It’s a fine line…. b/c the AI is basically global on this issue.
Making it too easy, would break a lot of dungeon fights where the Bosses were already “Reseting” way too easily just b/c someone stealthed or the primary aggro target got hung up in a weird piece of geometry. (or the boss itself even knock them off Sparta style)
Time Limit designs like these = Simin boss in Path 4 Arah.
Eventually, Anet WILL “nerf” the HP bar b/c it is unfair to MOST of the builds and classes that Anet themselves originally intended the game to have
I’m actually AGAINST THAT sort of “Dumbing Down” though.
Yes I’m still against stupid “DPS Checks” masquerading as “challenge” b/c they’re not Challenges, they’re just more Gear Checks & Artificial Difficulty which any idiot can see: If that wasn’t the original design of End Game, this game would still have a lot more people sticking around for end-game and the Dungeon Forum wuoldn’t be a seething self-hating neglected & cry-for-attention cynicism-fest that it currently is with maybe 2 Devs posts tops per 6 months in it…
But back to the point: It’s possible to still keep this Event kind of high-brow and actually make it fun for everyone, WITHOUT just shifting Stats around. ….HOW? By giving sub-Par builds more ways to directly DPS the dragon General itself.
Problem & their possible solution:
- #1 Many builds & non-80 players are ill-suited to even be participating at all….
- #2 the Champions don’t drop loot… that doesn’t mean they shouldn’t drop ANYTHING through…. look at WvW…. what’s the most important resource there?? SUPPLY.
- That’s right, let the Champ Drop be Supply that people can build extra Seige with
- (as long as it’s confined to the intended playing space of the event, IE: No Trebbing from an unpathable Pyramid in the back that the AI can’t counter attack)
- People who die & don’t listen by respawning far away, are hurting everyone else
- Solution: Automatically warp anyone who totally dies too close to the dragon, back to a WP far away so that they’re no longer Upscaling the mobs around them
- Most players aren’t used to or just aren’t willing to counter the Poison condition properly and also Revive others before they’re totally dead = event fails
- Add some incentive or reward every time they cure poison on others and revive players before they get downed. …. something besides just a sliver of XP … something innovative that helps the event succeed or buys everyone a few more seconds to complete it.
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Simple fix for bleeding stack limitation is when it goes over 25 stacks, pop the shortest bleed off the stack and convert it to immediate direct damage.
That keeps the load on the server the same, and keeps the practical impact of bleeds as damage over time the same in nearly any conceivable fight.
Burning and poison could also be made viable damage sources by allowing them create additional stacks once a duration cap has been reached. For example, once a target has over thirty seconds of burning on it, a second stack of burning is started, and the original is allowed to burn down to zero. If you fill up a fifth stack of burning, the first stack, the shortest one, is popped off as direct damage.
+1…. infact they DID THIS with several skills in Gw1 to get around the 10 pip cap there. (I love it how so many people, ANET INCLUDED, seem to have conveniently forgotten this fact to defend their “Server limit” excuse)
Especially when anyone who knows anything about computer science, knows that “25” is not the typical Integer limit… 255 is the typical interger value max. …which means they’re using some weird Array for this that’s eating up atleast 1 decimal place and cutting a value of 250 by a factor of 10 to get 25 max. ….Is that just to have every single Stack have its very own Duration??? ….
Because, y’know…. once it goes OVER 25 stacks, I don’t think anyone should honestly CARE whether their personal duration for their individual stack(s) stay its own special snowflake on the Server’s RAM. just combine them all together and average them!
The whole thing just seems suspiciously arbitrary like it was only ever aimed at “E Sports” from its very inception
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So many things wrong with the original post
“Don’t nerf it!! Just let us put up walls so only we can Haz teh Shinies!!!”
Look whether the event itself is too hard or not….
— spoiler alert: It’s not hard, it’s just a really stupid “Watch the UI instead” DPS-Race /w ppl getting 1-shotted when they can’t see massive Telegraphs or are suffering lag … just like every other stupid overblown Massive-HP sponge “Gear Check!!! Berzerker or Gee Tee * kitten * OH” tedious “end game” content Anet has thrown at us since Launch)
Whether it’s hard or not… it’s just not a FUN design that can stand the test of time in its current state. And bannishing people off the 1 or 2 servers who eventually pull it off will only cause more people to burn up Transfers just to get around that loophole and then they’ll still be LEECHING off the “pro DPS’ers” who will have no means of keeping the “rich” leechers out.
