Showing Posts For ilr.9675:

The rent in her corseted hull?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ilr.9675


It speaks of one shipped being rammed by another.

giggity giggity

but judging by the sheer volume of pirate ghosts I’m always wading through in Tyria lately, these sorts of events just spill seamen everywhere… just TRY and get to the Aether cache in North Hratli if you don’t believe me, there’s not even a Sea nearby so it’s a total mystery why there’s so much seamen there!

(edited by ilr.9675)

Oh, them rewards.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ilr.9675


This is not the case some areas the rewards will be nerfed, others buffed…

inb4 soldier sup runes go from 1 gold to costing 4
(oh well, whatever nerfs COF farm is good in my book)

Necro confirmed OP by Anet

in Necromancer

Posted by: ilr.9675


Compared to my ranger, necromancer is OP. Then again, compared to my ranger. . . .

couldn’t have said it better

AC broken for Rangers/Engies again

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: ilr.9675


I wasn’t aware there was anything in the cash shop that helps Tourney PvP’ers?
I see less people in the Mist area for sPvP than I used to see in Codex (oh snap!)

Ranger DPS in Dungeons

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: ilr.9675


yeah uhh… wasn’t this originally about rangers? wuat happen?

"Guard" and "Sick'em" need total rework

in Ranger

Posted by: ilr.9675


agree with sick’ em BUT not GUARD !!!!

guard with range pets = turrets ! ensuring my pet won’t DIE in boss fight where i place them at a safe spot and ALLOW my pet to shoot at them

To add to this…. it’s also a good way to make them stay put when running through dungeons traps and what have you. … much better at keeping the pet “safe from it’s lousy AI” than “Stow Pet”.

Is Stow pet even intended for combat?? I’m beginning to think it was more intended to be an RP’er type emote thing for people sitting around in coffee clatches in L.A. or something. In which case it could have just been a /slash command instead :p

as a longbow ranger I die a little inside...

in Ranger

Posted by: ilr.9675


Yep… instead of Zerker, I specifically went survival on my Ranger….for DPS

Think about that for a minute

It means the ability to Toe-to-Toe with everything including Champion Aboms and not die instantly. WHY?? B/c even with really poor damage mods… I’m still outdamaging those LB Zerkers standing back at max range pew pew’ing every 2 seconds. …and Mai, pffft… she had to shadow step me 3x in a row to even down me. And speaking of dungeons, you get kicked from some groups if you can’t melee stack on certain bosses.

Only thing I even keep a LB around for is to interrupt champ Wraiths & barrage spider Eggs … I used to keep it around to knock straggler mobs together so I could Cleave them all at once, but the new #4 on axe does that even easier so…. umm… wait why do we have bows exactly?? …I forgot.

(edited by ilr.9675)

Pet Selection - Which, When, Where, and Why.

in Ranger

Posted by: ilr.9675


Easy way to spot n00bs: running bears instead of reef + ranged (devs, spiders, etc)

Raven' Broken wings...

in Ranger

Posted by: ilr.9675


just put it out of its misery already like the rest of us already did

GW2 unlikely to get expansions [Interview]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ilr.9675


And -
Shouldn’t the core experience been there/integrated since the launch?

Is this still beta?

  • Core experience may not include meaningful bug fixes or quality of life improvements. Core experience will not branch out your personal lore experience in any meaningful way. If you are not compelled to buy fashion items for the sake of the core experience you may look out of place next to all the players who do. If your Core experience attempts to last longer than 4 hours, diminishing returns may be prescribed without notice. …Core experience may contain nuts.

Oh, them rewards.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ilr.9675


Don’t believe it.

They said they’d make dungeon champions worth fighting too….
Did the actual loot in the chests get improved at all? Did we get anything new or useful out of them like more higher demand crafting supplies (or herbs, or shards, or anything at all ppl actually want??) … nope… we got little baggies with 3 extra tokens, barely any karma, and 3 silver. Meanwhile dungeon participation dropped immensely and most players who specialized in them, took a good long break (I know I did).

