I hammer-guard all day erry’day… and I only bannish up against walls.
…unless I’m trolling in WvW then I Bannish ppl who are already downed right as my allies are about to stomp them. ….Problem WvW?
Rangers are #1 at breaking Alphard.
LOL, are you runnin’ Spider or something?
That barrel just 1-shots the Stalker & 2shots Moas
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Well I’ll be the first admit it when I get anything even close to that…. but so far every single “chest” I see from daily over the past 14 days, (or 12 … whatever it’s been since we lost our MF gear) … has been the same exact 3 things: a pittance of karma, 1 stupid luck essence, and the mystic coin (that I can’t even use anymore b/c there’s been such a massive demand spike on Ectos lately … which ironically would sort itself out if we could just buy the same Best-in-Slot salvage kit with Gold @ a set price)
Heck I dunno, maybe my drops are just bugged? …you’d think I woulda atleast gotten a repair canister or tstone or some other trash instead by now….
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It’s not called cash shop it’s the gem store. There is so much gold floating around right now there is no excuse not to change gold into gems and get the skins like everyone else.
Lemme repeat it again b/c you skimmed over it the first time:
Get a second job instead …b/c there’s no point in putting 20+ hours into “working” in this game for a $7 dollar suit you could earn from pushing shopping carts for 1 hour
In other words: The Gem convert Price can only ever go in one direction most of the time. It can never, and will never, experience a long period of devaluation ever again.
… unless you’re talking about flipping/farming gold. And I shouldn’t even have to explain why that won’t work if everyone starts doing it.
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Gems are heading right back to 5g where I said they belonged all along.
Infact I think I might have to bump my estimate another 1G at this rate.
Let me put it really simple like by asking the following questions:
- When was the last time since this patch, you got a BL kit from the Daily?
- How many BL salvages have you already run through to get Dark Matters?
- What is the price in Game-Gold, for each BL kit right now? Bit steep doncha think??
- How many T-Crystals are you going to need to migrate your fav skins over the top of these super-Gothic ascended ones?
- …& then how many more once Ascended Armor comes around?
- Speaking of Armor, what was the last new Skin put out that WASN’T gem-bought only??
- …is there ANYTHING AT ALL, that’s really really worth having, or more useful than the above things… that you can just straight up buy with Gold?
What I’m gettin’ at here… and I hope I don’t have to elaborate on (I prefer brevity b/c most people dont read walls of text or they only skim over it and then shove words in your mouth just so they can Forum-PVP over something incredibly dumb) … is that the impetus behind this “Disequilibrium” in the first place, was some ridiculously short term Impulse-buy spree on couple T7 mats but meanwhile if you look at the sheer volume of Bots running around Cursed Shores, it’s pretty clear the Gem trade still isn’t going in the direction the rest of the casual hoped for.
It’s because there’s no “Cap” on Services to get the exchange going in the other direction again. …In plain simple english: We can’t buy any of these “Best in Slot” management tools (salvage/transmute) at a set-price in Gold like we used to be able to do in Gw1.
I did notice something interesting early on the salvaging cycle. The first 10 items produced 15 Ectos, the next 10 only 3. At 100 I had 88 Ectos. So sometimes the streaks can be extreme in the short run.
Yes, that is indeed interesting. Thanks
This is a similar situation to what Shadowbane endured with similar game dynamics: everyone eventually migrates to the big guild (for GW2 that’s server and maybe guild) and the “big” ends up dominating. The little guys quit, the big guys get bored and it’s endgame time.
The underdog only stays an underdog as long as it can still get some breathing room.
Without that…. it’s just a deaddog.
The Devs already admitted to hearing the community’s versions of WHAT THE PROBLEM IS, but they’re just shakin’ their heads tellin’ us they know better and if they just keep adding more CONQUEST mode & Seige ranks, while ignoring how BAD AND USELESS outmanned is a long with other QOL stuff like UI/commander problems … eventually it’ll all work out.