On NSP we recently went through this same issue just a week back with the Balthazar escort to the point that some of us who were the very ones who figured out how to beat it again, were getting crashed and thrown into Overflow also …. ironically dimishing the success of the Event itself (B/c guesters wouldn’t even follow basic instructions).
The solution is not to divide people and segregate them. The solution is to educate and for Anet to tweak the content until it is once again suited for Mainstream Consumption. …. this is a PUBLIC RAID, you can’t just expect to lock the Public out of it. They’re the public / pubbies. They’re going to show up as long as there’s an Achievement attached to it.
The Best thing for the “Pros” on Blackgate to do … if they’re indeed pros and the OP’s sour attitude doesn’t speak for all of them, is to pick a DIFFERENT server to do it on, and let all the Coattailers just keep failing it on BG. If BG is as organized as we’ve heard all the stories about from WvW… then they’d have no problem (and not a lot of resistance to it) towards organizing elsewhere. That is the power of great organization
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I’m not sure what Arenanet was thinking about this.
If the rate had been a lot better in WvW (without nothing but PvD’ing happening), I think it would have been obvious exactly what they were thinking. But since that wasn’t even the case… yeah I don’t know.
The fact we don’t get ANY from Story-Dungeons either really shocked me.
(I did HotW story yesterday… got SQUAT) … 90 minutes carrying some first timers through an icy slog and what do I get? … 50 silver :p …. 90 mins on a champ train gives you over 300 Bloodstone Dust. These values are really jacked up.
It’s not the fact that some JPs give more than others…..
It’s which JP’s give more. ….3 of the ones in Caledon give 6-9 while none of the ones in Orr give that many. Very inconsistent “what the heck?!?” headshaking there.
No one will kick you off of dungeon team for not having ascended weapons…
Some people will…
…Back On Topic: Anecdote from yesterday that will surprise some people:
Early in the day Yesterday the Servers were constantly DC’ing us and “Rolling Back” all the inventory actions we’d make. … I noticed this after salvaging a full bag of Rares and some Exotics…. after logging back in, all those items were back in my bags … complete rollback here, none of the mats I got from them present, only my Memorization of what I got in the first Trial…
In the first run… salvaging literally the same exact items … salvaging 6 exotics: 2 of them “named”, 4 of them Crafted Bows… I got only 3 Darkmatters off one of the named, and NOTHING from the rest. …Then I got DC’d and rolled back.
After CAREFULLY salvaging them again … IE: Logging each time I got DM to ensure it saved to the Database server properly… I ended up getting 12 Darkmaters instead. …this was purely Mystic Kit salvaging too, no BL kit.
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Now we need all you roamed to start organizing 5-8 mans and stop relying on 15. Then it’ll get nasty in these ruins… 5 or 6 5-8 man teams running through there looking to wallop each other. Much better direction then dueling and setting up fights. Roam around find them, win them.
… —-> sPvP forum is that way….
I was…. just starting to really get back into WvW right before this patch.
I have a very active Gw1 Guild in this. And while they weren’t exactly friendly to every class & build, they did a good job of keeping us all together and AWAY from the mindless Zerging. Infact no one ran a Tag … just to ensure that the covert ops remained covert and that no one was “Coattailing” unless they were also just really observant players who recognized some skill. ….Skill recognizes skill…. Game Recognize Game
I can’t just doomsay at this point with regards to this IOP replacement because I really do not have a full week yet of observations to go off of. But I am very worried. I notice little signs that this awesome guild is already starting to fray because their main End-Game is going through tough times. ..
Big shoutout to [CC] Danicia for the great job and working to improve the forum and mods/cc team. (the “Gaile” of the community!)
+1 to this …. There are definitely good efforts being made to keep this whole thing fair, and any of us can see who’s making things better overall if we just take a breath and look closely.
We do not remove posts simply because we don’t like what people are saying. In short, it’s not what people say, but how they say it.
Well that’s an instant contradiction right there… and I’m not even taking sides in this whole ordeal over the WvW changes and I’m definitely not picking on Martin … I like the Bucketmancer, I support him, I know this is not his first language but his word choice here is still completely consistent with Anet’s rather inconsistent and a bit zealous standing on Forum moderation ever since they moved away from the “Fan-Portal” program.
