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Or cheese the whole transition from Phase1 to Phase2 with a TimeWarp Mesmer :p
I still think they could have scripted it a bit better b/c just the coding structure itself leaves an obvious variable mishandling allocation that can lead to a constant Loop in the transition from Phase 1 to 2 back to 1. (Just having a Pet alive can apparently cause Lupi to do this too…. surprised the hell out of me that I was told “let it die!!!” when most rangers can’t keep them alive nomatter what)
Pretty biased opening there….
They replaced IOP / capture the flag with MORE CONQUEST mode.
Don’t you think if people wanted to be doing that all day, they’d be in sPvP and not WvW?
Teq: They didn’t need to add a unique-skin Carrot + require 10x more people just to get bads to SPREAD OUT and actually defend the Turret encampments. It’ll also fall into the same status as Jormag a month later once eveyone’s gotten their Achieves and realized the skin still isn’t as flashy as those gaudy Legendaries. WHY?? B/c they give all the Minions the same punitive No-Loot treatment as the Claw…
LFG tool: gonna be a cesspool of bads when it comes to dungeons. Many will still use LFG.com to find higher quality players.
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A little common sense helps… There was tons more Vets and other stuff chasing the people who ran past us. You know what "Train"’ing is in MMO’s right?
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Well there’s always Group Dynamic Events that you’re short-handed for…
Ascended gear should in theory give those less populated servers a shot assuming they’ve always had the skill to pull them off yet fell just short of the DPS check…
Well it was also a timesink between exotic and legendary but given they use some of the same mats that statement has been rendered false.
Source plz?? … Linsey in the last livestream very specifically was ignoring the questions about the progress they’re making on Precursors being attainable through non-RNG means. Then she finally answered that they have no news or updates on that, as if nothing’s changed one bit from a year ago. Which is not the least bit surprising after all the other promises they’ve thrown away just to push even more Skinner Box on us.
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We’ve been consistently taking Grenth’s Temple on NSP lately with barely 15 people
(B/c everyone else is kittening around in invasions and leaving us hanging).
It used to take atleast 30 last month and even then the failure rate was noticeable.
So there’s the Answer…. Get Good, or Give Up.
(or guest on another server that is good)
PS: We almost did Karka the other night with 25 people but some jerks griefed us with a Guild Rush that train’d-in tons of extra mobs and we missed killing the queen by 15 seconds. That’s just plain silly.
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I’d like to know why they’re ALL “rare” quality?
I’m really really really getting SICK of being outright trolled by the “Ooh Sweet Loot!” audioresponse every couple times that I open a Champion Box when there’s never anything but Masterworks and a tiny little sip of Karma. ….plz…. stop it…. “Sips” should only be “fine” quality or something.
Came from WoW huh?
He’s going to need a whole year to master the skill Ceilings.
Well it’s a fun post to read either way… nothing like that new shiny when the old one broke. (though personally I preferred our other old shiny better, b/c it was never broken)
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One thing I’ve noticed is a growing, open trash-talking of Anet in map chat. It’s significant in that I’ve played other MMO’s for years and have not witnessed the level of ill will towards a developer that I have here, in-game. And, I’m on one of the more mature, even-handed servers. This can’t bode well for the game long-term in terms of people actively playing the game.
Hmm… guilty of this …tho it’s usually just in a sarcastic manner. No one likes really long drawn out drama in their map chat, it’s always best to keep it to smart allecky one-liners that don’t invite long debates. (unless you really ARE a troll and the only reason you’re on that map is to start toruble). ….Most of us though have things to get done. The sooner I can get those things done, the sooner I can log out and eat something so I don’t get stomach pains and headaches.
Bit on the Gothic side.
I’ll probably be wasting even more gold for gems to get Transmute Crystals to cover most of mine up with the Gw1 skins I still prefer over anything else in the game.
They should have just gone with the Crystal Sword motif instead if they were supposed to be “Ascended”. (they’re made specifically from a Vision Crystal… it would have made a lot more sense)
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atleast their names are english
Bright is a hipster. He loved CoE before it was mainstream, now it’s mainstream so he moved on to Arah.
Arah’s getting too mainstream now.
Where are we to go … now that we’ve gone too far
If they smart… they WON’T touch Arah’s Story mode again until they’ve actually got a guaranteed hit and new tech to pull it off. Yeah maybe it’s been considered the biggest disappointment in the game… but look at other stuff that was overhauled lately and ask yourself if you really wanna take the risk that it could be made even worse??
