I think you can probably drop the bosses, like, 1s faster if you use Barrage at the start. For Slave Driver, you can precast it while you are waiting for him to go hostile since he probably won’t live for the full duration of the skill anyway.
You can also have the warrior handle fury with FGJ and bring an axe offhand instead of warhorn for Slave Driver so you can do Path of Scars, which will be a tiny bit of extra damage. Honestly, though, we are talking very marginal damage increases so it probably doesn’t matter. At best you’d probably shave off like half a second.
We’re pretty certain we could cut this time down quite a bit with a couple ideas we’ve been discussing.
I just did it for the gold..
To quote my well-informed and educated friend, david after dentist... Is this real-life? Training is not an issue in any sense and to suggest that because I’m running somewhere and someone ahead is killing mobs I’m supposed to now run far around them (thus slowing my travel time) is the norm? It’s entirely unnecessary and you are probably the only person who practices this; 0/10.
Other responses above counter your satement, and common courtesy be it in a game or real live starts inside the person and is expressed by their actions and their words.
This topic is still useless (as noted by 85% of the responses above) and technically; if it is a guide, it should be posted under the players helping players thread. Reporting for mis-post.
To quote my well-informed and educated friend, david after dentist... Is this real-life? Training is not an issue in any sense and to suggest that because I’m running somewhere and someone ahead is killing mobs I’m supposed to now run far around them (thus slowing my travel time) is the norm? It’s entirely unnecessary and you are probably the only person who practices this; 0/10.
No lodes or cores; waste of time.
They are going to improve the open world bosses to make them more challenging and add more of them.
Yes, I’m well aware of this, but unless they resolve latency issues (doesn’t seem like they will) and incorporate scaling accordingly, it will be a wasted effort.
You asked about ascended weapons/armor, so I commented on this aspect.
Regarding Colin’s announcement;
At 500, crafters will be able to craft ascended weapons and armor. Once you reach 500, a new tier of crafting materials will be available to you; this new tier of materials will be made by combining lower tier materials. This tier is time-constrained, so each item can only be made once per day in order to help give high-level crafters their own economy of items to build and sell that retain their value and rarity.
Sounds like ascended weapons and armor will be sellable (possibly); thus, farming gold from dungeons to in-turn purchase ascended weapons/armors from the TP is a viable option if you are so dead set against crafting. They also could offer it through dungeons, but it obviously has not been brought up yet nor do we know if they’re looking into this. If anything, non-crafted ascended weapons/armors will probably also have some kind of option in the future to be obtained for a set amount of laurels + mats.
Technically you could farm dungeons for gold and buy them off the TP if crafting is truly such an issue for you... Who knows otherwise.
I’m a heavy PvX player and do WvW/PvP quite often. Overall I’m quite happy with the state of WvW and PvP; PvE is just behind the curve regarding engaging content for anyone that takes a "hardcore" interest in it.
This is all nice in theory, but there really isn’t a history here of ArenaNet balancing rewards correctly. Either way, will be fun to shake things up and I welcome the change as it will lead to running paths that are worthwhile (hopefully no more coe/cof/ta running with a laxed interest in Arah; would be cool if suddenly Arah became one of the most gold efficient dungeons to run - i.e. add random lodes to it too!).
They’ve already said existing methods of obtaining precursors will not be removed. You still have the same ways to get it; Mystic forge, TP, random world drop and anything else they add with this new crafting to 500 method.