About the only thing we can give them credit on listening on… is how poorly incentivized Defense is. But that alone is it’s own double edged blade that can hurt underdogs even more if handled wrong. They need to stop the bleeding … NOW. Do something Hamfisted to being outmanned if that’s what it takes. Right now the only thing they’re accomplishing is pushing Gold<—>GEM conversion even higher for all the Bandwagoners what didn’t already make it on to the “Full” servers. ….and that’s just p****n off all their casual PvE’ers who now can’t afford BL junk.
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If we are in fact really outnumbering you guys, you’re probably gonna have trouble against IoJ in the lower tiers. Though I cannot believe that most of Yak’s and some BP have actually showed up for fights in this match-up. Unless all our transfers did exponentially; rating-wise, increase our WvW population…
I’m pretty sure it’s a combo of all of those.
I’ve been OUT in PvE land on BP … It’s not like NSP & CD & TC and other servers where anytime of the night you can find practically an Overflow for the FG champ train. ….nah, LA is sparsely populated, & even tho I caught them doing Jormag last night; with so few ppl there it took 25 minutes atleast. And Cursed Shores has almost nothing but Bots. BP is definitely still a WvW server… the largest zergs(if they can be called that) I saw all week were in WvW only. ….granted I ain’t stepped foot in Queens to see what’s going on there, but that place makes my skin crawl so I’ll leave that up to someone else.
No… the disenfranch’ment I see, is purely aimed @ Devon Carver’s & the other WvW devs claims, promises, w/e you wanna call ‘em. I ain’t see’in people rushing to PvE land b/c it’s better (it’s really not). What I see is differing appetites here for waiting in general. Waiting for real improvements that lead to real fights. Gratz to SBI on getting a big band …err immigration of folks with a much bigger appetite for waiting. Them’s the kinda folks that MMO makers really cherish … they’re like that “29%” you see all the time in political Polls. They’re lucky to have eachother and grats to them!
I don’t speak for anyone in the guild I’m in either b/c they’re still trying like the little engine that could. But I don’t have the patience myself to invest THAT MUCH time into constantly being outnumbered and then losing purely due to attrition and bad UI, map design, Defensibility, & Macro-Resource design in general. IoW: you’re the winning start of the fight 3:5 odds and outgunned but you just can’t ebb that tide as more and more of them show up to the point that you just can’t stomp fast enough and now everyone in your squad’s “ultimates” are all on cooldown again too and no one’s bringing you Supply either.
…and don’t you dare twist my words around either…. I know what SBI went through, I know it’s long overdue for a shot in the arm to get back to its former glory days. I know darn well that anyone-what got screwed by ship-jumpin’, it was SBI.
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Probably HALF of the Armor I saw people wearing towards the end of Gw1’s life, was MicroTransaction armor only…. not one single new set beyond the expansions themselves. And that’s probably how it will keep working here… no new Armor Sets at all. Maybe a couple of weird festival pieces like that clockwork shoulder thing I still haven’t seen anyone wearing yet…
..the dragon helm and shatter wings I actually wear sometimes…
But yeah…. don’t be surprised if there’s not one single new set of Dungeon or WvW earned Armor/style. …atleast not for a long time. Get a second job :p …b/c there’s no point in putting 20+ hours into “working” in this game for a $7 dollar suit you could earn pushing shopping carts for 1 hour
ummm…. heh …
..not sure what else to say..
Nope, infact I used to use BL kits for 1/3rd of them and would never break 0.9 … was always less than 0.7 on mystics (went through 3 of those and probably 10 masters in all)
Why would I have ever used anything anything less than Masters?? :p
No small samples either, batches of 25’s-50’s
I also saw 0.7 thrown around the forums a lot too.
What was with SBI throwing so many Golems at B’s Garrison?
When it finally worked… it only stayed flipped for like 9 minutes
Is that some kind of showing off supply thing like rappers throwing money on the ground? I don’t understand the youth of today and it worries me.