Take Kohler for example… total speedbump for minmaxxed teams. We literally stacked right on him like Subject Alpha and killed him in like 50 seconds. Zero kittens were given about his stupid Spin to Win. Yet he’s totally beyond reason now for a lot of Pugs b/c he just keeps resummoning Elite allies until a Necro+Ranger show up and everyone in the pug dies from having no where safe to stand. (this thread is now about TA F/U)
In open world for the most part, most things can be beaten by just simply throwing more bodies at it. Hence why Anet supposedly couldn’t beat it themselves, they didn’t have 80 people to Zerg it with. (Try that with the new Vet Subjugators on Balthazar escort though…. instant fail when the Zerg is full of bads). In dungeons though, it’s usually up to exploits on whether anyone bothers with the Revised content or not.
Maybe some day they’ll get a better system for revising this stuff. But if they tried to make this encounter more Epic with their current track record, it’d just be a crapshoot.
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Unfortunately there’s already been a thread about this DOS and only a couple of us have seen it ourselves and thus believe it. I guess we’re just the lucky ones.
Yeah the second time I did this Path, we actually had even less DPS than the first time when the bug stopped us. Yet we beat her in like 3 spark pulls an had no problems whatso’ever, completely unlike the first time when the Bug between her shifting from Phase1 to Phase2 would constantly cause her to Invuln again nomatter how quickly sparks were pulled.
No we didn’t think to record it either b/c I stupidly assumed that this forum had understanding folks in it… It Does Not. Infact that’s it’s entire “thing”, is to just constantly rip on everyone. Even the guys who solo Lupicus still get ripped on…
Try not to take it personally that no one else believes you.
Just file a ticket with Support instead… it’s the only way it will get noticed.
And make sure you’re very specific that it’s a bug with her switching between Phase1 and Phase2. Any bosses with multiple phases can get similar bugs if they were left idle too long.
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Interesting, this even works in the Zintyl Holy grounds to resurrect the Crafting Station attendants who can’t even be rezzed with the F-key…. Thats beats the hell out of having to go all the way back to Lion’s Arch for some lousy Thread.
So what we do is hope that the animation lasts longer than in takes us to go down?
Unless you’re in WvW in which case might as well just give up.
Well on the bright side I’m that weird kid who loves using environmental weapons more than my real skills so I accept my turret duties!!
Turrets are for winners. You get to guard the people on the Turrets.
they gave you a skill specifically named that for a reason.
What are you rambling about? The horn DOES work as a blast in ALL fields, fire gives AoE 3stacks of like 20s Might,
No it doesn’t, Fire Trap did for a day or two, but then a patch removed it again
Yeah. Ranger is 14 percent because it is one of the best PvE/PvP classes, if you know what you are doing. Anet can see this from statistics which is why they have tweaked it quite a bit.
What you meant to say, is that it got Nerfed … in PvP for only the sake of Coquest PvP. Just like everything else that’s ever been nerfed across the board. Any nerfs for PvE were purely justified through Solo’ing in easier/lowerlevel. …And if that’s what you meant by PvE, then that’s not real PvE either, sorry.
@ Everyone else…
Wanna have fun and see where Ranger’s real open world potential is even with bots that are supposed to be super efficient?… follow one of them around Cursed Shore and pull Vet Giants & stuff to them. Always a barrel of laughs to be had. Infact good luck even finding any as they’re quickly being replaced by MM Necros.
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We need more interplay between “Combo Fields”
The Pets also need to create more of them. So do Spirits…
Our Horn blast finisher needs to work on Fire fields again.
- It worked initially when they changed it to a Blast finisher, but then somehow got patched right back out even though it DOES work on Ice field/trap.
- I don’t know if it was supposed to work with Poison fields, …but it should just for consistency.
We also need the shields generated by combos to not just last longer, but utilize the Buff-Duration & Condition-Duration stat modifier in their time calculation.
We need the BONUS damage dealt by combos to be modified by the condition stat so that people finally have a reason to use Carrion set in PvE.
We need the Healing stat to not just increase our Spring, but also healing it provide when sloshing through it with Combo & Blast finishers…. (triple it for lunges esp.)
We need our gear stats in general, to be shared with the pet so that it also gains these increases with the Combo system.
is this real mecca?
Wells siphon Health. cant bet it
Gw1 Elite Undergrounds were Lengthy.
Gw2 dungeons are Cute.