I’ve had to contest atleast 2 sets of infractions myself here on these forums and atleast a couple were overturned because the actions taken were indeed taken in Haste and on a basis of they just didn’t like how it was said. …that’s not to say I don’t make mistakes either, but let’s be honest here: Posts are routinely deleted, moved to trash, and just basically censored without explanation and for lots of different reasons that are just as questionable as branding something a “Complain thread”…. A BUG THREAD, is a Complain Thread… semantically speaking.
In other words to make this long post short: It’s still all about subjective judgment calls by Mods, the CM team, and even some Devs who also appear to have full access to the Moderating tools. When caught making a mistake, they make no apologies or compensation about it either beyond just “not banning people outright” as quickly as they otherwise would once the warnings cascade into infractions. The infraction point system itself is also frought with subjectiveness. …let me end this by comparing it to Guru’s which is atleast somewhat Transparent:
Guru’s moderating & infraction system is basically an “HP bar” that is always visible and eventually they’ll disappear on their own once enough time has passed based on good behavior. This promotes good behavior instead of just rolling a new account or getting a new IP/Serial# and then “Socking”. While Anet might have had a tumultuous past with Guru sometimes, I think it’s clear on this tangent where basic psychology favors one system over another and it’s even more apparent when you look at where both communities are trending right now.
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The actual HP bar needs a nerf.
Nothing else in the event …. not the Adds or the fact they don’t even drop Champ Boxes is the problem here. The problem which is something that’s ALWAYS BEEN a huge problem with super-boring Dynamic Events (once everyone figures them out and stops being BADDIES) … is that Massive-HP bars that you literally have to min-max specialize your Zerg’s Gear for …. ARE NOT FUN.
It’s a challenging “Race”…. I’ll give you that. But it’s not a Fun event b/c all you’re doing is watching your User-Interface and a Clock the whole time to gauge if you’re “winning” or not. That is Arenanet going back on it’s biggest promise.
It is outright Betrayal of the very game they promised us.
It is Artificial Difficulty, pure & Simple
I can average 2000 DPS solo but it’s only by completely abandoning the way that Ranger was designed (and is still being designed) to be played by Anet. Some players have video of themselves averaging 4000-5000 DPS on Ranger in Dungeons and beating Speed clear records. However this is almost entirely due to support from pure Offensive buff classes capping 25 might and throwing in “Conjures”/WB’s that for some odd reason had a higher base damage for Ranger. IOW: basically legal exploiting.
The people you see here who are typically cow-towed to in this forum as ranger experts, actually get laughed at by these other power-builders b/c they lose arguments to them frequently whenever these DPS forum-PvP events take place. The most well known one hasn’t posted in this thread yet but I’m sure he will. When he does, take his opinions with a grain of salt b/c they’re miles away from where Ranger actually stands in the end-game world.
It’s much more difficult to be creative with the Ranger, as it’s such an established class, and have an extremely fanatic player base. If you don’t believe me, try making a new topic suggesting a rifle for the Ranger, and then watch the negative posts rain down over it.
Rifle isn’t a creative mechanic though, it’s just an Aesthetic for a projectile launcher.
It’s redundant.
Here’s some mechanics that would be creative and useful:
- Search and Rescue has the Pet actively DRAG the downed target out of an AOE/patch and back to safety where the ranger initiated S&R (just like path of scars)
- If ALL ranger shouts acted like CotW, I:E Blast finisher that also grants allies Elemental Shields (could be a BM trait if having it as default was too OP)
- If EVERY Pet could lay down an Initiator field or finisher. ..esp the underused ones.
- If spirit’s skills also counted as Combo Fields (and lasted more than 1 second)
- If Condition and Healing stats REALLY modified the values of these mechanics
- If Regen boon itself Stacked or increased in “pips” like it did in GW1.
- If mobs actually popped Heals so that our arsonal of interrupts & Poison options weren’t almost completely “just for Roleplaying & low-lel sPvP”
- Torch as a Mainhand weapon that lays down small but HIGH DPS AoEs
- If PoleArms finally became a weapon, and ours summoned more Nature stuff/physics
- If stacking Might wasn’t the ONLY thing that mattered in End-game content….
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Commanders don’t mean anything.