Really what I was referring more to here is the lack of instanced content that is challenging for guilds to band together for and stategize on; open world pve will always be faceroll easy given lag issues and the fact that it has to be accomplishable by hardcore and casuals alike. The latest atherblade dungeon was a good first step at some challenging content (wipes, strategizing, etc), but I think much of the hardcore pve community is looking for more than this. 8-12 man instanced raiding would be fantastic; arenanet puts out some really cool mechanics (guild mission jump puzzles, temporary arena-style mini-games, etc); If they just took these mechanics, applied it to instance content, and threw some bosses into the mix with a large guild group; we’d have something quite special. Either way, difficult content that is also equally rewarding (which Colin somewhat touches on in his post; although I’d be quite surprised if ArenaNet really knew what paths take the longest or don’t; you can bet that we and other hardcore pve’ers alike will explore this sytem thoroughly and find that some dungeon rewards are quite better than others despite ArenaNet’s best efforts) is another good first step in the mention. Guess we’ll have to see what comes, but it doesn’t sound like a hard or normal mode system is going to be introduced and consequently hardcore pve’ers like myself won’t really be interested short of the first few times it takes us to sit down, wipe 1-2x, and then zerg faceroll it from there on.
(edited by docMed.7692)
Since when was there ever a ‘challenge’ in this game.
Initially learning some of the dungeon paths/etc presented a challenge, but most were completed within one attempt with less than ideal compositions. Either way, I didn’t say anywhere there was ever a PvE based challenge.
I’m getting the impression that “Guild Wars 2 style raiding” is going to be more open-world lag fest temple-style revamping that has been mentioned.
Not that I don’t like the updates that were mentioned (https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/looking-ahead-guild-wars-2-in-2013/), but it sounds like one thing will remain true; PvE will remain faceroll easy for the next 5 1/2 months.
/tears for all my hardcore gw2 friends looking for a challenge
We speed clear these paths daily as a guild. I’m sure there’s some guides out there; just like cof this one can be run easily if the group knows how to do it.
Brazil; the hero the Rangers didn’t know they had! Good vid. bud.
Agreed, it has gotten worse; but they have acknowledged (not too recently) that they are working on the problem. If it was something easy it would already be worked out, but managing that much data all on the server side is probably rather difficult to figure out unfortunately.
It has been almost a year now
The lag in large battles was much better with culling. It basically began (skill lag) when culling was turned off.
Is this thread still going on? If you want to post a video, post it. Where you went wrong was posting a hype-thread on content that people regularly crush in pugs, let alone efficiently farm in guild groups. Next time just post the video outright and say “here’s my guide on how we efficiently farm cof”.
I’d be interested in seeing the video from a Ranger’s perspective personally.
I dont know if this thread ended. But I can tell you this, there is one ranger in the guild and it’s not me. I can’t play ranger PvE I play guard/war/mes and theif. Thats what I know. But I can tell you I often have this ranger in my party and our runs lose no time. I do understand my mistake xD
One minute you’re claiming cof p1 world record clearing times; now it’s “my groups are just as fast as normal groups” and to top it off you’re also admitting to not even understanding how your group composition functions? I take no pleasure in finding loopholes in this conversation, but man… these are quite drastic
. Either way, I’m still in support of seeing some video evidence of your claims; but based on my pve and pvp experience on my Ranger I don’t quite see the place for them unless the fights are short (like cof) in order to avoid pet deaths and glaring dps gaps that would be shown in much longer fights.
There’s not really a glaring difference between Ranger DPS and Warrior DPS, especially since a lot of fights are pretty short. And since I’m a fan of evidence:
At work, can’t watch youtube videos unfortunately at the moment. I still just don’t see the benefit of a ranger (it can bring +150 prec) over the utility and dps of a war (mace stun, faster travel, higher melee survivabilitiy, useful on all fights no matter length). But this is simply in terms of “max efficiency”; I’m sure groups can run rangers and be just fine, we’re talking matters of seconds in difference here.
Is this thread still going on? If you want to post a video, post it. Where you went wrong was posting a hype-thread on content that people regularly crush in pugs, let alone efficiently farm in guild groups. Next time just post the video outright and say "here’s my guide on how we efficiently farm cof".
I’d be interested in seeing the video from a Ranger’s perspective personally.