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useless fluff
Transmute Splitters (Or Perfect Salvage Kits as they should be known), BL salv kits, Transmute Crystals, and a few other items … are definitely NOT FLUFF.
Some of these are vital or even required items after a Major update that did what introducing more “Ascended Tier” items has done. I find it disgusting infact that there is still no Mystic Toilet recipe to acquire those same items with when we could make almost the exact same item in the First game with a single skill point and ~50 iron.
I ran Snowden Drift, just Snowden Drift, on 1 character and ended up with enough wood logs for 20 planks.
20 planks makes 1/4 of exactly one Spirit Wood plank.
I’ve also run the entire map of Snowden.
It takes about 15-25 minutes even with Perma Swiftness & constant FS-Ele style Lunging,. It may be easy to navigate but the Trees themselves are sparse and probably around HALF the quantity they really should be in. …Same goes for the Talmark(Brisbain) region on the other side of Tyria… Very low concentrations assuming you find any “clusters” at all despite the fact the whole area is basically a giant forest. Higher level Zones like Malchor’s & Maelstrom meanwhile which are supposed to be Wastelands, have 2x-3x as many Banyan/Cypress nodes and you can easily get over 160 logs per character per 15 minutes in each one without even roaming the entire map
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They’re also the most akward race to do jumping puzzles on.
What we really need for that is a long-lasting Shrinking Elixer that doesn’t affect our movement traits or utilities in any way like regular tonics do.
- Underflow Server Architecture. (DISTRICTS)
- “Zaishen” rotating daily challenges
It’s amazing how something from the first game, which wasn’t even an MMO to begin with, was so much more efficient for socializing and recycling older content when compared to the MMO gold standard for Zone & Content incentives
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I’m still mud … not over rangers tho
But I did wanna say: Brazil’s actually 100% kitten right about something: Taking off Auto does not fix the main issue with sword’s server-side’ish Attack Queue behavior. It’s literally the only weapon in the game that has this screwed up functionality too when it doesn’t have to have it. … I just can’t put my finger on the exact fix though that would let it retain its constant lunging movement without breaks in the attack-queue causing a rubber-bandy Teleporting behavior server-side. :p
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I’m a bit surprised at how many here underestimate reveal. If used at the right time, when a Thief is at low life and trying to stealth away, it makes all the difference. And the movement of a Thief isn’t an issue to a power Ranger, using longbow and greatsword. Swoop can quickly get you close to the Thief again, and longbow is capable of providing a lot of pressure. The real downside here is the fact that Sic ’Em is not really a good skill to begin with.
The only reason it’s not good, is lack of Trait Compression.
We’ve got Shout traits spread around in odd categories. We’ve got WAY TOO many weapon traits spread around that could definitely be consolidated (offhands & axe-anything in general) … and the one that drives me the craziest: split up Trapping traits in Skirmishing and a bunch of bogus niche pet modifiers in beast mastery where there should only be a division between Mammal / Mythical / Insect (and more new pets to fit the Mythical category like Griffons & Basilisks).
But back to the shout traits. There’s no reason Shout Mastery & Loud Whistle shouldn’t just be Merged together ….And.. any new shout traits could be rolled together with the signet ones too which also need to be moved out of Marksmanship (Marks needs more situational damage buffs & dazing procs so that creative use of bows actually means something besides pathetic ranged DPS or a couple stupid 5k snipes on a 90-sec cooldown). We also need a lot more ways to proc Quickness again in PvE b/c that got stolen from us in a previous sPvP influenced Nerf. Enlargement could also be rolled together with Shout/Signet traits or proc off them b/c it serves absolutely no purpose in PvE with the short duration the mechanic itself currently offers.
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I apologized for my blatant ignorance.