That was their last big Rewards update they hyped up right before the WvW one where they just added those titles (instead of new content or new objectives that didn’t favor mass zerging). So expect them to promise the moon and then hand you a rock instead charlie brown…

Ye Olde Condition Cap

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ilr.9675


I’m pretty sure they said that it is because of their $ cost to keep track of each individuals conditions.

That’s exactly the kind of bullskritt that only matters in PvP…

In open land PvE ya just strip off the individual mods and just merge them all together like the Mods do to all these threads posted here…. average out the modifiers and durations and into a single array that “simulates” stack size. Yeah that’d lop off a lot of ppl’s durations at the knees but with a higher cap around 256, who flippin cares?

New releases every two weeks

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ilr.9675


I’ve always been a sour puss about them changing/adding too much too quick.
Don’t care if other people get bored either… well thought out content always trumps the gimme gimme gimmies…

Monthly skill updates were always pushing it IMO, and those date back 8 years now?
(now if we could get SKILL SPLITS every month… then maybe it’d be a good thing)

(edited by ilr.9675)

I present: Vote for the worst! - Results

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ilr.9675


I want to point out that people are inherently biased and you need to compensate for this when you run a pole like this.

For example if all 1800 people primarily play rangers then it would cause some serious skew in the data. In order for this data to be useful at all it would be good to know the distribution of classes played by the voters. You might even consider breaking things down by the perception each class has of the others. e.g. what do rangers, thieves, etc think of the other classes for each category (wvw, pve, etc..) ?

Just saying something like that is a lot more biased… ironically enough.
…Why? B/c you’re pretending they don’t play any other classes that are much better suited for those areas voted on and couldn’t tell the difference. Guess what… they can

I present: Vote for the worst! - Results

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ilr.9675


OP, the issue with your poll is that it was done right after a huge nerf to rangers.

If this was the Wiki we were back on, I’d tell you where to kitten your kitty kitt kitten like usual… but I guess this other response will have to do instead: look here old friend… … This was the same exact results for most of this content as before the patch as well. (except Necros were worse off then thieves b/c atleast thieves could solo stack more bleeds & backstab)

PvE vs sPvP still has HUGE INCONSISTENCIES when it comes to Conditions and everyone knows it. Anet claimed they were trying to address the conditions & traits balance but all they did is screw with PvP metas. IE: treated some Symptoms that only affected 5% of their player base daily. They did ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to address the real causes of the Disparities & Discriminations

1800 votes and 15% voted “Thief” as the worst dungeon profession… thats 270 players who have no idea what they are talking about.

I do not like this survey.

That’s because Thief has a very high Skill Index in any locations that’s absolutely SPAMMED with AOE’s. Don’t lie and pretend like it’s not the case because that’s always been the case for every Ninja/Stealth/Rogue class since the beginning of RPG’s. Yes the DPA pay-off is huge for those who get lucky but most people aren’t that pro nor should they ever be exepected to be that flawless

(edited by ilr.9675)

What's the buzz on new professions?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ilr.9675


ITT: people who never read any statements about NO NEW PROFESSIONS before Beta.

I would rather they fix the current classes, as it is now I fear elementalist is on its way to the Paragon graveyard. r.i.p.

Ranger just lapped you guys twice on that journey….

Cursed shores map completion gripe.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ilr.9675


What possible use does a level 80 character have for level 78 exotics?

Transmutation Stones are FREE after completing most cities….
But Transmutation stones only works with gear that’s level 79 & below.

Transmutation Crystals cost money/gems and we can’t get them from anything else except BL chests (and the drop rate is a lousy 3%). Some people swore they’ve gotten them from other activities, but those people were just confusing Crystals for Stones.


Add to this: if you’ve been playing the game long enough, then you’re NOT DOING COMPLETION FOR GEAR b/c you already have more gold than you’ll ever need for buying 80 gear outright

(edited by ilr.9675)

One in a million FB-Event. Like away!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ilr.9675


do not know if should lulz or QQ

What Happened To GW1 Content Developers?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ilr.9675


Haven’t heard kitten from Eric OR Mike since Beta….

