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My Guides: xPvP Mighty Stealth Bomber
(edited by imaginary.6241)
Did they Stealthbuff him further or are the Servers just soooo laggy now? I die a lot more often since yesterday. Was farming him with D/P easily before – 2.6k Power, 114% Critdmg, 5% DMG Sigil. 25/30/0/0/15.
Switched to S/P now and keep spamming #3 (especially when he does his chain to interupt) and #5 against his Killshot. But his Killshot comes trough so often even when my Blind field was up for ~1-2 seconds and he was clearly standing inside of it.
Sometimes he even doesn’t have a cast time for Killshot at all and I’m just dead.
Mhm must be lag, or? I farm at minimum settings with subsampling (I’m usually able to run @ Maximum with ~60 FPS), switch servers regulary and check my ping outside of GW2 for packetdrops, invalidated packages and ping spikes but I can’t catch anything …
(edited by imaginary.6241)
They might be busy but as a GM forwarded it they ‘re at least bound to answer it sometime. So I’ll keep bumping it up (in a reasonable timeframe).
Nice Damage there. Would love to see one with 25 Bloodlust stacks and Power-Food.
When you argument with the typical warrior zerker player they still believe they ’re the highest damage dealer in game no matter what. Even though they ’d be correct when speaking of bringing group utility when going full glass with the additional strength buff + banner + might + aoe rez from banners and a higher base survivability.
(edited by imaginary.6241)
Still no response …
Ah, now it get it. Well ok that ’s a different story … but what Minor Trait would you trade in for the change? Maybe trade it out with Hidden Flask?
Actualy ours is more usefull. It requires one-two minor traits but it will always trigger when you apply swiftness (well at least with a 5-second cooldown). That ‘s usefull when you ’re low on health and need to keep the distance a little bit, as it enables you to rejoin the combat sooner. If it would be only trigger on crit, you ’d need to stay in their range and actually try to land a crit (which wouldn’t work most of the time as you ’re low on health and low on endurance). So it ’s actualy a little bit better. Swiftness is also a nice addition to help you come out on top.
(edited by imaginary.6241)
Sounds like a nice build. Gonna try it out sometime. But wait – it ’s really not ground targeted? O.o does it have a limited range? Can ’t believe that ’s intentional.
@ imaginary: No idea why you chose to tag my post in your response… All I said was that I rebuilt my sPvP build to be more defensive, and then you tag me listing all of the engineer’s defensive capabilities. Thanks?
Oh yes might have got that one wrong, ~.~ edited it, sry …
(edited by imaginary.6241)
Hm cant seem to like that Idea of a transformed hammer. I second a rocket themed hammer that implements skills like you have while transformed to Juggernaut.
Saw this related thread in the thief forums
I cant stop to repeat myself from saying that:
I think most of those request come from the fact that most leather textures look plain ugly. Add some more metal and silk and everyone will be happy. Both gemshop skins are a step in the right direction but it could be even better.
So well, just to update you guys:
I haven’t got a response yet (unless I’ve been told, see above).
Let ’s wait a little bit more …
Well yes, It wasn’t always like this and I’ve already reported that …
An GM responded to me that an Developer will give me an Response in one of my Threads, but that hasn’t happened yet. Glad to hear that I’m not the only one that did notice that odd behaviour. Feel free to add to my thread if you want it to get looked at …
(edited by imaginary.6241)
Unless they just remove the blind with a simple Auto-Attack first (ofc not just in the air anymore)
… even then an additional blind doesn’t hurt. It ’s just that in that situation the protection is way superior as it reduces damage from multiple sources (unlimited for the time given) and for multiple attacks (unlimited for the time given).
Not arguing that. My point was more of a “what can the OP do with the build he uses”, instead of “how can the OP change the build he uses”.
Well yes, but the changes are as little as it can get you only need to move 10 points and not even switch out any utilities (optional). Well you even don’t have to move those 10 points at all (optional) but the builds entire purpose is to be as dynamic as possible as per description.