I wouldn’t go that far…. ya just substituted one word while skimming. Don’t worry about it
Dragon “Influence” is best documented in the older Lore about Svanir and Jora, the Dwarves, and even further back with the ‘juxtaposing’ Forgotten <—> Mursaat. Weak characters are corrupted almost instantly. With strong characters, it depends on their Will. Eventually they’ll corrupt but only after their will is completely broken.
There’s even evidence that certain legendary characters just plain die after defeat and couldn’t be corrupted even in death. …. Snaff and Tybalt for example. If we never see a “Thrall” enemy version of them in some future climax (like there was with Rurik) then it meant there’s some kind of “ascended” energy from the Rift itself that not even the dragons can consume and that mysterious Deep-Sea Orb wouldn’t function the way it does if that wasn’t the case.
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Don’t we already fight a Wizard in World2 SAB?
I think one is enough for now.
Plus they also need more time to design a better ‘Reanimated Warrior’ fight. Right now all they’ve got is Bjarl and everyone just laughs at him. After 250 years of honing it, Galrath’s signature move should be a manly Kenpachi-Zaraki style Sword-Nuke that he just bounces between targets dispensing instantly after you fed him too much Adren by Zerker DPS’ing.
How does nature’s voice work underwater?
its doesn’t
Gain Swiftness & Regen when you use a Shout…. What’s not to believe here?
Do I have to record a video? Some expert you are…
With ascended recipes, soft wood planks should seriously put be back in line with 3 logs for a plank. Please correct this!
I replied back to Smith this very request on like the 2nd day after Ascended crafting dropped. …I’m sure he heard it. I just don’t know how likely they’ll ever be to act on it considering how much they like to hold onto timesinks once they’re established long enough. IIRC, it took them 3 months just to do something about Vanilla back when that was getting too scarce
Good for you, go make a video and start your own thread if you want to feel special for killing it that quick with your guild. …don’t talk down to me b/c normal teams I’m on actually benefit from doing the encounter the way it was designed
Upper left. Take a look at his title. He also had the pony shooter as offhand if i’m not mistaken.
OMG.. ..that’s a Bear isn’kitten … And his health is so low… ….all the way up there…
I don’t want to live on this Tyria anymore
I didnt know people ranged howling king or rumblus. Ive also never seen any adds.
Whichever one shoop da woops…
that’s the one with adds that pile up and knock puggers down. Don’t laugh, I’ve actually seen it fail b/c no one was dragging them back into the fires
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What did I just read??
And yes, I know exactly what the words mean, I was clinically diagnosed as having a Dopa imbalance. Oddly enough I’ve had zero interest and even less participation in the last 3 Living Story activities. (SAB’s okay though…feels pretty oldschool)
People telling you to get better at Dungeons are doing a public service.
If you want examples of the community that really are bad, look at stuff that came out of people’s mouths during Ember farming and Scarlet farming.
This rating is based upon years of experience in a variety of games. It’s actually much better than most.
So much this…. people who think this place is bad, don’t have nearly enough experience or years in online gaming to know what truly TOXIC looks like. This forum especially where even the tiniest of offhand comments usually get removed in hours. This is the most carebear forum I’ve seen since Toontown
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“Pet HP split between PvE and PvP
We wanted to make pets and summons more viable in PvE/WvW while making sure they didn’t become too strong in PvP.”Lumping WvW in with PvE is really scary for this change. Summons that can handle PvE levels of damage in smaller scale WvW are going to be very overpowered. If for instance you buff summons to be able to stand in AoE in PvE and that strength is brought to WvW how are you supposed to kill them out in the field?
This assumes that WvW was EVER balanced around small scale engagements.
Obviously it was not. It would be terrific if it was! ….but sadly it doesn’t look as though it ever will be ….and guess what, Rangers suffered horribly in Zergs for it and STILL weren’t even in the top-3 classes for small team Roaming before this. (not even /w spirits)
Thing thing about Aragorn is he realizes when to weapon swap to a higher-DPS option
Howling King / Rumblus ? …. Get the bow so you can still stack VULNs while leading Adds into the fire Rings and not get chain stunned…. Everything else?? …Including Lupi? … go all melee and get good at it. Even Gandalf knew melee was faster against +6 Armored Troll and Legendary Balrog.