It’s very disturbing considering just how vocal they were only months before launch.
Where the hell are they? We should have heard atleast some blurbs from them by now.

Eric’s absence is especially alarming considering he was THE LEAD Designer for this game… He’s also always been the lead guy for Level design philosophy which has just kind of completely lost its way here in Gw2 if you read the Dungeon forums long enough or spend any time at all playing with the Dungeon community in-game. Love it or Hate it, DOA was all his doing and there’s nothing even close to it in this game.

(edited by ilr.9675)

GW2 unlikely to get expansions [Interview]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ilr.9675


Oh look, it’s Bejeweled wars 2!

There goes any hope of getting new Weapon Types/Bars.

No new Personal Stories either…

There's nothing legendary about it.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ilr.9675


We need Streak-Breaker coding. …it’s just that simple…

Or atleast the “Unlucky” Title back if Anet won’t put in Streak Breaker.

School Uniforms(Town Clothing) - When?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: ilr.9675


uhhhhh… what kind of school uniforms are we talking about here?
Cause there could be some issues here when combined with those back tentacles…

Is the ecto salvage rate broken again?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: ilr.9675


Nope not this time…
Got a better rate than that with only 16 sample size, 3 days in a row now…

I rarely say this … but … I think this time, it really is just you!
Be careful crossing the street, or atleast wear a pair of clean underwear when you go out!

precursors, precursors nowhere.

in Crafting

Posted by: ilr.9675


+1 to that… they really need to put some kitten Streak-Breaker into their code.

They basically already have with all the Diminishing Returns on farming everything… too bad they didn’t extend the same effort towards those people who are continually UNLUCKY, esp with the Forge. (Y’know, there used to be a Title in GW1 for that…. hmm, I wonder why there isn’t one here?)

Use of Quartz

in Crafting

Posted by: ilr.9675


if i had to guess id say probably tier 2 infusions

I’d rather see something other than infusions or jewelry but, on the other hand, what else could we craft except another poor looking armor with new mix of stats?

If it was ++Vitality +Prec, I wouldn’t mind one bit that all we were getting was stats….
Bonus points if if it gave us +Boon dur without wasting either of the other stat slots on Healing …and when ya think about it, what else makes more sense for Quartz than Boons?? Nothing IMO!

(edited by ilr.9675)

Ranger DPS in Dungeons

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: ilr.9675


Staff Guard /w 2h weapon recharge discount if you wanna Might Stack.
12 stacks > 3 stacks

AC broken for Rangers/Engies again

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: ilr.9675


June 23rd…. went in, rocked the joint easily. Both paths that were the binary Burrows DPS-Checks were EzPz. They’d go down 2 seconds after coming up.

Last night… “Obstructed” on atleast half of them. Also Barrage does nothing to them anymore even when it does hit them. Pet couldn’t target or path to most of them either. (not that’d it’d make much difference anymore anyway). And probably the WORST problem I noticed… using Guard for the pet to give it protection and have it go take up some of the aggro around Hodgins?…. Just made the mobs all around it break aggro again and all spike Hodgins all at once or some weird AI crap…. really breaks the whole nature’s Voice build that should in theory be your(Anet’s) new shining jewel in coordinated team Utility here… ….sooo…. after 10 attempts, the group dissolved which hasn’t happened to any group I had say in, since… well Beta… And I’ve done this with mostly level 50’s and still pulled it out by the 3rd or 4th tries.

So Anet! … How are those esport sPvP tourneys coming along? -__-
Haven’t see any of them on YouTube’s featured or popular section yet.
Infact the one I was able to find, had 1/3 the views of Eugene’s Vids…
Would loooove to see your metrics sometime on how you’re measuring success here…

(edited by ilr.9675)

Ranger DPS in Dungeons

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: ilr.9675


10k DPS


Note how high ranger is on that list.