I dont know if this thread ended. But I can tell you this, there is one ranger in the guild and it’s not me. I can’t play ranger PvE I play guard/war/mes and theif. Thats what I know. But I can tell you I often have this ranger in my party and our runs lose no time. I do understand my mistake xD
One minute you’re claiming cof p1 world record clearing times; now it’s "my groups are just as fast as normal groups" and to top it off you’re also admitting to not even understanding how your group composition functions? I take no pleasure in finding loopholes in this conversation, but man... these are quite drastic. Either way, I’m still in support of seeing some video evidence of your claims; but based on my pve and pvp experience on my Ranger I don’t quite see the place for them unless the fights are short (like cof) in order to avoid pet deaths and glaring dps gaps that would be shown in much longer fights.
being invisible is over the top OP. It has no use in the game and its only use is to do cowardly acts. We have enough cowards in the real world. I would delete invisibility and give them something else. That or drop their hps down to 25 make going into invisible mode damaging to the thief.
bloomin this ^
i hate perma stealth, it needs adressing i have an 80 thief and when i found out about this i was disgusted, seriously???no just have a cooldown on the combofield and the problem is sorted, you should be able to stack like that.
You have to significantly nerf your damage to get the most out of stealthing.
no buddy sorry you dont, im a backstab thief and am using d/p now because the perma stealth allows me to trade in refuge
You think I made these comments without knowing a thief in depth? You have to significantly nerf your damage to perma-stealth. Even then, stealth is quite easy to deal with - it’s invisibility, not invulnerability. Playing a thief makes it quite easy to figure out usual patterns, where they may or may not be depending on what skills you’ve seen used, etc. But we can go in circles all day, post screens of your 10-15k backstabs with perma stealth builds on non-uplvl’d guardians for me please; prove me wrong.
(edited by docMed.7692)
Is this thread still going on? If you want to post a video, post it. Where you went wrong was posting a hype-thread on content that people regularly crush in pugs, let alone efficiently farm in guild groups. Next time just post the video outright and say "here’s my guide on how we efficiently farm cof".
I’d be interested in seeing the video from a Ranger’s perspective personally.
could i receive 3/5 of my charged lodestones the next two days?
It’s really funny how you think 300 badges of honor takes the same amount of time to get as 60 charged lodestones. ^^
Agreed. No where comparable.
Forget the fact that it is cof p1;
Why did you bother to create a thread to generate hype around a content-guide that 90% of the community can do blindfolded and has already been readily available since launch?
Next thread should be a preview on how to breathe or tie your shoes.
100% agree with Nikaido’s thoughts.
Yea, I run speed clearing groups (usually all guild, only on off hours will I pug) and if I bring a non-trinity profession, I just join less-strict groups. Very simple. GW2lfg.com is your friend.
CoF p1 is roughly 6.1g/hour. It is nowhere close to 10g. Just a FYI.
I run and stream my full zerk wvw thief quite often. I’m not quite sure what your point here is other than stealthing is a necessity for thieves and/or we only come out of stealth to strike at opportune times? I think this is rather obvious, whereas my point was simply tacking onto yours where one might also enter into stealth to get a stronger hit off. You only should be heartseeking sub 25%, otherwise keeping blinds up and/or cripples is much more valuable to ensure you stick to your enemy.
Agreed, it has gotten worse; but they have acknowledged (not too recently) that they are working on the problem. If it was something easy it would already be worked out, but managing that much data all on the server side is probably rather difficult to figure out unfortunately.
being invisible is over the top OP. It has no use in the game and its only use is to do cowardly acts. We have enough cowards in the real world. I would delete invisibility and give them something else. That or drop their hps down to 25 make going into invisible mode damaging to the thief.
bloomin this ^
i hate perma stealth, it needs adressing i have an 80 thief and when i found out about this i was disgusted, seriously???no just have a cooldown on the combofield and the problem is sorted, you should be able to stack like that.
You have to significantly nerf your damage to get the most out of stealthing.