…The only one I’m not so clear on is the Rampaging Abom? Since we can’t permanently stow our pets or actively do so in combat (oh how I wish we could!), doesn’t that just give the Abom a bunch of frenzy? b/c our Pets won’t dodge its attacks?
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I think everyone needs to keep in mind…. that Anet’s current most skill-indexed compromise between “Strong mobs” and “Numerous” mobs right now, is the Balthazar Escort where ironically, the “Numerous” are required for the event to succeed by NOT NUKING them too quickly, otherwise the squishy NPC’s that make up the “fail condition”, will rush forward into the Wells generated by a single “Strong Mob”.
IE: Be very careful what you ask for. … Tequatl soon be may be another example of this if there is a real and palpable Fail-STATE to it hinging on management of the “Numerous” mobs. And yes, people asked for this. Lots and lots of people.
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I alsmost started agreeing with this post….
….Until I saw the words “Company Growth”. IE: SPRAWL.
If you want sprawl, then go play stuff Sony makes. Sony is literally evil intent.
Some things they even do better than many companies, I’ll give them that.
But it doesn’t change the fact that they are literally a demonic entity and John Smedley is the most vulgar embodiment of everything wrong with the Industry today that wasn’t already covered in spades by Bobby Kotick
But to make a long story short, if Anet got any bigger (it might already be too big), then it couldn’t “Iterate” at a safe speed or have the left hand keep track of what the right is doing.
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In Guild Wars 2, the monsters raid you.
Also, check out Guild Missions
Ah. Guild Missions. The once-a-week guild-only zerg that takes scant minutes and only a cursory knowledge of the ‘boss’. Don’t forget you’ve gotta be in a guild to get any credit worth your while. Because the pittance you get when you’re not in that guild is kinda an insult.
I’m in a guild that was donig these every week … but even that’s starting to fall apart.
I still need the commendations though so I guess that means I’ll have to find a “once a week” guild that specializes in them and hopefully doesn’t kick me just b/c I’m repping a WvW guild the other 6 days of the week… (which ironically has nothing to spend the Influence on b/c it can’t get its own member to run Guild Missions anymore)
DOA’s and “balanceway” UW’s used to take a lot of us TWO HOURS to beat.
Not everything has to conform to a L.O.L. match to be viable for a Microtransaction – funded game these days. There’s room for a little Variety.
No… I think the most “Cast into fiery Hell for its sins”-‘ing thing about Fractals is not the design itself, but the nature of its “Progression”. IE: The Agony Resist treadmill. …I can’t even be bothered to seek out groups just to get to level 10 b/c I know all that’s waiting for me after that is a Gear Grind for no other sake than a Gear Grind. It’s literally completing the content just so that your gear and ONLY your gear decides if you will complete the content faster the next time around. …. That is SOOO ANTI-GUILDWARS that I will continue to boycott it as long as it exists.
Guildwars content “speed” itself… to me atleast… has always been about personal skill curve. That very first Main you rolled back in 2005 … could have been using the same exact skills you had him literally rolling through a Hard Mode “The Deep” run on in 2011, but b/c of the very nature of a rich and deep skill-curve …. you were struggling just to get by against level 10 mobs. It was all intrinsic… the power was within you all along and “ascending” could be seen as something much greater than merely the resources you farmed up to that point. Then on each alt you rolled after that, you could feel that momentum of progression, each task or mission went smoother each time you replayed it.
the concept of “Infusions” run completely counter to this, and I HATE them for it
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Lots of quality of life stuff…. even some PvE splitting finally.
Seems like a real 180 from the direction everything was going a month ago.
Have to admit I’m really impressed and very relieved. … Even willing to take back a lot of the critical things I’ve said the past months, especially if this all holds up and doesn’t break too many other things that the game originally shipped with.