And switching those 10 points makes it even better. Any bad player could live with it, and good players will even see more potential with them (playing counter-actively like with the Rifle rotations some have given above).
That said – it ’s not wrong what you ’ve given instead it ’s an additional layer of defense that is a little bit more complex to manage for some players.
Which class can have access to an simliar almost permanently brainafk -53% dmg reduction from multiple targets when stunned (-20% if protection gets stripped – but you have swiftness and vigor as well that might protect the removal a little bit longer – also it gets reapplied really fast)? On top of that, we have Auto-Invulnerability and Perma Vigor = 0% DMG if played skillfully most of the time. And that ’s just the passives! No master traits. So little investment done. We still have our utilities and active damage reductions (CC, Blind, Confusion, Zerg-Knockdown) on top of that. Heck you could even put 10 points more in the Potion traitline and take both the Perma Protection as well as the Auto-Elexir S. Then take Elexir S in your Utility Bar, add Toolkit, take a Shield and survive and entire Zerg ’s attacks for ~10 Seconds (theoretically at least). Of course you would need stunbreakers then and would most likely have limited condition removal but tell me someone else who has as much Passive and Active WTFBBQROFL Defense as much as the Engineer has? Oh wait … there ’s the Immunity to new Conditions when < 25 HP% as well. Shield and Toolkit Cooldown reductions … Oh god, so much options.
Edit: Add that Elixr X like TheGuy.3568 has suggested above and it ‘s even more … holy cow. I like that one. Didn’t think of it myself. Thanks for the suggestion.
Also: Invulnerability = Evade > Stability.
In short: TheGuy.3568 and tattoohead.3217 are spot on.
(edited by imaginary.6241)
Well the Asuran T3 Helm rocks (well the glass texture is ugly but aside from that it ‘s REALLY nice). Otherwhise for every other Race there ’s the Aetherblade and Magitech skin (don’t like them that much for my Asura).
But the Asuran T3 Helm is as Engineer as it could get, even if realy envy the Aetherblade light armor users. The whole armor would ’ve fitted the engineer way better then any Caster. That said, I dislike the Rest of the Asuran T3 it ’s just the Helm that ’s outstanding.
(edited by imaginary.6241)
Unless they just remove the blind with a simple Auto-Attack first (ofc not just in the air anymore) … even then an additional blind doesn’t hurt. It ’s just that in that situation the protection is way superior as it reduces damage from multiple sources (unlimited for the time given) and for multiple attacks (unlimited for the time given).
(edited by imaginary.6241)
Blind is useless in that situation as it only misses the first attack of a combo for example HB isn’t it? Near Perma -55% Protection, Perma Vigor in Combat and/or Rifle for Control would be the best deal then.
I don’t like Backpack Regenerator. It scales badly with Healing Power and there are so many other good trait-skills to choose aside from it.
What you could do:
And yes, Stabilized Armor stacks with the Protection boon you get from Protection Injection. The only downside is that you don’t have 100% uptime of Swiftness out of fights without using Runes / Sigils. But taking Medikit as well as Exlir B and Rocket Boots solves that problem for me (and is situational switchable).
(edited by imaginary.6241)
I can never understand why someone takes FT at all (for PvE). It ‘s low direct damage, it ’s low condition damage even with 25 Might stacks, it lacks Combo-Fields and Finishers and it ’s range is limited. Yet I see many Engineers running with it in PvE. The only reason I’d take it is when I build a heavy bunker for some PvP or WvW situations. So am I missing something out or are those just your usual CoF-Fanboys that like flames so much? Doubt that Torment would make the deal any significantly better but I guess it would be a start.
(edited by imaginary.6241)
GOOD MORNING. There is BIG FAT thread already open for that here on the FIRST PAGE!
Also concerning Grenades, there is one ON THE FIRST PAGE TOO!