The dungeon master title isn’t worth anything sadly.
No one asked for your opinion what it’s worth.
I am just pointing to the fact that dungeon abusers will kick anyone regardless of skill level.
What skill level is associated with the DM title? I’m still working on mine but hopefully I’ll be there soon.
Been avoiding CoF p1 for this long?
Yep… AP4 is cake, but that CP1 … it scares me… I hear people always get kicked right before the final boss. Oh DM title…. why are you so elite??? kant get it
I have already thought of an easy way to grief this
Get your guildmates/friends to hop on the hylek turrets. Just afk there or don’t do your job.
* just shakes head and walks away *
Here’s the good news: They obviously had to increase Server capacity for Peak Hours
Here’s the problem: That population you see in the server list is ONLY based on Peak Hours. (Or worse, it might be based on total Daily log ins)
There’s basically a lot more people logging in Daily (b/c they’re forced to with all the timegating) but overall they’re playing a LOT LESS and not keeping any variety of zones or borderlands actually populated. (b/c everything in those zones either provides insufficient gains to keep up with the Champ Farmers, or has literally been BROKEN by Anet’s rushed patching schedule and awful PvE Balancing).
IE: We’re looking at servers with 5000 intended logged in player slots… and only about 500 of those people actually doing anything together during off-peak hours. (while a bunch of them are either Bots… just sitting in LA flipping the TP instead… or BOTH)
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If we’re going to talk about a Dragon’s General fight that’s not rewarding, let’s look at Jormag first… mainly b/c “the Claw” is in a zone with with one of the most egregious Champ “circuits” in the game drawing off whatever player force was already present in the zone. The Claw’s constantly respawning champions don’t even need to drop Boxes, they just need to go back to dropping Corrupted Cores & Lodestones like they used to drop. People actually WANTED those things, even more than they want Champ Boxes.
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And influx of rewards? The influx of rewards is 10 gold/hour farming, talk to NPC for 10 achievement points, and unique weapon skins every 2 weeks in Living Story. You better be bringing hell of a lot of rewards for me to tell someone in Lion’s Arch that it’s worth their time to step away from autoattacking in a PvE map and risk actually dying somewhere.
Well, I can’t promise it will work, but I’m kitten sure trying.
I wouldn’t doubt that you are… We’ve seen a lot of examples and inferences of just how hard a lot of you Designer folks are really trying. I really appreciate it and one in particular, Robert, I think gained cult status this week for his….umm sacrifice for those principles. But it just seems like there’s some kind of … Overlord force redirecting the focus of the game back towards an Everquest / Rift / MapleStory emphasis and that’s the main reason that the fan base is lashing out the way they are right now. They want more variety in the world itself and more emphasis on strategy, not just more rewards…
If I could for a second…. you remarked elsewhere on “most improved” possibly getting some kind of honor? What if that honor was to bypass to some degree the “Daily Cooldown” on all the things that are being timegated? ….instead of one Charged Quartz per day, they could charge 2 of them, all week long? Instead of PvE Dailies canceling out PvP daily achieves, they could earn BOTH. Instead of only crafting 3 vision crystal components, they could craft 6…
That would put a real ….sorry to keep using this word…. put a real emphasis on a balanced daily routine for players. You wouldn’t have Just-PvE servers and Just-WvW servers. You’d have populations shifting around to do a little bit of everything with the underdogs getting something that’s actually motivating. (%15 artisan or scavenger or whatever is NOT motivating, sorry… it’s just not)
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So lets see if I get this strait. Not including magic find.
Standard exotic gear gives you three stats boosted while leaving four with nothing.
Celestial gives you all seven stats boosted and none without a boost.
Yet you are complaining they are removing plus to magic find from the gear? It’s not like they are removing it from the game your toon will still have it. And for that matter will be able to get a perma 300%. Why all the complaining?
Have you ever even done the MATH on those Stats???
On the Triple, most of them gain something called “Exponential Reward” because they can literally break the Risk mechanics of the game when they approach a certain threshold. (Berserker’s especially). And guess what Magic find was on Celestial @ 3% per piece… It was the PRIMARY STAT. It’s the entire reason that Celestial is regarded as mediocre at best and most Elite players *(which you obviously are not) strongly recommended against it b/c half of the stats aren’t even helpful in 95% of end-game content. Removing the Primary stat from any gear with no compensation for it at all is completely insane.
I’m pretty sure the higher crit damage and stat points offered from Celestial vs. even Zerker gear is it’s own selling point and not just MF.