Most of the people with Commander tags on are annoying useless attention kittens who just want to be on people’s minimaps all the time. They don’t turn them off even when they’re directly told that it’s interfering with an Event’s success. And Getting 100g is not a major accomplishment either. I’ve made 300g this summer alone and I don’t even farm in this game (I farmed some in gw1 but not here). No one puts stock in 99% of the commanders in this game except when they want to find a Champ-Train.
These timers don’t make it easy, but I think 15 minutes is too short.
If I got kicked out of every dungeon after 15 minutes…. I’d go insane.
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I could understand the timer being 15 minutes….. IF the fight reset like every 30 minutes when it’s failed (and 3 hours when it’s won).
But it’s taking a lot longer than 30 minutes to start again.
…I thought one of the biggest no-kitten-sherlock realizations EVER that Anet got from watching other MMO’s punishing players arbitrarily, is that you’re not supposed to make them stand around for hours waiting for something to respawn?? We had it bad enough just standing around outposts waiting for a Monk to show up in Gw1 and they fixed that and made a HUGE DEAL out of it.
Then this gets overhauled and unlike the Temples, we have to wait and wait and wait to try again just to learn what progress looks like. Doesn’t jive at all with their original Game Aesthetic. It runs completely counter to it infact. (not the timer… the waiting and waiting and waiting)
This is something that even affects 5 mans in dungeons and has had precedence for a real fix for much longer than this update.
The mechanics are definitely buggered here. “Build” & Coordination ones especially.
I like that they finally made all the stuff around the event actually matter. Dont’ get me wrong. But it’s clear that they didn’t factor in the full effects of upscaling vs “pubbers” and how that would also frustrate the people who are actually qualified & experienced enough to belong in the fight in the first place.
…In a nutshell: LOGISTICS. <— Get better at this Anet, plz.
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Just because your build isn’t optimal for DPS on Tequatl does not mean it is useless. Condition builds are useful for killing the adds attacking the Turrets, for example. Critical Damage and Precision builds are also good for the same reasons.
Condionmancers especially just become deadweight when it comes to actually getting any rewards from this. You need almost EVERYONE to be switching to DPS’ing TEQ … The mobs around the Turrets are just on an Endless respawn mechanic basically. A couple people kiting them around yields the same exact results as 30 people all killing them. It’s like Lyssa temple: the faster ya kill the trash, the more trash that respawns so ya just don’t focus on the trash… ever. Ya kite it around unless it’s something truly dangerous *(like a giant Gorilla).
It’s just like WvW. Everyone has to focus fire and be sturdy enough not to blow over in the slightest breeze. Except unlike WvW, the thing with all the hitpoints is immune to like everything except the “power” stat and higher Base weapon damage (Go Ascended & might stacking pure DPS or go home!)
People thought AC and CoF were too hard and begged for nerfs. Didn’t happen, still turned out easy/farmable by the general population.
You mean COE…. No one thought CoF was ever “hard”.
And AC did get nerfed at first… remember? Spider Queen was originally as strong as she is again now. …maybe even a tad stronger. But after Beta, she got downtuned and so did all the Scavengers who used to have a Lunge that couldn’t be dodged (remember??).
The biggest issue I’m seeing with this event (when I took a look) … was yes, indeed, an amazing amount of downed/dead people… People who obviously wouldn’t last 2 seconds in a dungeon. I was runnin around in all Valk’s gear myself and didn’t die once so I dunno what their problems are. Just a LOT awful “Queensdale farm caliber” players, possibly with even crappier computers than mine, or no common sense when it comes to staying out of the way of Champs & AOE’s.
That said… the HP’s on this thing are just stupid. It doesn’t matter if BG beat it on the first day, it’s still an issue where SO MANY classes and builds are just completely excluded from even damaging the stupid thing consistently & safely. Especially berserkers and they probably don’t even realize it yet. Anet needs to do a polling really on how many people show up to this fight with pure PVT gear (b/c those are the only stats that make sense since critting doesn’t work) … then factor it’s overall HP to that ratio.
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BUMP ….. Did Greatsword’s Damage just get buffed in this patch??
I swear I just critted for 3000 dmg on it…. Lemme check my log…
“You hit Risen Wraith for 3,485 using maul” …. Hmm that’s not normal.
Most I ever recall Mauling for on my build has been in the upper 2200’s
This whole thing right now reminds me of the Fire Ele near Rata Sum back in Beta.