Oh thank god… they’re finally listening to the “Counterplay” arguments.
…And you guys were giving me all kinds of kitten when I was saying that Rangers should be #1 counter to Stealth spammers even though I pointed out that was originally one of the most unique class mechanics rangers had in Gw2’s early Alpha builds.
No… one skill isn’t going to fix everything, but it’s a start. They can include more as time goes on. It also means they can start making some of the currently very boring HP-Sponge bosses in dungeons a lot more interesting by giving them more Stealth mechanics as well.
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Apparently b/c Sic ‘em and Protect me still work there too….
I’m not questioning it too much …. b/c again: Aquaman … :p
(I really wish we were Cheetah [Post-Crisis “God” version] or Wolverine instead though :p )
Those nerfs to Healing Spring are both unnecessary and very damaging to ranger support in dungeon teams. The long duration water field and the ability to boost melee vigour was one of the best tools a ranger could bring to get players to want them in a party.
Rangers so starved of desirable support options, hitting two of their bigger ones in PvE (and WvW) is such a stupid move. It won’t kill rangers in dungeons but a ranger are just getting further away from that slot in the party.
My staff ele has so much complexity in the boons it offers, the utility it offers and the support it can provide (water fields, blast finishers, control skills, condition removal) it was really nice for the ranger to boast the longest lasting water field in the game and be able to trait for vigour to prove that small bonus to the party to make the warriors happy the ranger dropped it. That really sucks if it makes it through.
Water fields are central to how the WvW meta works, zerg combat revolves around dropping water fields and using blast finishers. A 33% duration nerf to the best tool rangers brought to the WvW meta is going to lead to even more rangers desperately searching for a way to contribute to their server and coming up a full 5 seconds shorter.
This is a really solid argument.
I hope Anet hears it and explores other ways (LIKE TRAITS) to give us that 33% back if we were really counting on it. One example: Making the Boon Duration & Condition Modding stats also improve the duration of all Fields and Combo effects that we initiate. For example: I have to run both Torch, and fire-trap just to keep a Fireshield on myself even 66% of the time and I’m literally jumping through hoops just to get that much. Having to sacrifice too many of our Utility slots is a real problem and we need better build support and compression in this specific area.
If you’ve ever utilized an Ele’s Combos/Initiatiors for example, you notice instantly that their durations last almost twice as long as our’s do. That’s just not fair!
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- Hold Shade aggro during Grenth Temple fight against Priest — Lick wounds will literally out-heal the majority of Shades still attacking you while downed. No other classes can easily get out of Downed in this exact sort of scenario without other players helping them. …though Fire-Salsa is sometimes required when you retain the aggro of more than 20 shades… (Evades also help by preventing stacks of corruption without losing their aggro like Stealth would)
- Cover 2 entrances into a Town at the same time using Guard during trickier smaller Dynamic Events. Again, something that no other class can really do. Necros can get close by laying down lots of Well & Marks, but they still have to pingpong back and forth between locations.
- Search & Rescue to rez an Ally while pulling Boss in ANOTHER direction away from the downed ally … especially important during Lupicus fight.
- Rez multiple NPCs, multiple times in a row using Nature’s Renewel on Spirit Elite. … very useful for difficult escorts like Warmaster Chan in Orr or when soloing something like the reclaiming of inner Zintl holygrounds & retaking Karka camps.
- Nature’s Voice — inexplicably working under water (apparently we really ARE Aquaman) …to give NPC’s and Submarines lots of Regen where very few other regen skills can ever be used.
- Sword/Greatsword lunge-spam roaming & gathering … Not exactly as mobile as FS Ele’s… but just as good since we don’t have to burn an Elite (Conjure) just to cover the same ground in roughly the same time
Ah… thanks for clearing that up then.