NOPE…. now maybe it would be if Anet shifted the MF% towards Precision & Boon Duration (longer lasting Fury). But they’re not doing that now, are they?
It also doesn’t help that the majority of Classes have really sub-par Trait “Procs” when they crit or just have really limited access and “Forced” builds in order to utilize them.
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You’re talking specifically about the Vision Crystal?
Well that’s even worse economics because then its price will be throttled entirely by the Temple & World boss drops which are also Timegated by people only running those events once per day. Which comes back to my favorite issue: Bad Transparency on “real cost” leading to poor supply in the long run (but I should probably reserve that issue for the BLTC b/c Smith doesn’t read this forum I don’t think).
It just seems completely backwards from the order it ought to be in if you’re going to have “trade” on it. There’s lots of people who do dungeons but don’t like World Bosses. There’s just as many people who like World Bosses but can’t do Dungeons (or are paranoid about being kicked at the last boss). Me personally, I like both and divide my time equally between them but I HATE the new champion farming and I refuse to do that mind numbing crap… (Unless it was in WvW I guess)
The Economy is more stable than it’s ever been because this week and next week it actually HAS A PURPOSE.
What’s really out of whack and what people are mistakenly calling “the Econony” is actually called Disparity and it’s been way out of whack since COF got popular. And it affects basically everything tied to rearing & equipping Alts and eeking out any kind of replayability that involves commodities
Here’s some examples:
Dye http://www.gw2spidy.com/item/20323
Blood http://www.gw2spidy.com/search/Vial%5Bs%5D?recipes=0
Rosemary http://www.gw2spidy.com/item/12335
Chili http://www.gw2spidy.com/item/12331
Cotton http://www.gw2spidy.com/item/19741
not even wood is safe http://www.gw2spidy.com/item/19726
…and it literally grows on trees
According to Smith’s own “Median” on Gold generation, the average person has been completely left behind since the end of April and this last couple weeks that divide doubled or tripled.
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They already told us why.
his tier is time-constrained, so each item can only be made once per day in order to help give high-level crafters their own economy of items to build and sell that retain their value and rarity.
It’s not an economy if you can’t sell it. According to all the info, these Refined Ectos are Account Bound upon creation. They’re also the only thing that’s Time Gated.
So yes, please find a better explanation… That said, it appears we can make 1 each of all 3 types each day. But how many will we need total for the weapon??
Yes, because you don’t know if they transmuted their AW to look like a non-AW. That’s why I asked you to specify if you were booting them off of appearances alone.
wait you’re actually being serious about that?? HAHAHA
Noticed something interesting today with these Vet Subj’s that might warrant more testing… While interrupting them with Ranged weapons (& having main aggro), it seemed like the first thing they always do after getting knocked down is cast those wells as if it’s their primarily scripted Ranged attack. …when I tried two melee weapons instead, it just beat me into a pulp faster but it it didn’t cast the wells at all.
Would like to see more people test this. It might be the difference maker here.
(or it might not…. I’ll be trying it a lot more from now on tho).
Removing loot from the Champs in it was the worst mistake they could have made.
They could have just put a Cap on how many Champs would spawn.
(and then nerf the champ circuit elsewhere in the zone which is just being farmed 10x worse than Jormag spawning 10 champs every 3 hours).
If it was at all possible, and Anet still had full control of what they’re allowed to allot resources to…. I’d love to see them pressured into taking on a bunch of volunteers/interns from the dungeon community (who’ve actually built levels in Source/UE3) … The playerbase could fund the food&board of those volunteers directly through Crowdsourcing infact. I’d volunteer myself even though I hate the weather up in Seattle…
Yeah those too
get it
in a nut shell… Anet had an opportunity here to make the next must-have crafting material not only drop in dungeons, but be tradable so that dungeon regs were finally rewarded for Gettin It.
lol nope
now every thread will be a TAkittenthread
Coming to a dungeon near you in the next update….
People don’t have to buy all this stuff…
Especially the Temple & World boss “Dragonite” drop. There are several servers that run those events in big well experienced groups every night. Right now on NSP we are in need of all the extra players we can possibly get and don’t mind people Guesting to get in on it so long as they actually listen and follow what commanders advise in Map Chat…
I don’t know the exact times of other servers, but we could probably get a thread going somewhere to help people find those out. (on NSP, it begins in cursed shores @ 5pm pacific)
MagicFind was the PRIMARY STAT on celestial.
