 33% or so.

(edited by docMed.7692)

Feeling useless as a Ranger

in Ranger

Posted by: docMed.7692


Unfortunately the only dungeon viable ranger builds rely on condition damage, which initself needs to be addressed/fixed across all professions, etc. If you want MAX dps, then a Ranger is currently not the way to go. They do, however, offer great utility, bear tanks, buffs for groups via pets, crowd control, etc.

The Elementalist Should be the Template

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: docMed.7692


You should try double wolf ranger 1v1 builds and tell me that pets are simply "artistic". They serve a huge purpose on that extreme example.

Rejoice Small Guilds! Guild Mission Blog Post

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: docMed.7692


Very simply, shouldn’t all Guilds be able to participate in Guild Missions?

If your guild is 1 person - should you be able to - really?

Rejoice Small Guilds! Guild Mission Blog Post

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: docMed.7692


My guild has no problems doing the content. We have an ally that invites us for guild missions. My problem is that we have to REPRESENT ANOTHER GUILD TO RECEIVE REWARDS.

If my guild members help kill a bounty, I’d like for them to be rewarded. Ideally without having to represent another guild. I have been unable to bring that to them to this point.

So you basically want the guild you are using so your guildies can receive rewards your guild can’t provide to not even have representation from the guildies who are using them?

You want the larger guild to have amassed all the influence to unlock the missions, spent the time to unlock the missions, organize the run, who goes where etc. let your guildies tag along and you are complaining they have to represent the guild who is doing the work?

I don’t understand that. Of course they should have to represent the guild who is doing the mission. This isn’t like sneaking into the movie theater to see a free movie. You want your guildies to have the rewards, they should have to represent the guild who spent the influence and time doing the unlocking.

Otherwise people would be camping out, hoping to get lucky that a guild was doing a mission and they get a few shots in and bang, rares, 50s and commendations.

Representing is the way it should be and should not be changed.

Agreed. Enough of these 5 man guilds QQ’ing that 10-15 person(s) is too much.

Rejoice Small Guilds! Guild Mission Blog Post

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: docMed.7692


There’s a huge variety of content and rewards available in the game. And while some rewards can be attained several ways, others are reserved as merit for specific tasks. This is no different from dungeon armor, achievement titles, or the map-completion badge. Certainly we would never give you those things for completing guild content.

The difference here being that those rewards can all be gotten by soloing or teaming up with random people. Guild mission stuff is exclusive to the guild you are in. I don’t need anyone specific to achieve dungeons.

we did guild bounties with 7 people the other night.
It takes more luck, and it takes pre planning, but unlocking higher tiers is not undoable. I imagine that tier 1 guild trek also seems fairly doable by a 7-10 man group, guild rush im assuming yes but i have no idea.

lets be honest here. 10 people isnt a big an impersonal guild. The big guilds will get there faster, but now once you have both unlocked the same content, who are people going to prefer to hang with? probably who they would have prefered before. Essentially this is giving you the means to build your guild up to compete, though it may not be as fast, its definately more possible.

You must have missed my point. Let me try again: This update isn’t to help your guild. Your guild is already doing guild missions. I am a part of four guild and not a single one of them is anywhere CLOSE to unlocking guild missions. Why? Because most everyone doesn’t care that much. A couple people would like to do them. The rest are busy with roleplay, working on legendary farm, just trying to enjoy and hour or two of gameplay here and there, etc.

This update will help the couple of us that want to do this missons finally have the influence to do so, yes. But we still won’t be able to actually complete the missions themselves. I’m going to do everything I can to get my guild to run these, but I don’t have high hopes. The addition of new skins is the only thing driving me to even TRY.

So you’re in a guild that only a few of you care to do guild missions in… And your complaint essentially is that you + 3-4 other interested persons can’t accomplish these? Yawn….

Rejoice Small Guilds! Guild Mission Blog Post

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: docMed.7692


So you have helped out small-guilds who simply couldn’t GAIN or BUY the influence. What makes you think these guild can then DO the guild missions as they currently stand? That’s the problem you are missing here.

Haven’t missed it. I’m fully aware of this perspective, however, we have always said that these guilds who are extremely limited in number will have to work together to attain these goals. That’s what this content is about. That’s WHAT these rewards are about.

There’s a huge variety of content and rewards available in the game. And while some rewards can be attained several ways, others are reserved as merit for specific tasks. This is no different from dungeon armor, achievement titles, or the map-completion badge. Certainly we would never give you those things for completing guild content.

^^ This.

Thank you for providing a realistic response. Very refreshing (** edit ** - that’s not meant to sound sarcastic either, really is nice to have a rep. of a company actually address something honestly - Anet doesn’t get enough cred. for this!).

EB Puzzle Camping

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: docMed.7692


Really? You’re complaining about a PvP zone having PvP!? What a waste of time this thread is.

Wep/Armor smith, cost to level? (new 80)

in Crafting

Posted by: docMed.7692


If you want to level your professions as cheap as possible - Look up a guide on google for that specific profession. They will tell you exactly what mats you need and how to use them, etc. They are quite detailed and helpful.

Also, welcome to the community. In future, I would try to the "Players helping Players" section with questions like these >>

**EDIT** - forgot to add - this is also a great thread for new players:

(edited by docMed.7692)

Do precursors drop from world events Chests?

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: docMed.7692


Precursors are part of every loot table in the game (chests, individual mobs, etc) once you reach level 80. What varies is the drop chance between each - nobody knows for certain, but I would imagine you have a higher chance of a precursor from higher level dragons, etc.

Just think about how often you get an exotic from a world dragon chest... Essentially to get a precursor not only do you need to have "rolled" high enough for an exotic 80, but then you have to roll on top of that to get it to be a precursor, which is an insanely small chance.

My Quick guide to getting a legendary

in Crafting

Posted by: docMed.7692


I’ve got everything together for my legendary short of the precursor. In reality, isn’t the guide simply: farm cof p1 zerk war/mes group $$$? That’s what I did at least short of the non-monetary pieces of the legendary and that shaved off a good 7-8 months of using the farming you outlined above. cof p1 farm with a pro group farming 4-8 hours a day will get you your legendary inside a month or two - especially if you purchase black lion salvage kits on all your token trades + rares you get.

I’ve done the math, its around 1000 to 1300 gold per legendary for the raw materials which with an ideal cof p1 group (8 minute clears including load times + setting up the path) results in about 18 days of played time to get the gold necessary for it.

Boss Chest Rare Drop Increase

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: docMed.7692


I’ve done about 30 or so dragons casually since the patch - always been at least 1 rare if not 2.

How about an update RE scavenger hunt please?

in Crafting

Posted by: docMed.7692


They already said it’s not being developed... and they also said any announcement would crash the market, so they do not plan to give players a "heads-up" - therefore it will more than likely be a "surprise, legendary precursor hunt introduced" on the day of a patch scenario.

Should I gamble for Dusk

in Crafting

Posted by: docMed.7692


I dumped 20g of rare greatswords the other day, got 4 exotics (2 named), threw them back in reluctantly and got dawn then gave it to my guildy to make his sunrise. Overall I probably threw about 90g in the mystic toilet. It’s safe to say, you have an awesome chance at dusk/dawn at around 450g given 30s if you take the time to craft each sword. Only problem is you might get dawn and then you would be basically back at square one. Smart thing is to save, but I don’t see any harm in mystic dumping if you are done with farming everything esle for your legendary.

64g nonetheless is not enough to get a decent chance - I’d say that’s about a 20% chance you’ll get your precursor.