(edited by imaginary.6241)
Oh well, a few threads below yours is a thread I found really refreshing (PvE focus) taking the new Celestial gear into consideration. Research is still in progress (god, I like that sentence, thats the whole reason I’m posting this here not taking your laziness into consideration).
Also this:
Over and out.
And the most overpowered one of ’em all:
(edited by imaginary.6241)
So you bascially want us to know what you did without providing any information (like calculator links) and on top of that want us to do the work for you?
Nice try, mate. Nice try. Why don’t you try to build something for yourself, test it out and share the results with the community instead?
Hard content is much better if it’s hard for everyone. Please at the very least remove the achievement for those who completed it when it was easy (pre-patch).
The thing is – it was hard content before you have only been able to skip most parts of it. I’ve finished it with a guildgroup on the first day without any skipping. So dare to take away my achievement which I worked for.
And yes, I liked it. Though trying it again with another guild group yesterday failed us often and we didn’t succeed (the guys gave up). Never do it for the achievement itself. If it ‘s to challenging for you, do something else instead. There are other achievements you can complete instead, they don’t force you to do that content you know.
(edited by imaginary.6241)
Well, I somehow don’t like the looks of my … err how should I put it. Gunslinger (x)?
But I just don’t get what I could change to be more in love with him (in a manly way). I’ve tried different color combinations, character-adjustments and skins and somehow always seem to get back at not liking him like my other characters (and no it ’s not the Gameplay).
I ‘ve the Krytan Armor as well and access to the HoM-Armor which is somewhat decent, I know my stuff, know what is and know that /wiki dye gives me all dye colors sorted and I’m able to use the AH with color preview. But I feel like it ‘s more like my character style overall. The fine combinations and little details. I’m feeling a little bit lost there.
So bascially I’m looking for fresh input. Anyone which feels like theirs is pretty and makes them proud, feel free to post a screenshot here.
(x) I don ’t like the word “Thief” and believe it was a bad decision to name our class like that, with something a three year old would usually come up.
(edited by imaginary.6241)
“ArenaNet has definitely done a lot to make Engineers feel comfortable with their options at the medium armor tier”.
You mean like the Light Aetherblade Armor that looks way better then it ’s Medium Counterpart EVEN if the whole theme of the Aetherblades fit way more around the Engineer theme ? Heck all there of those Skins should have been available for us.
To put it simple:
I couldn’t care less if it ’s called Heavy, Medium or Light Armor.
But STOP making all Medium Armors out of Leather only with all those ugly texture structures on almost every single one of them. Yes I know there is at least a little bit of metal here and then but it ’s way to less.
Another example would be Thiefs. Which Thief would take a leather Trenchcoat if he could use a light one made out of silk that has some leather plates hidden at vital Bodyparts? Now transfer that example to the Engineer, just with metalplates on the outside added and a thinner layer of leather on the inside.
(edited by imaginary.6241)
Just wanted to update you with that one:
Celestial gear is usefull for heavy Mightstacking as well. I ’am currently running a variant of it and get like 25 Stacks of Might after ~5-10 Seconds in Fight. 9-15 are usually just from switching in and out of Medikit. You get around 13 Stacks right when the fight starts.
Yes the initial Condition Damage is low but you are able to keep the stacks at 15-25 most of the time even in really long fights which results in arround constant ~1200-1450 Condition Damage at all time.
The Downside is that you only can take one Kit with you and have longer cooldowns on Grenades #3 to #5. Your main damage will come from #1 and #2, and maybe Pistols. Thought one could try to change to P/P or even Rifle for Trashmobs.
Even though it feels kinda overpowered I miss my other kits and their utility.
How do you feel about the focus on to much Condition damage with your recent build? Even with Grenades and heavily specced for it in addition to a high condition duration I’m only be able to apply ~10-15 Stacks of Bleed which usually vanish really quick (even with 90% duration).