Yeah it was a death march at first. But after Anet nerfed it, I came back months later and literally soloed the darn thing. …Lots of kneejerk here…
If people want an Encounter to really kneejerk over (and NOT Karka either)…. no then they needed look not further than the Balthazar escort this past month. Now there was an encounter that was really broken by the recent changes that happened to it. And the worst part is that Anet still hasn’t confirmed if those changes were intentional or not. (1/4-second cast on 6-8 wells at a time?? ARE YOU KIDDING ME???)
Okay this is confusing b/c as the Devs have said before… Most non-city Zones are basically locked in time. Southsun was the only one specifically designed to be Post-Zhaitan (hence no undead wandering about it).
….and… if I’m reading this right, those Charr characters are only appearing for 2 weeks so they’re literally out-of-place, plus they were already pretty tongue in cheek to begin with…
Sooo…. What frame of time is this? Did Sunless get stronger in the power-vacuum of Zhaitan’s defeat or is it implied that Zhaitan was yet to be defeated up to this point?
I always have my Radio going in the background so I’d never hear any of this music in the game anyway. … there’s probably even more people doing that with Pandora that it’d be totally wasted on.
They will probably be non-loot mobs just like Teq and Jormag.
So much this… it’s Anet’s new Panacea.
(and the main reason I don’t do Jormag anymore)
…even if it’s not today, they’ll take “Metrics” on how many people are just farming the champs and then give it the Jormag treatment later… (THEY’RE TESTING YOU)
We’ll see how it goes with NSP…. (we’re known for pulling off the impossible).
I seriously doubt we’ll succeed on the first try, or even the third…
But I think we’ve got a good history of figuring this stuff out b/c we’re just a lot more patient (well our commanders are … not me personally, I’m lazy & easily razzled).
ok he is crying stealth is revoked by revealed. ok use detected stealth still doesnt offer any help dps burst with stealth comes from backstab ie not being seen and able to get behind ur enemy even if u can use backstab ur still able to be seen ur not getting behind that guy
Play tf2 and you’ll see how easy it is to see an enemy, know where they are, and still let them slip by and backstab you
That’s ONLY the case with Deadringer … which even if you don’t have some kind of liquid to throw on them, you could still “feel” them when you bumped into them. And you’re probably saying “who would ever just walk straight into you when they’re trying to hide?”…. Well Deadringers for one b/c they got way too confident in it being practically an immortality mechanic against average players. Before the Icicle thing came along though, I used to have like 20-1 KDR’s against most of the best spies on my server with Puff&Sting pyro and I was not a high KDR player, no sir.
The same exact thing can be said about too much stealth in this game. Most thieves going glass just b/c they’re so used to stealth being a “get out of everything” for free card. …. Bad mechanics can literally turn otherwise good players into Bad Players
Oh Oh… I just remembered… that masked troll guy was saying or showing it in a video 4000+ dps is possible IIRC. Though if i also recall there was 3 or more warriors helping stacking might on him and his bear or w/e he usually runs
…without even using a Beserker build…
I’m averaging 800-1600 on just the auto-attacks which I’d have to look up the actual attack interval on…. I’m not sure but I don’t think they’re exactly 1 second. They might even be shorter like 0.85 (shows how much I know!).
Granted, I’m running Sigil of Battle while constantly stacking on Fire Shield from torch+trap combo … which is an even bigger nightmare b/c now I have to add up Burning damage on all the targets attacking me, ticks of fire on all in melee, and whatever else my Reef drake is hitting and coning and confusing… etc.
Yeah I’m not cut out for this crap. I just figured…. Get that Ascended sword last week, finish off Valk set & ascended jewelry finally, make new Food & c400 MaintOils for more Precision when I need it… and suddenly things started dying atleast 50% faster than they used to. That’s all I know…. And it might support the stupid B.I.S. Gear grind mantra/whining … infact it probably cements it. BOOOO GEAR GRIND
Sidenote: (against gear grind)
I wish MORE pets were like reef drake BTW… I see it consistently cirtting 3500 on both its big attacks and I don’t think it even has any might on it for most of those.
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The problem people have is that if you spam #1 mindlessly too many time, you must wait for the leap to finish before you are able to dodge.
And you don’t see this as being in any way inconsistent, broken, or bad design???