I’m definitely noting how high something is here….

(edited by ilr.9675)

Arah 10 months after

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: ilr.9675


I’m fairly sure Lupi’s phase two AoE does actually have rings for all the AoE. However, since they act as projectiles, if you are standing in the flight path of one of the AoE’s you’ll still be hit by it, due to the nature of projectiles. I could be wrong about this.

Think that’s pretty dead on actually… but they also change course mid-air a lot making them really difficult to read and that’s typically what causes them to hit people who are standing to the right or left of the red circle. Which begs the question I guess, of … why even have red circles for the ones that change course that much? It’s better to just run reflect (too bad not every class gets those, huh??)

Or Maybe they should just do a lot less damage if they hit you but you’re NOT in a red circle :p

(edited by ilr.9675)

Dungeon sizes (literally)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: ilr.9675


Making them bigger would only result in complaining about more mobs & chokepoints everyone feels they have to “run past”. …yeah maybe if we fought a lot more big groups of normal mobs in these, running past would both be more difficult (more snaring) and less common in general b/c more kills = more Drop rolls for stuff you actually WANT.

but i digress….

4 Ranger CoF Path 1 w/ Banner Autoattacks

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: ilr.9675


more food for thought: how does the dps of a downed warrior compare to rangers?

this just keeps getting better and better.

I <3 JSharp … we should make him president of NC … & then eventually merge him with Activision’s Bobby Kotick … BIONICALLY

New to dungeons and want a team to learn with

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: ilr.9675


That is your best bet for finding groups to any dungeon.

Also, at level 30 (even though story mode of AC is level 30)… you will WIPE like crazy.

I really recommend saving dungeon runs until level 80 or at a very minimum 20 levels above the requirement for the dungeon (or it will last FOREVER)

This… plus you’ll also have a really hard time finding people who want to KEEP running with your low level character unless you just happen to be phenomenally"good" @ split second twitch mechanics and even then you’re very limited by both your Gear(rares at best!), and your Framerate in a lot of Spammed AOE high-particle sitautions…

Don't add AR in Fractals

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: ilr.9675


Actually this would fit quite well as a Fractal.
Both the first boss (with the walls) and the last one would work great and have easily addable agony.


The Mai fight is way too much like Dhuum. Way too much HP’s, & too much repitition of gimmicky padded out nonsense. Cut her HP’s in half and maybe it can be made permanent… Also add normal Lackies chasing us around during the bombardment stage so we actually have something to Rally off of before the often unavoidable cannon spam completely kills those players who aren’t fortunate enough to have the ridiculous levels of both condition removals & health regen + speed that my nature’s voice Ranger (or also some niche Guardians/Thieves) has.**

  • *This doesn’t mean rangers are good…most rangers are complete Trash for this and most people couldn’t do this even with my build b/c it requires making a macro that they might get banned for … yeah, awesome Trait change ANET, force people to Macro in order to get anything out of it! Keep up the awesome “balance” =P …. oh and don’t bother letting us modify our User Interfaces and .INI’s like Unreal Engine, and Halflife engine, and about a dozen others did for basically EVERY GAME EVER MADE ON THEM…. Oh and GW1 engine also… now that I think about it….

If you want to see how the average Ranger does, just watch Eugene’s latest Vid.
Highly recommended for entertainment value. It’s almost Flimsii tier…
(i have roughly 25% more HP&tough, AAAAND 200% more Regen than Eugene’s)

(edited by ilr.9675)

Question: What just killed me in this screen?

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: ilr.9675


I don’t think any mobs should be prevented from 1-shotting…

I just think the AOE damage they do to us, should be more consistent with the WvW rule that “If the player that is the Damage source isn’t in SERVER render distance or hasn’t fully rendered before its telegraph started, then you just SHOULDN’T BE TAKING ANY DAMAGE FROM THAT ATTACK.”