Stealthing also gives you access to more damaging abilities Craig..
I run a full zerker pistol/dagger + sbow in wvw and spend most of my time solo/small group roaming for kills (I like to patrol for reinforcements heading to zergs). I’d say the thief is quite balanced and the sbow nerf is insignificant. They just aren’t as facerolling easy as they once were.
** edit ** I’ll be streaming thief wvw throughout the weekend (twitch.tv/dntgw2) for anyone that would like actual evidence of it in action.
As someone who started GW2 as a Ranger and quickly leveled a warrior/mesmer post-actually playing a ranger; Good and saddening post Obal. Rangers need a heavy re-work regarding how they function and their overall PvE dmg output. Here’s to some ArenaNet employees reading this post and relaying it to their design team...
A Full Hybrid-DPS Guardian has better sustain then a full bunker warrior.
But a full bunker warrior only has 1/5 the damage of a Hybrid-DPS and 1/2 the survivability.
This is why i’m concerned, we simply don’t have the boons or the damage reduction. Toughness goes on diminishing returns and becomes bad.
1/5th the damage? 1/2 survival? No.
Your points are valid but not to such extremes. This is why no one takes you seriously.
Stop exaggerating. You’re not helping yourself or your cause.
Agreed; hit the nail on the head.
A Full Hybrid-DPS Guardian has better sustain then a full bunker warrior.
But a full bunker warrior only has 1/5 the damage of a Hybrid-DPS and 1/2 the survivability.
This is why i’m concerned, we simply don’t have the boons or the damage reduction. Toughness goes on diminishing returns and becomes bad.
Educate me again on exactly where you fall in the spectrum of competitive pvp? Do you have a 5 man team you run constantly with and/or experience on multiple prof’s (i.e. tourny wins on all of them), high ladder rank and/or actual number’s crunched to support your claims? Or is this all just your opinion based on your experience?
I agree a guardian is always a better choice to bunk over warrior (we could certainly use a buff here), but when it comes to hybrid builds, warriors can certainly fill roaming/support roles quite well. They still lack in the ability to be overly offensive as well (just like a few other professions) and could use a little more survivability for this style of play.
If they were only cosmetic that wouldn’t really be an issue.
If I liked and wanted that cosmetic then I would want it to be attainable in a way that wasn’t completely unenjoyable for me.
So, I reiterate- it will only be a problem for me if the items are only available via raiding. As long as they are available anywhere else as well, I can’t see there being any issue.
So now you’re entitled to every single cosmetic through every means in the game? There has to be incentive for players to do content, which is through cosmetics and titles; just like they separate out cosmetics in fractals/dungeons/guild missions/etc. There are already a ton of zones that offer exclusive cosmetics.
The only entitlement involved is the entitlement of raiders who feel they DESERVE some item or another. Having multiple paths to get an item type would deal with this issue and open up the items to more than just a single group of players in the game.
Sometimes you have to be willing to share your toys.
As for incentive to do the raids? How about making them fun, and not just sticking a carrot at the end of the raid so that people will suffer through it for the sake of getting said carrot. That mentality within MMOs that no unique reward = no reason to do something is why MMO content is going downhill. Single players games don’t suffer from this issue- you do content because it’s fun, not because you are desperately grinding for some item or another.
Who said I deserve something? I’d still have to complete the task however many times over however length of period. You, however, are requesting to have the rewards of difficult content be made available through other means just so everyone can look the same? It’s not like I’m saying there can’t be cool rewards outside of raiding, just that raiding should provide some unique cosmetics; just like there are already loads of unique cosmetics through various means in this game.
As far as “making raids fun” – the system hasn’t even been released, let alone any details provided. This is a moot point, not to mention fun is entirely subjective.
Yes, it is quite awesome, works everywhere and you don’t have to be next to any loot to loot everything around you.
** edit; yes, you still have to press a key of course **
(edited by docMed.7692)
If they were only cosmetic that wouldn’t really be an issue.