Even when I add the burning it ’s but only for a single target on a 10s Cooldown. Is it any better with EG / your build? I feel like focusing to much on it makes to much for a loss for Trashmobs aside from fighting Champions or really hard Veterans.
(edited by imaginary.6241)
well thats depressing. what is the new wvw/pvp engi build then?
Good morning! That ’s the new Meta:
I hope you get what I’m trying to say …
A little bit OT but so that Posion Dart Volley isn’t just me? I though it happened especially with Coated Bullets but didn’t look into it any further yet.
Lets stop our quarrel. After reflecting and rereading my first posts I admit that they sounded unreasonable even if I got a point (which is why I tried to explain it in more detail in my previous post).
I missunderstood you, provided to little explanaition and then you missunderstood me (reading your above post has made me realize that). I’m also sorry for the “you sound like an angry little kid” statement, that wasn ’t helpfull at all.
The point is, I’m here because I support in it getting a fix.
But that doesn’t change the fact that other movement skills roots you as well sometimes even if it didn’t happen for you and some aren’t as frequent / recreateable. I have an Asuran engineer and didn’t notice the rooting on the Rocket Boots at first as well.
That said fixing a skill that fails this often should be their top priority
(concerning simliar movement imparing bugs).
(edited by imaginary.6241)
and you think you have technical knowledge? lol you don’t sound like that ‘’some some some some might maybe might some stuff like that’’ lol. that is not an answer.
as a player I seek stability. If a class have that without problem I should too. That is that simple.
While I have a point in this conversation which is seeking equal stablitiy on how skills responds on other classes, you are here just to call me angry kid..
you will be now ignored forever by me so don’t even bother spamming another answer if it is not related to fix of this situation. just don’t post your useless ‘’ some is like this and some is like that and sometimes that might be some some’’ based stuff to call people kid on this thread.
So ignoring others makes you more grown up? Yes, I have some technical knowledge in programming that goes back to around 10 years of experience and I believe to understand how some faults might happen.
That said I did not reverse engineer GW2 to track back such faults. Neither do I have the time noir the knowdlege to do so (which requires further time to get into it). But taking that aside I ’ll try to provide you with a basic example as to how different skills could look like and why some happen to work different then others.
The following examples aren ’t written in a specific syntax / language and don ’t actually work like this (they are actually simplified for a better understanding not written in a C / C++ style syntax like GW2 is probably using).
Example code:
function use_rocket_boots() {
// This disables you to move in another direction while this skill is active
// This is where the skill-animation will actuall be triggered - super simplified
// When the player position in the client (= your PC) is not were the server expected it to be
if(get_client_position() != get_server_position()) {
//wait until you are where the server expects you to be
} else {
//you will only be unfreezed if the server says its ok to unfreeze you
function use_whirlwind() {
// This disables you to move in another direction while this skill is active
// This is where the skill-animation will actuall be triggered - super simplified
//you will actually be unfreezed withouth any checks after everything has been done
The above example of use_rocket_boots shows how a unclever positioned check could actually prevent you from moving waiting for the server to repond before you ’re able to do anything at all (=~1s stuck).
use_whirlwind doesn’t wait for the server here but just does it purporse and lets you continue what you are doing withouth any delay. It ‘s optimized for speed. The actual checks do happen in other functions and don’t require the server and/or are much more performances wise optimized and implement caching or something simliar.
(edited by imaginary.6241)
What I’m asking for is a reduced spread (= AoE circles!) and a fix of the traveling / hit system that is even more faulty and random while moving (not speaking about underwater combat).
I’m not even asking for homing aka autotargeting
like 95% of the rest of the game already has.
While your real life example might sound reasonable at first:
a) Try that while being <1 feet away guess if you miss it then while fixating on a single spot you must be really bad at aiming.
b) In real life you are able to actualy train and workaround such obstacles. You can’t do that in a Game with the above mechanics that apply randomly!