This would completely solve this issue on the Temple of Lyss where both these exploding Mobs, and the Champion Gorrillas are constantly 1-shotting players without even rendering first… It’s bad enough already that Lyssa’s Priestess has 2x as much HP’s as ANY of the Elder dragon’s Lieutenants. (& then teleports & evades half the damage on top of that)

(edited by ilr.9675)

Karka queen-hasn't been done in 268+ hours.

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: ilr.9675


This whole zone is overtuned. I went in for 20 minutes to get the whole map uncovered, then left immediately. Everything was a joke in how OP it was. Some reef lizard thing did what combat chat told me was “Used Retreat” when I was mid-dodge and it just insta-killed me … it WAS SUPER EFFECTIVE. So effective that I immediately switched to my Ranger to try and find a Juevenille version of it for my new pet (which has now replaced my Raven {on Damage} on a permanent basis and also replaced the Polar bear {on Tanking} I used in Dungeons… HOW IRONIC IS THAT ON THE HEELS OF THIS RANGER PET NERF??)

Anyway… From what I could tell, it’s buggyness here was identical to what happens when you’re in the middle of a lunge while a Risen Noble is trying to Shadowstep you and it just loops the skill + damage 10x in a 1/4 of a second & you just die instantly. and the combat log supported this theory ….Great programming guys! Yeah don’t bother putting in any loop-breakers here, those are for Kitties and ppl with stack overflow phobias…. And what I saw the Karka mobs doing was even buggier than that so I didn’t even stick around long enough to understand half the stuff written here YOU people expect 50 other people to put up with for this stupid event to even get started.

If they fix the bugs and all this one-shotting, then maybe I’ll give this zone another try…
Right I’d rather play a whole month of DarkSouls b/c atleast its artificial difficulty has proper telegraphing and escape mechanics that actually work.

(edited by ilr.9675)

Solution to Didi getting stuck?

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: ilr.9675


After yesterday’s patch…. the Wreckage that usually covers up this Rotmouth spawn was missing. I’m wondering if someone at Anet finally noticed this too and just deleted that “Prop” from the landscape? If so, TYVM to them… saves me having to scream “C’MERE I NEED A HAND killing this thing so the event go proceed forward!” in local while ppl just stand there next to Didi, dumbstruck trying to figure out where that local chat just came from…

Aetherblade Retreat - Feedback & Improvements

in Sky Pirates of Tyria

Posted by: ilr.9675


Golems shouldn’t “Blitzcrank” in the center of the Room
If Anet can’t fix their AI, then remove the long knockdown effect from this pull skill.

Rewards mostly sucked too
That Aetherized metal needed a higher “Charged” gem salvaging rate/%. and the amount of crystaline dust needed for these Potent Sharpening/Oils is also out of whack

(edited by ilr.9675)

AR is HARD (Thank you Anet!)

in Sky Pirates of Tyria

Posted by: ilr.9675


Just did it and… kinda disappointed

Arah is hard. Arah has places outside of the Lupicus fight that can still down an entire team who just cruised through Lupicus without issue. The team of guildies I went in with were fairly casual and half of them were dead the entire rotating-shield golem fight. (which has its own cheesy issue needing fixed). Yet 4 of us were all first-timers to it, and we didn’t have a single Party-Wipe the whole time. That’s not what I’d call Hard…

  • Strikers may be OP but nothing compared to DeadEyes+TaserInquest so just spam CC, and they’re EZ PZ yo.
  • Rotating sheild part was only “hard” b/c HALF MY DPS was DEAD the whole time (iow: I’m a ranger … my pet didn’t follow me up on the boxes … wth is this crap Anet?? As if dungeons didn’t discriminate against us enough as it was already?)
  • people only die in the Rotating shield part, b/c the Golems constantly change aggro and “SHORTCUT” accross the room and then they decide to “Blitzcrank you” right into the fattest slowest moving parts of the shield that slowly grinds over you while you’re still stuck there knocked down … Why must getting Blitzcranked even knock us down in the first place then????? Either the AI should have been prevented from using that skill right in the center of the room, or it just shouldn’t be a knock down skill period.
  • Mai just has DHUUM levels of HP which needlessly draws out the fight to 15 minutes or more for a lot of decent but causal players. I had no problem tanking her and her fat friend AND her shadow steps too. We did that whole fight in one take and only 2 of our casual guildies ever ended up defeated (and I rez’d them easily while tanking the AOE’s)