If I liked and wanted that cosmetic then I would want it to be attainable in a way that wasn’t completely unenjoyable for me.
So, I reiterate- it will only be a problem for me if the items are only available via raiding. As long as they are available anywhere else as well, I can’t see there being any issue.
So now you’re entitled to every single cosmetic through every means in the game? There has to be incentive for players to do content, which is through cosmetics and titles; just like they separate out cosmetics in fractals/dungeons/guild missions/etc. There are already a ton of zones that offer exclusive cosmetics.
I thought you were going to just go play your guard; yet here you are, continuing to post. Seems like you only want to have 1-sided conversations as opposed to a constructive discussion.
Just another thread that supports my request for hard mode vs normal mode and fair rewards for both! Great dungeon design though, I found the encounters fun and good examples of what ArenaNet could do if they pushed the 10-12 man raiding envelope!
Again, this is just another reason why ArenaNet needs to implement hard and normal mode versions. Great dungeon design; first one that just doesn’t simply need full zerk/optimal groups (in fact it encourage tankier/heal/condi removal style builds). I found the last boss quite fun, although it does have the tendancy to bug (we wiped once on last phase and then she perma had defiance on our second attempt, which made pinning her down into a lightning field a bit tough since all of us basically had to stand in it).
These types of encounters really showcase what Anet can do for future 10-12 man raiding… hint hint.
I don’t think we need hard and easy mode dungeons. Sometimes people are bad at videogames. Rather than give them everything for less work because they are bad, it should be “oh well, try and try again until you are good enough.” The game has been out for almost a year now, and plenty of people have finished each and every dungeon.
Maybe we should have an Easy Mode Olympics. Because there is no way I could get a medal in the real olympics, and I think its unfair that some people can while I cant! >.<
Yea, I’d agree in general as I consider myself a hard mode style player. However, the main concern here is finding a system that is both fair and entertaining to casual and hardcore players. Normal mode and hard modes should ultimately result in similar rewards (think guild missions; tier 1 gives few tokens (easy), tier 3 (“hard”) gives more, but over time, everyone has access to the same drops) with maybe hard modes providing an additional achievement for completing it. This would give normal mode players access to the same cosmetics/etc with an easier challenge and also provide an incentive/reward to hardcore players that does not alienate the casual player.
1 month = 40 laurel =40 x3 tier 6 fine materials = tp = gold
120 t6 x 20s average price = 24 gold
(24 gold / 3.2 average conversion) x 100 gems = 750 gems
I could live with a currency like that; it encourages the immediate purchasing of an arena (with cash) and helps supplement continued funding of one. Only concern of course is if you cross over in pve and want ascended gear. Almost a good system imo, just a few flaws.
I run a very balanced wvw build that is viable (and I use it) in 300-400+ tpvp. Figure out a way to work quick breathing (Warhorn reduction and condi conversion) into your build and you’ll find some pretty good survivability regarding conditions. There are a multitude of good builds out there for WvW, sadly for pvp it is extremely limited and even then they are only slightly comprable. I build my warrior for tpvp like I do a roaming/support ele and find that it is quite good for this role (team support, survivability and offensive pressure). The warrior is by no means though a thief/engi style class with high amounts of burst and also the means of escapaing/surviving pressure easily. So yes, if you want to play your warrior with a ton of high dps in tpvp, you will get crushed.
So basicly: Don’t play a warrior in TPVP. Got it
More; don’t run super offensive dps builds and expect to do well like a thief/trap ranger/condi engi can do. They do be default however, have a much higher overall dps ability (i.e. look at pve, it’s quite obvious there), so by scaling back offensive capability, you can pick up the needed survivability and still provide some strong offensive pressure.
So basicly: Don’t play a warrior in TPVP. Got it
And I didn’t say that anywhere. Close minded individuals that QQ are my favorite, please continue.