And even if in any sort you ’d have to make it on equal grounds and not make 95% work with autotargeting at 100% hitrate and a few ones that have 75-90% Hitrate. That ’s just inconsitent. Well, that put aside even when you ’d decide to let it rest randomly the skill itself should return more then the other ones that hit 100% of the time.
You get me? That ’s eSports my friend. Equal grounds, or at least somewhat. Not real life, where the banker challenges you with a Ferrari while you’re forced to drive a VW Beetle.
Your input provided was not helpfull at all but showing what the community of this game nowadays has become. No wonder why the developers fear all those NERF thread guys and ignore (put them on the bottom line) all those great, detailed and helpfull bug reports around.
But, no offense, fellow Engineer.
Maybe you could provide some helpfull input and testing as well,
like any reasonable Engineer should do ?
I’ll continue to do some testings and even prepare to do some recordings of the mentioned bugs to put it to better understanding visually as most people tend to fastskip text or don’t get what I’m tring to explain unless they experienced it themself …
(edited by imaginary.6241)
Seems like it ’s on their screen now …
Response Via Email (Chantal) 07/28/2013 04:09 PM
Hello (name removed),Thank you for contacting the Guild Wars 2 Support Team.
I understand that you find a possible bug with the grenade skills not being precise when targeting with the Area of Effect. We appreciate your submission. Someone will be answering your particular questions on your forum post as soon as possible.
If you have any other questions or concerns about any other issue please, let us know.
GM Sheyla
Guild Wars 2 Support Team
And @Weirwynn.2390:
I’ve created an Bug-Report in the Game-Bug Subforum and linked it here. Keep discussions about it here please.
Regardless of how I feel about the issue at hand—it’s clearly not a bug, and labeling this thread as “faulty hit detection” is downright misleading. Wherever the grenades end up, they collide and act properly (barring destroyable structures, anyway).
See the big Questionmark there?
Like I explained above, I’ve been using grenades ever since the Game came out (yes I was absence for a few months). I’ve first tracked smiliar changes (intended or not) in Underwatercombat 7 months ago:
That system now seems to apply for regular combat on land as well. It didn’t 7 months ago, there is nothing to be found in the Changelogs concerning it and even if it ‘s intended I don’t get why it should “work as intended” that way. My label is clearly correct even if it might sound a little bit overdramatic for some people.
I did use all channels properly and applied some testing 7 months ago, and right now (in addition to my experience in pratice that I’m not be able to put into written words that easily) so I believe it ‘s ok to label it that way and kindly ask for a developer ’s repsonse properly without just pointlessly ranting around (for example: NERF XYZ) “discussing” it with some other players which most of the time don’t take the least bit of time to track down something in detail and just provide superlatives (aka It works for me! – It doesn’t work for me! FIX THAT!).
Lets make all other Multi-Hit-Skills hit randomly – while being in range – as well.
Like Hundred Blades. Yeha that ‘s not a Bug! It ’s intended that the Blade sometimes wents trought the body, without it doing any damage. Think of it as an imaginary blade that wasn’t where you aimed before!
(edited by imaginary.6241)
Just triple Backpack Regenerator’s base healing and then add healing power scaling.
What engis really lack is sustain, not armor.
Actually it scales with Healing Power from 150 to 190 (1500 Healing Power). Lol that ‘s what I found in the Changelogs and couldn’t stop laughing. YEAH right everyone invest into 1500 Healing Power for 40 more Healing
I’ve created an Bug-Report in the Game-Bug Subforum and linked it here. Keep discussions about it here please.
Well, after some testing on the target dummies in Lions Arch last night I’ve come across that Grenade skills have not only been reduced in their damage (which is somewhat ok) but what is worse have a random spread pattern applied.
That means, unless you center your AoE circle and are standing still a random amount of 1-3 grenades hit with no way of you actually controlling it unless absolutely centering your AoE cricle on the target .
Meaning if you place the AoE circle @ the outer bounds of the target a random amount of grenades hit. I haven’t done any math about that yet but around ~25-40% chance that only 2 of em are hitting their target even with the Grenadier Trait.