Team make up was:

  • Ranger
  • Ranger
  • Engineer
  • Ele
  • Guardian

(edited by ilr.9675)

The New Blog Post for Second Half of Year?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ilr.9675


If they could just stop screwing Rangers over in PvE, I think that’d be enough to keep atleast 1/5th of their player base happy enough. Their current trend of letting the sPvP balancers ruin the rest of the game for a lot of classes will chase players away a lot faster than lack of rewards or too much focus on living story. I GUARANTEE IT b/c That’s exactly what caused COH’s demise (over roughly an 8 year pattern of bad dev cycles)

Necro Greatsword

in Necromancer

Posted by: ilr.9675


I’d rather wait for Pole Arms…

Is LifeSteal improved by Healing Stat?

in Necromancer

Posted by: ilr.9675


I don’t know why not … there’s plenty of other classes that are allowed to ‘live forever’ in PvE combat (as long as they aren’t spiked/1hit) with their niches of health replenishment. In Gw1 we saw Dervishes doing it in FA vs 5 man teams

Is LifeSteal improved by Healing Stat?

in Necromancer

Posted by: ilr.9675


I know that the LifeSiphon skill (from Gw1) is imrpoved by it b/c the wiki sez…..

  • Life Siphon heals for 202 per tick at Lvl 80, and increases by 1 per 25 Healing Power (approx.)

But what about lifesteal in general? Does anything improve it?
I feel like we’re right back to where we originally were early in GW1’s release where the entire Blood line was utter CRAP in PvE for a long time …. And worse… what it actually Buffs (our Healing Stats mostly)… is really only of assistance to MINION-MASTERS.

Plz tell me I’m wrong?
I just wanna be a speedy bloodzerker here, not an plodding MM …

Ranger Comander Builds

in Ranger

Posted by: ilr.9675


go soliders with investments into BM and Nature Magic. Use the new shout trait, along with runes of the Monk (hard to get) or Rune of Alturism. sword + warhorn and axe + torch.

+1 to this if you’re not going to listen to the guy who was right about rolling Guardian instead.

Though you might need some Keyboard Macros to keep a single “voice” interaction Shout firing right (IE: if you’re front lining, then the ONLY shout you’ll have room for next to your tough/regen Sigs will be “Guard”) … in which case you have to be really careful how you set them up b/c Anet DOES MONITOR for automation and too much of it will get misinterpreted as Botting.

That’s not really on us by the the way… that’s 95% on THEM for their clunky AI and complete lack of custom User Interface support… (IE: we shouldn’t have to verge on the edge of botting just use their newest Traits without getting Carpal Tunnel)

(edited by ilr.9675)

Do the Devs even...

in Ranger

Posted by: ilr.9675


that is never going to happen, the ranger will forever be stuck to using only certain builds forever in this game….

i played the ranger in guild wars 1 and i hate the ranger in guild wars 2 compared.

This is easily the most egregious nonsequitur I’ve ever heard here… Ranger in Gw1 for the most part was nothing BUT situational builds (that also got nerfed constantly)

  • Winter in Hell’s Precipice
  • Stance “Tank” vs. Shiro
  • Spiritspam for generic farming
  • Traps in ToPK & UW
  • Splinter Barrage in FOW
  • Glaiveway in DOA. (+winter sometimes)
  • Daze spam in HM missions (any others get INSTA KICKED or told to login monk)
  • Condi stacker in Fort Aspenwood
  • Cripshotter in AB
  • BadTouch & S Way in RA b/c RA is bads town
  • Turret in GVG / HA b/c …. HAHAHAHA J/K, they only wanted Monks & Wars