I run a very balanced wvw build that is viable (and I use it) in 300-400+ tpvp. Figure out a way to work quick breathing (Warhorn reduction and condi conversion) into your build and you’ll find some pretty good survivability regarding conditions. There are a multitude of good builds out there for WvW, sadly for pvp it is extremely limited and even then they are only slightly comprable. I build my warrior for tpvp like I do a roaming/support ele and find that it is quite good for this role (team support, survivability and offensive pressure). The warrior is by no means though a thief/engi style class with high amounts of burst and also the means of escapaing/surviving pressure easily. So yes, if you want to play your warrior with a ton of high dps in tpvp, you will get crushed.
So basicly: Don’t play a warrior in TPVP. Got it
More; don’t run super offensive dps builds and expect to do well like a thief/trap ranger/condi engi can do. They do be default however, have a much higher overall dps ability (i.e. look at pve, it’s quite obvious there), so by scaling back offensive capability, you can pick up the needed survivability and still provide some strong offensive pressure.
This model is fine, but the basic idea of being unable to support it through actual in-game pvp (i.e. you have to pve) is where it falls through. There should be some support/access opportunity to it just through playing pvp (i.e. make the daily chest have a 5% chance to just drop 1 day token).
Also, they could have completely monetized the arena itself to help support this (custom color text when searching for a server, pay to have access to admins, pay to have custom doodads and/or objects in the arena, etc).
Just feels like they dropped the ball here in putting out what the customer wants while also satisfying their requirement of earning income through pvp. I would have much preferred to have it stay in beta for them to build/add these features to get players actually excited/back into pvp.
Just did it with a pretty “decent” group to say nice:
The Boss is pretty easy, after a few tries you can manage to see through his mechanic!
1. Phase:
Boss has the Shield, the Group need to stay in the “Electro” Fields, which are made by the Champion!
1) The Boss “targets” the one standing farest to her when she uses her Shadowstep!!!
2) The Bombs which the champion shoots are one fire bomb and one electro, each after another… so it’s quite easy to see when he will shoot the electro field!A tactic would be:
Range kites her, has her main aggro, a “second tank” is someone who stands farest away from her to get all the Shadowsteps!The Group stays between the boss and the Shadowsteptank!
For the 2nd Phase people need to run carefully!
1) Don’t run carelessly into more bombs
2) A field takes less dmg than the impact of the bomb
3) You can stay in the near of the fields, where the bombs WERE before, its easier to manage to see where the next bombs will be or not…@Anet: The instance is nice, and so are the bosses! DO NOT nerf them pls!
Another good tip is just bring a guardian and aegis every time she steps.
Again, this is just another reason why ArenaNet needs to implement hard and normal mode versions. Great dungeon design; first one that just doesn’t simply need full zerk/optimal groups (in fact it encourage tankier/heal/condi removal style builds). I found the last boss quite fun, although it does have the tendancy to bug (we wiped once on last phase and then she perma had defiance on our second attempt, which made pinning her down into a lightning field a bit tough since all of us basically had to stand in it).
These types of encounters really showcase what Anet can do for future 10-12 man raiding... hint hint.
I run a very balanced wvw build that is viable (and I use it) in 300-400+ tpvp. Figure out a way to work quick breathing (Warhorn reduction and condi conversion) into your build and you’ll find some pretty good survivability regarding conditions. There are a multitude of good builds out there for WvW, sadly for pvp it is extremely limited and even then they are only slightly comprable. I build my warrior for tpvp like I do a roaming/support ele and find that it is quite good for this role (team support, survivability and offensive pressure). The warrior is by no means though a thief/engi style class with high amounts of burst and also the means of escapaing/surviving pressure easily. So yes, if you want to play your warrior with a ton of high dps in tpvp, you will get crushed.
Still an amazing PvP profession; useless in PvE dungeons.
I find this content quite easy, but this is just another post that supports hard mode and a normal mode. Consider this in the future Anet!