I guess it ’s due to the wide spread pattern that is applied now (and seemed absolutely random to me even while standing still at around ~200-600 distance). It wasn ’t like this about a half year ago. I noticed that odd changes around then @ underwater combat (thread is somewhere lost in these subforums) and it seems like they silently merged that changes to overwater combat too.
So AreaNet – what ’s the reason to apply a random spread that is not taking in any kind of distance, or movement into consideration to a SKILL SHOT (!) that is not automatically targeted and only does a resonable amount of damage right now (compared to overall damage and similiar skills)?
To make things worse, when moving around the spread is even more random and sometime the grenades are flying oddly sidewards – not in any direction you’ve aimed at at all. And no I’m not an unexperienced grenade user, as I’ve been using them to great success since the headstart.
I do understand that you don’t want grenades to be overpowered like the were a half year ago, but that spread pattern makes it a gamble that is not controllable by skill most of the time.
And a little side question:
Is it just how I feel about it or did the improved travel speed got rolled back as well?
Discussion Topic can be found in the Engineer Subforum:
Link to my Thread from 7 months ago where I’ve tracked simliar changes in Underwater combat first (it was perfectly fine on land at that time):
(edited by imaginary.6241)
Well, I can somehow understand your feelings. Seems like their spread pattern is somewhat … really … random lately. I’ve opened a seperate thread for that here:
Might try your build out as well. As I found myself using bombs more lately. Thought I’m using it for PvE and yours is more like focused for WvW / PvP. Right?
Well, after some testing on the target dummies in Lions Arch last night I’ve come across that Grenade skills have not only been reduced in their damage (which is somewhat ok) but what is worse have a random spread pattern applied.
That means, unless you center your AoE circle and are standing still a random amount of 1-3 grenades hit with no way of you actually controlling it unless absolutely centering your AoE cricle on the target .
Meaning if you place the AoE circle @ the outer bounds of the target a random amount of grenades hit. I haven’t done any math about that yet but around ~25-40% chance that only 2 of em are hitting their target even with the Grenadier Trait.
I guess it ’s due to the wide spread pattern that is applied now (and seemed absolutely random to me even while standing still at around ~200-600 distance). It wasn ’t like this about a half year ago. I noticed that odd changes around then @ underwater combat (thread is somewhere lost in these subforums) and it seems like they silently merged that changes to overwater combat too.
So AreaNet – what ’s the reason to apply a random spread that is not taking in any kind of distance, or movement into consideration to a SKILL SHOT (!) that is not automatically targeted and only does a resonable amount of damage right now (compared to overall damage and similiar skills)?
To make things worse, when moving around the spread is even more random and sometime the grenades are flying oddly sidewards – not in any direction you’ve aimed at at all. And no I’m not an unexperienced grenade user, as I’ve been using them to great success since the headstart.
I do understand that you don’t want grenades to be overpowered like they were a half year ago, but that spread pattern makes it a gamble that is not controllable by skill most of the time.
And a little side question:
Is it just how I feel about it or did the improved travel speed got rolled back as well?
Bug Report can be found in the Game Bugs Subforum:
Below is a link to my thread from 7 months ago which provides statistical input concerning the first appearance of those odd behaviours in underwater combat (land combat was perfectly fine at this time).
(edited by imaginary.6241)
Errr yes Giver’s to late here right now … need to sleep. x)
Yes Giver ‘s Gear is working as intended right now (just tested it). Also just replacing the weapons with Rampager ones gives you the same condition damage you’re running plus an extra 240 of power (and 3% less critchance). But keep in mind that I always include the Bufffood in my Builds. :-)
(edited by imaginary.6241)
Some fresh ideas:
Way higher Condition Duration with Buffood (+90%), Higher Base Power, Higher Condition Damage, more Bleed stacks, more Vulnerability stacks.