Literally the ONLY thing they could just keep a balanced build in without having to change every little spec, …was Costume Brawl <—- lulz

(edited by ilr.9675)

Uninstalling this unballanced POS build.

in Ranger

Posted by: ilr.9675


I do kind of feel like Anet sold us a Lie here …. :\

“The Deal” they promised to this class, was supposed to be that the ranger alone, was pretty weak. But fighting with the pet to well above average competency, should have atleast elevated it over MM necros & Warriors just chaining Autos. …if not, THE BEST dps in the game. We knew we weren’t going to have the best Spikes. We accepted that. We just wanted respectable overall DPS. …which has been trimmed away in clumps every single patch it seems. Often through stealth nerfs even.

This is uncharacteristically underhanded of Anet.
And that should worry everyone who plays the game, not just Ranger die hards.

Where should Ranger be heading?

in Ranger

Posted by: ilr.9675


I dunno… but that new Nature’s Voice trait is an interesting direction.
…been able to take sig of the hunt completely off my Utilities thanks to a little bit of finagling. I don’t feel compelled to use Oakheart Salve trait in Orr anymore either.

You basically get a perma version of Incoming (from GW1) thanks to a really quickly recharging “Go To” command for the pet. Best part being that that nothing in it breaks just b/c the pet ignores you. …only thing missing is a way to cut down the activation time of shouts :p (y’know, none of the Guardian’s shout have a cast time…wth?)

(edited by ilr.9675)

State of the Game - suggestions/questions

in Ranger

Posted by: ilr.9675


Who asked this question before??


The more I think about it, and how that’s exactly where they were in GW1, and that AFAIK, Traps aren’t supposed to Crit, they’re supposed to CONDITION MODIFIER. And the Condition increase is in Wilderness Survival.

Yes this is most definitely a PvP question (that would help PvE’ers a lot too maybe?).

To the people for removing the pet...

in Ranger

Posted by: ilr.9675


They have to reduce pet damage as much as required so Rangers can have the full effect of power on their skills. Then they can keep the current system as-is.

This is the second time I’ve heard this rumor about gear/trikets affecting pets.
Where is this coming from?? I just want to make sure someone’s not spreading it around in game just to troll people… (like they often do when they claim there’s a secret Epic boss/chest at the end of some Event that everyones already done 100x)

To the people for removing the pet...

in Ranger

Posted by: ilr.9675


Regardless of whether we saw it coming or not, its still an infinitely disappointing thing to discuss.

Well I’ll agree with you there.

I just don’t see ANY evidence in their history on this scale of them ever completely repurposing any class from its original design or intended downsides. Elementalist is as close as it gets where it eventually (and unintentionally) became the weakest DPS’er due to Hardmode Armor Values, and then Stumme (b/c it was his main class and he was honest about that) kind of turned it into a Team-Buffing class with several team Utility changes that were unlike anything it had in the past. But that came so late in the game’s life that it shouldn’t even count. (plus it was obviously meant to support their Mercenaries cash shop deal).

I do think some major about-face is required here for PvE. But I also think there’s better ways to isolate this problem that won’t just turn Ranger into another Warrior clone. If your positional awareness of what your pet is doing, and what control and how successful your control is… timing wise… isn’t good, then you shouldn’t just be getting a free ride here on that DPS that’s missing otherwise. Every other class is also supposed to have situational THINGS that limit their DPS when they don’t play to their full potential. And your ideas I’m sorry to say…. just remove that entire skill-check from the game and make the class just an Ele/Warrior clone. That’s why I keep saying… if you want THAT playstyle, then roll one of those classes please.

Stop trying to make this one into just another Mage that summons a critter in place of a meteor shower or hundred blade storm, and then suffers no consequences for the care and positioning of that critter.

Preliminary Post-Patch Pet DPS Analysis

in Ranger

Posted by: ilr.9675


Drake seems awfully bad on TTK in this … which Drake was that?
It wasn’t the Reef one was it?