You never learned 2 program so you’re confusing what I said, for changing the effects or conditions of the sword’s attacks themselves. No I am not advocating one way or another for any of those changes. That’s between you and the OP I guess. The only point I’m making is that there needs to be “Cancels” built into the attack Queue which is purely a Timing-vs-Input technical issue used to keep players from “teleporting around” too much in heavy latency.
Clearly you don’t use autoattack with sword and you evade boss attacks with serpents strike.
Why’s it keep happening? Becaue you’re doing it wrong. You are not positioning yourself or timing evades. You are making mistakes.
And you’re just not listening. There was no Auto attack enabled.
Please start listening to people.
Or they will just stop listening to you.
This is not a L2P class.
This is still a Learn-to-play-AROUND-the-bugs-class.
Fix the programming bugs… and all the need for L2P will disappear
PvEers tired of getting gibbed in dungeons because they can’t dodge clearly telegraphed doom attacks.
Yep… This got me just last night. Instead of instantly dodging like I always do with every other weapon set in the entire game, no the extra little #1 tap (b/c it was lagging) caused me to keep dancing around and spinning in the middle of an easily avoidable red circle of instant death.
The worst part is having to explain to everyone in your party why it keeps happening.
…This is not even an issue with Swords mechanics itself, for those of you who don’t fully understanding Programming…. this was just their Programmers cutting corners like they often do; by using a client—>server attack/movement Queue order without placing proper waits/breaks or listening pauses in between for inputs to cancel that Queue and check for higher priority inputs like Jumps, Dodges, and Evades
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I agree… #2 should start with a lunge forward first before the Roll Back.
Would work a LOT better with Combos. (& WvW roaming too).
We already have L.R. when we just need a prepared Evade backwards
Though I also think the Hornet sting should instantly remove Immobs and break stun simply b/c it’s on a limited time-to-activate and therefore deserves more “reward”.
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I’d be amazed if the patch doesn’t make our weapons killable too.
I laughed way harder than I should have
1st wave always has exactly 1 Subjugator, and 1 Corruptor. …the corruptor can be mostly ignored and used for “Pact bait” to keep them busy while the Sub is yanke further away
2nd wave never has a Subjugator in it…. ever.
3rd wave always seems to have TWO subjugators and and I’ve been dying constantly to them lately simply b/c it seems that the 2nd one further up the hill cast wells directly on me just b/c I engaged the first Subjugator…. That’s some really annoying AI behavior, there’s no way in hell their AI should just spawn automatically linked like that. ….But yeah, this is easily the WORST wave if you have a bunch of idiots who do nothing but Nuke everything blindly instead of following the Advice clearly typed up in MapChat for them.
5th Wave is those Nobles you mentioned… a single spirit Ranger or MM Nec with a non-Zerker build can easily tie up the entire spawn just by setting up on those stone slabs they spawn at.
7th Wave is on the Switch back… there’s no Subjugator in it.
8th Wave is in the same exact location and although the Subjugator typically spawns far to the East where the Temple’s “up-slope” starts… there’s a chance that it can spawn either right in the middle of the Pact (which is instant GG…), or slightly down the hill North of the pact which is salvageable but only if your main CC players you’re counting on the most have super quick targeting/reflexes and a lunge to get in melee with them b/c 1 lousy second is about all the time you get there.
… After that… it really comes down to how big your Zerg is. If it’s big enough, then they can just swarm the final steps and “eat” all of the Shrine Fire-Rain along with most of the Plague Carrier explosions so that the pact takes no damage at all.
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I see the problem here….
They’re trying to apply { (Boolean) Conditions; } to everything.
We see this a little too often in PvE too… Some things they “scale”, but most things are still Binary b/c (I suspect…) their Event Tools simply weren’t built with the expectation that there would be Gray-Areas. Case in point there: Animations & Telegraphs don’t scale, but DEFIANCE does…. HP’s scale, but AOE sizes do NOT.