Positive Sides:
Negative Sides:
As for the Skill rotation you’ll want to make sure that you’re keeping Pistol 2 & 3 Cooldown on as many enemys you can hit in a line, then go into Grenades Bleed em, Blind em, Freeze em, Posion em, Bleed em, Go into Bomb Kit, Glue em, Blind em, Confuse em, Lay out Big Ol’ Bomb, quickly lay out Fire Bomb, Switch to P/S, Trigger Shield #4 twice for the Blast Finisher @ Firefield (6 Might stacks + Launch with Big Ol’ Bomb), Pistol 2 & 3 and repeat … but that ’s only an advice as it depends on the situation and you might need to use Shield #5, Toolkit #4 & #5 from situation to situation inbetween. Tumper Turret, Elexir Gun and Mines are usefull as well.
The above isn’t as easy to play and focuses more on base-stats, switching and ideal situations but shines when played correctly (theoretically at least). Also some people don’t like grenades and hate switching forth and back so this might be ok for the lazy ones staying in Flamethrower (about 90% of the time):
Not going into detail about this one. You basically Facetank, remove Conditions, stack Might, stack Boons, strip Boons. Well ~2.75k Armor and -20% & -33% Proctection. Damage is so lala and you ’re slow, Vigor generation is almost non-existant (that ’s why we take the Sigil of Energy) but you ’re a nice support and can sleep enemies to death. Might be better for the inexperienced players as well.
Hm, seems like I need do to some testing what ‘s the best balance of condition and boon duration for me as well. I’m currently running 90/50 with food.
Edit 2:
Pistol #2 is kinda … bugged with Piercing Bullets it ’kitten detection is really odd so it might be ok to remove 10 points from the firearms tree and invest them in Potions for more boon duration + Usefull removals or even put them in Tools for SD / Swiftness out of Combat and additional +10% Critdmg.
Something like this:
Edit 3:
There were some skills missing due to a calculator bug @ first build.
(edited by imaginary.6241)
Human racial armor sucks (at medium that is at least). So if you don’t like the Aetherblade Gemshop Armor either go Charr or Asura. The least have some Mechaengineer looking armor ready but are a bit hard to handle if you want to get a traditional look.
I ‘ve seen way more Charr Engineers that look cool lately thought …
Makes me wish I’d have one too and not just an Asura (which is ok).
Also, there is no such thing as a perfect camera position in that game. It ‘s dynamic and can and has to be (re)adjusted by your mouse-wheel for the situation you’re currently facing.
(edited by imaginary.6241)
I just spoke Kiel and asked why she was gone reduce the waypoint costs and not give us free gold or something?
It makes sense. She only thinks about herself… While Evon reduces his own shelfprices and does something for the people on his own costs. Go EVON!!!
Isn’t that just about how most little princesses behave? Reasoning: Utter nonsense nobody understands (and shouldn’t). So there you have it guys, don’t let you manliness be taken by Ellen just because she looks somewhat good …
Fellow Evon supporters I know Kiel is ahead but while she has the numbers we have the determination, Join me this Sunday and lets buy, farm and steal every ticket we can and show once and for all that this do-gooder Kiel has no chance.
This aggression will not stand.
This message brought to you by Citizens of Tyira For a Better Tommorrow, Tommorrow.
I love you man.
I have been insulting (of course without swearing) all those Kiel supporters as much as I could, especially Charrs and Norn. They look so kitten while supporting Ellen!
Even bought a pack of support banners for Evon and placed them at World Bosses making fun of Ellen supporters who obivisously like kittens and pink flowers and give away our gold without reason to the poor people we actualy never see anywhere.
And acutally those Asuran that support giving money away to an anonymous mass of people they dont know without keeping a reasonable amount for themselves to support the citizens infrastructure (even if indirect) are actually the biggest Bookahs lorewide!
(edited by imaginary.6241)
Even thought I don’t like how they are putting the gemstore to use and have wasted myself money on it as well I’m actually feeling like you should have got 0 tickets and 1 scrap if not 0 just by posting such a unreflected thread asking for more and more without any reasoning.
Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
Albert Einstein
Actually not an Einstein quote, actually a quote from a Narcotics Anonymous text. So, super relevant?
You know, content doesn’t get invalid if it ’s not coming from a famous person so thats not a valid reason. The quintessence is still there, even when it ’s not completely correct in terms of singularity.
We did this (withouth any tricks) after 3 tries with a random guild group.
I considered it fun, as well as my group did.
T3 and T4 aren’t made to be farmed thought …
(edited by imaginary.6241)
Now if they only would be able to deliver that kind of feeling in the REAL game as well …
So while i was providing an answer as to why it happens you rant around? You sound like an angry little kid. The warrior side notice was that it evades just like their two skills do nothing else.
Skill-mechanics aren’t equal that ‘s why some generate this fault and some not and some are easily reproducable and some are not. You obvisiously don’t have a technical background otherwhise you should know that SKILLS are not like SKILLS. They might implement different mechanics as to how to get from A to B, some preventing that lag – some not – and some even triggering it almost every time under certain circumstates. It ’s as simple as that.
Mostly I play this engineer Wiggely Wombat in WvW and some instances.
When grenades got boring a bit, I went back to Flamethrower – Elixir Gun. Together with the improved Rocket Boots I’m having a blast in WvW.This meant I lost my easy mode zerg max ranged option…
Meantime I was leveling a ranger, Wobbely Wabbit, who was originally supposed to be more melee range than my engineer with grenades.
Now the engineer is more up close, and since yesterday the ranger is a longbow addict.
Short time to become an addict, but weirder things have happened.In short: I have a flamethrowing engineer again (like I did the first months) and I have a sniper ranger.
Oh, and I have a lowby necro Meany Mouse (you can guess that Asuran look…) who might become a melee character, but I’ll wait till the storm blows over. Worst time to start a necro
Oh man! I really dig your characters names!
For me … it ‘s like … I don’t know my favourite alt and main is Engineer. Sometimes I take my Guardian for a stroll (only shines in high levels), sometimes my Warrior, never my Ele (AoE ’s feels lackluster compared to Engi), sometimes my Mesmer, sometimes my Necro-Pet.
Maybe you should choose a Mesmer to begin with and then just continue to make Pets until you ’re satisfied.
(edited by imaginary.6241)
Er? I’ve had that rooting problems that have been described here with both the rocket boots and the sanctum sprint ‘s #2 skills so I know what I’m talking about.
And both of them are caused due to their MOVEMENT ENGINE that syncs in a bad way between CLIENT and SERVER and cause it to behave oddly due to a bad ping or fps drop with some skills in some occasions.
On a side note that ‘s also why there was all those TELEPORT kittens around. They’re now finally detecting them but they didn’t change the movementsystem itself. It ‘s still the same – at least that ’s the most recent information I do have. Feel free to deliver us any news about any positive changes concerning it if you’re able too …
(edited by imaginary.6241)
Well you have their words – but you also have the current game mechanics. To be honest I can’t really imagine how they ’ll incorperate all that withouth a big balance break that needs to settle down in a longer timeframe till everything is worked out (at most).
On the other side of it there will be something new to explore and experience – so yay. I’m glad for that.
Well Dervish and Ritualist were always very … weird professions that were sometimes really overpowered and sometimes really useless. They didn’t stood at a specific point that ‘s why I’m glad they didn continue to build onto that theme which they failed at previously.
I’m perfectly fine if you’re going to get your hammer and are able use it to your purpose. Unless they nerf my traits when releasing it – then I’ll rent around a little bit (before moving on and using another build or playing another one of my alts).
Also I won’t hold true to their words considering the new weapons part. Meaning they will provide additional weapons at ANY time and ANY amount so it could take a few months or even years until you get your beloved hammer.
(edited by imaginary.6241)
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