Every other class and weaponset in the game gets to dodge, the instant they need to dodge. But not ranger’s Sword…. Is this supposed to be a PSA? B/c it reads more like trolling or an insult as far as I can tell from the context.
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Power/Vitality/Crit or PVT …. umm… obviously not condition builds anymore tho, lol.
If you really wanted to partial Knights I guess you could since it’s just enough toughness to dance the line between having all of the aggro and having none of it….
If you’re thinking about straight up Berserkers gear though… just get good at 1H sword instead. Its faster attack interval is a lot more suited to pure Berserkers.
No not really. We get maybe 2 pets other players could even care about in groups … 3 if you count AoE fear being useful. (the other 2 give a very short duration 5-stack of might, or fury that isn’t even unique TBH.)
There’s Combos/Initiators but those are really only accessible on like 1/3 of the weapons and skills and barely even last 3-5 seconds. And spirits… they pretty much got nerfed and have very limited situations where they’re better than just plain old self-sustain through the incredibly boring Signets. …..Suffice it to say there’s a long ways to go here and Anet will probably get bored and give up long before really cool stuff ever happens to this class. You’ll notice they’ll put content out at a feverish pitch when it actually excites them, but there’s nothing about Ranger that’s excited them since Splinter Barrage…
I don’t suppose you know what an evasion frame is, or that you get them every time you press the dodge roll key.
You said dodge rolling… not evasion. (I evade all the time while immob’d).
Reduces damage, but we’re talking about a long multi-packet attack with extreme DPS.
Moving out of it’s path is required to survive it
….and a stable of loyal pets at their command, rangers can adapt to any situation."
That is a Hilarious Quote! ….. “Adapting” implies some kind of move towards proficiency. We’re more along the lines of …. “Getting less Worst” b/c all of our utilities and traits do super-basic & boring uncompressed things.
Your Sword autoattack pushes him around and it breaks his AI.
No no no !! …. we don’t call that breaking, we call it Performance Art! …hence all the Emotes she starts doing. It’s like Lumo. Everyone loved Lumo. Best mission bonus ever if you were a big time roleplaying Ranger. And I think we can all agree, anyone still playing ranger is big into RP’ing….and animals. Maybe even both at the same time
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Some Box I got while in Arah Explorable :p
They’re all pretty much called coffers right? … unless an Ooze drops one then it’s a slime covered homage to some JRPG I think…
here we go…. another Cantha fanfare thread in disguise.
There was only one zone tileset style from that campaign I ever wanna see again… it was that area just outside the big horrible ugly Maze of a city… Ahhh what was that area called, there was a big section of caves with Yetis and a Waterfall in the middle and the paths Split between the Kurzick and Luxon areas. Really pretty area, was also where you got 2 of the best DeadlyArts & SpiritWeapon support skills in the entire game.
^ Well on that tangent… I don’t farm champs … period. But I’ve gotten TWO Entropy’s this week. So I would say there’s always RNG at work too. RNG would go a really long way towards explaining why some people might have Legendaries yet no concept at how to actually be “good at vidya games”
These new ummm…. Risen Corruptor Champions…. I wanna say??
Has anyone seen these yet? … they don’t spawn in many places, but when they do, LOTS of people die very very quickly.
How would I best describe this variety of “OMG ANET WHY??” Levels of overkill….
Okay okay… y’know Kohler from the AC dungeon? Everyone has to remember and probably HATE him if that was the boss they first faced that made them give up on Dungeons … I know there was a lot of people who gave up on them b/c of stuff like that.
Okay well take that Kohler guy…. and give his “Pull” Attack basically extended LONGBOW RANGE. As in I was literally kiting one of these from 1500 range with my LB trait set to that, and got Pulled straight to him from that range. Then of course you’re knocked down for 2 seconds …then comes the Spin-to-Win right in your face.
I see a LOT of people dying to Jesters & Champion Knights (those Harpy things that leave a bunch of layered AOE circles behind that insta-melts whatever is left in them) … but atleast those things you can read their Telegraphs and move out of the way if you’re paying attention. Even Kohler himself had like a big Telegraph for his spin to win. ….Not this new Super-Sayain4 Champ Corruptor though. And it’s on like an 8 second cooldown LOL! … Glass cannons die instantly even if they pop their stun break ASAP. The Animation is just sooooo fast.