It could be even more complex in WvW… like: How many Flame Rams were placed at the door and then destroyed? How long was the gate/wall constantly under siege and how many total aggressors were supporting that Seige? How large was the attacking force, versus the size of the defending force? …Is there proper diminishing returns for holding the same Tower that the Timer has counted down to Zero multiple times on? (ya gotta move on eventually!). And what about the players who kept it up simply by constantly running supply to it themselves from other camps or even other BL’s?… Repairing needs to count for something
(edited by ilr.9675)
The reason I log in every night is to run with an orr Dynamic Events Zerg who also does Karka every night, and even they’re not excited by the Sunless overhaul (neither am I). So I agree, it doesn’t make sense for it to be a “top billing” Headliner.
…then again… I’d say the same thing about Conquest Mode in WvW.
Who are you guys hoping to attract to WvW with this??
Seriously, I wanna know… What hokey pokey demographic is this aimed at?
(besides Stealth Stomping thieves who were already more than WELL REPRESENTED)
(edited by ilr.9675)
By extension legendaries should be nerfed in WvW as well.
As an XvX player the irony is that WvW has been dropping LOADS of empyreal fragments etc. compared to PvE: to the point where I would hypothetically recommend PvE players farm WvW for them. I really don’t know where this complaint comes from because it’s not based in reality.
Now I’m REALLY confused…
But I’d point out… that the main Wiki page on Empy Shards already demonstrates why that’s false… 6 minute speedrun of COF yields 20, 10 min speedrun of an Arah path yields the same plus 3x as much Gold. Upper level Fractals actually SCALE the amount to the level meaning you can easily get 30 or more just b/c you have Agony Resist gear (= REAL TREADMILL). A Jump puzzle or minidungeon that has a “Gate” somehwere in it before the chest…. you can simply move all of your L80 alts to that gate, clear the objective, and then collect 6-9 shards PER ALT simply by switching chars fast enough to get all of them through the gate before it resets. This even works for Vexa’s lab where you have to beat a miniboss to make the chest appear….but once it does, any alt parked there gets to raid it. All of them can be done completely solo BTW
Compare those to Camp flipping… atleast a 6 minute downtime between flips and chances are good you won’t even get to tag the Claiming NPC before it dies if you’re running with a Zerg. Same thing with Towers and Keeps which are more Target’s of opportunity instead of something you can simply do anytime you feel like it regardless of party size.
Crafting is neither pvp or pve but pvb… player versus boredom.
Well actually right now, it’s P V F …. Player versus Flippers :p (arbitrage)
B/c the last game I tried to leave the GW franchise for … eventually gave me an ulcer.
If someone has a better reason than that, I’d love to hear it…
(IoW: this thread is now about how everything else is even less healthy)
I see it as Anet going “Here’s another mountain to climb”… but mainly for people who collect stuff just for the sake of collecting it. Just like everything else basically… Except this one had a little extra Carrot-yness in the fact that the Base Damage of the weapon is slightly Higher so it’s bound to have more people collecting more than just 1 of them.
I’m still going for just 1 myself to see if it actually improves a really lackluster class (ranger). If it does, then and it’s a definite “okay this feels stronger” thing then I’ll consider making a few more of them b/c I honestly have nothing else to spend gold on and the stupid stuff just keeps piling up day after day despite not even DOING any farming like I used to do back in Gw1 shrug
All I did today was some temples b/c I always do them… and then Arah twice b/c my guildies were and that’s a really rare occurrence. But just like everyday, the wallet gets fatter by 10g and pretty much ANY game literally feels less interesting to me when I’m no longer skrimping and saving just to get by. … It’s like owning every house on Park Ave and laughing at the cute “little people” who put up a hotel on Baltimore. That’s boring to me. I don’t play to “work”, but I do play for challenge and too much income dulls the challenge.
That’s not to say that Ascended’s present a fair “Upkeep” investment either tho, they’re a bit on the ridiculous side when you look at things like Darkmatter and Deld-ingots
(edited by ilr.9675)