All other stats on any stat set are always reduced to offset the primary stat.
Take away the primary stat, and all you have is a bunch of secondary stats and an inferior item in general regardless of content it’s used it
…And not Character based instead?
(R.E. = refined Ecto)
If I’m reading this right…. We can only make 1 Refinement per day. Now is that 1 of each? B/c that wouldn’t be so bad… But if it’s only ONE per period, then that’s a major problem when it comes to those of us who NEED to run atleast 2 different characters daily in harder content…
That said…. If the rest of the team finds a Pugger who’s new to the run after this update, and DOESN’T have an AW as their mainhand Melee… I will /votekick on the spot b/c they definitely will not be competitive with the rest of us who all will have crafted either a Zerker or Assassin’s mainhand by that time.
Is this before or after you asked if they transmuted it, and/or verifying if they have good trinkets in combination with the Ascended weapon?
Jumping the gun a wee-bit, mefeels.
Am I??…. campare Base Damage:
Go ahead, ask ‘em in the other subforum if that’s a trivial stat difference…
B/c Legendary users are typically awful players…. I’ve only met 2 who could actually keep up with the rest of us in Dungeons and WvW. (and 1’s in my guild so that doesn’t count)
I run more healing or vitality in my Dungeon mains than I run power…. And I’ve been lucky to never be kicked once despite that. So I’m not a Gear Checker…
That said…. If the rest of the team finds a Pugger who’s new to the run after this update, and DOESN’T have an AW as their mainhand Melee… I will /votekick on the spot b/c they definitely will not be competitive with the rest of us who all will have crafted either a Zerker or Assassin’s mainhand by that time.
I don’t mind carrying guildies. But I’m absolutely not going to carry puggers and I won’t expect anyone else to either. Anyone who thinks that’s elitist, go ask the rest of the dungeon forum if I’m exaggerating. I guarantee they’ll tell you exact same if not worse.
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I gotta be honest, I’m Not looking forward to this. …And Crafting was definitely the thing I put the MOST effort into in the Beta weekends and and at launch.
But somewhere along the line… even though I found ways to break even or make a small profit while getting every discipline to 400… it got really tedious. It got so bad that it’s taken me until just last month to finally hit Master Craftsmen and the only reason I did was b/c I needed to power level an Alt (mesmer … they’re kinda important to have for all the free portal abuse they still allow).
I don’t think it’s the process specifically that’s just not fun and not motivating about crafting. I think it’s the stupid scarcity of mid-level Fine Mats … and having to account for all of them before just going ahead and crafting with it. Paying 2silv ea for them is dumb and wandering out in the native level range of them trying to get them to drop from mobs is even dumber with how fast Diminishing Returns will cut you off at the knees. I really hate time sinks that are gated purely by a Random Number Generator.
Yes… Dirge is probably the most perfect word ever selected for this march into the sea
I don’t blame it on Gear though. I blame it on them just ignoring/breaking so many core elements of the game that were supposed to stand the test of time. I could barely even finish a Dungeon today b/c now the servers are starting to break too.
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You basically get an Ecto everytime you get 15 of the same T5’s. …well 0.7 something ectos, but you still get one once RNG averages out…
For T6’s, There’s the Clover Recipe. You can net a lot of T6’s with that. The only hard part is actually getting the Obsidians now that the Balthazar escort has basically been made impossible for most people and RageQuittingly luck-based for everyone else.
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Factions introduced the worst powercreep the first game ever saw… 2 of them actually…
Save Yourselves … and … ShadowForm. Yeah maybe Nightfall added a lot that destroyed GvG balance. But those two really took the challenge out of PvE before NF & EotN even had a chance. Fast forward to now… 10% more damage isn’t going to even begin to compare. It won’t magically make dungeons easy for people who were so bad they were getting kicked from COF’s. It won’t make them a lot easier for the people who already completed Arah Explorables completely Naked (yes this did actually happen … no one’s really sure why either).
And it definitely won’t have any real impact on Zerging which is now the only thing this game even appears to be about anymore….
As the Zephyrites said, the dragons are like the tides, they don’t actively seek to destroy you, they just wreck whatever’s there.
Claw Island.
(and the couple missions right before it)
…nuff said
interesting… Guess it’s all going to hinge on whether there’s a Repair Bill or not.
…and WP fee… That seemed to be where most of the rage came from in the last few updates
Watching that got me started on old Rage Quit episodes :p
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