There’s another Mob that’s even worse for me personally but I can’t remember what it is though right now. All I remember is that it’s Super-Mega Stomp attack IGNORES DODGING & EVADES. …I’ll come back to that one when I remember what does it.
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^ that
“Perfect Ele” is always preferred in PuGs but is a bit of a Mythological Creature at the same time. I’ve never seen one and Pugging is about all I ever do when it comes to dungeons. Fastest runs I see are always multiple Warriors FGJ’ing and facerolling.
The only place I’ve ever seen Perfect Ele is in youtoube video that captured it in its natural habitat (usually guild-runs only) — …which is also the only place I see perfect Rushes being pulled off or even Conjures themselves actually being made available.
Oh and if it’s a Lightning Hammer, don’t you dare pick it up! They get defensive about their Hammers …. their shiny … candy-like …sparkly hammers !
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I will definitely agree with the OP that the risk reward for Gold Gain is inverted.
I know some very gifted players or atleast Tactically Minded (good leadership) who have Legendaries. Some of them in my own guild. So I wouldn’t lump them all together and generalize, definitely not. But yes the Reward Structure itself does seem very inverted at times and I’ve run into some other players with Legendaries that were so bad I busted out laughing. (Kudzu+Brownbear ranger comes to mind)
Immobilize doesn’t prevent you from dodge rolling.
Oh wait, are you being serious??
Bannish to wall —>Immob --> Charge.
Ele’s get immobs too.
I’d call it a programming oversight… it doesn’t matter what the Cooldowns are or how difficult it might be to reproduce. …infact the more difficult something is to consistently reproduce, the more obvious it should be that it’s not intended, lol
Not a bug — it’s a laggapult!
Well it’s incredibly overpowered in WvW then and needs a nerf either way.
Atleast Stuns can be broken out of…
NSP was never a high-pop server tho :p …go ahead and check it yourself.
But yeah… problems persist. Lots of ‘em. Skill lag… constant disconnecting / Lagspikes (which there’s a forum message right now about maintenance), the overflows, the over-“scaling”, …and on top of all that, I get lots of Crashes too when there’s just too many folks guesting which means not even getting credit for finishing the event.
And yes before there’s any more discussion of it, there actually is a “Priority” system when it comes to guesting … anyone who’s guesting in an overflow knows exactly what I’m talking about if they waited around long enough to get that Queue dialog asking if they want to “travel” … only to be handed an faled to connect /w Error Code instead…
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sans compensation.
Counterplay is only a “nerf” when your opponent is better than you.
IE: Your “compensation” demand is built on a false premise
hilarious nec…. where’s y’alls mojo now?
I guess Anet finally decided to be the Gw1 Anet we all remember and loved….
Learn to Counter your Counter…. we’ll be waiting.
(with our torches and warhorns and 30% faster swift boosted detectors)
(edited by ilr.9675)
Remove all level 80 l00t and “Cores” (from champ Boxes) on all Queensdale Champs.
Problem SOLVED.
Seriously … you should never get any loot that is Tier-5 or higher from a level 10 Mob.
I understand what the OP is saying….. I just don’t believe him.
Yes other classes also benefit from stealth, and even apply it.
But Mesmer for instance, has so many other team support tools on top of that.
I want the OP and others like him to be honest here: Admit that this is still all about thieves, even if it’s about their primary Team-support options that are unfairly limited.
I’m gonna say this not b/c I actually mean it….. (b/c really, I sympathize for Thieves, I said all along years ago that Thieves would be the worst balanced class and the most picked on b/c we all knew they’d just be an Assassin re-tread without any real Team-Support buffs besides stealth & Backstab/Stomp gimmicks)
…no ….I’m saying this exact phrase b/c it’s the same response that’s Copy-Pasted by every single Stealth abuser who ever responded to any of us in WvW threads on it:
“cry more … Learn to play … stop going Glass”
…there… now hopefully those people get the point on what happens when you do nothing but dump garbage meme’y trash talk on a community when its trying to have a serious discussion about inclusive game mechanics. That’s right… Because sooner or later, the shoe will end up on the other foot.
My ranger is thrilled by the Counter stealth addition. For a very long time we have been the least wanted class in WvW. My guild is frequently telling us “Bring guardians, we already have 1 Waterfield” … so my Ranger was just languishing. One single skill change probably won’t change that entirely, but atleast I might get my foot in the door now.
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